All you ever needed to know about George Soros NWO Satanic Scumball Extraordinaire



Click on image above


Published on Feb 6, 2017
He also funded the Occupy Movements, Idle No More, Marches and much more.

George Soros Suffers ‘Massive Heart Attack’ On Christmas Eve In Hungary.

World’s Youngest Leader Bans George Soros from Austria: ‘Rothschild Next’

Body Language: George Soros End Game

Published on Nov 15, 2016

BREAKING: Massive Movement To Overthrow Globalist GEORGE SOROS Explodes In Macedonia.

Published on Jan 24, 2017

ALERT: US Expels George Soros – 9mil Signed Request for Trump to REMOVE his Citizenship!

Published on Feb 22, 2017
RED ALERT: Just Released, US to Expel George Soros …8 millioin + Signed Petition for Trump.
– 9 million Americans have signed a request to the President Trump, deprive citizenship from George Soros and seize his US assets. US to Expel George Soros – 9mil Signed Request for Trump to REMOVE his Citizenship!

Bill O’Reilly Exposes George Soros

Soros Plot to CRASH THE ECONOMY on Inauguration Day? Looks Like it!

ANONYMOUS – President Donald Trump EXPOSES George Soros

Published on Dec 30, 2016

Trump To Declare George Soros ‘National Security Threat’

Anonymous – The Take Down of George Soros Has Begun

Published on Nov 22, 2016

Soros’s Formula for Killing America: A Brief Guide, for Americans

Published on Oct 31, 2016
Breaking! Incorporating recent leaks and IRS documents, this short video best explains the dangerous agenda, strategy and tactics of the Soros network, in America. Stand with Christian patriots, for the world God so loves. Produced by: the Awareness Project.
Please join us at — to sign our letter, “A Call to Repentance and Renewal.” See endorsements below.

“What if this conspiracy stuff were true? God help us, because this much of it really IS true. Please watch this video. Our country hangs in the balance.” ~ Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer; and, If You Can Keep It
“Two ‘Georges’ — but oh so different! George Soros is selfishly trying to destroy what George Washington sacrificially founded: America. Thank God for these fearless producers exposing one of the most sinister, destructive forces to the Republic. Listen to this. Listen carefully. Your nation depends on it.” ~ Pastor James Garlow, Skyline Church, San Diego

Glen Beck identifies largest criminal organization in US history, the National Democrat Party


Published on Nov 15, 2016

The Devil On Earth (George Soros)

Published on Oct 23, 2016
Description update:
Soros’s age is mentioned on video to be 64 – because it contains a compilation of old and new clips. His date of birth is August 12, 1930, making him 86 as of August 2016.
Response to those disputing that George Soros is a Zionist.
George Soros is Pro NWO = Zionist Agenda. Please study and learn about the “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”.
George Soros is Pro Eugenics = Zionist Agenda. Again, “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”.
George Soros has a strong track record of de-regulation and privatisation. Again, “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”.
Soros believes in and supports social engineering through both indoctrination and enforcement. That is a typical belief routed in the heart zionism.
George Soros is an associate of the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel (based on borders defined by UN in 1967).
He changed his real birth name from Gyorgy Schwartz to George Soros to hide his Zionist identity.
George Soros believes he is superior than all other goyims. That is a typical Zionist belief from the Talmud. Not all Jews follow the Talmud. Others only follow the Torah (Old Testament).
George Soros is playing a vital role in the de-stabilisation and de-population plan of the Arab region in order to create Greater Israel. This plan was set out by Theodor Herzl and later revised by Oded Yinon. Part of funding terrorism is de-stabilisation of the region. Part of that de-population plan includes mass immigration of Arabs into Europe, which George Soros has been supporting and facilitating.
Theodor Herz also planned on “sacrificing our own Jews in order to receive global sympathy and scaremonger other Jews into migrating to Palestine” = WW2! This worked and the State of Israel was born in 1948. George Soros facilitated that by siding with the Nazis. Financial backers such as the Rothschilds helped execute the plan and Soros was merely just a pawn at the time.
George Soros is not a semite by bloodline nor is he entirely Jewish by belief. He is a Zionist by DNA and bloodline. Most Zionists trace back to the Khazarian people. Read the book: The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler published in 1976.
The Khazarian Zionists adapted Judaism for political expediency. Historical fact. They are imposters and not real semites. These people will have no issue with adapting Christianity, Islam or any other faith purely for political expediency. Watch this video or read a more recent book published by Texe Marrs – DNA Science and the Jewish (imposters) Bloodline.
Zionism is not exclusive to being Pro-Israel. Contrary to the modern mainstream media’s narrative, that is just one small element of it. Zionism and NWO agenda has been around far longer than Israel was even created in 1948. Only those that have spent time studying and researching the ‘Protocols of the learned elders of Zion’ would have a good understanding of it.
Notice: I am not looking to make any profit from this exploitation. I am simply a concerned patriot volunteering his time to assist in exposing the corruptness in our government and it’s dealings with the New World Order.

