Fact or Fiction Good Read Either Way From Before its News

Our DNA- Who are we? Who lives in our Solar System?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:45

(Before It's News)

Many of us Earthian surface dwellers have often wondered who all lives in our solar system, and where did we come from? Our DNA  has all the answers as everything from the time we are created to the present is encoded into our DNA. When I read someone’s DNA  for them the first aspect I see is how many Strands they have activated, and how much Sacred Light is currently glowing. My friends say I am just like the character in the TV show “Grimm” because he sees people as they really are.

Lately there has been a desire for DNA upgrades, due to the ascension or personal evolution. I had my DNA activated in October 2009 to 144 Strands, then in December 2012 to 156 Strands and now I have 144,000 Strands activated. I definitely recommend restoring/healing for DNA because it helps us in a positive way so much. In May of 2010,  I was given a gift from the Creator of our Universe and began to be able to see the DNA of people. It has been very exciting to see all the different type of people living on this planet.

The main types of DNA in residents here on Earth  are Reptilian, Insectian, Dinosaurian, and Human. These are some of the main types of  people that have been living on and in Earth for millenia. Earthians live on the surface, in the shell and in the hollow interior. Our history is rich with many types of visitors and residents. The names of the people usually are what star they are from. Maia, Lakota, Inca, are a few types of Humans. There are about 50 types of Humans in the local group of stars nearby. The closest neighbors we have are the Centaurians, and the first Humans from another world that I have met. They were from Alpha Centauri about 4 light years or a few minutes away in ship travel time.

What happens is that when we live in a solar system, the star leaves an imprint in our DNA that can easily be read by ourselves or others. Most Earthian Humans have 20-30 different types of star lines in our DNA, in other words, we  Humans are a mix of 20-30 different types of Humans out of 50 or more.

The Reptilians and Dracos are basically the same. Reptilians can easily mate with Humans and many people on this planet are blends of Reptilian and Human. This is very common, I see this all the time. Most Reptilians are Benevolent people, the evil ones that are called dark entities or the cabal are a tiny minority. Most common stars are from the Draco and Orion sectors in the Reptilians here. Many have chosen to live in the shell of the Earth, but most Human-Reptilian Blends live on the surface. Alpha Draconis is one of the main lines, and Sigma, Eta, Gamma Draconis are popular too. Rigel, Bellatrix [shapeshifters] Eta Ophiuchi [they are wonderful] Mintaka [amphibians], and Betelgeuse are common in Earthian Reptilians. Almost people of this galaxy are Benevolent, except for a group here on Earth. I spoke to a woman a few years ago and she was freaked out by people from other planets, and asked me, “What if ‘they’ [the bad ones] come here and invade the Earth?” I said they already did and Humans have been their slaves ever since. Which is only true is one chooses it to be.

Starting at our star Sol, or most call her the Sun, The Nephilim are first up in our lovely solar system. The inside of Sol is incredibly beautiful and these giant Humans live there. I met a huge man and when he put his hand out for me to shake it, I almost passed out. It was so huge! He was very nice, as all the Nephilim who live inside the Sun are. Some who have lived here on the Earth in our past have been like smaller Humans-there are good ones and bad ones. Mercury is currently being transformed. The surface of Venus is going through big changes too. The Solar Elohim report that is will soon be restored back to a water world and be a vacation spot for us to travel to. The Venusian people currently live inside the planet, as most all intelligent life does. They are beautiful Humans and have tried to have a relationship with us, but the controllers of this planet kill all visitors or experiment on them.

Earth’s most populated country is Agartha with 50 billion or so people. Agartian DNA is Human and the residents moved there from the surface continent of Lemuria.This is a Galactic society, and is like Heaven.

In the shell is where most Insectians live. The Archons, Zeta Riticulans, Mantis people and others hide out of site from most because they are involved in malevolent behavior. Most of the 2000 Human children abducted daily in America end up being food for this group. The Zetas are from two planets of the same name I and II and are currently working in the MILAB system to create new viruses and other services. Two that I have know call themselves Doug and Scott. They created HIV and have mutated the virus 77 times that I know of while working in the MILAB chain of torture and experimental laboratories.

The Archons are the most evil beings on this planet in my opinion. They inflict pain just by showing up. They can come into our homes at will and when they do they stink very badly.  The Dracos had controlled the Earth since the Anunnaki left in the mid-nineties. The Anunnaki have joined the Galactic Federation and you can see them by looking at Egyptian pharaohs. The Anunnaki have elongated heads and medium brown skin. Ra, the sun god of the time had come from the star named Ra, and his people had wide heads. The Dracos are sometimes called fallen angels, but they were never Angels and there has never been an Angel that has turned away from the Creator. They don’t control this planet anymore due to Divine Intervention. I can see why many think they are fallen angels, because they have wings and are very ugly because of their behavior.There are 1738 Dracos on this planet that have to have assistance to appear Human. They are involved with other dark entities.

