CHEMTRAILS All you need to know

compiled by Dee Finney
updated 9-21-15
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Contrail Clutter over Georgia
Credit: MODISTerra SatelliteNASA
A Protected Night Sky Over Flagstaff 
Credit and Copyright: Dan & Cindy DuriscoeFDSCLowell Obs.USNO
Explanation: This sky is protected. Yesterday marked the 50 year anniversary of the first lighting ordinance ever enacted, which restricted searchlightadvertisements from sweeping the night skies above FlagstaffArizonaUSA. Flagstaff now enjoys the status of being the first International Dark Sky City, and maintains a lighting code that limits lights from polluting this majestic nighttime view. The current dark skies over Flagstaff not only enable local astronomers to decode the universe but allow local sky enthusiasts to see and enjoy a tapestry contemplated previously by every human generation. The above image, pointing just east of north, was taken two weeks ago at 3 am from Fort Valley, only 10 kilometers from central Flagstaff. Visible in the above spectacular panorama are the San Francisco Peaks caped by a lenticular cloud. Far in the distance, the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy arcs diagonally from the lower left to the upper right, highlighted by the constellations of CassiopeiaCepheus, and Cygnus. On the far right, the North America Nebula is visible just under the very bright star Deneb.
One has to wonder why the government doesn't want the rest of us to see the sky during the day or at night.  These days we have white skies, not blue - and at night?  you can even see chemtrails crossing the sky - even worse at dawn.
chemtrail plane
A pilot of a commercial airliner made a mistake that irrefutably PROVES the existence of “CHEMTRAILS” — by forgetting to turn them off before he landed!  We have video of the plane landing while still spraying CHEMTRAILS as it hits the runway.  This is the first empirical evidence to back-up claims made people, smeared as “conspiracy-theorists,” who claimed airlines are being used by government to spray aerosols into the air without the knowledge or consent of the people being sprayed.  With proof like this, the public now has legal standing to file lawsuits, utilize subpoenas and force discovery of evidence. 
Despite the fact that the plane is landing in foggy weather, the emission of chemtrails is unmistakable; their existence cannot be denied or explained-away by weather.  First, the trails are NOT coming from the back of the jet engines.  Second, the trails are not merely water trailing off the edges of the wings because as the plane passes, in addition to the wing trail emissions, there are clearly SPRAYS coming out of several sections at the rear of the wings in clear addition to any water that may be washing off the wing during landing. 
PREMIERE - Now on Youtube - Alex's three new videos. 
Check it out!!  Pass them
on!!  *Some music by Larry Seymour*

Aerosol Attack
Did you say you don't believe in Chemtrails:

Germany becomes the First Country to admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations

For all those activists who have been investigating and reporting on clandestine government operations around the world to manipulate our weather patterns, this news from Germany is groundbreaking.The TV news report states that “the military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is what the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed…
“We can staTe with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals.”
“This is their main purpose, but I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements -- although, the federal army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful.”
“In the United States of America there are protest after protest for many years now, against these military operations and now people are mobilising in Germany as well. Per example JOHANNES REMMEL of the Greens.“It's obvious that enormous regions are being polluted with clandestine actions, but all of this has to be made public. The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population.”
This is a very significant development in the battle to find out why our governments are spraying chemicals into our atmosphere, however it is only the tip of the iceberg. As far as researchers have been able to conclude, chemical spraying by our governments have been in full operation since mid-to-late 1990’s (possibly earlier). The following video presentation is a great introduction to chemtrails and some of its possible implication: Aerosol Crimes (1:39:23).
Right now we can only speculate as to what type of chemicals are used in these operations, however one thing is certain, if we saw a car driving down the road, spewing out a plume of smoke the way these planes are doing we would be very concerned.Considering that half the species in the world could be wiped out due to global warming, the least we could do is to demand that our governments explain what it is that they are spraying us with, specially if military heads are claiming “that the substances used are not harmful”. As we know, when the militaries of the world say we have nothing to be concerned about then we have everything to be concerned about. Keep in mind that chemtrails have been categorized as an “exotic weapons systems” by the 107th CONGRESS of the United States in House Bill H. R. 2977.

(They expect us to accept the following as truth! Even the ones over the ocean! Where did those planes land?)
Explanation: Artificial clouds made by humans may become so common they change the Earth's climate. The long thin cloud streaks that dominate the above satellite photograph of Georgia are contrailscirrus clouds created by airplanes. The exhaust of an airplane engine can create a contrail by saturating the surrounding air with extra moisture. The wings of a plane can similarly create contrails by dropping the temperature and causing small ice-crystals to form. Contrails have become more than an oddity - they may be significantly increasing the cloudiness of Earth, reflecting sunlight back into space by day, and heat radiation back to Earth even at night. The effect on climate is a topic of much research. You can help NASA measure the actual abundance of contrails by participating in a contrail counting exercise that runs over the next two days.
"Chemtrails were developed by Edward Teller and are basically the seeding of thousands of tons of microparticles of aluminum on the upper atmosphere to try to increase the albedo of the planet, the reflectivity of the planet, because of global warming. Now, gold microparticles, real gold, were used once in a similar situation on another planet, but I guess they had lots of gold, and we used aluminum instead. Global warming is partly because of the greenhouse effect, and that certainly makes things worse, but most of it is because of increased solar activity. Solar activity is the real problem."

2-11-99 - DREAM - I remember being in a hospital. I thought I was there to get some kind of treatment for my dog, but the nurse, who was very close to me, was demonstrating how to measure little plugs of brown medicine substance and put it into the eyes.She said, "As long as you are right here, I may as well do it for you and she immediately put 5 of these brown plugs into my left eye under the lids. She said, "This is going to make your eyes swell shut so you can't see." I started to get scared as my eye started to close immediately and wondered how I would be able to get along without being able to see. She said, "It isn't going to hurt."
By now my left eye was completely shut and I could only see out of my right eye.  She wanted to put the medicine in my right eye too and managed to get one brown medicine plug under the upper lid. The eye started to swell shut immediately. But I didn't want to be totally blind, so I started to resist. I was placed on a huge bed and I was afraid they were going to tie my hands down and force the medicine in my right eye too. But the bed was so large, the nurse couldn't reach me no matter how hard she tried and I knew I'd at least be able to see out of my right eye.  
I woke up and both eyes were burning but the left one burned the worst.
NOTE: I believe that this was from the wide contrails that planes are leaving in the sky. My left eye burned for 3 days, and my right eye burned for 5 days.  However, within a week, my left eye was okay, but my right eye kept getting gummy stuff in it for 3 months, and still oozes gummy stuff today (8-14-99)
1-16-02 - DREAM - Outside in the sky, it looked like there was a war going on in the sky. In two areas, it appeared there were tiny planes, making puffing kinds of clouds when they were shot their guns at each other. I asked if there was a war going on. I was assured that there was no war, that they were just fixing the sky. At that point, I could see a work crew up in the sky. It was so high they looked like toys, but they had big yellow cranes - the whole works like a humongous construction crew. Then they started making puffy clouds around them so nobody could see what they were doing, but we knew they were still working up there behind the clouds. I saw my husband up on a nearby hill at a house and red wire going up there. There was a huge crowd of people surrounding the house and hill and I asked if I could climb up there so people let me through and helped me climb up there. They said that my husband was up there, ready to sound the alarm. 
Did this actually start in September of 1996?Joe and I have personally experienced seeing these ‘chemtrails’ as we call them.
One day, we were standing on the porch and we watched 3 airplanes going over at the same time. They were white planes, flying quite high, more or less abreast towards the north, leaving wide trails behind them in the sky. Not long afterwards, the same planes went from East to West, making similar trails, creating grids in the sky. On other days, we had seen similar grids in the sky, sometimes like Tic Tac Toe boards like the game, or in big wide curves all over the sky. I even felt something wet coming down afterwards.
For a long time I had a problem with my right eye getting gummy so that I could hardly see out of it, and I corresponded with other people on the Internet with the same problem. Why just one eye? Others were very sick for a long time. I was sick for about a year and half before I started coming out of it, the aching and feeling of debilitation. Some of the older people I heard about actually died after contracting strange ailments following the trails in the sky.
There are investigators doing chemical tests of this stuff, which came down from such chemtrail events, which airplanes dumped out as they flew over. These same investigators were warned by strange phone calls that they had better quit talking about it. Some checked with the government statutes and discovered that the U.S. government has the right to experiment on it’s own people without their knowledge. What????
One researcher discovered this: The recently revised U.S. Code Title 50, Section 1520 states that the Secretary of Defense may conduct tests or experiments "involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population" if they are related to research activity. The law also stipulates that biowarfare tests can be carried out on Americans only if Congress is notified 30
days in advance, and "only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject. "
Some speculate that the government is actually immunizing people against a dire illness because people will refuse to get the shots. We are talking about anthrax here.
However, the list of chemicals found in this ‘stuff’ coming down from the chemtrails is lengthy and full of poisons. Some ask if this is coincidental or actually causing the epidemic of Alzheimer patients recently.
Others speculate that this is for ‘weather’ control. Some of these grids have been seen via satellite photographs above the clouds just off the Coast of California. Were those chemtrails seeding the clouds, which then would rain down on the people too? But, these chemtrails have been seen in every state in the US. They are also seen in many other countries, not only Europe, but also as far south as Australia.
The newest weather control speculation is that the governments of the world are trying to create clouds so that the earth stays cooler, because global warming is occurring much faster than scientists think is possible.
At this time, both poles on Mars are melting. How could this be? We are closer to the sun than Mars is.
On Earth, the third closest planet to the Sun, temperatures can range from nearly 130 degrees Fahrenheit below zero to over 130 degrees F above zero. This changes dramatically from day to day and season to season.
Mars is smaller than Earth, and thus its gravity is weaker. Mars red color comes from some of the oxygen in Mars's atmosphere combining chemically with iron in the soil to form iron oxide—rust. Mars lost most of its atmosphere, leaking away into space except for the relatively heavy gas carbon dioxide, which makes up most of Mars's sparse atmosphere.
The temperatures taken from on the two Viking landers, measured at 1.5 meters above the surface, range from + 1° F, ( -17.2° C) to -178° F (-107° C). However, the temperature of the surface at the winter polar caps drop to -225° F, (-143° C) while the warmest soil occasionally reaches +81° F (27° C) as estimated from Viking Orbiter Infrared Thermal Mapper. (Statistics from NASA)
We all know from reading the news that our own glaciers are melting, both in the north and South Pole areas. Giant chunks of Antarctic ice are breaking off, much more than normal. The controversy over global warming has been frenetic. Some scientist’s say we have global warming, others say we don’t. It depends on when you start the countdown.
Despite the arguments among scientists, we only have to look at the statistics. For one thing, the oceans have risen 12 inches since 1908. During the last ice age, the water of the oceans was 450 feet lower than it is today. So, is the water rising showing that the poles are melting? I don’t personally know when they started measuring the level of the oceans, but since 1908 it appears that it is.
However, maybe this is all just a smokescreen. If Mars is colder than earth, and farther from the sun and its’ poles are melting, why wouldn’t the Earth’s poles be melting too? It takes heat to make the poles melt. Mars doesn’t have the
same air pollution that Earth has, which the scientists are saying is the cause of global warming. What if that isn’t true? What if there is a different reason for global warming and the melting poles? Scientists in the Antarctic have studied deep ice cores and discovered that global warming in earlier days, prior to air pollution only took 40 years.
If global warming only took 40 years, how would we prepare for that? What if we had several years in a row when rainfall was less than normal? We would have huge drought areas, which wouldn’t grow food, (including the middle of the U.S., which I have predicted earlier). With the huge expansion in the number of people on the earth how would we be able to feed them all if our current farm areas could no longer provide the food the do now?
What if the chemtrails are being put in the sky to keep the Earth cooler than its’ normal daytime temperatures to help keep the global warming under check longer than scientists are now thinking?
The people need to know what is being done to them. Certainly the citizens are going to be upset about whatever the answer to the questions are, but don’t we have a right to know?
The frighteningly long list of chemicals from the lab tests include some very severe bacterial agents; toxic bacilli; mold and fungus spores, enzymes used in recombinant DNA experimentation and Ethylene Dibromide--more commonly known as jet fuel.
This same researcher states: "Two Congressional investigations in 1977 and 1994 - and recently declassified British defense documents - detail 50 years of "open air" testing that used ships and spray-equipped aircraft to spread biological warfare simulants on hundreds of cities across the U.S., Canada and the U.K. "
In 1999, there were public protests in New York City against this practice, however, we are still seeing the chemtrails in the sky. What is it going to take to stop this harmful practice which is sickening thousands of citizens?

Federal government scientists are conducting two different atmospheric studies in Salt Lake City this month.
Both will look at how air and particles flow in the atmosphere, but their data is being used to study two different Utah phenomena: weather inversions and the Olympics.
One study is part of the Department of Energy's Chemical and Biological National Security program, whose goal is to develop and improve systems the United States can use to respond to chemical and biological attacks.
In this study, a non-toxic, inert tracer chemical called sulphur hexafluoride is being released into the skies above Salt Lake City.
Monitoring and sensoring equipment are tracking the chemical to determine wind patterns, temperature and moisture patterns and how air is mixed in lower- and mid-levels of the atmosphere.
The Department of Defense's Defense Threat Reducation Agency (DTRA) is supporting this study and may use information from it for the 2002 Winter Olympics.
DTRA, which is responsible for protecting the United States and its allies from weapons of mass destruction, will use the information to assist police, fire and military personnel in the event of an attack involving nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or a large chemical accident, said Capt. Bob Bennett, spokesman for the agency. The study will be conducted through much of this month.
The knowledge may be useful for security during the 2002 Winter Games, though Bennett insisted the upcoming Olympics was not the motivation behind his agency's 'piggybacking'; on the DOE's atmospheric study
Utah Olympics security officials this week said they were unaware of the military's involvement in the atmospheric study, but welcomed any data that might help avert or minimize the risk of terrorist attacks.
And Utah safety and health officials, who have been active in preparing for terrorism, likely will welcome it.
Scott Williams, deputy director of the Utah Health Department, visited the Sydney Games. He said he learned that every Olympics event is a potential target of bioterrorism and public-health officials can be involved in prevention. The second study is part of DOE's Vertical Transport and Mixing Program, which will look at how air mixes and moves vertically.
Scientists hope a key outcome of this experiment will be an increased understanding of temperature inversions, in which cold air settles for long periods of time in the Salt Lake Valley, trapping pollutants that are harmful to human health.
Salt Lake is the perfect location for such a study.
"Its complex topography and geographic makeup provide an ideal setting to study how cold night air collects in mountain basins," said Dawn White, with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which is one of DOE's labs. It is those cold air pools sitting below the warmer air that create a temperature inversion, she explained, and trap pollutants.
The TRUTH About Sulfur Hexafluoride
From Andreas Schuld
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is described in the article as 'a non-toxic, inert tracer chemical'
This is entirely untrue.
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emitted by the electric power industry, is now among six greenhouse gases specifically targeted by the international community, through the Kyoto protocol, for emission reductions to control global warming. The others are carbon dioxide, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), methane and nitrous oxide (N2O).
SF6 is about 23,900 times more destructive, pound for pound, than carbon dioxide over the course of 100 years. EPA estimates that some seven-million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE) escaped from electric power systems in 1996 alone. The concentration of SF6 in the atmosphere has reportedly increased by two orders of magnitude since 1970. Atmospheric models have indicated that the lifetime of an SF6 molecule in the atmosphere may be over 3000 years.
Only noncontaminated gas (unused - in its pure state) is considered non-toxic.
SF6 gas is approximately five times heavier than air and tends to collect in low places, in buildings or equipment. This collection can reduce oxygen levels and can cause suffocation. Suffocation can occur without warning if the oxygen content of air breathed is reduced from the normal 20% to less than 13%.
Electric arcs in SF6 gas form toxic gases which, in the presence of moist air, have the characteristic odor of rotten eggs. Inhaling the gases can cause nausea, drowsiness, breathing difficulty, damage to the respiratory system and body organs, and death depending on the exposure level and the person's susceptibility.
Decomposition products of SF6 gas may be in the form of gases or powders. Solid decomposition products are normally metal flourides in the form of white, tan, or gray powder. Solid decomposition products in the form of powders are very fine and may not always be detected by the human eye, especially when airborne. Skin contact with such powders should be avoided as it may cause rashes, severe irritation, and death. Inhaling airborne dust should be avoided, since as with gaseous products, it may cause breathing difficulty, damage to the respiratory system, and death. Airborne dust can in addition cause eye irritation.
Exposure to decomposed SF6 is hazardous to human health.
For more information please see ORNL Report -

