Are DEMONcRAT ANTIFA-BLM Agent Provocateurs prep and at the ready for a Nationwide False Flag in the Works for Jan. 20th? You can bet on it. Or is it A big Misdirection as DUMBS are Being Destroyed...

To all Patriot, Maga and Q-Anon's supporters of Donald Trump. On January 20th Inauguration Day DO NOT be tempted or let yourself be incited into doing violence or Rioting in any city across the entire nation. If you see people trying to incite violence STOP THEM!  Don't be incited by ANTIFA-BLM Agent Provocateur like what happened at the Capital Building on Jan. 6th, which was beyond a shadow of a doubt incited and carried out by ANTIFA and BLM operative agent provocateurs dressed in Trump MAGA gear to then blame Patriots, Republicans, Conservative and anyone else who doesn't go along with their DEMONcRAT Socialist-Communist Satanic one world government dictatorship of total insanity 


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