Tracy Twyman, Isaac Kappy and the Creepy Campground

Patriot and Pedogate researcher Tracy Twyman mysteriously passed away at the age of 41 after receiving many death threats and meeting with the FBI who refused to take her treasure trove of information on child sex trafficking. The crooked FBI wouldn’t even meet her in the FBI building! Nothing is going to change in our country until the dirty FBI is cleaned up! Clearly with this happening to Tracy, it’s not been cleaned up at all! They are completely corrupt and covering up pedogate to this day! Please tweet this story @realdonaldtrump @potus and tell him to clean it up!

 Before she died, she recorded what is on this video which was just uploaded by a friend in case of her death.

 Notice of her death posted on Ground Zero 

Note from person who posted video: 

Researcher Tracy Twyman sent me this video on May 24, 2019. She asked me not to share it publicly at the time because she was in fear for her life. She had been in communication with Isaac Kappy about threats she had received related to a campground near Williams, Arizona. Kappy died very close to the campground. Today I learned that Tracy passed away at the age of 41, after quitting social media and YouTube. I do not know the circumstances of her death, but if someone says “I’m afraid for my life” and then suddenly dies, this warrants further investigation. The timing of this as Jeffrey Epstein is arrested is highly suspicious. I note the mysterious disappearance of Robert the Deplorable, and also the sudden death of #Pizzagate researcher Jenny Moore in August 2018.

 Note from blog where this story appeared:

 I’ll explain the content of the video a bit. Tracy was a guest on The Higherside Chats podcast a few times. This video was released on the 10th, but she made it two months ago and gave it to a friend. She is now dead, and her friend posted this dead-man switch video she made. This is the message she wanted to get out, but didn’t post because she feared for her life.
She apparently discovered on youtube a vast trove of pedo videos where they were selling the videos or perhaps even the children themselves via the videos. She gathered binders of evidence, and took it to the FBI to report it. She was completely boxed out and they refused to take her report basically, even in the initial contact.
She had located a specific school in England near Yorkshire where it appeared many of the children there were being prostituted out via Youtube. Some of the videos were also specifically designed as threats to the children.
After reporting it to the FBI, her internet connection starting frequently malfunctioning, and her phone was acting very strangely. Then she was receiving many death threats with fears seemingly personally tailored to her, they apparently knew everything about her.
Kyle is a friend of her and the host of the higherside chats, who had a mental breakdown after beginning to investigate this information.
The cause of Tracy’s death is currently unknown. (Edit: It was hanging. I did a higherside chat show about people outing the pedophile networks getting hanged, and this fits that pattern…


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