Biden Dead? The Coffin In The Whitehouse | Blogging/Citizen Journalism | Before It's News

Biden Dead? The Coffin In The Whitehouse 
 This is obviously good news but God's judgments are still upon us and we all need to repent and give our lives to Jesus. Scroll further down for a couple of really good prayers from the Lord that will help you get started if you are sincere. Powerful Prayers of Salvation Prophetically...

Biden Dead? The Coffin In The Whitehouse

The prophecy starts at 3:40

Trump’s return has been shown to several others in the prophetic besides Timothy and Patricia. Keep in mind that God’s judgments are still upon us however and that we all need to repent and give our lives to Jesus. Scroll down past the following prophecies for a couple of really good prayers directly from the Lord that will help you get started…



April 30, 2021 5:45 PM
Handmaid of the Most High

Brothers and Sisters, for a number of days, the Lord has been telling me that we are heading to a much deeper reign of terror for our transgressions. Early today, the Lord took me to the book of Amos as I was praying about the “government error” in giving over $80 million in grant money for loss of business income due to Covid 19 for Planned Parenthood. There was no mention of requiring that the money be returned, the links are below.

As I had been speaking to the Father about Planned Parenthood most recent theft from the American taxpayers and He shared that He is so very angry. No longer is He willing to stay the many and greater judgement that are upon the land. This is the word He gave:



The Great I AM, the Creator, The Almighty One

My precious children, many decades and hours I have wept over the iniquity in this land, you so frequently call the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave but it is neither. It is not a land who is free when many are oppressed because they are poor, under-educated, unable to attain positions of power because beasts rule over you and you have allowed it. In fact, many applaud these deceitful, evil rulers because they encourage the masses to embrace their sins against others and against Me, the Holy God, the One True God, the I AM that I AM and because you have turned away from me, great judgments will follow for what you have witnessed, allowed and participated in this past year, this last year is like pre-school for the demons and entities that desire your complete and utter destruction. Believe me when I say much greater evil is coming. Heed these warnings and truly repent unto me or see your destruction with great suffering!

For those who say oh, this is false, my god is a loving god; I AM a loving God, I am also a righteous God and while you have allowed great pollution and wickedness into your pulpits without accountability, I must judge for you have simply ignored your spiritual responsibility and allowed many others to be tainted by their poisonous lies! Heresy! I will not stand for it any longer.

Your evil men, the ones you call your spiritual leaders, guides are wretched men indeed and they perform wretched acts every sabbath and throughout the week, much to my dismay and it is an abomination unto me, the TRUE and LIVING GOD! How dare you judge me for judging your spiritual decay and inaccuracy! Saying that isn’t the Creator, the Father, when you know so little or even next to nothing about my true character. I love in Spirit and in Truth. When your lying shepherds and false prophets continue to mislead the seekers, how can I not stand in judgment of these frauds? Do I not have a responsibility to expose those who speak lies about my plans and purposes? Do I not love those who are true seekers?

Despite that many of you “grew up in the church”, you know nothing about me but what you hear for 20 or 30 minutes a week in your pew. When was the last time you cracked a Bible? When was the last time you prayed for wisdom, when you never even bothered to seek the answer, which awaited you right in my scriptures? You didn’t even suspect that the answer was there, awaiting your search to give you direction and understanding, because you never spend an intimate moment with me except when you are in trouble or facing a desperate moment. Some even call those prayers, your Hail Mary’s just because they are not seeking wisdom but only protection. They are: “don’t let my boss fire me for being late three times this week” or “let the questions on this test be easy because I instead of studying I snuck out to see my boyfriend/girlfriend”. Do you know how many of these types of selfish prayers I hear a day? Can you imagine what I have to listen to instead of repentant words of sorrow, “Father forgive me for yelling at my daughter when she asked me to spend time with her and I wanted to complain about my husband on the telephone with my sister. I’m sorry I hurt her feelings. I am sorry I gossiped about my husband, Lord cleanse my heart.” I don’t hear many of these types of prayers, when I should be. I AM is not your puppet. I watch over the prayers of the righteous but I must turn from the unchanged hearts.

Your nation is in tatters. You can see this everywhere you go. Yet, despite the opportunities to stand up to the murderous spirit upon your land, you are just happy to take a shot so you can go back to watching concerts and sports in your arenas. You do not realize you are a frog in a pot and the water that has begun to boil!

I AM is separating the wheat from the tares! Those who have eyes to see, know what time it is! I will not have mercy on the stiff-necked people that choose to do life their way and refuse to bow a knee. I spoke years ago to this wanton, Jezebel heart attitude and I saw it even before I sent my son, “In vain they worship me”. It is even more true today. You worship electronics, homes, cars, titles, clubs, convenience, clothes, sports, gardens, movie stars, entertainers of all sorts.

You are so enamored with your stars that you even letting them into your pulpits! There is a time and place for everything, but you have even turned those few moments when you should be seeking my face and submitting yourselves corporately to me and chose instead to have a comedian or sports hero tell you about their version of the “christian life”. It is appalling!

