Lucifer's Army of Whore's of Babylon known as The FEMALE ILLUMINATI


by Michael Tsarion
December 2014

from FemaleIlluminati Website







A Brief Introduction

There are numbers of these mystic Brotherhoods which have naught to do with "civilized" countries, and it is in their unknown communities that are concealed the skeletons of the past.


These "adepts" could, if they chose, lay claim to strange ancestry.

H. P. Blavatsky

People establish and join secret societies because they seek power.


Once they've achieved great power as well as wealth, they sometimes want to brag about it and let others know about their special status. To further this desire, members of secret societies - from Jesuits to Satanists - make use of the media. Highly financed movies are made to communicate to us on a non-verbal level.


These movies are often ostensibly based on the books of commissioned writers, themselves lower-level agents of powerful secret societies.

Hollywood movies occasionally provide us with keyhole visions into what's going on behind the scenes; although not enough for laymen and symbolically illiterate people to decipher and understand. That's why so many people remain ignorant about secret societies and their ways. However if we do a little serious research, it becomes easier to see what is going on.


This process is occasionally helped by whistle-blowing movies from Hollywood and other media orgs, movies such as,

  • Brotherhood of the Bell

  • To the Devil a Daughter

  • The Devil Rides Out

  • The Omen

  • Bladerunner

  • Freejack

  • Judge Dread

  • Fifth Element

  • Tombraider

  • The Formula

  • James Bond

  • The Da Vinci Code

  • National Treasure

  • Skulls

  • Eyes Wide Shut

  • Ninth Gate,

...and so on.


As I said, perhaps we are deliberately BEING TOLD what is going on by the elites themselves. It's an intriguing thought.

Of course the serious researcher does not simply base his work on media extravaganzas. My own work on secret societies is based on sources, and I strengthen my ideas with numerous statements and quotes from insiders and those who have made a deep study of secret society symbolism.


In other words, the existence of secret fraternities is documented fact. Happily, if paradoxically, secret societies publish their own works which provide us with key insights into their origins and agendas.

After reading and studying material of this kind I eventually gained greater knowledge about the workings of the world's major secret societies,

Additionally, the artwork I decipher is that which hangs in their own clubs and lodges, and in famous shrines such as the House of the Temple in Washington DC.


Interesting artwork is to be found in plenty throughout the world's many Masonic halls that stand in almost every major town and city casually passed and ignored by most people as they go about their business.


A study of the friezes and reliefs outside Masonic structures also furnished me with insight into the subtle manner in which insiders nonverbally communicate with us.


I learned to go even further, and observe the many clock towers, statues, fountains, murals, floors and obelisks, etc, which exist in major towns and cities. I discovered that most cities are ritually laid out and have a more esoteric purpose than one might guess.

As to the power of secret societies, we must accept that it is considerable. After doing nearly thirty years of research into these matters, I realized the extent of their sociopolitical power. I also realized that most of their operations would not receive public approval. This is partly why they prefer anonymity.


Although their identities may not be secret, their rites, behavior and designs for world control are kept in the dark and out of sight to ordinary men and women.


They make good use of hierarchies and fixed degree ceremonies to ensure that only the "right" kind of person gets to be an insider. Their recruiting fraternities are found in every major university and college. Their lower and higher members surround us in every school, university, corporation, livery company and charity.

To uncover their existence you must not wait for them to come out into the open.


You must go into your streets with open eyes and ask yourself,

  • Who built Bath?

  • Who built London?

  • Who built Washington DC, Cologne and Paris?

You might not understand completely all the secrets of these fraternities, but you can eventually realize that something strange has been going from the year dot.


You'll realize the tremendous financial power that exists, out of reach of the common man. And you'll realize the time it took to attain such power. In the end you'll be more aware of the presence and prestige of the equestrian and chivalric orders that infest our world.


You'll understand how their many lower-level branches and fraternities work to filter out moral men and promote immoral and amoral ones.

Ask questions such as:

  • How can a small country like England, since the 16th century, successfully get its predatory talons into so many other far off lands, conquering, colonizing and "ruling the waves?"


  • How did a predatory exploitative organization like the Vatican (which is more than the center of the Roman Catholic religion) gain so much power?


  • Why does it still exist after the heinous historical crimes of which it is guilty - more than 500 years of the persecution of so called "witches," who were just ordinary women doing their thing - healing, learning about nature's ways, knowing the secrets of herbalism and agriculture?,



We are talking about nearly nine million victims of total deliberate slaughter.


And that series of atrocities is just a single instance of the pestilence of this Roman branch of the ancient Atonist "Black Lodge" that I expose throughout my works.


To get away with it, and remain above the law, takes considerable power doesn't it? Right! So what's different when it comes to the existence of even more elusive and deadly orders?

The Vatican is allied with numerous secret orders, such as the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Order of Christ, Knights of St. John, Opus Dei, and of course the Knights Templar - one of the most powerful organizations in the world.


Some of the top degrees of what we know to be Freemasonry are Templar degrees.


This is because agents of pro-Templar factions within the College of Cardinals have long taken over most Freemasonic orders throughout the world. Warnings about this surreptitious takeover went out from men in the know during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.


Observant insiders, such as Nicolas de BonnevilleSamuel PritchardAbbe Barruel and others, believed that ostensibly Protestant orders of Masonry had been completely undermined by Templar factions within the Italian Ring.


There is no doubt in my mind that the same is the case for the ostensibly Protestant Rosicrucian Order created in the seventeenth century. Suggestively, some chief Rosicrucian symbols, such as the cross and rose, are to be found on earlier Templar (Catholic) architecture and in their traditions.


Moreover, in Catholic dominated lodges, such as those of Grand Orient Masonry, degrees known as "Rose Cross" exist, clearly an impossibility if the Rosicrucians were truly a Protestant breakaway sect.

Around 1530, more than eighty years before the publication of the first manifesto, the association of cross and rose already existed in Portugal in the Convent of the Order of Christ, home of the Knights Templar, later renamed Order of Christ.


Three bocetes were, and still are, on the vault of the initiation room. The rose can clearly be seen at the center of the cross.

Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (Entry on Roscicrucianism)

Documents available in France today contend that an Order of the Rosy Cross was founded in 1188 by a pre-Masonic Templar named Jean de Gisors, vassal of English King Henry II and the first independent grand master of the Order of Sion.

Jim Marrs (Rule by Secrecy)

The Order of the Illuminati appears as an accessory to Freemasonry. It is in the Lodges of Freemasons that the Minervals are found, and there they are prepared for Illumination. They must have previously obtained the three English degrees. The founder says more.


He says that his doctrines are the only true Freemasonry. He was the chief promoter of the Eclectic System.


This he urged as the best method of getting information of all the explanations which have been given of the Masonic Mysteries. He was also a Strict Observance and an adept Rosicrucian.

John Robinson (Born in Blood)

The Rosy Cross derived from the Red Cross of the Templars.


Mirabeau, who as a Freemason and an Illuminatus, was in a position to discover many facts about the secret societies of Germany during his stay in the country, definitely asserts that,

"the Rose Croix Masons of the seventeenth century were only the ancient Order of the Templars secretly perpetuated".

Nesta Webster (quoting from Count Mirabeau's Histoire de la Monarchie Prussienne)



In France the Knights [Templar] who left the Order, henceforth hidden, and so to speak unknown, formed the Order of the Flaming Star and of the Rose-Croix, which in the fifteenth century spread itself in Bohemia and Silesia.

Lecouteulx de Canteleu

Templar graves have been found in several sites in Palestine which contain a carved effigy of a warrior's sword, which itself is a cruciform shape, around which are entwined roses.

Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers)

Clearly the Rosicrucians served as yet one more cover society behind which cunning, far-seeing Templars managed to conceal themselves.

The symbol of the red cross was bestowed on the Templars by Pope Eugenius III, but the symbol predates modern times. It was originally employed by the Arya. It is a goddess symbol par excellence. In Greek mythology the god of beauty, Adonis, was transformed into a rose by the goddess Venus.


The red color of the flower was thereby caused by his blood.


Venus is the tutelary deity of the Sisterhood. In this instance the rose symbolizes the power of the female goddess over the male acolyte who sacrificially offers his phallus (and sometimes his life) to her. It was in twelfth century, during the reign of King Stephen, that the Templar red cross first appeared as the chief heraldic emblem of England.

These largely Templaresque chivalric or equestrian orders own immense wealth and command titanic power.


They are the Alpha Lodges that don't accept you and I or any common man.


They are headed by extremely privileged individuals such as, well as those she appoints to her so-called Privy Council,

Men from these illustrious bodies commission other important societies around the world, both secret and open, for the recruitment of loyal members whose job it is to interface with the "unwashed" masses.


These recruits come from the Catholic world as much as from the Protestant, which should have alerted interested parties long ago.

The various British, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese elite counsels serve even higher, more elusive concerns which I refer to as the "Black Lodge." This term refers to the superior counsel of Atonists whose own origins trace back to the time of Pharaoh Akhenaton, the Biblical Moses.


The all-powerful Atonist Black Lodge in turn authorizes the various societies and counsels mentioned above to vet and select the many other less-informed lieutenants who get to run the governments, institutes and think-tanks of countries throughout the world. These lower-level pawns are the common duplicitous politicians and functionaries we are all too familiar with.


These "opposames" certainly do not serve you or I. Nowadays, because of the unceasing work of researchers such as myself, many intelligent people realize this fact.

Indeed, the main reason why we tend to doubt the existence and power of secret societies is simply because we are not members of the club. It all goes on in the shadows and periphery of vision. You have to make a detailed lifelong study to uncover the roots of this pestilence.


