Shocking! They Are Legion & They Are Here (Disturbing Videos)
Shocking! They Are Legion & They Are Here (Disturbing Videos)
Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:47

Beings living with us that look like us but are not human, they are soul-less. Here are disturbing videos proving the horrors that are among us, but more alarming is that this will get worse! We even have footage of a TEACHER who stipped naked on the school playground, WHILE THE YOUNG CHILDREN WERE THERE PLAYING and he chased the horrified children.
Do not blame these behaviors on the drugs some of these possessed people have taken. The drugs are a GATEWAY TO POSSESSION! One never knows when the possession will take place, increasing the danger of these drugs. We so sincerely need to prepare, strengthen our spiritual armor, and get into a deep, personal RELATIONSHIP with the Lord God, our Creator of heaven and Earth. —
They Are LEGION & They Are HERE (2019)
Scariest Movie Ever
Scariest Movie Ever THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE…Demons/Aliens/Angels Posing Questions and Exploring some of the different views on reptilians, inter-dimensional beings, demonic energy vampires, and more…..
Reptilian humanoids or simply, reptilians are purported humanoids with the characteristics of reptiles that play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories. Wikipedia
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