The plagues are coming, and many of you are still watching dog videos on you tube! Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned, and you are watching porn on the dark web. You will suddenly realize you have nothing, and the world has rejoiced at your fall.

The terrors that coming upon your land have been set in place and are about to be activated and so many think they can be protected by a shot and all will be returned to normal. YOU WILL NEVER RETURN TO “NORMAL”.

Be prepared, first and foremost, repent! If you don’t do anything else, I want your soul with me for eternity and until you get your spiritual house in order, Nothing Else Matters!

My kingdom is at hand. I am soon returning to the earth through my son, and He will bring forth the righteous. Those believing that they mysterious disappear before the judgments come are woefully mistaken. It has been a grand deception by the Father of Lies. He wants to defeat those who think they can close their eyes and Jesus will make everything perfect again. This is known in the psychiatry field as magical thinking. I AM didn’t not transport the Israelite to the Promised Land in an instant. They had to follow my steps. They had to choose their attitude and to walk in faith. You can see how often they failed when their eyes returned to worldly things, including worshiping a calf made of gold which they had created with their own hands. They had great impatience in my ways, so they chose instead to be led by the evil one.

Know this my children, you toss me aside at your own demise. You are created in my image. I AM is not created in yours! If you dispense with me, you have dispensed with yourself for you were created to fellowship, worship and follow after me because you are a part of me. I allowed free will because I wanted those with a true desire to connect with me, not puppets.

Satan, the one who has always been jealous that you still get to choose to follow me, will stop at nothing to destroy you. When he convinces you to get a shot so that you will not fall ill, you have traded in your very inheritance for a bowl of porridge. It has been widely stated that one shot will not be adequate, and it will not be, for I offer divine protection and those choosing faith over fear will not need to be shot!

Troubles are quickly coming, famine, pestilence, financial collapse, earthquakes, flooding, drought will continue to escalate and bring great destruction into the lives of many millions throughout the world and here in your homeland. When the day of great poverty seems unending then you will be overtaken by your enemies, the very ones that you trusted to allow you to become fat and lazy on all your toys and possessions. You are literally possessed by your desires. America war is coming to your land!

You have waged many wars that you had no business being involved in, but you decided to preserve your lust for goods so that your interests had overridden any sensibility or consideration for those who were impacted. Now, oh America, you in the United States, the self-declared diplomacy experts, will be dealt a blow so severe, you will never recover.

Your wives will experience the full treachery of war, watching their children whom they nursed being brutally murdered and their own bodies bearing the brunt of treachery. Men will be impotent to stop the stunning morass and flagrant evil that comes upon you. Your entire sense of a life worth living will be challenged in every way.

Do not think this will be avoided because I will magically remove you. No, the protection you will have will be miraculous, but you will surely see the harvest for the evil your nation has sown. I surely promised that there is seed time and harvest. You do reap what you sow. Now, my children, your spiritual harvest will be rotten. There will be little that will be worthy of taking from the ground so it may be eaten. There will be fighting for what is available. Prepare for that day for it is about to come upon you! Do not hesitate for this will be the folly of many. I promise you that you will not want to deal with hungry people that have no sense of morality or regard for their fellow man, there will be fighting, combat and murder for a partial loaf of bread. Imagine the insanity that is to follow when things become even more desperate.

Those who live righteous lives, stay righteous and you will have what you need. Do not be foolish and step out of my will for it will be to your own destruction. Pray with faith, believing that I am the God of impossible. Trust in me and not in the promises of your false prophets. Trust in me and don’t follow your friend’s advice or your doctor’s or your favorite Christian talk show personality unless you are 100% certain that they are indeed interpreting the scripture completely and in totality and are truly led by the Holy Spirit. So many of those I’ve called have fed into very strange and unusual deceptions. Be watchful, pray and seek me!

I love you with an everlasting love, follow me and you will join me at the wedding feast.


Powerful Prayers of Salvation Prophetically Received From Jesus

The following prayers are excerpted from a very lengthy prophecy called the ‘Tools Of Salvation’ which is posted further down the page. These two prayers have been excerpted and posted here for the benefit of those who may not have the patience to read through the entirety of the prophecy. The prayers do not have to be memorized but they do have to be read out loud with with sincerity.

Introduction To The Prayer

My Little One, the following is the third prayer for those, who have been in such deep sin, that if they did have My Spirit, it fled; and if they never had My Spirit, they most certainly need it! Therefore, I give this prayer as a third prayer for all, who so need My Beautiful Spirit of love, grace, mercy, hope, and great and wonderful spiritual gifts and manifestations of Me.

Third Prayer,  The Prayer to Receive the Spirit of God

Jesus, oh Blessed Savior, You know of the great holes in Me, which have been there for a very long time! Father, I do not want any holes in my heart or in My spiritual makeup anymore; for these holes are also places for demons to hide in.  Oh, Blessed Savior, please give me Your Spirit!  Please fill up these great holes with your Wonderful Spirit of Love, Mercy, Grace and supernatural wonders! I am separated from any, who have the Spirit of God, and who would pray for Me, so that I may receive Your Spirit.