You must learn to endure the ridicule of almost everyone you attempt to awaken on these controversial matters. You must also be able to keep track of the seismic changes and dynastic rivalries that have occurred within the world of secret societies.


Some of these feuds and purges are known to the public while others have been kept secret for centuries.

The role of women in regards the world's most powerful secret societies is one area neglected by mainstream historians, and for good reason. The Female Illuminati is second to none in authority, and their senior members have seen to it that knowledge of their existence does not leak out.


Most people are inclined to believe that women play no part whatsoever in Masonry or Templarism.


As I show in my Female Illuminati program, nothing could be further from the truth.


Not only did women birth, raise and marry male demagogues the world over, those who apparently established infamous secret societies, but women were in many cases top members of these societies.

Dudley Wright said in his book Women and Freemasonry, that,

"there is evidence in days gone by that women were admitted into the Order of the Knights Templar," substantiated by the recent discovery of Templar gravestones for women.

Tony Bushby (Secret in the Bible)

As to the origin of the Illuminati, you can look to two interesting men to gain understanding.


One is Ignatius Loyola of Spain and the other Adam Weishaupt of Germany.


Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the infamous Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order. He was their first "General" or "Black Pope."

Curiously, the Jesuit Order (the only Catholic order ever to be officially suppressed and penalized) was temporarily abolished in the year 1773. Pope Clement XIV finally, with some reluctance, issued a Papal Brief (order) completely abolishing the Jesuit Order, supposedly for all time.


Now we ask,

are we to accept it as a coincidence that the Illuminati (under Weishaupt) come online, as it were, in the year 1776?

The Jesuits had been in trouble with numerous powerful monarchs in Europe and South America for over ten years before the ban was issued.


So they were well and truly aware of what was in store for them and their nefarious order.


Before the hammer came down in 1773, the Jesuits anticipated their dire predicament and fomented plans for a clandestine resurgence. In fact the Jesuits were already experienced at creating satellite orders throughout the world for their members to conceal themselves behind during times when local suppression occurred.


So it was easy for them to resurface under a new guise when the situation demanded it. After their worldwide ban, their new organ of concealment, infiltration and destruction, was in my opinion undoubtedly the Bavarian Illuminati.

But what further proof do we have other than the coinciding dates?


Well, the name "Illuminati" itself takes us straight to the door of Ignatius Loyola. As a young man in Spain he had been arrested and charged with membership and support of the notorious sect known as the Alumbrados, which may have originated in the 1490s.


Loyola was arrested, charged with heresy and imprisoned due to his affiliation with the sect. He lost his university position and was under strict surveillance for some time because of his open affiliation with the secretive illegal society. Suggestively, the Alumbrados were also known as "The Illuminati."


They referred to themselves as the Brothers of Light or Shining Ones.


So do we take it as a coincidence that the later Bavarian Illuminists just happened to adopt this title from the selfsame order favored by the founder and head of the Jesuits?

The rhetoric and propaganda released by the Illuminati and their agents, concocted to distance themselves from the Jesuits - and to give the appearance of being anti-monarchist - does not change the facts.


Adam Weishaupt was himself a Jesuit and in our opinion he remained so until the end. He was not anti-monarchy because some of his closest compatriots, such as Baron von Knigge, were nobles related to illustrious dynasties such as Stuart, Hesse, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Hapsburg, Bourbon, Lorraine, and others.


Moreover, Weishaupt languished in the homes of the nobility for the last forty years of his life, even receiving a lifelong pension from Ernest II, the Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, himself an Illuminati member.


Apparently the Lutheran Duke did not mind working alongside Catholic members such as the Count de Mirabeau and Duc d'Orleans, etc.


Another confederate and co-creator of the Bavarian Illuminati was Prince William of Hesse-Kassel, from the family which employed the Rothschilds as treasurers and investors.


Prince William's brother Karl was both an elite Mason and an Illuminist.


The merger of the Illuminati and the Masons occurred at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, in 1777, at a cozy retreat owned by Prince William.

The Weishaupt documents are incontestably authentic; the Bavarian government unwittingly forestalled any attempt to cry "Forgery" (in the manner made familiar in our century) by inviting any who were interested to inspect the original documents in the archives at Munich.

Douglas Reed (Controversy of Zion)

The Duke of Brunswick (Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand), himself a senior Mason, sounded a worldwide warning about the subversive agenda of the Templar-Jesuit-Illuminati.


His address of 1794 informed the world as to the danger of the Illuminist infiltration of Masonry.


During his speech, the Duke warned:

A great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself.


This sect is known to everyone; its brothers are known no less than its name.

The Duke referred to the infiltrators and corrupters as a "Sun Order."


In our opinion this intriguing reference describes and leads us to the door of the ancient Atonist Order of Zadok or Melchizedek, that is of Pharaoh Akhenaton and his ideological descendants, i.e.,

  • the Knights Templar

  • Strict Observance

  • Grand Orient

  • Jesuits,

...and other clandestine orders.

Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity - an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect... the one visible and the other invisible.


The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic and humanitarian concerns.


The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of an... Arcanum Arcandrum (sacred secret)

M. P. Hall

Weishaupt's order was partly financed by the Jewish Rothschild dynasty, but all is revealed when we remember that the Rothschilds were, and still are, Papal Knights.


In other words they are Templar-Luciferian-Masons directed by the Templar factions of the Vatican, such as the Knights of Malta, a super-wealthy order directly descended from the Templars and Hospitallers of old.


Indeed the Templars and Jesuits indulged in banking and tax-collecting before the Jews.


The Rothschilds began banking enterprises in the eighteenth century, whereas the Templars were involved in banking in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

...the Templars became bankers to every throne in Europe.


They lent money to hard-up monarchs at low interest rates and transferred money for merchant bankers.


Through a system of promissory notes they allowed money deposited in one city to be drawn in another. They became money-changers and powerful capitalists who conducted diplomacy between monarchs.


In England the Master of the Temple was soon given precedence over all other priors and abbots.

Nicholas Hagger (Secret History of the West)



The Templars eventually became so rich that the monarchs of some of the kingdoms within which they operated were wholly dependent on their support.


Several kings of England actually lodged the treasury of the realm at the Templar headquarters in London, as surety against the massive debts they ran up with the order. This gave the Templars great power to influence decision-making, and they regularly acted as arbiters for warring monarchs.

Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

By the beginning of the thirteenth century the Templars had become the international bankers of Europe and were appointed treasurers to the French royal family and the Vatican.

Michael Howard (Occult Conspiracy)

The Rothschilds, for all their colossal power and wealth, were and are servants of the more secretive and illustrious Gaonim or Order of Melchizedek that merely expanded its ancient order into what we know as the Templars and Bavarian Illuminati.


Once this is understood a lot of missing pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

The Jews have historically been used as a hidden order of the Catholic Church. They do the things that the Catholic Church does not like to be seen doing. Jews are perfect for the job…


As long as people rail at the Jews, and as long as they rail back at their attackers, no one will look beyond the Jews - and that is where the body is buried.

Richard Kelley Hoskins (In the Beginning: The Story of the International Trade Cartel)

The Jews appear as abject servants of the Catholic Church...


To the 'Alpha Jews' the door of the Church corporation stands wide open. There are countless Jewish priests, scores of Jewish cardinals and bishops, and some like Anaclet II, Gregory VI and Gregory VII became Popes.

ibid hear of the Rothschilds in the world of finance.


They are not the originators of the control over finance and the practices therein. But they have been given a franchise to control the money aspect of the people of the world.


In return for their exercising this control and keeping their mouth shut they are given handsome privileges of money manipulation and of course increase their money wealth by leaps and bounds.

Norman Dodd (Reese Commission Research Director)


The Jewish Illuminists not only included members of the infamous Rothschild family - agents of the Templar-Luciferians - but also Moses Mendelssohn, one of the five original members of the Illuminati.

LoyolaFrancis Xavier, and other early Jesuits wrote that they were intentionally organizing their fledgling society along the lines of the Knights Templar, the renegade once Catholic order suppressed by the Church in the fourteen century.


So why would the situation have been different in the eighteenth century when the curtain was temporarily brought down on the Jesuits by higher authority?


I do not think it was different. I think the Jesuits simply adopted the structure of their parent order - the Templars.


I also believe it was Templar agents within the Vatican who, during the reign of Pope Pius VII, worked to overturn Pope Clement's ban and restore the Jesuits legally to their original prominent station.


Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) and Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830).


Both men were Jesuits and "Illuminists."


Loyola and his order were obsessively dedicated to the Virgin Mary while the members of the Illuminati referred to themselves as "Minervals," after the goddess Minerva.


One of Minerva's mascots was the owl, the bird that hunts at night and sees what is invisible to those who dwell in the light of day.


Mary and Minerva are both "virginal" icons. This is a reference not to sex but to the female Dragon Court behind the more conspicuous male orders.


Minerva is a "rebel" goddess who assisted Prometheus to steal the heavenly fire. Her origin lies with the most ancient Egyptian goddess Neith, the "Red Queen."


The red shield and arrows that appear on the Rothschild family crest allude to Neith, who was transmogrified into Pallas-Athena or Minerva.


The single eye is also a prime goddess symbol.


The Frankfurt branch of the Illuminati was entitled the "All Seeing Eye" lodge, once headed by the notorious Jacob Frank, head of the dionysian order of Frankists.


It is interesting and suggestive that both Loyola and Weishaupt were Jesuits. They may also have had Jewish ancestry. In any case, it is significant that they were Roman Catholics before they founded their secretive cabals.


This tells us that, after becoming Masons in their younger days, they were later recruited and indoctrinated by Templar agents.

