CIRCUMCISION: Male Genital Mutilation

CIRCUMCISION: Male Genital Mutilation

Circumcision: Germany Calls it What it Is — Mutilation and Bodily Harm

Monday, May 2, 2016 14:56

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

CIRCUMCISION: Male Genital Mutilation Finally Ruled Against In A Western Nation

TMR Editor’s Note:
One of the most barbaric and invasive practices performed by modern medicine is the systematic circumcision of newborn males.  There is perhaps no greater assault on a human being than the cruel and unnecessary surgical removal of an infant’s foreskin. Such an egregious assault against a human being represents the low point of a medical-religious conspiracy that has been carried out since the days of Ancient Egypt.

For those who are uninitiated in this very serious matter, the following two articles provide an excellent staring point.  Each post describes with utter clarity what actually occurs during and after the circumcision process.  Reader beware—it’s not a pretty picture!
When the two preceding exposés are correctly understood, it ought to be crystal clear that the now routine practice of circumcision is patently criminal, as in felonious assault by way of genital mutilation.  Such a crime against the most defenseless and powerless among us ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and yet it is condoned by the ignorant medical profession and misguided religious communities.  Both of them are co-dependents and mutual enablers in this multi-millenial crime spree that never seems to end.
Whereas the physicians and hospitals make LOTs of money, the religious institutions use circumcision to commence their pattern of control over the lives of the new young members of their congregations.  That the infant victim had absolutely no say whatsoever over their involuntary genital mutilation seems to have no bearing on the matter.  Until now, that is.
There is now a sea change occurring under the radar and across the planet with regard to this quite inhumane and extremely painful surgical process.  Those who now advocate for radical change fully understand those forces which have usurped the personal sovereignty of countless males born into several Western nations.  That illicit usurpation of an infant’s sovereignty will no longer be tolerated, as the nation of Germany has now indicated with the judge’s ruling outlined below.
May 2, 2016


German court rules circumcision is ‘bodily harm’

Image caption:  Male circumcision is part of 
both Jewish and Muslim religious rituals

A court in Germany has ruled that circumcising young boys for religious reasons amounts to bodily harm.
In a decision that has caused outrage among Jewish and Muslim groups, the court said that a child’s right to physical integrity trumps religious and parental rights.
The case involved a doctor who carried out a circumcision on a four year-old that led to medical complications.
Thousands of Muslim and Jewish boys are circumcised in Germany every year.
Although male circumcision – unlike female circumcision – is not illegal in Germany, the court’s judgement said the “fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents”.
Circumcision, it decided, contravenes “interests of the child to decide later in life on his religious beliefs”.

‘Protect religious freedom’

The doctor involved in the case was acquitted and the ruling is not binding, but correspondents say it sets a precedent that would be taken into account by other German courts.
The president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, Dieter Graumann, called it “an unprecedented and dramatic intervention in the right of religious communities to self-determination”.
He urged the country’s parliament to clarify the legal situation “to protect religious freedom against attacks”.
Male circumcision is part of the ancient religious rituals of both the Jewish and Muslim faiths, as well as the traditions of some tribal groups.
In some countries, such as the United States, it is also not uncommon for parents to request that young boys are circumcised for health reasons.
The BBC’s Stephen Evans in Germany says it is unclear what the next legal step will be, but this issue is a moral and political minefield.
: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
CIRCUMCISION: Male Genital Mutilation
How in the world did we ever come to a place where male genital mutilation is not only completely accepted as a societal custom, but also embraced as a religious practice?! Truly, it is regarded as a rite of passage into this world of pain and suffering.
It’s like, after the baby boy is born, as if that’s not traumatic enough, he is then forced to suffer the excruciating pain and shock of having a very important piece of his body cut off … from the most sensitive part of his body, no less!
Just who is it (or who was it) that determined that the male genitalia was somehow flawed by the Creator?  
What in God’s good name is going on here? Millions throughout a whole society … an entire civilization have been stampeded into cutting off the foreskin of infant boys. As though such a horrendous surgical procedure is without pain and AWESOME consequences.
Where in the world do we begin with this one?!?!
We don’t mean which of the top circumcising nations either like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.
We apologize if it appears that we have departed from our usual coaching style. Yes, admittedly we have some serious baggage with this little humdinger. WE WANT OUR FORESKINS BACK!
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s really explore what’s going on here.
Mothers especially, please know that this is NOT a pretty picture at all. How could it be?
The mother’s basic instinct is to always fiercely protect their newborn, as well as their young children.
So, let’s get busy with the facts as opposed to the terrible disinformation, misinformation and false information put out by the medical establishment and religious groups.

