Occult Symbolism

911:Occult symbolism III


In order to understand the symbology behind the stars, we need to understand what are stars in the bible. For this read the explanation of the Wormwood Star of the book of Revelation.


3-pointed star

"The Rain that Refreshes the Soul"
Drawn by Hexmeister Lee R. Gandee, from his 1971 autobiography, "Strange Experience".
See also: marian star, circle.

  • Logo's:

International Brigades emblem during the Spanish Civil War


(see previous)

Millennium Quest Limited (UK)
Company that makes decorations and light displays

    • The symbol of Trinacria is well-known today because of its presence on the flags of Sicily and the Isle of Man. The Romans called it Triquetra (triangle) referring to the shape of the island of Sicily, while the Greeks used the word Tryskelion (three legs). The name Trinacria comes from the word trinacrios, which in Greek means triangle. The oldest theory of its meaning says that it is a Phoenician term of religious significance related to the Semitic god Baal (a trinity god) and that the three legs in running position meant the racing of time in the cycle of nature. [43]

Flag of the Isle of Man

Flag of Sicily

Castletown - The Old House of Keys [1]

  • Various notes:
    • Witches often use the triangle as a protective symbol. They foolishly believe it can be used as a talisman, especially if the Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew letters for God, are inserted inside the triangle. The Masons do the same thing essentially in the Masters Jewel of the 4th degree. The triangle is inscribed on the ring given holders of the 14th degree also.

Victorian era amulet with Egyptian symbols and turquoise.
Abracadabra: this word is of ancient origins. In a poem on occult medicine written by a pagan doctor in ancient Rome about 250 AD, to ward off fevers and sickness, the physician recommended the word abracadabra be written down in an inverted triangle. The word abracadabra comes from worship of the gnostic God, Abraxas. It literally means: The dead body, or corpse, of Abraxas.

3 x 60-degree corners of an equilateral triangle.

4-pointed star

2 Solstices and 2 Equinoxes in a Solar year

A picture from masonic literature, "The beautiful virgin of the third degree"
Note: 4-pointed stars in background

New Mexico state flag

Assyrian flag
Note: the Ashur winged sun (top).

Star symbol on the floor of the Mor Gabriel monastery, which later was added on the Assyrian flag.

Bayer logo
A German chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863. The company later became part of Nazi controlled IG Farben chemical industry conglomerate.

NATO uses a 3-D 4-pointed star as their emblem
Note: also doubles as a counter-clockwise Swastika

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Automaker Pontiac

(see previous)

Automaker Lincoln

American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)

5-pointed star

  • Various notes:
    • Alternative names: Pentagram
    • Masonic cults:
      • "The five-pointed star, known as the pentagram, is probably the most blatant occult symbol in use today. Witches Janet and Stewart Farrar explain that the five-pointed star is "one of the main symbols of witchcraft and occultism in general" ('Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star' p. 82). The star itself is known by different names throughout the occult world, such as a witch's foot, a goblin's cross, a wizard's star and the dog star. Wiccan witches use its five points to mystically represent the elements of nature, earth, fire, water, air and spirit. This symbol is one of the most prominent emblems within Freemasonry, though its significance, like every symbol inherited from the occult, is concealed behind a smokescreen of secret society ambiguity. The five-pointed star is found on most Masonic memorabilia and represents the blasphemous resurrection rite of the five points of fellowship, each point mystically symbolizing a part of the resurrection act. First - Foot to foot. Second - Knee to knee. Third - Hand in hand. Fourth - Breast to breast. Fifth and last - Left hand behind back." [44]
    • Association with Venus: When Venus passes behind the sun a superior conjunction occurs. When Venus passes between the earth and the sun an inferior conjunction occurs. In both instances the view of Venus from the earth becomes obstructed. Plotting the Venus' westward elongation from the Sun, over five consecutive synodic periods creates the points of a pentagram (five pointed star). This period is 584 days long. Each period produces a different point of the pentagram. It takes about eight years, five days to completely trace the entire pentagram. The pentagram figure slowly revolves within an oval in a clockwise direction, alternating either one or two points ascendant roughly every 160 years. No observation point on Earth yields a regular pentagram. Moving further north elongates the figure while on the equator the figure is an irregular pentagon. [45]
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall...the "Morning Star" is used as a synonym for Lucifer. Manly P Hall comments: "The pentagram is used extensively in black magic...it signifies the fall of the Morning Star." (Linking: Lucifer-Venus-Pentagram)
  • Historical/Political/Non-corporate logo's (ordered by date of origin)


"Pentagram of Venus", see also: "Freemasonry and the Pentagram"

Yoonir, symbol of the Universe in Serer religion

Amiens Cathedral, north window, France [2]

Confederate States of America Battle Flag
This design was the basis of more than 180 separate Confederate military battle flags during the American Civil War (1861-1865).
Note: the red square, X symbolism, 13 pentagram stars and pyramids.