As never before since our alienation, this battle for freedom can now be fought by all Germans, and virtuously ended in the clear perception of our enemies: Jews, Freemasons, Jesuits and the Roman Pope.

General Erich Ludendorff (Destruction of Freemasonry)

Not only does the fraternity (Freemasonry) owe its existence to Templarism, the fraternity seems to loudly proclaim it in a number of ways.

Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe

I have shown from authentic documents that, from its introduction into France by monks until the advent of the reign of James I of England, British Masonry was purely Roman Catholic, and that its Grand Masters, of whom I have provided the official list, were drawn exclusively from the Court, the Nobility or the Prelacy…


Despite the birth of the distinctive Masonry of William of Orange in 1694, the ancient British Masonry preserved its ancient statutes under the Protestant King and remained Roman Catholic: proof of this is to be found in the precious Masonic documents which I propose to publish, and which escaped the mad orgy of destruction at the hands of the innovators of modern Masonry in 1747.

Brother Teder (L'irregularite du Grand Orient de France, 1909)

It is claimed that before his execution the last Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, assigned Hugo von Salm, a canon of Mainz, the mission of smuggling important Templar documents into Scotland.


De Molay's hope was that the Templars could be reactivated there under another name. That name, according to the tradition, is Freemasonry. Strict Observance Masonry incorporated references to the Templars into its rites and degrees.

Glenn Magee (Hegel & the Hermetic Tradition)

As your study continues you'll find that there are many lies told about these men and their orgs.


Adam Weishaupt's group is erroneously considered to have been anti-royalist. This assertion is blatantly false. Adam Weishaupt received additional support and funding from various nobles and royals, such as Baron von Knigge, and more significantly from Charles de Lorraine and the Duke de Orleans, that is by members of the Stuart, Hapsburg, Bourbon, Lorraine, Capet, and other powerful European dynasties.


Members of these royal families were seniors within other powerful secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, Strict Observance and Scottish Rite, etc.


Some sources believe it was Charles de Lorraine (working under the pseudonym Kolmer) who divulged esoteric secrets to Weishaupt and commissioned him to establish the Illuminati.


And the elusive Charles was no commoner. He was a true blue blood. So the idea that the Illuminati were against monarchy is laughable.


The only monarchs and nobles they were against were those not under their control and not members of their perfidious Brotherhood. Interestingly the highest grade attainable within the Illuminati bore the title REX meaning "King."


A strange title to bestow upon the highest initiate of a supposedly anti-royalist cabal, right?


It makes sense if your order is based on the Templar tradition, in which case the "King" in question is Lucifer, Lord of Light.

The man who is good for nothing better remains a Scottish Knight. If he is, however, a particularly industrious coordinator, observer, worker, he becomes a Priest...


If there are among these (Priests) high speculative intellects, they become Magi. These collect and put in order the higher philosophical system and work at the People's Religion, which the Order will next give to the world.


Should these high geniuses also be able to rule the world, they will become regents.

Adam Weishaupt

Yes, by Weishaupt's own words we see that it is a matter of "ruling" the world, not "helping" the world. Nice that he was so explicit.

The Templar-Illuminists merely adopted an anti-royalist stance because it was an expedient ruse. It got them where they wanted to go. Societies of this kind are very chameleon-like. They know their enemies and how to subvert them. They know how to lure and win favor.


They know how to create and sustain faux rival groups to prevent authentic rival groups from moving against them.


This tactic has served the powers-that-be no end. The propaganda they dished out in the eighteenth century was cunningly designed to attract rebellious young men of wealth and intelligence from all over the world. After all, you don't want your secret society full of idiots.


The idea was to attract such men in order to prevent them forming or joining authentic opposition movements which were sprouting up throughout Europe and the Middle East.


In order to seduce the young idealistic freedom-loving sons of wealthy royals and nobles, the Illuminati cunningly professed to be politically progressive and morally libertine. New recruits inevitably fell under the control of their puppeteers. Susceptible types were successfully indoctrinated, whereas overly suspicious radicals who sensed they were being misled were professionally or even physically assassinated.


After generations of Machiavellian scheming, the Illuminati's agents ensconced themselves in every religious, political and corporate organization and institution, intent on changing the direction of world events to suit their sinister agendas.


It is only in relatively recent times that humanity has been made aware of these machinations, and there's still a ways to go before we can successfully subvert these blood-soaked crime lords and architects of control.

One of the biggest lies told about the Jesuits is that they are indelibly liberal. Nothing could be further from the truth. They adopted a liberal facade in the twentieth century to fool moderns. A study of their vile history shows how ultra-conservative or ultramontanist they are beneath the surface.


One reason for the facade has to do with their intention of moving the governments of Europe and America toward the creation of multinational organizations such as the United Nations, an impossible task until they adopted a more humanitarian and benign guise.

In any case, regardless of the Templar-Jesuit connection, it is not right to think that the perfidious Order of the Illuminati began in the 1700s. Nor is it correct to think of Masonry starting in the 17th and 18th centuries.


As we said, the Alumbrados date from the fifteenth century, and there are other orders that preceded them, such as the Templars, Hospitallers and Rosicrucians, etc.


Churches and monuments in France dating to the 5th century display Masonic emblems, and scholars have found Masonic symbols in the artwork and architecture of ancient Egypt.


Masonic-style aprons were certainly worn by early pharaohs and Phoenicians. Templar-like crosses can be seen on the regalia of Sumerian and Babylonian kings.


Moreover, there are many eminent Masonic writers who have emphasized their society's antiquity.


More importantly, the multifaceted symbolism employed by these societies - the coffin, triangle, pyramid, pentagram, hexagram, twin pillars, checked floor, compass, letter G, etc - is undoubtedly ancient.


This idiosyncratic symbolism conceals the "mysteries" to be uncovered and understood, mysteries that lead back to ancient Egypt and beyond.

Smith, in his chapter on the antiquity of Masonry in Britain, says that "notwithstanding the obscurity which envelopes Masonic history in that country, various circumstances contribute to prove that Freemasonry was introduced into Britain about 1030 years before Christ".

Thomas Paine (The Origins of Freemasonry) is seen that Freemasonry also existed in the 1300s, as shown by documents that are still in existence. These include the Regius and Cooke documents.

Sanford Holst (Sworn in Secret)

The symbols of Freemasonry reflect much of its heritage, and reach back far into antiquity.


...any person who has looked at the issues carefully must first come to the conclusions that not only did the Knights Templar, in one form or another, very definitely survive beyond 1307, but that Freemasonry, on one form or another, significantly predates the 18th century.

Butler and Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

It is also important to realize that the Illuminati is not an exclusively Western phenomenon.


Some researchers believe the Templars were heavily influenced by Middle-Eastern and Oriental occult societies and traditions, so much so that they willingly, if secretly, renounced Christianity.


According to some sources this accounts for why their parent order, the Priory de Sion, excommunicated the Templars in the year 1188.


It is also the reason the Templars were officially suppressed in 1314 by the reigning Pope and King of France. I prefer to believe that it was after their coffers were seized and their leaders arrested and tortured that the Templars became apostates.

The Eastern Illuminati include societies such as the,

...themselves branches of the super-secret Order of Melchizedek (discussed in Chapter 6 of The Stargate Conspiracy) or Atonist Black Lodge that goes back to ancient Egypt.


Although the Sabbateans and Seveners (like later Frankists) were officially founded by Jewish and crypto-Jewish occultists, their true origins lie in ancient times with the elusive Gaonim or Gaonate.


Significantly, the Gaonim - themselves high-degree Atonists - referred to themselves as Exilarchs or Princes of Light. They and their many agents constitute the male family tree of the all too real Illumined Ones or Illuminati.

The famous letter "G" seen on Masonic emblems (and several corporate logos) signifies not only this illustrious patriarchal cadre, but the even more elusive and peculiar quorum they serve, those I refer to as the Serpent or Dragon Sisterhood, or Female Illuminati. (The lower case "g" signifies the serpent or dragon.)


The emanating light often seen around the G is not the light of the sun, but of the planet Venus, sacred to the Sisterhood and known in esoteric circles as the Shekinah.

There must be something not only secretive but prestigious about Masonry and its kindred societies for men of eminence and intelligence to want to join and participate.


The Gaonate were made up of elite Pharisees and Sadducees who went underground after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70. These elites were already part of the Egyptian Order of Melchizedek (Akhenaton) that had many devotees and agents in Judea, Palestine and Rome.


Although ordinary orthodox Jews worship Jehovah, the male god, the higher echelons within Judaism worship the Goddess Asherah (Venus), also known as the Shekinah.





Note George Washington's lambskin apron or abnet.


Aprons are female symbols, originally worn in Egypt by semi-naked pubescent girls in order to conceal their genitalia during periods of menstruation. Masons wear them to symbolically feminize themselves and present themselves as ritually (and maybe even physically) castrated eunuchs in service to their Goddess.


Masonic aprons are loaded with female symbolism, as I show in the program.


There can be little doubt that Weishaupt, Loyola, and men of their abnormal kind, were desexed eunuchs expertly hiding their pathological tendencies behind the veneer of patriarchal edifices such as the Catholic Church and Templarist secret societies; the Templars themselves being ardent disciples of the ancient Dragon Sisterhood.


The genital "wounding" also serves as a ritual imitation of the wound of Lucifer who fell into the depths of the underworld, deprived of his virility and authority. (Note the crescent moon and comet above Washington's head. The reason for these celestial motifs is also explained in the program.)

These Atonist-Judites must not necessarily be confused with those referred to as Jews.