SURPRISE for GEORGE SOROS he WILL NOT LIKE – ” We Promise, You Are Not Going To Like It!”

Published on Nov 12, 2016
Hey, Soros, We Have A Surprise For You, And We Promise, You Are Not Going To Like It!

George Soros Bribed Al Gore Millions to Lie About Global Warming

Leaked documents reveal $10M per year for fabricated data

By: Jay Greenberg  |@NeonNettle
 on 19th November 2016 @ 12.36pm
soros used his open society institute to pay al gore 10 million dollars per year according to dc leaks
Soros used his Open Society Institute to pay Al Gore $10 million dollars per year, according to DC Leaks

Newly leaked documents from whistleblowing website, DC Leaks, reveal that Liberal billionaire, George Soros, used his Open Society Institute to pay Al Gore $10 million dollars per year to lie to the public about the effects man-made global warming has on the planet.

According to the documents, George Soros gave former Vice President, Al Gore’s environmental group millions of dollars in the space of three years to create a “political space for aggressive U.S. action” on global warming.
YNW reports: “U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo.
“There has been a budget of $11 million for global warming grants in the U.S. Programs budget for the last several years,” the memo reads. “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”
It’s unclear what year the memo was sent, but the Gore co-founded Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP) was established in 2006 and lasted until it became The Climate Reality Project in July 2011. In 2008, the Alliance launched a $300 million campaign to encourage “Americans to push for aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,” The Washington Post reported.
ACP got $10 million from the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 2008, according to the nonprofit’s tax filings. OSI handed over another $5 million to ACP in 2009, according to tax filings. The investigative reporting group ProPublica keeps a database that has OSI tax returns from 2000 to 2013. TheDCNF could not find other years where OSI gave money to ACP.
al gore is said to have made a fortune from global warming © press
Al Gore is said to have made a fortune from global warming.
OSI is primarily a grant-making nonprofit that hands out millions of dollars every year to mostly left-wing causes. Now called the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s nonprofit has handed out more than $13 billion over the last three decades.OSI didn’t only plan to fund Gore’s climate group to promote global warming policies in the U.S., OSI also planned on giving millions of dollars to spur the “youth climate movement.”“This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.“We are also including a placeholder for an additional $2 million, pending discussion about and development of OSI’s global warming agenda,” the memo reads. “There is a memo from Nancy Youman in the strategic plans binder that recommends pathways forward for OSI on the climate issue – in the U.S., as well as in other parts of the Open Society Network.”
OSI is primarily a grant-making nonprofit that hands out millions of dollars every year to mostly left-wing causes. Now called the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s nonprofit has handed out more than $13 billion over the last three decades.OSI didn’t only plan to fund Gore’s climate group to promote global warming policies in the U.S., OSI also planned on giving millions of dollars to spur the “youth climate movement.”“This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.“We are also including a placeholder for an additional $2 million, pending discussion about and development of OSI’s global warming agenda,” the memo reads. “There is a memo from Nancy Youman in the strategic plans binder that recommends pathways forward for OSI on the climate issue – in the U.S., as well as in other parts of the Open Society Network.”

Hungary: situation at the border after a year with the fence 1/2

Published on Sep 16, 2016
A year after Hungary built a fence on her southern border, we met with mayor László Toroczkai who explained us the current situation at the gate of the European Union.
Second part of the documentary:
To learn more about immigration in Europe and its consequences, visit our webpage :

Russia Eliminates George Soros

Published on Nov 8, 2016
Alex Jones and his team of Infowars reporters are breaking down the electronic Berlin Wall of media control by reaching millions of people around the world – with more waking up every day. Circumventing the dying dinosaur media systems of information suppression, Infowars and the Alex Jones Channel are a beacon of truth in a maelstrom of lies and deception. You have found the tip of the spear in alternative media – Infowars is on the front lines in the battle to reclaim our rights, dignity and our destiny by exposing the control freaks who seek to turn the globe into a prison planet.


Published on Oct 23, 2016


George Soros ups the ante for protesters and their hourly wage skyrockets

Published on Nov 13, 2016

Soros’s Formula for Killing America: A Brief Guide, for Americans

Published on Oct 31, 2016
Breaking! Incorporating recent leaks and IRS documents, this short video best explains the dangerous agenda, strategy and tactics of the Soros network, in America. Stand with Christian patriots, for the world God so loves. Produced by: the Awareness Project.
Please join us at — to sign our letter, “A Call to Repentance and Renewal.” See endorsements below.