Flag of California (1911) with its origins in the "The Bear Flag" (1846).

League of Nations (1919), the pre-cursor to the United Nations institution.
Note: the pentagon.

Red star of the Russian Revolution

San Jacinto Monument (1939)
Note: that this pentagram sits on top of an 173 meters tall obelisk!

Ceiling of China's Great Hall of the People
Note: the sun symbolism and the circles.

Five Races Under One Union Chinese military insignia based on the Beiyang star flag, used during the Xinhai Revolution from 1911 to 1912, after which the Jesuits gained control of China (see also history of oppression: 1910).

Nation of Islam
Founded in Detroit, Michigan, United States by mason Wallace Fard Muhammad in July 1930.
Note: the crescent and the red square.

European flag (1955) and many other national flags carry 5-pointed stars.

Flag of Morocco (1956)
Note: the interwoven pentagram.

Flag of Hong Kong
Note: the energy spiral and the 5 red pentagrams

Scottish Socialist Party

Hollywood Boulevard's Walk of Fame

The Presidential Medal of Freedom
Note: pentagram, pentagon, 13 stars in the shape of a Seal of Solomon, 5 phoenix birds. Also worn in masonic fashion with masonic-like blue ribbon

George Tenet (former director of the CIA) gets the Presidential Medal of Freedom

US Marshals

Seal of the demon Astaroth

Energy Star an international energy standard of US governmental origin.

(now defunct)
The White Order of Thule (founded in the mid-1990s)

Prince Charles and Kylie Minogue.
Note: that she is most probably a heavily mind-controlled person.

  • Corporate logo's

Note: the sun orb.

Caltex (a petroleum brand name of Chevron)
Note: the capstone-less pyramid

Paramount Pictures (owned by Viacom)
See also: "How the Paramount has changed".

Note: The 3 five-pointed stars form a pyramid with something resembling a capstone with a smaller pyramid/all-seeing-eye within in.
Note also the 2 fish tales and the (hair) waves (see: Age of Pisces, Vesica piscis, Age of Aquarius)
"I wonder if the two tailed mermaid is suppose to be Melusine (the sea sorcerer) or Merovee (from whom the Merovingians are supposedly spawned from)" [3]




San Pellegrino

Black Entertainment Today (BET)

Sirius Satellite Radio
Note: The brightest star in the night sky Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major

Kragen Auto Parts

UEFA Champions League football

Inverted Pentagram

Baphomet the devil-goat god with an inverted pentagram on forehead

Baphomet inverted pentagram

(see previous)

Inverted pentagram in the Martin Luther rose.
Note: He's a suspected Rosecrucian agent to control the Reformation movements.

Large American flag displayed at a Hilary Clinton rally with inverted 5-pointed stars

Order of the Eastern Star, the only order of Freemasonry in which females are permitted membership. Female masons are known as "co-masons"
Note: Pentagon inside and traced along outside of the Pentagram, cross and crown symbol in the lower white arm

Medal of Honor U.S. Army
Why is it that the U.S. Medal of Honor for all branches of the services are inverted pentagrams?
Note: all medals have that Masonic-loving number of 13 stars, along with many other Masonic signs/colors/aspects. Note also the Owl (on the helmet) and the arrows (at the feet of the eagle).

Medal of Honor U.S. Navy
Note: the [|911:Occult_symbolism_IV#Fasces]fasces and axe-head]] on the medal.

Medal of Honor U.S. Air Force
Note: the head of Columbia on the medal, the Sig runes with arrows, and the winged-spiral above the medal.

(see previous)

Washington D.C. streets make perfectly symmetrical inverted pentagram, the White House is located at the tip of the lower arm.
Note: The Supreme Council, Scottish Rite is located 33 blocks North from the White house, right in the middle of the upper arms of the pentagram.

Interwoven inverted pentagram

Inverted pentagrams in European Union literature from over a decade ago.
Note: the 11 inverted-pentagram stars, the similarity of the EU parliament building to the Babylonian Tower of Babel, the square body forms of the people below, and the slogan "Europe: Many tongues, one voice"

Logo of the Republican National Committee (RNC)
Note: The logo before 2005 had a normal pentagram, it was only between 2004 and 2005 they have changed to an inverted Pentagram. See RNC.org archives

Western Australia state police emblem

Australian state of Victoria police emblem
Note: sun-wheel cross

The Sunburst of gilt (gold) embroidery on the back of the vestments of the Catholic Priesthood signify that the priest is also an EMISSARY AND REPRESENTATIVE OF "SOL INVICTUS" [4]


League of Nations (1919), the pre-cursor to the United Nations institution.
Note: the pentagram.

There is only one shape that fits inside a pentagram, and that is a pentagon

Seal of the Pentagon
Note: only a pentagon that is in the orientation as seen in this seal fits inside an inverted pentagram.

