Javier Solana and the Antichrist are they One in the Same 666

Antichrist A comparison of Javier Solana and the Antichrist

Antichrist A comparison of Javier Solana and the Antichrist 16/3/06
Please note before reading. I am not saying Javier Solana is the Antichrist. All I am trying to do here is compare well known prophecies in the Scriptures concerning the Antichrist and the feats he will accomplish, with public knowledge of the man, Javier Solana. Another man could well fulfil all these prophecies. But the best we can do until “that Wicked” is finally revealed (2nd Thessalonians 2:8) is to make an educated guess as much as the signs of the times allow. I don’t know if the European Neighbourhood Policy is the “seven year covenant with many” or not, all we can do is wait and see. For further information on Javier Solana, check through the news postings using the search function. I have tried to summarize the information as best I can here. Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. He shall use peace to destroy many (Daniel 8:25) Javier Solana has brokered peace agreements throughout the world. His role as High Representative was initially to be involved in bringing Russia and the Caucasus regions closer to Europe. He would also be heavily involved in the Middle East. He was a key player in brokering Iran’s suspension of its nuclear programme. Javier Solana has recently taken it upon himself to personally present Iranian President Ahmadinejad with a “package of incentives” agreed by six world powers, a bribe to dissuade Iran from seeking to produce nuclear weapons. World powers scolded the High Representative for what they perceived as a “cloak of secrecy” over the whole affair, with Javier Solana not detailing what was offered to Iran, nor reporting what was discussed at the meetings. He is also involved in trying to bring Turkey closer to the EU. The current peace process in the Middle East is also much a result of this man’s doing. Israel initially refused to meet the Quartet who were pushing for the Gaza disengagement to kick-start the “roadmap to peace”. Quote: “Some officials believe Sharon doesn’t want Israelis meeting with the Quartet envoys to make sure his “unilateral” pullout plan doesn’t look like a diplomatic move. Sharon has portrayed the plan as a security measure meant to reduce friction between Israelis and Palestinians. The EU has pledged to boost the Palestinian economy with 60 million Euros, and Europe is already training the Palestinian police force. All efforts for peace in the Middle East are already supported by the EU through the Barcelona Process, which started in 1995. When asked how he has been so successful, Javier Solana says the key to his achievement is to never make enemies, and never ask a question to which you do not know or like the answer to. Javier Solana is now personally involved in the EU’s peace efforts in the Middle East. He will be visiting Gaza, Israel and the surrounding nations to co-ordinate a new agreement brokered with the Palestinians, the Israelis and the Quartet (EU, UN, US and Russia) whereby the EU will monitor the Gaza border with Egypt at Rafah. This is the first time Israel has even allowed a third party to monitor border crossings during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And that it is the EU is especially significant – seeing just a few years ago Ariel Sharon told Javier Solana that the EU should let Israel deal with its own affairs, for Israelis up until now considered the EU to be just a financial benefactor rather that a strong regional power. Javier Solana replied to Sharon that Israel “had to deal with the EU whether he liked it or not”. But everything is happening just like the Bible said it would. Quote: “Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declined to meet with Solana, saying that because of an EU vote against Israel (regarding the peace wall) at the UN that Israel would not work with the EU, notwithstanding despite its prominence on the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East. Solana stunned the world, Israel included, by replying that like it or not, both he and the EU were there to stay on the Israeli-Palestinian decision making processes. He shall honour the god of forces (Daniel 11:38) He was commissioned to be Secretary General of NATO in 1995. He served on that post during the conflict in Bosnia. He was the only NATO Secretary General who had the power to decide when and where to bomb. Some accuse him of turning NATO – a purely defence organization into an Atlantic attack force, when he sent bombers to break up Yugoslavia using depleted-Uranium shells. This link from my friend Stephen regarding the NATO/EU sponsored break-up of Yugoslavia… Quote: “When Canadian pilots joined in the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in March 1999, we were told by Lloyd Axworthy and Art Eggleton that the intervention in Kosovo was necessary to prevent the violence there from spreading and de-stabilizing the Balkans. Yet we now know that long before the bombing it was NATO countries themselves that were inciting violence in Kosovo and attempting to de-stabilize that Serbian province. Now Javier Solana is reaping the rewards from his sterling efforts in the Balkans, which he viewed as a great victory for NATO at a time when the alliance was facing irrelevance. Now the divided Yugoslav states are seeking to become full members of the European Union. Javier Solana was responsible for brokering an agreement with Russia over the future NATO expansion to former Soviet satellite countries, of which Russia previously had great reservations about – NATO being a former cold war adversary. He was given a standing ovation by leaders who though such a deal was impossible. His expansion plan for NATO would see many members added to the club, which now has relations with almost every country in the Northern Hemisphere. In 1999 he was commissioned to be the Secretary General of the WEU, the European Union’s “military arm”. He is currently the West’s only foreign minister that is capable of deploying troops on the ground. On July 12th, 2004 he was appointed head of the European Defence Agency, a body which aims to streamline European Defence initiatives. Quote: “The need to bolster Europe’s military capabilities to match our aspirations is more urgent than ever. And so, too, is the need for us to respond better to the challenges facing our defence industries. This Agency can make a huge difference” – Javier Solana, Head of EDA He is also advocating the implementation of the EU’s 2010 Headline Goal, effectively a military response group which can be deployed in the event of an emergency. Quote: “4. The ability for the EU to deploy force packages at high readiness as a response to a crisis either as a stand-alone force or as part of a larger operation enabling follow-on phases, is a key element of the 2010 Headline Goal. These minimum force packages must be military effective, credible and coherent and should be broadly based on the Battlegroups concept. This constitutes a specific form of rapid response, and includes a combined arms battalion sized force package with Combat Support and Combat Service Support. Rapid reaction calls for rapid decision making and planning as well as rapid deployment of forces. On decision making, the ambition of the EU is to be able to take the decision to launch an operation within 5 days of the approval of the Crisis Management Concept by the Council. On the deployment of forces, the ambition is that the forces start implementing their mission on the ground, no later than 10 days after the EU decision to launch the operation. Relevant air and naval capabilities would be included. The need for reserve forces should be taken into account The timing of the formation of this Rapid Response Force also significant. This initiative will be being completed just as the European Neighbourhood Policy will be reaching its mid-term review. Europe will therefore have a force capable of being deployed anywhere in world within 5-10 days, should any particular country decide to step out of line. This is especially significant if the European Neighbourhood Policy does end up being the fulfilment of Daniel 9:27, because we know that the Antichrist does deploy a force in the Middle East, in response to a crisis there… Daniel 11:41-44 He (Antichrist) shall enter also into the glorious land (Israel), and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon (all Jordan). He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. European countries are also working towards the goal of implementing the GMES (Global Monitoring of Environment and Security), a network of satellites that will provide Europe with a “Spy in the Sky”. The prime aim of the GMES is to provide security to European borders. It will also ensure member states are complying with EU regulations, such as the common agricultural and fisheries policies. Quote: “Reviewing the various user needs, it was established that GMES has to support the following EU objectives and policy domains: * Europe’s environmental commitments, within EU territory and globally, by contributing to the formulation, implementation and verification of the Community environmental policies, national regulations and international conventions; * Other EU policy areas such as agriculture, regional development, fisheries, transport, external relations with respect to the integration of the environmental dimension in the respective domains and their specific requirements; * Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), including the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP); * Other policies relevant to European citizens’ security at Community and national levels, notably the potential exists for application to policies related to Justice and Home Affairs activities of the European Union, such as border surveillance. The pilot stage of the project was officially launched on the 15th of November, and is expected to be completed by around 2010. If Europe intends to have its own army which will capable of being launched to deal with any “situation” in the world within 5-10 days, it will have to have a fast, efficient communication system, and the GMES fills this role. He shall magnify himself to the prince of the host (head of the EU army – Daniel 8:11) At the EU Summit in June 2006, Javier Solana was appointed head of the European anti-terrorism force, an EU body comprising of police, civil and military assets pooled from the 25 member nations. The legislation to create this role, along with the pooling of forces across the EU, was originally part of the EU Constitution. European MPs blasted the EU for cherry picking parts of the Constitution which had previously been rejected by voters in France and the Netherlands, and drafting them into European law. This new anti-terrorism role has become possible through Javier Solana’s own “Recommendation 666” document, which is commented on at the end of this article. Quote: “At the Brussels European summit, all 25 member states agreed to pool assets – police, civil protection and military – and place them at the disposal of Javier Solana, the EU’s foreign minister-in-waiting. Such a move had been planned in the constitution which was rejected by voters in France and Holland last year. The constitution has been left on the shelf although Europe’s leaders want it up and running again by 2008. Minutes of the summit show that the kernel of the counter-terrorism force, the “crisis steering group”, will be operational in a fortnight. On the 21st of November, 2005, European leaders, prompted by the head of the European Defence Agency – Javier Solana, agreed to pool their defence markets in a move that could pave the way for the creation of an EU army. This legislation was also originally part of the Constitution package, but the EU leaders took it upon themselves to adopt it into law behind our backs. This along with the creation of the EU anti-terror force could pave the way for the fulfilment of these verses. Daniel 11:31 And arms shall stand on his part (Antichrist’s behalf), and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength (Temple), and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. Daniel 8:11 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. He shall not regard the God of his fathers (Daniel 11:37) His parents may be Jewish. I haven’t hard proof of this yet, but I read this on another website. His grandfather, Salvador de Madariaga, who worked for European unity in the League of Nations authored a book on the history of the Jews in Spain, and also wrote a book about Christopher Columbus, exploring the possibility he was a crypto-Jew. He shall not regard the desire of women (Daniel 11:37) Some scholars see the desire of women meaning the desire to “give birth to the Messiah”. In any case, Javier Solana has a wife and two children, but lives on his own in Brussels since taking the post of NATO Secretary General in 1995. By his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand (Daniel 8:25) He has devised, and is responsible for the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP gives financial incentives to states in