No Jab For Me


no jab for me

Statements in this site are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information. Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents.

Anyone trying to take down this site will be named as codefendant in Nuremberg 2.0 for being an accomplice to crimes against humanity. That includes social media. Lawyers are standing by.

Updated May 8 2021 - 9:05 am PDT

Did you know?

  • 1. The FDA did not approve Moderna or Pfizer mRNA gene therapeutics they dubbed "vaccines". It simply authorized them. Fauci confirms. 19 doctors warned the world of the dangers. AstraZeneca is being dropped by 24 countries. Johnson & Johnson, a Viral Vector(1) " injection" that was given Emergency Use Authorization on Feb. 27, 2021, was halted by several states due to the formation of blood clots. The CDC had confirmed. But distribution resumed after a 10 day pause. The CDC also confirms(2) the Pfizer & Moderna jabs are the deadliest of all "vaccines", also shown in a bar chart and a video with step-by-step navigation of the VAERS site.

  • Even the prestigious NIH confirms, unequivocally, that:

  • A. "Patient comprehension is a critical part of meeting medical ethics standards of informed consent in study designs"

  • and

  • B. "COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated."

  • Screenshot

  • ...but orders the media to remain silent.

  • Continuing with the disjointed narrative, the CDC states in one part:

  • "In public spaces, fully vaccinated people should continue to follow guidance to protect themselves and others, including wearing a well-fitted mask, physical distancing (at least 6 feet), avoiding crowds, avoiding poorly ventilated spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often, and following any applicable workplace or school guidance. Fully vaccinated people should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19, especially following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19."

  • And in the same page (no less), adds:

  • "Currently authorized vaccines in the United States are highly effective at protecting vaccinated people against symptomatic and severe COVID-19."

  • 2. The clinical trials will be completed in 2023, there are 12 vaccine companies ramping up their marketing. Critical information for women on post-vaccination reproductive symptoms is emerging

  • For clarification purposes in this article, given that the virus has not been isolated and that the symptoms mimic the flu, Covid19 is considered an influenza variant. And, yes, people can die of influenza or the common cold. In fact, lungs of influenza patients can be more damaged than those of Covid patients. And blood clotting is also common in flu patients

  • Some will argue that SARS-CoV-2 was developed in a Gain-of-Function lab. That is moot. The primary consideration is whether an experimental injection is warranted for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate. I am for tried, true and tested (safe) vaccines. I am NOT for experimental gene therapeutics backed by disastrous animal studies, used on humans for the first time in history. The Israeli People Commitee said of the Pfizer shot: There has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people

  • 3. The FDA & CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including Death, related to Covid19 injections, which were discussed in an October 2020 meeting. 3,544 deaths from Covid19 injections are reported by the National Vaccine Information Center as at 4/23/2021, and one-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours. 5 prominent doctors discuss how the Covid jab is a bioweapon

  • 4. The mRNA jab delivers a synthetic, inorganic molecule (medical device) that programs your cells to synthesize pathogens in the form of the spike protein that your immune system will constantly have to fight off for the rest of your life, according to experts such as Molecular Biologist & Immunologist, Professor Dolores Cahill. She explains. Fauci confirms. Dr. Lee Merritt reconfirms.

  • Others call it Information Therapy that hacks the software of life, according to Moderna's [Mode RNA] chief scientist. You essentially become a GMO. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny mapped eight mechanisms that can result in death by a Covid jab

  • 5. The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaboratesFauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving these injections are ineffective and injection passports are totally useless.

  • In the US, 95 million people have been subjected to injections as at 4/26/21, of which 9,245 have contracted Covid post-vaccination, resulting in 132 deaths. Also, an imperfect "vaccination" can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens, according to this NCGI article. A study on mice concludes that the spike protein from a "vaccination" can cause lung damage

Did you also know?