(see previous)

(see previous)

The Villa Farnese in Caprarola, Viterbo, Lazio within the Country of Italy. We will see in one of its old war rooms a map showing many of the U.S's buildings and their positions way before they'd even existed. How can this be? Well the Villa Farnese was the original war command center for the hierarchy of the Jesuit Order's, counter-Reformation. The actual Pentagon building in Arlington, Virginia is based on the design of Villa Farnese in fact. [5]

The layout of Vatican city is a star map showing the way to an important star. The layout is uniquely designed in the shape of the key that St Peter is holding. [6]
Note: See Occult symbolism Keys

Castel Sant'Angelo
(see previous)

Google Earth picture
(see previous)

The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor
Note: inverted pentagram

The Valley of Scottish Rite Masons logo displays a pentagon among it's other geometric shapes

Knights of Labor logo
Note: hexagon

Home plate (baseball)

Pentagon logos:

Knights of Columbus - an openly catholic masonic organization.

Knights of the North (KOTN)
A North American masonic think-tank group

Daimler Chrysler
Note: Founder Walter P. Chrysler is a known mason

Rite Aid

Spike TV

US Bank
Note: The 5 stars on the lower right side of the logo make a perfect pentagon

Order of the Eastern Star

Tag Heuer, Swiss watchmaking company founded in 1860. Watches are worn and pushed in ads by such celebrities as Tiger Woods

National League of Baseball
See also: oblong sqaure

Emblem of DC Comics superhero Superman

6-pointed stars

In this diagrammatic form we can illustrate how the Holy and the counterfeit Unholy Trinities directly and absolutely oppose each other


Named after its originator, the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), the Hegelian Dialectic propounds the theory of a "world-soul", according to whose laws one concept (THESIS) inevitably generates its opposite (ANTITHESIS), their interaction leading to a new concept (SYNTHESIS), which in turn becomes the THESIS of a new triad. This goes on continually until an end-point or final goal is reached. Let's look at how this model applies to the age-old battle of God versus Satan:

Thesis + Antithesis

Note well that the upward-pointing equilateral triangle has always been the occult symbol for the deification of man. Man lifts and exalts himself to become "god", ultimately in Antichrist; God, on the other hand - through the Person of the Son - lowers and humbles Himself through the Incarnation.

Let's now take these opposing triangles and move them on to the next step of the diabolical plan, with reference to the prophet Isaiah's revelation of the ultimate Satanic intent...

In this plan the lower triangle (Antithesis) ascends above the higher triangle (Thesis), to form the Synthesis: The product or Synthesis can clearly be seen to be the occult symbol known as the Seal of Solomon

"Thou (Lucifer) hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." (Isaiah 14:13-14)

Note well Satan's avowed intention to elevate himself, placing himself above... Remember the Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis

In his plan, then, the lower triangle (Antithesis) ascends above the higher triangle (Thesis), to form the Synthesis: The product or Synthesis can clearly be seen to be the Seal of Solomon, "sanitized" by calling it the Star of David, and more properly still known as a HEXAGRAM. It is from the HEXAGRAM that the word "HEX" is derived, a hex being of course a curse.

Placing a HEXAGRAM on the Israeli flag has effectively put a curse on the country; far from being the symbol of the re-birth of the Jewish nation, it is a "hidden-in-plain-sight" statement of Satanic intent: to hijack the Promised Land for his own nefarious purposes. Rather than being the badge of the true Messiah, as some claim, it is in reality the emblem of His nemesis, the "son of perdition"...

The hexagram or six-point star of David was not Israelitish, but pagan. The first mention of this symbol was in 922BC in connection with Solomon's involvement in witchcraft, magic and idolatrous worship to Ashtoreth and to Moloch. It appears the Hebrew children brought it with them in their exodus from Egypt. It comprises two equilateral triangles having a common center and is related to the "Ying and Yang", being known to the Hindu, Chinese and Peruvians.

The Jewish Encyclopedia traces the Cabala to the Chaldees (Chaldeans were masters of reading and writing, and especially versed in all forms of incantation, in sorcery, witchcraft, and the magical arts. They quite naturally spoke of astrologists and astronomers as Chaldeans. It therefore resulted that Chaldean came to mean astrologist, see also:Jewish views on astrology) thence to Lucifer in the garden of Eden. Amos 5:25-26 and Acts 7:43 refer to the star Saturn who represents Satan, Titan, Tammuz, Dragon, Bacchus, Kronos, Nimrod, Ninus, Sagittarius (the Archer), Oanes, Osiris, Mars, Pluto, Iswara, Deoius, etc.,

"Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun (name for the planet Saturn, Strong's Version) your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.."
"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, images which ye made to worship them. And I will carry you away beyond Babylon."

King Solomon took this pagan symbol to himself when he went into idolatry and it became known in Arabic magic and occult circles as "the Seal of Solomon".