Common Judaism of the religious kind, as well as political Zionism, are merely two of many branches that have grown from this rotten family tree of sorcerers. In fact, Christianity is itself also the creation of this faustian Solar Cult, being yet one more corrupted theology of light.


St. Paul (the cover name of Josephus Flavius Arrius Piso), was commissioned to write his works on Jesus by his shadowy Atonist masters within the Gaonate. (The reasons for this are detailed in my book The Irish Origins of Civilization.)

Another important branch of the Atonist-Gaonate hides itself behind the ostensibly Catholic College of Cardinals.


Agents of this prestigious Luciferian quorum in turn direct the operations of other functioning secret societies throughout the world, such as the,

  • Knights of Malta

  • Knights Hospitaller

  • Opus Dei

  • Knights of Columbus

  • Order of Christ

  • Order of the Holy Sepulchre

  • Order of the Thistle

  • Order of St. Patrick

  • United Irishmen

  • Ancient Order of Hibernians,

...and so on.


They even control ostensibly Protestant societies such as,

  • the Rosicrucians

  • Order of St. John

  • Orange Lodge

  • Black Perceptory, etc.

This is obvious when one studies the symbolism employed by these societies.


For the most part it is purely Templar symbolism.


What does this mean? Simply that men from such societies, after being seduced into reversing their allegiances, become willing agents for their one-time enemies. This is the case for every secret society throughout the world. It means that behind lodge doors, and for those of higher degree, the obvious political allegiances dividing common men mean little.

But what are we told when we ask about the origin of this little known illustrious society - the Gaonim?


Well, ordinary religious Jews are wont to repeat the fallacies they've swallowed. They tell us that they probably originated after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 AD and split between Pharisees and Sadducees.


They sometimes say they originated when Moses transmitted the secret Oral Law or Torah to the 70 elders of Israel on Mount Sinai; or that they were founded after the Israelites were released from their captivity in Babylon, or from the time of the secretive thirteenth tribe of Levites.


This is true to a point, as long as we realize that the Levites themselves have an ancestry that goes even further back to the time of Akhenaton (known in occult circles as Melchizedek), and the powerful Hyksos nobility that mainstream historians are reluctant to coherently comment on.


This is chiefly because they know what ordinary folks are never meant to know - that the Hyksos nobility (and Levites) were originally high-born Scythians from Ireland, England and Scandinavia.


Yes, many are the false leads and dead ends. It takes many years of arduous study to see behind the carefully crafted tall tales and smoke screens.

Eventually, with the assistance of the Hyksos-Atonist descended Merovingian kings and Knights Templar, the Gaonate (or Order of Melchizedek) surfaced bearing a new title - that of "Freemasons." (One translation of this term is "Brothers of the Sun.")


Under a Jewish veneer, lodges were formed to preserve the Gaonate's hoary traditions, and to allow "brothers" to meet and plot in secrecy.


This explains why so many Masonic tropes and ritual leitmotifs appear to be "Jewish" in origin. Exoteric researchers falsely believe this is all there is to the symbolism of Masonry. It's what they are meant to believe.


In fact the origin of Masonic symbolism far predates the rise of Judaism in all its configurations and permutations.


As I show, esoteric Judaism, like Masonry, is nothing less than corrupted Irish Druidism in the form of Egyptian Atonism - the Jewish Jehovah being none other than Aton, Lord of Light. (For more on this great story visit my Irish Origins of Civilization website).

The reason for the many lies regarding Masonry's deliberately obscured origins is explained in my program The Female Illuminati. In that program I show how many cunning lies have been spun about Masonry's origins, and why. I reveal what Masonic symbolism really means, and who rules from the highest echelons.


Controversially, I show that Masonry is not the predominately male institution we have been led to believe. On the contrary, Masonry's male-dominated parent orders (mentioned throughout this article) were originally founded and controlled by an enclave of supremely powerful females whose existence has been kept secret for centuries.


It is the existence and history of this medusan or stygian Serpentine Sisterhood (or Female Dragon Court) which intrigues me personally, and which has never before been exposed to the world.


I believe this group's history is traceable not only to ancient Egypt but to the prediluvian world - to Atlantis.

These shadowy cabals are predators of a kind. They can be countered and even destroyed once we are in possession of the facts about the true nature of evil. Sadly most of us are woefully ignorant about the workings of evil, especially that emanating from higher up the socioeconomic power-pyramid.


In our modern age we are extremely backward in subjects of this kind. We may be very humanitarian and caring about what goes on in the world around us, and may care deeply about the plight of our brothers and sisters.


Yes, but,

  • What good is all that humanitarianism if we fail to have sophisticated knowledge about the predatory tiger in the long grass that works to subvert our good work?


  • What do we know about its origin, mentality and habits?

That predator knows a great deal about us, which is why until now it has been winning the GREAT GAME.


This situation must change, and soon!

The Female Illuminati program is the result of the painstaking effort of decades. It is a slow piecing together of a controversial world picture in which we all involved. Like an archaeologist at a dig, you don't know what the final old parchment or vase will look like.


You gradually piece it together until it's finally assembled, and then stand back to see what it has to tell you about the world of the past. This is what I've done over the years, and it's been a very worthwhile and rewarding commitment.

It's a great study because it exposes the sick crime-families that have plagued our world for so long, and overcomes the WAR ON CONSCIOUSNESS which has been going on for millennia and which must be brought to an end, come what may.


Truth Against the World





All revolutionaries and murderers since then had been part of a single 'Templar' society - including Cromwell, the murderer of Henry IV of France, conspirators in Portugal, Brazil and Sweden, and of course Robespierre and Danton.

Edward Burman (The Assassins: Holy Killers of Islam)

In my program The Female Illuminati I prove that the Knights Templar served as one of the main tentacles of the Sisterhood of Death.


I show how the order is tied in with the Egyptian Atonists and how via the Culdean monks of Ireland they gained access to the troves of wisdom confiscated from the Druids and Bards of the prehistoric West.


Their peculiar appearance, long hair, bizarre traditions and suggestive symbolism leads us to the door of the more sinister order operating behind them, ensconced in Britain a thousand years before the rise of the Templars.

Of course nothing remains static for long in the world of ordinary populations or of secret societies. There have been minor and major disputes, feuds and upheavals on all levels, not to mention short and long-term rivalries between individual members and entire branches of certain orders.


Some internecine squabbles and conflicts become known publicly, while others occur unseen by ordinary people going about their business.


Some investigators have written exceptional books on these events to show how the activities of secret societies impact and shape world history. I provide a short list below of suggested titles on the history and rivalries of the Knights Templar, the most malignant and powerful secret society of modern history.

Let's take a brief look at the affluence, influence and control of the Machiavellian Knights Templar, courtesy of authors past and present:

...the Templars became the servants and companions of kings and princes: from the beginning they were trusted familiars in royal courts...


The financial dealings of the Templars led them straight to the royal treasuries, of which they were frequently keepers. From the early thirteenth century onwards the Temple in Paris was in effect the French Royal Treasury.

Peter Partner (The Murdered Magicians)

Templars came from that section of the lower nobility which supplied the kings with the households servants and officials who did their familiar business.


As a result the kings were influential in the affairs of the Temple: both Richard I of England and Saint Louis of France nominated their own candidate to the office of Grand Master of the Temple.


Alexander III was the most lavish of all popes in privileges for the Templar Order, perhaps because he borrowed money from them. From this time onwards the Templars were papal chamberlains and almoners: they were also involved in the collection of crusading taxes...


Knights of the Order were often among the pope's bodyguards and intimates.


Both orders (Templars and Hospitallers) controlled not only the large sums and subventions in kind which came from the west, but also substantial estates in the east which were given them by the governments of the crusading states.


...for a century and a half no important decision was taken in the Holy Land without consulting the Grand Masters of the Military Orders.


The estates of the Templars had been conferred after the dissolution to the Order upon the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, whose successors, the Knights of Malta, still enjoyed some of the remaining incomes.


By the beginning of the thirteenth century the Templars had become the international bankers of Europe and were appointed treasurers to the French royal family and the Vatican.

Michael Howard (Occult Conspiracy)

…the Templars held over nine thousand manors all over Europe, plus mills and markets. In addition to these income-producing properties, the Templars had other sources of revenue. Loot taken or shared in by any brother went to the order.


During its two hundred years of existence, over twenty thousand initiates brought land or money dowries to the order.

John J. Robinson (Born in Blood)

The Knights Templar came to own estates of varying size scattered throughout Europe from Denmark, Scotland and the Orkney Islands in the north, to France, Italy and Spain in the south. In England and Wales alone they had over 5,000 properties.


They also extended their interests into Africa, establishing a major presence in Ethiopia, where the Essene Book of Enoch was eventually rediscovered many centuries later.

Christopher Knight and Alan Butler (The Hiram Key Revisited)

The Templars eventually became so rich that the monarchs of some of the kingdoms within which they operated were wholly dependent on their support.


Several kings of England actually lodged the treasury of the realm at the Templar headquarters in London, as surety against the massive debts they ran up with the order. This gave the Templars great power to influence decision-making, and they regularly acted as arbiters for warring monarchs.

Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

We are entitled to ask: "From where did the financial impetus to even commence the Templar empire come?" The nine knights who attended the Troyes gathering of 1128 were, according to orthodox accounts, "poor."


In fact, this as reflected in the name chosen for the order because they were the "Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon." Nothing could be further from the truth, for even if the founder knights themselves were not of middle-ranking aristocratic stock...they had extremely rich backers, not the least of whom was the fabulously rich Hugh Count of Champagne.


But all the money in Champagne could not have financed the exploits of the Templars on the field of battle alone.


