The 5th Wave, Nibiru Is a Ship Not a Planet, “Apollyon Rising”

The 5th Wave, Nibiru Is a Ship Not a Planet, “Apollyon Rising” (Revealing End Game!) – Video

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 18:58
The 5th Wave, NIBIRU IS A SHIP NOT A PLANET, “Apollyon Rising” (Revealing End Game!).
Watch 1080P!

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 King James Version (KJV)
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
A Demon Hunter / Paper Thin Veil Collaboration: Apollyon’s “Squadron of Demonic Filth”!
A Demon Hunter Presentation: Planet NIBIRU vs. NIBIRU Ship (A MUST WATCH!!!)
Watch 1080P
This video is aimed at capturing the inconsistencies of Planet NIBIRU Researches vs. NIBIRU Ship Researches. 
NIBIRU is a Ship, not a Planet!
The End Game:
NWO False Alien Invasion and Coming Disclosure is upon us! What you need to know is that NIBIRU is a Ship not an incoming Planetary System! Anyone informing otherwise should be considered Cointelpro/ Disinformation or CHALLENGED IMMEDIATELY as time is running out! 
NWO, NASA and Blue Bloods are working in collaboration to weed wack Earth with their Fake NIBIRU, Weather Chaos, WMD Weather Warfare apparatus, using Forbidden Fallen Angel Technology aimed at depopulating the World by the millions, blamed on Weather Chaos and Climate Change, followed with Fake Alien Invasion. All of which they are creating! Wake-up!
Also, this info is only as good, if shared! Those who want to participate but don’t know how, share this video on NIBIRU Planet Research pages, share with brothers and sisters in Christ so they are not deceived, as God states “even the very elect shall be deceived”, share with the Lost in hopes that they find truth in Jesus thru these videos. Everyone has a hand in this game! There are two Kingdoms at War… God’s Kingdom and Satan’s Kingdom. If you are in God’s Kingdom, then you are at WAR with Satan’s Kingdom, so fight if your life depends on it, bc it does. May God Bless you all, know that you are deeply appreciated and loved!!
Please upload copy of video to safeguard, as well circulate far and wide! 
Channels of concern!
Anyone pushing Planet X or Planet NIBIRU should be considered Cointelpro and/or challenged using this video!
BPEarth Watch


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