Father, I so deeply desire Your Spirit; for I do not wish to be like the heathen, who live in darkness and who are cut off from You!  Father, hear my cries!  I beg you to reach down and to impart Your Spirit to me; for I want to be counted among Your Children!  Hear my cries, Oh Blessed Savior!

Father, I also ask You to send Your great power into me and to drive every demon out of me, for I greatly want to be free!  And, Father, help me to be mindful of wrong behaviors and to be mindful of behaviors, which will insult or drive out Your Spirit!  For, once You give me Your Spirit, I never want to be an empty house again! I never want to be cut off again! I never want to be counted among the heathen again!

I want to know you, Jesus! I want to know You in an even greater way; and if it would be Your will, I would like to serve You one day! I would like to help save souls, who are just like Me, lost and cut off!

Father, I know that without Your Spirit, I am cut off from You and if I do not find you and receive Your Spirit, at the last day, my soul will burn; for I will be counted among the rejects! Father, I do  not want this! Have mercy on Me! Please bless me to have Your Spirit and help me to do what is right; for I so greatly treasure Your Spirit!  Don’t let me perish, Oh Lord!  Give me your Holy Spirit; for I long to be counted among Your children. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Oh Blessed Savior! Amen!

My Little One, for each one, who will pray this prayer, and who will pray it with their whole hearts, know one thing, that I will visit this one, and I will give to this one My Spirit in a supernatural way!  For, I also realize that many will not know where to go to receive the Spirit of God! And, any can receive My Spirit through the laying on of hands, but many in the churches, who would pray for others to receive My Spirit, do not even have My Spirit!

So, in these end-times, I will do some extraordinary things to save souls!  And, this one prayer I will also honor when one so seeks My Spirit with a whole heart. I will even visit this one, just as I have told you, and I will so impart My Spirit!  This prayer will also benefit many in My house, who are called by My Name, for many, who claim to know Me do not know Me, but are as dead wood!  So, this prayer is for many so-called Christians, who have never had My Spirit, or who have driven out My Spirit by doing things, which have offended My Spirit, and have not repented!

By giving this prayer, which I will indeed honor, when one prays it with his or her whole heart, I am indeed giving a very grand gift, and a very great tool for salvation!  For, if one has My Spirit, this one is given special consideration, even if he, or she dies in sin, there is still hope for many!  Hear Me in this!  This is a very important prayer!

So, if you are not sure whether you have the Spirit of God, or not, pray this prayer and do not pray it just once, but day after day, with a whole heart, until you know that you have the love and light of My Spirit within you!  For, if you have had My Spirit and if You have insulted it and have driven it away, you may have to pray with a greater determination and with a greater longing to receive it again; but if you are truly sorry for all of your sins and if you have worked well the previous steps in cleaning up your life diary, praying these three prayers, I will hear your pleas to receive My Spirit.

With these words, I will close this section!  Take these teachings very, very seriously. Do this work and I will not only make you clean, but if you will thereafter walk in love, forgiveness and obedience towards Me, loving Me above all and loving and forgiving others, even your enemies, I will also save your soul and you will thereafter go on high and receive a mighty inheritance in the Kingdom of Light, which is joy and beauty beyond any and all things, which you could or would ever imagine!

Father, in closing, I have a couple of questions.

Say on…

Father, in the beginning of these visions, which relate to the life diary, I saw many sparks when I brought forth this diary. Father, why was that?

My Little One, this part, this work on ones life diary, is anointed with much of My power! These prayers are My prayers.  These words are My words!  This work, I am giving and I am honoring!  Therefore, this work is anointed by Me and these sparks and fire are My sparks and fire! For, if any and all will seize upon this teaching, which I now give, and do as I so direct, I will hear their cries to Me!  For, this work I now ordain! This work I empower through My power! For, through these prayers alone, and through this heartfelt work, I will truly clean up and save many if they will pursue Me with their whole hearts.

Oh, thank You, oh Blessed Savior! How I delight in You! I love you so!!!!

Now, My Little One, you know why I allowed the enemy to attack you and to cause you to fall in the snow and ice, injuring your spine? This is your price for this work towards the salvation of souls, your price to receive this chapter, Sixty-Eight of Book Twelve, a very powerful work indeed!  Many need to copy this chapter and to send it far and wide, to make copies for their families and friends, to make and leave anonymous copies in public places and to give them out in the streets.

Satan and certain of the Elohim are also very angry about My desire to give this chapter and wish to impede My work in the salvation of souls!  The revelations in this chapter, in chapter Sixty-Eight of Book Twelve, are exceedingly important towards the salvation of many, many souls!

The Impartation of the Fire Baptisms!