They had entered the scene as "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ," but no description could have been less accurate.


Among their ranks were to be found the wealthiest people of Europe: leading bankers from London and Paris, among whose customers were Blanche of Castile, Alphonso de Poitiers, and Robert of Artois.


The finance ministers of James I of Aragon, and Charles I of Naples and the chief advisor of Louis VII of France were all Templars.

Harun Yahya (The Knights Templar)

...the Templars possessed nine thousand manors or lordships in Christendom, besides a large revenue and immense riches arising from the constant charitable bequests and donations of sums of money from pious persons.


"They were also endowed," says James of Vitry, bishop of Acre, "with farms, towns, and villages, to an immense extent both in the East and in the West, out of the revenues of which they send yearly a certain sum of money for the defense of the Holy Land to their head Master at the chief house of their order in Jerusalem".

Charles G. Addison (History of the Knights Templar, 1842)

We have previously given an account of the royal donations of King Henry the First, of King Stephen and his queen, to the order of the Temple.


These were far surpassed by the pious benefactions of King Henry the Second. That monarch, for the good of his soul and the welfare of his kingdom, granted the Templars a place situate on the river Fleet, near Bainard's Castle, with the whole current of that river at London, for erecting a mill; also a messuage near Fleet-street; the church of St. Clement.


The Templars, in addition to their amazing wealth, enjoyed vast privileges and immunities within this realm. In the reign of King John they were freed from all americiaments in the Exchequer, and obtained the privilege of not being compelled to plead except before the king or his chief justice.


King Henry the Third granted them free warren in all their demesne lands; and by his famous charter, dated the 9th of February, in the eleventh year of his reign, he confirmed to them all the donations of his predecessors and of their other benefactors.


In addition to these particular privileges, the Templars enjoyed, under the authority of the Papal bulls, various immunities and advantages...They were freed...from the obligation of paying tithes, and might, with the consent of the bishop, receive them.


No brother of the Temple could be excommunicated by any bishop or priest, nor could any of the churches of the order be laid under interdict except by virtue of a special mandate from the holy see.


When any brother of the Temple, appointed to make charitable collections for the succor of the Holy Land, should arrive at a city, castle, or village, which had been laid under interdict, the churches, on their welcome coming, were to be thrown open, (once within the year,) and divine service was to be performed in honor of the Temple, and in reverence for the holy soldiers thereof.


The privilege of sanctuary was thrown around their dwellings; and by various papal bulls it is solemnly enjoined that no person shall lay violent hands either upon the persons or the property of those flying for refuge to the Temple houses.


In 1139, a papal bull was issued by Pope Innocent II - a former Cistercian monk at Clairvaux and protégé of Saint Bernard. According to this bull the Templars would owe allegiance to no secular or ecclesiastical power other than the Pope himself.


In other words, they were rendered totally independent of all kings, princes, and prelates, and of all interference from both political and religious authorities. They had become, in effect, a law unto themselves, an autonomous international empire.

Baigent, Lincoln & Leigh (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)

In England, for example, the master of the Temple was regularly called to the king's Parliament and was regarded as head of all religious orders, taking precedence over all priors and abbots in the land.


Maintaining close ties with both Henry II and Thomas à Becket, the Templars were instrumental in trying to reconcile the sovereign and his estranged archbishop.


Successive English kings, including King John, often resided in the Temple's London preceptory, and the master of the order stood by the monarch's side at the signing of the Magna Carta.


...the Templars remained absolutely central to everything that was happening in Europe, and what is more they were partly instrumental in the formation of the Western World as we know it today

Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers)

As we have learned from the previous article, there is no mystery about where the original Templars found their wealth.


It was not from any pit beneath the Dome of the Rock.


It came from the elusive descendants of the even more ancient Atonists, probably via the Gaonim (elite Judites) who required a cover as they relocated their headquarters and theater of operation to Europe, Britain and America.



The symbolism reveals all.


The red lion represents the illustrious and ancient Atonist cabal (the Order of Melchizedek), the descendants of which direct the world's more obvious secret societies, be they Catholic or Protestant in complexion.


The white unicorn represents their loyal, efficient lieutenants, the Judites, Gaonim, Templars, Masons, College of Cardinals, etc. Note the chain around the neck of the unicorn. It's a reminder of the pecking order, the status quo, and the punishment expected for disloyalty and disobedience.


The unicorn represents the passive moon which reflects the light of the sun, or more correctly of the Sun Lords, the Princes of Light. (Here for more...)

According to historians on the Templars, Merovingian King Baldwin IV and his cousin Philip of Flanders were visited by a mysterious band of hermits led by a strange character known as Ursus.


The group were received and protected by Philip and his wife Mathilde of Portugal, Duchess of Lorraine and aunt of head Templar Godfrey de Bouillon. By the year 1108 the elusive group had vanished from the area and scene.


One known member of the company was Peter the Hermit, who along with Philip is believed by some commenters to be the chief architect of the First Crusade which encouraged Western knights to travel East, seize Jerusalem and destroy the Saracens.


Interestingly and suggestively, the term Ursus connotes a bear, a seminal symbol of the goddess from time immemorial.

  • Does this imply that the leader of the mysterious monks was a woman?


  • Or were they all representatives of a female secret society, meeting and plotting with Mathilde and the Merovingian nobility to change the course of Western history?


For the Sicambrian Franks, from whom the Merovingians issued, the bear enjoyed a similar exalted status...they worshiped the bear in the form of Artemis - or... Arduina, patron goddess of the Ardennes...


Given the magical, mythic, and totemic status of the bear in the Merovingian heartland of the Ardennes, it is not surprising that the name "Ursus" - Latin for "bear" - should be associated in the "Prieuré documents" and the Merovingian royal line.

Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)


Mathilde of Portugal (1157-1218)

was the first noblewomen in the West

to lay eyes on the Holy Grail.

Suggestively, it was at the behest of Mathilde that the first "Holy Grail" epic was composed by Chretian de Troyes, who received his commission from the Duchess.


The Grail was brought from Jerusalem to France by Hugh de Payens who, after allegedly finding it beneath Temple Mount, gave it and other treasures into her keeping. Of course the Grail is simply a clever metaphor for the Female Illuminati. The word grail comes from gradus, meaning "by degrees," "stages" or "steps."


This alludes to the grades of a Masonic-type society.


This is the society headed by Mathilde and many others before and after the era of Chretian de Troyes.


A secondary meaning of the word is Sang Rael or "Holy Blood," again a reference to the Sisterhood. The word gradus was later wrongly rendered cratis meaning basket or container, hence the connection with a cup.


Suggestively, on the architecture of the north porch of Chartres Cathedral (dedicated to the female), we see the figure of the Old Testament demigod Melchizedek holding a chalice. Melchizedek is a cryptic reference to Akhenaton and the order descended from his progeny.


We see then that the true significance of the so-called Holy Grail is to be primarily understood in terms of a hierarchical secret society, and secondarily as a container of royal female blood.


We also see the significance of the Templars as supposed keepers of the "Grail."


The keepers of the Grail were female, for good reason.


Although there is little written about the women behind and beside the great thrones of Europe and Britain, and even less said to be believed, it is time to pay greater attention to the role of the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and female patrons who helped shape history as much as the men they bore, nurtured and inspired.


On a symbolic level we've been told loudly enough that Queen Helena was the true founder of Christianity. Her Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem stood on the site of a temple of Venus.


It was Margaret of Scotland who took a shine to William St. Clair and gave his family the land on which Rosslyn Chapel was built. It was Mathilde of Portugal who co-commissioned the Grail Legend.


On and on it goes.


The Templars venerated Mary Magdalene and St. Euphemia. The patron saint of the Knights Hospitaller was the Lady Philermos. Bernard de Clairvaux was devoted to the Virgin Mary and bore the personal title "Knight of the Virgin."


The skull worshiped by the Templars was that of an unknown female not a male. Even the long hair of the Templars connotes the female.


Godfrey de Bouillon was crowned monarch of Jerusalem in the oldest Templar abbey in Jerusalem, known as the Mother of all Churches.


The full name of the Order of Sion was "Order of Our Lady of the Mount of Sion."


What Do the Symbols Tell?


The chicanery concerning the Templars begins with their full name:

The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon.

It would be comical if it were not so despicable.


The only things the knights were poor in was humanity and morality. Their seal depicts two knights riding a single horse. The word "horse" doubles as the pun "Whores," an insider reference to the Sisterhood of Death.


The reason for the two knights on a single steed probably hearkens back to the time when the Knights Templar and Order of Sion (Sisterhood) were united comrades in arms serving the same causes.


Their break in the 12th century, and subsequent alleged rivalry, changed the history of the world. The continued rise of what we know as Protestantism being but one outcome of the rivalry.


The Order of Sion is not, as many allege, a mythical group.


Disinformationalists and the media have gone to great lengths to make it appear that way, although a careful study of the symbolism employed by the order confirms their authenticity, antiquity and true identity. It is crucial when we study secret societies that we distinguish between the way they are presented to us in the media and the way they actually are.


The first way is certainly to be regarded as largely fraudulent.


Some disinformationalists attempted to deny any legitimate historical connection between Freemasonry and Templarism, preferring to have people believe that the connection was made in the eighteenth century by conservative mythmakers (such as Chevalier Ramsay, Charles Radcliffe, Samuel Rosa, Karl von Hund and others) who supposedly wished to attract upper classes to Masonry by creating the impression that the fraternity was historically linked with noble romantic crusading knights.


Some believe Masonry was linked with the Templars in order to attract Catholic members. Others believe Templar imagery was incorporated into the higher "mysterious" degrees of Masonry to lure those of an esoteric bent.


