Get ready for the coming Hell on Earth

This is the Satanic Left's final step towards DEMONIZING what they call White Supremacist which basically demonizes you and I, just hard working tax paying everyday citizen, as Domestic Terrorist just because we didn't vote for Joe Biden and on Jan 20th 2021 it began the final Satanic attack against none other than the decendant of the twelve tribe of Israel the white race.This falls right in line with prophesies in the Bible of end time oppression and persecution of the Israelites. This hatred however ironic has been provoked and incited by none other than Zionist Fake Jew lobbies around the entire world changing laws to do there bidding like Hate Speech Laws and Anti Semitism Laws Political Correctness all that insanity, brought about by Jewish lobbies pressuring government or just outright bribed them to pass these insane satanic laws.  There meant to really divide the people more and more and finally center there attention on the big enemy... Its the 70 to 80 Million Donald Trump Supporters MAGA,Q Anon or simply WHITE SUPREMACIST or simply right wing white males Israelite Males of military age are all suspect now according to 1000's of  BRAINLESS BIDEN fanatic including those in ANTIFA and BLM which are of course both good honest upstanding right wing militias which we all witnessed how good and honest they were last summers Riots in Democratic cities from Portland to Chicago all by Left Wing Antifa and BLM insanity all across the nation !!!Hey but that's OK... The true ISRAELITE which does not include the Khazar Ashkenazi Jews or the False Jews of Rev.2.9 and 3.9 of the Synagogue of Satan. This is there long awaited End Games against humanity by depopulating the world population down to a misly 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with there ability to totally control that amount of people to be Slaves for life with no recourse ever So these vile Genocidal insane maniac can live their lives as GODS on the earth above all. They are all this 1% scum class Child Sacrificing Blood Drinking Gland Eating VAMPIRE CANNIBALS who are all addicted to a blood born compound produced by the Adrenal Gland called ADRENOCHROME These are the CRIMINALS SCUMBAGS behind it all Covid 19 20 21 23 were it end never , Economic collapse, Stolen Election,Biden in power,and finally their GREAT RESET into full out  one world COMMUNISM or as they have warned over the year the NEW WORLD ORDER Welcome All          


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