CANADIAN's beware just like his Father did, this Silver Spoon Fed Elite Jesuits Coadjutor JUSTIN"Time to Fk Us Royally"TRUDEAU has planned ahead to steel your Bank Deposits

Why??? is the Liberal Government continuing on with the corrupt Harper Conservative Governments Bank Bail in Regime Fraud against the Canadian Taxpayers Why??? because Trudeau new ":Cabals"-Government  is nothing new its just the corrupt Liberals time to screw us again,  just as corrupt Liberal PM Paul Martin did,  just as corrupt Liberal PM Jean Chretien did and just as his corrupt Father PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau did... Of course with corrupt PM Mulroney, PM Clark,  PM Preston Manning and PM Harper's corrupt Conservative Governments in between. Canadian should be watching the American election  It exactly as Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has pointed out to the voter in the USA. That he is unlike all the other candidates he can't be bought off with Money he has his own money and want to undo what the SOS Criminal Cabal scum have done to America hence his slogan "Make America Great again"...

Trump unlike all the rest of the bought and payed for Republican and Democrat crooks and criminals Politicians that are all working for the same Evil Satanic Master of the ***Synagogue of Satan 's Holy Roman Royal Zionist New World Order Global Criminal Cabal*** This name sums up the Cabal perfectly as its a conglomerate of the Vatican-Jesuits, The Zionist Khazar Ashkenazi False Jews Bankers, the worlds Royal Families -the Black Nobility and at the top of this SOS Global Power Pyramid are the Roman Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines Families of  the Aldobrandini, Farnese, Orsini, Somaglia & Breakspear and there all Luciferian Satanist Moloch-BA'AL Worshiping SCUM. They claim lineage as far back as the Pharaoh of Egypt and possibly even further back like Atlantis and Lemuria...

       Trudeau is in with this Cabal 100% his actions since being elected prove it it... First His Government backed the United Nations Human Global Warming Scam and this Bank Bail-In in the new 2016 Canadian Budget is a total sell out to the Cabal... If these SOS Cabal crooks try there shit here in Canada with our Banks and Money ***CANADIAN CITIZEN  must do like ICELAND DID ***LET THE TO BIG TO FAIL BANKS FAIL*** and Immediately arrest all top Bankers and all Corrupt Politicians and immediately return the Power to Create Money back were it belongs to our BANK OF CANADA were it was stolen from in the first place back in 1973 by our now Prime Ministers Justin Trudeau Fathers corrupt Government... Here's how the Traitors did it

     A little history...  It was 1973 just after the FLQ Martial Law crisis in Ottawa and Quebec was over that then corrupt Finance  Minister Jean Chretien and PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau sold out Canada  under the guise of prosperity if we joined the United Nations  G-8 and G-20  Global Community... What Canadians weren't told was that in order to join this G-8G-20 Global Criminal Cabal we had to turn over - give away the Bank of Canada Constitutional Right to Print and Lend out Canadian Money to the Government of Canada and Canadian Citizen ***WITHOUT USURY or Compound Interest ***attached to it...The Liberal Traitors gave it to the Private Foreign Rothschild Banking Dynasty. the Proof  is on Our Money. Before 1973 It stated on our Money ***Will Pay to the Bearer on Demand***  Now it says the fraudulent FIAT line of ***This Note is Legal Tender***

Real Money Pre 1973 "Will Pay the Bearer on Demand" backed by Gold  You could take this to the Bank and they would give you its value in Gold

FIAT-Fake Money  Post 1973 "This Note Is Legal Tender " backed by nothing Created out of thin Air by the SOS Rothschilds Bankers Its not even worth the paper its printed on 

When money is created out of thin air as is done on a global scale by these Khazarian Ashkenazi False Jew of  Mayer Amschel Bauer family. Bauer is the German word for farmer. Bauer then like many false Jews do he changed the Family name to Rothschild which mean Red Shield which was a Red Shield with the 666 Six Pointed Star on it and it hung over his Goldsmith shop door in Frankfurt Germany. 

It no coincidence that same Six Pointed Star later appeared on the Zionist State of Israel's Flag.  So the Rothschilds a Family of foreign private COUNTERFEITERS called Bankers create all the worlds money. There are only a few countries without a Rothschild Central Bank left in the world today. They are countries like Cuba, Iran, North Korea and now Iceland as of 2012-13

The money system in Canada use to work in this fashion, when the Government needed to borrow money say $1000 they would go to the Bank of Canada with a Government bond for $1000 which is basically an IOU to the BoC and then the BoC would print up the Money and loan it to the Government with ***NO USURY - INTEREST 0% Zilch not one dime more*** and the Country prospered and had no outstanding National Debt before 1973... TODAY it works like this when the Government needs $1000 it has to bring its $1000 bond to the BoC the BoC in turn then goes to the private Rothschilds Central Banks (which today are the Royal Bank, Scotia Bank, CIBC, TD Canada Trust and the Bank of Montreal all are sell out banks and subsidiaries of the Rothschild Central Banks Dynasty just like the Federal Reserve in the USA), with the $1000Government  bond-IOU Rothschild in turn lend back $1000 dollars  with ***USURY Compound Interest*** attached to it hence our outrageous National Debt which there is never enough money in Canada's money supply to pay it off completely,  Because you see the Usury Interest on that $1000 borrowed is never created thereby shorting the entire countries money supply and creating perpetually increasing DEBT on the nation.

Now back to this budget and the bank bail in clause regime I call it bullshit but anyways Again our corrupt government lawyers are using Gobbledygook Double Speak Deception to try and fool Canadians again in to thinking there money is safe when nothing could be further from the truth.  In the budget it states:  "To protect Canadian taxpayers in the unlikely event of a large bank failure, the Government is proposing to implement a bail-in regime that would reinforce that bank shareholders and creditors are responsible for the bank’s risks—not taxpayers." This is pure BULLSHIT Double Speak as the "bank shareholders and creditors" are the depositors You...YOU the TAX PAYER See how they FK with us!!! below cut from 2016 budget page 223 read it for yourself 

Or read it for yourself on page 223 download a Pdf of the 2016 Budget here:

Since when have we here in Canada been in or part of a TYRANNICAL REGIME actually since 1867 we have been subjected to tyranny ever since. For instance we have all been incorporated and turned into commodities trade on the stock market through the Birth Registration with the United Nations then given a 9 digit Employee Identification Number our SIN # which forever binds us to work for the government by paying income tax for life





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