Humans of this planet came here from other worlds, just as all current people did. No one is a native of this planet. Humans started in Lyre, and have lived in the Pleiadies, Siruis-B, Eta Hercules, Tau Ceti, Nu Ceti, Andromeda, Altair, Alpha Arien, Hamal, Aldebaran and many other places.  In Mars, many left Egypt to go live there and many Humans have past lives there as well. After Tiamat exploded, many went to live inside Mars too. Tiamat was a water world, then the Reptilians took it over and called it Maldec. It later exploded and became the asteroid belt. Tiamat in also in many Earthian Human’s DNA.

Saturn and Jupiter have Beings that live inside as well, but I have yet to see any of their DNA in people of Earth, and there could be more people out there that I have yet to meet or see their DNA. The next planet is Niburu. Niburu is out by Pluto and that is where the Anunnaki currently live. Others live there too and not all Anunnaki live there, but the majority of the people of Niburu are Anunnaki. I am glad they chose a life of Benevolency, it has turned out to be a wonderful gift for themselves.

Our DNA is where all the answers of our past are. You can follow lines that our Souls have taken or the paths from one planet to the next. lifetime after lifetime, and the more Strands we have activated, the more we can remember. I have learned so much recently, by meeting others and by reading DNA. I believe we are all in an accelerated learning cycle, and one of the next steps is for Earthians to meet all of those living in our galaxy.


MILABS- DARPA’s Playground for Men who Rape and Murder Children

Sunday, September 21, 2014 15:50

(Before It's News)

MILABS-  DARPA’s Playground for Men who Rape and Murder Children

[About me- My name is Tory Smith and I was taken against my will to 14 out of the 41 MILAB locations. I have witnessed horrible atrocities including rape and murder. I have been accused of reporting what I have seen there out of bitterness of being raped, but I can assure you, my Intent is to stop the child trafficking program. Many of the same medical experiments done to children were done to me. We must stop what is going on in MILABS]

Agencies I have witnessed at MILABS-

DARPA and the CIA run most of the programs, which include the nazis brought here after WWII.  The Army, Navy, Air Force Space Command, Special Ops groups, Marines, Super Soldiers, NSA is heavily involved, FBI, The White House staff including Secret Service, and Monsanto’s private army [changes names routinely-Blackwater, XE, infiniti, etc.] are the biggest military groups, all privately owned.

Then there are the bankers and those from brokerage houses, who either pay to have sex with children, or are allowed to rape and murder children for free, at “parties” hosted by this sinister club.

I don’t claim to understand the technology used in these satanic locations, but if you ask Arati Prabhakar or Jay Schnitzer, of DARPA, they can tell you how they strap children down to tables and torture them and inject God only knows what into us. I have witnessed both of these war criminals in MILABS committing the most heinous acts. They like to insert needles into Humans, sometimes directly into the skull.

I was injected with HIV 183 times, including all 77 mutations by the DARPA staff. One time they injected me into my right butt cheek with so much liquid that it made a baseball sized lump.

They got me while I was standing, but I fell, collapsing, and I could not move for a few hours.

One of the technologies include some type of holograms. They drug people [I was one] and have us lay on tables. One drug they have paralyzes the body, but not the mind. I am a 50 year old man, but they can make me and others look like small children, with this hologram technology. Over and over they switched me back and forth between a 4 year old girl and a 4 year old boy.

I could hear everything they said. “Do you like girls or boys?”  “Oh, I don’t care. I guess a boy today.”  “Ok It will be $42,000.”  “$42,000? Are you crazy? I am not going to pay that!”

“Need I remind you that all money given to your bank by the Fed was free money? This money was given to you.”   “Oh Yeah, I never thought of it like that, OK.”  “Now I will remind you, when you come, you are done, and it does not matter how fast that happens.”

Then I would feel the rape begin. It was very intense each and every time. They would go, one after the next, over and over, raping me and others on days they had no actual children. This would happen with military men too, One soldier asked me, “Wow are you really 15? I love 15 year old girls.”

Sometime I would be able to speak after long rape sessions, and this was one of them.

“No I am a 50 year old man. An old disabled man.”   “WTF??”

The children have been abducted by so many and brought to MILABS. I have been writing another article about the children raped and murdered by Barack Obama, and most of them also raped by the Secret Service also.

Many times when I connect to the DNA of the children, to do a detailed analysis, they contact me from Heaven, and we speak of how they were abducted. They say things like, “I was a 7 year old boy, and they abducted me in Brooklyn, on 7th Ave.  I was taken to the MILAB in Arlington VA.