exchange for political reforms (read “political control”). It has been said that while America’s tool for bringing about global security is its army, Europe’s weapon is its financial clout, used through subtle means, i.e. “craft”. Statecraft is one of the things Javier Solana says he has used to help bring Europe together. He shall confirm a covenant with many nations for 7 years, and break it in the middle of those years (Daniel 9:27) My friend Javier sent me this picture of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert addressing the Knesset and the nation on July 17th, 2006. After six days of fighting between Israel and Hizbullah, the Prime Minister stated that he did not want this conflict, but hoped that Israel could soon sign an “eternal covenant of peace” with their Arab neighbours. Javier Solana was the first world leader to visit Lebanon, and has been prompted by European leaders to help find a lasting solution to the crisis. Quote: “”The crisis in the Palestinian territories and in Lebanon make extremely grave and worrisome bounds from hour to hour,” the letter said. The two theatres of crisis “place the security and political equilibrium of the entire region in danger,” it said. In the “two distinct crises,” the EU. “has weight and credibility” that could be used toward finding solutions, Chirac said in the letter, dated Thursday and made public Friday. The letter noted that the president was reiterating a proposal made in June. He suggested that Solana, who visited Beirut last weekend and was currently in Cairo, work in conjunction with the United Nations to meet with all figures necessary to “very quickly make proposals to reach conditions for a global and lasting cease-fire in the region.” Following the conflict between Hizbullah and Israel in July-August 2006, the UN Security Council brokered a cease fire between the two sides. As part of the UN resolution that resulted in the cease fire, it was agreed that the international community would send a force into Lebanon to prevent fighting breaking out again. Europe has mobilized over 7000 troops to patrol the southern border of Lebanon, the biggest force the EU has launched in its history. As a result of this many EU ministers have been stating that Europe has a new-found role in the Middle East, a peacekeeping role that for the first time is backed up by a credible military force. This is exactly the situation what Daniel predicted would be the case during the 70th week or the seven year tribulation period. Quote: “”The time has come for European efforts to relaunch peace in the Middle East,” he [Spanish Foreign Minister Miquel Angel Moratinos] said Friday after his EU counterparts met in Brussels with UN chief Kofi Annan. “Europeans are gaining more in credibility, in presence and engagement in the future of this region, which is our region,” he said Saturday. Italy, which will be the the force’s biggest contributor with up to 3,000 soldiers and which will take over its command next February from France, was hopeful that the commitment would mark a new era of EU influence in the region. “It’s the first time that Europe assumes such a strong responsibility in the region and we hope there will be a change, not only for the stabilisation of the border between Israel and Lebanon, but also to push peace in the whole region” said Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema. With European troops now on the ground in the Middle East, the EU has an added means of making sure any future peace agreement takes hold in the region. The EU is effectively trying to create an environment in which a peace agreement with many nations could be signed. Javier Solana is now pushing for EU ministers to pave the way for new talks for the Middle East, aimed at bringing security to Israel and a lasting peace to the entire region (or “peace and safety” as mentioned in Thessalonians 5:3). Quote: “EU President Finland is hosting the meeting in a 17th century fortress in the town of Lapeenranta, where ministers will study how to leverage their growing military presence as peacekeepers in southern Lebanon to bring about regional talks. European officials argue that the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Lebanese Hizbullah guerrillas and continuing Israeli-Palestinian violence can be resolved only by a political process leading to a negotiated settlement. In efforts to win a wider Middle East peace, a spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said he would urge ministers to pave the way for new talks based on a return to Israel’s 1967 borders “plus or minus agreed minor adjustments”. And what better man to help broker any future peace agreement than Javier Solana himself? The current EU President Erkki Tuomioja has stated Javier Solana has been given a mandate by EU Foreign Ministers to be directly involved in the Middle East peace process on the behalf of Europe. Quote: “Ministers agreed that united action by the EU over the summer had made a positive impact on efforts to stabilize the situation in the Middle East. Tuomioja said that EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana already has the mandate of the member states of EU to work to move the peace process forward and to be in contact with all the parties involved. He particularly emphasized the importance of cooperation with the United States and Arab nations. Javier Solana’s European Neighbourhood Policy, is to last from 2007-2013, with a mid-term review period, in which Javier Solana himself will be involved. 16 nations have signed up, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Israel signed up in December 2004. All countries will have their agreements confirmed on January 1st, 2007. It’s prime aim is to bring security and political control to Europe’s borders as mentioned above. Quote: “The (European) Commission will draw up periodic reports on progress and on areas requiring further efforts, taking into account assessments made by the authorities of the partner country. The Action Plans will be reviewed and may be adapted in the light of progress towards meeting the priorities for action. It is suggested that a “mid-term” report be prepared by the Commission, with the contribution of the High Representative on issues related to political co-operation and the CFSP, within two years of the approval of an action plan and a further report within three years. These reports can serve as a basis for the Council to decide the next step in contractual links with each partner country. These could take the form of European Neighbourhood Agreements whose scope will be defined in the light of progress in meeting the priorities set out in the Action Plans. Just before the 10th Anniversary (27-28th November 2005) of the Barcelona Process – also known as EuroMed, Javier Solana commented on the progress made so far by Europe in the Middle East region. EuroMed itself is a framework of agreements between the European Union and 10 Middle Eastern nations. These are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. EuroMed is not a peace process in itself, but aims to resolve regional conflicts at the same time as providing political and economic reforms, helping to bring about stability. It was born out of the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, and is thought of more as a means of supporting any real peace agreement that may come about in the future. Javier Solana states that the EU is planning to launch a “governance facility” (perhaps the ENP?) with Mediterranean countries. This will provide economic assistance for those states doing their best to bring about political and economic reforms (or “political control” from Europe). Just like the Middle East covenant that will be confirmed by the Antichrist in the book of Daniel, this “governance facility” is to last for seven years – by Javier’s own admission. Quote: “Many Mediterranean countries say they want to advance on the path of political reform but that it should be home-grown and that they need help. I agree. So I am pleased that the EU will launch a so-called governance facility. This will not be a cosmetic initiative, but one that, over seven years, will offer several hundred million euros to those countries that are making the greatest efforts concerning governance reform. They can then spend the extra money on the priorities they have set themselves. This is what I call a true partnership for political reform. Here’s another interesting article on the ENP, from my friend Stephen. It gives a brief outline on how the ENP represents the future for EU expansion, an alternative to enlargement of the union, and explains its aims to offer member states three things, prosperity, stability and security. Quote: “Prosperity: A lack of economic prospects is linked to political unrest, radicalisation and is one of the factors pushing people to do dangerous illegal migration. We address this through offering trade opportunities, support for macro-economic reforms, advice on investment-friendly business climates. By supporting the countries’ own reform efforts, we also benefit the EU since our continued growth requires new markets. (Daniel 7:23, the fourth beast shall “devour the whole earth”) Stability: Lack of democracy, lack of respect for the rule of law, governance failures, all contribute to instability. We offer advice and support on relevant reforms and offer deeper relations to those partners who make progress towards good governance, for the benefit of their own citizens. Democracy cannot be imposed, but it can and must be supported. Security: ENP enables us to bring together various internal and external instruments more effectively, working with our neighbours to tackle new threats e.g. cooperation against terrorism, tackling the root causes of extremism, thwarting international organized crime, contributing to resolving conflicts. All of these issues are major concerns both for our citizens and for those of our partners. He shall be the prince of the people that destroyed Jerusalem (Daniel 9:26) Daniel states that the Antichrist would be the prince of the people that would destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the Temple). In AD 70, Jerusalem and the Temple were literally destroyed by the Roman armies under the command of Titus. The Antichrist will therefore be a prince of the Revived Roman Empire, or in modern terms, “Europe”. In October1999, Javier Solana finished his term as Secretary General of NATO, and became Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The Council of the European Union is the main decision making body for the EU. Javier Solana also holds two other important posts in Europe, the High Representative for the European Common,ritain, France and Germany (officially called the E3) have apparently been jockeying for position to hold the lion’s share of foreign policy until such times that the EU Constitution is ratified and comes into force. This ambition has been brought to light by the E3’s recent dealings with Iran’s nuclear programme. The EU Constitution will create the official position of EU Foreign Secretary, which Javier Solana, the EU High Representative currently holds in an unofficial capacity. These three nations would need to be “subdued” in order to give Javier Solana a clear shot at being the “one voice of Europe”. All these nations are also members of the UN Security Council. Javier Solana is seeking to replace these nations’ seats on the Council with just one European seat, representing the voice of Europe in world affairs. This event could also fulfil the above Scripture, if a head of the European Union were to “uproot” those seats. Quote: “In an interview with Die Welt, the EU’s high representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, offers some suggestions for how the current crisis in the European Union could be avoided in the future. A “possible cause” for the rift between the EU fifteen is the fact that the EU is not represented by one seat in the United Nations Security Council. “The EU is not represented by one seat in the United Nations. But the problems were created in the United Nations.” He noted the differences of opinion ran exactly between the four members of the Security Council – the UK and France (as permanent members) and Spain and Germany (as non-permanent members). “Imagine what influence Europe could have had if it had spoken with one voice?” asked Mr Solana. Speaking with one voice is not just something for the Union in the UN but for “the EU as a whole.” Revelation 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth (one voice?) speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. He will grow great towards the South and the East (Daniel 8:9) Javier Solana’s European Neighbourhood Policy is aimed at developing relations with Middle Eastern and Caucus Nations, directly towards the South and East of the European Union Bloc. Daniel 8:9-11 And out of one of them came forth a little horn (Antichrist), which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant [land] (Israel). And it waxed great, [even] to the host of heaven; and it cast down [some] of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified [himself] even to the prince of the host (he became the chief of the EU army), and by him the daily [sacrifice] was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down (Temple). Quote: Javier Solana – “The European Neighbourhood Policy is not a policy aimed at EU enlargement; it neither foresees it nor excludes it. The policy is in the first place aimed at developing closer relations between the European Union and its new neighbours to the East and the South, making them benefit as much as possible from their proximity to the EU. There is so much work to be done and there are so many opportunities to co-operate more effectively in the fields of trade, reforms, in fighting terrorism, crime and corruption, in working more closely together in foreign and security policy that there is no real reason at this stage to think about what might happen in the longer term. His number is six hundred threescore and six (666 – Revelation 13:18) In 1999, Javier Solana was appointed the High Representative for Europe’s Common, Foreign and Security Policy. His position is linked in two places with the number 666 in official EU documents. The first document issued in 1998 by the European commission was called Article 666, and which called for the immediate election of a High Representative for the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy who would have a “strong political profile”, and be backed by “credible operational capabilities”. Quote: “666. In December the Vienna European Council expressed the opinion that the Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the CFSP should be appointed as soon as possible and be a personality with a strong political profile. It invited the Council to prepare common strategies on Russia, Ukraine, the Mediterranean region and the western Balkans, on the understanding that the first would be on Russia. Welcoming the new impetus given to the debate on a common European policy on security and defence, the European Council also noted that the CFSP should be backed by credible operational capabilities The second document, called “Recommendation 666”, which was drafted by Javier Solana himself in 2000, called for special powers to be given to the High Representative, enabling him to take control of European political and military councils in the event of an emergency. Quote: “12) Support proposals for the WEU Secretary-General and CFSP High Representative to preside over the PSC (Political and Security Committee) and civilian crisis-management machinery and give him powers to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency; In the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease (Daniel 9:27) In regard to this prophecy, it’s not possible for me to know exactly what will happen, due to the fact that this event is scheduled to occur in the middle of the seven year tribulation period. And it’s impossible for me to know if Javier Solana will be the man to fulfil this Scripture. But what is happening in Europe now could eventually become the fulfilment of these verses… The European Union has agreed an Action Plan that seeks to upgrade the minimum standards of treatment for animals throughout the European Union, and aims to support the protection and welfare of animals throughout the world. This Action Plan will come into force for the period from 2006 to 2010, after which it will become necessary for the document to be reviewed. Quote: “For the period 2006-2010, five main areas of action are set out to meet this objective: upgrading minimum standards for animal welfare; promoting research and alternative approaches to animal testing; introducing standardised animal welfare indicators; better informing animal handlers and the general public on animal welfare issues; and supporting international initiatives for the protection of animals. Detailed background on each area of action is outlined in the Action Plan, in the accompanying impact assessment and Commission working document, along with an indicative timetable for the planned initiatives. The European Union currently guarantees the right of the Jewish religion to perform animal sacrifices (shechita), even though no sacrifices have been carried out since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. Quote: “The Vice President assured the CER delegation that he regards attempts to restrict Jewish ritual slaughter (shechita) as contraventions of EU law and said he would be contacting the Belgian Interior Minister over the issue following attempts in the Belgian Senate to place restrictions on shechita in Belgium. If the Jewish Temple is reconstructed, the Jews will be required to immediately start performing sacrifices for sin. If this agreement is reviewed by Europe in 2010, which falls in the middle of the seven year European Neighbourhood Policy (the midst of the week), it could be possible that Europe would decide to prohibit animal sacrifices for humanitarian reasons. New World Order Javier Solana is also a member of the Club of Rome, and frequently speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations. Javier Solana also attended the secretive Bilderberg meetings during his tenure as NATO Secretary General. He brought then-UK Defence Secretary George Robertson along with him, who later became the NATO Secretary General himself. Other Prophecies I was asked by a friend of mine to list some other prophecies that the Antichrist would fulfil, that Javier Solana’s role in the EU has not fulfilled yet. Due to the prophecies regarding the Antichrist only having their fulfilment during the tribulation period, it is impossible for us Christians living now to say for certain who the Antichrist is, or how these prophecies will come to pass as described in the Scriptures. So the following prophecies are really for those people who will believe on Christ during the tribulation period, and will witness them firsthand. There is only one particular prophecy regarding the Antichrist that is not mentioned in the above text. It was spoken of by Zechariah regarding an “idol shepherd”, just verses after the prophecy concerning Christ’s betrayal and crucifixion. His arm shall be withered and he shall be blind in his right eye (Zechariah 11:15-17) Zechariah 11:15-17 And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. It is noteworthy that these verses are so close to the prophecy concerning Christ and His rejection. These verses speak of an idol shepherd (ruler of Israel) that Israel would accept, but would not treat Israel well. This is paralleled by the words of Christ in John 5. John 5:43 I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. The Sanhedrin were legally responsible for the prosecution of the Messiah, and they will be legally responsible for proclaiming the false Messiah during the tribulation period. The Sanhedrin was reformed in October 2004, for the first time in 1600 years. There are a number of different views on the “wounding” of the Beast. Some believe this “wound” represents the destruction of the Roman Empire, being revived under the auspices of the EU. Others believe this is a literal assassination attempt on the Antichrist himself. I am of no particular persuasion, possibly both views may be right. Here I will simply explain the second opinion. It seems that this false Messiah will sustain injuries to himself, in either an assassination attempt or during a conflict, resulting in wounds to his head and arm. This is also mentioned in Revelation, and subsequent to this attack the Antichrist stages a false resurrection in mockery of Christ’s resurrection, which causes the whole world to wonder after him in admiration. Note the specific mention of a wound “by a sword”, as in Zechariah. It seems that this will be a physical assassination attempt on the Antichrist himself…. Revelation 13:3-14 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And (the false prophet) deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. The king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23) Another prophecy that doesn’t seem to fit the man Javier Solana, is the Antichrist’s “fierce countenance”. I’m not sure if this prophecy will be fulfilled before or during the tribulation period. We are told in Daniel that a mouth will be given to the Antichrist, and he will speak great blasphemies against God (Revelation 13:5-6). This happens after Satan indwells the Antichrist, during the middle period of the seven year covenant. If the Antichrist speaks blasphemies after his covenant of peace with Israel, is it fair to assume his countenance will not be fierce until then? Daniel 8:23-24 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. Source Europa, Jerusalem Post, EU Observer, Phillyburbs, Angola Press, Greg Wolf, Evatt Machado, DeltaX, Security Conference, Spiegel, EDA, GMES, Telegraph, BBC, Cephas Ministry, Madariaga Foundation, WAIS, Greg Wolf, Europa, Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem Post, Easy Bourse, Yahoo, Reuters, China View, Europa, Europa, European Commission Delegation, Europa, SE Times, Council of Europe, EurUnion, Wikipedia, Bits.de, WEU, Europa, Jews For Morality, Global Policy, Caucaz, Europa, WEU Assembly, Welcome Europe, Conference of European Rabbis, Javier Solana, Parascope, Arutz 7
Foreign and Security Policy, and Secretary General of the WEU. These are possibly the highest posts currently achievable in the three organizations, and Javier Solana has all of them. In that sense Javier Solana is a “prince” or literally a ruler, and not a “king”, i.e. he has no kingdom as such (yet). Compare this with Daniel 7:24, which states the ten horns are ten “kings” which shall arise. That fact that Javier Solana is Spanish may tie in with another Scripture. According to Daniel, Spain may be a significant player in the EU. Daniel 7:24 states, “And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them…”. After the ten kings arise, another arises after them. Spain happens to be the 11th member of the European Union (i.e. it arose after the 10). The fact that the Secretary General of the WEU, and High Representative for the CFSP for the EU, and Secretary General of the Council of Europe happens to be Spanish is therefore quite significant. And when you consider that Spain also hosts the Barcelona Process, which aims to bring about peace in the Middle East, is currently calling for a global “alliance of civilizations”, and Javier Solana is responsible for a seven year covenant with many nations (The European Neighbourhood Policy) adds to the significance of this statement. He will head a 10 nation federation (Daniel 7:24) He is Secretary General of the WEU, the military arm of the EU, and comprises the 10 original member states that signed the Treaty of Brussels. These are the only nations of the WEU that have official member status. Other nations have different statuses within the WEU as described in detail below. He will be of a kingdom that will engulf the whole world (Daniel 7:23) Although Javier Solana is Secretary General of the WEU, only a 10 nation federation, the tentacles of the WEU and the EU continue to spread throughout the world. Of the WEU, there are 10 full members (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom), there are 8 affiliate members (Czech republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak republic, Slovenia), 3 associate members (Iceland, Norway, Turkey), 2 affiliate associate members (Bulgaria, Romania), 5 observers (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden), 2 affiliate observers (Cyprus, Malta), 1 affiliate associate partner (Croatia), 2 permanent guests (Russia, Ukraine) and 4 special guests (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM or Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro). That makes the WEU a possible alliance of 37 nations. There are now 25 nations involved in the EU with currently 4 awaiting application for membership, and the European Neighbourhood Policy will directly influence the politics of another 16 nations outside Europe. Russia is being brought closer to Europe, along with all her Soviet satellites states, as was seen in the recent elections in the Ukraine, in which a pro-European President, Victor Yuschenko was elected after a political dispute with a Kremlin backed leader. He will be of a kingdom that is divided, partly strong and partly weak, and shall not cleave to each other (Daniel 2:41-43) It’s easy to see how Europe is a Revived Roman Empire that is “divided”. The very fact there is a WEU of 10 official members and a broader EU of 25 members shows a Europe is still divided. The WEU, under the direction of Javier Solana, was meant to transfer its powers to the EU, but this never happened. It seems instead that the WEU has taken on a new role as being the new military arm of the European Union. For “partly strong and partly weak”, the WEU nations are mainly wealthy and politically strong, while the new members of the EU are generally poor and politically weak and unstable. And the fact that the nations “will not cleave to one another” has been played out before all our eyes in the Iraq war, the problems of ratifying of the EU Constitution, amid other disagreements which seem to come up from time to time. He will uproot three kings (Daniel 7:24) B