“What if this conspiracy stuff were true? God help us, because this much of it really IS true. Please watch this video. Our country hangs in the balance.” ~ Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer; and, If You Can Keep It
“Two ‘Georges’ — but oh so different! George Soros is selfishly trying to destroy what George Washington sacrificially founded: America. Thank God for these fearless producers exposing one of the most sinister, destructive forces to the Republic. Listen to this. Listen carefully. Your nation depends on it.” ~ Pastor James Garlow, Skyline Church, San Diego

Anonymous Patriots George Soros Exposed

Published on Mar 29, 2016

Wikileaks: George Soros To Be Shadow President Of USA

Published on Oct 22, 2016
Alex reveals the shadowy characters that are working behind the scenes to destroy our democracy and very way of life.

WE FOUND IT! The 60 Minutes Interview George Soros Tried To Bury!

Published on Nov 12, 2016


Published on Nov 13, 2016


Streamed live on Oct 27, 2016


Published on Oct 28, 2016

Soros Revelations in His Own Words

Published on Apr 30, 2012
György Schwartz a.k.a. George Soros speaks on a number of subjects FYI :
-Obama and Romney are both the same 00:01 / -Abandons Obama 00:43 /
– If Obama fails 1:20 / -Tax evasion 1:42 /
-“Daddy Warbucks of Drug Legalization” (with evil intentions) 3:53 /
-Open Societies 05:02 / -Anti Bush 06:43 / -Anti Capitalism 08:46
-Anti Reagan 09:13 / -Money in US Politics 10:14 /
(he calls politicians, “AGENTS and “AGENCIES”, Soros says,”they are agents who are suppose to represent the interests of the people 10:25 )
-DECLINE IN MORALITY 11:56 / -Communism 13:24 / -China 14:07 /
-Prefers weak US Economy 17:19 /
-Profits guide peoples behavior 19:55 / -Christianity 21:00 /
-Soros Reality 22:55 / “absence of life after death can be proven” 23:45 /
Soros says his Reality resembles Religious belief 24:07
-Soros says world economy is in crisis but he, of course, can fix it; i.e. Soros says only his plans can help so he can make a profit and promote his agenda. 24:53

David Horowitz – Leftist turned conservative. First to expose Soros.

George Soros says Obama must go

Billionaire George Soros Surrenders

The Freedom of Evil in America

“Liberalism: Psychosis, Evil or Ignorance?”

America says “NO” to Socialism

The Power of the US News Media Exposed

The Unknown Putin. Part 1

The Unknown Putin Part 2

Vladimir Putin’s Christian Faith – in his own words


The Devil Has a Name & It’s George Soros?

Published on Sep 29, 2016
Additional reading (thank you reddit user bane187)
George Soros Money-Men Caught on Memo Plotting Pro-Muslim Pitches, Post-Terror:…
George Soros (Hillary’s primary financer) instructing Hillary on what policies to carry out as Secretary of State:
Top contributors for Hillary Clinton page:
Soros tells Europe to take in ‘at least a MILLION’ refugees every year:

Hacked emails expose George Soros as Ukraine puppet-master:
George Soros funds Ferguson Black Lives Matter protests:

Soros funds MoveOn and Media Matters:

Soros funds Black Lives Matter:


Russia Removes George Soros Backed Groups

Published on Oct 16, 2015
Alex Jones breaks down how Russia is taking a stand against the new world order and removing some of George Soros’ pet group which were set up to do nothing but destabilize the country.

Zionist Billionaire George Soros Aims to Erase Europe

Published on Oct 7, 2016
Zionist billionaire George Soros is the chief architect of Europe’s migrant crisis.

Soros got hacked. Can you guess what we found? #NewWorldNextWeek

Published on Aug 18, 2016
Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:
Story #1: Hack Proves “Dissident” Groups, Movements Funded By Soros
“We’re stuck in the Twilight Zone.”
Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence
Meet George Soros

Story #2: ’Shadow Brokers’ Claim NSA Hack, Share Hi-Tech Hacking Tools
Edward Snowden Points to Russia on Alleged NSA Hack
James Corbett On ‘Declare Your Independence’ Radio
Wikipedia: MacGuffin

Story #3: ”Russian” Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Publishes Complete Personal Information Of 200 Congressional Democrats
Twitter (Temporarily) Suspends Account of Guccifer 2.0, Hacker Behind DNC & DCCC Leaks
What You NEED To Know About The NSA Hack And Bitcoin Ransom

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Little Free Pantries On Your Sidewalk Give Shelf-Stable Help

Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars?