Father, before you go, I have but one last question; and Father, this is a very important question.  Your word tells that we are to be baptized in water for the remission of sins; but Father, with this baptism, people face the same dilemma. Few know how to find a truly anointed servant of Yours, who is anointed by You, Lord, and empowered by You, so that they can be baptized for the remission of sins and thereafter receive Your Spirit through the laying on of hands!  Therefore, Father, to receive such a baptism, for many, is impossible!  Father, will You now freely impart Your fire baptisms? Father, I know about these fire baptisms!  Will you now freely release such fire baptisms into Your people?

My Little One, I was tugging at your heart stings and I was waiting for you to ask Me if I would release such fire baptisms into the hearts of the true seekers; and My answer to you is “Yes!”  I will now give such a prayer, so that when one seeks Me with his or her whole heart, I will supernaturally impart into him, or her, my fire baptism, according to his, or her readiness, to receive such baptisms and according to his, or her deep and sincere prayers for these fire baptisms!

For, these fire baptisms are, as you know, exceedingly wise fires, who will continually go into the soul and seek out and hunt out sin, which is stamped on the soul and will thusly burn out sin!  These fire baptisms are different than water baptisms, but both are for the remission of sins! However, the fire baptisms, once imparted, will work continually over and over again to seek out and to  burn out sin, even as one so seeks to be forgiven of sin.  This is how the fire baptisms work, yet these fires will also do much more! So, yes! I will now give such a prayer and I will honor this prayer, when one does pray it with a sincere heart and truly does desire, and deeply desires, such fire baptisms.

Fourth Prayer

The Prayer for the Fire Baptisms

Oh, Blessed Savior, Jesus, Our Lord, and Only Savior of Humanity, I know of these fire baptisms; for You now tell of them and I know that these are exceedingly wise fires, which will seek out and burn out every sin, which is stamped on my soul! My Lord, this fire baptism is a most amazing spiritual gift; and Father, with all of My heart, I long for this gift!  Please, Father, hear My cries and impart to me this fire baptism, that I may be clean before You, Oh Lord, and that My soul may be purified and made exceedingly clean through these purifying fire baptisms! Thank You, oh Blessed Savior! Blessed is Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus!  Glory to You forever and ever; for You are mindful of a sinner like Me! Holy is Your Name forever and ever! Amen!

Some, who pray this prayer will receive this fire baptism right away, but some must persevere in faithfulness and determination before receiving this fire baptism. And, yes, the heat of these fire baptisms will be felt in ones body; for these are hot, heavenly fires, which will find sin in ones soul and burn out such sin, but you must also walk as humble, obedient, little children; for if you continue to consciously do things to insult this fire baptism, it will leave you and so much worse will be your plight!

Now, My Little One, do you know why I allowed the enemy to take a whack at you and to cause you to fall on the snow and ice? On your back, I would put you so that I would have your full attention! In this way, you would write this chapter! For, you would pay a price to bring these very important works to My people!  If they will read and if they will take seriously these works, many will be made clean and may will be made whole and many will be saved!

For, I am your Saviour! I am Jesus! I am Yahweh, Most High God, and I am Creator; and besides Me, there is none other; and I give these teachings. I teach these words! Now, go in peace; for I have given all that I intend to give at this time.

The Tools Of Salvation 

The following is excerpted from a lengthy prophecy given to Linda Newkirk over a number of many days. There are four very powerful prayers within this prophecy directly from Jesus that will set people free of bondage they may not even realize are keeping them captive. The prayers do not have to be memorized just read through, out loud, with great sincerity and faith, and the desire to be set free.

(excerpt begins)

Emotional and Mental Scars Are Like Road Maps!

But, as far as these diaries, most will not see that their memories are blank, and their emotions are blank. When they go back to review their diaries, most will remember well their greatest numbers of emotional traumas and mental traumas.  Most will remember well who hurt them and also will remember well how they hurt others.  They will also see well how they hurt others!  They will also see well that they have not dealt with all of the hurt, the pain and suffering, which is associated with such things!

And, these I will readily help if they will honestly and truthfully address these many emotional and mental traumas, which they have buried!  Yes, many ask Me to forgive them and I readily forgive them; but many emotionally and mentally charged situations and occurrences in people’s lives leave deep imprints in their memories, in their hearts and in their souls; and it is these sorts of things, which must be healed before one can be free!

For, these emotional and mental scars are something like road maps and these road maps, once laid, tend to produce the same kinds of behaviors, and to prod one to repeat the same sorts of things over and over again!  If this is not the case, it will nonetheless take a great deal of emotional, mental, and spiritual energy just to keep these traumas and these many unresolved conflicts and un-forgiveness pushed down and kept out of sight and away from one’s awareness!

Many Are Trying to Fill the Vast Holes in their Lives!

For, what is hidden in this way can create a very large hole in one’s life and this hole will wish to be filled with something!  Therefore, many are busy trying to fill the vast holes in their lives with something!  And, some do fill such holes with religion!  You will see them in the churches, busy at one thing, or at another and seeming to do well, and also doing well, but most often fighting the void, which is in their lives!  Others will fill such voids with excessive work, or excessive play, or excessive exercising, or excessive eating, or drinking of alcohol or taking drugs. Others will fill such voids with sexual addictions, sexual perversions, or other kinds of addictions!  For, they feel hollow inside and wish to fill this void with something!  Others will talk, talk, talk, and do little more!  And, so it goes!  For, many will do all sorts of things to fill the voids in their lives!