**WARNING: Javier Solana, MIGHT BE The Antichrist!**

Mr. Europe: Javier Solana
Last Updated: 01/10/2009 20:06 Bookmark at Del.icio.us | Print This Page
This web page is put together to present facts about Mr. Europe, Javier Solana. Why devote this page to him? There are many things coming together from Bible prophecy in the news. He is wearing all the hats that Bible prophecy talks about the man of sin taking. He is consolidating power in the EU right now and is working on the goal of bringing peace to the Middle East. Of course these aren’t the only reasons I’ve started watching Javier Solana. Herb Peters and Constance Cumbey have been watching him since the early 1990’s and documenting his rise to power. You can find more information there at FulfilledProphecy.com and Constance Cumbey’s Blogspot.
Javier [Solana] is I think a personal incarnation of the world’s most effective institution of global governance, namely himself.” | Carlos Pascual, Co-Director, Managing Global Insecurity Project; Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy The Brookings Institution in an introduction to A Plan for Action: Renewed American Leadership and International Cooperation for the 21st Century
Check out Javier Solana’s official YouTube page!

Javier Solana’s Family History from Wikipedia
This is the earlier version of Javier Solana’s biography, as it was at the Wikipedia website before it was tampered with this last winter (2005).
Solana was born on July 14, 1942 as Javier Solana de Madariaga in Madrid, Spain. On his maternal side, he is the grandson of famous Spanish diplomat/writer Salvador de Madariaga (1886-1978). Salvador de Madariaga at various times served as Spanish ambassador to the United States and as chief of the Disarmament Section of the League of Nations. He also had a teaching career at England’s Oxford University. Salvador de Madariaga was admiringly said to be one of the ten best conversationalists in all of Europe in his day. His writing career ranged from books about Christopher Columbus to analyses of what he considered to be the growing Communist threat to Latin America. Solana’s maternal grandmother, Constance Archibald de Madariaga was born Scottish. Like her diplomat-writer husband, she was also a well known scholar. She was professionally and academically known as an economic historian.
Javier is the younger of the two sons of de Madariaga’s daughter Nieves (1917-2003). Solana’s mother, like her more famous father, was also a recognized scholar and writer. Her full name at the time of her death was Nieves Hayat de Madariaga Mathews. She was employed for upwards of 20 years by the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), a United Nations agency headquartered in Rome. Her Yale University-published book on the life of Sir Francis Bacon was released in 1996. The 606 page volume is entitled, Francis Bacon: The History of a Character Assassination.[3]
Interestingly, Nieves de Madariaga Mathews (Solana’s mother) claimed in her acknowledgements that the book was suggested and blessed by “my teacher, Osho, who thought highly of Francis Bacon and gave the book his blessing.” Osho is more commonly known in USA circles as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.[4] Rajneesh gained extensive notoriety in the USA in the 1980s for his alleged Oregon cult compound. He was deported from the USA for its claimed excesses. As well as Rajneesh, Solana’s mother was equally deeply and publicly influenced by the works of Immanuel Velikovsky. She devoted much time to her pursuit of both Velikovsky and Sir Francis Bacon literacy and causes. Constance Cumbey recently pointed out something valuable, here.
Sometime after the commence of what I term “the editing wars” on Wikipedia vis a vis, “the good doctor” Javier Solana (he has a doctorate in physics), a strange article was posted by the person known as “Squeakbox” on Wikipedia. He rewrote history and claimed that Javier Solana’s mother was “the Obdulia Madariaga.”
Above all, I wanted to be accurate and not guilty of passing on false information. I researched this “Obdulia Madariaga” and put the series of articles I was doing on this blogspot on hold until I could verify which was right. I went to Spanish stories and read that Solana was the “nieto” meaning “grandson” of Salvador de Madariaga, Nieves Mathew’s father. Nieves’ Italian language obituary included information that during World War II she had been married with two sons. It also revealed her to be a correspondent with New Age activist Fritjof Capra as well as her fascination with Sir Francis Bacon and “the invisible college.” I obtained her Yale University published book and learned from her “Acknowledgments” that Osho, better known to Americans, as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh had been her “teacher.” Perhaps a better translation would be “guru.”
After doing my own checking, as to the Spanish sources using the word “Nieto,” I concluded that Salvador de Madariaga was the grandpa and Nieves Mathews had to be mom. I edited the article with the footnote that the Spanish source “Cidob” used the word Nieto and they were positioned to know.
A few short months ago, I again noticed that Nieves Mathews and Salvador de Madariaga had been distanced, again by Squeakbox, as immediate family to Javier Solana and his elder brother, Luis. This time, Squeakbox claimed his authority was the Spanish organization CIDOB. I went over there and sure enough that was what it was saying in an article sounding very much like the writing style of Squeakbox who lives in a Latin American country and has solid Spanish writing skills.
Well, today my office was visited by an elderly gentleman who once heard me speak and didn’t have great computer skills. He wanted to view information I had archived on Javier Solana. I was busy with a client in my inner office, but I brought out my large notebook binders of hard copied articles for him to peruse. Turning to a few things that I thought would interest him, I was dumbfounded to find my 2001 CIDOB archived articles. They clearly said, both in Spanish and their English translations that Salvador de Madariaga was Javier Solana’s grandfather!
THE NIEVES DE MADARIAGA SOLANA MATHEWS MYSTERY SOLVED Constance Cumbey (January 26, 2008) – This is a Spanish genealogy of Nieves Hayat de Madariaga, married twice: the first time to Francisco Solana and the second time to N. Mathews. Now we know there has been blatant historical revisionism (much of it coming from “Squeakbox,” shown in picture above) of Javier’s parentage and Salvador de Madariaga was indeed grandpa and not “great uncle.” It is my opinion that they were proud of that parentage until they decided we would look at the deep family occult connections (Nieves even reported she knew Krishnamurti, the 1920s candidate for “Maitreya.”) and put two and two together. Now, I think I’ll go finish that book, JAVIER SOLANA: MYSTERY MAN OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. This was the piece holding all up. I did not want to misstate his parentage! -Constance E. Cumbey
Nieves Hayat de Madariaga
* 1917 + 2003
Padre: Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo * 23.07.1886
Madre: Constance Archibald * 1878
Matrimonio I:
Francisco Solana
Matrimonio II:
N Mathews
Hijos del Matrimonio I:
Luis Solana de Madariaga
Javier Solana de Madariaga * 14.07.1942 Concepción Giménez Díaz-Oyuelos
I wonder why anyone would want to re-write history to distance Javier Solana from Nieves Mathews, who was into the New Age with a particular like for Sir Francis Bacon?
Javier Solana’s only maternal aunt is Isabel de Madariaga, a professor emeritus of Slavonic Studies at the College of London. A brilliant and thorough scholar, she has published extensive historical works, most notably about Russian empress, Catherine the Great.
Javier Solana’s older brother Luis Solana is a retired Spanish telephone company chief executive officer; he was the first known Socialist party member to join the Trilateral Commission. He was ardently opposed to the Spanish presidency of General Franco and was reportedly imprisoned for his political activity. Like his older brother, Javier Solana, is an active member of the Trilateral Commission. Although not eligible for membership as he is not an American citizen, Javier Solana is a frequent speaker and enjoys excellent relationships with members of the prestigious US based Council on Foreign Relations Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) He is likewise active with the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) as well as the New York city based East West Institute.
On Solana’s paternal side, his grandfather was Don Ezequiel Solana de Ramirez. He was reportedly a revered educator and text book author who died in 1931. Luis and Javier’s father was Don Ezequiel Solana’s son Francisco Solana.
Solana studied at the El Pilar College, an exclusive Catholic secondary school, before going to Complutense University (UCM). There as a student in 1963 he was sanctioned by the authorities for having organised an opposition forum at the so-called called Week of University Renovation. In 1964 he clandestinely joined the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), which had been illegal under Franco since the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939. In the same year he graduated and then spent a year furthering his studies at Spain’s Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and in the United Kingdom.
In 1965 he went to the United States of America, where he spent six years studying at various universities on a Fulbright Scholarship [2] . He visited the University of Chicago and the University of California, San Diego, and then enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. There, he taught physics classes as a Teaching Assistant and carried on independent research; he also joined in the protests against the Vietnam War and was President of the Association of Foreign Students. He received his doctorate in physics from Virginia with a thesis on Theory of the Elementary Excitation Spectrum of Superfluid Helium: the Roton Lifetime , in 1971, extending his planned stay in the US by a year in order to continue his research. Returning to Spain he became a lecturer in solid-state physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid, UAM, and then in 1975 he became a Professor at Complutense University. During these years he published more than 30 articles. For a time he worked as assistant to Nicolás Cabrera, whom he had met when Cabrera was Professor at the University of Virginia. The last PhD dissertations that he directed were in the early 1990s.
On returning to Spain in 1971 Solana joined the Democratic Co-ordination of Madrid as the PSOE representative… He was made Minister for Foreign Affairs on July 22, 1992, the day before the opening of the II Ibero-American conference of the heads of state in Madrid, replacing the terminally ill Francisco Fernández Ordóñez. On November 27-28, 1995, while Spain held the Presidency of the Council of the EU , Solana convened and chaired the Barcelona Conference. A treaty was achieved between the twenty-seven nations in attendance with Solana gaining credit for what he called “a process to foster cultural and economic unity in the Mediterranian region”.
On December 5, 1995, Solana became the new Secretary-General of NATO, replacing Willy Claes who had been forced to resign in a corruption scandal. His appointment created controversy as, in the past, he had been an opponent of NATO. He had written a pamphlet called 50 Reasons to say no to NATO, and had been on a US subversives list.
On March 24, <1998>, Solana launched air attacks on military and civilian targets in Yugoslavia without authorization from Security Council because of the opposition of veto-bearing Russia, an historic Orthodox Slav ally of Serbia. He justified the attacks on humanitarian grounds, and on the responsibility of NATO to keep peace in Europe and to prevent ethnic cleansings and genocide similar to the ones that happened during the Bosnian War (1992-1995).
After leaving NATO, Solana took up a role in the European Union. Earlier in the year, on the 1999-07-04ww, he was appointed by the Cologne European Council as Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union. An administrative position but it was decided that the Secretary-General would also be appointed High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). In this role he represented the EU abroad where there was an agreed common policy. He took up the post on 1999- 10-18, shortly after standing down from NATO. The post has a budget of 40 million, most of which goes to Balkan operations. From 25 November 1999-11-25 he was also appointed Secretary-General of Western European Union (WEU), overseeing the transfer of responsibilities from that organisation to the CFSP. In 2004 his 5 year mandate was renewed. He has also become president of the European Defence Agency.
In terms of personal habits, Solana is said to eat little and sleep less, surviving on a diet of organic fish and fruit. Recently, however, it is noted that he has made media statements that he enjoys Peking Duck, so obviously he departs from the fish and fruit regimen at times. Solana is a gun collector, and enjoys studying military battles. General Wesley Clark, a man who greatly admired and respected Solana, once asked Solana the secret of his diplomatic success. Solana answered, “Make no enemies, and never ask a question to which you do not know or like the answer.” He has been described as a “squarer of circles”. Solana is a Knight of the Order of St Michael and St George, a member of the Spanish section of the Club of Rome, and has received the Grand Cross of Isabel the Catholicin Spain . . . Solana has also received the Manfred Wörner Medall of the Defense Minister in Germany.
The secret of a powerful force: ILE What Björn (farmer) Thinks (February 4, 2008) – …In a short description about Solana, the Spanish El-Pais writes, that during his flights Solana has always with him his inseparable notebook. “More than 300 books of chronological record his thoughts and proposals. All with a neatness and enviable calligraphy. It is the life of the unknown Solana, the airtight, who devours reports and keeps his secrets with extreme zeal”. I quote more from the article:
“The strategy is based on his travel intense preparation off the ground. Numerous telephone contacts with his previous partners, many of whom end up being his friends. “Solana is a master at linking personal and professional relationships,” says one of his former colleagues. But he is also demanding to cruelty himself sometimes with impact until the pain also with his closest collaborators, although some are faithful to him twenty years.
Having reached the destination, he begins interviews with his partners, which always end up with a constant question: “How could we remain in touch?” A few days ago he left an astounded Yang Jiechi, the Foreign Minister of China, who responded: “through the official channels” “No, no,” Solana insisted, “I want your phone, your private email, we need to stay in touch.”
Thus, tenacity has been built with a selected professional staff with the most important actors in international politics. In the midst of war in Lebanon last summer, the trip included private meetings with the president of Lebanon, Fuad Siniora, with Saad Hariri, son of assassinated former prime minister, and Sabish Berri, close to the militia Hezbollah.
In Israel, had a lengthy meeting with the prime minister, Ehud Olmert, and in the Palestinian territories with the president of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. Always go to everyone. It is the network Solana. The dense spider’s web of contacts leads to more unexpected levels.
He has become a frequent visiter of anniversary celebrations of Magdeleine Albright, former secretary of State. He maintains a very close relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton and also visits frequently the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In Washington, however, has been his most and least. During the mandate of the Secretary of State of Defense Donald Rumsfeld he never put his feet in the Pentagon. Later, with his deputy, Robert Gates, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, relations have improved considerably. His “UN man” was the former secretary general Kofi Annan. In the Middle East, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat disappeared, he was their guides. In the EU, has maintained a special chemistry with the former Swedish prime minister Göran Person. The Solana network also covers Russia. The former Foreign chief Igor Ivanov is among his closest friends and the president, Vladimir Putin, has already led him to his dacha.”
…”The arrival of democracy after the death of Franco in 1975, also put an end to his scientific career. The path of a researcher who had begun following in the footsteps of his father, a renowned professor of chemistry, was truncated to surrender fully to politics. First as a deputy in the opposition. Since 1982, he participated in all the governments of Gonzalez, successively occupying the portfolios of Culture, Government Spokesman, Education and Foreign Affairs. The experience also led out Government corrections. Anyone who had been the author of 50 reasons to say no to NATO, had to campaign in favour. Foreign Policy demanded to redouble efforts to master the jargon and to penetrate the elitist world of diplomacy. With His international contacts he expanded his field of fire. The presidency of Spain for the EU in July 1995, was a new lever to potenciarle in the chancelleries of Europe.
The fortuitous opportunity came in November of that year after the unexpected resignation of the secretary general of NATO, Willy Claes, because of domestic corruption. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Klaus Kinkel, his Italian counterpart, Sussana Agnelli, and especially the British premier Tony Blair, then took a gamble at him. The man next to Narcis Serra was better placed to get Moncloa chosen. The decision took him and Gonzalez together, thinking about what it would be relevant to the national interest that a Spanish take command of NATO. The final push came from the hand of Clinton, who was in Madrid for a pact expressly with Gonzalez. Their training and Anglo-Saxon liberalism that had absorbed part of his family formed at the Institute of Freedom of Education (Instituto Libre de Enseñanza), played much in their favor”.