  • An outstanding study of the six-pointed star was accomplished by Dr. O.J. Graham in the book, The Six-Pointed Star. Dr. Graham proves that this symbol was never used by King David of Israel and so the name Star of David is a misnomer. Its usage stems from the medieval period when corrupt rabbis into cabalistic magic began to use the six-pointed star in their rituals. Dr. Graham does not mince words in declaring this emblem a tool of Satan, unworthy of use by the holy people of God. Also see What Is The Origin of The Six-Pointed Star?

3 x 60-degree corners of an equilateral triangle.


  • Ancient

Ceiling of the temple of Ba'al [8]

Ganesha Yantra- For focus during meditation and to invoke the diety [9]

Mahavidya Bhuvaneshvari and her Yantra

(see previous)

(see previous)

Cyprus Roman Mosaic (~50BCE)

Pagan hexagrams from all over the world (dated 4000 B.C. to the present). [10]

  • Esoteric Usage

Ecliptic positions of the Sun at its critical culminations over the Great Pyramid [11]

See also: Geometry: Platonic solids

Theosophical Society seal, with the Star of Saturn, the Swastika energy symbol, the Ankh and the Ouroboros symbol.

'Esoteric Art' 19th Century Toronto, Canada Public Building [12]

An excerpt from Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, featuring various magical sigils (or סגולות, seguloth, in Hebrew).
Note: This outline one of the many occult usage of this symbol.

Holy Table used in Enochian magic

See previous

"Fig. 70 Seal of Solomon in "Magic Symbols" by Frederick Goodman." [13]
Note Lucifer: a Cherubim is composed of the four fixed sign cardinal points of the zodiac.
The lion (Leo), the serpent holder (Ophiuchus/Scorpio), the calf (Taurus) and the man (Aquarius).

"That which is Above is like unto that which is Below..." Eliphas Levi's famous anthropomorphic hexagram from his 1855 work, Dogma et Ritual de la Haute Magie) (Transcendental Magic) showing the reflection of the Macrocosm in the Microcosm.

  • Catholicism & Jesuitism (and Christian Apostate)

6 Sides, 6 mini triangels, 6 sided polygon in center. Hexagtram under papal tiara, and Jesuit IHS (ISIS, HORUS, SEB) [14]

IHS in Center of Hexagram, Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, 2008 [15]

Hexagram on the pope mitre [16]

Salt Lake Assembly Hall [17]

  • Masonic

Lapel pin for the Royal Arch Degree a Masonic order.

6-pointed star of Saturn on back of United States one-dollar bill. The combined letters at each point spell "M-A-S-O-N"

Crest of The Royal Exalted Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of England and Wales [18]

Seal of Solomon with Royal Arch Degree logo

Theosophist (& Co-mason) Annie Besant wearing the society's emblem.
Besant was a 33rd degree Co-mason, women's rights activist, secularist, socialist, Marxist, writer and orator. Besant was elected as the International President of the Theosophical Society, in 1907

  • Muslim

Hexagram on Islam holiest site the Dome of the Rock proving yet again that Allah is none other than Satan. [19]

Hexagram on the Minaret of Arasta Mosque [20]

Al-Ghouri mosque Cairo ,1356 CC Picture by Dr. Pat (c) from Flickr [21]

"Here is a larger image of our supposed number 2 Al Qaeda. Rather odd design motif in that background cloth, all things considered." --
Note: 6-pointed stars or Hexagram of the Flag of Israel. [22]

  • Logos

The stars above the eagle's head form a 6-pointed star of Saturn on the back of the United States one-dollar bill.

Flag of Israel.
(see also: Masonic Judaism)

The Presidential Medal of Freedom. The stars form a 6-pointed star.

Common Sheriff badges

Sheriff badge of Riverside County
Note: the Double Cross.

Star of Saturn

(see previous) Black sun (saturn) /Solar swastika

An interwoven Star of Saturn

(see previous)

Dodge logo, from when the company was known as Dodge Brothers before the 1928 takeover by the Chrysler Corporation. [23]

Dodge Brothers logo used from 1914–27 (seen here on a modern belt buckle)

Obelisk Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial-Jerusalem inside an six pointed star (surrounded by 6 hexagons) [24]

Hexagram in the middle of Nevada Desert, Google Maps - Aerial Photography [25]

Unicursal hexagram
  • Various notes:
    • “The unicursal hexagram is so-called because it can be drawn unicursally- that is, in one continuous movement. This is significant when forming figures in ritual magick, where a continuous line is preferred to an interrupted movement. The symbol was devised by the Golden Dawn, and later adapted by Aleister Crowley as a device of personal significance. It is often worn by Thelemites as a sign of religious identification and recognition. The unicursal hexagram was created for the purpose of drawing the figure in one continuous movement, as the other magical polygons are created- the pentagram is one example. This is significant in ritual magick when invoking and banishing hexagrams must be made. Crowley’s adaptation of the unicursal hexagram placed a five petaled rose, symbolizing a pentacle (and the divine feminine), in the center; the symbol as a whole making eleven (five petals of the rose plus six points of the hexagram), the number of divine union.” [49]

An interwoven unicursal hexagram. The unicursal hexagram was also used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or "Golden Dawn") and can be traced back to at least the beginning of the 15th century. [26]

The unicursal hexagram used by Aleister Crowley
Note: the five petaled rose in center in the form of an inverted pentagram symbolizing the divine feminine. [27]

The seal of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), an international fraternal and religious organization founded by Aleister Crowley, displaying the unicursal hexagram in this rendition.[28]

Emblem of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, which is based on the philosophy of Thelema as proselytized by Aleister Crowley
Note: Crowley's favorite slogan "DO WHAT THOU WILT".