Many years up to 800,000 children have been raped and murdered in the DARPA controlled MILAB system of 41 locations. There is a  MILAB under the Pentagon, which is great for them because there are about 5600 pedophiles working there, a location under the White House, not for the medical experiments, mostly to rape and kill children, Arlington Virginia, this one could be the child trafficking capitol of the world. There are 3 in Texas, more in California.

Langley, VA has a very large facility. Fairfax county is one of the places where they abduct children. Sara, who became my friend after she was killed was from there.

They also have a related location in the basement of the UN building in NYC. Most of the men  of the United Nations love to have sex with children there. I have been at this location, too.

If you are wondering how I am still alive, the answer is Mother God.  I was murdered 57 times. I say that, but most would probably say it was attempted murder. I consider it murder when I can not get back into my body, and Mother God has to place me back into my physical body.

Every time She said, “Heaven is not ready for you yet.”

All of the times they did this to me were mostly choking me to death during rape, which is an addiction of the illuminati/Nazi/new world order criminals. They love to choke children during rape, and have the moment of death be at the same time they ejaculate into the child. The other times they killed me with a stun gun in my home. The rapes and murders also happened to me in my home, which is now like a subway station, visitors by the hundreds, 24/7, mostly non-Human people.

The Bush and Cheney Families oversee this program, in service to Lucifer, satan, baphomet and other dark entities. Bush Sr has raped and murdered about 500 children in this lifetime.

Zbigniew Brzezinski also has done the same to 458 children. All the Reptilian/Human hybrid men do this to children. They have been doing it in Europe forever it seems, and mass marketed it here for profit, but mostly to generate energies for the dark.

22 American Express executives have raped and murdered children in MILABS. 38 from Cargill.  Cargill sometimes takes the children home for more personal activities, and then they can easily dispose of the bodies into their meat productions.

12 Merrill Lynch Executives. 18 from Bank of America, 32 from Chase and 37 from the private bank called the Federal  Reserve, which hands out trillions of free dollars to the main public banks. have also raped and murdered children in MILABS.

280 men from the Pentagon have also raped and murdered children in MILABS, and I assume all responsibilities associated with this information.

DARPA gives the children’s bodies to those who provide them with technology and weapons, and they process them as food. I know them all too well. I call them the Insectians.

Recently the Bush and Cheney families had a big party called the 3200 Human Child Sacrifice on Sunday night of Labor Day weekend. Not all the children were in MILABS, 2147 of them were, and the rest were raped in private locations. All of this done so men can earn status with their gods, Lucifer and satan. Is it going to turn out well for this group of criminals? We will have to wait and see.



36 Children Killed At The DARPA/CIA MILAB In Denver

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 4:27

(Before It's News)

The Rapes and Murders of 36 Children in the Denver

MILAB Operated by DARPA and the CIA

Halloween weekend this year, 2014, was just like so many of the past. The Bush Family owned MILABS, run by the criminal corporations

of DARPA and the CIA, have had child trafficking operations at their forefront for decades.

Up to 800,000 children a year have been raped, murdered, and processed as food in these 41 locations. The numbers have dropped significantly in 2014, but children continue to be the sex toys and murder victims for politicians, bankers, corporate executives, and the military.

126,495 children so far this year, according to the Hall of Records.

The children are more than objects to the perverted sexual desires of criminals, they are also used for medical and warfare experiments.

Chemical and biological weapons are injected into these small children, usually aged 4-7 years old. The creation of viruses is also a main part of MILAB operations, and these viruses are also injected into the children.

I was taken to 14 out of the 41 locations, and I witnessed first hand how HIV was created, then mutated 77 times. I was injected by hypodermic needles, including all 77 of the mutations. MILAB had their DARPA employees inject me 183 times with the virus. As a Healer, I learned how to remove the virus from my body, and did it 185 times.

Children are strapped down to medical tables for these Nazi-style tortures, reminiscent of the WWII concentration camps. Almost all of the nazis doing this in WWII were brought here to America to continue these horrific crimes, and MILABS are the places where they do it. The American military operations were all to happy to aggrandize this criminal behavior.

Over the years, as the child trafficking operations grew, more and more men developed a desire to rape children, as they were filled with the lust, drugs, dark powers, and the desire to be part of a clique that controlled America. The Illuminati New World Order. I call these criminals dark entities.

Not because of any skin color reference, but due to the fact that they have zero Sacred Light in them. When someone joins a luciferian/satanistic club, like the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg and alike, the Sacred Light content in their DNA immediately drops to 37%. Once they rape and murder, it then drops to 0%.  