One interesting element, which I believe is a piece of the puzzle, is centered around a man who in the 90’s was the European Commission President, Romano Prodi. At the time, he was the most powerful man in Europe! Though I don’t get much into Jack Van Imp’s Ministry…. it might be worth your time to check this out:
  1. type in key search words: “Romano Prodi”
It will bring up a HUGE database of the preparations that were made to set Europe for what I believe was the rise of, Javier Solana.
His name means Romano {the Roman One} Prodi {The Forerunner, Or The One That Goes Before}!!!
Romano Prodi was the one, the forerunner, who has come before, Javier Solana, The Leader Of The Revived Roman Empire, and The Author Of The 7-Year, Euro-Med Covenant which is expected to be confirmed by Mr. Solana, by January 1, 2007!!!

Other Connections
Javier Solana is a busy guy. He’s also VERY well networked in the political arena. This section presents some of that information. Solana is a Bilderberger!
He is also involved, though not a member, of the Trilateral Commission. He is a member of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome
He has been a member of the Spanish socialist party PSOE since 1964. That was the year as well that he joined the “Socialist Youth.” In 1976, he represented the Socialists at an international Socialist Congress held in the French province of Suresnes. He participated in the same Congress held in 1977 in Spain. Solana was designated secretary of Information and Press of the Federal Executive Commission of the PSOE.
Education: Professionally, apart from his political careers, Solana holds an undergraduate degree in chemistry (Received in Spain in 1963), a Master’s Degree obtained in Great Britain, and a doctorate in physics; he is fond of saying that “in a previous incarnation I worked as a professor in solid-state physics.” He received his doctorate in 1968 while studying at the University of Virginia under a Fulbright Scholarship in the United States. He taught and worked as a researcher at the University of Virginia between 1968 and 1971. Solana left the USA in 1971 to return to Spain with one of his teaching mentors. There he became employed by Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Again, he was banished for political reasons, i.e. opposition to the Franco government. In 1975 his political nemesis, Generalissimo Francisco Franco died. Thereupon Solana, expelled in his youth for anti-Franco rebellion, gained a Complutense University professorship. That year, also, he involved himself in Spanish political life. As a representative of a teacher’s union, he ran and won election as the Socialist candidate for the parliamentary seat he was to begin occupying in July 1977.
Dr. Javier Solana 1995-2010: Reviving the Roman Empire
Solana is a busy man. He is also VERY powerful. Not only that, but he is currently an invaluable asset to the European Union. He’s been given the title of “Mr. Europe” because if political leaders want to call Europe, he’s the man they call. He’s been working toward this position for some time now.Between 1982 and 1995 he held powerful positions in the Spanish government including that of the Minister for Culture, Minister of Science and Education and lastly as Minister for Foreign Affairs (1992-1995). For most of those years he was also the official spokesman for the Spanish government. When it was Spain’s turn to hold the rotating chairmanships/presidencies of the Council of the European Union and the Western European Union, Solana was designated by Spain to head those posts. Those dual posts would coincide in 1995.
On November 20, 1995, during Spain’s turn at the rotating six month presidency of the European Union, Javier Solana concluded a treaty between the European Union and Israel. This section is meant to track his political career starting in 1995. Why 1995? Daniel 9:27 speaks of the confirmation of a covenant with many. In 1995, the Euro-Med agreement, also known as the Barcelona Process, was signed between many nations including Israel. The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) went into effect January 1, 2007 and according to Javier Solana it “breathes new life” to the Barcelona Process of 1995.. It confirms the covenant with many. What’s more fascinating is that the ENP is 7 years (January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2013) with a mid-term review in 2010!
  • Secretary-General of NATO November 30, 1995 – October 1999
    • On November 30, 1995, Solana was appointed as NATO Secretary General. His election was a surprise to many, including 52 United States congressmen who telegraphically protested his appointment because of his alleged Marxism and open Castro sympathies. He had once been on the USA’s own subversive list. He was best known, per the Spanish newspapers observing the scene, as one of Spain’s most vocal and most prominent opponents of NATO. He had once written a pamphlet, “50 Reasons to say NO to NATO.” Between 1995 and 1999, Solana was NATO Secretary General. Solana’s NATO term was to have expired in December, 1999; however, he left that job two months early, in October 1999, to take the newly created position of Office of the High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (also more informally called “Señor PESC” (“Mr. PESC”, in Spanish media)- Post of European Security Commissioner). He was also given the title and responsibility of Secretary General of the European Union; this was for the purpose of giving continuity between the EU’s 6 month rotating presidential administrations. These positions caused Solana to be generally described by the European press as “tsar of European military and foreign policy.” The Secretary General of NATO usually has a ministerial role, passing on instructions from the member nations’ consensus to its military components, but during his 1995 to 1999 NATO tenure, Solana was given sole unusual powers to make military decisions over Yugoslavia. For example, on January 30, 1999, he was given sole power to make all further military decisions over NATO Balkan operations. This included the say so on whether or not bombings should occur. Madeline Albright, USA Secretary of State then said by way of explanation, “Solana has the power and has had it since January 30, 1999. We are speaking with one voice through Javier Solana.”, and on March 21, 1999, USA President Bill Clinton told a national American television audience in regards to the forthcoming bombings: “I agree with Javier Solana’s decision to do this.” The order to commence bombing against Yugoslavian targets was subsequently given solely by Solana. USA General Wesley Clark, who as head military officer of the NATO coalition reported to and took orders from Solana, reports in his book WAGING MODERN WAR that he once asked Solana the secret of his success. Solana reflected briefly and then answered, “First make no enemies. Then never ask a question to which you do not know or do not like the answer.” Despite his activity in world politics, most Americans are unfamiliar with Solana’s name, the Barcelona Process, and certainly the extent of his growing powers which are becoming increasingly global in scope and influence.
  • Euro-Med Partnership for Peace November 27-28, 1995 (“Covenant with many” including Germany, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel)
    • Javier Solana did most or even all of the spearheading and coordination of the Barcelona Conference, the launching pad of the 27 nation Barcelona Process expected to lead to a Mediterranean free trade zone by 2010. This conference was opened by him on November 27, 1995. He opened by declaring that it was auspicious that it began on the 900th anniversary of the calling of the first crusade by Pope Urban II, and commented “What a lot of intolerance and misunderstanding that led to.” The conference concluded with the 27 nations signing the Barcelona Treaty.
  • President of the Council of the European Union July-December, 1995
  • Political Security Committee (PSC)
    • Javier Solana presides over Europe’s Political Security Committee (PSC). All seated on that committee hold ambassador rank in the EU and serve at the pleasure of Javier Solana. All foreign ambassadors of the European Union entity (as opposed to its individual countries) as well as all EU military personnel are ultimately accountable to the Council of the European Union through Javier Solana. The EU’s hope is that the pending new European constitution will strengthen and extend this European federal type set of structures.
  • Western European Union (WEU) becomes 10 nations 1995 (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece (1995), Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal (1990), Spain (1990), United Kingdom)
    • Javier Solana Secretary-General of WEU November 20, 1999
      • On November 20, 1999, Javier Solana was also selected by the ten-nation core of the Western European Union (WEU) to be its pending Secretary General, pending unification with the European Union. However, on June 5, 2000, the ten nation WEU in its Assembly Recommendation 666 noted that under its governing treaties, complete merger could not occur, and therefore they support a proposal to have the WEU Secretary General and CFSP High Representative (both Solana) preside over the PSC (Political Security Committee) and convene the council of the European Union in the event of an emergency. (Such an emergency was declared after the 3/11 (March 11, 2004) Madrid train bombings.) This appointment came on the same day as major world leaders were gathering at deceased British author Sir Harold Acton’s old Italian villa then and now owned by New York University’s School of Law. The gathering was of the Third Way Movement. Solana was in attendance at the villa as were U.S. President and Mrs. Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Romano Prodi and many other distinguished transatlantic leaders. Javier Solana presides over Europe’s Political Security Committee (PSC). All seated on that committee hold ambassador rank in the EU and serve at the pleasure of Javier Solana. All foreign ambassadors of the European Union entity (as opposed to its individual countries) as well as all EU military personnel are ultimately accountable to the Council of the European Union through Javier Solana. The EU’s hope is that the pending new European constitution will strengthen and extend this European federal type set of structures.
  • High Representative and Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union October 1999
    • High Representative 666 Vienna Summit December 1998
666. In December the Vienna European Council expressed the opinion that the Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the CFSP should be appointed as soon as possible and be a personality with a strong political profile. It invited the Council to prepare common strategies on Russia, Ukraine, and the Mediterranean region and the Western Balklands, on the understanding that the first would be on Russia. Welcoming the new impetus given to the debate on a common European policy on security and defence, the European Council also notes that the CFSP should be backed by credible operational capabilities.”
  • Council of the European Union Selects Javier Solana as first Foreign Minister under the new EU Constitution June 29, 2004
    • Until formal ratification of the constitution occurs (slated for 2006), Solana is de facto exercising the defined powers of that future office as well as its approximate 26 billion euros budget (formerly reserved for the Commissioner of External Affairs). Solana now speaks and travels as the sole voice rather than one of three voices. This was dramatically illustrated by events in Israel on or about July 20 to 22nd (2004). Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declined to meet with Solana, saying that because of an EU vote against Israel at the UN that Israel would not work with the EU, notwithstanding despite its prominence on the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East. Solana stunned the world, Israel included, by replying that like it or not, both he and the EU were there to stay on the Israeli-Palestinian decision making processes. The Clinton White House once announced in a press conference that Javier Solana was the fulfillment of Henry Kissinger’s long stated wish to have only one phone number to ring up for Europe. Post June 29, 2004, many other sources were making the same observation — that Kissinger (and anybody else) could ring up Europe by calling only Javier Solana.
  • Summary of Remarks by Javier Solana July 1, 2004
    “Once ratified, this Constitution will introduce a number of important changes in the area of foreign policy, including the creation of a Foreign Minister to replace the rotating Presidency system.” France and Netherlands rejected Constitution in 2005. This has now become the Treaty of Lisbon.
  • Constitution of Rome Signed October 29, 2004
  • Solana assists Britain, France, and Germany in negotiating a nuclear material enrichment freeze with the leadership of Iran November, 2004
    • The EU through Solana stated it hoped to avoid another American-Iraqi style invasion through this and future negotiations. Others, particularly in the USA and England were more cynical about the motives. Rather than believe them altruistic, some British observers starting in the late 1990s stated that perhaps the EU’s motives, engineered through Solana, were to dislodge the USA as a competing superpower in the coming 21st century struggle for increasingly scarce global resources. They pointed to the EU’s own military buildup under the auspices of “peacekeeping” as perhaps a cover for planned future anti-USA efforts.
    • The European Defence Agency is an agency of the European Union and therefore under the direction and authority of the Council, which issues guidelines to and receives reports from High Representative Javier Solana as Head of the Agency. Detailed control and guidance, however, is the job of the Steering Board. Solana chairs the Steering Board, the principal decision-making body of the Agency, made up of Defence Ministers from 26 participating Member States (all EU members except Denmark) and a member of the European Commission. In addition to ministerial meetings at least twice a year, the Steering Board also meets at the level of national armaments directors, national research directors, national capability planners and policy directors.
