CA Firestorms: Hard Evidence of Geoengineered False Flag Attack! Photo and Video Proof Conclusive! Much Worse Than 9/11!

CA Firestorms: Hard Evidence of Geoengineered False Flag Attack! Photo and Video Proof Conclusive! Much Worse Than 9/11!

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

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More Video Proof that DEWs Were Used to Destroy Many Vehicles in California Fires

Photo-Documentary: These Photographs Prove Directed Energy Weapon Attacks on California 


This California ‘Fire’ Photo Says It All!

That it wasn’t a fire at all; it was an extremely powerful explosion caused by a DEW.

*DEW = Directed Energy Weapon

See the surrounding trees and grass and pavement in the photo below showing no signs of an out-of-control wildfire.  There are hundreds of similar photos of vehicles blown up all over California where no fire occurred.  The last 4 wildfire seasons of 2018 and 2017, at the very least, have been methodically used to execute: OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA

Recommended Reading

Here’s how the globalists and geoengineers conspired to manufacture the apocalyptic California firestorms

SMART Meters Being Used To Implode Buildings in California During Firestorms

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation


Who is firebombing California and why?

Firestorm Apocalypse in California (Video)


Here’s how the globalists and geoengineers conspired to manufacture the apocalyptic California firestorms

Atmospheric Aluminum via Chemtrails,
Weaponized SMART Meters,
Specific EMFs Disseminated from
5G Cellphone and Microwave Towers,
Directed Energy Weapons,
Arsonists Disguised as Firefighters,
Gross Mismanagement of California Forests,
PG&E Power Lines Used to Start Fires,
and Weather Warfare Are All Used
in a Highly Coordinated Fashion
to Fabricate a Very Conducive
Environment for Isolated Firestorms
to be Triggered and then
Spread like Wildfire
in Targeted Communities

Throughout California

How do out-of-control wildfires only burn down houses to the ground while leaving nearby trees completely unaffected?!
Developing … … …
This 2nd “Special Report” will soon be published here at SOTN.
The first “Special Report” can be found at the link below.

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation

Charred human skeleton of victim incinerated alive trying to escape the “Camp Fire” conflagration in No. California
State of the Nation
November 15, 2018


Conclusive Photographic Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs


CALIFORNIA DEW ATTACKS: NWO Globalists Can’t Believe They Got Away With So Much Mass Murder and Destruction

“Shock and Awe” California Fires
Paralyze Instead of Galvanize

What will it take to motivate the American people to defend themselves as their families are murdered, pets are killed, homes are demolished, vehicles are incinerated, businesses are destroyed, farms are obliterated, communities are ravaged, cities are devastated and towns are leveled?

REDDING, CA – JULY 27: A view of cars that were destroyed by the Carr Fire on July 27, 2018 in Redding, California.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) Why are the vehicles burned out and not the surrounding trees?!
There’s no question that the New World Order globalist cabal carried out the November firestorm attacks throughout California with an explicit, yet very secret, purpose.
Yes, there are always multiple objectives behind these cataclysmic events manufactured by those who wish to overtly rule the world.  However, the recent extraordinarily brazen attack on California had one goal above all others, even beyond distracting the American people from the rampant election theft on November 6.

The cabal’s goal was this:
To see just how much the
globalists could get away
with before the people
caught on or would even
defend themselves.

What is quite unfortunate as of today — November 21, 2018 — is that it appears the perps have gotten away with an unparalleled crime spree of epic proportions in California.  These DEW* attacks came and went like so many others, and most people are not even questioning the official narrative.

*DEW = Directed Energy Weapons

That so many have suffered terribly in the aftermath of this ongoing act of false flag environmental terrorism, yet refuse to stand up for themselves individually or collectively, is a very sad testament to the current state of affairs in America.
Now the power elite know they will be able to get away with virtually any scheme that they attempt from this point forward.  They are confident that the populace has been successfully socially engineered so that they will not put up a fight.  Rather, the U.S. citizenry has demonstrated that it will permit the most egregious crimes against their person and property.
Truly, the geoengineered California firestorms and DEW attacks of 2018 have proven that the American people have neither the will nor the courage to even protect themselves, their families and friends, or their communities.

Wow … just WOW ! ! !

