#TheReal911Report #WhatBroughtDownWTCTowers

I was going to wait to disclose until i had everything together, but i've been attacked by trolls and bots all day & scared of being blocked out. Here is a copy of the email i sent a friend in Jan when i finally discovered it
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Department of Energy successfully fired a petawatt laser in 1999 which is capable of creating nuclear fusion. This is the weapon what was used to bring down the towers.
The world trade centers were built to test this devices destructive power before it had even been invited. It was just mathematically proven on paper.
the chirped pulse laser is why you seen the energy waves going across the building. they were designed specifically for this experiment. they were being pulsed with energy literally cooking the people inside.
that's why they were jumping from 100 stories up
please open the thread below for more information 

it's been out in front of the world trade the whole time. was repaired and brought back. this is the deep state's middle finger to all of us.
they made a video showing how it was done. you just had to know what the clues were

you can see that final fusion pulse blown everything to powder. that orange tint in their is the vaporized molten iron
this is the best video i have showing the missile impact on the north tower. the flash is the condensation cloud from the bay release of the incendiary bomblets
i have total respect and admire the job done by A&E9/11 Truth. but their theory on controlled demolition needs to updated. that's why their lawsuit will fail. it's pointing to the wrong suspect. they dug their heels in and refuse to listen to anyone about DEW or nuclear weapons
this is not a controlled demolition. this is disintegration at a molecular level.
the first picture is what was under the towers and brought them down. not the second picture

here's a great theme song for us. Wake Up by Arcade Fire

The sound of the Chirped Pulse Laser firing under the South Tower just seconds before falling is caught on a cameraman's two-way radio.

The timestamps match the following video.
This clip shows the digitally added bird and the first laser firing with the molten steel dripping out the side.
The clips shows the helicopter moving away from the tower (because he got word they were about to fire the laser at full pulse). The laser firing is clearly heard, the energy runs down the column, splitting it first way above the impact floors, then it all collapses.
This clips shows the cameraman putting the radio in front of the screen so they can edit the clip later and match everything up.
Here is a close up of the digitally added bird flying by
And one more close up of the Chirped Pulse Laser firing and the building collapse
In August 2000, the LLNL and DOE conducted nuclear explosion tests for this new laser induced inertial confinement fusion.
This development was happening in other places, but the LLNL was the winner.
Although the laser weapon was not mentioned by name, this shows that the test being done by the LLNL and DOE shown above was in fact the laser fusion device.
These quick diagrams show how the chirped pulse laser works


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