First and foremost the foreskin of the male penis serves a very important purpose; that is to protect and lubricate the head of the penis. From a sensitivity and vulnerability standpoint, can you imagine how much more exposed such an organ is when it is stripped of this vital skin covering?
Here’s a fairly exhaustive list of what is actually removed with circumcision as quoted
Circumcision Removes More Than Just Skin
When an infant’s penis is circumcised, this is what is forever lost:
• 50 to 80% of the total penile skin system, radically immobilizing the remaining shaft skin. If unfolded and spread out flat, the average adult foreskin measures 15 to 20 square inches, about the size of a postcard.
• Most of the erogenous nerve tissue on the penis. The foreskin contains between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of various types, which can discern slight motion, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture. The amputation of this highly-innervated tissue reduces the sensitivity of the penis to that of ordinary skin.
• The densely innervated Ridged Bands, a specialized, extremely erogenous section of the prepuce located at the juncture of the outer foreskin and inner mucosal tissue.
• Approximately half of the smooth muscle sheath called the Dartos fascia.
• Thousands of coiled, fine-touch receptor cells, including Meissner’s Corpuscles.
• An estimated 240 feet of microscopic nerves, including branches of the dorsal nerve.
• Several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and portions of the dorsal artery, the loss of which interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, severely damaging its natural function.
• Lymphatic vessels, the loss of which interrupts the lymph flow within the body’s immune system.
• The entire immunological defense system of the soft mucosa which produces antibacterial and antiviral proteins such as lysozyme, the same as found in mother’s milk, and plasma cells which secrete immunoglobulin antibodies.
• Ectopic sebaceous glands, which lubricate, moisturize, and regulate a healthy pH balance, thereby maintaining the erotogenic sensitivity of the glans.
• The apocrine glands, which produce pheromones, nature’s powerful, silent, invisible sexual signals/stimulants.
• Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, an immune system component.
• Estrogen receptors – the purpose and value of which are not yet fully understood.
• The connective synechiae, which fuses the foreskin to the glans while the penis develops during infancy. It is destroyed when the foreskin is torn from the glans during the circumcision operation.
• The frenulum, the sensitive ‘V’-shaped tethering structure at the base of the glans on the underside of the penis, is also usually amputated, severed, or destroyed.
• The protective covering of the glans, which is actually an internal organ. The foreskin shields the glans from abrasion, drying, and callusing, and protects the glans from dirt and other contaminants.
• Loss of sexual sensitivity in the glans. The glans of an intact penis is normally a soft, moist, delicate organ, similar in texture to the smooth skin lining the inside of the lips of your mouth. When the foreskin is amputated it no longer provides protection to the glans against abrasion, or even exposure to the air. This causes the glans to dry out – imagine what would happen to your eyeballs if your eyelids were removed. It also causes the skin on the glans to thicken and harden as a protection against abrasion. This ‘callousing’ effect – known as keratinization – causes any remaining nerves on the glans to become buried under many layers of skin cells, severly reducing the sensitivity of the glans to external stimulation – such as a soft touch. The sensitivity continues to decrease over time, until eventually all sensitivity is lost.
• 10% to 20% of the penis’s circumference, because its double-layered wrapping of loose foreskin is now missing, making the circumcised penis thinner.
• As much as one inch of the erect penis’s length due to scarring, and shrinkage from loss of the mobile, richly-vascularized foreskin.
• The gliding action of the penis within its foreskin. The foreskin’s abundance (15-20 of specialized, self-lubricating skin gives the natural penis its anatomically unique ability to smoothly slide back and forth within itself, thereby permitting non-abrasive intercourse, without drying out the vagina.
• The deep pink to red to dark purple natural coloration of the glans.
• There is considerable evidence that a circumcised penis loses its capacity for subtle electromagnetic communication that occurs only during contact between mucous membranes, an interaction which contributes to the sense of the healing power of sexual ecstasy. In other words, circumcision forever diminishes the intensity of both the male and female orgasm and its physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits.
• Many babies die as a result of circumcision, a fact the circumcision industry obscures and conceals.
The preceding list was compiled as a public service by the WebMagician under the heading:Foreskin & Circumcision: The REAL Truth
Do you still plan on having your baby boy circumcised? Or, do you as an adult still plan on your own religious or medically advised circumcision?!
In Closing:
The medical procedure known as circumcision is truly a moral and physical abomination. Performing them brings shame upon all who participate – doctors, parents, nurses – because of how it victimizes the most vulnerable and powerless among us, our newborn infants. How society was ever brought to a point of accepting male genital mutilation as casually as it does is truly a study in mass brainwashing.
Look at how we all justifiably react to the terrible female mutilations in Africa! This is also very not right for the young girls and everyone else involved. And the global outcry is having a positive effect on forever changing that barbaric custom.
There’s a lot more to discuss concerning this extremely offensive medical procedure. Many of the real long term effects on the child and his life will be taken up in Circumcision Part II. When the far-reaching ramifications throughout all of society are better understood, a movement for systemic change will commence.
In the meantime, you might contemplate how a forever exposed, highly sensitive, sexual organ can be manipulated by the forces which surround the teenage boy, the young adult, the grown man who doesn’t even know that these negative influences are continually at work throughout his environment. Think of all the consequences which have accrued over decades, which we see everywhere throughout the entire civilization.
For instance is there a connection between a population explosion of 7 billion people and this ever-increasing practice of circumcision over the past century?! This question will be discussed in Circumcision – Part II.
May you enjoy great health,