KEY POINT: When even the POTUS appears to be completely impotent in stopping these bold assaults on the citizenry, it’s that much more clear that We the People must assume a posture of self defense, as well as one that SCARES THE BEJESUS OUT OF THE PERPS. ATTACK ON CALIFORNIA: An Open Letter to President Trump

Firestorm consumes a home in Lakeport, California on July 31, 2018.

Here’s how they did it

Atmospheric Aluminum via Chemtrails,
Weaponized SMART Meters,
Specific EMFs Disseminated from
5G Cellphone and Microwave Towers,
Directed Energy Weapons,
Arsonists Disguised as Firefighters,
Gross Mismanagement of California Forests,
PG&E Power Lines Used to Start Fires,
and Weather Warfare Are All Used
in a Highly Coordinated Fashion
to Fabricate a Very Conducive
Environment for Isolated Firestorms
to be Triggered and then
Spread like Wildfire
in Targeted Communities
Throughout California

The people must respond to this attack

State of the Nation has posted more content concerning these attacks on California than any other website on the Internet.  Given the considerable amount and high quality of so much hard evidence confirming this CA crime wave, it’s inconceivable that so few residents have coalesced around a people-powered, grass-roots driven initiative to get to the bottom of it.
One would think that every injured party across the state would seek all legal remedies available, as well as any financial compensation appropriate for their tremendous losses.
To date, SOTN has not seen any real movement in that direction.  We also see a window of opportunity that is rapidly closing for all aggrieved parties.  Once it shuts, the next “shock and awe”attack will be launched on another targeted region of the country. RED ALERT: Globalist Cabal Will Soon Change Conversation from California Fire Attack to Another Cataclysmic False Flag Event
Given the status quo, we really wonder what it will take to wake up a critical mass of citizens who will zealously protect hearth and home from those who wish to collapse the American Republic.

We the People must rise up and defend
ourselves. That can only be done by
apprehending the real criminals and
prosecuting them to the fullest extent
of the law.


Our nation is in dire need of divine intervention … like never before.
When the people won’t respond even to predicaments that demand measures which ensure self-preservation, only sincere and continuous prayer will help them.
Because the dark forces at work in California and elsewhere are so strong and focused, only a concerted prayer effort can thwart their nefarious agenda.
What happened in California during both wildfire seasons of 2018 and 2017 is beyond comprehension.  Only when viewed from the highest perspective can the true purposes be seen.  Then it will become apparent that this is an opportunity not to be squandered.  Too many good souls have perished and should not die in vain.
May God bless America in our moment of great urgency!
State of the Nation
November 21, 2018

Editor’s Note: If you’re reading this, you are one of the few good and smart people who are viscerally disturbed by these blatant attacks on our fellow Americans. You are well aware of the sheer depth and breadth of those forces arrayed against US. You are also of the ilk who will not accept this profound betrayal under any circumstances. Congratulations … you are awake and honorable! May your endeavors in this regard be commendable. May the ancestors look upon your actions with great pride, and your peers offer their heartfelt praises.


It’s War! California’s Geoengineered Firestorm Attacks by the Globalists Aimed Directly at the American People

We the People must rise up and defend
ourselves. That can only be done by
apprehending the real criminals and
prosecuting them to the fullest extent
of the law.

If there was ever any doubt, it should be completely erased by now.
The American Republic is a nation at war.

California’s Geoengineered Fires: It’s a war zone and Americans were murdered

The war is extremely one-sided at the moment because it’s being conducted in a highly covert, asymmetric and stealthy manner.  In this way are the globalists methodically picking off the patriots, both person and property.
The biggest problem about this rapidly intensifying clandestine war is that the vast majority of Americans don’t even know they are being routinely attacked.
Even when many are attacked in broad daylight, most refuse to consider the likelihood that their community was just wiped out by the New World Order globalist cabal.

