Lucifer Decoded - Revised Documentary Series- Mystery Babylon Exposed

Lucifer Decoded - Revised Documentary Series- Mystery Babylon Exposed

Lucifer Decoded – Revised Documentary Series- Mystery Babylon Exposed
The entire series is uploaded on Bitchute:

CLICK HERE to watch Lucifer Decoded part 6
Lucifer Decoded Part 5: Eye of the Storm 
  If you are wondering why there is a rise to end the patriarchy by feminist’s worldwide, and what the Illuminati all seeing eye at the back of your one dollar bill represents. Then this article has the answer you seek.  Think of this as the revelation of mystery babylon, mother of harlots. The purpose is to expose what freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, and what ordinary people are worshiping with or without their knowledge. This is a collection of information involving:
1. Predictive Programming
2. What Many religious organizations are really worshipping.
3. True History of Christianity
4.The Dark Secrets of the Vatican
5. Illuminati Symbolisms
I will also include biblical scriptures to back up many of this information. 
I would like to start this topic however; with this email which was uncovered by wikileaks.  Keep the name Moloch-Molech  in mind because it represents lilith the screech owl. This is what the Lucifer Decoded series exposes, a feminist Goddess. This “Goddess” has many aliases, metaphors and allegories through out different cultures around the world; however it is the same being.
Freemasons Sons of the widow EYE-SIS
Lilith is the Zohar in the Kabbalah. 
 This spirit of the illuminati ties in with historical women/deities in history, including Athena, ISIS, Jezebel, Athaliah, Kali, Rome’s Diana, Allah, along with many other names and allegories-metaphors including;  Alice in wonderland, starbucks logo, wendy’s logo, and countless owl symbolisms.  The reason I mention the owl symbolisms, is because this specific symbol identifies who the spirit actually is. (Watch Lucifer decoded part 5 to see more on owl symbolisms. )
The Lucifer Decoded series exposes the heart of the illuminati deep state. Mystery Babylon the mother of harlots.
Lucifer IS Illuminati
End Times: Lucifer Decoded Part 6- Exposing the “Queen of Heaven” Mystery Babylon (Revised)
Lucifer Decoded Part 5: Eye of the Storm (Revised)
Lucifer Decoded Part 4: Revelation
(Revised) Lucifer Decoded Part 3- Endgame-Satanic Society LINK:
Lucifer Decoded part 2: Lilith is Helel/ISIS/”Queen of heaven”| Her “Name” is Alice-Thoth LINK
(Revised) Lucifer Decoded Part 1: Exposing Hellywood’s Symbolism’s Representing the Devil LINK
Direct Link:
Documentary: Satan, the Illuminati, The beast, the New Age & the False Prophets LINK:
The Real History Of Christianity 
Lucifer is Exposed as the mother of harlots. This is what the deep state illuminati serves. Also known as Molech-Lilith the screech owl.


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