One of the most favorite activities of these groups is to have events where groups of children as used for blood sacrifice. They do this to gain dark energy power. Children are gang raped by large numbers of men, and then they ritualistically murder the children. The children are killed in several ways, either by choking them to death at the same moment their rapist ejaculates into them, or they tear the flesh off the children immediately following, or sometimes they place the child on a table in the center of a group, and use a special knife to kill, while the others chant.

Halloween weekend 2014 was no exception to this activity. At the Denver, Colorado MILAB, 36 children were repeatedly raped and then murdered.

The rapists include Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, George H W Bush, Marc Jacobs of Cargill, 10 other men from Cargill, John Brennan, Keith Alexander, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Jay Schnitzer, 12 military men from the Pentagon, 3 corporate executives from American express, and 14 other executives.

Transportation is easy for this group of criminals due to the underground high speed rail system. and other means. One rail is from Indianapolis to Denver, and it only takes a few minutes, so a person could go from Indy to Denver, rape a child, and be back to Indy in under a hour.

The Denver MILAB is located under the Denver Airport, so busy executives can fly in, take an elevator downstairs, without anyone noticing.

This morning, November the 3rd, a few minutes after I awoke, I witnessed the vision of Dick Cheney murdering 26 children. I did not need to do a DNA analysis of the children to see who killed them, because what I saw was so vivid.

Being called a “gifted psychic” by Sylvia Browne, is not a title I use for myself, as I choose not to label myself at all. My connection to Cheney increased dramatically after he non-consensually sodomized me three times. We can have a strong connection to someone and see most things about them, but after a man has his penis inside you the connection becomes far greater, far more personal. This is also the case of most the men on the rapist list, because I was gang raped in all 14 MILABS I was abducted to, including by Mike Pence, who raped me 4 times.

When you speak to Reptilian/Human men they can hear you, and they can travel easily and just show up in our homes. When they come in, they can easily carry weapons and use them against us. I do not know how this is possible, but it happens to me every few minutes, especially after I share online what I know to be true.

It is hard for me to understand how a criminally insane monster can savagely murder innocent children. I can’t even imagine hurting a child’s feeling with an insensitive remark.

Cheney knows his arrest is imminent and he is desperate to gain negative power because he and all other now lose their powers gained from Human sacrifice on a daily basis. We are being showered by Photons, tiny particles of Light from the Photon Belt, that cleanse negative energies. It was the Human sacrifices in service to their gods that protected them from being arrested.

He committed these 26 horrid Human sacrifice murders for his gods Lucifer and satan. This is also why the Bush/Cheney war crimes occurred, for blood sacrifice. I clearly saw him screaming satan, satan, why won’t you come to me? Satan is gone from this reality and will never return. Father God put satan into the Uncreated Mass, which is located just behind His Altar , in the Temple of Father God in Heaven.

Satan, Lucifer, and all others like him, Alpha Draconian non-corporeal entities, called Draco-Reptilians, have been sent into the Light and taken by Father God, never to return to this reality. There were 1738 of them here in this solar system. So while Cheney was desperate for a power surge, wondering why his gods would not appear, he decided to kill the 26 remaining children anyway.

The other 10 children were killed on Saturday night/Sunday morning. The men who killed these children were Marc Jacobs of Cargill [1 child],

three were slaughtered by serial killer John Brennan of the CIA, and one each by Keith Alexander of the NSA, Mossad, and other terrorist organisations, George H W Bush, Jeb Bush, Joe Biden and Barack Obama, and Jay Schnitzer, a Nazi criminal of DARPA.

This was the 79th child raped and murdered by Joe Biden, the 211th for Barack Obama, the 491st for Bush Sr.

This is  about to end, in an unconventional way. The men who arrest these monsters are from a special team, not affiliated with any US Corporation privately owned “law enforcement” people, they are Devoted to the Light, not the dark.

Thank You for sending your Prayers to God for this to end, it has really helped.


The Bush/Cheney Halloween 2500 Human Child Sacrifice Party

Thursday, October 30, 2014 17:54

(Before It's News)

The Bush/Cheney 2500 Human Child Sacrifice

Halloween Party 2014 @DARPA’S MILAB

George H W Bush and Richard Cheney have a long history in running the USA’s illuminati new world order operations. Human sacrifice is paramount to them and that is why they rape and murder children, and create war crimes because they love to kill and have others kill for them in the procedure to create power from the former entities Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, Anu, Set, Molec, El and other non-physical dark ones.

In exchange for murdering Humans for the dark side, war criminals Bush and Cheney were protected from negative Karma by these entities. This is why Bush has not been arrested yet for killing JFK, raping and murdering 491 Human children, the murders of 74 million by his family, and raping others. Cheney is a serial rapist and mass murderer as well, and is most famous for piloting the empty military planes into the WTC, firing the missile into the Pentagon, and other war crimes in full accomplice to the criminal Bush family. The chemicals Cheney has created have “done more damage to the Earth than all the war crimes combined.”