Health Disclaimer:
All content found at The Health Coach is for information purposes only. Therefore, the information on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care and should not be construed as either medical diagnosis or treatment. All information contained herein ought to be considered within the context of an individual’s overall health status and prescribed treatment plan.
Since The Health Coach does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, or heal any type of disease or medical condition, the information contained at this website is not intended to provide specific physical, mental, emotional or psychological health advice.
It is entirely the reader’s decision to act or not act on any information at The Health Coach. Therefore, we fully invoke the HOLD HARMLESS clause for those who are responsible for putting any of this information into practical use and application.
Before we address the parting question in Part I, we thought it would be instructive and revelatory to post information about the actual circumcision medical procedure. Again, we refer to the same excellent website which was created as a public service to this extraordinarily important topic. The following screenshot was taken from
We would like to warn those who are sensitive to graphic surgical procedures that the following series of photos may be quite disturbing. However, a picture is worth a million words in this particular context of advocacy for the most vulnerable among us.  
We apologize if these graphics offend anyone, but try to get into the boy infant’s booties for a moment. Pretty darn frightening indeed, isn’t it?!
The real consequences, however, are those which follow every circumcised male for the rest of their lives. Of what do we speak?
An exposed penis is much more excitable than one which has not been circumcised. The foreskin serves the purpose of protecting a highly sensitive organ which was made that way for a very good reason. When it is removed, friction between the exposed head and either underwear or pants greatly increases the opportunities for the penis to be physically excited. The ramifications of this single completely avoidable life-long predicament are truly catastrophic to both the man and his society.
Especially in an age that is replete with instances of graphic sexual content at every turn does this physical situation take on great significance. For many adolescent boys the constant friction can keep them in a state of constant low grade sexual excitation which will infect every part of their lives. As an example, especially at school where all the coeds sit across the aisle, the distraction from studies can be quite agitating.
A fully exposed penis is a much different organ than one that has not been circumcised, as we just described. There are many other life situations which arise for boys, young adults and grown men which challenge them to a much greater degree because this vital protective barrier has been snipped off.
For those who still doubt that the foreskin play an important part in the workings of the male genitalia, we have posted another excellent excerpt from

In closing we would like to mention that Circumcision Part III will take up more critical issues associated with INFANT GENITAL MUTILATION. As our friends at say, FORGET THE EUPHEMISM … CALL IT EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!

We sincerely thank the folks at for providing the most accurate and thorough description of circumcision on the web. Their clarity and commitment to the truth in this regard is both courageous and inspiring.
May the infants of the world be spared the mutilating procedure of circumcision for all future generations.
With every good wish,

Health Disclaimer:
All content found at The Health Coach is for information purposes only. Therefore, the information on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care and should not be construed as either medical diagnosis or treatment. All information contained herein ought to be considered within the context of an individual’s overall health status and prescribed treatment plan.
Since The Health Coach does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, or heal any type of disease or medical condition, the information contained at this website is not intended to provide specific physical, mental, emotional or psychological health advice.
It is entirely the reader’s decision to act or not act on any information at The Health Coach. Therefore, we fully invoke the HOLD HARMLESS clause for those who are responsible for putting any of this information into practical use and application.

© 2012 The Health Coach
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Foreskin & Circumcision: The REAL Truth

a public service message, courtesy of the WebMagician

With God's help,
a loving couple
created this wonderful,
incredibly beautiful,
happy and healthy,
newborn baby boy !