And, many are afraid to look into these voids, which for many began at an early time in their lives!  Many do not want to look back! Many do not want to see, either what others did to them, or what they did to others!

But, there shall come no healing into them, into their hearts, into their memories, into their bodies, until they look back, examine their own lives in great detail and ask Me to come into all of their broken dreams, into all of their hurtful emotions and memories and ask Me to heal them!

And, if any and all are sincere in their pleas before Me, I will hear them; and I will not only show these all of their past hurts, sorrows and painful memories, I will heal them! I will forgive them! I will set them free; and make them new persons, from the inside out.  This is what I will do for any and all, who so desire it and who seek Me with their whole hearts.

A Plan for You to be Spiritually Clean!

Repent and Turn to God and do Work that is meet for Repentance.”  (Acts 26:20)

Very well, My Blessed Child, we will proceed; for I will now outline a plan, wherein, if those who love Me, wish to be spiritually clean, inside and out, and to be healed of all their brokenness, all of their sorrow, pain, sadness, anger, denial, embarrassment, self-loathing, hate, malice, contempt and other negative emotions, which are associated with traumatic events; and if they will come to Me with a sincere heart, a broken and contrite spirit and seek Me with their whole hearts I will not only heal them, but will also take all of their burdens!  I will not only forgive them, but even as they seek Me to do so, I will forgive those, who hurt them!

Now, this is what I would have all to do, who truly want their spiritual and emotional houses to be cleaned out.

Firstly, My Little One, I would have them to get on bended knees before Me and to pray this prayer from their hearts.  It is well to paraphrase this prayer and to put it into one’s own words, but to pray this prayer to Me with a sincere heart and with a broken and contrite spirit.

(You Do Not Have To Memorize…  Just Read Out Loud With Sincerity And Conviction)

A Prayer To Seek Our Savior's Help

Oh, Father, My Father in Heaven, Creator of both heaven and earth, I come to You as a child, Father; and I seek You as a child, for the brokenness in my heart is great!  Father, You know how I have suffered in my past!  You know all of My trials and You know that at times My pain and heartache has been great! Father, I have stuffed so much hurt away in my heart! I have tried not to think about so many painful things!  I have made some terrible decisions, Father; and I know that I have not only caused great pain to myself by some of my many bad decisions, but I have also caused much pain and much heartache to others.

Father, I have not wanted to think about many of these painful events; for the burden of such things is so great in my heart and in my mind!  But, Father, You know that the memories of these traumatic events is not far below the surface of my mind!  And, even though I wish to forget about so many of these very traumatic events and to go on with my life, I cannot forget them!

Father, I have truly wanted You to hear Me and to forgive Me regarding many of these painful behaviors and painful events, and I know that You forgive!  But, Oh Blessed Saviour, my soul is heavy with so much pain and suffering!  Father, I want to be free!  With all of my heart, I really want to be free!

Father, take my hand and go with me into the diary of my own life!  Give me very clear eyes so that I may recall with great clarity all of these hurtful and unresolved situations, which still exist in my heart, in my emotions, in my memories and in my thoughts.  Father, please take my hand and walk with me into all of these hurtful and painful situations, and let me see and recall each painful situation very clearly.

Father, burn down the walls, which I have built within my own heart and within my own mind!  Father, bind up and cast out all demons of denial and burn up and consume all denial, which is within me!  Father, cause me to look upon my life, upon my own choices and behaviors, and upon the choices and behaviors of others with great clarity and pureness of sight and hearing, to recall in truth all things, which have so troubled me; for, Father, I do not wish to blame others any longer for my own bad choices.  I do not wish to treat others unfairly because I will not forgive them, but hold grudges against them!  I do not wish any longer to be a prisoner of my own past; but to be clean before you, knowing that You have forgiven me, oh Lord, that I have also forgiven myself and that I have also forgiven others!

Oh Blessed Savior, please take my hand and hold tight to my hand and walk with me into the diary of my own life; for I truly wish to be free!  Thank you, Father! Amen

I Will Hear This Prayer!

Now, My Little One, I tell you now that for all, who pray this prayer and who pray it with a deep and sincere longing from their very hearts, even praying it with their  whole hearts, I will hear this prayer!  I will honor this prayer and I will indeed take the hand of such a one, who prays this prayer and I will indeed cause such a one to see with great clarity and with great truth his or her past and to see it is truth and honesty!

Make Three Distinct Lists!

Next, my Little One, after one prays this prayer, indeed, with his or her whole heart, there is much work to be done and this is what I would have each one to do! Make lists! Make three distinct lists and the first list is to be called:  1.   What others have done to me! Then, make a second list and this second list is to be called:   2.   What I have done to others!  Then, make a third list and this third list is to be called:   3.   What I have done to myself!

