In the sick society of today's world its a struggle for most to just make ends meet each month for some every day and in some places in this sick world hours and minutes. While on the other side of this societal coin there are people with so much it is impossible for them to ever spend or use or need it all, yet they hoard it and sometimes donate small amount (1 Million$$$ is a small amount to these people) to basically useless foundations that don't affect the average persons or people who really need it the most, and it turn out that in most case it profit the donor the most in one way or another. When we speak of wealth there are many different level and types of wealth. Wealth can generally be broken down into three main categories of wealth. Old Wealth, New Wealth, and Family Wealth which can also be either Old or New wealth as well. Levels of wealth go from say Millionaire, Billionaire, Trillionaire and up and believe me there is up way way up and that is where we will start, with the top of the heap, with the masters and cause of this global sickness.We will not be far from the truth by citing Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Loebs Kuh and Lehmans in New York, the Rothschilds of Paris and London, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Paris and Lazards Israel Moses Seifs Rome.
By now most of us have heard of the Bilderberg Group, the Illuminati or the Trilateral Commission and the world’s largest companies are the Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley 
In short: the eight largest U.S. financial companies (JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley) are 100% controlled by ten shareholders and we have four companies always present in all decisions: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity.In addition, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a board of seven people, which comprises representatives of the “Big Four,” which in turn are present in all other entities.
In short, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without any control or “democratic” choice. These companies launched and participated in the current worldwide economic crisis and managed to become even more enriched. Lets have a look at some of the companies controlled by this “Big Four” group: Alcoa Inc., Altria Group Inc., American International Group Inc., AT&T Inc., Boeing Co., Caterpillar Inc., Coca-Cola Co., DuPont & Co., Exxon Mobil Corp., General Electric Co., General Motors Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Co., Home Depot Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Intel Corp., International Business Machines Corp, Johnson & Johnson,  JP Morgan Chase & Co.,  McDonald’s Corp., Merck & Co. Inc.,  Microsoft Corp., 3M Co, Pfizer Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., United Technologies Corp., Verizon Communications Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation., CBS Corporation and NBC Universal
These same “Big Four” control the vast majority of European companies counted on the stock exchange. In addition, all these people run the large financial institutions, such as the IMF, the European Central Bank or the World Bank, and were “trained” and remain “employees” of the “Big Four” that formed them. The names of the families that control the “Big Four”, never appear. So what are the names of the families who run the world and have control of entire countries of states and international organizations like the UN, NATO, WHO or the BIS and IMF and the Big Four?  
To find out who or which people or families are the richest in the world is not an easy task so when all else fails follow the money as the old saying goes. So to start it is estimated today in the mainstream that between the Rothschilds - the World's Bankers  and the Vatican Papal Ptolemaic Bloodlines included these two hold between 70 to 75% of the world's wealth. This leads us to one conclusion since the Rothschilds are the Vatican's bankers then the Rothschild are the wealthiest Family on the planet, right? Not so its the Vatican Papal Ptolemaic Bloodlines by a long shot the Rothschilds are simply puppets to the Vatican Papal Ptolemaic Bloodlines . The Rothschilds in the grand scheme of history are New money whereas the Vatican Papal Ptolemaic Bloodlines is very very old money  It goes as far back as the Roman empire and further the real wealth in this world lies in these very old Bloodline families of the Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines families like the Orsini, Breakspear, Aldobrandini, Farnese, Somaglia... They are the Mythos Mafia - The Papal Bloodlines of the Jesuits. The Real Families, who from behind the scenes, control the World through Religion, Finance, Property, Land, and through control and manipulation of the World Markets.      There are other less influential families we need not mention here but these five are the creme de la creme of the great wealth hoarders of the world.  Just one of these families could wipe out world poverty and starvation completely and still have plenty of money for themselves left over. But not one has acted to solve the problems in fact they are the prime conspirators to murder 95% of humanity as per there Guidestone Guidelines in Georgia which the number one commandment is quote" To Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with Nature" To achieve that now would mean 95-97% of humanity has to die and then procreation must be strictly controlled completely to maintain that population level. Most people I know have some idea that many product have bad ingredient in them ya and fluoride in the water, but they really have no idea how badly they are really poisoning  us all... Its on every level possible from the air we breathe the water we drink to the food we eat the stuff we use to clean ourselves all are now all tampered with and have had an assortment of toxic and poisonous substance added or sprayed in the sky as aerosols we then breathe in. Alright we now know where the wealth is in this world does the real power also lie with these prime families and the answer is a definitive yes. Why?  Because they now have access to the Vatican archives and have had access to the wealth of knowledge contained within its vaults walls and knowledge is power and were talking ancient knowledge that no other on earth has had access to. That is real power. So we know where the real power and real wealth is in this sick world but what can we do about it??? I have thought long and hard on this and the answer is simple... Inform the people, spread the word these families biggest asset is there anonymity nobody really knows about them or who they really are safe a very few. They have lived behind this curtain of anonymity for centuries now and it has worked very nicely for themselve. Its time to pull this curtain of anonymity down. Expose who they really are and tell everyone you know who they are, tell the entire world whose really pulling the worlds strings and making us all sick. Tell everyone who the biggest wealth horder and the most powerful man on the plane really is and that he is also known by this monicker "The Grey Pope". Now all this is great spreading the truth about these terrible people then as I was thinking long and hard on what else we could do I realized something these people and all there puppet minions down there power pyramid are trying to murder us all. Every one of us, everyone you know dead, Genocide of almost the entire human race just because these arrogant cowards are; first off terrified by us and secondly they don't need us because were useless goyim eaters cattle in their eyes. We are at war We have to spread the word but we need to get MAD very very MAD not violent mad but ANGRY MAD DISGUSTED MAD  JUSTICE MAD and remain that way or slowly die early or stay MAD until this sickness is resolved properly and all victims in the whole world compensated directly from these hoarders wealth and all of there hidden archives of knowledge revealed to the whole world finally. Then throw them in jail for the remainders of their miserable lives. With absolutely nothing but four wall jail cell the clothe on their back and three square meals a day,unfortunately we can't make them scrounge for their food in jail but to live as their families have made the world live like for centuries until they die. So as you read on remember your learning for your life because some of these toxic substances can kill in as little as a few years time and with our total 24/7 nonstop exposure by inhalation and ingestion and absorption through our skin with many of these toxins being accumulative toxins meaning they stay in your body and build up like mercury and radiation do its a very pressing issue in my mind. 
The Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families are family bloodlines that were super wealthy and existed in the time of the Egyptian Pharaoh forward to the Roman Empire and the Caesars and onward in history right up to present day earth.  Each of these bloodline families have had at one time or another Pope's and or powerful Vatican Cardinals in there families bloodlines which then allowed access to that family to the great wealth of hidden knowledge contained within the Vatican Archives. So there power and there wealth is very immense and is very old. Their Family Gold and Silver and gemstones goes as far back as the time of the Pharaoh and Hittite Kings of northern Africa perhaps even further back in time. These ancient Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families are very hard to trace back in history as they were alway stealthy and anonymous as much as it was possible to be in those ancient times. Today they are the masterminds behind it all and they hold the switch to the monster machine the New World Order Movement and it's comprised of many tentacles such as the Global Royals and the Black Nobility, The Rothschild Khazar False Jewish bankers, Global Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Priory of Scion, the Knight’s Templar, Skull and Bones and many other Secret Societies also all Politicians, Presidents, and Primes Ministers in all UN nations These Families are the hidden benefactors of this whole Satanic Giant Conspiracy to murder 95% of humanity and enslave the other 500,000,000 eternally. The Vatican's Ptolemaic Papal Families control as this New World Order agenda by The Committee of 300.
"" In his aforementioned book, Coleman describes the Committee of 300 in the following manner: “The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300.  The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600.  It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time.  Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.  There is no need to use “they” or “the enemy” except as shorthand.  We know who “they”, the enemy, is.  The Committee of 300 with its “aristocracy”, its ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators.  This is the enemy.  Secret societies exist by deception.  Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda; thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity.  The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II.  The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organizations, such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.  The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands (this would be Queen Beatrix whom, as we shall see later, has been photographed attending meetings of another ultra-secret society called The Bilderberg Group), the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.  These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to “go into business” with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as “the commoners”.  Through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for-profit corporation that violates U.S. Constitution and is a ROOT of the problem.”   The origin of the Committee of 300 is comprised of a much deeper history that spans nearly a thousand years dating back to the time of the crusades.  Out of the ashes of these brutal wars rose the line of families known as the Guelphs or the Venetian Black Nobility, who have themselves warred endlessly with the Ghibelline line of succession from Florence.  In the modern age, the descendants of these people (the Venetian Black Nobility) represent the most powerful and influential individuals on the planet.  They have wealth which dates back many centuries.  If one wishes to truly understand who it is exactly that hides behind the curtain and wields ultimate power, one must look towards the descendants of the families of Venice, Genoa, and other parts of Italy, as well as the royal family of England.  Yet above these entities stands an even far more powerful group:  The Jesuits, i.e. the Society of Jesus, led by the Black Pope, the Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas, who wields complete power over the Vatican and the currently sitting White Pope Benedict XVI.  At the very top of the pyramid of power reside the most powerful entities of all, the ultimate shadow masters:  The 13 Vatican's Ptolemaic Papal Families""  
  The Vatican's Ptolemaic Papal Families sit at the top of this global control pyramid but not the very tippy top mind you That seat is reserved for the Son of Perdition himself there leader Lucifer Satan that Old Serpent. 
So lets examine these Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families a little closer and find out what we know about them.  This is the true global power finally unveiled. This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind. The Cecil family were totally controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. Maria Camilla Pallavicini is said to be far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip and they are totally subordinate to these Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street. 
The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family. There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really known as the Grey Pope.
These Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1. The most powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini. David Rothschild married into the Aldobrandini bloodline by marrying the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.  Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China is another real heavy bloodline player. A Lot of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. Both the Black Pope and the White Pope are both now Jesuits but aren’t part of these Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families, they are both commoners to these Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families. These Ptolemaic Papal Bloodline Families are part of the Saturnalian Brotherhood or the 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines Families of the Illuminati which are as follows: House of Borja, House of Breakspeare, House of Somaglia, House of Orsini, House of Conti, House of Chigi, House of Colonna, House of Farnese, House of Medici, House of Gaetani, House of Pamphili, House of Este and the House of Aldobrandini.
These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in Full Control of the entire world by the Grey Pope who commands the Company of Jesus, the High Grey Council of Ten, and the Black and White Popes. This is the true top World’s power system right now in 2017. The Jesuit General ie.the Black Pope serves as a military General protecting these  Zoroathrianism and Mithraism, Luciferian mystery schools. The Jesuits were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III. Ignatius de Loyola was commissioned by Alessandro Cardinal Farnese to create this Jesuit army that covertly has surrounded the whole world with its operatives today.
Looking more closely at how and who created this Jesuits army we find that it was after the terrible tyrannical reign of Pope Alexander VI, Now the Romans were disgusted with the Spanish and vowed that there would never be another Spanish Pope again. This animosity toward the Spanish was further aggravated by the Sack of Rome in 1527 in order to prevent the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon. Now the Borgia answer to this Spanish animosity was the creation of the order of the Jesuits which were to be a quasi religious/military strike force whose members were to be highly trained, totally unscrupulous, dedicated and 100% loyal to their new Spanish leader who bore the military title of General and the covert title of Black Pope. Now like the White Pope, the Black Pope Jesuit General is elected for life and the Jesuit dynasty is a parallel or pseudo Papacy….Of course, the Jesuit General is content to run the show from behind the scenes so as not to arouse suspicion or the age-old Italian hatred for the Spanish.
 The Jesuit general is referred to as the ‘”Black” Pope at the Vatican because he always dresses in black. The Jesuits were officially founded in 1540 by Pope Paul III and there founder Ignatius Loyola became their first General. Don Francis Borgia was the great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, and co-founder of the Jesuits. On his mother’s side he was descended from King Ferdinand of Aragon.
We can plainly see this Spanish control of the Vatican through the Black Pope who is the Jesuits General at the Vatican and for the past 500 years, the Spanish Inquisition has controlled the Vatican by means of the Jesuits. All the Jesuits answer to their general in Rome, and he in turn is content to run the show from behind the scenes, without any publicity or public acclaim so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hostility to the Spanish…
Pepe OrsiniPepe Orsini of the Roman Maximus Clan is the Grey Pope and is the King of the Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines. Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines... Knight of Malta and Scientologist Tom Putz Cruise donates to the Optimum Population Trust of Manchester, England. He and his father both are major depopulationists. Both are tied to the Papal bloodline Orsini family a most powerful family in complete control of the conspiracy. Pepe Orsini is the grey Pope working with his Black Pope in his Society Of Jesus. The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order.
The "Illuminati" is only one of the six current heads that make up "the Beast" and there is a head to that beast... a woman who rides that beast, the evil Queen Hephzibah (the matriarch who is said to be the reincarnation of Semiramis). You will never read any article about her, she is a Nephilim hybrid; a great granddaughter of Lucifer himself, and she is the Mother of the Anti-Christ, and the queen, the Pindar, and others are all afraid of her.
They have a code of behaviors as to what the public gets to know for example
Outer Doctrine = What They allow out to Us or allow Us to know even if it is supposedly Back Channel - COSMIC Level Info.  Inner Doctrine = The way it really is and this is only known between Them.  i.e., Us = Father / Son / Spirit. Them = Father / Mother / Son.
Names have Power over, or in relation to, those Beings being called by PROPER Name. For this reason and this reason alone - The names we commonly know them by in the Main Stream are merely monikers of much older and more powerful names.  i.e., Innana > Isis > Diana.  Marduk > Ra Marduk, Amen Ra, Ra.  Their original Papal Bloodline names are for the most part only known to themselve and their inner circles, and believe me - That's a very select group of individuals..
The Papal families listed above have a history which dates back thousands of years to the time of ancient Babylon and ancient Sumeria, and in the modern age, they are the one’s of whom people are speaking when they refer to ‘TPB The Powers That Be or more often The Illuminati’ (though the Illuminati is, to an certain extent, a separate entity all unto itself, having been founded in 1776 in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt per the order of the Jesuits).  Essentially, these families, along with the Jesuits and those within the P2 Masonic Lodge, consider themselves to be the ‘Illumined ones’ or the ‘keepers of the secrets of the ages’. Its only because they have access to knowledge they horde and hide from the rest of humanity in the Vatican Archives which also comprise of there collection agents at the Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic societies which both work to hide real history from the rest of us They have wealth which stretches into the multi trillions of dollars and they horde all of the gold and silver bullion in the world that they can get their hands on. Throughout the course of the 20th and the 21st centuries, it has been the manipulation of the global financial system that has allowed these entities to continue to rule and thrive as Demonic Dictator Tyrants and Satanic Shadow Wizard Masters. 


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