More astute observers and insiders (such as Nicolas de Bonneville, Samuel Pritchard, Augustine de Barruel, Christoph Bode, Marquis de Luchet, Louis de Gassicourt, Joseph Hammer, Eliphas Levi, and others) correctly knew and warned that Masonry had been gradually but systematically infiltrated by Templars whose ancestors had been forced underground during the fourteenth century.


This fact was cleverly obscured by mythmakers whose writings made it possible for later commenters to present the connections between Templars and Masons as falsities espoused by incorrigible romantics or cunning self-serving pranksters and mythomaniacs.

Another clue that the symbol proudly displayed by the Templars did not denote poverty was that the Templars were one of the richest societies that ever existed.


Their wealth and properties extended from the Middle East to Western Europe. Individual knights could not own personal property of any value...


But as members of their Order they had castles, armor, horses and the like in great profusion, and wanted for nothing. Poverty was not what made them special.

Sanford Holst

Godfrey de Bouillon, the Duke of Lorraine

and Monarch of Jerusalem (1060-1100).

The orange colors and orange fruit crown

alludes to Mary Magdalene and the cult in her service.



The actual origins of the Templars is shrouded in mystery.


The order's early biographers were not eye-witnesses and they lived after the order was born. It was probably Godfrey de Bouillon who, after the first crusade, formed them under the title Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. They seemed to have difficulty deciding whether they were a military or monastic society.


Originally there were nine knights:

  1. Hugh de Payens

  2. Geoffrey de Saint-Omer

  3. Rossal

  4. Gondamer

  5. Geoffrey Bisol

  6. Payen de Montdidier

  7. Archambaud de St. Agnat

  8. Andre de Montbard

  9. the Hugh Count de Champagne

Hugh was an incredibly wealthy nobleman.


Hugh de Payens (Pagan) led the order after de Bouillon died. He and Bernard de Clairvaux helped increase the recognition and reputation of the Templars in the early years.


We have romantic ideas about knights and their chivalry and valor. However, Bernard de Clairvaux himself remarked openly on he perfidy of most of the crusading knights setting out for the Holy Land under the flag of Christianity.


He wrote:

It is really rather convenient that you will find very few men in the vast multitude which throngs to the Holy Land who have not been unbelieving scoundrels, sacrilegious plunderers, homicides, perjurers, adulterers, whose departure from Europe is certainly a double benefit, seeing that people in Europe are glad to see the back of them...


It is certainly beneficial to those who live on both sides of the sea, since they protect one side and desist from molesting the other.

So much for the virtue of the Templars.


It is for good reason that both the Church and the people regarded the knights as bloodthirsty opportunistic churls. As far as I am concerned, their character and motives did not become any holier through the years. Clairvaux and de Payens had merely to indulge in sophistry to thereby sugar-coat and sanctify the vile deeds of their troop of knights, making their outrages and crimes appear moral and Godly.


Until their disbanding in the fourteenth century the Templars were known for admitting brigands in flagrant breach of clerical law. The present day royals of the Netherlands and Great Britain are directly related by blood to the French House of Orange and line descended from Godfrey de Bouillon.


These families, even the Protestant branches, are also blood-related to high-ranking Jews of the Middle East. One of their most important ancestors, William de Gellone, was known as "Hook Nose."


This Jewish branch is undoubtedly the Gaonim-Atonist connection I mention.


1. Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

2. Dome of the Rock.


During the First Crusade, Godfrey and his knights lived in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, beside the Dome of the Rock and supposed site of the Temple of Solomon.


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was allegedly the site of the crucifixion of Jesus. The Church was actually constructed by Queen Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, after 325 AD.


Her pilgrimage to the East is most interesting, given that the site for the new Christian Church was actually built over a temple dedicated to Venus.


We can deduce that the Queen met with priestesses of the Cult of Venus, possibly to be initiated by them and made into their agent despite her Christian facade. (Her son Constantine was a member of the Sol Invictus cult.)


Indeed she may already have been one of their number before visiting Jerusalem.


In this case Christianity a la Helena and Constantine was really a blending of the new with the old, with the approval of the Cult of Venus.


It is interesting that according to Christian legend, Helena personally discovered and owned a piece of the original cross upon which Jesus was crucified. As preposterous as the tale is, in symbolic terms it means that Helena, not her son Constantine, was the true founder of the Christian religion.


In any case the Templars who later frequented the "Church of Helen," and named their order after it (her), might have been initiates and agents of the earlier sect. (The name Helen or Helene is akin to Selene meaning "moon," and also connotes a flaming torch, another major goddess symbol.)


A domed temple appears on Templar coins and insignia, along with the orb and cross which make the symbol for the planet Venus.


Their black and white flag and other emblems connote a dual allegiance and tradition.


I strongly believe that women central to Merovingian and Templar history - such as Mary Magdalene and Mathilde of Lorraine, etc - were, like Queen Helena, priestesses of this elusive Luciferian Female Cult of Venus, operating behind the elite Gaonim and under the pseudonym Order of Sion.



The Cistercian Order, formed by Bernard de Clairvaux, was the monastic wing of the Templar Order.


The Cistercians still exist today.


The Templaresque Rite of Strict Observance, formed in Germany by Baron Karl von Hund, after the expulsion of the Stuarts from Britain, takes its name from the earlier Templar-Cistercian Order of Strict Observance.


It is difficult to find a Masonic tradition not permeated with Templar motifs, and even more difficult to find a male symbol employed by Templars and Masons.

The system of Freemasonry to which Hund was introduced - a further extension of the Scottish Rite - was subsequently called Strict Observance. Its name derived from the oath it demanded, an oath of unswerving, unquestioning obedience to the mysterious "unknown superiors."


And the basic tenet of the Strict Observance was that it had descended directly from the Knights Templar, some of whom had purportedly survived the purge of 1307-14 and perpetuated their order in Scotland.

Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)


Allegedly the nine tail feathers on the eagle which emblazons the Great Seal of the United States of America symbolize the nine original Templars.


This is not as far-fetched as it seems, since the number thirteen - a key Templar number - appears numerous times on the one dollar note. The arrows represent the Templars and the olive branch the Cistercians, the two branches of the super-secret order, military and monastic.


The secondary allusion of these symbols is to the dialectic - of war versus peace - as different (but secretly connected) methods by which the overarching sociopolitical agendas of the secret cabal, the Architects of Control, are attained.


The motto around the eagle's head - From the Many One - also iterates this methodology and denouement.



The Templar seal depicted the two knights riding a single horse.


The reverse of the seal depicted the Dome of the Rock, on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a few hundred feet west of where the legendary Temple of Solomon allegedly once stood.


Temple Mount was home to the Templars for approximately seventy years. This is why mountains, mounds, hills and hillocks are used as symbols by Templars and their scions.


Consider places such as Shooter's Hill, Capitol Hill and Camp David, the Grassy Knoll, as well as names such as Stormont, Montagu, Mountbatten, Montrose, Mountjoy, Montgomery, and so on.



The Templar crest shows two fair-haired female angels on either side of the shield.


The shield, helmet, belt (garter) and maidens cryptically refer to the Sisterhood. The supposedly Protestant Order of Mark Masons (headed by Prince Michael of Kent) have a crest with red crosses and twin towers. The tower is another seminal female symbol. Mary Magdalene's name comes form Magdala meaning "tower" in Aramaic.


At the top of the crest we see a crown, and atop the crown we see an orb and cross, the astrological symbol for the planet Venus. This symbol is known as the Sovereign's Orb. It is not a Christian symbol.


The fleur-de-lis on the crown and bottom of the garter represents Mary and the Sisterhood of which she was once the head.


The red cap within the crown is known as the Cap of Maintenance. This alludes to the fact that all monarchs and sovereigns are merely stewards or placeholders. They maintain dominion until the return of the banished heretic king and pope Akhenaton.


 A secondary reading of this symbolism pertains to the gradual establishment of a Masonic global super-state.

Templar membership is by invitation only.


Candidates are required to be Master Masons, Royal Arch Masons, and to believe in the Christian Holy Trinity. Knights Templar meet in Preceptories.


The Order is administrated from Mark Masons' Hall, London; members may also join the Knights of Malta and/or the Knight Templar Priests.

Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (Entry on Masonic Bodies)

Elizabeth I holding the Scepter and Sovereign's Orb.

The latter is the astrological symbol for the planet and Cult of Venus.



Jacques de Molay, the Templar Grand Master burned at the stake on Friday 13, 1314.


Actually, out four thousand knights only about five hundred were caught and tried by the authorities. The majority simply vanished from the scene and went underground.


Some were absorbed by the Knights Hospitaller on the island of Rhodes, others by the Order of Christ in Portugal. Some became pirates while others fought the Moors for the royals of Spain.


Many went to England and Scotland where papal injunctions against them were slow to take effect.


The arrests and confiscation of their properties yielded little for the Pope and King of France. Most of it had been expertly squirreled away. Molay trusted Pope Clement and did not suspect that he and his brethren were to be arrested. He was one of only a few hundred Templars to actually undergo torture and execution.


The notorious revolutionary movement known as the Jacobins was named after him.


This sect of Illuminists was behind the chaos and mass-murder of the French Revolution. This event, like many others in history, was regarded by Templar-Illuminists as an act of revenge for their suppression, torture and ransacking, and for de Molay's sentence and execution.


The De Molay International is also named after him.


This order remains active today.

When the Templars were attacked in the 1300s, only a few hundred of them were arrested, out of the several thousand people in their Order. The rest disappeared behind a veil of complete privacy, becoming fugitives of powerful leaders of church and state.

