‘You Have Been Served!’ – Hillary Just Got the Worst News of the Campaign

‘You Have Been Served!’ – Hillary Just Got the Worst News of the Campaign

Sunday, October 16, 2016 13:18

The mainstream media might just have to begin a brand new round of defending Hillary Clinton on the issue of her mishandling of classified information through her private, unauthorized, and illegal email server. It appears another device – with copies of every deleted email – has been discovered!

Breitbart.com reports that a backup data device called a “Datto,” containing Clinton’s private emails exists. They report that Judicial Watch has discovered the device is in the possession of the FBI. They have now filed a FOIA request to pressure the agency into producing the long forgotten device, sending the FOIA request via Certified Mail so as to have a record of the request.

The existence of a full record of Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 deleted private emails could very well be a game changer… that is if the FBI produces the material in an expedited manner. With just 24 days until Election Day, every second counts.

The very existence of this device is generating a panic both behind-the-scenes in the beltway and in the Clinton camp. As the FBI continues to get maligned over its fake investigation into the Clinton email scandal, the Clinton team would be fatally damaged by what would be exposed further by information contained in those emails.

FBI director James Comey’s investigation into the Clinton email server crimes was based on just a small number of email discoveries. These discoveries were made using a splatter-pattern, shot-in-the-dark discovery process that had no congruent method. Therefore, the full extent of Clinton’s criminality was not exposed.

That the FBI didn’t look at each and every one of Clinton’s emails actually served to help Clinton avoid prosecution. Had the FBI examined all the emails – like the hackers at Wikileaks – instead of just select and informationally disjointed emails, it would have dramatically changed the result and most likely had led to a prosecution.

The Judicial Watch FOIA request demands “Any and all records, including but not limited to emails or text messages (SMSs, MMSs, BBMs, iMessages, etc.), discovered, recovered, retrieved from, or found on any Datto device. Any and all records concerning or relating to the FBI’s efforts to discover, recover, retrieve, or find emails or text messages stored on the Datto device, equipment or hardware reference in Request No. 1.”

A Datto device is an online backup service that creates copies of data kept on a physical server. In other words, it is tantamount to a mirror server that can be used to retrieve information in the event of a catastrophic server event…like, say, a server being BleachBit erased.

Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized and illegal home-brew email server was using a Datto device throughout its existence. This reality presents an opportunity for the Clinton team to launch into a full-blown panic given that the disjointed FBI investigation – and Wikileaks – has already confirmed that Clinton’s server illegally contained classified and Top Secret material.

That Clinton’s home-brew computer company didn’t realize her machine was still communicating with the Datto device until shortly before they surrendered it to the FBI, is a blunder that could cost Mrs. Clinton both the election and her freedom.

Wednesday afternoon, the Datto Company announced it had surrendered a “hardware device” to the FBI. They also said in a statement they had surrendered all Clinton emails the company had in its possession.

As time is the tyrant here, the question in all of this will be how much pressure comes to the FBI from the Obama Justice Department to obstruct Judicial Watch’s FOIA request. As the DoJ is dirtier than Tammany Hall and the Chicago Daley Machine combined, you can bet this will be slow walked like a slug moving through molasses.


CNN Reports Reading Wikileaks is Illegal, You Must Get Your Information From CNN

CNN tells viewers it is illegal to read the Wikileaks emails so they must only learn about them through the lens of the media.

According to CNN, Hillary Clinton’s basement server full of classified material is OK. But average Americans reading Wikileaks is a major crime.

Chris Cuomo at CNN is the worst sort of hack. His father and brother were both NY governors, so he probably has an inferiority complex. Hey Chris, we get it – not everyone’s destined for greatness. But lying to viewers isn’t the solution.

Check out the first couple minutes of this video to see what we mean:


Wikileaks exists because CNN and MSM has killed journalism and replaced it with dis-info and outright propaganda.


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