    • From 2007 the presidency will be triple-shared for periods of 1.5 years with one of the three countries assuming “leading role” during each half-year. This change was made so that the new member states get sooner to holding a presidency, but at the same time the triplets are arranged so, that in each of them there are both new and old member states – this way it is assumed that the old member states will pass their experience to the co-presidency new-members. It is also assumed that 1.5 year presidencies (even triple-shared) will be better at accomplishing policies, because the main agenda items will not be changed each half-year, but each 1.5 years (each three states will execute a common program). The table below was agreed in 2004 with the assumption that Bulgaria and Romania will become member states (their turns are in 2018 and 2019, so it is not important if their membership is delayed a little after 2007).
    France Keen to Boost Power of EU (February 27, 2006) The ideas, which will be put forward by the French President, Jacques Chirac, at summits in March and June, will be possible without new legal powers. They include moves to reinforce the role of Javier Solana, the EU’s foreign policy chief. Mr. Solana would have gained new powers and the title “EU foreign minister” had the EU constitution come into effect. Senior French officials believe that his role can be enhanced without the constitutional treaty, and that he can be given greater backing to promote the EU.
    As stated above however, Solana now speaks and travels as the sole voice rather than one of three voices. If he is to fulfill the prophecies of the man of sin who will declare himself god in the rebuilt Jewish temple, he will act as the sole voice over the other leaders. And if he can pull off peace in the Middle East, I’m sure all the leaders will be more than happy to give their power to the beast. They already have given him much power. How much more will he get with signs and lying wonders?
Countering globalisation’s dark side Europe’s World: by Javier Solana (Autumn, 2007) – Europe’s key task in the first half of this century, says Javier Solana, will be to help create a new system of global governance that can resolve the growing frictions in our increasingly inter-dependent world
When the European Union celebrated its 50th birthday earlier this year it also marked a half-century that has seen Europe transformed. This continent so long plagued by wars and confrontation has developed into a community of peace, democracy and prosperity. That we have stopped killing each other and starting to work together did not happen by itself. We built strong institutions and a community of law to make the integration process withstand the ebb and flow of political moods and personality clashes. We learned the hard way that peace and stability require common rules and institutions, non-stop negotiations and a sense of compromise.
We haven’t abolished nation states or their sovereignty, but we have changed their nature. Sovereignty is no longer expressed by an army at the frontier but by a seat at the table. These successes are worth cherishing, yet there is a great deal more to be done. The peaceful unification of our continent has been our great achievement, and now our main challenge is to act as a credible force for good. From a continental agenda, we should move to a global agenda. From building peace in Europe to being a peace-builder in the world.
With respect to Europe’s global role, there is much that we have already achieved. Instead of just sending out a communiqué two weeks after a crisis we have expanded our capacity to respond to crises in real time. We have developed sophisticated crisis management concepts that bring together civilian and military instruments. We have forged a common strategic culture that enables us to respond early, rapidly and where necessary, robustly when a new crisis erupts. In short, there is a European way of looking at international problems and a shared doctrine on how to resolve them.
In the years ahead, we will have sharpened our crisis management performance in a more demanding security environment. But beyond crisis-management we will also have to devote time, energy and resources to addressing longer-term challenges. Perhaps the most important of these will be to safeguard the capacity of the global system. If truth be told, the global system is in a poor shape. What we are seeing is a growing mismatch between our security and economics, which are increasingly global in nature, and our politics which often remain national.
Few today would dispute that in a global, interdependent world, solutions to problems have to be forged at a global level. But the gap between this demand for ‘global governance’ and its supply is growing. Instead the multilateral system is under severe stress. Some of the old regimes on issues like nuclear non-proliferation are suffering from polarisation and distrust. On some of the new issues, such as cyber-crime or new forms of terrorism, attempts to build regimes, rules and institutions are still incomplete.
A key task for Europe for the next 50 years is therefore to protect and develop a system of strong institutions able to tackle the problems of a new age and to progressively build a rules-based international order. We will have to do so at a time when the world is moving to a system of continents. Hence, Europeans will only be able to project and protect their interests if they are united.
Global governance is an awful term but a vital concept. We need it because of a simple reality: interdependence. We live in a world where people, goods, ideas, money, threats and opportunities move at a global level and at increasing speed. What happens half-way round the world, in Afghanistan, Gaza or the Democratic Republic of Congo affects our own security and prosperity. Globalisation offers millions of people a chance to live longer, healthier and better lives. But it has also unleashed forces that governments can neither control nor stop.
We are all familiar with the list: terrorism, nuclear weapons’ proliferation, climate change, poverty, pandemics, failing states. None can be solved by a single government acting alone. So the question is: how do we organise this globalised world? And especially how do we tackle the dark side of globalisation?
On the whole, our capacity to analyse problems is good. But even when we agree on what has to happen − take Israel-Palestine or Sudan/Darfur − we still don’t manage to translate that consensus into results on the ground. It is worth analysing why this is so. For that it is necessary to first explore how what we call “the international system”, came about.
After the failure of the League of Nations and the horrors of World War II people were ready to try something new. The multilateral system built after 1945 was revolutionary in design. Its organising principle was that peace would be ensured through co-operation based on rules. This was something new. For centuries, international order had been maintained through a combination of the balance of power and empires. For periods this worked, although never for long and always at great costs.
After 1945, we instead built a system based on rules and strong institution. Of course, power, national interests and international rivalry had not been abolished. That would have been naïve and unworkable. But the defence of national interests was channelled through institutions. And the management of rivalries was made subject to written and unwritten rules.
The US played the leading role in shaping the system, and to do so was a deliberate and far-sighted choice. It is striking that Dean Acheson’s memoirs are called “Present at the Creation”. The US underwrote the system but agreed to be bound by it too.
Over time, the multilateral system developed, extending its functional scope and geographic reach. In Europe, a successful sub-system emerged with the Coal and Steel Community and later the European Economic Community. Most striking here were the supra-national aspects. These demonstrated that the Europeans were willing in carefully defined areas, to go beyond the pure inter-state paradigm.
It is almost impossible to exaggerate how important this start of the integration process has been − both for Europe but also the history of international relations. All in all, this post-1945 international order worked very well. It helped to prevent the cold war from degenerating into a global war; and it promoted the political and economic integration of the West. But today the international system is creaking because the world it was built for is no more. There are several reasons for this.
First, new problems have been emerging that the system was not meant to address. In the 19th century, the problems that industrialisation brought about were solved through a series of state interventions: from safety standards to sewage systems to banning child labour.
We now have to ask ourselves: what structures, beyond the state, do we possess that can help resolve the big problems of our times? We are dealing with complex security challenges that defy traditional ways of operating, ranging from global warming to “new identity politics” to cyber-crime.
We also have to see the connections between different threats. In many ways, the Darfur conflict is the first time we have been made aware that a war is caused by climate change − and it will not be the last. So we need more integrated strategies to address these problems. In the old system, everyone was doing their own thing in their own corner. We now know that we must bring together the different worlds of soldiers, diplomats, judges and development experts.
More fundamentally, the system is not working because power is shifting within our political systems: to the media, to markets and above all to individuals. Gone are the days that governments, and with them political elites, could set the agenda and by themselves deliver the solutions.
These days, there is less obedience. Who wants to be a follower if you are constantly told you can be what you want to be? It is striking that in Britain, the slogan for the recruitment for the army has changed from “Your country needs You” to “Be all you can be”.
Power is also shifting between political systems: ebbing away from the West to new powers like China, India, Brazil, South Africa. It has almost become a cliché to point to the emergence of new political centres of power.
And finally, from the US we have seen a tendency to make its engagement in the multilateral system more selective. In recent years, the US has been more narrowly focused on short-term priorities and less willing to seek deeper trade-offs with other countries.
What are we to do? The first requirement of a more effective global governance is that the US should play an active and constructive role inside the system. I have a sense that in the US the tide is turning in favour of those who argue that working through multilateral organisations is the best way to get lasting results.
More broadly, we need to make space at the top table. Take the G-8. At present it does not really work effectively. If it is to become more effective it needs to be more representative, and that means changing its membership.
Why not make it a G-10 in which the ten major countries are represented based on a composite index of international weight (GDP, aid, soldiers and civilians deployed on peace support missions)? This would not only bring China and India in but also keep some current members on their toes…
Equally, we should make space at the UN Security Council for the new heavyweights. In turn, the new powers should keep in mind that with greater global influence comes greater responsibilities. And to strengthen regional co-operation, could we at some point in the future have (semi)-permanent seats at the UNSC for Great Powers and regional organisations?
I am convinced that we need stronger regional organisations: the African Union, ASEAN and various Latin American structures. I also wonder whether the Middle East region will remain the big exception: over-armed, under-institutionalised and rife with tensions.
Then we will need to develop new bargains, balancing the interests of all relevant stakeholders. Good examples are the environment and climate change. Or on forms of dialogues between cultures.
Sometimes we also need to be more serious about upholding our side of the old bargain. Take non-proliferation. If we want to be credible on preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), we have to take the disarmament side and technology transfer sides of the bargain more seriously.
In addition, the multilateral system should not only address our immediate concerns. When we talk about non-proliferation we mostly mean WMD. But for many African or Asian leaders the most urgent proliferation problem is that of small arms and light weapons.
Above all, we must re-learn that the biggest shift in history came when we extended the rule of law. First within states and now, gradually, between them. This gradual extension of the international rule of law has provided enormous benefits: taming the passions of states but also providing a legal framework to guide and regulate many cross-border activities. We should step up what we are already doing both regionally and in Europe, but also globally on such aspects of international life as the WTO’s dispute settlement system or the International Criminal Court. We have to extend both the geographic and functional reach of the international legal system.
To organise our increasingly globalised world, we in the West need to share power with new players, re-think power beyond the state paradigm and tame power by extending the rule of law internationally. And along with making the system of global governance more effective, we also need to make it more legitimate.
One big problem is that we all know that we live in a globalised world, but our politics remain local or national. This is a problem for those, like me, who are convinced that the world needs more global-level, multilateral co-operation. For I am also a democrat in believing that power has to be accountable. So the question becomes: how do you make global governance more effective while making it also democratically accountable?
A key benefit of acting multilaterally is legitimacy, which in turns enhances effectiveness. Once again, this means bringing in new centres of power. But legitimacy also means bringing our publics along.. If decisions are increasingly taken at the international level, people have to see these as legitimate.
We therefore have two imperatives: to create greater effectiveness in global governance but also to uphold democratic legitimacy. To do so will be difficult as it requires new ideas and a sense of compromise. But I really see no real alternative.
What we are talking about is a global social contract, and some 250 year ago the French “enlightenment” philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau got it right in his toweringly influential work “The Social Contract”, in which he wrote: “The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right and obedience into duty.”