An Anonymous report from an Airline Manager:
Date: October 07, 2003 at 02:10:19
From: skywatcher,
Subject: uh we go...
An Airline Manager's Statement ... 5-22-00
"I read the email you received from the anonymous mechanic and felt compelled to respond to it. I, too, work for an airline, though I work in upper management levels. I will not say which airline, what city I am located, nor what office I work for, for obvious reasons. I wish I could document everything I am about to relate to you, but to do so is next to impossible and would result in possible physical harm to me.
Airline companies in America have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. The earliest date anyone remembers being briefed on it is 1998. I was briefed on it in 1999. The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements, which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned.
About twenty employees in our office were briefed along with me by two officials from some government agency. They didn't tell us which one. They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it. They then went on to state that the chemicals were harmless, but the program was of such importance that it needed to be done at all costs. When we asked them why didn't they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren't enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done. That's why Project Cloverleaf was initiated, to allow commercial airlines to assist in releasing these chemicals into the atmosphere. Then someone asked why all the secrecy was needed. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air, environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop. Someone asked one of the G-men then if the chemicals are harmless, why not tell the public what the chemicals are and why we are spraying them? He seemed perturbed at this question and told us in a tone of authority that the public doesn't need to know what's going on, but that this program is in their best interests. He also stated that we should not tell anyone, nor ask any more questions about it. With that, the briefing was over.
All documents in our office pertaining to Project Cloverleaf are kept in locked safes. Nobody is allowed to take these documents out of the office. Very few employees are allowed access to these documents, and they remain tight-lipped about what the documents say.
I am no fool. I know there's something going on. And frankly, I am scared. I feel a high level of guilt that I have been aware of this kind of operation but unable to tell anyone. It's been eating away at me, knowing that the company I work for may be poisoning the American people. I hope this letter will open some eyes to what's happening.
Again, I wish I could give you documented information, but you have to understand why I must remain totally anonymous.

Dear Mr. Rense -
I have been watching the chemtrail phenomenon in the skies over Salt Lake City for over two years now. At one point, a big green gob of the stuff landed on my daughters windshield. We were being heavily sprayed one afternoon a few months ago, so I decided to call the National Weather Service here to see if they knew anything about it.
 A receptionist answered phone, and I asked her why airplanes were crisscrossing back and forth over our skies, and spraying some unknown substance. She immediately became very uncomfortable with my question, even stuttering at one point, and responded by saying "oh, no sir, those are normal "contrails." I explained to her that you could literally watch these planes (I counted about 10) spray this stuff from one end of the valley to the next, turn around, and start all over again. She then got very nervous and said "let me get my supervisor".
 At that point, a very gruff sounding man came on the phone, and in a stern voice asked me what I wanted. Once again, I was told that these "trails" were nothing more than normal "ice crystals" forming from the planes exhausts because of the "cold weather" (it was 85 degrees that day). I explained to him that I had observed these planes crisscrossing back and forth for hours, not only on that particular day, but on many other days as well.
 After a somewhat heated argument with him, he finally said the following: "It's our position that these are normal contrails", at which point he HUNG UP ON ME!
 It was obvious to me that this guy had all of his answers memorized and down pat, as he gave me the exact same explanation at least three different times. It was also apparent that this guy was not a normal employee of the NWS, but was a special government agent, placed in that office specifically to "field" these types of calls, as I am sure that many, many people here are calling the NWS offices with the same questions.
 I thought you might find this of some interest.
The Chemtrail Smoking GunThe Chemtrail Smoking Gun - Geoengineering
Evaluating Geoengineering Options
"Several geoengineering options appear to have considerable potential for offsetting global warming and are such less expensive than other options being considered. Because these options have the potential to affect the radiative forcing of the planet, because some of them cause or alter a variety of chemical reactions in the atmosphere, and because the climate system is poorly understood, such options must be considered extremely carefully. These options might be needed if greenhouse warming occurs, climate sensitivity is at the high end of the range considered in this report, and other efforts to restrain greenhouse gas emissions fail."
"The first set of geoengineering options screens incoming solar radiation with dust or soot in orbit about the earth or in the atmosphere. The second set changes cloud abundance by increasing cloud condensation nuclei through carefully controlled emissions of particulate matter."
"The stratospheric particle options should be pursued only under extreme conditions or if additional research and development removes the concern about these problems. The cloud stimulation option should be examined further and could be pursued if concerns about acid rain could be managed through the choice of materials for cloud condensation nuclei or by careful management of the system. The third class increases ocean absorption of CO2 through stimulating growth of biological organisms."
Screening Out Some Sunlight
"Another option for mitigating a global warming would be to try to control the global radiation balance by limiting the amount of incoming radiation from the sun. This could be done by increasing the reflectivity of the earth, i.e., the albedo. Proposals for increasing the whiteness of roofs and surface features would have some effect, but only a fraction of incident solar radiation reaches the earth's surface and a purposeful change in albedo would have more impact if done high in the atmosphere.
According to Ramanathan (1988), an increase in planetary albedo of just 0.5 percent is sufficient to halve the effect of a CO2 doubling. Placing a screen in the atmosphere or low earth orbit could take several forms: it could involve changing the quantity or character of cloud cover, it could take the form of a continuous sheet, or it could be divided into many ''mirrors" or a cloud of dust. Preliminary characterizations of some of the possibilities that might be considered are provided below."
Stratospheric Dust
"Although the space dust option does not appear to be sensible, computations of the residence times of 0.2-µm dust above 20 to 40 km are of the order of 1 to 3 years (Hunten, 1975). It seems to be generally accepted that volcanic aerosols remain in the stratosphere for several years (Kellogg and Schneider, 1974; Ramaswamy and Kiehl, 1985). A screen could be created in the stratosphere by adding more dust to the natural stratospheric dust to increase its net reflection of sunlight."
Mass Estimates
"Ramaswamy and Kiehl (1985) estimate that an aerosol dust loading of 0.2 g/m2 for dust with a radius of about 0.26 µm increases the planetary albedo by 12 percent, resulting in a 15 percent decrease of solar flux reaching the surface. Since an approximately 1 percent change in solar flux is required, and their Figures 13 and 15 suggest that, at these loadings, the dust effects may reasonably be extrapolated downward linearly, estimates will be made by using a dust loading of 0.02 g/m2 with a particle radius of 0.26 µm."
"The dust in Ramaswamy and Kiehl's model is distributed between 10 and 30 km in the stratosphere, uniformly over the globe. The actual effect on radiative forcing of a global distribution of additional dust would be somewhat greater at low than at high latitudes because more of the sunlight is effective there for geometric reasons. This would decrease slightly the equator-to-pole temperature gradients and might have some effect on weather intensity. Presumably, this effect can also be studied with global climate models."
Delivery Scenarios
"Aircraft Exhaust Penner et al. (1984) suggested that emissions of 1 percent of the fuel mass of the commercial aviation fleet as particulates, between 40,000- and 100,000-foot (12- to 30-km) altitude for a 10-year period, would change the planetary albedo sufficiently to neutralize the effects of an equivalent doubling of CO2. They proposed that retuning the engine combustion systems to burn rich during the high-altitude portion of commercial flights could be done with negligible efficiency loss. Using Reck's estimates of extinction coefficients for particulates (Reck, 1979a, 1984), they estimated a requirement of about 1.168 ¥ 1010 kg of particulates, compared with the panel's estimate of 1010 kg, based upon Ramaswamy and Kiehl (1985).
They then estimated that if 1 percent of the fuel of aircraft flying above 30,000 feet is emitted as soot, over a 10-year period the required mass of particulate material would be emitted. However, current commercial aircraft fleets seldom operate above 40,000 feet (12 km), and the lifetimes of particles at the operating altitudes will be much shorter than 10 years."
"An alternate possibility is simply to lease commercial aircraft to carry dust to their maximum flight altitude, where they would distribute it. To make a cost estimate, a simple assumption is made that the same amount of dust assumed above for the stratosphere would work for the tropopause (the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere).
The results can be scaled for other amounts. The comments made above about the possible effect of dust on stratospheric ozone apply as well to ozone in the low stratosphere, but not in the troposphere. The altitude of the tropopause varies with latitude and season of the year."
"In 1987, domestic airlines flew 4,339 million ton-miles of freight and  express, for a total express and freight operating revenue of $4,904 million (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1988). This gives a cost of slightly more than $1 per ton-mile for freight. If a dust distribution mission requires the equivalent of a 500-mile flight (about 1.5 hours), the delivery cost for dust is $500/t, and ignoring the difference between English and metric tons, a cost of $0.50/kg of dust. If 1010 kg must be delivered each 83 days, (provided dust falls out at the same rate as soot), 5 times more than the 1987 total ton-miles will be required."
"The question of whether dedicated aircraft could fly longer distances at the same effective rate should be investigated." Changing Cloud Abundance - The Approach "Independent studies estimated that an approximately 4 percent increase in the coverage of marine stratocumulus clouds would be sufficient to offset CO2 doubling (Reck, 1978; Randall et al., 1984). Albrecht (1989) suggests that the average low-cloud reflectivity could be increased if the abundance of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) increased due to emissions of SO2. It is proposed that CCN emissions should be released over the oceans, that the release should produce an increase in the stratocumulus cloud albedo only, and that the clouds should remain at the same latitudes over the ocean where the surface albedo is relatively constant and small."
"Albrecht (1989) estimates that a roughly 30 percent increase in CCN would be necessary to increase the fractional cloudiness or albedo of marine stratocumulus clouds by 4 percent. Albrecht's idealized stratocumulus cloud, which he argues is typical, has a thickness of 375 m, a drizzle rate of 1 mm per day, and a mean droplet radius of 100 mm, and he assumes that each droplet is formed by the coalescence of 1000 smaller droplets. The rate at which the CCN are depleted by his model is 1000/cm3 per day. Consequently, about 300/cm3 per day (30 percent of 1000) of additional CCN would have to be discharged per day at the base of the cloud to maintain a 4 percent increase in cloudiness. This assumes that the perturbed atmosphere would also remain sufficiently close to saturation in the vicinity of the CCN that additional cloud cover would be formed every time the number of CCN increased."

To: All Chemtrail Fighters 
5/9/2002 6:22:39 PM

Please see the e-mail I received from a new Chemtrail Experiencer/Victim today, It is the second e-mail down my response is the e-mail on top. I am asking all of you who are interested in exposing the Chemtrail Holocaust to also do what I suggested to this new Chemtrail experiencer/Fighter.

Thank You
Tom Buyea, Miami, Fla.

PS:  Please also forward this to anyone you think may be interested and suggest this strategy if you are on any radio programs about Chemtrails.

What I am suggesting to people and people are doing (since the FAA, Airport control towers, news media etc. are being silenced) is when there are Chemtrails to the extent that you described today that cannot be mistaken as normal con-trails (that only exist above 30,000 feet) Get as many people together as possible and call the police and demand that a police report be made (saying that you are afraid it is terrorists spraying anthrax etc. and demanding the police notify the FBI and the Airforce etc. -- Also take pictures and videos) and then when you actually have a govt document " the police report" Take it and as many people as possible to your City or County Mayor's office (call first many cities have part time Mayors and you may need to make an appointment ? )

Demand answers and get the Mayor to get your group an appointment with the Governor .

Keep me advised and let me know how it works out . We all need to fight this it is as serious as any war the American people have ever been in (only this time "Our?" Govt is not on our side !)

Get Out There and Give Them Hell !! Before we have a Holocost in this country
Tom Buyea, Miami, Fla.

Hello.  I've just discovered this website within the last 24 hours.  In fact I've just had my eyes opened to the chemtrails in the same time period. I recieved a call yesterday morning from my daughter to look up in the sky...that 'IT' was happening. My father and I went outside to look and saw 6 contrails streaking parallel across the sky at about 10,000 ft. We watched for about 15 minutes while the perfectly blue sky turned to shades of gray while the trails drifted.  My father, a retired Boeing physicist,  was mildly curious untill the trails started crossing and forming grids and X's.

We both started wondering if there might be something to it.  Then we walked to the other side of the house to see if their were trails there.  What we saw frightened me to the very core of my being.  We will never be the same. Over the bay the sun was haloed with a massive, and I mean massive black ring around it, bordered with a thumbnail band of rainbow colors.  I nearly fainted and instantly began trembling and weeping.  Then more jets began marking the sky with these trails.  A huge X was made over the sun with it's black halo, and the once blue sky became milky white and sick looking. We were home the entire day and watched this unfold from 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

  My father had studied the 'Sundog' phenomenon at one point in his career and they are quite rare and never that massive.  This thing we saw yesterday was not a naturally occurring one.  It was man made or should I say airforce made.One other unusual thing we witnessed was that the airplanes from our local airport(Seatac) were grounded when the airforce jets were overhead.  One 747 after the other took off when the jets had disappeared off into the distance. So the FAA must know about it.

    I wept the whole evening. What is going on and why won't our government tell us?  I called NOAH yesterday while this was happening and they claimed ignorance and said it was our imagination.  I told them to just look up at the sky. Last night I watched the local news stations to see if anything was reported on the sundog effect but there was no mention of it.    We can only theorize what may be going on.  Weather modification to mask global warming?  It's the middle of May and it snowed on Monday.  It's suppose to be 70 degrees right now but temperatures are in the mid 30s at night and barely hitting 45-50 degrees during the day.

This morning at the local coffee shop a flight attendant friend of ours told us she was on a flight to Japan last week when they were ordered off course from solar flareups,  arriving four hours late. They were told there were dangerous levels of radiation coming from the sun.  So could this be that the hole in the ozone has grown to catastrophic proportions?  We have a right to know.