  • In the media

Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards: The unicursal hexagram is symbol considered to be sacred by members of the O.T.O. and is used in actual Black Magick rituals. Should it be in children’s games? [29]

“Alister, known in Japan as Amelda, is one of the main antagonists in the Waking the Dragons story arc of the Yu-Gi-Oh! He does not exist in the manga. His dub name was based on Aleister Crowley, the British occultist who created the Unicursal Hexagram, the symbol used for The Seal of Orichalcos. The obscurity of this fact is most likely what helped it slip past the censors.” [30]

Marian star

Catholic Marian Star

Municipal flag of Chicago

The Rain that Refreshes the Soul
Drawn by Hexmeister Lee R. Gandee, from his 1971 autobiography, Strange Experience
See also: 3-pointed star, circle

International Brotherhood of Teamsters (1903)
Note: The double horse heads, much like the masonic double-headed eagle.
Note: the sun symbolism.

Rotary Club International
(Est. 1905)
Note: an organization founded by masons.
Note: the sun symbolism.

German World War II 6th SS Mountain Division Nord insignia.

This variation of the Marian star can be found on all U.S. Emergency medical technician (EMT) patches/vehicles/etc.
See also: Star of Life
Note: the Caduceus symbolism.

Walmart (new logo, July 2008)
Note: the sun symbolism.


Pacific Bell


FedEx Kinko's

(see previous)
Note: The 2 superimposed triangles in the center forming a Star of Saturn, pyramid in center


Dead Kennedys, a 1980's punk rock band from San Francisco, California


Millennium Quest Limited (UK)
Company that makes decorations and light displays

Atomic symbol


"This nighttime view of Saturn's north pole by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer onboard NASA's Cassini orbiter clearly shows a bizarre six-sided hexagon feature encircling the entire north pole.
See also: Saturn symbolism.

The hexagon is the only shape which fits inside an 6-pointed star.

Knights of Labor - masonic labor organization between 1878-1949.

A hexagon surrounds a Hagalaz rune on this common Nazi SS ring

Hexagon-shaped tarot cards based on the elements of the periodic table [31]

"Fellowship of Craftmasons" - from a computer game.

Natural Hexagon formation in the Beehive
Note: see also Occult symbolism X: Bee

  • Hexagon in logos:

Walmart (new logo, July 2008)
Note: the sun symbolism.

Bristol-Myers Squibb
Note: the logo is made up of pyramid shapes.


Print ad for the American T.V. show Bones showing the "O" in "bones" as a hexagon
See: hand signs, death.
Note: The main actor's name in the show is Special Agent Seeley Booth, the same last name as the Jesuit Co-conspirators John Wilkes Booth that assassinated Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865,

Black & Decker

Hoffmann–La Roche

7-pointed star

  • Various notes:
    • Alternative names: Heptagram (or "septagram"), Heptagon
    • "The septagram is important in Western Kabbalah, where it symbolizes the sphere of Netzach, the seven planets, the seven alchemical metals, and the seven days of the week." "The acute heptagram is also a symbol of magical power in other Pagan religions. The obtuse heptagram was used as a symbol in the Kabbalah, and later by Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) where it was known as the Star (or Seal) of Babylon. The heptagram is also used in Christianity to symbolize the seven days of creation and became a traditional symbol for warding off evil, thus the reason that most sheriff's badges are obtuse heptagonal shaped. Also the symbol of perfection (or God) in many Christian religions."

Heptagram showing the planetary weekdays.

(see previous)

A Heptagram appears in the center of this Kabbalah symbolism image

Occult Heptagram with the twelve Zodiac signs

(Est. 1923, Ireland)
Heptagram emblem of The Order of Knight Masons (TOKM)

DC Shoes a popular American footwear company specialing in shoes for all types of extreme sports
Note: The vesica piscis symbolism

National flag of Australia

Inverted Heptagram

Astrum Argentum (meaning "Silver star") founded by Aleister Crowley in 1907. "Astrum Argentum" is sometimes written as "A∴A∴" - using the masonic sign for secret name-abbreviations: "".
See: all seeing eye, circle
This symbol is also known as "The Seal of Babalon"

Occult "Seal of Satan" heptagram
Note: heptagon

Classic occult heptagram, also called Sigil of Ameth

Planetary heptagram

The inverted heptagram badge of the California Highway Patrol.

