The South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF), the umbrella organization for South Florida’s many Islamic extremist groups, like most organizations, has a presence on social media. But unlike most organizations, this one’s Facebook page is managed by an individual who has previously used this same outlet to publicly degrade Jews, homosexuals and America and to call for violence. This piece is not meant to change this organization, SFMF, but to expose it.
SFMF was founded in April 2017 and incorporated in December 2017. Among its founding organizations were groups with significant ties to international terrorism, including Islamic Relief (IR), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Currently, the group is headed by a former executive leader of CAIR, Nezar Hamze. As well, the SFMF Public Relations Director, Wilfredo Ruiz, is from CAIR.
The Manager of SFMF’s Facebook page is Abdur Rahman al-Ghani. Al-Ghani is well known to the South Florida radical Muslim community, as he has previously held the positions of Youth Director and Events Coordinator for the Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF), one of SFMF’s member organizations.
Al-Ghani, whose real name is Samuel Pittman, grew up near Washington, DC, in Norfolk, Virginia. He was raised by a single mother and went to church regularly. He was introduced to Islam, through the Nation of Islam, around the age of 20. He has been living in Florida, since 2005. His wife is Pakistani.
Al-Ghani is an interesting yet not surprising choice to run the SFMF Facebook page. Al-Ghani has, in the recent past, made a number of highly offensive and controversial posts on this social media platform, including posts that are heavily anti-Semitic and violent in nature.
Al-Ghani believes Jews are inherently wicked and in control of the media and world banking system, which he refers to as the “Global Zionist Banksters Plan.” In June 2011, under a video al-Ghani posted, titled ‘Jews control World Economy,’ he wrote, “Secular ‘Zionist’ Jews are the one’s destroying The World today.” In March 2012, he quoted little known anti-Semite Elizabeth Templar, stating, “Bolshevic Jews are the children of Satan.” In September 2012, he repeated a wild myth about how most Jews are the descendants of European converts to Judaism, writing, “80% of so-called Jews are really Ashkenazi Zionist, a derivative of the Khazarians.”
In November 2012, al-Ghani quoted Pope Clement VIII, stating, “All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit.” Also in November 2012, al-Ghani described the Middle Eastern Gulf states as “COWARDS and PUPPETS of the ‘zionist controlled’ US.” In December 2012, he wrote, “Zionist/Israelis are not holy people. They are demonic and the most evil on earth.” And in January 2013, under a story about Saudi Arabian jets aiding US military strikes on Yemen, al-Ghani posted a link to a cartoon depicting an Arab male prostrating himself on a US flag at the foot of a large menorah with a Jewish star atop it.
In November 2012, al-Ghani targeted homosexuals, quoting an individual named Alioune Ndiaye, who had written about the opening of a gay-friendly mosque in France. Al-Ghani’s post states, “If you are gay, you are not a Muslim, you are a stone cold kaffir outside the fold of Islam. No one is born gay, it is a sickness a person nurses either from their evil desires, or a behavior that was learnt either from abuse or from being evil by nature… May the curse of Allah be upon these people who are trying to make a mockery of our deen…”
Read the rest here.


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