I have spoken to 4001 people in Heaven that say Cheney murdered them on 9/11. They came in from Heaven while Bush and Cheney were in the same room as me, and I relayed the messages from them to the war criminals. Another man said Cheney had no reason to kill  him, but shot him in the face simply for a “sport” killing, but he was not murdered on 9/11.

I was in the midst of explaining to Bush and Cheney the feelings of a group of these people, one by one, who have all claimed to be murdered by these two dark Reptilian/Human hybrids,  they both left the room, laughing about the innocent people they murdered.

I have unfortunately been involved with both of these cold hearted killers for 34 months, not by my choice, and they both have raped me and tried to kill me many times. They wanted me to become an illuminati and serve them, but I am only Devoted to the Light, and Mother and Father God are the only Gods in my book. Not some filthy low-life dark entity Alpha Draconians.

I have been raped in MILABS, run by DARPA and the CIA mostly, but all military groups are involved in these 41 locations where nazis experiment on Humans, mostly children. Since they were created, hundreds of thousands of children have been raped and murdered in these military underground bases. There two located in England, the rest in the states.

They love to have big parties and all take turns raping children and then one “lucky” man gets to kill the child during a rape. They love to choke the children to death at the same moment they ejaculate. The Vatican calls this “the ultimate service to Satan and Lucifer.”

George H W Bush and Richard Cheney have a long history in running the USA’s illuminati new world order operations. Human sacrifice is paramount to them and that is why they rape and murder children, and create war crimes because they love to kill and have others kill for them in the procedure to create power from the former entities Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, Anu, Set, Molec, El and other non-physical dark ones. All soldiers are used for blood sacrifice.

In exchange for murdering Humans for the dark side, war criminals Bush and Cheney were protected from negative Karma by these entities. This is why Bush has not been arrested yet for killing JFK, raping and murdering 491 Human children, the murders of 74 million by his family, and raping others. Cheney is a serial rapist and mass murderer as well, and is most famous for piloting the empty military planes into the WTC, firing the missile into the Pentagon, and other war crimes in full accomplice to the criminal Bush family. The chemicals Cheney has created have “done more damage to the Earth than all war crimes combined.”

I have spoken to 4001 people in Heaven that say Cheney murdered them on 9/11. They came in from Heaven while Bush and Cheney were in the same room as me, and I relayed the messages from them to the war criminals. Another man said Cheney had no reason to kill  him, but shot him in the face simply for “sport”, but he was not murdered on 9/11.

I was in the midst of explaining to Bush and Cheney the feelings of a group of these people, one by one, who have all claimed to be murdered by these two dark Reptilian/Human hybrids,  they both left the room, laughing about the innocent people they murdered.

I have unfortunately been involved with both of these cold hearted killers for 34 months, not by my choice, and they both have raped me and tried to kill me many times. They wanted me to become an illuminati and serve them, but I am only Devoted to the Light, and Mother and Father God are the only Gods in my book. Not some filthy low-life Dark entity Alpha Draconians.

I have been raped in MILABS, run by DARPA and the CIA mostly, but all military groups are involved in these 41 locations where nazis experiment on Humans, mostly children. Since they were created, hundreds of thousands of children have been raped and murdered in these military underground bases. There two located in England, the rest in the states.

They love to have big parties and all take turns raping children and then one “lucky” man gets to kill the child during a rape. They love to choke the children to death at the same moment they ejaculate. The Vatican calls this “the ultimate service to Satan and Lucifer.”

I have witnessed this activity, and lucky me, I was rescued out because God wants me alive for some reason. Perhaps because I have a big mouth and I am not afraid of these horrible men, I have yet to see.

If you want to understand how evil these men are that attend these parties, let me share what happened to a small girl. Her name was Tina, Christina. Tina was taken out of an orphanage by a CIA agent and taken to the  MILAB in Arlington, VA in 2013. She was raped 72 times there by the CIA, NSA, Army, Navy, a few Senators, and by Obama. I know this- these details, directly from her, as she is currently in Heaven, but I also knew of her from the Cargill men. She is one of the discarnate Souls I have helped return Home.

She told me that she was taken out of the MILAB by Cargill to a private home. “They never used condoms, so I had the semen of 37 men inside me when they killed me.They put my body into a meat grinder, and put me into their meat supply.”

I know that they are having another party from the CIA men who enter my home, and from Bush. He is so easy to get information out of. They all are.  I hope someday they take me to court, because I will be more than happy to testify about everything, including what they did to me. DARPA put snakes inside my body, actually three kinds of snakes, over a long period. The last big snake was inserted into me just after Senator Paul Ryan raped me. One of over 50 rapes by this lunatic.

