Urgent: EMF Pollution May Be Killing You, EMF Hot Spots, How To 5G Proof Your Home

Urgent: EMF Pollution May Be Killing You, EMF Hot Spots, How To 5G Proof Your Home

Image result for public domain image of dangers of emf radiation

A century ago, the use of electricity was minimal and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) was limited. Most homes only generated electrical and magnetic fields in the range of 50-60 Hz.

Today, humans and animals are practically bathing in EMF pollution. Studies prove RF/EMF radiation can have negative health side affects. Ongoing studies aside, 5G is coming, and as mentioned, there are concerns about this new technology.
It is assumed that 5G networks will not become commercially available until 2020 but several cities are rolling out 5G as test areas now. 
A first glance at US government websites such as the CDC and EPA could lead you to believe that this radiation is safe.   
First of all 5G cellular technology is dangerous because it emits Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation. And it does so at ultra high frequencies and with ultra high intensity, compared to earlier technologies.
The World Health Organization classified RF Radiation as a possible “carcinogenic” in 2011. And there are literally hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies linking RF Radiation to things like cancer, crib death, DNA damage (especially in infants and fetuses) and male infertility.
 Also because of the limits of the frequencies used, in order for users to have good reception it is estimated they will need to put a mini cell station every 2 to 8 houses. This will multiply significantly the amount of RF Radiation we will be exposed to.
Last but not least,  over 240 scientists and doctors from 41 nations who have published research in the field have appealed to the United Nations calling for urgent action to reduce these ever growing wireless exposures and they wrote  the FCC for a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G citing the serious risks that to human health and the environment.

Health Effects

Revealed this article, “World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link,” researchers in the U.S. and Italy both found the same types of tumors in the brain and heart in rats as a result of cell phone radiation.
Soon 5G will be rolling out across this nation and the EMF pollution may be 100 times worse than it is today.

Here are a few other ways studies have shown the EMF radiation can affect our health:

  • Changes how we metabolise cells
  • Causes psychiatric effects
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Neurodegenerative issues
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Heart flutters
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
  • Fertility
    • It affected male fertility more than female fertility, but damage was noticeable in both
  • Changes cell development
  • Affects eyesight
  • Damages DNA
    • Causes breaks in the strands of our DNA
  • Introduces free radicals
  • Affects the nervous system
  • Affects skin
    • One study shows our skin absorbs this form of radiation through our sweat ducts.
5G Wireless Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications is a published research review on 5G that documents the range of reported adverse effects of RF and millimeter waves—effects which range from cancer to bacteria growth changes to DNA damage.
The study concludes that “a moratorium on the deployment of 5G is warranted” and “the addition of this added high frequency 5G radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome … from both physical and mental health perspectives” (Russell 2018).
Reducing your EMF exposure can benefit your overall health and wellness. In the video below are ways to 5G/EMF proof your home. 
Top Producers Of EMF Radiation In Your Home
Electrical appliances produce toxic electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These fields can layer, one upon the other, creating a harmful level of radiation. That’s why the kitchen is a hotspot for harmful EMFs…but other rooms are affected, too.
Smart Meters
group named “Physicians For Safe Technology” is one entity that has been researching health effects of Smart meters. The issue with Smart Meters is that Smart Meters emit such an enormous amount of radiation that it is capable of penetrating the walls of your home and impacting your entire families health.
It’s like sitting on a radiation contamination site 24/7 365 days a year. For Smart Meter Protection, Click Here .
Circuit Breaker
These produce very high toxic readings, into radio wave frequencies and even microwave frequencies. This is because the electric wires attach to a fuse box draws a lot of electricity.
Air Conditioners
can emit EMFs as high as circuit breakers. The older the unit, the greater the dangerous EMF radiation.
In-Floor Electrical Heating
This mode of heating utilizes electrical wires that are embedded right into a home’s wood or concrete flooring. EMFs can reach 100+ mG at the floor and 30+ mG at waist height.
Fluorescent Lighting
create a higher level of EMFs than incandescent bulbs. A typical fluorescent tube may have a reading of 160 to 200 mG at 1 inch away. Even electromagnetic radiation from a compact fluorescent light can be problematic.
Halogen ceiling down or “can” lights
These lights require a transformer that can transmit EMF upward as well as downward, which means rooms above as well as below are affected.
Electric Sockets
Anything that’s plugged into a wall socket gives off an electromagnetic field (EMF) of 50-60 hertz, even if that appliance is turned off.
Cordless Phones
Cordless phones emit a tremendous amount of toxic radiation—twice as much as cell phone masts! The danger is in the handset as well as the base stations, which continuously give off harmful radio waves well over 100 hertz (1 kHz) every hour of the day.
Recently, the British Health Protection Agency found one of the causes of neuromas (tumors deep in the ear) are cordless phones. For cordless phones users the incidence of acoustic neuromas doubles in just 10 years.
Telephone Landlines
Even the handset of a land line telephone emits high EMFs. The telephone receiver, the part held to your ear, carries a harmful south polar magnetic energy.
TVs & Computers
TV screens and computer monitors radiate EMFs of 60Hz or more. Older style televisions and computer screens produce radio-frequency fields of 10,000-30,000 Hz (10-30 kHz) as well as 60 Hz fields.
Because people spend so much time sleeping, bedroom EMFs are a serious concern. The EMF exposure is typically less intense than that of a kitchen, but the exposure is prolonged.
According to guidelines, bedroom EMFs (especially in the area of your head) should remain under 1mG while sleeping and never exceed 2-4 mG.
Electric Blankets and Water Bed EMF
Electric blankets and waterbeds are major EMF sources, all the more dangerous because of how close they are to sleeping people for so long.
  • 1mG or less: considered safe for sleepers.
  • Above 2 mG: begins to create biological stress.
  • 8 mG: electric blanket or waterbed heater on low.
  • 21 mG: electric blanket or waterbed heater on high.
  • 6-7 inches: how far nearby magnetic fields penetrate into your body.
A recent study linked electric blankets to miscarriages and childhood leukemia. Similar health issues have been reported by people who sleep on waterbeds, which utilize electricity to heat the cool water inside the mattress.
Electric Clocks
That electric clock next to your head could be emitting a magnetic field of 5 to 10mG—even up to a yard away—the EMF equivalent of an electric power line!
Electric Razors and Hair Dryers
Surprisingly, these everyday use devices can emit EMFs as high as 200 to 400 mG when turned on. Because of this, experts recommend hair dryers not be used on children, because EMF fields that strong can damage rapidly developing brain and skull. young nervous systems.

Statement by the Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal August 18, 2017

In addition to the technological advancements that have been transforming the electrical power and telecommunications industry over the last few decades, we are now witnessing a new infrastructure deployment – 5th generation (5G) wireless broadband, and the Internet of Things – that promises to establish a globally connected world. Some parts of 5G will operate at much higher frequencies than before, into the millimetre range. This new infrastructure will be transmitting through the environment with a multitude of low powered micro-sensors (emitters and sensors).
There is scientific evidence to cause concern among independent scientists, that this new infrastructure, on top of existing electrical and wireless infrastructures, will cause more harm to mankind and nature. People who suffer from electrical sensitivity are facing the reality that they may have no place to go that is free from EMF hazards.
New U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, issued in June 2017, realize that “the human rights of all” are an important aspect to achieving the U.N’s Sustainable Development Goals.
These principles hold that business and investment do not come at the cost of human rights, based on the three pillars of “Protect, Respect and Remedy”. The current practice of deploying new technologies, without first completing an investigation to ensure there is no possible harm, violates these principles.
We recommend that, in keeping with the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, to “Protect, Respect and Remedy”, 5G technologies must be subjected to an independent health and safety assessment before they are launched.
It’s time we take preemptive action to protect the people we love. In a world gone “Mad” where there is little value placed on human life, we must protect ourselves through knowledge. 
This 5G experiment on mankind is Orwellian in nature, usually new products are safety tested and researched, then approved, before the public is exposed to the dangers of each product, but not this time.
Image result for public domain image of dangers of emf radiation


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