  • 6. The CDC inflated the death rate for Covid19 - that was not isolated - by instructing medical practitioners in its March 24, 2020 directive to ascribe the cause of death as Covid19 for all deaths, irrespective if patients were tested positive for Covid19 or if they had other comorbidities, so as to ramp up the fear, and doctors have publicly stated they are being pressured to mark Covid19 on death certificates. Here is a list:

  • Dr. Dan Erickson

  • Dr. Scott Jensen

  • Infectious Disease Director Kris Ehresmann

  • This misstep by the CDC contravenes Federal Regulations, according to IPAK. Each Federal agency is required to submit a formal change proposal to the Federal Register followed by a 60-day public comment and peer-review process before the changes can be made.

  • The fact is that 60,000 Americans have been dying weekly, consistently, before and after the covid scare - more data - while deaths by influenza and other diseases have plummeted

  • 7. The CDC later admitted that 94% of deaths had underlying conditions. That means that of the 527,000 deaths attributed to the influenza variant masked as SARS-CoV-2 only 6% were actually caused directly by Covid19, or 31,620. That brings the true case fatality rate to 0.12% out of the 27 million cases

  • 8. The survival rate for Covid19 is, therefore, roughly 99.9%. When using the state population as the denominator, the death rate is even lower, ranging from 36 to 247 deaths per 100,000. As at March 19, 2021, even with the doctored numbers and faulty tests, the CDC arrived at the following survival rates:

  • Ages 0-17 99.998%

  • Ages 18-49 99.95%

  • Ages 50-64 99.4%

  • Ages 65+ 91%

  • 9. The CDC lumped pneumonia, influenza, and Covid19 into a new epidemic it called PIC in order to inflate Covid19 deaths. The CDC stats for week of July 3, 2020 confirm that pneumonia and influenza combine with Covid to inflate the death rate. The Feb. 5, 2021 report does the same. The obfuscation is underscored in the search results page, where only "(P&I)" is mentioned, but PIC graphs appear upon clicking the links. Deaths by influenza have dropped from 61,000 in 2018 to 22,000 in 2020, while medical malpractice is the third leading cause of deaths in the US

  • 10. Hospitals are paid $13,000 for every Covid19 admission, and $39,000 for every patient that is put on a ventilator, on average. More proof doctors and nurses have orders to place on ventilators patients who tested negative, effectively killing them

Are you aware that...

  • 11. The PCR tests do not detect SARS-CoV-2 particles, but particles from any number of viruses you might have contracted in the past, and that a lawsuit for crimes against humanity is being launched by a German attorney for this fraud. Even Fauci admits PCR tests don't work. The WHO backs him up. In this CDC document, testing guidelines state that false negatives and positives are possible - page 39. The PCR test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens - page 40.

  • But most importantly, on page 42, SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated in the first instance: "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA".

  • Neither the CDC can provide samples of SARS-CoV-2, nor can Stanford and Cornell labs, and in a CNN interview Fauci said he was not getting tested and there is no need to test asymptomatic people. He reiterates that asymptomatic people have never been the driving force of a pandemic. Again, the WHO backs him up.

  • The CDC has played dumb about the high 37 to 40 cycle thresholds used for COVID PCR testing yielding 85-90% false positives. But, now, it readily accepts the lower threshold of 28 cycles for post-vaccine testing

  • 12. There are class action lawsuits in the works, naming Anthony Fauci as defendant, amongst others. Here's a partial list :

  • - a lawsuit against the CDC was filed for illegally withholding information under FOIA

  • - the WHO, along with government officials and PCR test manufacturers are being sued by German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Here is an update, and how to participate in this class action suit

  • - nurses are suing a hospital CEO for Fabricated COVID-19 Tests

  • - California teachers are suing for being pressured to get an experimental vaccine, the press release

  • - the Government of Norway is facing a crimes against humanity lawsuit

  • - the UK Government will be facing a lawsuit for crimes against humanity

  • - Israelis are launching a crimes against humanity lawsuit against their own Government

  • - the Government of British Columbia is being sued by the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy

  • - the Canadian Government is facing a legal battle from the best Constitutional attorney, Rocco Galati, who wants to see Bill Gates jailed

  • - Florida is suing the Federal Government and the CDC

  • - doctors plead guilty to biotest fraud

  • - Human Rights attorney, Leigh Dundas, is going after California for trying to vaccinate children without parental consent. And just like that she forced Orange County to back down from vaccine passports

  • - a British law firm is fighting against 'No Jab, No Pay, No Job'

  • - Canadian Police Officers are taking the Ontario Government to Court

  • - New Zealand is facing a legal challenge on the admissibility of injections

  • - All members of the European Parliament have been served with a notice of liability. Part of the notice reads:

  • "Furthermore, you may be held personally responsible for supporting CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy."