So innocent, so trusting,
so completely helpless !
Wonderful Newborn Baby Boy

Because of ignorance,
society's indifference,
medical mis-information,
myths, and outright lies,
he's going to be turned
into this tortured little soul!
Circumcision = Male Genital Mutilation

Over 50% of infant boys born in North America are sexually mutilated every year. What's even more shocking, is that it's the babies' mothers and doctors who are responsible for this abuse.

Society's Shame

Each and every single day, thousands of innocent, helpless, newborn baby boys are taken into an operating room, strapped onto a restraining table, arms and legs firmly bound, and literally have their penises 'skinned alive'.

First, surgical instruments are used to tear the skin loose from the head of the penis.  This delicate, highly-innervated,  extremely erogenous tissue is then peeled back from the helpless baby's tiny penis, like ripping a fingernail off a finger.

The peeled-back tissue is then placed in a vise-clamp, and the tissue is crushed for approximately 10 to 20 minutes, while the baby screams in abject horror, his poor body twisting and convulsing from the pain.  His tiny heart nearly explodes as his heartbeat soars to a staggering two hundred or more beats per minute.

Then, as shock begins to set in, his breathing stops and his body turns blue.  A doctor then takes a knife and amputates all this exquisite tissue from the baby's penis, forever altering that innocent child's life.

There are no painkillers, no sedatives, no anesthesia - the baby is wide awake through the entire horrific experience.   All the while, the unrelenting, inescapable pain permeates every fiber of that little baby's mind.  If he's one of the more fortunate ones, he'll lapse into a comatose, catatonic state as his body shuts down while trying to escape the bombardment of his senses with unimaginable pain.

After the amputation, there are no sedatives, no painkillers, no magical soothing ointments, lotions, or salves.  His tiny, bloodied, nearly-skinless penis is a giant open wound - raw, bleeding, and extremely painful - and it is left in agony, to 'heal itself' over the course of the next several weeks or months.

And while the penis heals, each and every time the baby urinates he is subjected to incredible pain, as the ureic acid comes in contact with the exposed flesh.

This 'procedure' is euphemistically refered to as a 'simple circumcision'.

Is this what the doctor tells the parents?    No.    Parents are never told the truth about what will be done to their baby, because no sane parent would ever consent to such horrific mistreatment of their newborn child.



Every year more than a million and a half helpless baby boys are sexually mutilated in North America.  These children have the most private and personal parts of their bodies amputated for the sole purpose of depriving them of their natural right to experience the exquisite range of sensual pleasure God intended them to have.  All other excuses put forward in the hopes of justifying this butchery, whether medical, religious, or otherwise, are lies designed to perpetuate the mutilations.

Society will not permit circumcision of a girl's clitoris, but the foreskin is a man's clitoris ... they are sexually analogous.  The foreskin is the primary erogenous zone on a man's body!  It is an abomination that this atrocity continues to be perpetrated in every hospital in North America, day in and day out, with such impunity !

Calling it a circumcision doesn't change the fact
that the baby is being sexually mutilated.

Webster's Dictionary defines circumcise as follows ...

      to cut off the prepuce of (a male) or the clitoris of (a female)

*     *     *     *     *

"It is strange that doctors in Western countries will not permit female circumcision, which involves removal of some or all of the erogenous tissue from the vulva ... but will permit, and in some cases encourage, the removal of the male prepuce, which is identical to the female prepuce in its embryological development, cell structure, and nerve and blood supply."
      - E. Wallerstein, Circumcision: an American Health Fallacy

*     *     *     *     *

"The forced amputation of a healthy part of an infant's or child's genitals without his consent, whether in the name of medicine, religion or social custom, is a violation of his human rights."
      - Paul M. Fleiss. MD, MPH

*     *     *     *     *

"Those who would circumcise, implicitly suggest that they know better than nature, God, or whatever power created us and our world."
      - Ronald Goldman, Ph.D, Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma

*     *     *     *     *

Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms ...

      implies the cutting off or removal of a part essential to completeness,
      not only of a person but also of a thing, and to his or its perfection,
      beauty, entirety, or fulfillment of function.

*     *     *     *     *

Where is society's outrage over infant male circumcision ?!
Why do these mutilating
 doctors continue to get away with this butchery ?
They get away with it because of society's "conditioning". In North American society, a man has to be a macho asshole in order to be a "real" man. Men figure the sun rises and sets on their personal erections. To accept that you've been maimed, that your penis is MISSING an extremely erotic, extremely important, functionally necessary part, is to admit that your penis ISN'T perfect, that you're NOT God's gift to women. Circumcised men in North America have been conditioned to accept their mutilation as normal, and they exhibit the same emotional repression as women - in other parts of the world, such as Africa - who have had their clitoris's circumcised.

