Fear and Loathing: Hunter S Thompson, Sadism, Snuff Films and Ritual Murder
By Nick Danger
“drank at their bars, exchanged home visits, recorded their brutalities, viewed their sexual caprices, became converted to their motorcycle mystique, and was so intrigued, as he puts it, that ‘I was no longer sure whether I was doing research on the Hell’s Angels or being slowly absorbed by them.”
He reportedly ended his friendship with the gang after several members gave him a savage beating concerning a comment he made about one of their wives.
Things took an eerie turn for him and his Gonzo style journalism later in life after a series of unrelated events and disturbing claims unwittingly connected him to snuff films, sadism and ritual murder. This is the untold story of Hunter S Thompson.
In the book, which according to “gonzo journalism” is a true account, he describes taking a dose of a powerful hallucinogen called adrenochome. This drug, notoriously sinister in circles of alternative research is pure adrenaline allegedly only obtained from the gland of a soon to be dead or recently deceased human being.
Both in the book and in the film Dr. Gonzo (in the film Benicio Del Toro) apparently received the drug from what he calls a “satanist freak”. From the book:
I shook my head sadly. “Jesus! What kind of monster client have you picked up this time? There’s only one source for this stuff…”
He nodded.
“The adrenaline glands from a living human body,” I said. “It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.”
“I know,” he replied. “But the guy didn’t have any cash. He’s one of these Satanism freaks. He offered me human blood – said it would make me higher than I’d ever been in my life,” he laughed.
“I thought he was kidding, so I told him I’d just as soon have an ounce or so of pure adrenochrome – or maybe just a fresh adrenaline gland to chew on.”
This of course appears to be fiction or a joke in the script, however it gets cumulatively more bizarre. Nonconformists and dissidents read on.
“The autumn months are never a calm time in America. Back to Work, Back to Football Practice, etc… Autumn is a very Traditional period, a time of strongRituals and the celebrating of strange annual holidays like Halloween and Satanism and the fateful Harvest Moon, which can have ominous implications for some people…” “There is always a rash of kidnapping and abductions of schoolchildren in the football months. Preteens of both sexes are traditionally seized and grabbed off the streets by gangs of organized perverts who traditionally give them as Christmas gifts to each other to be personal sex slaves and playthings.“
This of course also appears to be some more Hunter S Thompson ramblings but stick with me.
“Other times I witnessed his atavistic side. Despite the rumors that followed me home when I left, he never held a gun to my head or laid a finger on me, but that’s not to say he didn’t throw a tantrum or two. Paranoid, he would lock everyone out of his cabin for hours at a time, intermittently setting off his alarm and firing guns into the air. One time I watched him beat his car because his cigarettes were locked inside, and another time he threw me out of the house for refusing to watch a snuff film. And he was hell on his new kitten, Hugo, especially when he felt I was paying it too much attention. He would snatch Hugo up, smudge his pink nose in cocaine, and send him darting across the kitchen floor.”
The Rusty Nelson and Nickole Brown testimonies aren’t the only accusations. Whistle blower Paul Bonacci, who testified in the Franklin Cover Up scandal had an eerily similar account. Don’t be surprised if you’re not familiar with this case, it was literally covered up.
In his disturbing and appalling book The Franklin Cover Up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, attorney and former Nebraska legislator John DeCamp exposed a sinsiter child prostitution ring revealing that the children of Boys Town School of Nebraska were being hustled in elite circles of celebrities and government bureaucrats. Paul Bonacci, one of the child victims, testified in an interview with DeCamp that when he was a teenager in the late 1980’s he was forced to participate in raping and murdering for a snuff film which he claimed was directed by a man named Hunter Thompson.
It gets eerier after he hinted
that this event took place at the notorious Bohemian Grove . If you are not familiar with “The Grove” this is where elite finance oligarchs and heads of state go each year to party and take part in occult rituals including the infamous Cremation of Care. Both of which cited at the bottom of this article.
In a 1988 interview with David Letterman on the Late Night Show, Thompson not only admits to being at the Bohemian Grove he also, in a disturbing manner, admits how he enjoys killing. Clip provided in the citations below. From the interview:
Thompson: “I work.”
Letterman: “Do you like to hike up into the mountains?”
Thompson: “Oh yeah, I do that… I like to kill.”
Letterman: “And when you say kill you’re talking about neighbors?”
Thompson: “We don’t want to talk about shooting people do we?”
Letterman: “No, but you’re confusing when you say you like to kill.”
Thompson: “Yeah, I’m not teasing though. I used to like to kill, but when I realized that I was hunting in order to kill, I quit because I was not hunting for the meat, I was hunting because I like to kill.”
There appears to be some mystery surrounding his death as well. The official report is that in the early evening of February 2005 Hunter S Thompson took his own life with a single shot from his Smith & Wesson 45. Left behind, was a disturbing and strange nihilistic suicide letter titled Football Season is Over where he allegedly wrote:
“No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your (old) age. Relax — This won’t hurt.”
His funeral attended by big name celebrities such as Jack Nicholson, John Cusack, Bill Murray and John Kerry went out with a literal bang. His close friend Johnny Depp funded the funeral and spent a whopping $3 million to blast his ashes out of a massive cannon atop a 47 meter tower on his Colorado ranch.
Are these unrelated events and disturbing claims just a coincidence? I’ll leave it up to you. Whatever your thoughts, this is the untold story of Hunter S Thompson.
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