The Antarctic Conspiracy Finally Exposed? So is the Earth, Flat or a Sphere???

The Antarctic Conspiracy Finally Exposed? (Videos)

Sunday, May 8, 2016 10:08
“There is a feeling, that all over the world, people have become dissatisfied, with the sterile, dry, and frankly meaningless answers to the great mysteries of life that are given by science and by history. More and more people, and I would say perhaps it runs into hundreds of millions around the world, are increasingly aware that we’re a much more mysterious species than we give ourselves credit for… and that there are many more secrets and mysteries in our past than we are prepared to accept at the moment… 
And this intuitive sense that people have, is driving them to re-examine the past of the human race, whether or not the historians and the scientists want to do it. The people themselves are leading the way in this quest for the truth about our own past.” - Graham Hancock
Those are the exact words used by Graham Hancock in a video presented a bit later, but since I’ve never heard my own thirst for hidden knowledge articulated so perfectly, my hope is that it struck you the way it did me. If so, then here is my promise to you:
This post is going to stretch your mind to the outermost limits… for me it has been the beginning of what may last a lifetime of searching. If you read and watch from start to finish, and you don’t ask yourself, “What if?” at least 100 times, then I’ve failed. 
I have no answers for you, only more questions myself, but what I’ve seen in the material that follows baffled even Albert Einstein in his day… and the mystery has only grown far, far deeper since Einstein’s day. There is so much on the Internet these days that is pure nonsense, particularly on the subject of Antarctica, and the mysteries that surround it, however I offer you no hypothesis, no theories, just information… to do with what you will, so I can hardly be accused of pushing any “agenda.” 

To begin, I take you back in time to learn about a map, known as the Pire Reis Map. 1n 1929, a map was found on a dusty shelf in a library in Constantinople. What makes this map so special, is the the Pire Reis Map shows features of the earth that “nobody in 1513 should have been able to know…” no one! You see, before the 18th century, sailors ran the risk of crashing their ships onto rocky coastlines, because they lacked one thing: the ability to calculate longitude. It wasn’t until 277 years after the map was drawn that in 1790, a marine timepiece was invented to provide sailors with the missing information they needed to travel safely and determine longitude. 
The first mystery of the Pire Reis Map is how it was drawn in 1513, and it included detailed cartography of the southern tip of Africa, and also Antarctica almost to perfection. Years later with the help of ground penetrating sonar, we know the map is accurate to within a half a degree of longitude, and was drawn some 277 years before the equipment existed to do so. If that were the only mystery, it might be explainable. On the map itself, the person who made it says it was made from a compilation of maps that existed at the time, in 1513, some dating back to before the time of Christ, making the technological precision even more baffling. 
By far though, the most puzzling aspect of the Pire Reis Map, is that it shows (within a half degree of perfection), what the continent looked like before it was covered in a layer as think as 3 miles of ice in some places. To put that in perspective, NINE Sears Towers wouldn’t be tall enough to poke through 3 miles of ice, and guess what? Here’s the catch: The earliest known “human” civilization was the ancient Sumerians in what we refer to today as the “Cradle of Civilization.” If we really stretch the age of that civilization, and we say it sprung up around 4,000 B.C., you should probably know that Antarctica has been covered in ice for between the last 12-30 million years. So, despite being a block of ice, and having no tools, someone before Christ mapped the frozen continent? Einstein died not figuring that out… Check out the video:
Personally, I have always been fascinated by the ancient megalithic structures around the world. I realize “some” of them have plausible explanations for how they were contracted by primitive man, however “most” of them I find myself agreeing with Graham Hancock above when he describes the answers given by modern “science” as “sterile, dry, and frankly meaningless” when discussing the great mysteries of mankind. 
In a previous post titled: What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was a Lie, it goes further into details about how our public school systems are set up to get the students primed for economic slavery without ever offering courses that allow to students to think creatively or freely. On the subjects I talk about below dealing with “missing history,” it says:
“There are literally thousands of “out of place artifacts” that shows how we have been here MUCH longer than the official story of both evolution and the bible, yet no high school or university will come near to approaching this topic because it would blow the lid off of all religions.
For example, in Illinois, a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin from a depth of 114 feet just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.
If our true history was revealed, it would cause every system of education to rewrite history and would make the professors teaching “history” look like idiots, so it’s much easier to suppress the truth than to admit they were wrong while killing religion.”