Sanford Holst

The crest of the De Molay International,

a Templar-Masonic order

named after Jacques de Molay.



The Masonic coffin frequently seen on emblems, friezes and tapestries in Masonic lodges refers to de Molay the Templar martyr. It also doubles as a symbol of Hiram Abiff, the architect of the Temple of Solomon.


Each and every Masonic temple is designed to represent the Temple of Solomon, so there is no substance to Masonic denials that there is no connection between Masonry and Templarism.


This idiotic denial comes about because Masonic traditions and agendas have been competently exposed by numerous non-Masonic mavericks, causing many secrets to come to public attention, thus inciting worry and consternation among both Masons and Templars.


As said in the previous far above article, Masonry has been well and truly infiltrated by the Templars and their agents. Templar traditions entered English Masonry in the form of the York Rite and other avenues.


In America, Masonry is dominated by the Templaresque Scottish Rite, de Molay, Knights of Columbus, and other fraternities.


In Europe the Templars operate behind the Jesuits, Grand Orient Lodges, Strict Observance, Nine Sisters Lodge, Bavarian Illuminati, and other equally important chivalric orders such as the,

  • Order of Christ

  • Order of the Holy Sepulchre

  • Knights of Malta

  • Knight Hospitallers

  • Order of St. Lazarus

  • Order of Montessa

  • Rite of Memphis, etc.

The complete list is much more extensive.


The clandestine infiltration of Masonry was suspected by astute insiders from as early as the eighteenth century, and perhaps earlier. The helmet is actually a female symbol denoting the goddess Minerva, also known as Pallas-Athena. Note how the ring of stars on a blue background is similar to the emblem of the European Union.


The crescent is not Islamic and does not represent the moon. It represents the goddess Venus. The planet Venus has two phases, appearing as the morning star and evening star.


The ministers and acolytes of the Cult of Venus, or Female Illuminati, employ the crescent, horse, owl, helmet, apron, garter, belt, spear, tower, red rose, red cross, letter G, and other symbols to denote their tutelary goddess.


The Masonic apron, like the gloves, come directly from the Templars. Templars were forbidden to remove their aprons, even while bathing.


Allegedly, it symbolized their "celibacy." However I prefer to believe that it represented their ritual (or on occasion physical) castration and obsessive devotion to the secret Sisterhood and tutelary goddess Venus.



The Rose Cross is a female symbol referring to Venus.


Adopted as a symbol by Rosicrucians, it is found on earlier Templar edifices. The red rose (used by Rosicrucians and Templars) is also a Venusian symbol. According to myth the red color of the flower is from the spilled blood of Venus's sacrificed son-lover Adonis.


Again we have the implicit motif of ritual wounding (castration) central to Masonic tradition.


The wounded pelican does not represent Jesus but Lucifer, who was "wounded" by his fall from heaven into the underworld. The ritual phallic wounding of a Mason - disguised as the Templar vow of celibacy - is connoted by his wearing of the apron, also a patently female motif.


The compass appears because it is a symbol employed by Scottish Rite Masonry, itself based on the Templar tradition.


The more familiar Scottish Rite emblem is the double-headed eagle, originally employed by European monarchs, particularly by the largely Catholic Hapsburgian dynasty.


The crown at the top of the jewel represents the chief Atonist - the Pharaoh Akhenaton and his descendants.



Another prominent Scottish-Rite emblem, the Cross and Crown.


Note that the cross is red, revealing it as identical to that employed by the Templars. The higher chivalric or Templaresque degrees of Masonry are known by Masons as the "Red Degrees" to distinguish them from the first three "Blue Degrees."


This means that the terms "red" or "reds" connotes the Templars. The crown represents Akhenaton and his solar cult descendants.


The motto In Hoc Signo Vinces means "In this sign I conquer." This was allegedly the sign seen in the sky by Emperor Constantine, official founder of Roman Christianity.


The double meaning is to Lucifer and his earthly lieutenants.

The Scottish rite of Freemasonry, oldest of the Masonic lodges employed to provide shelter for the Templars, was established in the 14th century by Templars seeking refuge in Scotland.


It became an example for the rest to follow. The titles of the Scottish lodges' highest ranks continue to be identical to those given to the Knights Templar centuries before.

Harun Yahya (The Knights Templar)


The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (or Shriners) is a high-level branch of Scottish-Rite Masonry.


Many prominent politicians, magnates and media personalities are Shriners. Note the face of Pharaoh Akhenaton and five-pointed star. The inverted crescent alludes to the planet and Cult of Venus.


The scimitar alludes to the rite of symbolic (or on occasion physical) castration. The chosen servants of the Great Goddess are invariably castrati and eunuchs. As said in the previous article, there are oriental branches of Atonism as well as western branches.


Many Roman soldiers and even Emperors were members of quasi-Masonic orders from the East, such as the Cult of Mithras (which was really the cult of the goddess Cybele), of Ammon, Dionysus, Priapus, Serapis and Sol Invictus, etc.


The Shriner order probably commemorates the days when the Templars fell away from Christianity to absorb Atonism and other bizarre hybrid Oriental traditions. Within the Shriners are female orders known as The Ladies' Oriental Shrine and the Daughters of the Nile.


The latter name is most suggestive.


A related branch of the Shriners is the bizarre Quetzalcoatl Order.



The flag of the Templars is black and white, as seen on the floors of Masonic halls.


The red cross is the official emblem of England, appearing as "St. George's Cross," and also of Switzerland, the country to which many leading Templars fled in the fourteenth century during their gang-brawl with the papacy.


The red cross also turns up on the regalia of Britain's most prestigious chivalric Order of the Garter, the members (Knights) of which are appointed by Queen Elizabeth II herself.

  • Would a Protestant chivalric order not be averse to employing the symbols of their supposed rivals?


  • Are there not a myriad other symbols to favor?

...the Templars remained absolutely central to everything that was happening in Europe, and what is more they were partly instrumental in the formation of the Western World as we know it today.


The Templar state was, and is, Switzerland.

Butler and Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers)



It was in Geneva that the League of Nations was formed after the First World War, and it was also from Geneva that the International Red Cross sprang up in the 19th century.


Earlier still, Switzerland had fostered the embryonic notion of Protestantism, which without the important bastion it found in Geneva, may never have survived to challenge the retarding and corrupt influences of the all-powerful Catholic Church in the 16th and 17th centuries.



The regalia of the most prestigious Order of the Garter, Britain's highest order of chivalry.


The red cross appears. It will be said that this is simply because it is the emblem of Great Britain. But the truth is that the emblem derives from the Templars. So Catholic or Protestant as the front may be, there's a common esoteric thread running beneath the surface.


The "Garter" referred to is a blue belt that encircles the shield and red cross.


This serpentine garter represents the Sisterhood. Symbolically it represents being "twice born" and bonded or tethered to a new life and mission. Most garter-belts feature a fleur-du-li representing the Order of Sion or Sisterhood.


At the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 1955, Handel's majestic anthem "Zadok the Priest" was sung.


Zadok is none other than Melchizedek, a cryptic reference to Pharaoh Akhenaton.



The crest of the Knights Hospitaller, now identical with the Knights of Rhodes and Knights of Malta.


Still in existence today, and possibly the oldest chivalric order in the world, they were originally brethren of the Templars. They were entrusted with the bulk of the Templar treasure trove when the latter was threatened with extinction by the papacy in the fourteenth century.


Although ostensibly and officially Catholic, this order shares a great deal in common with the Protestant Order of St. John (full name The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem).


Indeed, the previous head of the Knights of Malta, Andrew Bertie, was fourth cousin twice removed to Queen Elizabeth of England who heads the Protestant Order of St. John.


The full name of the Catholic Hospitallers is The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem.


Although this name might sound august and holy, the John referred to is John the Baptist. We see that these two orders (Catholic and Protestant) and their satellite branches are not truly Christian.


In the main hall of the Knights of Malta headquarters in Rome is a painting of Salome holding the severed head of John the Baptist. As I show in the program, this symbolism actually pertains not to the male John, but female Jean or Joan.


To this day the patron saint of the Hospitallers or Knights of Malta is "Our Lady Philermos."


The motif of decapitation is itself a cryptic allusion to castration, performed by true devotees, acolytes and ministers of the Great Goddess.

According to the "Prieuré documents" every grand master, on assuming his position, has adopted the name Jean (John) - or, since there were four women, Jeanne (Joan).


Sion's grand masters are therefore alleged to have comprised a continuous succession of Jeans and Jeannes, from 1188 to the present.

Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)


The memorial statue of founder and head of Scottish-Rite Masonry, the Templar-Luciferian Albert Pike, in Washington DC, near the House of the Temple.


Note the female holding the standard of Scottish-Rite Masonry. Is this mere decoration or a clue in plain sight? After all, one is hard pressed to find a single bone fide masculine symbol anywhere in Masonry.


As I show in the program, the eagle is a female emblem.



The famous image of Baphomet as depicted by French occultist Eliphas Levi, beside a statue of George Washington in Washington DC.


Attempts to play down the significance of this Templar image fail when we think of the statue. Why would it be designed to represent the icon if the icon had no significance or was just the brainchild of a crank? Those who commissioned this prominent statue showed no doubt on the matter.


The statue was designed to replicate the icon because the latter has genuine significance to occultists, and most importantly to Templars.


The zoomorphic figure is clearly female, note the breasts. The flaming torch connotes Helen or Helene, a name which alludes to the Female Illuminati or Luciferian Cult of Venus. Indeed the twin crescents represent the two "phases" of the planet Venus which appears both as the morning and evening "star."


