Cholesterol causing Heart Disease Hoax and the Suprression of Cancer Cures.

Excellent look at some of the biggest scams in our modern Big Pharmaceutical scam medical system pushed by our fake news, and entertainment system. Remember when they told us for years to take anti-cholesterol drugs? Well it turns out that those build up plaque in your arteries twice as fast as if you didn’t! The more cholesterol you eat, the longer you live and the less you typically weigh! Great information in this video including the 5 things that will lower your chance of a heart attack by 92%!
Here are those 5 things.
1) Stop Smoking
2) Daily Excercise
3) Glass of wine daily
4) Get a good Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25
5) Eat a Mediterranean Diet
Many suppressed treatments covered here proving the system is a total hoax!
Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher – Gwen Olsen was a top ranked pharmaceutical rep and was very good at her job. She was told how to influence the doctors to start prescribing new drugs. She never once exceeded her marketing budget. She would buy 500 boxes of Girl Scout cookies and slap her drug stickers on it and still couldn’t come close to spending her monthly budget and she tried her best! She was a beautiful woman who was told she must dress in designer outfits, live in the exclusive part of town, drive a certain car to maintain her image. The Pharma companies get you into the lifestyle to put you into debt so if you do wake up and wake up you can’t leave because you’re stuck in the lifestyle and you lose everything!
She convinced a doctor to try one of her drugs on his “most challenging” patient who died. It was the doctor’s mother! This is the event that started getting her out of the business! When she started asking the hard questions, she was repeatedly told, “That information is above your pay grade!”
She details how all the drug studies are basically fake! They tell the third world country labs who do the “drug tests the results they want and pay them hundreds of millions! Of course with all this money they always get the studies they need to give to the FDA. It’s a huge scam!
Eventually Gwen got into natural health and became a big whistleblower against the scams of Big Pharma! She tells all the inside scoop and scams in this Red Ice interview. It tells you exactly how the Big Pharma reps are just high paid whores taught to manipulate the doctors into pushing the drugs! Send this information EVERYWHERE! Let’s cost these liars billions by waking up as many as we can to their frauds. Thank you patriots!


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