For, as one spends time with Me in going back into his or her life; and as one sees and reviews the painful and unresolved conflicts, indeed emotionally charged situations, such a one is then to make lists, indeed three lists, and on the three lists, one will list these painful memories and emotionally charged situations, indeed, as I have just told you, in three lists:  1. What others have done to me; 2…What I have done to others;  3…What I have done to myself.

I add also, my Little One, that for one to be the most successful at achieving the deepest and most lasting spiritual healings, one needs to spend some days alone with Me, without any interruptions whatsoever! In deep longing and with a singleness of purpose, one needs to spend this time of deep prayer and longing with Me, seeking Me and only making these lists!  To make such lists, for some, can take days, or even weeks!  For, it will take some time to go back and to remember these things and to make these accurate lists.

But this is what one is to do first of all!  Spend the time to make the lists! Keep adding to these lists until no more painful memories and emotionally charged experiences are remembered!  These lists are between Me and you, the one, who needs healing!  I am not asking you to make a list of your deep personal concerns and to share these with others, unless you really desire to do so!

For, you will come next with the following prayer and with your whole heart, you will ask Me to take your hand again and to go with you into each painful situation, that I may burn out and totally heal your wounded memories and your wounded emotions, that I may also forgive you and others, as you must also forgive yourself.

I Will Heal Those, Who Desire Healing,
With Your Whole Hearts!

When such healing is done, there will come a great freedom in your mind, in your heart, in your soul and spirit!  For, I will heal those of you, who so desire this healing with your whole hearts! And, if you do not at first experience this healing release after praying this second prayer regarding a given situation, come again and again in tears, weeping in your great sorrow also for your sins and hurts, and I will eventually heal you and clean away all of your emotional and mental traumas regarding these situations.

So, here follows the second prayer and you are to pray this prayer regarding each emotionally charged situation, which you have listed on your three lists.  Pray this prayer with your whole heart as regards each “wrong” on your list!  Do not hurry this, but be sincere and I will hear, as well, on your behalf, this second prayer.

Prayer for Healing of painful Emotions and Memories

In Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus, I come to You; and I ask You to help me!  Oh, Blessed Saviour,  I travail over so much sorrow and so much pain in my life!  Lord, You know the emotional trauma that I have suffered over this incident alone; and You know that I do not want to suffer this emotional pain regarding this situation any longer!  Father, I plead with You from the bottom of my heart to take my hand and to come with me into these painful, mental, and emotional wounds and to heal me from the inside out!

Blessed Saviour, please bring Your love and Your light and your healing into this very painful emotional situation and heal me!  Heal my painful memories and painful emotions and heal my body, my Lord; for such pain has surely affected my health!  Purge and purify my painful memories and purge and purify my painful emotions, so that I will no longer suffer the terrible effects of this very experience.

Forgive me, oh Lord, where I bear wrong in this situation; and forgive this person (or persons), even as I so forgive each and every one, who is and has been a part of this very painful situation, including myself.  Lord, do not hold this against me or anyone else any longer!

Lord, I really do want to be forever free of all such painful memories and emotions, which are associated with this traumatic event; and I do not want to remember it anymore in painful ways.

Lord, please heal me in every way regarding this situation and take all of my burdens regarding this painful event.  For, I know that this very painful event has help to mold and shape my behaviors in ways that I may not even recognize. So, Father pluck out any and all roots of dysfunctional behaviors, which have arisen in me, because of this terrible event.

Help me, Oh Lord, to see clearly how I have hurt others because of my painful past, how I have shut out others and how I have made decisions, which were not good for me and for others.

Father, all of these terrible memories have served as my own prison and none could help me to be healed. But, Father, I put my faith and trust in You; for You are Most High! You are Creator! You came down here and took on a body and died for us, so that we might find our way into the Light, for this earth is do dark. You, and You, Alone, are Saviour. There is none other and none can save a soul but you; and Father, none can heal like you!

Lord Jesus, I know that you are extremely compassionate and that you forgive. I truly do want to be forgiven of all of my sins and I beg you to forgive me of all of my sins and to heal me completely of these past errors and very terrible memories! I know that you hear my cries and I know that you are mindful of me. Thank you, oh Blessed Savior!  I love you so! Amen

Our Savior Continues!

Therefore, with these two prayers, and if you do your spiritual work of listing all wrongs, those of yourself and those of others, and if you pray with your whole hearts, and with great determination, I will clean out your painful memories! I will forgive you and heal you at all levels, making you free indeed. These prayers, I give for all, who will receive them and pray them in earnest!  For, I will honor these prayers! I will receive these prayers when you pray them with your whole hearts and I will make you whole and free!

Remember! If you do not feel My healing power and My spiritual release within you at first, keep coming back to Me in prayer and keep praying the same prayer until you feel this spiritual breakthrough!  For, if you are sincere and if you persevere, you will receive a spiritual breakthrough! For, I will heal you; but remember also that things, like doubt and a lackadaisical attitude can interfere in your healing, so beware of these things and keep coming back to me in prayer until you feel a spiritual breakthrough!

