More Epstein Connections You Won't See On The News

More Epstein Connections You Won't See On The News

(Note :The tag along video player and/or randomly inserted ad blocks are not part of this article. They are aggravating and a hindrance to the continuity of the article.  I apologize for the aggravation. I have no control over their placement in the body of this article.)

Published on Jul 16, 2019
Epstein’s Mad Scientists by Amazing Polly…

Published on Jul 17, 2019
Now they are saying that ALL previous reports of Epstein working at Dalton from 1973-1975 are wrong. I look at that in the first half. In the second half I show you that Gardner P Dunnan may someday face legal trouble of his own – this guy has been involved in some questionable projects & activities and yet he keeps getting hired to work in education
References: Daily Beast re Barr at Dalton:…
New York Times: re Dalton: Barr Quits, stayed until June 1974:… NYMAg, 2002: Epstein taught at D-lton from 1973-1975:…
Yahoo Finance: Epstein at Dalton:…
Thomas Volscho Professor page:…
Vicky Ward the Talented Mr. Epstein re tutoring Greenberg kids:…
Filthy Rich Excerpt – Epstein at Dalton in 1973:…
Dalton replaces Barr, NYT:…
Complaint Dalton / Dunnan:…
Columbia Spectator: Dunnan to advise Provost: http://spectatorarchive.library.colum…
New York Post: Columbia Kids School Dunan:…
Critical Theory and Conflict Theory:…
Barr Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty:…
Man WAving Gun was adopted son of assistant headmaster at Dalton:…
American Values and the College Generation, Barr:…
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Published on Jul 16, 2019
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 242. The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris provide some insight and context as to the history and backstory of Robert Maxwell and his youngest daughter Ghislaine Maxwell, who ended up to be intimately connected to Jeffery Epstein. Robert Maxwell rose from a World War 2 hero, to UK publishing mogul and possible triple spy. His daughter Ghislaine may have been the glue that connected the London and New York socialite circles where Epstein operated his sex traffic network.
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The Tribe’s Rev.2:9, Rev.3:9 Ashkenazis hard at work building their Global Noahide
World Order at the core of this Epstein rotten mess. 
End of article.

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I may not agree with everything presented in this material , however I have probably found that there is sufficient valuable information to justify bringing it forward for you to sift through in order to expand your awareness and to trigger your desire to dig deeper to learn more about the subject matter presented. 
My posts are not meant to be polished works, they are more utilitarian, meant to be a gathering of data/info loosely pulled together to become a starting point for further investigation and research. Consider it more like semi-processed mined dirt, something still requiring further sifting to extract it’s wealth.
I do not make any claims of being the original creator or owner of the material that I generally post. My sole intent is to share and pass on information that has contributed to my awakening process.  I will normally print my two cents worth in green so as to distinguish it from the original author/creator of the posted material.
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