Live Jade Helm

Live Jade Helm Coverage in Texas
Americans flood Bastrop, Texas, courtroom to oppose Jade Helm

Live Jade Helm Coverage in Texas

by | April 27, 2015

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs is in Bastrop, Texas, where Americans are flooding the Commissioners Courtroom at 804 Pecan St. in opposition to Operation Jade Helm.

“Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado,” according to an unclassified military document announcing the training drill, which runs from July 15 through September 15.

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

The exercise, in which troops will be “wearing civilian clothes and driving civilian vehicles” to blend in with “civilian populations,” lists Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory.

New Video Shows Tennessee Cops & National Guard in Riot Control Exercise
Civil unrest training now taking place once a month

by Paul Joseph Watson | April 27, 2015

New video footage has emerged of Tennessee Air National Guard troops training with the Knoxville Police Department to deal with civil unrest, just the latest of a spate of examples of authorities gearing up for domestic disorder.

The training exercise, which took place earlier this month, shows Guard troops and police officers taking turns to play the role of rioters, throwing objects and powder at each other during the crowd control drills.

The training, which involves troops from the 134th Air Refueling Wing of the Tennessee Air National Guard, is now taking place once a month, according to one of the officials quoted in the video, who also noted that the Knoxville Police Department’s “riot control team” is involved in the exercises.

The police officers are training the Guard troops, “in case they ever come in contact with a riot control situation,” according to the official.

Another National Guard official interviewed for the piece stated, “We use this training because we know that if we have to use it in the outside world or within a base then we’re ready.”

Over the last few weeks, we have featured numerous video clips of training exercises based around riot control and martial-law style scenarios being carried out by police, National Guard and U.S. military forces across the United States.

These drills have caused particular consternation amongst some given their close time proximity to Jade Helm 15, a nationwide military exercise during which troops will operate undercover amongst local populations.

Footage captured by a local during a dirty bomb exercise in Richmond, California earlier this month shows Guard troops pushing irate citizens away with batons before one of the protest group states, “I’m a sovereign citizen, I refuse to recognize you guys, I refuse to recognize you.”

Disturbing video out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida last month also showed military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training.

Video out of Ontario, California also shows Guard troops marching down residential streets while practicing traffic control.

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