Status quo cannot continue

California’s geoengineered firestorms proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the U.S. citizenry is being systematically killed by highly advanced weaponry.  They really have no clue as their homes are demolished and businesses annihilated.
Some of these sophisticated weapons are referred to as Directed Energy Weapons or DEWs.  Evidence also points to some of them being laser-based while others may be scalar wave weaponry.
The critical point is that indisputable proof now exists which confirms that whole communities have been completely destroyed by these sky-based weapons. See: Conclusive Photographic Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs
Not only does the hard evidence on the ground reflect this relatively new reality, the anecdotal evidence also paints a truly harrowing picture.  Of course, the circumstantial evidence of these calamitous attacks overwhelmingly points to a force that has usurped all levels of command and control within every government entity responsible for the security of the United States of America and safety of the citizenry.
With so much scientific proof now widely available, it ought to be quite easy to compel the U.S. Federal Government to arrest and prosecute the NWO cabal behind so much death and destruction.  Why then is there no traction to get to the bottom of these regular invasions?
In this digital age there really are no secrets.  Everything that goes on in the world has a digital record.  These particular attacks throughout California produced damage so profound and pervasive that the perps inevitably left their fingerprints all over the place.

KEY POINT: The preponderance of digital signatures reflecting space-based DEW beams is so compelling that the perpetrators have exposed themselves like never before.  Here’s just one example of their perfidy. SATELLITE IMAGERY: Three blue dots appear after 3 triangles in the skies over the catastrophic Camp Fire (Video)

Therefore, what’s now needed is the allocation of investigative and prosecutorial resources to ferret out the traitors among US.  These attacks in California simply could not have taken place without the tacit approval of the California State Government.  Given the total control over American airspace, the rogue elements within the federal government are also quite obviously complicit.
The following video demonstrates just how broad and deep this conspiracy must be to take down the whole state of California.

Devastation of Paradise CA: A Highly Organized Terrorist Attack Where the Residents Were Prevented From Escaping Conflagration (Videos)

The preceding video indictment cannot be refuted by anyone.  It contains so much evidence of destruction directly caused by Directed Energy Weapons that many at the federal, state and local levels will have a LOT to answer for.
That the ever-prevaricating Mainstream Media (MSM) has deliberately not investigated the true causes of any of these catastrophic fires is especially telling.
In point of fact, their extremely negligent reporting during this entire California wildfire season (as well as previous wildfire seasons) indicates that every major MSM news outlet is colluding with the enemy to keep these attacks covered up.  Hence, the Mainstream Media really is the enemy of the people, as the POTUS truthfully proclaims.
Whereas President Trump is absolutely right: the Mainstream Media is the real enemy of the American people, they must now be dealt with decisively before the citizenry has been rendered powerless.  Many folks have already been socially engineered into a state of extreme impotence.  Not only that, many of the same people have been brainwashed to support the criminal cabal.


There can only be one conclusion and it has already been stated with great emphasis:

We the People must rise up and defend
ourselves.  That can only be done by apprehending the real criminals and
prosecuting them to the fullest extent
of the law.

DEW signature: Yet another California home burns to the ground with all the trees around it still standing.
State of the Nation
November 18, 2018
Required Reading

Here’s how the globalists and geoengineers conspired to manufacture the apocalyptic California firestorms

SMART Meters Being Used To Implode Buildings in California During Firestorms

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation


Who is firebombing California and why?

Firestorm Apocalypse in California (Video)



CALIFORNIA FIRE APOCALYPSE PSYOP: Memes, Mind Control and Mass Manipulation

CO2-driven Global Warming Hoax
Dramatically Promoted by
California’s Geoengineered Firestorms

The Camp Fire in No. California

Just like the terrorists attacks on September 11, 2001, California is experiencing its own ongoing 9/11-scale attack marked by state-sponsored false flag environmental terrorism.

There’s really so much more going on with the fastidiously staged California fire apocalypse than meets the eye, and especially the conscious mind.
Above all, this false flag terrorist operation is a P S Y O P.  As is the case for every major psyop, this one has multiple goals and multifarious objectives.
It also has all the hallmarks of mind control techniques in order to effectuate mass manipulation of the American body politic.
One of the primary tools to accomplish this deliberate manipulation of the collective consciousness is to fabricate memes.  Each meme not only stands alone regarding its effect, but also interconnects with the other memes that have been cynically crafted to move the masses in one direction or another.
For instance, the following Google entry indicates 3 pieces of this California mind control project designed by the New World Order globalist cabal.