In the Seattle Times newspaper this morning I read an article about environmental exemptions Congress is considering granting the military  in the name of national security, including waivers from clean air and hazardous waste regulations.  I guess they would need that to continue mucking up the sky with potentionally lethal chemicals.

My daughter told me about this website and that's where I saw you name. would love to see the program 'Secret Clouds' aired here in Seattle.  Feel free to E-Mail me back.  Just thought I'd let you know it's happening here also.
                                                                  Sherry Malone
                                                           Redondo Beach, Washington
                                                           PH# 253 946 2832

live in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I hear you talk often about chemtrails.
This afternoon, I too saw [what may be the phenomenon].
These photos taken on April 5, 2007 local time 14.00 hrs P.M.

--Rita Roest

First sighted as I arrived homeThree lines in the sky , from 3 planes that flew over side by side, one slightly behind the other as they went in tandem across the sky

Trails were starting to widen
This was the weirdest thing I ever saw. I was watching the trails and all of a sudden, a golden orb came flying across the sky - too fast to catch with the digital camera. It flew through the trails and look what happened to it.....   how strange..... Does that cloud really say - UFO? 

An Insider Speaks Out
by D F

So you haven't yet figured out the airborne conditioning-agent release program that is being operated by the government. I'll give you some hints, but first I'll give you a little information about myself. I'm a retired government scientist with an advanced degree in one of the health-related disciplines. I do not use my real name for fear of retaliation, either against me, or against members of my family. I always try to route my e-mail communications so that they appear to come from another source, usually from one somewhere within the government. Sometimes I use the internet resources of the public library - whatever it takes to hide my true identity and confuse those who don't want the sort of information I possess to fall into the public's hands.

I have a small circle of friends who are, or were, in key positions within our military and several government agencies. These are not the very top level personnel, but mid to upper mid-level people, scientists and analysts, who are in positions where they can see the
day-to-day activities of what's going on, who are charged with implementing the details, but who are never quite privy to the schemes
behind the work they do. Each of my contacts has been able to supply me with a portion of the puzzle, but separately, none of them
understands the whole story. I'll tell you what I've pieced together so far. But I have to admit that this information frightens me because there is no place I can go with it. What am I supposed to do - write my congressman? I believe that would be like signing my own death warrant.

This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting with the US first. Why? The people of the US are the only ones with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if they knew about it.
That's why the US has to be the first to go. You have to understand that the world's elite covet the US for its geographic diversity - and they would love to return this country to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot here, but without the Native Americans this time of course.

You may have already heard how several national parks have been designated as world biospheres - that's the plan for all of North
America, a giant nature park and playground that will be devoid of annoying human beings (that would be us). And the people actually involved in doing the spraying, as well as those who will take part in the rest of the plans, are being duped into believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to live and remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this vast nature preserve. I
understand that about 150 to 200 thousand people are projected as necessary for maintenance purposes. But it's likely these people will not be Americans. Those in charge wouldn't want to risk the possibility of some sort of revolt, so the workers will probably be
brought in from Europe and Asia.

There are rumors floating about the internet that the chemtrails are part of some sort of secret program the government is doing to protect the US from future biological attacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. The plan is to sensitize, or condition, the US population to being wiped out by influenza A. Over the past few years, people have been encouraged to get flu shots to protect them against the generally non-lethal strains that circulate through the population during flu season.
Each year the US government has guessed which strains were most likely to spread. They seem to always guess right - don't they? This flu season, the government protected people with a trivalent vaccine that included the A/Beijing/262/95-like (H1N1) and the A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N2). It also contained the B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens. For those not familiar with virology, the H and N refer to proteins on the outside of the virus, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which are responsible for the virus attaching to, and then invading, a host cell. The public has been quite pleased with the success of the vaccines offered so far. But that will change in the future.

Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD have reconstructed and modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus, making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US. Consider that it could have killed many more, but back then, people couldn't hop on a jet and travel from New York to L.A. in five hours. Now, our ability to travel will increase the spread and will be our downfall.

The flu vaccines contain killed virus and protect the body well against challenge by that particular strain, but work poorly against
other strains not included in the inoculation. At some point, the vaccine stockpile will include the more lethal modification of the
1918 H1N1 in its live form. Most people receiving this vaccine will simply be renewing their annual flu shot, and the vaccine will still
include the inactivated version of the more benign form of H1N1 (as was included in this year's vaccine). The presence of the milder
strain in the inoculum will slow down the progression of the more lethal H1N1 form, so people will become sick more slowly - but they
will still eventually die. It will just take a few weeks longer.

In the meantime, they will be carriers for the lethal form of the virus, passing it on to everyone with whom they make contact. And as
people hear that others are dropping dead from the flu, they will flock to get their own vaccination. And the entire population will be
more receptive to infection because their lungs will have been pre-conditioned to guarantee it.

If you will remember back to 1968 and '69, the Hong Kong flu, which was influenza A type H3N2, killed over 30,000 people in the U.S. alone. That was a fortuitous learning event for some because it taught them that the flu could still conceivably be used to wipe out a population. But at the same time, it pointed out the need to precondition the populace so that those who might normally be
resistant could be rendered susceptible. Hence the development of the vaccine program and the aerial spraying procedures to condition the population. The purpose of the chemicals in the chemtrails is to help the viral envelope fuse with lung cells, permitting easier penetration and infection.

But what about those few individuals who don't succumb to the flu? Probability alone demands that there will be some who survive -
pockets of the population that are either not reached or somehow (and this is less likely) are resistant to the lethal H1N1 strain. At this point you must also remember that our military personnel have been immunized against a variety of pathogens, including the anthrax bacillus.

For those geographically isolated areas where the flu doesn't do its job, it's a fairly simple matter to lay down anthrax spores and then send in what's left of the military to take care of anyone still breathing. The anthrax spraying will probably come under the guise of a flu protection program to save those still alive after the epidemic. And the military, having been exposed to civilians with the flu, will eagerly await their own flu shots. I should emphasize that this is a last resort scenario. Those orchestrating the plan will not want to use anthrax until all other possibilities are exhausted - this because of the long-term viability of anthrax spores. To scatter them over the countryside would mean the area would be dangerous for use by humans, at least those not vaccinated against the bacteria.

And think about this for a moment. Why do you suppose agencies like Fish and Wildlife are so eager to reintroduce wolves and other species into areas of the country which haven't seen these animals for generations. It's all part of the plan to restore this land to what
the elite envision as its early paradise-like state, with wild animals freely roaming the uninhabited plains and forests. Granted, it will
take some time to clean up the place and to maybe destroy a lot of small towns that might otherwise be considered a blight on the
landscape. But for the global elite it will be a small price for us to pay for their enjoyment.

Chemtrails Now Taught In U.S. SchoolsSocializing (normalizing) the Politically Correct "Conspiracy"

By William Thomas
NOTE: William Thomas is the author of Chemtrails Confirmed (new 2004 edition). -CR

A is for Apple.

B is for Boy.

C is for Chemtrails.

At least this is what one American father found while paging through his child's science book. SmT was astonished to find seventh graders being taught about chemtrails. And geoengineeering their home planet.

Anyone with question about the "spray programs" he now says, "should perhaps just ask their kids."

The chemtrails section is found in the Centre Point Learning Science I Essential Interactions science book. Under "Solutions for Global Warming", section 5.19 features a photo of a big multi-engine jet sporting a familiar orange/red paint scheme.

The caption reads: "Figure 1- Jet engines running on richer fuel would add particles to the atmosphere to create a sunscreen".

The logo on the plane says: "Particle Air".

"I kid you not," SmT insists. "Why did I spend all of that time doing research when I could have just asked my kids?"

Helping habituate children to a life under lethal sunshine and "protective" spray planes, this trippy textbook urges young readers to "Use Sun Block". But its authors are really referring to a sunscreen spread across the sky.

"Could we deliberately add particles to the atmosphere?" asks the text, before helpfully suggesting that "Burning coal adds soot to the air."

You might be old enough to recoil at such a notion. But in a country where down is up and wrong is right, your kids could be learning that what used to be bad and a bummer is a now good thing!


"Be real interesting to see the politics of the folks putting this out." SmT suggests.

In the current White House, those politics are as "crude" as invading oil-rich Iraq over a bogus nuclear threat - while permitting Pakistan to export atom bomb materials to terrorist organizations in return for the chance at an election-boosting capture of Osama bin Laden by US forces in the Hindu Kush later this month. [New Yorker Mar1/04]

So why shouldn't the same petty petrol politics produce textbooks for kids inheriting a nightmare? Led by a piggish petroleum president, with most major nations cutting back, US oil consumption is rising as steeply as supplies of cheap crude are collapsing.

The coal connection is this: In order to briefly "stretch the glide" of the fast-looming end of cheap oil that will utterly transform life as we know it, America's unelected oil president recently revoked pollution regulations on more than 2,000 of the nation's biggest polluting coal-fired power plants.

Ironically, this move - like so many others made by an oil-addled White House - will only hasten an Earthwreck as shattering to all onboard as a lurching square-rigger striking a rocky reef. Except our spaceship is surrounded by the cold, irradiated vacuum of deep space.

It turns out that a single 150-megawatt coal-burning power plant produces more emissions than 300,000 cars. Termed an "Extreme Human health Hazard" by the EPA, microscopic coal particles also rot lungs, stop hearts, kill lakes, choke cities - and stunt the lives of school kids with deadly sulphuric acid rain. [AP Aug27/03; LA Times Aug28/03]

Airborne soot also blocks sunlight, lowering greenhouse temperatures. Volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa and Pinatubo - and globe-circling soot from 1,000 burning oil wells during Desert Storm - belched enough sulphur into the stratosphere to cause a plunge in world temperatures, temporarily slowing global warming.

World scientists looked at deliberately putting megatons more sulphur into a closed, recirculating atmosphere already smoggy enough to depresses orbiting astronauts. And decided that a sulphur sunscreen is not a swift idea.

But not this Jr. High science text. "Creating either kind of sunscreen would be cheap," it tells young readers. As if "cheap" is the only consideration.

Even this claim is bogus. SmT says he looked, but the section on the downstream costs associated with the health and environmental effects of massive coal pollution - or the 10 million tons of a chemical sunscreen suggested by the late Edward Teller - "seemed to have been left out."

Ditto "the cost to the solar industry". Or cumulative impacts on kids, critters and plants on which our future depends.


Sunlight is already on the way out. Repeatedly expressing shock at how quickly our space colony's life-support systems are failing, scientists are finding levels of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface decreasing by almost 3% a decade.

"Global Dimming" is too small to detect with the eye. "But it has implications for everything from climate change to solar power and even the future sustainability of plant photosynthesis," reports the Guardian.

All those jet-propelled vacations and car trips to the corner store add up. Since 1960, 10% less sunlight has reached Earth's inhabitants. Levels of solar radiation reaching parts of the former coal-belching Soviet Union are down almost 20%.

In any greenhouse, the rule of a green thumb is that every 1% decrease in solar radiation results in a 1% drop in plant productivity.

"It's actually quite a big deal,? says Graham Farquhar, a climate scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra. But get this: Farquhar doesn't think that identified pollutants, "by themselves would be able to produce this amount of global dimming." [Guardian Dec18/03]

The baffled Aussie should check out the role of contrails in turning off sunlight. Since the Jet Age took off in the 1960s, normal condensation trails from five million jet flights every year have been found to block 10% of sunlight across Europe and the USA. Over heavily trafficked Atlantic and American air-routes, artificial cloud cover caused by jet engine pollutants has increased 20%. [Chemtrails Confirmed '04]

Chemtrails are another major sunblock. Measurements taken with a calibrated photometer by Clifford Carnicom in Santa Fe show a rapid reduction in sunlight - from a value of 97% on a ?clear day? to around 80% during the early stages of heavy chemtrailing. Using a simple UV radiation meter, this reporter has confirmed similar drops in sunlight beneath artificial "chemcasts" on Canada's west coast.


In a country whose self-appointed regime routinely censors scientific studies, at least some 7th grade science are more focused on indoctrinating kids with risky techno "quick-fixes" than conscious conservation and common sense.

Forget science. SmT gazed in disbelief at another schoolbook picture showing a helicopter seeding the ocean with iron particles. These desperate "IronX" experiments did indeed trigger plankton "blooms" that, in turn, transferred tons of atmospheric C02 underwater as those carbon-inhaling critters eventually died and sank to the seafloor.

But ? oops! ? his kid's science book fails to mention that the resulting ocean blooms also sucked all available oxygen from the seawater, suffocating all marine life in massive, spreading "dead zones". [Chemtrails Confirmed '04]

Where are the pictures, SmT wonders, "of people planting trees, or turning down thermostats, or bicycling, or any of the other ways not to add to the problem?"

Though his family gave up the idea of home schooling, he says, "it's perhaps time to reconsider."

Perhaps it's also time to reconsider state-sponsored brainwashing. And other escalating consequences of our carbon addiction, as well.
Clifford E Carnicom
Jul 26 2003  

A meeting has taken place recently between an investigative researcher and a well placed military source. The identity of both parties is to be protected. The source has intimate knowledge of at least one aspect of the aerosol operations, and asserts the following:
1. The operation is a joint project between the Pentagon and the pharmaceutical industry.
2. The Pentagon wishes to test biological diseases for war purposes on unsuspecting populations. It was stated that SARS is a failure as the expected rate of mortality was intended to be 80%.
3. The pharmaceutical industry is making trillions on medications designed to treat both fatal and non-fatal diseases given to populations.
4. The bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and then placed on fine filaments for release.
5. The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply.
6. Most countries being sprayed are unaware of the activities and they have not consented to the activities. He states that commercial aircraft flying are one of the delivery systems.
7. Most of the "players" are old friends and business partners of the senior Bush.
8. The ultimate goal is the control of all populations through directed and accurate spraying of drugs, diseases, etc.
9. People who have tried to reveal the truth have been imprisoned and killed.
10. This is the most dangerous and dark time that I have experienced in all of my years of serving this country.

This information is relayed without qualification, as I am knowledgeable in the level of integrity of the researcher that has made this information available to the public. There is both risk and restraint that has been exercised in the preparation of this statement.