This Human child sacrifice party is to be held at all 41 locations of MILABS tomorrow, on Halloween 2014. They have 2500 children arranged to be taken there, I don’t know yet what children, but I do know many are to be taken out of detainment camps of “illegals” who are considered to be “trash children” and to me that says it all. These men think of themselves as gods, and we Humans are considered trash by them, or useless eaters.

Wouldn’t it be great if all of these men were arrested? I would love that as they have been using weapons on me almost daily for 34 months. Scalar ones, the HAARP, they put snakes in me, raped me over and over, electrocuted me, in addition to other horrible things. They do these acts to me in the MILABS and in my own home. I don’t understand how they get in, but they do on a daily basis. The one thing that keeps me going is the act of helping discarnate Souls of the children return Home to Heaven, and that we have entered the Photon Belt, which dissolves all evil, hopefully quickly.

If you come in contact with a discarnate Soul, a “ghost”, you can explain to them that they do not have to stay here as is, they can go to Heaven, and be Healed completely, ask God to create a Tunnel of Light for them and say they can  make the choice, to stay or go. I usually tell ones like this that if they miss the place they are in right now, they can always re-create this atmosphere in Heaven, but no one ever does, and they all decide to go to God.

If you want to help, pray to God that these MILABS and DARPA and the CIA are closed down, thank you.


The Bush/Cheney 3200 Human Sacrifice sponsored by DARPA’s Military Intelligence Labs [MILAB]

Thursday, September 4, 2014 4:43

(Before It's News)

The Labor Day 3200 Human Child Sacrifice

On Sunday evening, 31 August 2014,  DARPA’s MILABS hosted a 2147 Human child Sacrifice. My attention was first turned to this by two things. #1. A CIA Agent that invaded

my home told me to go to the gym. #2. I clearly heard a female say,

“The men have something planned tonight”  I thought it was Barbara Bush, and I called The Hall of Records to verify. I thought so. I have a strong synesthesia with the Bush family, because of their never-ending torture, rapes and murders of me and others.

On Sunday evening, I was doing a Healing prayer for a child raped by serial pedophile

Mitch Daniels. He visited me right after raping the 7 year old girl. The Reptilians come into my home, or on the street, where they want and attach themselves to me, to steal my life-force energy. He was bragging about the small child he raped, and luckily for me, I now have the strength to get them off, unless I am sleeping.

I then decided to do another Healing Prayer, far more broader and encompass all children

that are being abused. I envoked several of the Lights and Energies that Father God

provides for us as tools in this reality.

When I was finished, Mother God told me that 3200 children were being raped at the same moment of the prayer.  [It turned out to be 2147 in MILABS and the rest in other places] That is when I realized what was happening.

My disgust with the Bushes, the Windsor's, the Cheney's, Obamas, Clintons, the Vatican,

and all the other families and groups that rape and murder children, sometimes drinking

their blood and some eat the flesh of the children, too, has grown so much.  I am now in

the 32nd month of torture at the hands of these criminally insane monsters.

Just the thought of planning a “party” where 3200 children would be raped and then killed to gain more dark power is too much for me to bear. I put things like this away and go on for the children. I will take care of me later. After witnessing a similar Human Sacrifice

in which I was raped during the same moment 54 Human children were violently murdered around me, I now carry memories that if connected to, I begin to have convulsions and some sort of episode. It takes me awhile to snap out of it. But I do not put this forward as a personal tragedy for me, the tragedy is that in America, Human children are raped and murdered everyday, about 800,000 children a year.

I have been told repeatedly that the Archons, who ate most of the children, have been arrested and taken away, never to return. The Reptilians and Human/ Reptilian blends, or hybrids, still engage in this Satanistic behavior.

This event, planned by “the men” was specifically to regain their lost power. The non-physical Dracos that attach to people have all been sent into the Light. Specifically, to The Temple of Father God. All the main politicians, bankers and main military people had them attached, now they do not. This was a huge loss of power and control for them. With both sources of power for the illuminati/Nazi new world order/freemasons/Bilderberg etc gone, they are desperate to do things to keep their Satanic rule.

Although no really big surprise to me, but it still really kills me, that after I did this prayer, called Angels in to be with the children, many of the men who were “interrupted”  immediately came to me. I hate the fact that the Reptilians invade my home at their will. many illuminati have bragged to me, “Oh yeah, we can go anywhere.”

Well they can’t go to Agartha. They can’t go to Heaven, or the “Other Side” which some call the next dimension up from us here.