The medical profession further adds to the problem by covering it up. Tens of millions of men visit their doctors every year because of sexual dysfunction problems. And instead of being honest and telling these men the truth ... "hey, you were fucked over royally by the bastard who circumcised you"... the doctors' solution is to simply dismiss it as "old age" and prescibe millions of dollars worth of drugs.

And finally, there's the 'social stigma' in North American culture, the homophobia that leads men to stifle themselves when it comes to talking about their anatomy. Men are so afraid of being labelled "gay", that the only commentary they make about the penis is filthy jokes and laughter at someone being hit in the groin with a baseball bat. Have you ever seen a 'funniest shitass video' showing a woman getting a football or a golf ball or a baseball or anything else in the groin? Any cartoons showing a woman falling onto a fence or flagpole or other such item, with her legs splayed apart, and someone yelling "oooh that's gotta hurt" ? There is such a profound repression of anger, of horror, feelings of betrayal, and a knee-jerk response to laugh, to distance oneself emotionally and psychologically from the obscenity of what's been done. Until men can overcome this conditioning, until men can come to understand and acknowledge what's been taken from them, until then .. the brutal cycle will continue.

My intention is to present the relevant information about circumcision without continuously quoting and footnoting reference sources.  Having waded through far too many webpages of that ilk, I know how tedious, disjointed, and difficult such presentations can be to read and understand.

Therefore, the following pages contain unencumbered, reasonably concise information about the penis, the prepuce, and the massively destructive physical, emotional, and psychological effects circumcision inflicts upon its victims.

However, for those interested in more specific information, such as formal medical research, investigative studies, and detailed facts and figures, I have compiled a substantial list of reference source links (the last link page in the list below).

The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner

During prolonged intercourse with their circumcised partners, women were less likely to 'really get into it' and more likely to 'want to get it over with'. On the other hand, with their unaltered partners, the reverse was true, they were less likely to 'want to get it over with' and considerably more likely to 'really get into it.'

Comparison of responses for circumcised partners compared with normal partners

Question Set 1:   During or after most intercourse, have you noticed yourself having any of the feelings listed below?

Odds Ratio
sexually violated5.57
emotionally aggravated7.51
a general 'out of sync' feeling13.12
he cared very little about my sexual satisfaction10.05
except for my vagina, he didn't seem to know I was there10.10
bitchy, argumentative4.16
we had two separate experiences (no feeling of sexual unison)8.67
our thrusting rhythms were 'out of sync'7.31
felt like I was being used as a masturbating object4.16
incomplete as a woman
[notes added for clarification]

(ie: 9 times more likely to feel
irritable or unappreciated with a
circumcised partner compared to
an intact partner)

(ie: women were 10 times more
likely to feel that a circumcised
partner was only interested in himself during sex)
Question Set 2:   During intercourse with most (circumcised/natural) men, do any of these thoughts generally cross your mind?

Odds Ratio
he seems to be distanced from what I'm feeling10.22
my mind wanders to other things7.22
he seems to be working too hard at it34.19
he seems to have to work too hard at achieving his orgasm7.68
I seem to be becoming disinterested23.10
my vagina doesn't seem to be enjoying this7.68
when he really gets pumping, I'm afraid it's going to start hurting me17.62
we seem to be engaged in two separate experiences4.08
I feel wide awake, 'on alert'2.87
a general feeling of discontentment
[notes added for clarification]

(ie: 34 times more likely to feel
circumcised partner is having to
work awfully hard compared to
the intact partner)

(ie: 23 times more likely to be
disinterested when the sex was
with a circumcised partner)

(ie: 11 times more likely to feel
discomfort with the circumcised
partner than the intact partner)
Question Set 3   How would you describe your general feelings after having sex with most (circumcised/natural) men?

Odds Ratio
a feeling of relaxation0.19
a feeling of being at peace with myself and my surroundings0.22
a sense of human warmth and closeness to my partner0.19
mutual satisfaction0.18
a sense of completeness and wholeness as a woman0.25
a wonderful positive-feeling afterglow0.24
'gee, that was really great'0.25
'what a lover'0.10
[notes added for clarification]

(ie: women almost never felt
these positive feelings after
sex with circumcised men,
compared to intact men)

(ie: women were far more
UNLIKELY to describe feeling
relaxed, at peace, intimate,
wonderful, after sex with a
circumcised partner)


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