Previous Episode: Imaginary BBC Detector Vans Now Scanning WiFi?

Anonymous Patriots #OpSoros Anonymous Vs George Soros

Published on May 5, 2016
Anonymous Vs George Soros!
Expect Us!

#OpSOROS Open Society Foundation Documents. MoveOn.Org is next!.


Published on Sep 5, 2016


Published on Oct 6, 2016
You won’t believe the George Soros tactics Hollywood is employing to promote the new movie ‘Birth of a Nation’, and you’ll get a real kick out of what trillionaire Lynn Forester de Rothschild has to say about her puppet Hillary.

George Soros Owns Hillary Clinton: Why We Need Trump (FULL SHOW)

Published on Sep 29, 2016
A full show back when Glenn Beck wasn’t fired for exposing this from FOX News. George Soros owns the democrats, and therefor, he owns Hillary Clinton. Another puppet in the New World Order scheme. Make no mistake, Trump is our only hope.. George Soros is currently funding Black Lives Matter in an effort to start a race-war.

George SOROS: The One-Man Illuminati Machine

Published on Jun 28, 2016

George Soros: Evil Zionist Puppet Master Exposed

Published on Aug 7, 2016
This documentary about George Soros was made from a compilation of different video clips that I have watched, downloaded and edited.
I cannot remember all of the channels I’ve downloaded the clips from. If your clip was used and you feel you should be given credit, please drop me a note and I will add a link to your channel in the description.
Description update:
Soros’s age is mentioned on video to be 64 – because it contains a compilation of old and new clips. His date of birth is August 12, 1930, making him 86 as of August 2016.
Response to those disputing that George Soros is a Zionist.
George Soros is Pro NWO = Zionist Agenda. Please study and learn about the “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”.
George Soros is Pro Eugenics = Zionist Agenda. Again, “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”.
George Soros has a strong track record of de-regulation and privatisation. Again, “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”.
Soros believes in and supports social engineering through both indoctrination and enforcement. That is a typical belief routed in the heart zionism.
George Soros is an associate of the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel (based on borders defined by UN in 1967).
He changed his real birth name from Gyorgy Schwartz to George Soros to hide his Zionist identity.
George Soros believes he is superior than all other goyims. That is a typical Zionist belief from the Talmud. Not all Jews follow the Talmud. Others only follow the Torah (Old Testament).
George Soros is playing a vital role in the de-stabilisation and de-population plan of the Arab region in order to create Greater Israel. This plan was set out by Theodor Herzl and later revised by Oded Yinon. Part of funding terrorism is de-stabilisation of the region. Part of that de-population plan includes mass immigration of Arabs into Europe, which George Soros has been supporting and facilitating.
Theodor Herz also planned on “sacrificing our own Jews in order to receive global sympathy and scaremonger other Jews into migrating to Palestine” = WW2! This worked and the State of Israel was born in 1948. George Soros facilitated that by siding with the Nazis. Financial backers such as the Rothschilds helped execute the plan and Soros was merely just a pawn at the time.
George Soros is not a semite by bloodline nor is he entirely Jewish by belief. He is a Zionist by DNA and bloodline. Most Zionists trace back to the Khazarian people. Read the book: The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler published in 1976.
The Khazarian Zionists adapted Judaism for political expediency. Historical fact. They are imposters and not real semites. These people will have no issue with adapting Christianity, Islam or any other faith purely for political expediency. Watch this video or read a more recent book published by Texe Marrs – DNA Science and the Jewish (imposters) Bloodline.
Zionism is not exclusive to being Pro-Israel. Contrary to the modern mainstream media’s narrative, that is just one small element of it. Zionism and NWO agenda has been around far longer than Israel was even created in 1948. Only those that have spent time studying and researching the ‘Protocols of the learned elders of Zion’ would have a good understanding of it.

George Soros exposed!

Uploaded on Feb 19, 2011
George Soros created the Open Society Foundation, a liberal, largely anti-government organization. George Soros also funds and supports open borders for the U.S.
– In 1992, George Soros made a billion profit by selling the British pound short, badly damaging that country.
– In 1999, the president of China banned George Soros from doing business in his country.
– In 2002, George Soros was convicted of insider trading in France and fined $2.3 million.

*~~ Anonymous Exposes Soros Funded Cyber Division Agents Part 2 ~~*

Published on Aug 2, 2016
Part 2
Anonymous has long been infiltrated by government agents.
We have obtained the identities of the leaders of a large web of agent infiltrators.
Please visit these links, read, understand, look, share, learn and act. Please clone these links and upload this video, spread it everywhere you can. We must allow people to hear truth.

More info about the bigger picture:

History of George Soros

Published on Aug 18, 2012
By Larouche Youth


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