NWO Conditioning In Plain Sight!

NWO Conditioning In Plain Sight!

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I am sharing this video with you today so you can decide for yourself wether the elite are creating the chaos we are all witnessing across the world.
 Let’s take a look back over the last several years where there has been a growing trend of government tightening of personal freedoms around the world.
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Think about the mass immigration that is happening around the world. W are looking at the mass immigration push to move refuges around and infuse them into cultures were they refuse to assimilate.
What dooes history tell us? Are we looking at tv and movie programming that hint of a coming world crisis where the government heads will declare martial law and move people to reeducation camps?
The question is, is this just another conspiracy theory or is it a conspiracy fact?
 This perfectly conditions them to accept the coming NWO, when people will be expected to act as one under one ruler – or to be exterminated otherwise.
It’s easy to allow someone else to do our thinking for us, but at the end we are going to pay dearly. 
Every person who is worshiped or adored in some way know that they are just like anyone else. Archons want us to believe that those in leadership positions have some sort of a divine right to rule us.
Archons condition the masses to see famous people, for example, or those who are in power positions as different from them; but this is just conditioning for the coming rule.
We must learn to solve our problems ourselves and do our own thinking. We should respect good leaders, but we don’t need to see them as someone whose level we could never reach, and we definitely shouldn’t give our power away to them no matter how wonderful or spiritual they are.
Thus, whether a person sits on a higher seat to show himself greater, earns more money or gets more audience, he’s still a human being and not some sort of a deity.
Here’s A Sample Of How You Have Been Conditioned To “Accept War”.
This Video Starts Out With How We Are being Conditioned To Accept War With Iran Since Trump Took Office!
This Is How They Roll, This Is Just One Example…. 
I found this information at cuttingedge.org.
This conditioning process works as follows: 
  • Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.
  • Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.
  • Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate. In other words, the focus of the debate is shifted, from the facts of the debate to the fact that “aren’t we proud of ourselves that we can even be discussing this subject in public”?
  • Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.
  • Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.
  • Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.
Now, let us apply these steps to this conditioning to accept the Mark of the Beast.

  • Step 1 – Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.
    The “RESPECTED” forum in this case is Cosmopolitan Magazine for its devoted lady readers, and Wired Magazine for its very leftist leaning readers. And, what is this “practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public”?
  • Inserting a computer chip inside a person’s skin!! European and American citizens have been conditioned to equate this practice with the Biblical “Mark of the Beast” of Revelation 13:16-18, so intense reconditioning must first take place.
  • The first step began several generations ago, as more and more people stopped reading the Bible and going to church. Now, this Biblical ignorance has come full circle, to where this reconditioning can take place.
  • Of course, if you want people to accept the implantation of a chip inside their skin, they have to be led to believe that it would be in their best interest. Hence, the emphasis in this article in “Wired” on the benefits for children.
  • Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.
    You and I are shocked, and outraged by this proposition. How dare anyone suggest this damnable event in such a positive way?! I would also venture to believe that more than a few of the readers of these two magazines might also be aware, at least vaguely, of the Biblical ramifications, and be shocked.
  • Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate. In other words, the focus of the debate is shifted, from the facts of the debate to the fact that “aren’t we proud of ourselves that we can even be discussing this subject in public”?
    Very subtly, the focus of the debate shifts from the implantation subject itself, and on to the benefits of it, and how wonderful it is that society has “matured” enough to even be discussing it.
  • Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.
  • Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.
    Step 5 follows step 4 so rapidly in most cases, that I have listed them together. As ignorant as most people are of Biblical knowledge today, I do not believe Step 5 will be very far behind the repetition of Step 4. Watch out in your magazines and newspapers for such conditioning articles and forward them on to me. If we are only 3 years away from The Christ arising, we should be seeing many more such conditioning articles. We should even be seeing this subject being discussed on radio and T.V. soon. Keep me informed.
  • Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it. Once the New Age Christ arises, possibly in their planned time frame of 1999-2001, most people will be conditioned to accept this computer chip marking. In addition to the “advantages” of this type marking mentioned above, people will be told of many other “advantages”:
  • 1. National Identification (I.D.) — Driver’s Licenses can no longer be lost or stolen, nor can the omnipresent Black Market continue to exist.
  • 2. This one computer chip could replace Social Security Cards, all Welfare Cards, and all other forms of Government I.D.. cards. Theft and fraud would disappear immediately!
  • 3. All credit cards could be incorporated into this chip. Most current Bible scholars have believed that, by the time this computer chip is ready to be implanted, all current types of credit cards will have been incorporated into this one. Certainly, our society is currently inundated with all types of credit cards. This scenario is possible; the banking industry is certainly merging into ever larger and more global companies these days. And, the more mergers that occur, the less the number of competing credit cards that might be needed. However, I believe it equally possible that this one computer chip could simply contain all credit cards a person might want to possess.
  • 4. The elderly will no longer have to worry about their Social Security or Pension checks getting stolen from their mailboxes. This computer chip would simply be able to keep track of all their income and expenditures.
  • 5. The national “Hidden” economy would disappear overnight, also. No longer would people be able to avoid reporting all income, thus reaping huge tax benefits for the Federal Government. Cash would disappear, even for mundane jobs such as kids shoveling snow.
  • 6. The lucrative mob activities, such as drug trafficking, would also disappear overnight.
    I am sure you could think of many more “advantages” that a computer chip system implanted beneath the skin might bring to our economy, other than what I have listed above. But, mark my word, the next few years will bring a tremendous amount of conditioning, to get people to accept the concept of chip implantation. By the time the New World Order leaders are ready to implant chips in the entire population, a great majority will enthusiastically accept it!!
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