Army to conduct mock aerial chem-bio attackApril 13, 2002
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- The U.S. Army will drop hundreds of pounds of clay dust and egg whites off the Florida coast next week, part of a four-day mock aerial terrorist attack.
The exercise aims to determine how well existing U.S. radar systems can detect weapons of mass destruction that might be dispersed from the sky using crop dusters and other aircraft.
"These tests will provide the U.S. government with initial data on the feasibility and curre nt capability of commonly used radars to detect chemical-biological attack," said an Army statement.
An Environmental Protection Agency crop duster will drop several "environmentally benign" materials, including 1,812 pounds of clay dust, 756 pounds of egg whites, 40 pounds of an irradiated and neutralized vegetable spore called bacillus subtilis and 1,812 pounds of a chemical solution said to resemble a nerve agent.
The Army says the materials are "routinely used" in Defense Department studies, selected in part because they will not harm humans or the environment. The substances are also said to simulate a number of chemical and biological threats.
The Army conducted a similar crop duster test on an unspecified date after September 11 at the Dugway Proving Grounds in western Utah, said Mickey Morales, spokesman for the U.S. Army Soldier Biological and Chemical Command.
That test was successful, as military radar picked up the mock chemicals, he said. But civilian radar such as Doppler, used in weather forecasting, is not as sophisticated as that used by the military -- one reason why the military decided to stage next week's tests, added Morales.
Beginning Monday, the materials will be dispersed six to 12 miles off the Florida Keys, said Morales. The entire process will take more than 40 hours, although it could be delayed if weather conditions are unfavorable, according to the Army statement.
The Army's Aberdeen Proving Grounds in northeast Maryland is running the experiment in conjunction with several government agencies. The agencies include the Federal Aviation Administration, National Weather Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, U.S. Coast Guard and other unnamed Defense Department divisions.
Brentwood, TN - 2000
Taken with an I-phone from the highway in Davie, FL.  3-25-10
The skies have been full of these in California as well - as soon as he rain let the sunshine through.
Waterford, CA  May 14, 2002   5 p.m.
I saw some trails earlier, but this is how they looked at 2 p.m. on 5-15-02  The sky had been pure bright blue in the morning.  There were more to the east of us, but too far to photograph well. This is the wider strip which had been done first, prior to 2pm
A better shot of the tic tac toe trails This is where the plane turned around at the end of his easterly run.

By 4 p.m., most of the sky was hazed over. 
MAY 17, 2002 - 4 P.M.
End of the Day - 4 p.m. Sky was clear in the morning. 3rd plane must have run out of chemicals early. Note that the trail turns off towards the southeast.
Two planes finish their run for the day. There was gap of a few hundred feet of clear sky between the 1st pic and the 3rd pic. Airport where planes landed.... looking.......
5-18-02 - I really wasn't expecting any chemtrails today because it is Saturday... WRONG. I saw them coming across the Central Valley from the West just after 1 p.m. They were a little far for good photos, so I was waiting for them to get closer to take the pics. I walked around the barn about 1:15 p.m. as the third trail was just coming into view over the trees. Wow! What a surprise - on one end of the chemtrail, it was turning into a bright white real cloud and growing fast. By the time it got near enough to photograph, most of the chemtrails now looked like real clouds .... but they were brilliant white - not like real clouds - it was like they were reflecting the sunlight extra bright. I can hardly wait until tomorrow - I guess they work weekends too.

(You may have to get close to the screen to examine this
pic closely)
5-19-02 - By noon the clouds were coming in from the west,
after a clear morning - they were in long straight strings from
north to south, and building in the center -  popcornish along
the edges - starting with a filmy looking edge like a wide
chemtrail.  The long straight strings were held together by
 webbed strings from cloud to cloud. The weirdest clouds I've
ever seen.  By 1 p.m. the whole sky was clouded over. 
5-20-02, 5-21-02 - Intermittent storms, with hail, high winds, and tornadoes.  in between the clouds, the skies have never been so deep blue.

5-22-02 - These trails appeared about 4 p.m. after an entire day of hazy blue skies, but with no trails.  This makes me think we are on the end of the day's work. These are two pics of the same trails connecting, from different angles. 
5-23-02 - Terrible storms, winds, tornados. Between clouds, the skies were the deepest blue I've ever seen. They sure aren't that way on normal days.
5-24- and 5-25- - trails to the north of us, but not overhead.
5-26-02 - Trails going north and south all day - lots of them
5-27-02 - Morning trails going north and south, afternoon trails going east and west, floating in from the west.
5-28-02 - Trails all over the sky in every which direction, floating in from the west. Sky is always a dull hazy blue now. Not the normal blue of the sky.
5-29-02 - Trails usually in the morning towards the north, floating from west to east -
but trails are mostly north/south oriented. It seems the planes are flying at night this week.


6/3/02 - This morning, CT's were all north/south oriented, lined up as far west as I could see

By 3 p.m. you can see what they now looked like, facing northeast

6-3-02 - This photo was taken from the exact same spot, only facing southeast.

6-3-02 - This photo taken at the same time, 3 p.m.,facing northwest.

6-3-02 - Another view of the first picture - facing northeast
6-4-02 - All of a sudden the chemtrails stopped - Dead stop... why? A man called the Art Bell show from Denver, where they are having the terrible fires and asked the same question. He said, "Hey Art! How come there haven't been any chemtrails since the fires started?
Good Question, hey?
I asked some people on my e-mail lists. Here is one response.
Dee, I am a silent member of several of the lists on which you post information. In my latest earthchages digest you ask about the lack of chemtrails and mention is made of a caller from Denver asking the same thing. Don't you know that the white painted planes making the chemtrails are the same planes used by the Forest Service? When needed to fight fires, No Chemtrails!! When not needed to fight the fires there will be a one day delay before the chemtrails start appearing again. Watch the news and see when the planes are released from fighting the fires. This was certainly true here in the Phoenix area. Heavy chemtrails started again two days after the Forest Service stopped using their planes to fight the fires. Likewise we in this area have had no chemtrails for at least a week or longer; it is nice to see the blue sky although it is now actually a whitish-blue due to all the stuff suspended in the atmosphere from previous sprayings. Just to let you know.......and I enjoy your postings.
Blessings, S

More: The conversion of these planes for the Forest Service is done in Mesa, AZ at Falcon Field. There was a front page center story with a picture within the last 6 weeks, probably within the last month, about a new contract being awarded to the local company based at the Field and that it would keep their 60+ workers busy for the next 2-3 years. The newspaper was the East Valley Tribune, Mesa, AZ - eastvalley See if you can find the story. The picture does show the plane painted white. Just thought you would like to know this additional information.

THEY'RE BACK!!!  After a summer of heat and fires everywhere in the far western states, there were no chemtrails evident over my house. Now that the fires have pretty much died down, immediately the chemtrails have reappeared.  Here is the first photo.  8-30-02
Not all chemtrails are worth photographing, but I've put some new ones below.
October 24, 2002
October 24, 2002
November 3, 2002
November 3, 2002
Minnesota - 1-21-2003
1-21-2003Chemtrail clouds conduct electromagnetic energy. HAARP, GWEN towers, the ionosphere, the magnetosphere, weather control, mind control, earthquake induction
I live in Duluth, Minnesota and observed this huge energy display from my back yard at 12:57 PM January 21, 2003. It lasted 7 minutes. These clouds were glowing and colorful.  They were actually vibrating due to some unseen force or energy. Needless to say, it wasn’t the wind. Please look at the photos which follow after you read this.
This is the most graphic event that I've seen since I started observing the chemtrails phenomenon. It addressed any doubts I still had about the technology of the aerosol operation. Electromagnetic radiation and barium are key parts of the program, perhaps among the most important parts. I currently see evidence of this electromagnetic activity in aerosol clouds frequently-- one or more times a week-- and occurring in clouds which most people think are natural.
These artificial clouds are accepted by the population as being natural because aerosols have been gradually introduced. They've sprayed aerosols in the atmosphere for well over 5 years. In fact, in many places they started spraying 50 years ago. There wasn't the awareness that something like this could be happening back then, so people became accustomed to the appearance of aerosol clouds and now regard them as being familiar and normal. I remember marveling at the remarkable forms clouds could take, how they could look just like the ones I made with watercolors. Now I realize that these clouds look painted because that's exactly what they are.
Posted on the internet Date: Wednesday, 16 July 2003, 1:16 a.m. , but coming from Wisconsin myself, I know this didn't happen recently - occurred during the winter.  The linked page did not exist any longer.Here are some other Wisconsin photos:
March 26, 2003
3-26-03 - The lack of photos between Nov. 3, 2002 and today isn't because there weren't any chemtrails, but we are just coming out of the rainy season for one thing and there were a lot of cloudy days during the fall and winter, and I actually missed some good shots because I didn't have a camera handy. But this one appeared right over my backyard today so I had no excuses not to take this pic.  Last week I missed a good shot when we saw a white plane making a series of trails going east and west back and forth because we were out in the car and didn't have the camera with us.  These particular trails were going in a southerly direction out of the north. Each one got thinner towards the south like the sprayers were shut off at the end of the run.  There is an old air force base in that direction that has runways capable of handling large tanker planes.
This cross appeared over our house between 1 and 2 p.m. on 3-15-04.
Waterford, CA
This tic-tac-toe appeared in the exact same space as the X to the left. It was laid by one plane between 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on 3-28-04
Had I gone outside five minutes earlier I would have caught him in the act and gotten a pic of the plane too. A few minutes later, two more planes were seen going the same direction the first one went.  They were laying single trails as they flew toward the airport south of here. They probably had their own trails laid farther north.
Click here to see full size photo
5-14-04 - The photo on the left became the twisting shape in 5 minutes - pic on the right.  The photos were taken with different cameras - thus the difference in color sky.  Photo on left was taken with a binocular digital camera. The photo on the right was taken with a regular PC digital camera. I could not see a plane at the leading edge of any of these trails, so I don't know how high these were. The long ones were criss crossing the sky when I went outside at noon. Then the plane went back and filled in the spaces with short trails - which I photographed as he made them. Each of the trails ended directly over my house. 
5-14-04 - This was taken directly overhead by the binocular digital camera. This rainbow colored chemtrail cloud was south of the sun which was almost overhead. The chemtrails which were north, west or east didn't turn color like this one did.  I've never seen a chemtrail turn colors before, but others have. 
Click here to see full size photoClick here to see full size photo
3-13-07  I went outside to read on the porch and enjoy the sun a little.  As I was reading, I looked up to my left to a movement and saw a chemtrail forming and instead of going straight, the plane dipped down and I believe it landed at the old AFB which is about 20 miles south of us. I never heard the planes, nor did  I see the plane at the forming end of the chemtrail.3-13-07 - I ran for the camera and took the picture on the left.  I went back to my reading and sat the camera on the porch next to my chair.  I heard a plane off to my left and when I looked, there was a bright silver plane going the same direction as the first two planes were going.  This plane was much higher and leaving just a short contrail.  What a great contrast between the two types of trails.
Huge tic tac toe pattern - extending south towards abandoned AFB
4-27-07  - 3:30 p.m.
Part of extention toward the south - rest of the trail was behind trees so couldn't get the descent to the AFB to show.    4-27-07 -  3:30 p.m.
These same trails were still hanging above us at 7 p.m. only now they
were at least arms width across.  There was no wind aloft and they
just kept spreading on their own sideways.

This series of three photos were taken on
5-5-07, approximately at 9:30 a.m.  I saw the landing pattern first which made me run outside and get this one.
This is the center set of chemtrails which connects the first picture on the left to the picture on the right.  The lines were so long almost overhead, there was no way to get them all in one picture.I saw this set of chemtrails landing at the
AFB airport, which is supposed to be abandoned, as I have been seeing them around 4:30 p.m. normally.  I saw this out the window where my computer is and it made me run outside and capture the other photos as well.


The north end of the chemtrail from a plane landing
at the defunct air base at
sunset - 11-28-07
The photos were taken in sequence from right to leftEven in this small size you
can see there are other
 lights in the photos
The greenhouse is 8' 6" wide by 6' 8" highThe tree across the streetYou can see the descent of the plane in this photo
South end of chemtrail where the stream was turned off prior to landing at defunct air base at sunset - 11-28-07
See the strange white spots in
 this photo. What is on the left -
a plane or a bug? or?
What is the bright white light
that appeared above the roof
of the greenhouse?  In the
original view screen there
were two bright white lights
and by the time the lens clicked
the photo, it seems that they
merged into one light.
The lights and orbs all vanishedThe lights return in the very next photoTwo bright lights return - Orbs or UFOs?
More orbsSee other orbs in our yard
from earlier:

Bugs, planes, orbs?
Easter Sunday - 2008
You think these guys were Christian?
Trying to crucify us with their chemtrails?
BioSim Trials The study team ran simulated missions throughout the month of August 1998. Each mission began with a briefing on the current situation and the constraints that the study team imposed on the operators and pilots. The teams then flewa 2.5-hour mission (2 hours on station) followed by an after-action review to get the operators' and pilots' immediate feedback. The team ran two missions per day. The general structure of the trials followed the pattern of investigating the more simple processes and situations first, then moving on to more complex and difficult arenas. For example, the first week of trials was run on the Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq (SAKI) terrain database with no air defense artillery (ADA) threat. These trials were used to investigate the utility and ability of the flight and laser crews to work together and to use their standard processes to find and report potential biological clouds. The second week of trials added the complexities of irregular terrain (Nellis AFB) and ADA threat. These trials were used to investigate the crews ability to re-acquire clouds lost either on a particular flight leg or on a subsequent flight leg. The third week of trials added even greater difficulty to the man-made cloud detection process by incorporating some distinctive elements to each exercise. These elements included high wind speed, low wind speed, clouds angled (not perpendicular to the FLOT) in the NAI, etc. The final week of trials were run with more freedom given to the operators as to what TTP they wanted to use. This set of trials gave very good coverage of the total parameter space (terrain, standoff visibility, release type, cloud age).
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has acknowledged it carried out a sweeping Cold War-era test programme of chemical and germ warfare agents in Britain and North America.
An unknown number of civilians were exposed at the time to "simulants", or what were then thought to be harmless agents meant to stand in for deadlier ones, the Defense Department said. Some of those were later discovered to be dangerous.
"We do know that some civilians were exposed in tests that occurred in Hawaii, possibly in Alaska and possibly in Florida," said William Winkenwerder, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs.
Also exposed or possibly exposed were civilians in or around Vieques, Puerto Rico, and an unknown number of U.S. service personnel, said Michael Kilpatrick of the Pentagon's Deployment Health Support Directorate.
As many as 5,500 members of the U.S. armed forces were involved, including 5,000 who took part in previously disclosed ship-board experiments in the Pacific in the 1960s, the Pentagon said.
So far, more than 50 veterans have filed claims related to symptoms they associate with exposure to the tests, the Department of Veterans Affairs said.
The tests of such nerve agents as Sarin, Soman, Tabun and VX were carried out from 1962 to 1973 both on land and at sea "out of concern for our ability to protect and defend against these potential threats," a Pentagon statement said on Wednesday. The tests were co-ordinated by an outfit called the Deseret Test Center at Fort Douglas, Utah.
The reports amounted to an acknowledgement of much wider Cold War testing of toxic arms involving U.S. forces than earlier admitted by the Pentagon.
"During this period there were serious and legitimate concerns about the Soviet Union's chemical and biological warfare programme," Winkenwerder added at a Pentagon news briefing.
But the tests also had applications to the offensive chemical and biological weapons stocks then maintained by the United States, he said. President Richard Nixon ordered an end to U.S. offensive chemical and biological weapons programmes in 1970.
Britain and Canada joined the United States in a series of tests on their military proving grounds from July 1967 to September 1968, a document released by the Pentagon said.
These joint exercises, known as Rapid Tan 1, 2 and 3, were designed to investigate "the extent and duration of hazard" following a Tabun, Soman or other nerve agent attack, a fact sheet said. These agents, along with VX, were sprayed in both open grassland and wooded terrain at the Chemical Defence Establishment in Porton Down, Wiltshire, the document said.
Similar tests took place at the Suffield Defence Research Establishment in Ralston, Canada, the Pentagon said.
"The weapons systems germane to this test were explosive munitions (Soman-filled), aircraft spray, rain-type munitions (using both Tabun and Soman), and massive bombs (Tabun- and Soman-filled), the fact sheet said.
Both Canada and Britain made public information about these tests years ago, Kilpatrick said, citing word received from their governments as part of the process of co-ordinating the U.S. release of information.
But in Ottawa, Canadian Defense Minister John McCallum told reporters he had just learned of the experiments.
"My understanding is that this was ... for the purposes of defence against biological or chemical weapons ... My understanding also is that no human beings were deliberately exposed to any of these agents." he said.
The department said it had contracted with the Institute of Medicine, a private group with ties to the National Academy of Sciences, to carry out a three-year, $3 million (1.92 million pounds) study of potential long-term health effects of the tests conducted aboard U.S. Navy ships.
The reports on the U.S. land tests in Alaska, Hawaii, Maryland and Florida did not all involve deadly agents and were used to learn how climate and a battle environment would affect the use of such arms, the Pentagon said.
The information was released amid U.S. charges that Iraq has continued building weapons of mass destruction despite disarmament requirements at the end of the 1991 Gulf War.
Iraq flatly denies having such weapons programmes.
Within minutes, Sarin can trigger symptoms including difficult breathing, nausea, jerking, staggering, loss of bladder-bowel control and death.
Extremely lethal VX is an oily liquid that is tasteless and odourless and considered one of the most deadly agents ever made by man. With severe exposure to the skin or lungs, death usually occurs within 10 to 15 minutes.