So in they came, complaining about being interrupted of raping children. That says it all doesn’t it?     “How dare you interrupt my sex”, Jay Rockefeller  said.

I have been doing more research, analyzing the DNA evidence, to study the details. I have been speaking with The Hall of Records, and Mother God. When I was driving back to Mom’s I heard a child. “I heard there is a man that can help us”  Immediately, I wondered if all the children made it Home after being raped and murdered at the Bush/Cheney party at MILABS.

So I attempted to connect to see if there were any discarnate Souls. Yes there were. I immediately placed a globe of White Light of the Holy Spirit around each child. Then I placed a Gold Cord of Light from each child directly into the Heart of Mother/Father God. I told the children that if they wanted to go Home to follow the cords. As all of them set their Intent to go Home, Mother God created a tunnel of Light for them and brought them all at once.

I love it when Heaven does this. This is what happened on 9/11. After the attack, I began

searching for lost Souls, but Father God stopped me right away. He said it was ok they all came Home together. Angels and Mother God came down the tunnel to greet them, as they were severely traumatized.

The children are also severely traumatized, and who wouldn’t be? Being raped is horrible enough, let alone being raped by a non-Human being that is ugly, gross, stinks like a sewer, and is choking you to death while he is inside you. For me, being intuitive, I could see the crimes of the men who raped me, usually murder and raping children and eating them. This was too much for me to bear, and I don’t think for a second that I have been able to deal with it. The very same men that are raping and killing these children, have all raped me, Over 2000 of them.

There were 712 children that got the globes of Light and made it back Home. I am always kind of envious of those who get to go home. I was killed 57 times by the sewer lizards and I am still here. Mother God says, “I didn’t put you back into you body 57 times for nothing!”

I know, but I have no idea why.

I just called the Hall of Records and they told me all 712 children made it and they are doing ok. It seems that out of the 3200 children Bush and Cheney wanted to have at their party, only 2147 actually made it. “They wanted 3200, but did not have the resources.” said the attendant.  Three of the children were taken by some guy they say his name is Marc Jacobs of Cargill, All of the other children produced a tunnel to go Home.

Some might ask were the 712 children bad, and is that why they could not generate a tunnel for themselves? NO. It does not work that way.  We need a certain percentage of Sacred Light to generate tunnels to Heaven, or the Other Side.  Many of these children are tortured and raped, gang raped, beaten, some are mutilated with knives, etc. and when that happens, some or most Sacred Light is usually lost.  So the child is murdered, then they leave their bodies, but they don’t go anywhere. They usually wander around hopeless, lost scared, and also very angry sometimes.

One child from my past was a 6 year old girl raped and murdered by Barack Obama in the basement of the White House. She did what Heaven calls “freak outs”.  Absolutely hysterical. But Luck came her way when she saw me being raped by Obama so many times, that she eventually followed me home to the lake. Once we [me & my spirit guide] calmed her down enough for us to understand her, she told us that she had spent a long time going from my home, to her parents, back and forth, trying to get us to hear her. But since she was hysterical, all I could hear was squeaking.

We finally were able to communicate, and helped her get home. She said she was from

Fairfax VA or Fairfax County, VA, I still don’t know.  She had to be cocooned, once the freak outs can be Healed by Mother and Father God, then they are released from the cocoon, it is like going to sleep. She moved to Alcyone and Intends to stay there.

Many time the reptilians put this goop over my head so I can not hear Heaven or my Guides. I have to clear it off before I can continue.

This is one reason I tell people what their current sacred Light content is. I think the general rule is 51 % of Sacred Light in our DNA to create tunnels, but it can vary. I create tunnels for others to go Home, but it did not happen overnight. I have been studying for over 20 years, doing Healing work for others, and learning all I can about the Universe. What I do know is that those who do not have enough Light to return, are immediately recycled and placed into a womb of a Mother, who has either charted for a dark entity, or is dark entity herself, unless they had the Light but did not go for a personal reason.

The Lords Of Karma, the Ascended Masters handle all the recycling details. God knows exactly who has negative intent and the others handle the details.

But sometimes like the children, some of us just don’t make it, and become discarnate Souls, or Ghosts. I have heard that there is are many reasons why. Some don’t want to face something they did, others are in love with someone here.

So all but the three children made it Home from this horrible tragedy. I thought I would compile a list of men there, but I already know. They are the same men that raped me over and over again, well, not men, monsters. Non Human monsters.

I am so grateful to have been chosen by The Divine Director and

The Lords of Karma for my last DNA upgrade. I know that I am already receiving the benefits

from going from 144,000 Strands Activated, to 256,000 Strands Activated. When we have full consciousness at one million Strands, we will be able to hear any sentient Being in the Universe. No longer will we have to use cell phones or any other form of artificial communication. I have been communicating with Heaven for decades, but at this level,

speaking with Heaven is just like making a phone call.

