��Is Coronavirus part of the Bio warfare being waged against China using ...

Is Coronavirus part of the Bio warfare being waged against China using Drones ?! some links for those who do not want to use google to search for themselves!
The mystery surrounding the coronavirus becomes denser and denser by the day. As doubts arise about its origin, and Everything seemingly points to biowarfare being waged against China.
According to the medical journal The Lancet, the first case of infection dates back to December 1st, 2019, and the person infected had not been to the Wuhan fish market.
Further critical points have also been raised by some independent journalists. Now we know that in The Wuhan bio lab, The Chinese were experimenting with a modified SARS virus for military purposes. At least three other countries have been doing the same for years, the United States, Russia, and China. We found three news in this regard. The first news dates back to 2014, and it announces the construction by China and France of a Bio Laboratory for the research on infectious viruses in china. And guess in which city it was built? none other than Wuhan.
The second news, which is connected to the first is of 2015, in which the Pirbright Institute a British government-funded pharmaceutical company asks and obtains a patent for the coronavirus, that can also serve according to the patent as a vaccine to prevent respiratory lungs disease such as contagious bronchitis.
The third news is about the Bill Gates foundation funding Biotech companies that are trying to develop vaccines against the deadly Wuhan Coronavirus. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & Others Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus – In Simulation Ran just 3 Months Ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if both the US Military and the CIA were directly involved in the development of the deadly co
Coronavirus strain. Bear in mind, the 2014 Ebola outbreak came as a result of another rogue US Military operation in Africa in which the Soros/Gates-funded Kenema bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone was involved. Surprisingly enough, this rogue US military operation came shortly after Mark Lambert’s appointment as the new US ambassador in the United Nations – as an effort to prevent and thwart China’s “aggressive influence” over the UN Security Council’s future decisions. And John Bolton. What was he doing at the Gates meeting?


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