The EBOLA calm before the Storm

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ebola burying dead bodies

The national polls are showing that Ebola, once dominating the national attention, have given way to interest in the Breeder’s Cup, the NFL and the coming Christmas shopping season. Let me remind everyone that our airports are still not closed to West African travelers as they are in 30 other countries. Our southern “border” is non-existent which makes us vulnerable to a bio-terror attack. It is a mistake to let our guard down in the face of what is coming. Yet, this is precisely what we are doing as a nation.

As I listen to “experts” and examine the data in a holistic fashion, I have concluded that we are in the period that is commonly known as the calm before the storm.

The Reproduction Rate of Ebola Defies Logic

Many Americans are stumped by the fact that the Ebola virus is not progressing at the expected rate according to the very conservative Reproduction Rate (R0) projections made by the CDC. The reason for this is simple, we obviously are not dealing with Ebola Restin or Ebola Zaire as we have been told. Further, the majority of Americans who have been suspected of having contracted Ebola are overwhelmingly medical personnel. This makes no sense. Once the virus is inside of the United States, it would spread far more quickly among general population than it would among the far less numerous medical personnel. Our country is doing NOTHING to present the spread of the virus, yet it is not spreading. Statistically, speaking we should have to go no further than this to realize that something is terribly wrong and the public is being lied to.

Based upon the actuaries that can be run in any SPSS statistical data base will tell you that the number of Ebola cases in the United States should approaching a thousand cases in advance of the exponential explosion which should be coming in about a month to six weeks. Yet, the infamous Dr. Spencer is the only known active case in America. This defies logic until one considers the fact that what is loose inside of the United States is not the much feared Ebola. Isn’t it interesting that we never hear or read about lab reports of the make up of the virus in the aftermath of the death of Thomas Duncan? This is more proof that MSM investigative journalism is dead and buried.

Despite the Lack of Ebola Cases, the Administration Continues to Prepare

In the past six weeks, I have reported on the following:

1. The State Department ordered 165,000 Hazmat suits.

2. A total of 250,000 Hazmat suits are headed to Dallas.

3. The administration has ordered over a million Hazmat suits.

4. Bio-warfare labs are being relocated to African countries which do not have a treaty with the United Nations which would prevent such a move.

5. The development of Ebola vaccines continues at a dangerous and hasty speed and will be ready in January of 2015.

6. FEMA is conducting multiple “pandemic” drills this month.

7. Transport services designed to transport and then confine “Ebola” exposed individuals and patients have been set up by Human Health Services. Yet, these quarantine camps do not contain provisions for medical personnel.

8. Obama has expanded Executive Order 13295 in which a person can be forcibly quarantined for asthma, or a chest cold or anything else. This is a mass detention order.

Does anyone else think that these preparations are bit much for the one case of so-called Ebola that we presently have inside of the United States?

The Money Motive

These aforementioned contradictions are especially notable when we consider the fact that the CDC owns the patent on Ebola and everything up to 70% of the variance. The NIH owns the patent on the 2006 Crucell tested Ebola vaccine. Bill Gates has invested $560 million dollars in the Global Fund to dispense three vaccines which include TB, HIV and of course, Ebola. Do we really think that Bill Gates is not going to demand a return on investment?

These are the facts that have been documented on The Common Sense Show in the past six weeks beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Ray Charles could see the profit motive at work here. Yet, we have one active case inside of the United States. This defies any kind of logic.

If you cannot smell a set up, then you must surely be suffering from a cold.

The main goal is the implementation of mandatory vaccines for profit. Forget the fact that I have been told by many of my best sources that bio-terror false flag attacks are coming after the mid-term elections and the upcoming Christmas shopping season. Coincidentally, that is the time frame that the American people have been told that we will see the roll out of Ebola vaccines. Oh, the coincidences never seem to stop!

When Will The Pandemic Begin?

It is a fool’s errand to predict dates. However, in this case it is reasonably safe to say that nothing will happen until 2015. The globalists would not likely want to cut into their profits created by the Christmas shopping season. The so-called vaccines will not be ready for distribution until after the first of the year. Therefore, the most definitive that I can be is to say sometime after the first of the year is when we will see something rage across the country. It may not be Ebola, but we can bet it will be deadly.


Most of our people fail to appreciate where America is heading. Clearly, our national tyranny meters are turned off. I have reached my tipping point for tyranny. When will you reach yours?

Normally, I present my documentation as hypertext links embedded in key places in each article that I author. However, in this one case, I am putting my documentation at the end of the article because we are dealing with a systemic invasion of every aspect of our health care and soon to be our personal liberties. This requires the presentation of the facts in their totality. In other words, if you are new to this topic and truly want to understand what we are dealing with, a few hypertext links will not explain it. You need to spend an evening exploring the totality of what we are facing.



Strange Ebola Storm to Hit After November

Elections and Its Eerie Link to the

Illuminati/ Freemasons?!

(Must See Video)

Monday, November 3, 2014 12:16

With the elections happening  Tuesday I can’t help but ask the question why the Ebola news coverage has been few and far between? Could it be that we are looking at a “Calm Before the Ebola Storm?” Could it be that the globalists are covering up Ebola while elections are taking place? After all they have been known to do this in the past and I believe will continue to do it in our future.

In the video below I address the questions above as well as the mysterious link between the Illuminati’s puzzling number 33 and its link to Ebola…. 


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