Sheriff Badge (2) 2.jpg

inverted heptagram sheriff badge, El Paso County, TX

Inverted heptagram inscribed in a granite and marble peace officers memorial in Ventura, California

Holiday Inn Express logo with 7-pointed inverted heptagram star


Logo/badge from the TV show C.S.I

See previous


Occult heptagon with the words, "Levithmong", "Saitan", and "Iaida" written on it's edges

(see previous)

English heptagon shaped 50 pence coin commemorating the European Union

The Valley of Scottish Rite Masons logo displays a heptagon among it's other geometric shapes

The heptagon is present in this masonic rendition, showing a "symbolic representation of an encampment of the Scottish Rite degrees". [32]

The Kosovo, Albania police use a heptagon emblem for their hats

8-pointed star

  • Various notes:
    • Todo: note compass navigation functionality of two overlapping 4-pointed stars (two planes of intersection).
    • Also known as the Chaos Star (see also: Ordo ab Chao - "Out of chaos, order").
      • "I should explain perhaps why the eight spoke wheel is so important. In the sky there is a great cross that seems stationary, and its formed by the center of the Milky Way galaxy and from the center point of our celestial equator to the southern point of the celestial equator, that's the divine cross. Down here on the ground we have the mundane cross that is formed by the angles between equinox and the solstice and so forth, so the eight armed cross, the eight rayed star, the 8 spoke wheel...all represents the alignment in space and time of the divine cross above and the terrestrial mundane cross below. Now curiously enough this alignment only happens once every 13,000 years. These crosses have not aligned since 11,000 B.C., roughly 13,000 years ago." [50] (edited)
    • There are many versions of the 8-pointed star. One is known as the "Double Square" (or "Star of Lakshmi") and is the Masonic symbol of two superimposed squares at 45° angles representing order and disorder (and probably other dualistic concepts).
    • Todo: research the possibility of a 2-D mapping of 3-D axes. (See also: Labarum - overlay of Chi "χ" and Rho "ρ")
    • See also:
        • The Sumerians used an arrangement of lines as a symbol for both star and God. The linear eight-point star represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens and Ishtar(Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.” An eight-point star enclosed within a circle was the symbol for the sun god. The “Babylonian star-cult is the core and the archetype of subsequent astrology.”

The following diagram shows how a pattern that employs a symmetry of eight is built around a central khatam using a grid of four circles around a central circle. [33]

Chaos Star
  • The Chaos Star is most probably originated from the i-Ching, as:
    • To the old chinese, the Lo Shu was a concise representation of the universe, in a microcosm, an imago mundi that related to both the heavens and the earth through the harmonious balance of its numbers around the strong central number 5, which was located at the center of the axis mundi, the cosmic axis connecting these 2 worlds. The LoShu was associated with the sky and another name for it had been "The Celestial Numbers of the Nine Halls (or Palaces)", which were considered sky dwellings visited by celestial deities. The cult of the T'ai-Yi (Han Dynasty 202BC-220AD ) believed that the Sky Emperor T'ai-Yi lived in a palace at the center of Heaven, at the top of the Axis Mundi where he ruled the 8 outer divisions of Heaven. In a like manner the Chinese Emperor lived at the bottom of this cosmic axis, at the center of the earth, and exerted his influence out in the surrounding 8 directions. (Ancient Mathematical Origins of modern day occult practices p.3)

Chaos star with arrows

  • Chaos star non-logos:

Sumerian depiction
Note: the X symbolism, griffin, rooster.

Celtic calendar "wheel of the year"[34]

Vatican City's Piazza San Pietro.
See also: video: Vatican sun dial, Sun cross, Catholic Sun symbolism.

Mosque Maryam ceiling, Chicago, US
Note: this - originally a Greek Orthodox church - was refurbished and renamed after Mary (the mother of Jesus). The mosque is now the headquarters of the Nation of Islam.

Masonic Chaos star.
Note: The Ouroboros

  • Chaos star in logo's:

Ancient flag of Biblical Chaldea

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Annapolis Conference - which was was a Middle East peace conference held on November 27, 2007, at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

(see previous)

Ancient World Mapping Center - an interdisciplinary research center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Note: the sun symbolism.

Valiant Entertainment (formerly called "Valiant Comics")

Cover art of the 1998 album Random Chaos from Finish black metal band Crimson Midwinter

Cover art of Temple of the Serpent Baphomet, an album by Greek black metal band Chaos Baphomet.

Four Points Sheraton

Logo of Pakistan's Institute of Business Administration (IBA).
Combination of a chaos star and a 4-pointed star.

Smithsonian Institution - which was founded by Mason James Smithson.

Logo of IHS Press a Catholic publishing house based in Virginia

AISE - domestic intelligence agency of Italy.