Chemtrails---why people are getting sicker and sicker--long but important
Date: 10/16/2003
The following excerpts are from the new wall  calendar/picture book, Chemtrails of the World, by  Mark Metcalf.
Initially, the chemtrail program manifested in a variety of ways. In some isolated cases, observers reported seeing clearly marked US military jet fighters flying at tree-top height dropping a spray that killed animals and sickened people. Some cases occurred in parts of Washington state near the Canadian border. But the overwhelming majority of sightings consisted of rows of clouds being emitted from white jets flying at high altitude. Where do these white jets come from and who is directing the chemtrail spraying program? It turns out that the United States Air Force has a fleet of approximately 550 KC-135 tanker jets many of which have been painted white to resemble civilian airliners.2 Air Force documents refer to the long white plumes of these aircraft as "aerial obscuration," ostensibly because the long trails can spread out over a period of hours to form an overcast sky.3 These artificial overcasts often have subtle parallel lines or striations running through them. When looking at the sun through these thin wispy clouds one can often observe a subtle, chemical, multi-colored halo, with colors similar to gasoline on water. The effect is more pronounced when viewed through polarized sunglasses. The jets can also be seen marking a large chemtrail "X" in the sky, indicating that satellites are directing jet flight paths and tracking the movement of the artificial clouds.
Enter the Black Lines
Chemtrails contain many exotic mysteries. For example, I have noticed on numerous occasions that the KC-135's appear to be following a faint black line in the sky. At first I thought it was an optical illusion, but I later realized it must be real. In scanning the Internet I found that many others were also seeing the lines coincide with chemtrail spraying.4 One man from Sweden wrote, "On the day that this picture was taken (of the chemtrails), I found a strange dark shadow in front of the plane. First I thought that this was some kind of optical illusion.
The aircraft followed the dark shadow-line in a perfect way, when it all of a sudden made a turn and moved away from it. I realized that this was some kind of line that the plane followed and not at all an illusion created by the plane." In another case, a woman driving from Des Moines to Shenandoah, Iowa, said, "I saw a black line extend out from a plane I was watching. The subsequent chemtrail followed the black line exactly."
The most interesting report came from someone in the air. "I was flying to San Francisco from London Heathrow and we were over Greenland at the time when I looked out of the window and noticed a thick translucent black band in the sky. I stared at it for a while unable to work out what I was looking at. It was probably about a mile away from the plane and stretched as far as you could see in a perfectly straight line in both directions. Suddenly a black object appeared in the middle of the (black line) corridor and stopped, turned slightly towards the plane and then did the strangest thing: it elongated to about 10 times the original size until it was what I can only describe as a stretched-out triangle & then instantly accelerated away at a phenomenal speed down the (black line) corridor.
"My two colleagues also witnessed this and were just as puzzled and amazed. Shortly after, just into Canada we noticed a very, very long perfectly straight road through literally nowhere just going on for miles. Suddenly we passed a huge pentagon-shaped complex that this road led to with nothing else around. Just this place with buildings and hangars and a runway absolutely in the middle of nowhere."
One Country Tries to Stop the Spraying
Before the publication of this book, chemtrail spraying had been reported in a number of other countries including England and Spain, both of which are closely allied with the US military. On April 28, 1997, Cuba filed a complaint before the United Nations General Assembly charging the U.S. was spraying biological warfare agents over Cuban soil.5 While Cuba has been unable to have the matter investigated by the UN, the US has also been unable to have the matter dropped.
The official US responses are interesting. In one incident, the State Department admitted an S2R crop-dusting plane operated by the state department overflew Cuba, but said it "emitted only smoke."
Washington Times 8/26/97
In another incident, "a Cuban pilot reported seeing the release of unknown substances, in the form of a white or greyish mist on 10/21/96." (On 12/18/96, the first signs of thrips plague appeared in Matanzas province.) The official US response was that the US pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below, and as he was not certain of having been seen, "following caution and safety procedures," and with the purpose of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the "smoke generator" of his aircraft, in order to "indicate its location," adding that "the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the airplane." However, the US SAR aircraft, register N3093M is officially used by the State Department against drug trafficking, to destroy crops. The aircraft utilizes two sprinkling systems: one for the use of aerosols and liquid particles and another for dropping solid particles.
The SAR aircraft is not known to carry a smoke generator. The Cuban government has also filed a protest with the UN regarding the United States' refusal to adopt a draft protocol prohibiting plans and production of biological weapons for 30 years. In addition, on May 31, 1999, a lawsuit for $181 billion in wrongful death and personal injury was filed in Havana Provincial Civil Court in which the US was accused of genocide.
But the bio-attack on Cuba has been unrelenting. In 2002, a Canadian tourist reported seeing what he assumed were regular rocket flights - possibly to avoid anti-aircraft fire - that penetrate Cuban airspace and leave long plumes of smoky white material. Cuban health officials were quoted as saying that the government is quietly working to control the spread of the biological agents from the US aerosol campaign.
One Town Stands Up
In 1999, 550 citizens of Espanola, Ontario, brought a petition before the Canadian Parliament asking the Canadian government to stop the U.S. military from spraying. Town residents said the spray appeared to be making people sick. At a public meeting on chemtrails, the Ontario Minister of Environment refused to release air quality findings for Espanola. Unlike our island neighbors to the south, no government has interceded to protect North Americans from the US military aerosol campaign.  
Some political leaders are no doubt being told that the artificial cloud spraying program is necessary to reverse global warming but must be kept secret so as not to panic the public. But if reflecting the sun's light and heat back into space is the purpose, why do the jets also spray at night? Why have they been seen spraying on naturally occurring overcast days? And why are they inundating the earth with a fungus genetically tailored to thrive on human blood?
Fungi from the Crypt
Award-winning journalist Will Thomas has reported that lab analysis showed spray samples contained over 360 different varieties of mold and fungi in addition to gene-splicing markers and extremely thin, red human blood cells.6 The chemtrail samples also contained a new breed of designer chemicals about which little is  known in the public domain but which appear to be very dangerous, plus aluminum particulates approximately 1 micron in diameter. Chemtrail particles are carried by air currents, spreading a fine dust of pathogenic materials throughout the environment. The dust is nearly impossible to avoid since people can ingest it simply by breathing, eating and drinking. It is logical to assume that those who have initiated this spraying program are well aware of its inescapable  properties. What is more disturbing is the ease with which a more deadly substance could be substituted for the current chemtrail mix. Should this happen, it seems likely that the chemtrail program could exterminate all above-ground human populations in North America in approximately one week.
Medical doctors often misdiagnose fungal conditions because they are taught that fungi cannot live in the blood stream (become systemic), nor can the resolution of the microscopes (1,000 x magnification) commonly used by doctors reveal the presence of fungi in blood samples. However, there is a microscope (8,000 to 15,000 x magnification) that can, and does, reveal fungus in the blood. This microscope has a camera that can record the enlarged images on video, providing irrefutable documentation.  The inventor of this microscope, Dr. Robert Bradford of American Biologics, was actually run out of the United States for his efforts to help mankind and now has an office in Tijuana, Mexico. Doctors possessing these super-microscopes are intensely "regulated" by the federal government, which closely monitors their research. Under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules, patients cannot be shown images or test results from the microscope. Research is also subject to inspection at any time of the day or night, and the FDA charges the targeted researchers $250 each time they show up.
Designer Fungus and Cancer
Dr. Marijah McCain, founder of the Herbal Healer Academy in Mountain View, Arkansas, has conducted extensive studies with her $40,000 super-microscope. In one study she discovered and documented a contagious leukemia virus. In another study, testing thirty patients, Dr. McCain found that eighty-three percent had systemic fungus in the blood. Her research also shows a direct link between the presence of fungus in the blood and the spread of cancer.7 Dr. McCain said, "Every single patient that I have seen that is terminal with cancer has the most incredible  fungus overgrowth in the blood stream. Cancer is a  slow-moving growth of mutating cells. The (allopathic)  doctors will tell you it's fast moving and it's going  to kill you very quickly. What can kill you is the fungus because the fungus moves very quickly and it's caused directly by the use of the chemotherapy. I have documented this in every instance."
What Dr. McCain is saying is that fungus/yeast is a plant and the growth of plants is accelerated by some chemicals and by radiation. She has alsodiscovered that many cases of arthritis are not arthritis, but systemic fungus/yeast in the blood that clogs the arteries, causing them to swell.
Dr. McCain has been relentlessly hounded by the FDA. There is evidence that FDA activities are covertly directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)  using executives from top-secret contractors like Monsanto Corporation who are appointed to high FDA policy-making positions despite obvious conflict of interest.8 Dr. McCain has also had numerous attempts on her life. In one case, a high-powered rifle fired through the walls of her home. In another case, an  unmarked helicopter sprayed her with poison. (In 1997, an unmarked, white helicopter sprayed me with an unknown substance while hovering about sixty feet above my home in Los Angeles for approximately five minutes.) The Herbal Healer Academy offers a substantial catalog of moderately priced, high-quality herbal remedies, including a four-herb tea that has  been proven to cure cancer in extensive medical trials in Canada. Contact the Herbal Healer at 870 269-4177 or go to
Microbiologist Mortality Goes Up
Interestingly, there now appears to be a global assassination program of the world's top microbiologists. Since 9-11-01, fifteen leading microbiologists have met untimely ends due to everything from gunshots to baseball bats to falling off bridges. Many of these men were considered the world's leading experts in infectious disease. See for more details.
Barium Found in Chemtrails
A Mr. Clifford Carnicom has cultured chemtrail spray samples in New Mexico and proven that barium is present.10 His test procedures and results are posted at Barium suppresses human T-cell production, making the human body very susceptible to infectious agents. Barium also has electromagnetic properties and may be both amplifying and more evenly dispersing pulsed-energy waves first uncovered by a deceased University of Chapel Hill professor, Dr. David Fraser, in 1975. These waves are now most likely blanketing all cities and towns in North America for the purpose of mood and mind control. Carnicom has also confirmed the existence of the pulsed energy in every location he has tested and has created a method by which it can be measured and recorded that is posted on his website,
Pulsed-energy mind-control technology for mass populations was first tested on Medford, Oregon, making it the suicide capital of the nation overnight in the mid-seventies. See my article, "The Secret War Against Medford, Oregon."
The Spider's Web
Carnicom also received two similar spray samples picked up by separate eyewitnesses wanting to know what the strange weblike material was. One of the samples was fifty feet long by a half-inch wide. A small portion was sent to a laboratory for detailed analysis, whereupon two PhD's steadfastly maintained that the material was either silk or wool fibers. However, these men abruptly broke off all communication once their conclusion was challenged by simple, ordinary facts.
Human hair ranges from 60 to 100 microns thick. Wool fibers are 15 to 25 microns thick. Asbestos fibers are 2 to 3 microns thick. But the extremely adhesive, weblike fibers were essentially invisible to the human eye, measuring 0.2 to 0.3 microns in diameter. Under microscopic analysis they appeared wavy and of a synthetic nature. "Sufficiently unique to warrant further investigation," said Carnicom.
EPA Says "Drop Dead."
A sample was then sent to Carol M. Browner at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by certified mail.3 The EPA has since refused to acknowledge possession of the sample and has issued a statement saying they are "unaware" of any program to distribute materials over the population of the United States through the use of aircraft.
Doctors Become Alarmed
Eight doctors have come together to start the Morgellons Research Foundation, a grassroots organization, dedicated to finding the cause of an increasingly prevalent skin disease of unknown origin. Their website,, is a treasure-trove of medical documentation that includes photographs of the microfibers. The disease consists of skin lesions that contain "fiber-like objects as well as clear filament-like objects of unknown origin." "We are attempting to isolate this organism and determine how it is able to cause the intense itching, stinging and disfiguring skin lesions which are the main sy mptoms of this disease."
At the moment, the doctors say most reports are coming from California, Texas and Florida. "The working hypothesis of this foundation is that an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease), may alter the individual's immune system and allow this unknown organism to become an opportunistic co-infection."11 So far, ninety-five percent of those afflicted with this skin disease who were tested for Bb have tested positive.
The fibers have been analyzed by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and are composed of cellulose. A mystery fungus is also thought to play a role in the disease.
Because the symptoms and physical findings are so unusual, most physicians just assume the patient is misinterpreting their condition. Many adults complaining of a hardening or thickening of the skin, hair loss, lymphedema, skin lesions, profound fatigue and joint pain, are receiving a diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis. The Morgellons doctors added that, "Objects described as granules are often found associated with (the) skin lesions as well. Several people have had lymph nodes surgically removed due to obstruction." You can contact the doctors at or fax them at (760) 457-3441.
The Coming Global Desert?
If in an environment of 30% humidity you have what appears to be a cloud forming, it is logical to allow for the possibility of a foreign material or aerosol that is gathering what little moisture is available into that cloud formation. In this regard, Carnicom has developed a hypothesis that correlates well with the known facts. Since it is impossible for clouds to form under relative humidity conditions below 70% without the introduction of an aerosol of fine particles, then such particles must be present. Logically, these particles should contain nuclei with a water-loving nature, such as salt.. Carnicom concludes that barium salts are the answer. When barium carbonate is burned it forms barium oxide. Among other properties it possesses, barium oxide absorbs moisture, absorbs CO2 and induces respiratory distress.
It appears that the chemtrail aerosol is designed to function like a net, capturing moisture in the atmosphere on a planetary level, and then redirecting that moisture into space. Says Carnicom, "There is a case developing that moisture is actually being drawn out of the sky by this material and that the rainfall patterns are being altered."
It seems to work like this: Chemtrail clouds draw moisture and carbon dioxide out of the surrounding air and the atmosphere gets dryer and thinner. As long as the chemtrail clouds are still present, they reflect the sun's heat back into space, making the reduction of sun-shielding atmosphere less noticeable. But as soon as the spraying stops over a given region for a number of days, the land and air become extremely dry and overheated. This occurred over Montana, Washington and British Columbia during the summer of 2003, causing massive forest fires. In British Columbia, the Nelson Daily News reported the driest conditions in fifty years. Anyone paying attention to the sky saw heavy spraying throughout the year over these forested regions, but by the end of July all spraying stopped.
The same series of events may also have been used to trigger record temperatures and forest fires in Europe. "We've not seen such an extended period of dry weather and sunny days since records began (in about 1870)," said Michael Knobelsdorf, a meteorologist with the German weather service, referring to Europe as a whole.13
This book documents heavy spraying over Europe with numerous color photographs taken during the preceding winter and spring that led up to the scorching summer of 2003.14 In addition, a severe drought was also experienced in South Central India where I had earlier photographed chemtrail spraying.
If the chemtrails are being sprayed to protect mankind from a thinning atmosphere and the resulting rise in solar heat, why did they stop spraying in some areas during the hottest months of the summer in 2003? And more importantly, why didn't they resume the spraying to help control the widespread forest fires that began the following week?

