This may explain the spread of China's new virus

Scientists have identified a new coronavirus, which has infected more than two hundred people since the initial outbreak in Wuhan, China. CNN’s Kristie Lu Stout reports on the origins of the mysterious SARS-like virus and the scientific race to control it. 
A fish market was selling live animals along with dead animals, not just seafood. Included for sale is the banned civet cat, known origin of the the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in China during the Spring of 2003.
It’s time to stop these unsanitary markets, people need to learn their lessons before it’s too late.
News: These images may be disturbing Me: How disturbing can a fish market be? watches video Me: That’s not a fish market…
I wasn’t aware that everything with a pulse was good eating.
They need to quit eating every animal that lives!
Other countries: “let’s free these animals, they have the rights to live in the wild and be free” CHINA: (surprise pikachu face) “We’re gonna eat them. It’s a delicacy”
CLOSE THE AIRPORTS. STOP TRAVEL. You’re doing the work for the virus.
When someone says “sea food” that is what I was expecting, not wild animals. What kind of crap have some idiots introduced ? What happen to general hygiene or common sense? Hunting is one thing , but trapping and selling in a open market , what year is this? So taking this mindset, selling wild animals, zero hygiene with cross contamination concerns hop on planes and spread this inhaled fungus among us. Believe it or not, many do not bath or wash themselves in a toilet, but have a indirect contact with those that have in a round about way of doing. Without long term worry or concern of their own health or well being. Look at how a lot of diseases have come about and spread. Hygiene, there is a reason it’s taught to kids at a young age, even to this day adults cant wash their hands properly. Look at the path that this has come from, the general public might as well start licking all the door handles they come across on a daily bases. The “animals” in the cages for sale where NOT the real animals, it was those selling and buying them. Now the rest of us could pay for this groups ignorance.


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