First we see the phrase Camp Fire.  This is a way of misleading the public that the cause of the devastating Camp Fire was merely a small camp fire.  And that campers can be very irresponsible, and even become unintentional arsonists.
Then we see the word Paradise.  California, known as the Golden State, was once considered to be a paradise of sorts.  However, given the spate of problems of every sort and kind, it is now a “Paradise lost”.  Not only that, but the Golden State is now charred black by one catastrophic wildfire season after another.
This is followed by the statement start of the deadliest and most destructive fire in California history.  In other words, don’t even think of moving to California; the gold rush has been over for a long time.  There’s nothing to see there anymore except a LOT of “death and destruction”.  Therefore, it’s better for those who reside there to relocate to safer areas…and to any state but California.
Lastly, we see the EXACT TIME that the fire started —“6:33 a.m.”  How, pray tell, does anyone know the exact time that any wildfire ever starts… … …except those arsonists who actually started it, yes? ! ? !  And how about that ever-present “33” meme?

Newspaper of record leads the MSM media campaign

Now see The Washington Post headline and photo below which appeared above the most dramatic MSM piece of reporting on the Internet today about these calamitous California fires.

This photo-documentary can be viewed in its entirety at the following link: Caught in the Inferno: How the Camp Fire overwhelmed Paradise.

The Official Narrative

Now let’s take a real close look at both the copy and the photos that were featured in this WashPo report.  Each graphic below was captured as a screenshot as they appeared in order in the aforementioned WAPO special report.

Advertisement for Global Warming and Climate Change

What every reader ought to glean from this quite impressive and captivating WAPO photo-doc is that the creators really want everyone to understand that these cataclysmic fires are the direct result of Global Warming.
This piece of MSM propaganda was meticulously constructed to leave the viewer with a renewed sense of commitment to fight falsely contrived CO2-driven Global Warming no matter what it takes; otherwise your community may end up like, well,  Paradise, California.
Of course, no one is denying the existence of climate change, but it’s actually caused by two primary factors among several others.  First and foremost is the regime of chemical geoengineering operations and globally-disseminated HAARP frequencies that are being covertly carried out in skies across the planet.

Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2

Then there are the profound and fundamental changes in the solar cycle.  As follows:

How is the SUN triggering many earth changes, especially global climate change?

There are other significant factors involved in the uptick in climate change that has more of a regional effect than a single global outcome.  Those are well-explained at the following link.

Global Climate Change: A Definitive Essay On The Primary ‘Causes’ Of Global Warming


The California Firestorm psyop has many purposes.  Selling the global population on the hoax known as CO2-driven climate change is a HUGE reason for these apocalyptic fires.  That’s why they were so disastrous and why the media has so misrepresented their real causes.
For those who wish to understand the true causation of these geoengineered wildfires, the following links provide the hidden back story.


SMART Meters Being Used To Implode Buildings in California During Firestorms

“The Most Selective Wildfires
in Recorded History”

How do out-of-control wildfires only burn down houses to the ground while leaving nearby trees completely unaffected?! (Posted at OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation)
The pieces of the California firestorm puzzle are slowly being put into their proper place.
The photo above is a crucial piece of that puzzle.
Notice the houses — ONLY — are destroyed; not burned to the ground, mind you, rather they are imploded which causes them to collapse in on themselves with great force and destruction.
Also, notice how the trees and grass and streets and sidewalks show no evidence whatsoever of fire damage.
That’s because there was no fire … and certainly not a wildfire anywhere near that residential subdivision.
So what’s really going on here?

KEY POINT: There is a back story here that cannot be denied given the
curious timing of this highly calculated and ongoing environmental terrorism strategically carried out in the fertile valleys of California.

SMART meters

Now we understand the extraordinary and relentless push to get SMART meters in every home and business in America.
Even when the electrical grid goes down Smart meters are equipped with technology that provides a digital signature that can be identified by drones, airplanes and satellites from above.  It also appears that these devices can be triggered to start a small isolated fire.  Whether they can be used to start a whole house electrical fire is also a distinct possibility.

California Fires: Directed Energy Weapons connected to Smart Meters? (Video)

One thing is for sure: those homes were not burned to the ground.  There is no evidence of fire damage, but a LOT of evidence of either an implosion or an explosion in some other cases.  Investigators on the ground have reported all sorts of anomalies which include the vaporization of different parts of the buildings.  Some parts of the structure are virtually disappeared whereas other things are left perfectly intact.  This destructive phenomenon simply does not occur with a regular fire, particularly a wildfire.
The photos at the link below tell a story about these California wildfires that is far different from the official narrative.  In point of fact, they prove that directed energy weapons (DEWs) are being routinely utilized to destroy homes, businesses and other property all over the state.