Also, remember that the walls, which you have built in your own heart, mind, spirit and soul, may not be broken down all at once, but by degrees!  And, the demons and thoughts of denial may not be cast out and removed all at once, but by degrees!  So, you will need to be determined and to persevere; and if you will be determined and persevere, I will surely heal you and I will surely set you free!

Furthermore, I wish to add that even after you have made such lists, and have spent much time in addressing all issues, which you have listed; other unresolved conflicts, memories and emotionally charged situations may still surface. And, when these surface, be quick to get on your knees and come to Me and pray in your own words again the second prayer!  For, this process of uncovering can go on for years; but My gift to you, the determined, who persevere and pray with your whole hearts, will be realized early on in your determination to be free, if you are sincere and pray these prayers and do this work with your whole hearts.

Know, My Little Ones, that I am with you!  I desire for you to be free!  I also desire to save the greatest numbers of your souls and these prayers are but two tools that will greatly benefit each of you, who so longs to be saved!

Father, there will come those, who will make their lists, and who will pray these prayers, but they do not have Your Spirit. Father, they need Your Spirit, and they also need your baptisms. Father, what will you do for these?

My Little One, the following is the third prayer for those, who have been in such deep sin, that if they did have My Spirit, it fled; and if they never had My Spirit, they most certainly need it! Therefore, I give this prayer as a third prayer for all, who so need My Beautiful Spirit of love, grace, mercy, hope and great and wonderful spiritual gifts and manifestations of Me.

Third Prayer
The Prayer to Receive the Spirit of God

Jesus, oh Blessed Savior, You know of the great holes in Me, which have been there for a very long time! Father, I do not want any holes in my heart or in My spiritual makeup anymore; for these holes are also places for demons to hide in.  Oh, Blessed Savior, please give me Your Spirit!  Please fill up these great holes with your Wonderful Spirit of Love, Mercy, Grace and supernatural wonders! I am separated from any, who have the Spirit of God, and who would pray for Me, so that I may receive Your Spirit.

Father, I so deeply desire Your Spirit; for I do not wish to be like the heathen, who live in darkness and who are cut off from You!  Father, hear my cries!  I beg you to reach down and to impart Your Spirit to me; for I want to be counted among Your Children!  Hear my cries, Oh Blessed Savior!

Father, I also ask You to send Your great power into me and to drive every demon out of me, for I greatly want to be free!  And, Father, help me to be mindful of wrong behaviors and to be mindful of behaviors, which will insult or drive out Your Spirit!  For, once You give me Your Spirit, I never want to be an empty house again! I never want to be cut off again! I never want to be counted among the heathen again!

I want to know you, Jesus! I want to know You in an even greater way; and if it would be Your will, I would like to serve You one day! I would like to help save souls, who are just like Me, lost and cut off!

Father, I know that without Your Spirit, I am cut off from You and if I do not find you and receive Your Spirit, at the last day, my soul will burn; for I will be counted among the rejects! Father, I do  not want this! Have mercy on Me! Please bless me to have Your Spirit and help me to do what is right; for I so greatly treasure Your Spirit!  Don’t let me perish, Oh Lord!  Give me your Holy Spirit; for I long to be counted among Your children. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Oh Blessed Savior! Amen!

My Little One, for each one, who will pray this prayer, and who will pray it with their whole hearts, know one thing, that I will visit this one, and I will give to this one My Spirit in a supernatural way!  For, I also realize that many will not know where to go to receive the Spirit of God! And, any can receive My Spirit through the laying on of hands, but many in the churches, who would pray for others to receive My Spirit, do not even have My Spirit!

So, in these end-times, I will do some extraordinary things to save souls!  And, this one prayer I will also honor when one so seeks My Spirit with a whole heart. I will even visit this one, just as I have told you, and I will so impart My Spirit!  This prayer will also benefit many in My house, who are called by My Name, for many, who claim to know Me do not know Me, but are as dead wood!  So, this prayer is for many so-called Christians, who have never had My Spirit, or who have driven out My Spirit by doing things, which have offended My Spirit, and have not repented!

By giving this prayer, which I will indeed honor, when one prays it with his or her whole heart, I am indeed giving a very grand gift, and a very great tool for salvation!  For, if one has My Spirit, this one is given special consideration, even if he, or she dies in sin, there is still hope for many!  Hear Me in this!  This is a very important prayer!

So, if you are not sure whether you have the Spirit of God, or not, pray this prayer and do not pray it just once, but day after day, with a whole heart, until you know that you have the love and light of My Spirit within you!  For, if you have had My Spirit and if You have insulted it and have driven it away, you may have to pray with a greater determination and with a greater longing to receive it again; but if you are truly sorry for all of your sins and if you have worked well the previous steps in cleaning up your life diary, praying these three prayers, I will hear your pleas to receive My Spirit.