It is in this manner that I can hear others, and then check out what is going on.


Raped at DARPA’s MILAB During Human Sacrifice of 54 Children

Thursday, August 28, 2014 19:57

(Before It's News)

Raped at DARPA’s MILAB during Human Sacrifice of 54 Children

            The past 31 months have been very intense for me, but that all pales in comparison to what is happening to our children. Some where along the line, I believe after the USA brought most of the Nazi war criminals here to be a part of our government, sacrificing Human children in exchange for weapons and other high technology began en mass.

It has been reported that up to 800,000 children are abducted, raped, experimented on, and killed, in most of the 41 locations of MILABS, run by the sinister DARPA criminal organization. I have been taken to 14 of these locations, and been through so much it was surreal at first, but then as the effects of trauma wore off, I can see things very clearly.

What I am about to describe is so horrific, if I connect to it and remember, I start having convulsions and shake uncontrollably.  The group who does the Human sacrifices to Lucifer and Satan has many names. Illuminati, nazis, New world order, Khazars, and Zionists,   are just a few. I have witnessed and experienced so many things while at MILABS, this is just one of them.

In the third week of January 2013, twelve months after George H W Bush and Dick Cheney began raping me, I was taken to the MILAB in Arlington VA.  They would use special drugs that paralyze the body, but the mind remains clear, so the torture can be seen and understood.

I would often black out during a rape, if it was Barack Obama. The emotion of having men who rape and murder children, inserted into me when they put their penis’ inside me is too much for me, and I overload. This started happening when I was raped by a man that worked in the concentration camps in WWII, and during the rape I witnessed him killing and then eating a Human man. Sometimes our gift of Intuition can be intense.

I woke up, unable to move and Barack Obama was raping me again. In all he has raped me over 200 times, and it is too abhorred to put into words. He has raped and murdered about 200 children in this lifetime, and raped many more.  Bush Sr has raped and murdered almost 500 children and most all members of the Nazi new world order do it as many times as they can, including the Vatican.

I closed my eyes and he finished quickly, he usually did in a few seconds. When I opened my eyes again all the rapists were gone. It seemed as the room was empty, but as I was able to move, I rolled my head to the side and I saw a small girl, about 5 years old. “Mommy says there are no monsters.”  I then could see that there were many tables, all that had children on them, strapped down, and I knew we had all just been raped.

It gives the men who do this a feeling of superiority to scare the hell out of a child before raping them. I did my best to console the child, and told her to use the word men, instead of monster. Tell you Mommy that a man did this to you, and if she doesn’t believe you tell your grandparents, and everyone else, until somebody does something about it. It was a nice moment for us, myself and the children. They were so traumatized and so was I.

About 25 minutes or a half an hour passed and the men returned. What I saw them do was beyond words for me to describe. They basically ripped apart the children like savages.

It was one of the many things that happened to me in MILABS, but it had to be one of the worst. One day a few months later, I was standing in the kitchen with my back to the door, when I saw it all over again. I could not move and fell back and saw the whole thing again, with crystal clarity. 54 children brutally massacred by men who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baphomet, and Anu. All “new world order” men do this, and most of these men that were there that night continue to harass me to this day.

They have done this many times before and since, and there are huge numbers of men in this country and England that are doing the same thing. Then in the DARPA controlled MILABs the children’s bodies are processed in a large tank of chemicals for the group of those who give the Nazi “new world order” men of the military, bankers, and politicians weapons and high tech devices for spying and other criminal behaviors.

Children in this country are abducted, raped, tortured, and then killed as payment for weapons for the ones that have all but taken over the united states of America.

Here is a list of some of the men I witnessed kill children that night in  the MILAB, Arlington VA location.
























There were others there, but I have to remember more details, which is very difficult for me to do. The evidence of this can easily be seen in each man’s DNA, but the videos of this incident are numerous, and are held in public libraries. The Hall of Records, The Hall of Charts, The Hall of Justice, The Hall of Research and other locations. The videos are available for public viewing, all you have to do is go to them or remote view them.

I do not recommend watching these videos, but I understand that some people only believe what they see with their own eyes. When I was in the kitchen and saw all of it very clearly, I could not speak for quite some time. I was shaking so hard and starting convulsing.

DARPA continues to use weapons on me everyday, scalar ones and many other types that I don’t understand, but The Hall of Resolutions told me that there was no way to resolve this situation for me, that I would not be free of the attacks that occur every few minutes,until these monsters are arrested.

If you can’t believe what is going on in this war against us by the dark side, I suggest you let it go and the Universe will bring you the Truth later when you can handle it better.


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