Interesting international chemtrail information from European Source]
From: "World-Action" <>
Subject: FW: Chemtrails of the World, by Mark Metcalf.
The following excerpts are from the new wall calendar/picture book, Chemtrails of the World, by Mark Metcalf.
Initially, the chemtrail program manifested in a variety of ways. In some isolated cases, observers reported seeing clearly marked US military jet fighters flying at tree-top height dropping a spray that killed animals and sickened people. Some cases occurred in parts of Washington state near the Canadian border. But the overwhelming majority of sightings consisted of rows of clouds being emitted from white jets flying at high altitude. Where do these white jets come from and who is directing the chemtrail spraying program? It turns out that the United States Air Force has a fleet of approximately 550 KC-135 tanker jets many of which have been painted white to resemble civilian airliners.2 Air Force documents refer to the long white plumes of these aircraft as "aerial obscuration," ostensibly because the long trails can spread out over a period of hours to form an overcast sky.3 These artificial overcasts often have subtle parallel lines or striations running through them. When looking at the sun through these thin wispy clouds one can often observe a subtle, chemical, multi-colored halo, with colors similar to gasoline on water. The effect is more pronounced when viewed through polarized sunglasses. The jets can also be seen marking a large chemtrail "X" in the sky, indicating that satellites are directing jet flight paths and tracking the movement of the artificial clouds.
Enter the Black Lines
Chemtrails contain many exotic mysteries. For example, I have noticed on numerous occasions that the KC-135's appear to be following a faint black line in the sky. At first I thought it was an optical illusion, but I later realized it must be real. In scanning the Internet I found that many others were also seeing the lines coincide with chemtrail spraying.4 One man from Sweden wrote, "On the day that this picture was taken (of the chemtrails), I found
a strange dark shadow in front of the plane. First I thought that this was some kind of optical illusion. The aircraft followed the dark shadow-line in a perfect way, when it all of a sudden made a turn and moved away from it. I realized that this was some kind of line that the plane followed and not at all an illusion created by the plane." In another case, a woman driving from Des Moines to Shenandoah, Iowa, said, "I saw a black line extend out from a plane I was watching. The subsequent chemtrail followed the black line exactly."
The most interesting report came from someone in the air. "I was flying to San Francisco from London Heathrow and we were over Greenland at the time when I looked out of the window and noticed a thick translucent black band in the sky. I stared at it for a while unable to work out what I was looking at. It was probably about a mile away from the plane and stretched as far as you could see in a perfectly straight line in both directions. Suddenly a black object appeared in the middle of the (black line) corridor and stopped, turned slightly towards the plane and then did the strangest thing: it elongated to about 10 times the original size until it was what I can only describe as a stretched-out triangleÅ  then instantly accelerated away at a phenomenal speed down the (black line) corridor.
"My two colleagues also witnessed this and were just as puzzled and amazed. Shortly after, just into Canada we noticed a very, very long perfectly straight road through literally nowhere just going on for miles. Suddenly we passed a huge pentagon-shaped complex that this road led to with nothing else around. Just this place with buildings and hangars and a runway absolutely in the middle of nowhere."
One Country Tries to Stop the Spraying
Before the publication of this book, chemtrail spraying had been reported in a number of other countries including England and Spain, both of which are closely allied with the US military. On April 28, 1997, Cuba filed a complaint before the United Nations General Assembly charging the U.S. was spraying biological warfare agents over Cuban soil.5 While Cuba has been unable to have the matter investigated by the UN, the US has also been unable to have the matter dropped.
The official US responses are interesting. In one incident, the State Department admitted an S2R crop-dusting plane operated by the state department overflew Cuba, but said it "emitted only smoke." Washington Times 8/26/97
In another incident, "a Cuban pilot reported seeing the release of unknown substances, in the form of a white or greyish mist on 10/21/96." (On 12/18/96, the first signs of thrips plague appeared in Matanzas province.) The official US response was that the US pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below, and as he was not certain of having been seen, "following caution and safety procedures," and with the purpose of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the "smoke generator" of his aircraft, in order to "indicate its location," adding that "the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the airplane." However, the US SAR aircraft, register N3093M is officially used by the State Department against drug trafficking, to destroy crops. The aircraft utilizes two sprinkling systems: one for the use of aerosols and liquid particles and another for dropping solid particles. The SAR aircraft is not known to carry a smoke generator.
The Cuban government has also filed a protest with the UN regarding the United States' refusal to adopt a draft protocol prohibiting plans and production of biological weapons for 30 years. In addition, on May 31, 1999, a lawsuit for $181 billion in wrongful death and personal injury was filed in Havana Provincial Civil Court in which the US was accused of genocide.
But the bio-attack on Cuba has been unrelenting. In 2002, a Canadian tourist reported seeing what he assumed were regular rocket flights - possibly to avoid anti-aircraft fire - that penetrate Cuban airspace and leave long plumes of smoky white material. Cuban health officials were quoted as saying that the government is quietly working to control the spread of the biological agents from the US aerosol campaign.
One Town Stands Up
In 1999, 550 citizens of Espanola, Ontario, brought a petition before the Canadian Parliament asking the Canadian government to stop the U.S. military from spraying. Town residents said the spray appeared to be making people sick. At a public meeting on chemtrails, the Ontario Minister of Environment refused to release air quality findings for Espanola. Unlike our island neighbors to the south, no government has interceded to protect North Americans from the US military aerosol campaign.
Some political leaders are no doubt being told that the artificial cloud spraying program is necessary to reverse global warming but must be kept secret so as not to panic the public. But if reflecting the sun's light and heat back into space is the purpose, why do the jets also spray at night? Why have they been seen spraying on naturally occurring overcast days? And why are they inundating the earth with a fungus genetically tailored to thrive on human blood?
Fungi from the Crypt
Award-winning journalist Will Thomas has reported that lab analysis showed spray samples contained over 360 different varieties of mold and fungi in addition to gene-splicing markers and extremely thin, red human blood cells. 6 The chemtrail samples also contained a new breed of designer chemicals about which little is known in the public domain but which appear to be very dangerous, plus aluminum particulates approximately 1 micron in diameter. Chemtrail particles are carried by air currents, spreading a fine dust of pathogenic materials throughout the environment. The dust is nearly impossible to avoid since people can ingest it simply by breathing, eating and drinking. It is logical to assume that those who have initiated this spraying program are well aware of its inescapable properties. What is more disturbing is the ease with which a more deadly substance could be substituted for the current chemtrail mix. Should this happen, it seems likely that the chemtrail program could exterminate all above-ground human populations in North America in approximately one week.
Medical doctors often misdiagnose fungal conditions because they are taught that fungi cannot live in the blood stream (become systemic), nor can theresolution of the microscopes (1,000 x magnification) commonly used by doctors reveal the presence of fungi in blood samples. However, there is a microscope (8,000 to 15,000 x magnification) that can, and does, reveal fungus in the blood. This microscope has a camera that can record the enlarged images on video, providing irrefutable documentation.
The inventor of this microscope, Dr. Robert Bradford of American Biologics, was actually run out of the United States for his efforts to help mankind and now has an office in Tijuana, Mexico. Doctors possessing these super-microscopes are intensely "regulated" by the federal government, which closely monitors their research. Under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules, patients cannot be shown images or test results from the microscope. Research is also subject to inspection at any time of the day or night, and the FDA charges the targeted researchers $250 each time they show up.
Designer Fungus and Cancer
Dr. Marijah McCain, founder of the Herbal Healer Academy in Mountain View, Arkansas, has conducted extensive studies with her $40,000 super-microscope. In one study she discovered and documented a contagious leukemia virus. In another study, testing thirty patients, Dr. McCain found that eighty-three percent had systemic fungus in the blood. Her research also shows a direct link between the presence of fungus in the blood and the spread of cancer. 7 Dr. McCain said, "Every single patient that I have seen that is terminal with cancer has the most incredible fungus overgrowth in the blood stream. Cancer is a slow-moving growth of mutating cells. The (allopathic) doctors will tell you it's fast moving and it's going to kill you very quickly. What can kill you is the fungus because the fungus moves very quickly and it's caused directly by the use of the chemotherapy. I have documented this in every instance."
What Dr. McCain is saying is that fungus/yeast is a plant and the growth of plants is accelerated by some chemicals and by radiation. She has also discovered that many cases of arthritis are not arthritis, but systemic fungus/yeast in the blood that clogs the arteries, causing them to swell.
Dr. McCain has been relentlessly hounded by the FDA. There is evidence that FDA activities are covertly directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) using executives from top-secret contractors like Monsanto Corporation who are appointed to high FDA policy-making positions despite obvious conflict of interest.8 Dr. McCain has also had numerous attempts on her life. In one case, a high-powered rifle fired through the walls of her home. In another case, an unmarked helicopter sprayed her with poison. (In 1997, an unmarked, white helicopter sprayed me with an unknown substance while hovering about sixty feet above  my home in Los Angeles for approximately five minutes.) The Herbal Healer Academy offers a substantial catalog of moderately priced, high-quality herbal remedies, including a four-herb tea that has been proven to cure cancer in extensive medical trials in Canada.
Contact the Herbal Healer at 870-269-4177 or go to
Microbiologist Mortality Goes Up
Interestingly, there now appears to be a global assassination program of the world's top microbiologists. Since 9-11-01, fifteen leading microbiologists have met untimely ends due to everything from gunshots to baseball bats to falling off bridges. Many of these men were considered the world's leading experts in infectious disease. See for more details.
Barium Found in Chemtrails
A Mr. Clifford Carnicom has cultured chemtrail spray samples in New Mexico and proven that barium is present.10 His test procedures and results are posted at Barium suppresses human T-cell production, making the human body very susceptible to infectious agents. Barium also has electromagnetic properties and may be both amplifying and more evenly dispersing pulsed-energy waves first uncovered by a deceased University of Chapel Hill professor, Dr. David Fraser, in 1975. These waves are now most likely blanketing all cities and towns in North America for the purpose of mood and mind control. Carnicom has also confirmed the existence of the pulsed energy in every location he has tested and has created a method by which it can be measured and recorded that is posted on his website,
Pulsed-energy mind-control technology for mass populations was first tested on Medford, Oregon, making it the suicide capital of the nation overnight in the mid-seventies. See my article, "The Secret War Against Medford, Oregon."
The Spider's Web
Carnicom also received two similar spray samples picked up by separate eyewitnesses wanting to know what the strange weblike material was. One of the samples was fifty feet long by a half-inch wide. A small portion was sent to a laboratory for detailed analysis, whereupon two PhD's steadfastly maintained that the material was either silk or wool fibers. However, these men abruptly broke off all communication once their conclusion was challenged by simple, ordinary facts.
Human hair ranges from 60 to 100 microns thick. Wool fibers are 15 to 25 microns thick. Asbestos fibers are 2 to 3 microns thick. But the extremely adhesive, weblike fibers were essentially invisible to the human eye, measuring 0.2 to 0.3 microns in diameter. Under microscopic analysis they appeared wavy and of a synthetic nature. "Sufficiently unique to warrant further investigation," said Carnicom.
EPA Says "Drop Dead."
A sample was then sent to Carol M. Browner at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by certified mail.3 The EPA has since refused to acknowledge possession of the sample and has issued a statement saying they are "unaware" of any program to distribute materials over the population of the United States through the use of aircraft.
Doctors Become Alarmed
Eight doctors have come together to start the Morgellons Research Foundation, a grassroots organization, dedicated to finding the cause of an increasingly prevalent skin disease of unknown origin. Their website,, is a treasure-trove of medical documentation that includes photographs of the microfibers. The disease consists of skin lesions that contain "fiber-like objects as well as clear filament-like objects of unknown origin." "We are attempting to isolate this organism and determine how it is able to cause
the intense itching, stinging and disfiguring skin lesions which are the main symptoms of this disease."
At the moment, the doctors say most reports are coming from California, Texas and Florida. "The working hypothesis of this foundation is that an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease), may alter the individual's immune system and allow this unknown organism to become an opportunistic co-infection."11 So far, ninety-five percent of those afflicted with this skin disease who were tested for Bb have tested positive. The fibers have been analyzed by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and are composed of cellulose. A mystery fungus is also thought to play a role in the disease.
Because the symptoms and physical findings are so unusual, most physicians just assume the patient is misinterpreting their condition. Many adults comp laining of a hardening or thickening of the skin, hair loss, lymphedema, skin lesions, profound fatigue and joint pain, are receiving a diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis. The Morgellons doctors added that, "Objects described as granules are often found associated with (the) skin lesions as well. Several people have had lymph nodes surgically removed due to obstruction." You can contact the doctors at or fax them at (760) 457-3441.
The Coming Global Desert?
If in an environment of 30% humidity you have what appears to be a cloud forming, it is logical to allow for the possibility of a foreign material or aerosol that is gathering what little moisture is available into that cloud formation. In this regard, Carnicom has developed a hypothesis that correlates well with the known facts. Since it is impossible for clouds to form under relative humidity conditions below 70% without the introduction of an aerosol of
fine particles, then such particles must be present. Logically, these particles should contain nuclei with a water-loving nature, such as salt. Carnicom concludes that barium salts are the answer. When barium carbonate is burned it forms barium oxide. Among other properties it possesses, barium oxide absorbs moisture, absorbs CO2 and induces respiratory distress.
It appears that the chemtrail aerosol is designed to function like a net, capturing moisture in the atmosphere on a planetary level, and then redirecting that moisture into space. Says Carnicom, "There is a case developing that moisture is actually being drawn out of the sky by this material and that the rainfall patterns are being altered."
It seems to work like this: Chemtrail clouds draw moisture and carbon dioxide out of the surrounding air and the atmosphere gets dryer and thinner. As long as the chemtrail clouds are still present, they reflect the sun's heat back into space, making the reduction of sun-shielding atmosphere less noticeable. But as soon as the spraying stops over a given region for a number of days, the land and air become extremely dry and overheated. This occurred over Montana, Washington and British Columbia during the summer of 2003, causing massive forest fires. In British Columbia, the Nelson Daily News reported the driest conditions in fifty years. Anyone paying attention to the sky saw heavy spraying throughout the year over these forested regions, but by the end of July all spraying stopped.
The same series of events may also have been used to trigger record temperatures and forest fires in Europe. "We've not seen such an extended period of dry weather and sunny days since records began (in about 1870)," said Michael Knobelsdorf, a meteorologist with the German weather service, referring to Europe as a whole.13
This book documents heavy spraying over Europe with numerous color photographs taken during the preceding winter and spring that led up to the scorching summer of 2003.14 In addition, a severe drought was also experienced in South Central India where I had earlier photographed chemtrail spraying.
If the chemtrails are being sprayed to protect mankind from a thinning atmosphere and the resulting rise in solar heat, why did they stop spraying in some areas during the hottest months of the summer in 2003? And more importantly, why didn't they resume the spraying to help control the widespread forest fires that began the following week?
Excerpts from the new wall calendar/picture book, Chemtrails of the World, by Mark Metcalf.
1. Dugway Proving Grounds, UT
2. Chemtrails: The Video, available from Silver Protects, Inc. Call 503-359-5954.US
3. Air Force Fact Sheet, March 2003
4., August 20, 2003
6. Radio program, circa 2000
7. "More than 50% of the population will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime and the percentage is steadily climbing.   Today the cancer rate is 1 out of 2 for men and 2 out of 3 for women.", August 20, 2003
8. Monsanto Watch at, August-20-2003
9. Ted Gunderson documentary video available from Silver Protects, Inc. Call 503 359-5954.
10. Clifford Carnicom is a research scientist, and was a federal employee for 15 years with three different agencies: the United States Department of Defense, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service. His technical background is extensive in the fields of geodetic science, advanced mathematics, computer science, and the physical sciences.
11. "Lyme disease cases jumped 34% in Wisconsin last year, a near-record level that outpaced the nationwide incidence, which increased 24%. Wisconsin has the seventh highest incidence of the disease. In 1998, the incidence was nearly 13 per 100,000 residents, which still pales alongside the 70 per 100,000 rate in Connecticut" - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 13, 1999
12. I asked my attorney, Jonathan Emord - the number one regulatory law specialist in the United States - if I might incur any legal problems with my assertion about the FDA. He responded, "Not at all. We can easily prove that in court."
13. "What's remarkable is that these extremes of weather are happening at such short intervals which suggests the climate is unbalanced. Last year in Germany, we were under water. Now we have one of the worst droughts in human memory," said Michael Knobelsdorf. -
14. France's blistering heat wave has killed some 10,000 people in three weeks, health officials said on Thursday, describing the death rate as an epidemic. -