This Black Sun clock adorns the outside building of the Chartres Cathedral, a famous French 12th Century Gothic architecture cathedral

Papal medal minted by Pius XI in 1929 to commemorate both the Lateran Treaty, which restored Papal sovereignty and made Vatican City an independent state, and the 50th jubilee of his priesthood. The sunburst wafer of the Eucharist that appears in the sky above the Lateran and St. Peter's basilicas, over the cup of the Mass is the Black Sun symbol of the Jesuits.

Star of Astaroth
  • Various notes:
  • Also known as the Star Disc of Ishtar (Babylonian)
    • The Sumerians used an arrangement of lines as a symbol for both star and God. The linear eight-point star represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens and Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.” An eight-point star enclosed within a circle was the symbol for the sun god. The “Babylonian star-cult is the core and the archetype of subsequent astrology.” [51]

Early usage of this symbol was for the star symbol of Inanna/Ishtar [35]

Star of Astaroth, Star Disc of Ishtar

(see previous)


Wheel of the Year

In nature worship system, symbol used to represented the 8 pagan holidays

  • The Wheel of Dharma is an important Buddhist symbol that represents the teachings of Buddha. It is also referred to as the `wheel of law.` The turning of the wheel is symbolic of the spiritual metamorphosis that was propagated by Gautama Buddha. This symbol is the oldest one in Indian art. Throughout the world the Wheel of Dharma is a symbol for Buddhism. There are eight spokes in this wheel. Each of these spokes represents the Eightfold Paths of Buddhism. They are believed to have sharp edges that have the power to cut through ignorance. [52]

In Eastern religions it is known as Dharmacakra (wheel of doctrine or wheel of law) and in Ashtamangala it sometimes represent Sakyamuni Buddha

See previous

Double square
  • Various notes:
    • "Double Ashlar" squares:
      • Various notes:
        • "Ashlar is dressed stone work of any type of stone. Ashlar blocks are large rectangular blocks of masonry sculpted to have square edges and even faces." ... "Ashlars have symbolic meaning for Freemasons and those in masonic schools used as a metaphor for states of progress. In Freemasonry, the ashlar comes in two forms: the rough ashlar represents a rough, unprepared or undressed stone, and is an allegory of the uninitiated Freemason prior to his discovering enlightenment; the smooth ashlar represents the dressed stone as used by the experienced stonemason, and is an allegory of the Freemason who, through education and diligence, has achieved enlightenment and who lives an upstanding life."
        • "The general shape of a V character, or a triangular shape pointing up or more often, down." [53]
      • This is actually represents a 3 dimensional shape, not a 2 dimensional one. It represents 2 squares, one on top of the other, symbolizing the idea of one entity controlling the other.
        • "The symbol is two three-dimensional boxes (one on top of the other) with the higher box representing the secret societies literally "on top" of and regulating civilization (the lower box). The colors blue and red are also a reference to the blue and red degrees of Masonry." [54]

Easy to understand example of superimposed squares at 45° angles
Note: only the octagon shape fits both inside and outside the double square.


The 2 Solstices and the 2 Equinoxes, together with their 4 respective halves: The real meaning behind that of the double square? See also the notes above.

Floor decoration at the Vatican Museums.

Double square with "all-seeing eye" in center. (source?)

A double square is seen in the middle of this masonic imagery (source?)


Pope John Paul II, at World Youth Day 2000, was wearing a crimson and gold stole, which bears the symbols of Baal / Shamash within an eight-pointed star (of Ishtar).

(zoom of previous image)

Pope Pius XII wearing the same stole.

Nazi medal Deutches Kreuz (German Cross)

Member of a secret Vatican order, displaying a double square on robe.

Prince Philip in uniform
Note: the two masonic double squares on the front of his uniform.

Masonic double square emblem on 19th Century Imperial Russian helmet

King Frederick II of Prussia (1740–1786), with double square star on uniform.

U.S. Navy chevron

The double square is on the front of all UK police hats

South Australian police badge

South African police badge

Turkish National Police insignia

(see previous)

Switzerland border police hat

Badge of the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP)
Note: the keystone.

Company logo's:


U.S. Postal Service

Chevron Corporation

American Home Bank
Note: The two vertical double square (side view) bars

Human Rights Campaign
This is the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) lobbying group and political action committee in the United States.
Note: the square logo
See also: Homosexual agenda

Four Points Sheraton hotel sign. This is how all of their signs look
See also: oblong square

Forlaget Libris - a Danish publishing company.

Cornerstone Company


A regular octagram (red) inside of an octagon (black).
Note: there is only one shape (octagon) that fits both inside and outside an octagram 8-pointed star.

When viewed from above, the architecture of the Castel del Monte, a 13th century castle in Italy, forms a perfect 8-pointed star.

Colored window in the church "Himmelfahrtskirche" Dresden-Leuben, Germany (1901) [36]

Octagram on the floor of?