The question then becomes, who or what could possibly perpetuate a lie on a global scale? Certainly no single country could do it. Only a group powerful enough to transcend national borders would have the ability to pull that off…  any idea what organization might be able to do that? That is the primary reason I contend that the global elite with their secret societies like the Illuminati, or the Bilderberg Group are hiding information mankind deserves to know. 
The following video was praised by Michael Rogers of “Library Journal” who said, “It’s Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing program that tackles the age-old question “Where did we come from?” Fascinating viewing! Highly recommended!” The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx present a revolutionary new film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Man’s origins. Hosted by Charlton Heston, this film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored.
In a post titled, What Lost Pieces of Human History are the Illuminati Hiding and Why, I go into much further detail, but for the sake of brevity, even though this is COMPLETELY CONTRARY to what modern “science” and modern “academia” teach us, I figure all the ancient mysteries can be boiled down to one of three possibilities:
1. Either ancient man in his loin cloth, without the help of so much as a wheel, was able to build that which we would struggle to build today thousands of years later, and with all our technology; OR
2. There was another race of creatures here before us, perhaps a race of Giants, something virtually every ancient culture in the world has myths and stories that suggest giants were real, and they roamed the earth. Even the Christian Bible talks about the sons of God who came down from Heaven, mated with human woman and produced offspring known as the Mighty Nephilim in the Book of Genesis; OR
3. Beings from another world came here and settled, for at least a time, and manipulated mankind’s DNA in someway. The earliest writings known to man in ancient Sumerian Sanskrit texts explain an encounter like this is exactly what happened. It is also the basis for a new theory where Scientists Discover that Human DNA Bears a Message from Extraterrestrials
Perhaps you had a chance to see the season premier of Ancient Aliens Friday night, which dealt with the topic of ancient pyramids on Antarctica. I certainly don’t regard Ancient Aliens as a reliable “source” of information, however when I watch it, I can’t help but wonder, “What if just 2% of what they propose is true?” Imagine the impact! One thing that cannot be denied from the episode (which I included as the second video below for your convenience), is the existence of what certainly looks like manmade pyramid structures that are specifically aligned. 
The first video below has remarkably striking footage of the alleged pyramids. We’re told the pyramids were recently discovered in Antarctica. Two of the pyramids were located about 10 miles inland, while one pyramid was very close to the shore. Being that bee pollen and ancient bacteria would be normally found in a much warmer climate, it was curious that bee pollen was found locked in ancient ice around the pyramids. 
It could very well be that Antarctica was much, much warmer thousands of years ago. How old are these pyramids of Antarctica? Perhaps they are as old as the Pyramids of Giza. Don’t forget… either someone or something drew that map millions of years ago when Antarctica had presumably a more cooperative climate, but mankind wasn’t here then, so that goes against all conventional thinking. Then again, perhaps the maker of the Pire Reis Map hitched a ride in a spacecraft with ground penetrating radar back in the 1500’s… because THAT certainly fits in with conventional thinking. This is just the surface. Antarctica gets MUCH stranger! 
Some say the the Pyramids of Giza are actually about 13,000 years old, because at that time the Pyramids of Giza would have lined up perfectly with the Constellation of Orion 13,000 years ago. There are a few mountains throughout the world that may be know as ‘pyramid peak’, but none of the other ‘pyramid peak’ mountains possess anything like the precise symmetry of the pyramids of Antarctica. The following is the episode of Ancient Aliens from the other night, which no doubt at the very least raised more questions… 
In the following video, what this woman explains is outrageous. It really is. The thing is, she has the sources to back up her statements, and my Christian faith tells me that the fallen entities she is referring to might very well be the Nephilim. The more I tried to dismiss what she said, the more she could back it up. Then of course, I’d be reminded of the Pire Reis Map, and how that’s not possible either. 
It’s hard not to think about what Graham Hancock said when he commented:
“More and more people, and I would say perhaps it runs into hundreds of millions around the world, are increasingly aware that we’re a much more mysterious species than we give ourselves credit for… and that there are many more secrets and mysteries in our past than we are prepared to accept at the moment…”
Indeed. Some of the questions posed (and answered) in the following video are as follows, along with her sources so you can follow along. 
Have you ever wondered why there are never ANY Southern Hemisphere flights that fly over Antarctica? 
Have you ever wondered why Antarctica is ALWAYS blocked off, with little to NO access for the public?
Have you ever wondered just WHAT they could be hiding?
Have you ever wondered WHY they are covering up such a massive conspiracy?
And have you ever wondered just WHAT that conspiracy is?!?!
Operation Highjump: 
Operation Paperclip:
Operation Fishbowl:
Operation Dominic: 
Operation Deep Freeze:
Project Monarch:
Hitler In Antarctica: 
Antarctic Treaty System:
Antarctica Maps:
Richard Byrd:
Area 51/Nazi Bases: 
U.N. Flag: 

The following video picks up where the previous one left off: Operation High Jump; Journey to Antarctica to find the Dome
Immediately after WWII the U.S. Navy rushed launched the largest military operation ever down to Antarctica called Operation High Jump. Admiral Byrd, a 33 degree Freemason led the expedition of 30 ships and 4700 militarized soldiers. The mission had 3 task forces that were sent out in different directions and was to last 6-8 months but the fleet came back in just 6 weeks. Admiral Byrd reported UFO sightings, but that was a public relations ruse, they were really trying to find out about the electromagnetic field above the ice wall and the edge of the dome.
Just several years later the U.S. and the Russians began firing over 49 high altitude thermo nuclear rockets up into the dome with Operation Fishbowl and Dominic. 
Rockets went haywire and many had to be aborted as they tried to blast through the dome. In this presentation we chronicle the history of Antarctic expeditions as well as demonstrations of how the dome functions as well as how tidal changes and Sun and Moon movement occur in Flat Earth model.
Then both the Russians and the U.S. signed off on a ban on any more tests of the dome as the space race and the fake moon missions were sold to the world.

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