U.S. Jets Respond to Indication of Approaching Craft
_____Special Report_____
Associated Press
Friday, November 29, 2002; Page A31 The military command responsible for the defense of North American airspace scrambled fighter jets in response to unverified reports of an airborne condensation trail, or contrail, moving from the Caribbean to the United States, defense officials said yesterday.Lt. Col. Michael Humm, a Pentagon spokesman, said the incident happened Wednesday and that the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado Springs was continuing to investigate.The reported contrail stirred concern because of the possibility that it could have indicated the presence of an unauthorized jet aircraft in or approaching U.S. airspace. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, the Pentagon has taken greater precautions to monitor U.S. airspace.A contrail is created by vapor from a jet engine in the presence of cold air.The jets that were scrambled to attempt to intercept and identify the source of the contrail found nothing, said Lt. Cmdr. Curtis Jenkins, a NORAD spokesman. He said NORAD had developed no new information since the initial report at 4 p.m. EST on Wednesday. NORAD is reviewing data from its tracking radars in search of evidence, he said.A Pentagon statement said NORAD received unverified reports of "what appeared to be a contrail of unknown origin," originally in the vicinity of the Turks and Caicos Islands near the Bahamas."Initially, it was reported to be heading northwestward toward the United States," the statement said. "Commercial airline pilots later reported the contrail over Florida and later over Indiana. Thereafter, no other sightings were reported."The reported contrail was never verified by visual or radar contact, the Pentagon statement said.
© 2002 The Washington Post Company

These formations were the result of chemtrails and high winds.
This is all part of the real New (Old) World order, the link below shows the Anglo Saxon thinking...
Rhodes Scholar thinking....
Those who trust and rely on what we call science must be reminded scruples and science are far removed from one another. The elitist views you like a worm or a bug to play with... and scientists keep telling themselves they are a cut above the rest and some mentally crippled Senators privately express t*he same view, as you are the sucker, while gleefully counting over Pac monies. The cold hard facts tell us this is ludicrous, given the science track record when it comes down to accepting natural simple truths as nature often provides as guide lines for mankind. This is especially true when the results of experimentation get in the way of industrial or investment profit structure. As it stands now they will just make it mandatory for people to line up for the innoculations and what you get might very well be a government experiment testing toxic substances. The Huns made their move during the first half of the century and now the last half has been Anglo Saxon all the way...
By the way, be sure to enjoy your new Facist looking postage stamp. We borrowed it from the Huns....
There is no way the this household will use that stamp. My wife will find something with far more taste, as she always does. I do not think Susan wants Texas style Nazi art on her mail...
Now boycott that new postage stamp and send a loud signal to Washington D.C. 

Subj: Skousen looks at chemtrails/Fwd
Date: 1/25/2002 6:16:59 AM Pacific Standard Time

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Skousen takes on chemtrails/Fwd
** As TOP_VIEW/NewsHawk has reported, chemtrails primarily for weather control
= = = = = = = =
by Joel Skousen

January 11, 2001
Copyright Joel M. Skousen



Canadian investigative reporter William Thomas has uncovered, through tenacious and prodigious research, some answers to the mysterious chemtrail issue. "Chemtrails" are chemical laden vapor trails dispersed at high altitudes by US military tanker aircraft and by some private aircraft under top-secret contracts with the US government. A draft version of Thomas report can be read online at I dont agree with everything Thomas writes or speculates about, but I will summarize his conclusions and share my analysis of what I think is well founded.
The chemtrail phenomenon has been observed for many years in different parts of the US as well as in other allied nations. These chemtrails are primarily characterized by thick trails of white vapor, which persist for long periods of time, gradually dispersing to cover wide areas of the sky. Lets review some of the major differences between these chemical vapor trails and the normal, harmless condensation trails ("contrails") often emitted by aircraft. There are several critical distinguishing characteristics between these two types of emissions:
1) Chemtrails occur at altitudes and in environmental conditions where normal contrails cannot and do not occur. According to NOAA meteorologist Thomas Schlatter, quoted in the article, "for even short-lived condensation trails to form, we're talking temperatures lower than about minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity at jet altitudes of 70 per cent or more." (Hes correct about the temperature, but humidity at altitude is rarely that high. In any case, humidity is only relevant to how long a contrail persists--not to its initial formation. The initial contrail is formed by the jet exhaust of the aircraft which provides the source of moisture--a byproduct of fuel combustion. It is this water vapor that freezes and turns into contrails.) Chemtrails usually occur at altitudes between 25,000 and 30,000 feet, which is usually too low and warm to support contrails.

2) Chemtrails persist for many hours and spread out continuously until wide areas of the sky are covered. Contrails spread out only slightly and evaporate within 10 seconds to an hour, depending on the upper air humidity and temperature.

3) Contrails are always pure white and never exhibit any halo effect. Chemtrails have an oily glint to them, with rainbow-like color effects (reddish or pinkish tint) as the sun shines through. Some of the best photographic evidence of chemtrails is found at

4) Contrails are composed of water vapor combined with a small amount of residue from burned jet fuel. Analysis of chemtrails, in contrast, has uncovered a variety of chemicals and other substances, including barium, aluminum oxide, microscopic fibers and oil-based products, none of which are intrinsic to normal jet fuel.

5) Contrails exit directly behind the engines of the aircraft, which produce the moisture. Thus, aircraft will exhibit only 1, 2, 3, or 4 distinct condensation trails, each trailing an engine. Chemtrails, in contrast, are expelled from multiple ports along the entire wing surface, not directly in line with the engines. Once again, see the pictures on

6) Contrails cannot be shut on and off at will, nor abruptly, as witnesses have seen in numerous sightings of chemical spraying by aircraft. I personally have seen this type of on/off spraying in Utah by two military tankers flying in loose formation. When numerous witnesses called KSL--TV in Salt Lake City to investigate, KSL dutifully parroted the governments official response: that the aircraft was a government contractor flying a Lear jet and doing experiments on ice crystal formation. Baloney! As one of those witnesses, and an experienced pilot, I can tell you those two huge military tanker aircraft were not tiny Lear jets. The government is lying--but at least, in this case, they didnt try to outright deny what hundreds of people were watching, as they usually do. They simply tried to take advantage of public ignorance of aircraft recognition, feeding them a phony but marginally plausible excuse.

7) Aircraft dispersing chemtrails always fly back and forth over a set area, creating circular or zig-zag patterns of vapor in the sky. Often many chemtrail aircraft can be seen in one area, flying in crisscross patterns laying down vapor trails before flying off over the horizon. Large airliners operating under Air Traffic Control fly on set airways and do not make such patterns in the sky. Government representatives have tried to pass off reports of crisscross chemtrail patterns as merely the convergence of airliner contrails at normal air traffic intersections, but this is false. For one thing, almost all airways in the US run in straight lines, east to west. Neither do airliners fly in close formation with other aircraft. In addition, chemtrail sightings almost never come close to normal airway intersections.
8) All legitimate aircraft at high altitudes emitting contrails will be acknowledged by the FAA. Conversely, the existence of aircraft spraying chemicals is always denied by the FAA, under orders from the government. You can be on a cell phone, in real time, reporting the presence of an aircraft overhead to the FAA and they will tell you that no such aircraft exists on their radar screens. They are flat-out lying. Its amazing to me how many military pilots and government ATC controllers can so easily justify these lies. Surely some are aware of the damaging health effects reported on the internet. Occasionally, an honest controller will admit there is a "military exercise" blocked out for that area.
Many have long suspected that the government has been using these airborne chemical sprayings to test dispersal methods for mild forms of biological or chemical warfare. Indeed, chemtrail sightings have long been associated with community-wide illnesses reported in the areas of the sprayings. Thomas himself was involved in a case in Espanola, Ontario, in the spring of 1998. Residents there had been complaining of "severe headaches, chronic joint pain, dizziness, sudden extreme fatigue, acute asthma attacks and feverless flu-like symptoms over a 50 - square - mile area [which] coincided with what they termed months of spraying by photo-identified US Air Force tanker planes." An expert witness in the case, former Ontarion Provincial Police Officer Ted Simola, described the "lingering Xs and numerous white trails, some of which just ended as if they had been shut off but remained in the sky," observations consistent with other chemtrail sightings.
On November 18, 1998, the people of Espanola petitioned Parliament, suspecting possible government involvement in these airborne chemical emissions. They called upon Parliament to "repeal any law that would permit the dispersal of military chaff or of any cloud-seeding substance whatsoever by domestic or foreign military aircraft without the informed consent of the citizens of Canada thus affected." In response to their petition, the Ministry of Defense eventually replied: "Its not us." The government assertion was mostly true: it was not Canadian aircraft, but US Air Force tankers which were conducting the sprayings. Yet the Canadian government was complicit in allowing the US to experiment over Canada.

Thomas did finally get an American ATC controller to talk to him, under conditions of anonymity. The controller works on the US eastern seaboard. Thomas called his contact "Deep Sky." Deep Sky confirmed that the chemicals being spread in the exercises were acting as electrolytes, enhancing conductivity of radar and radio waves. Additionally, the spread of the material was actually degrading, not enhancing, ATC radars " so there had to be some other purpose behind the sprayings. It is significant that many of the exercises were conducted out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, in Ohio, which, according to Thomas,
"has long been deeply engaged in HAARPs electromagnetic warfare program.
HAARP is a US government radio wave project in Alaska which could be related to weather modification. HAARPs huge powerful transmitters and arrays of antennas are, according to the official website, designed to heat up the atmosphere above it. Phasing the antennas can skew the heating effect directionally, and may even interact with reflective layers of metal particles in Chemtrails. What is interesting is that HAARPs location is at the 65th parallel, just south of the arctic circle. This position corresponds to the atmospheric boundary where relatively moist southern air moving northward collides with cold arctic air coming south. When these dissimilar air mass meet they rise and form new storm systems. Heating the atmosphere directly under this boundary layer would tend to accelerate storm development. Finally, through a series of questions, Deep Sky confirmed that the US tankers were indeed involved in climate modification experiments.
At this point in the article, Thomas launches into a theory that the reflective clouds are being used to reduce the effects of global warming. He discusses the Welsback patent, issued in 1994 to Hughes Aircraft, [long involved in government black operations] which involves the use of a reflective blanket of aluminum-laced cloud cover to cool the earth. However, I think Thomas was fed disinformation here. The government often uses phony patents to lead investigators down the wrong trail -- especially when dealing with HAARP. Global warming is a fraud. There is no way the US government would engage in this massive a cover-up and risk illness to the US population over a theory with little basis in fact and even less evidence of actual damage. Besides, government sponsored aerosol spraying has been going on before global warming became an issue.
However, the weather modification process is, in my opinion, the best explanation so far as to the widespread use of spraying. The reflective aluminum particles or fibers in the created cloud barriers cause cool spots over normally warm areas, which influence the rise or fall of air masses. These reflective layers may also react with HAARP transmissions in some way. Radio transmissions need reflective layers to channel the energy in specific directions. The creation of sun or radiation shielding may explain why spraying occurs at high altitude, during the daytime, and in cloudless areas--where the reflective shield would be visible and effective for a long time.
None of these characteristics fit a biological or chemical warfare test scenario. If the government was testing delivery methods of biological or chemical agents, it would be more likely to mix the chemicals in clouds at much lower altitudes where it would more easily precipitate downward on the population. The chemtrail sprayings always take place at high altitudes where the materials can linger or drift long distances: hardly an accurate delivery method. The sprayings are also done only in clear areas of the sky--which, again, points to weather modification.

What Im convinced of now, is that the widespread flu-like and Alzheimers symptoms have been mere side effects of the sprayed chemicals, and not the direct purpose of the sprayings. The extensive use of aluminum oxide, found as the primary component of these reflective clouds, does have serious medical side effects and may well explain the upsurge in Alzheimers disease in the US--which is reaching epidemic proportions. I think it is also clear that the government has been experimenting with different types and mixes of chemicals, which explains why the observations and effects differ over time. Several years ago, there were many sightings of sticky droplets falling from the sky, trailing spider-web-like strands behind. Upon contact they made people very ill. Later chemical analysis has shown a lot of aluminum oxide and micro fibers, also composed of barium and aluminum. People living under these spray patterns have developed Alzheimers-like symptoms.
As expected, the US continues to deny any spraying as well as any experimentation in weather modification. The media is totally complicit in this cover-up as well. The allegations have been widespread over the internet for years. Thousands of inquiries have gone out to the media over the years and not once has the major media ever done a story on this issue. The health consequences are huge. Even the politically correct environmental movement has had no luck in pressing the media for coverage. There is no way to explain the medias refusal to investigate or give coverage to this story except that they are fully aware of it and are under bogus "national security" orders to spike the story.
A US Air Force Colonel, according to Thomas, told a senator: "The Air Force is not conducting any weather modification and has no plans to do so in the future." But as Thomas retorts, "In fact, attempts to steer hurricanes by spraying heat-robbing chemicals in their paths began in the 1950s. The recipe for creating cirrus shields was outlined in an unusually arrogant US Air Force study. Subtitled, 'Owning the Weather by 2025, the 1996 report explained how weather force specialists were dispersing chemicals behind high-flying tanker aircraft in a process the air force calls aerial obscuration." Sounds just like what people are describing as chemtrails. Because of the variety of different chemicals used in Chemtrails over the past 10 years and the changing patterns of spraying, Im convinced the government is still experimenting and hasn't actually found a predictable way yet to harness the weather. Sadly, this only means the secret experiments will continue and people will suffer.

