RCMP visit reporter AT HOME for publishing story critical of Trudeau gov...

Of course he did, just like his criminal pedophile father who called out the Canadian Army to hide the fact that he then PM was supposedly a pedophile and used the entire FLQ ordeal as a coverup of that and other horrific crimes, among other things. Its time we stop electing these Elite Family Scumbags to official offices... Were just Fkn ourselves everytime we do. Now we got this elite silver spoon fed brat as our commander and chief son of another elite silver spoon fed PM. Whom dumb Canadians couldn't even see that this piece of shit elite punk was using the pot issue to get elected He legalized nothing He now controls it that is all.He had the exact same election platform as some 20 to 30 other nation with the exact same platform of Pot legalization all in one election year, Ya, I smell NWO Rats...  Electing the same kind of questionable politician with really no political background other than Daddy, like our Fkn Drama Teacher or in other words a Bribed or Paid Lying Actor that's who our PM really is... We can all see just who's paying Trudeau off just like Bumble Joe USURPER Biden in the USA its Xi-Jinpin's CHINA... This shows Trudeau and the LIBERALS are just as criminal and as far up Xi-Jinpin's rear port as he can get, the brown nose traitor... Just as Criminal Biden and the DEMONcRATS are doing in the US. Trudeau has already started here with the training of  Chinese Soldier on both coast of Canada near the US. border. Why are we so friendly and helping and doing business with a known Communist Dictatorships with insanely criminal human rights violation and a worldwide total control under China's Rule... Never mind that there holding in prison two sovereign Canadian citizen's and won't release them back to Canada. .But  hey Trudeau still Loves China??? The RCMP showing up at this reporters doors is expected by a criminal governments  like China and now it seems Canada too under Justin "Castro" Trudeau Liberals and its going to get a lot worse before it ever gets any better. We are descending into a very Dark and bleak future as freedom loving Canadians descend into cold hard communism... If you can't see this insanely satanic evil authoritarian system creeping its way into every fabric of every thread of our society, you need to give yourself a slap upside your head and wake the Fk up to the reality that this is really happening and it wont stop just because you wont accept it as the TRUTH   

When will the RCMP or CSIS come knocking at your door because Trudeau didn't like what you said or did ?????


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