Logo of the Commercial Bank of Kuwait

Star of Isis jewelry

Star of Isis ring

The cover of Octagon, the 1995 release by Swedish heavy metal band Bathory

Logo of German power metal band Paragon

U.S. Air Force 34th Bomb Group patch

Nedcor Bank Limited, founded in 1888 in Amsterdam. One of the largest banks in South Africa [37]

  • Various notes:
    • The 8-sided octagon is the only shape that fits inside an 8-pointed octagram star which has straight arms.
  • Non-logo's:

Vatican staircase
Note: the spiral.

Illustration of the Roman God Mercury

1934 Nazi rally medallion

(see previous)

Ouija Board

Album cover of U.S. based hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan's 2007 release "8 Diagrams".

The Swan Logo of the DHARMA Initiative in the LOST series. [38]

Stop sign

  • Company logo's:

First Service Bank
Note: 5-pointed star and the 5 lines for the 5 points

Provides home, business, and government security systems

The Church of God International Women's Ministries

Capitol Bank
Note: energy spiral arms

(Est. 1925)
a global kitchen furniture company based in Italy.

9-pointed star

  • Various notes:

Masonic 9-pointed star. If you look closely you can see it is 3 overlaid triangles
Note: the Yad pointer with hand at the top of image Also the star is superimposed over a Masonic Maltese cross

A 9-pointed star used as the logo for the Iowa Department of Public Safety
Note: also in Mason-like colors.

The American alternative metal band Slipnot uses a 9-pointed star (three triangles) as its logo

(see previous)

  • Astro-Theology Enneagram:
    • The Enneagram is used in the field of Neuro-linguistic programming:
      • Enneagram of Personality: "The Enneagram system describes nine distinct personality types and their interrelationships, mapped around an ancient symbol of perpetual motion. This is now the most well-known use of this particular enneagram figure." [55]
      • "The enneagram is an ancient technique for self-development that can be very useful in communication. The symbol for the eneagramm is a circle with 9 points, symbolising the 9 types. In short, with the Enneagram we get to 9 types of personality." ... "The choice of strategy is in fact strongly influenced by the so-called ennea type. In a few moments we can look at a person, discover, through appropriate questioning, his type and at the same time we have discovered his strategy. The second connection is with chinese elements and types of personalities. Both can be linked together in a unique framework." [56]
      • "Dr. Marco Paret has in fact developed a whole set of new patterns that interweave hypnotic communication techniques with NLP. Also, he has conduced an in-depth study of the Enneagram and its applications in a modern perspective. He has also developed a new didactic method for teaching languages which differs from that of classical suggestopedy. Inspired by hydden-traditions, he has also created various interesting modellings, the most significant of them being the Eneagramm sensory-based model (Instant Enneagram) and the techniques pertaining states-of-consciousness. Along the years, Dr. Paret has held many conferences in the USA as well as other countries, thus meeting most of the leading american hypnotists. He has been often invited to italian television shows as an expert in hypnosis and NLP. " [57]

Enneagram of Personality

(see previous)

(see previous)

Enneagram illustration showing G.I. Gurdjieff's "Forth Way"



The Valley of Scottish Rite Masons logo displays a nonagon among it's other geometric shapes

The nonagon is present in this masonic rendition, showing a "symbolic representation of an encampment of the Scottish Rite degrees". [39]

10-pointed star

Masonic temple checkerboard floor with a 10-pointed star.

A star for Man and an inverted star for Baphomet/Lucifer/Priesthood.

Variant of the 10-pointed star.
Note: if you look very closely you can see three 3-D pyramids. Hint: let your eyes relax, blur the image out.

Billings Area Health Sciences Information Consortium (Bahsic), an organization providing literary resources to the medical field.

  • 10-sided shape (name?)

Deltec Financial Services, LLC

11-pointed star

11-pointed star

Occult 11-pointed star

The foundation/base for the US Statue of Liberty, appears to be a very slight variation of a 11-pointed star. Why?

(see previous)

12-pointed star

12-pointed star

This 4-triangle 12-pointed star appears on the United Nations related Lucis Trust website [40].

12 roads converge on the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, France.
See also: Arch

(see previous)

12-pointed star used in Kabbalah symbolism
Note: Hebrew letters, heptagram, triangle.

A. Austin Amerine Retreat Center

12-pointed star on the flag of Nauru.

German police hats have 12-pointed stars on them

  • Cathedral of Chartres (12th century, France)

The 12-pointed star stained glass window
Note: the window is actually made up of 3 separate 12-pointed stars

From the inside
Note: Oblong squares

(see previous)

Various stars

  • Stars with more than 12 points (in increasing number)

Jesuit Order seal (with 16 points and 16 rays)
See also: Black sun and Saturn symbolism.

16-sided masonic shape/diamond (name?)

A 20-pointed star appears on the front cover of this masonic book (name of this book?)

Clock on the Chartres Cathedral (24 points and 24 rays) - a famous French 12th Century Gothic architecture cathedral.
Note: the Black sun symbolism.

British Petroleum (BP)
The logo is made up of 4 different 18-pointed stars --> 4 x 18 = 72
According to the Kabbalah, there are 72 names of God


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