Global Policy Forum (March 24, 2003) – In an interview with Die Welt, the EU’s high representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, offers some suggestions for how the current crisis in Europe could be avoided in the future. One of the main ideas would be for the EU to be represented by one set in the UN. In an interview with Die Welt, the EU’s high representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, offers some suggestions for how the current crisis in the European Union could be avoided in the future. A “possible cause” for the rift between the EU fifteen is the fact that the EU is not represented by one seat in the United Nations Security Council. “The EU is not represented by one seat in the United Nations. But the problems were created in the United Nations.” He noted the differences of opinion ran exactly between the four members of the Security Council – the UK and France (as permanent members) and Spain and Germany (as non-permanent members).
“Imagine what influence Europe could have had if it had spoken with one voice?”
asked Mr. Solana. Speaking with one voice is not just something for the Union in the UN but for “the EU as a whole.” According to the Treaty of European Union, all EU member states have an obligation to refrain from doing anything that goes against a common position in foreign policy. “It is regrettable that precisely this was not followed by some member states,” said the EU’s foreign policy chief.
Weak Europe not in America’s interest
Mr Solana believes that a weak Europe is not in America’s interest. The big challenges in world politics are usually for both the USA and the EU, he says. “Of course, Europe should invest more in its military capabilities, I have said that for years. But the USA is the number one and we do not have these strengths.” Europe’s strengths lie with international investment, development aid and trade.