Conclusive Photographic Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs

See how the windshield glass was totally melted.
In several photos of demolished vehicles at the following link, it’s clear that an energy weapon was employed that not only melted the tire rims and hub caps, but also melted glass at a temperature of approximately 1400 °C to 1600 °C or 2552° to 2912° Fahrenheit.

How did these vehicles burn up in the Cali. fires when trees nearby remain untouched?

Which begs the question about what type of technology they are putting in vehicles these days.  Is there also a “SMART meter” in every car, SUV and truck sold in America today? And if so, will it is also act as a transceiver for the DEWs stationed or flying overhead that can then train on them with precision?

Where is this all going?

The fact that they have gotten away with these stealth attacks up until now is quite extraordinary.  How have the perps been able to elude detection with so many photos on the Internet showing that fires are not the cause of destruction to so many buildings (7000+ and counting just this November)? OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation
The current California wildfire season that began at the end of October has produced an unusual number of predicaments whereby the wildfires never even got close to the damaged areas.  These transparent attacks, then, appear to be focused on certain neighborhoods and/or subdivisions.
For the uninitiated, there are various communities that have been established all over America that are dedicated and/or intentional communities.  Some of these are groups of ardent environmentalists who all live in the same neighborhood because of their shared values.  Some of these communities are composed of only former CIA operatives who are still working undercover on a special project.  Some of them are COINTELPRO agents assigned to a mission that requires them to all live close to each other.
In any event, there are many communities that no one knows about, except those homeowners, which cohere around a specific endeavor or philosophy that might also be targeted by the government.  If there is one state in the USA that has had this type of living arrangement going on for many decades, it’s California.  The “Canyons” around Los Angeles are a perfect example of these secret intentional communities literally overseen by the C.I.A.  Laurel Canyon, for example, had so many famous singers and actors living there many of whom met a violent or gruesome fate that it’s become quite notorious.
The critical point here is that the homes that are destroyed appear to be targeted.  Why some are completely spared and others totally demolished can only be explained by who’s pushing the button on the DEWs.

Wildfire Triad: DEWs, SMART meters and Geoengineering

The rather concerning aspect of the California firestorm story is that this can happen anywhere in America.  All that’s required is that the targeted region have homes with SMART meters, chemically geoengineered skies and an Air Force base or other military installation from which to launch a DEW.  Even without the launch site, drones and low-altitude satellites can be used to trigger these events with great ease in the dark of night.
However, it’s the SMART meter that appears to be the key component of these black operations that take down a LOT of very expensive real estate.  It’s important to point out that these kinds of apocalyptic fire seasons did not take place in the pre-SMART meter age.  Yes, there were certainly some catastrophic wildfire seasons but rarely was so much real estate completely destroyed.  PGE has always known that SMART meters cause fires and even fired meter reader because of his whistleblowing. See: Smart Meters Caused California Fires (Video)
Many deep researchers have warned about these SMART meters since the very day they were introduced to the public.  EMF investigators have likewise sounded the alarms about various hidden frequencies of these devices that will have unintended consequences to anyone exposed to them.
More significantly, because every home on the electrical grid will eventually have a SMART meter should they want to have power, every homeowner will be susceptible to these deadly and destructive attacks.
SMART meter on fire (video-frame from SMART meter on fire)


The best way out of this mess for Californians is for them to educate their fellow residents about their true plight.  Truly this story needs to go ultra-viral even if it’s by word of mouth.
Only when there is a sufficient level of collective awareness throughout the state about this government-corporate conspiracy can the people stop these increasingly violent attacks on person and property.  In so doing, they will initiate a popular movement that will then spread like wildfire to all the other Western states … and then across the whole country.
One group of citizen advocates has already issued an open letter to the great state of California in an effort to warn them of the extreme dangers now lurking overhead and in their midst. FIREGEDDONAn Open Letter to the People of California
As for why the New World Order globalist cabal has dramatically amped up the heat in California this November, there are specific reasons.  Perhaps the single most important of these is expressed in the following headline: Globalists Use Geoengineers to Conduct False Flag Environmental Terrorism to Distract from Election Theft
State of the Nation
November 14, 2018


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