The five-pointed star also represents Venus as well as the Cult of Venus, and the flame between the horns represents the light of Lucifer or Venus. (Lucifer is a word that can be directly linked to the planet Venus.)


A Templar motto mentions Mete or Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of virtue and balance.


The word Baphomet comes from Ptah and Ma'at (connoting the male creator and female creatrix), and also connotes Baph and Metis, meaning "Baptism in Wisdom."


The Templars evidently think they are the wise ones of the world.


Their treasures are not only of jewels, gold and silver, but of books and literature pilfered from the ancient Arya - the Servants of Truth. Significantly, Eliphas Levi was against the Templars. Like other perceptive European sages, he knew of their surreptitious intrigues and activities.


It is therefore more than ironic that his design was parodied by the builders of the George Washington statue.



The Templars have formed numerous satellite orders through which they continue to successfully control world events.


One of the most powerful of these being the Knights of Columbus. Note their use of the skull. This symbol is extremely ancient and ultimately traces back to prehistoric Ireland.


In any case, the symbol was adopted by the Templars because their chief supporters and advocates - men such as Bernard de Clairvaux and King Dagobert II - were tutored in Ireland by Culdean (Atonist) monks. (Dagobert's first wife Mathilde was an Irish princess.)


It was also adopted because it cryptically recalls not only the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay and Hiram Abiff, but more importantly of Pharaoh Akhenaton.


The Templar Order also includes the Cistercian Monastic Order, the religious wing of the order. The Cistercians, created by Bernard de Clairvaux, owned hundreds of priories and abbeys and thousands of acres of land throughout Europe.


Although he was endowed with finances from Hugh de Payens, where Bernard got the enormous funds to build his initial eighty eight priories remains a mystery.


A great many of these structures were deliberately built over earlier pagan sites sacred to the Celts and pre-Celts. Most of the major Templar-owned structures, such as Rosslyn Chapel, stand atop leylines and vortices of the earth-grid, replicating earlier geomantic techniques first devised in the prehistoric West.


In many cases they stand over sites sacred to the Great Goddess.


Officially, we believe this practice indicated suppression, but it also could represent absorption. Is Christianity merely the latest front for the ancient Cult of Venus?


The symbolism leaves us in little doubt on the matter.

…a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting the image of a woman. Inside were two head-bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it…


The bones inside were those of a rather small woman.

(Inquisition Records describing the Templar's chief icon)


The powerful Black Preceptory or Royal Black Institution conceals itself behind the better known Orange Order.


Ostensibly ardently Protestant, we find that their symbolism derives directly from the Templars. The red cross, cross and crown, skull and bones, coffin and triangle are all bone fide Templar symbols.


The very term preceptory denotes a Templar dwelling.


As said above, the Templars infiltrated many societies which did not thereafter become Catholic as one would expect. This anomaly has not been sufficiently addressed or explained by historians and commenters.


To find a fanatically Protestant secret order drenched in Templar symbolism is therefore markedly unusual.


We must not accept official reports and accounts of the origin and nature of such orders and cabals. Although the parades of the Orange Order take place in Northern Ireland on July 12, the Black Preceptory conducts its marches on the following day, July 13.


Both celebration days mark the sun's highest point in the zodiacal arch. This is not a coincidence, given that fraternities of this kind are branches of ancient Atonism. Additionally, the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was executed on Friday 13.


Since then the number has been adopted as a cryptic sigil by the Templar Order.



Charles de Lorraine (1712-1780) and his brother Francis de Lorraine (1708-1765).


Francis was the Holy Roman Emperor and an outspoken Mason. Born Roman Catholic he was initiated into the largely Protestant Grand Lodge of England, founded by Protestant King George I. Charles was the true founder of the Bavarian Illuminati.


Born Roman Catholic, he directed and partly financed Adam Weishaupt and the other Illuminists. He was also the head of the Order of Sion. We see from this that normal religious divisions mean little and that the Illuminati's apparent anti-royalist stance was a complete fraud.


Suggestively, the Grand Lodge of England was founded on June 24, 1717, St. John the Baptist's day.


St. John was patron of the Templars and Hospitallers. Both Charles and Francis wear the pendant of the Order of the Golden Fleece, traditionally an exclusively Catholic chivalric order.


We have had bloody genocidal religious wars in Britain and Europe, some lasting decades and centuries, but behind lodge doors they are all pals.


How are we to explain this?



The oath taken by one Masonic brother to always aid another in times of distress is actually a Templar tradition.


English Masonry took on a Templar complexion as early as the sixteenth century during the reign of James I of England (James VI of Scotland). York Rite as well as Scottish Rite, Grand Orient and Strict Observance Masonry are replete with Templar symbols and traditions.


The Templars infiltrated Masonry after their suppression in the fourteenth century. Although the complexion of Masonry changed because of their surreptitious presence, strangely and suggestively it did not become Catholic.


The majority of commenters are unable to cogently explain why this is, given that the Templars, from the time of their inception, were apparently ardent Catholics and defenders of the Church.


However, the puzzle is explained when we realize that the Templars had ceased being Christian from early on in their career.


Probably from before their suppression by the Church they were sworn converts to Luciferianism. In other words they had long been disciples of the Gaonim and Cult of Venus. (It is officially accepted that the Templars were closely associated with Eastern sects such as the Assassins and Armenian and Lebanese Christians, etc.)


Henceforth Catholicism, Protestantism and Masonry serve as convenient camouflage.


In my opinion, what goes for Masonry also goes for the Jesuits, the College of Cardinals in Rome, and the many other "Catholic" chivalric orders also infiltrated and controlled by descendants of the Templars and their agents. One doubts if there is a true Christian among any of these orgs.


Certain Catholic potentates knew about the problem and fearing the gradual increase of Templar-Masonic power, and subsequent loss of their own tyrannical hegemony, attempted to limit their influence.


Pope Clement's pontifical letter In eminenti was drawn up in an effort to prevent Catholics from joining Masonic groups.


In each century from the fourteenth warnings from the Church went out warning believers to avoid association with Masonic societies.

We have shown that Templarism has been endemic to Freemasonry from its inception, long before the formation of Grand Lodge in London - Butler and Dafoe.

(The Warriors and the Bankers)

Replete as it is with Christian symbolism, York Rite Freemasonry still espouses Templar beliefs - probably to a greater extent than any other branch of Freemasonry.


In September 2001, Barbara Frale discovered a copy of the Chinon Parchment dated 17-20 August 1308 in the Vatican Secret Archives, a document that indicated that Pope Clement V absolved the leaders of the Order in 1308.


Frale published her findings in the Journal of Medieval History in 2004. In 2007, the Vatican published the Chinon Parchment as part of a limited edition of 799 copies of Processus Contra Templarios.


Another Chinon parchment dated 20 August 1308 addressed to Philip IV of France, well-known to historians, stated that absolution had been granted to all those Templars that had confessed to heresy "and restored them to the Sacraments and to the unity of the Church".

Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (Entry on the History of the Knights Templar)


The solar symbol employed by the Jesuits goes back to the Atonists.


Here we see what looks like an angel and a monk either side of the fallen Satan. What are they doing? Are they worshiping the sun or the Fallen One? Does the female angel represent the Sisterhood?


In Masonry we find rituals of the resurrection of a character known as Hiram, but the ritual of his return to life actually pertains to Lucifer.


Of course the story of the fall of Lucifer or Satan is merely a cryptic metaphor for the all too physical fall of Pharaoh Akhenaton, the renegade heretic king who lost his precious throne not in heaven but in Egypt.


Akhenaton's name and saga have been cunningly concealed by Masonic groups, behind appellations such as,

  • Zadok

  • Melchizedek

  • Moses

  • Aaron

  • Solomon

  • Hiram Abiff

  • Lazarus, etc.

Images of expulsions, lost tribes, wastelands, skin-wearing prophets, fallen temples, broken columns, coffins, severed heads and skulls, etc, also pertain to Akhenaton's loss of pharaonic power.





We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are... organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select.


With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must pledge to the strictest secrecy.


Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown

Albert Pike

The split between the Templars and their parent, the Order of Sion, certainly occurred in the twelfth century.


Most experts on the Templars believe the breach was never healed and that world events took shape due to the ongoing conflict between the opposing branches.


As said above, the continued rise of Protestantism is but one consequence of the breach, the result of some Order of Sion elite families moving from France to Holland and converting to Protestantism.


Other astute commenters know that there was nothing authentically Christian (Catholic) about the Templars.


Their allegiance lay elsewhere, and in my opinion the Templars were nothing less than the male front organization for the all-powerful Female Illuminati, operating at the time under the guise of the Order of Sion.

However, we must also consider the possibility that the breach between the Templars and Order of Sion was at some point sufficiently healed. Perhaps the rivalry between the groups has therefore been a faux rivalry, a made-to-order opposition by which the desired ends of both factions are efficiently attained.


Perhaps the two "rivals" have secretly been working in consort for centuries, and the obvious and open polarities - Catholic vs. Protestant or Atheist vs. Religious, etc - have been preserved as convenient and expedient smokescreens.


This is after all what Albert Pike's own writings suggest. It is also what the Templar motto implies - In this sign I conquer.


Two crossed swords are seen near this motto as well as the cross and crown. It is also implied by the famous symbols of the twin horsemen, double-headed eagle, double-barred cross of Lorraine, and divided Masonic compass.


It's clearly a case of "divide and rule," or more appropriately of "faux divide and rule."

In this case the commenters who emphasize the continuing antipathy between the Templars and Sionists are either hoodwinked and ignorant or deliberately duplicitous agents of the Templar cabal - the Architects of Control.




Getting the job done requires not one point but two, divided but working in concert...






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