With these words, I will close this section!  Take these teachings very, very seriously. Do this work and I will not only make you clean, but if you will thereafter walk in love, forgiveness and obedience towards Me, loving Me above all and loving and forgiving others, even your enemies, I will also save your soul and you will thereafter go on high and receive a mighty inheritance in the Kingdom of Light, which is joy and beauty beyond any and all things, which you could or would ever imagine!

Father, in closing, I have a couple of questions.

Say on…

Father, in the beginning of these visions, which relate to the life diary, I saw many sparks when I brought forth this diary. Father, why was that?

My Little One, this part, this work on ones life diary, is anointed with much of My power! These prayers are My prayers.  These words are My words!  This work, I am giving and I am honoring!  Therefore, this work is anointed by Me and these sparks and fire are My sparks and fire! For, if any and all will seize upon this teaching, which I now give, and do as I so direct, I will hear their cries to Me!  For, this work I now ordain! This work I empower through My power! For, through these prayers alone, and through this heartfelt work, I will truly clean up and save many if they will pursue Me with their whole hearts.

Oh, thank You, oh Blessed Savior! How I delight in You! I love you so!!!!

Now, My Little One, you know why I allowed the enemy to attack you and to cause you to fall in the snow and ice, injuring your spine? This is your price for this work towards the salvation of souls, your price to receive this chapter, Sixty-Eight of Book Twelve, a very powerful work indeed!  Many need to copy this chapter and to send it far and wide, to make copies for their families and friends, to make and leave anonymous copies in public places and to give them out in the streets.

Satan and certain of the Elohim are also very angry about My desire to give this chapter and wish to impede My work in the salvation of souls!  The revelations in this chapter, in chapter Sixty-Eight of Book Twelve, are exceedingly important towards the salvation of many, many souls!

The Impartation of the Fire Baptisms!

Father, before you go, I have but one last question; and Father, this is a very important question.  Your word tells that we are to be baptized in water for the remission of sins; but Father, with this baptism, people face the same dilemma. Few know how to find a truly anointed servant of Yours, who is anointed by You, Lord, and empowered by You, so that they can be baptized for the remission of sins and thereafter receive Your Spirit through the laying on of hands!  Therefore, Father, to receive such a baptism, for many, is impossible!  Father, will You now freely impart Your fire baptisms? Father, I know about these fire baptisms!  Will you now freely release such fire baptisms into Your people?

My Little One, I was tugging at your heart stings and I was waiting for you to ask Me if I would release such fire baptisms into the hearts of the true seekers; and My answer to you is “Yes!”  I will now give such a prayer, so that when one seeks Me with his or her whole heart, I will supernaturally impart into him, or her, my fire baptism, according to his, or her readiness, to receive such baptisms and according to his, or her deep and sincere prayers for these fire baptisms!

For, these fire baptisms are, as you know, exceedingly wise fires, who will continually go into the soul and seek out and hunt out sin, which is stamped on the soul and will thusly burn out sin!  These fire baptisms are different than water baptisms, but both are for the remission of sins! However, the fire baptisms, once imparted, will work continually over and over again to seek out and to  burn out sin, even as one so seeks to be forgiven of sin.  This is how the fire baptisms work, yet these fires will also do much more! So, yes! I will now give such a prayer and I will honor this prayer, when one does pray it with a sincere heart and truly does desire, and deeply desires, such fire baptisms.

Fourth Prayer

The Prayer for the Fire Baptisms

Oh, Blessed Savior, Jesus, Our Lord, and Only Savior of Humanity, I know of these fire baptisms; for You now tell of them and I know that these are exceedingly wise fires, which will seek out and burn out every sin, which is stamped on my soul! My Lord, this fire baptism is a most amazing spiritual gift; and Father, with all of My heart, I long for this gift!  Please, Father, hear My cries and impart to me this fire baptism, that I may be clean before You, Oh Lord, and that My soul may be purified and made exceedingly clean through these purifying fire baptisms! Thank You, oh Blessed Savior! Blessed is Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus!  Glory to You forever and ever; for You are mindful of a sinner like Me! Holy is Your Name forever and ever! Amen!

Some, who pray this prayer will receive this fire baptism right away, but some must persevere in faithfulness and determination before receiving this fire baptism. And, yes, the heat of these fire baptisms will be felt in ones body; for these are hot, heavenly fires, which will find sin in ones soul and burn out such sin, but you must also walk as humble, obedient, little children; for if you continue to consciously do things to insult this fire baptism, it will leave you and so much worse will be your plight!

Now, My Little One, do you know why I allowed the enemy to take a whack at you and to cause you to fall on the snow and ice? On your back, I would put you so that I would have your full attention! In this way, you would write this chapter! For, you would pay a price to bring these very important works to My people!  If they will read and if they will take seriously these works, many will be made clean and may will be made whole and many will be saved!

For, I am your Savior! I am Jesus! I am Yahweh, Most High God, and I am Creator; and besides Me, there is none other; and I give these teachings. I teach these words! Now, go in peace; for I have given all that I intend to give at this time.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded on this 22nd day of February, 2010,

Linda Newkirk

Blessed is our Mighty King forever and ever!

Holy is His Beautiful Name!


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