Mainstream Media up to the same old pathetic dirty tricks of False Claims,Name Calling Buffoonery and Character Assassination all while promoting Deceptive Government Propaganda

Mainstream Media Rushes to Demonize Infowars Over Jade Helm
Establishment press freaks out after Texas Governor announces exercise will be monitored

by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | April 30, 2015

The mainstream media unleashed a deluge of hit pieces targeting Alex Jones and Infowars over the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise after the issue finally began to draw serious attention.

The volley of negative press coverage arrived in response to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s perfectly rational announcement that Texas State Guard would monitor the drill to allay the concerns of residents and ensure that constitutional rights were not violated.

A CBS This Morning segment took clips from YouTube conspiracy theorists who said Jade Helm would herald the implementation of martial law and a “declaration of war on United States soil,” claims that Infowars has never made. At every turn we have stressed that the exercise serves to acclimatize Americans to the sight of troops on the streets and is part of a wider and manifestly provable agenda to prepare for civil unrest in America.

The CBS piece even conflates conspiracy theories about closed Walmart stores being used as staging grounds for Jade Helm – a baseless charge that we have already debunked.

In an Austin-American Statesman article which virtually no one read (it has just three comments at time of press), Jonathan Tilove throws the kitchen sink at Alex Jones, conflating “paranoia” about Jade Helm with issues like the presidential candidacy of Senator Rand Paul and even Infowars product advertisements that feature at the end of all our YouTube videos.

Tilove even cites a Media Matters hit piece on Alex Jones as if it represents an independent perspective. As has been documented for years, Media Matters is an Obama administration front group which holds “a weekly strategy call with the White House,” according to a 2012 Daily Caller investigation.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s David Knowles appeared to find it abnormal that any news outlet would even dare express skepticism about the military’s talking points on Jade Helm, which he regurgitated without question. Knowles also cited White House press secretary Josh Earnest’s dismissal of the issue as a sufficient rebuttal to the “conspiracy theories” about Jade Helm (as if that were somehow an impartial source). went further with the incendiary headline Right-wing lunatics think the military is planning to invade Texas, accusing anyone who didn’t accept the military explanation of Jade Helm at face value of, “metaphorically spitting right in the faces of U.S. soldiers”.

Right, because when the left criticizes or questions the actions of the U.S. military, that’s patriotic free speech, but when the right does so it’s some kind of horrific insult to everything America stands for, according to Heather Digby Parton, who goes on to characterize Governor Abbott’s announcement as a means of ensuring that the military is “not planning to turn Texas into Nazi Germany,” a sentiment that was nowhere to be found in his press release.

In their hit piece the Houston Chronicle quoted Glenn Smith, director of Democrat group Progress Texas PAC, who made sure to invoke alien abduction and Bigfoot in an effort to make concerns about Jade Helm seem even more kooky.

Raw Story took a similar approach, illustrating their hit piece with a frightened woman wearing a tin foil hat.

The mainstream media is resorting to its usual tactic of building strawman arguments and then attaching them to Infowars and Alex Jones in order to create the perception that we said Jade Helm would bring with it an outright martial law takeover.

By parroting pejorative ad hominems like “tin foil hat,” “alien abduction” and “Bigfoot,” these outlets are insulting the intelligence of the numerous residents who packed out the Bastrop County Commissioners Court this week – many of them ex-military – who calmly and rationally made it known why Jade Helm is of significant concern when placed in the context of decades of preparation for martial law and domestic disorder.

Isn’t it funny how the establishment press is first on the scene when they can quote some unhinged YouTuber spouting silly conspiracies, but is nowhere to be found when leaked U.S. military documents openly discuss plans to round up and incarcerate “dissidents” on American soil?

The creeping militarization of U.S. police and moves to use troops domestically in the event of civil unrest is far from a conspiracy theory – it’s a manifestly provable fact that no amount of establishment spin and smear tactics can hide.


Dallas Morning News Attacks Alex Jones Over Jade Helm
Hit piece fixates on B12 vitamins rather than addressing actual concerns over military drill

Dallas Morning News Attacks Alex Jones Over Jade Helm

by Paul Joseph Watson | May 1, 2015

The Dallas Morning News is the latest mainstream publication to attack Alex Jones and Infowars over our coverage of the Jade Helm military exercise, with a hit piece that dwells on B12 vitamins rather than addressing any of the issues surrounding the actual drill.

Entitled Mission accomplished, Mr. Abbott. Alex Jones is over the moon for you, Mike Drago’s article doesn’t set a high bar for accuracy, getting basic facts wrong like Infowars being a “web-only TV show” (the Alex Jones Show is a nationally syndicated radio broadcast).

After labeling Jones a “weasly purveyor of baseless conspiracy theories,” Drago proceeds to rip into Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his “tacit endorsement of (Jones’) silly theory on Operation Jade Helm 15.”

Yet Drago never actually explains what that theory is or why it’s so silly. Instead, he fixates on the fact that Infowars sells B12 vitamins, ranting about how some different version of another B12 product is cheaper on Amazon. What this has got to do with Jade Helm or Governor Abbott’s announcement that the Texas State Guard would monitor the exercise is anyone’s guess.

Drago’s B12 meltdown seems to part of a growing trend of media outlets attacking us for selling vitamins. Perhaps we should be selling ads for big pharma products that kill thousands of people, or maybe we should just be selling wars like the big mainstream networks. Would that make us more credible?

“The important thing is to sell more B12, and you might have helped to do that,” Drago tells Abbott, seemingly unaware of the fact that all privately owned news outlets take advertising. Drago’s own article is surrounded by half a dozen ads, but apparently this isn’t an issue.

Drago ends the piece by blathering about ‘secret handshakes’ and ‘wacky wavelengths’. Presumably these are updated versions of the tiresome “tin foil hat” trope. Either way, the hit piece completely fails to address any of the reasons as to why Texans are suspicious of Jade Helm in the first place, concerns which led Abbott to make the announcement.

The establishment press seems incredibly butt-hurt that Governor Abbott would dare listen to the concerns of Texas residents (God forbid) and agree to monitor Jade Helm. This kind of metropolitan liberal media elitism is a complete insult to the intelligence of locals who have genuine worries about preparations for civil unrest given events in Ferguson and Baltimore, as well as decades of manifestly provable preparations for domestic disorder by the U.S. Army and the federal government.

As we highlighted yesterday, a deluge of mainstream media outlets have rounded on Infowars following Governor Abbott’s announcement, with virtually all of them attributing “conspiracy theories” about Jade Helm to Infowars that we have never even voiced, such as closed Walmarts being used as martial law FEMA camps – an issue that we vehemently debunked.

Whether Jade Helm is part of preparations for domestic unrest or foreign occupations doesn’t really matter – both scenarios should be of great concern to all Americans – but to arrogantly dismiss scrutiny of the exercise as baseless paranoia illustrates how out of touch media elites are with the American people and why polls consistently show that trust in the establishment press is sinking.


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