  • And we're just getting warmed up. If Israeli citizens have brought their government to the International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity, alleging they are being coerced into taking an inadequately tested, experimental COVID injection by Pfizer, in contravention of the Nuremberg Code, then the citizens of any state (West Virginia comes to mind where young people are bribed with $100 to take the jab) have that same right and obligation

  • 13. Therapeutics and prophylactics for coronaviruses, like Hydroxychloroquine, have been approved in WHOCDC and NIH websites.

  • But, suddenly in 2020 they were banned. Why? Because, according to FDA rules only when there are no alternative therapeutics can untested vaccines be cleared for Emergency Use Authorization. In 2020, the Canadian company, Apotex, was giving HCQ away. Even after the American Journal of Medicine approved the use of HCQ for Outpatients, HCQ is nowhere to be found in the US. Now, doctors are pleading that Ivermectin be used as a safe therapeutic. Here are the graphic results in India

  • Doctors in India and the UK speak out. Costa Rica uses HCQ extensively, while Novartis donates it to Mexico. In India doctors are prescribing Ziverdo kits

  • 14. Front Line Doctors who try to explain the benefits of proven therapeutics are being silenced, and some have had their license suspended. A concise summary by Dr. Simone Gold, who is also an attorney and founder of America's Front Line Doctors, is a must watch.

  • As well, the British Medical Journal has broken rank and is citing corruption and suppression of science. The World Doctors Alliance joins the resistance. In Australia, the Covid Medical Network represents senior medical professionals going up against the establishment

  • 15. Fauci and the CDC have flip-flopped on maskscontaminated surfacesasymptomatic spreadtesting, and have only recently acknowledged that herd immunity is achieved when antibodies are spread by those who beat the disease (the 99.9%), but still recommend social distancing, only now from 6 feet to 3 feet, resulting in this lockdown map; while the UK is now promoting a 3rd jab and annual booster shots for those over 50.

  • Yet again, in a furtive attempt to induce fear, on May 7/21, the CDC revised its criteria of how this airborne virus is transmitted

  • Speaking of herd immunity, the WHO changed its June 7, 2020 definition from:

  • "Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection"

  • to:

  • "Herd immunity, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it" in Nov. 13, 2020.

  • But, it again reversed its position in Dec. 2020, with this inane statement:

  • "Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease, but – crucially – vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing on the pathogen, breaking any chains of transmission"(4).

  • And they keep moving the goal posts. Pfizer trials warned men to stay away from pregnant women... but now the CDC is pushing pregnant women to take an experimental biological agent without a second thought. Conscientious doctors do not allow vaccinated people in their offices in order to protect their female staff members

... and that

  • 16. Injuries and deaths by mRNA jabs keep rising. VAERS reports 12,619 serious injuries as at 4/23/21. In the first quarter of 2021 there has been a 6000% increase in deaths by injections from the same period a year ago. Graphically, the jab looks more like a stiff upper cut, to quote attorney Rocco Galati. And that's if, according to a Harvard Study, only 1% of vaccine related deaths are being reported

  • 17. The CDC at one time recommended DDT for in home use, and used the same fear tactics to sell vaccines for H1N1 in 2009, and for the Swine Flu in 1976

  • 18. Documents prove that the media was to be the key player in creating the hype leading up to the promotion of vaccines, that a VACCINATE WITH CONFIDENCE paper by the CDC exists, along with its British equivalent, and that lifting lockdowns - on condition of vaccination - is used as a carrot to get people to accept the jab

  • 19. Politicians are caught on camera talking about the theater of wearing masks, and the NCBI, a division of the NIH, published a paper on the dangers of masks while exercising. Even the CDC warns of the dangers of masks, as do these studies on Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome MIES

  • 20. The CDC owns the patent for the coronavirus that is transmitted to humans; also, a patent for a System & Method to test for Covid19 filed in 2015, corroborated here, and Covid19 test kits were being shipped around the world in 2018

... or that

Finally, did you know?

