Is Your Smart Meter Giving You These Symptoms?

Is Your Smart Meter Giving You These Symptoms?

Image result for public domain image of smart meter symptoms
Do you suffer from insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, cognitive disturbances, dysesthesias (abnormal sensation), dizziness? These are all symptoms of EMF Radiation Known to be generated by Smart Meters. 
Smart Meters have been surrounded by controversy almost since their inception.  
The truth is there has been much research on done on Smart Meters and the EMF Radiation they emit into each home they are attached too.   
Much of this information is dismissed as conspiracy theory and discredited. But the research is sound and in most cases done by physicians 
group named “Physicians For Safe Technology” is one entity that has been researching health effects of Smart meters. Here is what they had to say. 
After removing any ineligible participants without confirmed address,  Dr Lamech took a survey of symptoms reported after the smart meters were placed. She found host of adverse physical health symptoms.   
These symptoms had a negative effect on these peoples lives in terms of normal functioning.  
Notably only 8% of the 92 final group reported they had electrosensitivity prior to the installation of smart meters, which Dr. Lamech states, “… points to the possibility that smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people’s threshold for symptom development.”    
The most common reported symptoms were:
cognitive disturbances
dysesthesias (abnormal sensation)

In the past there hasn’t been much you can do to lower your exposure to RF radiation from smart meters. In some places where smart meters are being installed, people have the choice to opt in or opt out of having them, but this isn’t an option everywhere.   
But now there is a new product to help minimize Smart Meter EMF exposure by up to 98%. This New Smart Meter Cover Blocks 98% of EMF Radiation That A Smart meter Emits. Want To Skip Straight To The Best Smart Meter Shield? Click Here  
EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover Smart Meter Dangers and a Solution! 
EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover
SAFE & EASY INSTALLATION: Just slide over the glass portion of the smart meter and you’re done!
DURABLE: Stainless steel construction built to withstand all weather conditions.
AFFORDABLE: Utility companies will charge you a one-time fee of $150.00 or more to come out and replace the smart meter with a conventional meter plus charge you $15.00 per month which is added to your monthly electric bill..
PORTABLE: Easy to take on/off – take it with you if you move.
EFFECTIVE: Blocks ~98% of smart meter radiation, while still allowing the utility company to receive a signal.
TESTED AND PROVEN to block ~98% of Smart Meter RF radiation
DURABLE 316 STAINLESS STEEL MESH construction built to withstand all weather conditions
EASILY SLIDES ON/OFF so you can take it with you whenever you move
SUPERIOR DESIGN reduces RF radiation exposure danger from your Smart Meter, while still allowing the utility company to receive its signal
NO ADDITIONAL SHIELDING MATERIAL IS REQUIRED. Once installed, forms a “cage” with the metal utility box reducing RF exposure in ALL directions (including back toward the house)
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! – If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover, return it within 30 days for a full refund
Since the power companies started putting these smart meters in, a percentage of residents have complained of health effects that started after installation.
The most common symptoms of smart meters are:
Heart arrhythmia/palpitations
Decreased immune function
Decreased cognitive function

The research certainly backs up the link between these symptoms and EMF pollution. However, there seems to be something in particular about a wireless smart grid and smart meter that is causing a significant impact on human health. It is most likely the erratic, high intensity pulses that wireless smart meters create.
Now you can protect your health, home and family from harmful RF radiation. Our EMF Blocking Smart Meter Cover safely blocks ~98% of harmful EMF (radio frequency/ microwave) radiation emitted from smart meters while allowing the smart meter to still communicate with your utility company.


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