Copyright 2002 by Joel Skousen

Thursday, April 12, 2001
Subject: Chemtrails

Military Conducting Massive Weather Modification in Secret

April 5, 2001

"Deep Sky", an air Traffic Control Manager, at a major Northeast Airport interview by a reported from New Hampshire & broadcast on the 
Art Bell Radio Show broadcast to five hundred affiliates & around the world on the internet confirmed tonight that a massive Weather Modification Programis being carried out in secret by our military. A program apparently to spread 10 million tons of aluminum in order to reflect one percent of sunlight &
cover-up run away global warming amounts to "Crimes Against Humanity". Class action suits are gathering steam as you read this as so many have been sickened. There are implications of this massive pollution I don't even want to contemplate The skies of the United States along with fourteen NATO countries have & are experiencing chemical spraying from high altitude, now confirmed, to modify the weather. Creating "Atmospheric Band-Aids" in secrecy (but not out of sight) for the past three years. This Violates several
aspects of several laws & treaties.

Spraying huge Xs of "chem-trails" laced with aluminum & possibly other metals across the sky until a cloud cover forms and the weather changes must be illegal & is criminal as thousands have gotten sick. Hundreds of thousands many never recover as aluminum at the
size cited in the Hughes patent is thought to coat neurotransmitters & maybe a primary co-factor in the epidemic of short term memory loss & early onset Alzheimers among other things.

Major Ed Dames, an ex-government employed remote viewer, on Art Bell, said he could not say as a remote viewer what the chem-trails were as he could go to jail for breaking his secrecy agreement on that topic. William Thomas has investigated, researched & written a book & produced a documentary on chem-trails that are being witnessed in fourteen countries. please check this out & e-mail to confirm.
Please check this out as the Air Force did when questioned by multiple individuals, myself included, spending ten plus hours looking at last week. Please read the current issue of Time magazine & then give this issue immediate attention. Note that the editors of Time magazine covered up the word time with a frying pan - a
message I took to mean there is no more time. The challenges of Global Warming are complicated, will take time to explore & every day that we go forward on this path the worse it will get. For the military to do this in secret puts the world's best minds out of solving a problem that is obviously out of control & threatens the very existence of humanity. What or why this is happening has more questions unanswered than answered. Who specifically has the oversight on technology that could be a catalyst for a mass extinction event? How is HAARP, pumping a billion megawatts into the earth's sky adding to the severity of weather and the problem?

The chemically sensitive on Whidbey Island, Washington were suddenly sickened last month, the hospital filled with non-flu sickness emergencies & I witnessed multiple Xs in the sky. Also over Eugene & Wyoming I looked through Polaroid sunglasses to see oil slick rainbowed colored looking multiple Xs crossing the sky. Friends of mine are sick from chem-trails that have been laid across the skies of Arizona for weeks at a time. Hundreds of thousands have witnessed these chem as opposed to con-trails, myself included, & been sickened immediately along with the majority of the neighborhood & animals.

Who is responsible for attempting to put a huge Atmospheric Band-Aid to apparently cover-up the truth about Global Warming? If this is not what hundreds of thousands in fourteen countries have witnessed then what is it & what specifically can we do about it?

Subj: Lab Analysis Of Chemtrails: Virulent Bio-Toxin Soup
Date: 02/29/2000 11:11:47 AM
From: (NewsHawk Inc.)
Lab Analysis Of Chemtrails: Virulent Bio-Toxin Soup
Those kind, peaceful, humanitarian Nazis in our beloved federal government have now been proved to be engaged in dosing most of North America (and who knows where else--probably everywhere) with substances sprayed from military jets; substances which laboratory analysis now confirms contain a horrendous, virulent and HIGHLY infectious/contagious brew of a wide variety of diseases.
The frighteningly long list of such includes some very severe bacterial agents; toxic bacilli; mold and fungus spores, enzymes used in recombinant DNA experimentation and Ethylene Dibromide--more commonly known as jet fuel.
Sound good? Wonder why everyone you ever knew and everyone THEY ever knew seems to be sick this winter?
Satanic feds, implementing some criminally psychopathic, Fourth Reich agenda on behalf of their New World Order fuhrers, appear determined to--shall we say--significantly reduce the functional human population by such continual widespread aerial dosing of huge population groups.
And guess what? They don't give a rat's butt whether you're white, brown, black, pink, green, Native American, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Jew. They want us dead. There can really be no other conceivable explanation for what has become the most open secret of the year 2000--namely, the continual bombardment of the population with this incredibly severe soup of diseases and toxins which ARE being dispersed by military aircraft all across North America.
And as we've noted, the chances this is occurring elsewhere around the world would seem extraordinarily high as well.
So this is how they're doing it in the Fourth Reich. Hey, they don't need concentration camps and ovens this time--too inefficient. And also, it's bad for the public image and public relations. This way, they can just deny, deny, deny and deny.... until EVERYBODY'S DEAD! Except of course, those cyborgs (Al Gore, George Bush), quasi-cyborgs  robotons and genetically-desirable humans whom the world government deems acceptable slaves and to whom they have provided the necessary antidotes.
The writer of the forwarded message below cites the applicable federal "laws" (?!) which permit and "regulate" such widespread "testing" of biological and chemical warfare agents on the American people. Well, isn't that just the nicest thing.
We know it's hard to believe, but the Department of Defense IS AUTHORIZED to conduct biological and chemical warfare experiments us any time and any place they choose; supposedly in accordance with a couple of mindbendingly weak conditions.
I mean, can you even BELIEVE this? Must be a bad dream, right? We WISH it was, but no. It's for REAL.
Welcome to the FOURTH REICH, folks.
NewsHawk® Inc.
- - - - - - - -
Subject: Chemtrail Info
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 19:35:37 -0800
From: Penny Jarvis <>
If you first take a tour to  click on the site map, then go to page 3 you will find where it states that they have to reduce the size of the human population by humane means. This got me to wondering if they thought that chemical spraying was in their opinion a humane means to reduce the population.
I don't know if you have heard of William Thomas, but he has a lot of info on the chemtrails. His website is   If you click on issue # 6 you can get a lot of information.
He has posted on his site BIOWARFARE TEST ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. This states that the recently revised U.S. Code Title 50, Section 1520 states that the Secretary of Defense may conduct tests or experiments "involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population" if they are related to research activity. The law also stipulates that biowarfare test can be carried out on Americans only if congress is notified 30 days in advance, and "only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
There is plenty of pattern and precedent to suggest that clandestine biowarfare experiments are routinely pacticed on the American public without their informed consent. Two Congressional investigations in 1977 and 1994 - and recently declassified British defense documents - detail 50 years of "open air" testing that used ships and spray-equipped aircraft to spread biological warfare simulants on hundreds of cities across the U.S., Canada and the U.K. There is more to this article. I just wanted to give you some of the info because I could spend the rest of the day typing this stuff up.
So far some of the chemicals that were collected from the chemtrail spray and lab tested is:
1. Bacilli & Molds
2. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
3. Pseudomonas Florescens
4. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
5. Streptomyces
6. Enterobacteriaceae
7. Serratia Marcscens
8. Human White Blood Cells
9. A restricter enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
10. Enterobacter Cloacae
11. Other bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis, as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.
12. JP-8 Jet Fuel = Ethylene Dibromide
# 2. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa = Respiratory tract infection by the ubiquitous bacterium. Cancer and burn patients also commonly suffer attack from this organism. Unlike other bacteria that reside in the enviroment, P. aeruginosa has a remarkable capacity to cause disease. Pseudomonas has the ability to adapt and thrive in many ecological niches, including humans. Once infections are established, P. aeruginosa produces a number of toxic proteins which cause not only extensive tissue damage, but also interfere with the human immune system's defense mechanisms. These proteins range from potent toxins that enter and kill host cells at or near the size of colonization to degradative enzymes that permantly disrupt the cell membranes and connective tissues in various organs. P. aeruginosa successfully colonizes the respiratory tract. One reason is that it produces a highly protective capsule made of the mucoid polysaccharide alginate. This allows the bacteria to resist engulfment by immune system cells and better adhere to the lining of the lungs. It is likely that antibiotics cannot effectively eradicate Pseudomonas from the lungs because of this protective capsule. In addition, some Pseudomonas strains can inactivate the drugs that threaten them by using enzymes to modify the drug.
# 7. Serratia Marcescens is a significant opportunistic human bacterial pathogen. This microorganism has been shown to be the cause of many life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and endocarditis. It is one of the major causes of hospital-acquired infections. The seriousness of a S. marcescens infection is compounded by the fact that it is very resistant to most commonly used antibotics, thus making treatment difficult. In this study one of the factors contributing to the antibiotic resistance of S. marcescens will be examined. In order for an antibiotic to kill or inhibit growth of bacteria it must penetrate the outer surface or membrane and enter the bacterial cell which is very difficult.
I hope some of this helps you to better understand what we are fighting against.
I am on the earthchanges list with you and just read the post about the black & white chemtrails. I have a picture of one of these that I took on 2/29/00. They are the last 2 pictures on this page, if you are interested in looking at them. :)
Note how that darker contrail kind of wraps itself around the white one.. Interesting, eh?
Well worth the read for it's implications. Peter
Source: Oregon State University (
February 24, 2000
U.N. Food Agency Says Famine Threatens 8 Million in Ethiopia
UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 23,2000 -- At least eight million Ethiopians are likely to suffer hunger or starvation this year, a crisis that could rival the 1984-85 famine that killed at least a million people, United Nations and independent relief officials said today.
The hope of aid experts is that this time the world will not wait until television images of bone-thin children dying in the dust of another prolonged drought prompts an outpouring of help -- too late for most of those suffering the greatest need.
On Friday, the United Nations World Food Program will announce an appeal worldwide to raise about $50 million in emergency aid. Today, Save the Children announced that it had opened an Ethiopian famine fund.
A joint United Nations-private organization reconnaissance mission is planned next week for the hardest hit regions of Ethiopia, a country of about 60 million people. About two million people are thought to be in most immediate need of emergency help, which can take weeks to arrive because of poor transportation and a lack of warehouses and centers for distribution. Airlifts may have to be considered, officials say.
The world's response to the 1984 Ethiopian famine was enormous. Live Aid rock concerts alone raised about $70 million. But by the time much of the aid reached Ethiopia, beginning in mid-1985, many thousands of people had perished.
Aid experts fear that if the crisis they see developing this year has to reach visible proportions again before there is substantial action, all their advance planning will be meaningless. "By then it's too late," said Jay Zimmerman, director of the Ethiopia field office of Save the Children, who spoke at a news conference today.
"In some places, even if you could get food in tomorrow, they're past the point of recuperation," he said. A region-wide shortage of water and food has already struck the southernmost parts of the country bordering Somalia and Kenya, he said. Drought conditions are expected to move north in coming months.
The volunteer medical agency Doctors Without Borders has reported that in one affected southern district, Gode, it is already too late to set up feeding centers; people have scattered in search of water, food and medicine, and often die as they move.
Judith Lewis, the World Food Program's country director in Ethiopia, speaking in a telephone interview from Addis Ababa, the capital, said that the Ethiopian crisis has been building for several years.
"We didn't have enough food for everybody to get full rations in 1999, so that's the legacy that we've inherited as we go into a bad year," she said. "This country is just so prone to being at the mercy of the weather anyway, so even in good years there's a need for food aid. This year we're just seeing a cumulative effect. That's why there are so many people on the edge."
Ms. Lewis and other experts said international organizations felt more confident that they could cope with this crisis in part because there has been more cooperation from the Ethiopian government since the fall of the Mengistu Haile Mariam regime in 1991.
But the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi faces a national election in May, at what could be the worst time of scarcity for the southern regions of Ethiopia, which are politically marginalized. With food stocks reduced to the lowest levels since 1984, there will be pressure on the government to direct food to the more important parts of the country.
New York Times
Nov. 20, 1999
SNETNEWS Mailing List
Saturday, November 20, 1999--12 noon to 3pm
At the Offices of The New York Times
209 West 43rd St. (Times Square)
New York City
This protest will make five demands:
1. That the spraying stop immediately.
2. That all major media organizations, particularly the major networks (NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox) and major publications (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, TIME and Newsweek), fully investigate this story and report their findings to the public.
3. That the president admit that this spraying is occurring, explain why it is being done and assure Americans that it will never again resume. Because this spraying has occurred during his tenure and certainly with his knowledge, the only reasonable and honorable thing for him to do is to resign as President of these United States, as he has utterly failed in his pledge to protect the citizens of this nation by allowing these unconscionable human rights crimes to occur.
4. That the U.S. Congress order the department of the government responsible for this spraying to tell the citizens of the United States exactly what has been sprayed upon them, its purpose, the exact locations of the spraying and dates, exactly when it will be stopped and how we can be assured that it will not resume.
5. That full disclosure be made of all health concerns relating to the spraying, along with disclosure of appropriate medical treatment, where to receive such treatment and treatment of choice to be paid for by the U.S. government for the entire population that has been sprayed.
Please spread the word as widely as possible regarding this nationwide chemtrails protest.
-Andrew Amirault
If you would like to join the coalition and get involved with this protest on November 20th in NYC--with your time, contacts or finances--please email me,
For other cities, please contact the names listed below who are part of the growing coalition of concerned researchers, journalists and citizens:
Clifford Carnicom, of the Chemtrail Crimes Documented site
Among a wealth of information there is a Contrail Message Board, monitored by Cliff.
David Peterson, Aspen, CO activist
Chuck Shramek, a Houston-area broadcaster and one of the few voices in the media to speak out on the chemtrails issue.
Will Thomas, journalist/author/videographer, the recognized expert on the chemtrails story,
Alan Hutner, Skywatchers Steering Committee Chairperson (a Santa Fe-based chemtrails activist group) and host of "Transitions Radio Magazine"
Chuck and Cathie Warren of The Contrail Connection, the largest chemtrails site on the Web.
I am also working with a group of extremely good and committed professional journalists--nationally known investigative journalists/investigators like Chris Ruddy, Rick and Beverly Lambert (Paula Jones investigators), Pat Matrisciana and David Bresnahan, to name only a few--to create a first-rate investigative news television show for the Fox network, called "24/7." On this show, we intend to report the truth of the scandals destroying this country. We are very close to putting up the web site for the show, and I will keep you informed about that. In the meantime, please spread the word about 24/7 as well.


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