  • 26. Covid variant injections are to be marketed without safety trials, Fauci confirmed it, and that antibodies/antigens to SARS-CoV-2 are found in saliva, making the use of masks counterproductive in achieving herd immunity

  • 27. The CDC, that props itself up with statements like:

  • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the agency Americans trust with their lives. As a global leader in public health, CDC is the nation’s premier health promotion, prevention, and preparedness agency. Whether we are protecting the American people from public health threats, researching emerging diseases, or mobilizing public health programs with our domestic and international partners, we rely on our employees to make a real difference in the health and well-being of people here and around the world.”

  • buys and resells injections at a markup, about $4.6 Billion worth every year, and owns over 20 vaccine patents - according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and is listed on Dun & Bradstreet. Fauci personally owns 1000 patents

  • 28. The consent forms in hospitals disguise vaccines as "biogenics", and blood brokers have paid up to $1,000 for blood samples of recovered Covid19 people

  • 29. It's against the Nuremberg code to force vaccinations on a person, and informed consent overrides public policy. Federal law prohibits employers and others from using vaccines under EUA as a condition of employment. A Nevada attorney is ready to do battle. Each state has its own unique provisions for refusing a vaccine on medical, religious or philosophical grounds

  • 30. Donald Trump glories in the fact that he pushed Warp Speed and urges his supporters to take the jab, while Biden gloats that he ordered 100 million doses. Same dung different odor

... or that

  • 31. Timeagain and again the WHO has discouraged the wearing of masks by healthy individuals, let alone children

  • 32. Several "simulations" of a pandemic were held in:

  • - May 2018 Clade X by Johns Hopkins University

  • - September 2019. The WHO's Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (in another supposed simulation) included as one of its progress indicators the release of two lethal pathogens by September 2020. See pg 39

  • - 2018. Bill Gates' INSTITUTE FOR DISEASE MODELING released a video modeling a pandemic starting at Wuhan, China

  • - October 2019. The Liar, Bill Gates, sponsored a Global Pandemic Exercise Event 201video. Fauci, of course, sits in the Leadership Council of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has contributed over $3.5 million to Fauci's NIH

  • 33. The Pfizer, Moderna and J&J jabs were developed using fetal cell lines, that is, cells grown in labs originally obtained from aborted fetuses decades ago. The argument used by pro-vaxxers is that these are not the original cells, but descendants or duplicates of the originals. The medical term varies depending on the aborted fetus' number and organ . You have a right to decline any vaccine that was developed with or contains fetal cell lines, based on your religious or philosophical beliefs.

  • 34. Lockdowns have had no effect on the death rate. Here's another report. And here we can see how Covid won't breach Michigan's southern border

  • 35. On March 2020, the British Government discussed tactics it would use to ensure citizens complied with the loss of their rights and freedoms and these have included –

  • Using media to increase the sense of personal threat

  • Using media to increase the sense of responsibility to others

  • Using and promoting social approval for desired behaviors

  • Using social disapproval for those who do not comply

  • Here is the document, and the woman the NHS once hired to fiddle with the death numbers. Not to be outdone, Trudeau boasts how much he pays the media to sell his propaganda that presciently reported in April, 2021 a 4th wave, while the German Minister of Interior pressured epidemologists to create the fear that would necessitate lockdowns

Legal implications

So your employer backs you into a corner. "Get the jab or quit". What do you do?

Here's what I would do:

1. Demand that the 'jab or quit' proposition be put in writing

2. Explain that irrespective of whether it's a government or a corporation, any entity that makes experimental vaccinations a condition of employment - or of doing business - engages in the practice of forced vaccinations, which is in violation of the Nuremberg code, especially, if they are experimental and are undergoing clinical trials

3. I would pull out my card, ask the questions in it, and leave the card with instructions to relay answers to me in writing

4. I would inform the employer that lawyers are filing crimes against humanity lawsuits, and that I would be consulting an attorney

This is just what I would do. I'm not giving anyone legal advice.

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