The Power of Solana The 70th Week (January 28, 2008) – Curt Here… I came across a couple of interesting articles recently and when read together I think we can get some pretty good insight as to what is going on in the Middle East peace negotiations. The first one was published yesterday and talks about how Javier Solana is frustrated with the fact that both parties are not really acting like they are very serious about peace. Israel has a blockade against the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and Hamas keeps firing rockets at Israel. The message from Solana was obvious, stop with your petty squabbling and get back to work towards fulfilling your commitments you made at Annapolis. When I first read this yesterday, I wondered if this had any chance of working. Can Solana simply make a few phone calls and make a few interesting quotes to a newspaper reporter and get real results? I know Solana has some serious political clout but, still I was a little more than skeptical. Then I read another article this morning that answered my question immediately. Both sides have miraculously agreed to comply with the requests of Javier Solana. They then renewed their commitment to the peace process and announced that they hope to have a final peace deal in place before US Presidential elections in November. What was I thinking?

Solana: Gaza blockade should be eased and Hamas has to stop rocket attacks Updated: 24/Jan/2008 23:46 BRUSSELS (EJP)—The European Union’s foreign policy chief Javier Solana has called “urgently” for the blockade on the Gaza Strip to be eased in order to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinian people. In a phone conversation with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday, Solana said that the EU was deeply concerned at the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza. The EU top diplomat also said that Hamas had “to stop the rocket attacks across the border which endanger the lives of innocent civilians in Israel.” Solana added that the EU would continue to follow the situation in Gaza and on the Gaza border very closely and that he would keep in contact with the Palestinian President as well as other leaders in the region, including the Arabe League Secretary-General, Amr Moussa. The European Union urged the parties to the Middle East peace talks “to do their utmost to meet the commitments they made at the Annapolis Conference” and “to advance on the path to a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that was set out in Annapolis.”

Israeli, Palestinian leaders renew commitments to peace DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) — Israeli and Palestinian leaders reaffirmed here Thursday their commitments to the Annapolis peace process, with Israel urging the Palestinians to do more to rein in extremists, and the Palestinian side demanding easing of closure of the Gaza Strip. “Both sides are convinced that war is not the choice” Israeli President Shimon Peres told a session at the ongoing World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting. “We have got a partner of peace in the Palestinians.” “The majority of the Palestinians are sincerely in favor of peace. We trust them full-heartedly. They are sincerely trying to achieve peace (with Israel) as soon as possible,” Peres told the session under the theme of “Mideast: after Annapolis, after Paris” chaired by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the envoy of the Mideast Quartet. Peres said the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is now on two tracks: to solve the conflict, and negotiate the peace. Peres said the next 10 months are crucial for the peace talks, adding the hopes of a truce peace are “greater today.” Israel and the Palestinians hope to finalize the peace talks before the U.S. presidential elections in November this year.
The five-day Davos annual event, which opened Wednesday, has provided a good opportunity for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to talk face to face. Participants to Thursday’s session also included Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. “We cannot afford a failure, we need success,” said Livni. To achieve peace, both sides must make reconciliation and compromises, she said, adding that two states for two peoples is the only way out for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Meanwhile, she urged the PA to rein in extremists who are undermining the peace process, “we cannot afford an extremists’ state.” In his turn, Fayyad renewed the PA’s commitments to the peace process, saying “we are determined to stay on the course.” While stressing that the Palestinians took seriously Israel’s security concerns, he also urged Israel to further ease the closure on the Gaza Strip, where the situation on the ground was “very dangerous.” The closure by Israel had led to misery for the Palestinians, he said. In response to a sustained and intense barrage of rocket fire, Israel blocked Gaza and stopped all shipments except emergency supplies last week. Experts have warned that the Annapolis peace process could implode if something was not done quickly to address the Gazans’ plight. Tens of thousands of Gazans have rushed into Egypt to search for food and supplies since Hamas militants blew 15 holes in a security fence separating the Gaza Strip and Egypt on Wednesday.
Officials from the United Nations have called for an end to Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. The 15-member U.N.. Security Council is to meet Thursday to discuss a draft statement urging an end to Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip and to rocket firing into the Jewish state from the strip.

Power Play? (January 18, 2007)
Herb Peters questioned if it is an accident, given the rumors of Solana leaving back in October, that Europe is so desperately calling for the creation of the Foreign Minister position he would fill? It seems to the European leaders like their whole world is starting to crumble without a “Mr. Europe.” Is Solana making a power play? And will we see the European leaders give their power to him?
Speculation mounts over Solana leaving job EUobserver (October 2006) – Speculation is mounting that Javier Solana, the EU’s top diplomat, will step down for health reasons with the former Swedish, Slovak and Austrian prime ministers reportedly first in line to succeed him. Intense rumors about an end to the Solana era have been circulating in Brussels for the last couple of weeks, with several reasons being cited for his possible imminent retirement. One version says it became clear to the Spaniard during the Lebanon crisis in the summer that he could never really act on behalf of the EU, with member states refusing to give him a clear mandate. Mr. Solana also had to recently admit that his efforts to get Iran to halt uranium enrichment – which he had exceptionally handled on behalf of all UN veto powers – have stalled. On top of this, the deadlock on the EU constitution means that Mr. Solana will not get the job as official EU foreign minister – foreseen for November in the shelved charter.
Highly-skilled diplomat Generally, the Spanish socialist is seen as a highly skilled diplomat who has managed to survive seven years in the grueling position without facing much political flak. He is seen as at least having given a positive face to EU foreign policy – despite the domain being still very much in member state hands. But Austrian paper Der Kurier on Wednesday (18 October) reported that the 64-year old Mr. Solana could nevertheless soon step down – for health reasons. German chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly had a long phone call with the Spaniard last week in which he said he would follow his doctor’s advice and soon quit the job, otherwise “he would be dead in twelve months” – even if this is not visible in his appearance and in his statements. A press officer in Mr. Solana’s office however denied the report saying “there was not such a phone call.” “Mr. Solana’s mandate expires in 2009 and his post is not available,” she stated, adding that the Spanish diplomat jogs every day before work. more…

Merkel calls for EU constitution by 2009 Seattle PI (January 17, 2007) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday outlined an ambitious program for her country’s European Union presidency, saying the bloc must set a timetable for adopting an EU constitution. Merkel told EU lawmakers during her first appearance at the EU assembly that a decision on what to do with the constitution must be reached by June. The constitution was ratified by 18 states but rejected in Dutch and French referendums in 2005. Merkel said she would consult all 27 EU nations to hear their reservations about the landmark charter and to determine which parts can be rescued to form the basis of a new document. Germany wants to save as much as possible of the draft text, which was designed to accelerate policy-making and give the EU, now with 489 million people, more visibility on the world stage by creating the posts of EU president and foreign minister. “We need a foreign minister for Europe. That’s enough of a reason to adopt a constitutional treaty,” Merkel told the European Parliament, earning a standing ovation. “We must give a soul to Europe; we have to find Europe’s soul. Any failure could be a historic failure.more…

De-Facto Power Full Text From Herb Peter’s site, fulfilled prophecy (January 15, 2007)
The advantage of de facto power is deniability. Where there’s legal power, it’s an easy paper trail to those responsible. But where there’s de facto power, no such trail exists. The power, however, is just as real. And although legal power can be learned in school, de facto power is best learned in the streets.. This brings us to why I believe God’s people are failing to see what’s occurring. While they’re waiting for the the legal framework for the coming Antichrist to appear, the de facto framework may already be here.
Former German president Roman Herzog is warning that Germany’s democracy is threatened by the de facto power being exercised by Brussels. Herzog is reported saying, “EU policies suffer to an alarming degree from a lack of democracy and a de facto suspension of the separation of powers.” He also says, ” By far the biggest part of the current laws in Germany are agreed by the council of ministers [member states representation in Brussels] and not the German parliament” Read about it here.
As I’ve been reporting, the EU’s true seat of power is the Council of Ministers. This is where the EU’s 27 member states exercise their power over the Union. And, when their legal powers fail — which is quite often, their de facto powers kick in..
For example, the EU member states have created a de facto, super Foreign Minister post for their High Representative, Javier Solana. When the EU’s constitution failed — and the legal route was no longer available — the de facto route was taken. As of January 1, 2007, Solana has his de facto seat within the Commission — from where he can oversee his New European Neighborhood Policy.
Solana’s Middle East EU mandate, however, is not de facto — it’s legal. That was necessary in order for Solana to take the EU’s new Middle East peace plan to the Quartet and the rest of the international community.
The EU’s peace plan, among other things, calls for convening an international conference on the order of the 1991 Madrid Conference. This idea has been rejected by both Israel and the Bush Administration. Yet, on January 10-12, the so-called “Madrid+15 Conference” occurred. This meeting, referred to only as a reunion, brought together all the major international players from the old 1991 conference. Friends, no matter what they call it, I believe what we had was a de facto, international Middle East peace conference. Even though the conference was said to be unofficial, it was just as real.
Today’s news is about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s trip to the Middle East and a possible three-way summit between Rice,  PA Chairman Mahoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Read about it here. Earlier this month, while in Washington, it was announced that Solana would be following in Rice’s steps. And, after closed door talks at the Madrid+15 Conference, I believe Solana may have expressed the new feeling of most of the international community. Solana said, “the moment of action has come” Read about it here.
The last area of de facto power I will mention is in regard to the UN’s Alliance of Civilisations (AoC). As you know, I believe the AoC may be the perfect mechanism from which the coming Antichrist and his 10 kings can wage their foretold war against the saints of God. Although the AoC won’t be legally binding, it will — like all international treaties — be politically binding. In other words, the AoC will have de facto power. And, as I said before:
The advantage of de facto power is deniability. Where there’s legal power, it’s an easy paper trail to those responsible. But where there’s de facto power, no such trail exists.
The power, however, is just as real.

06/06/06: Full text From Herb Peter’s site, fulfilled prophecy (June 6, 2006)
Last night I was watching Fox News when I noticed the date on the screen. Sure enough, the clock on the wall indicated it was a little after 12. It was 06-06-06. My attention returned to Fox News and the story being reported. To my surprise, it was about the European Union’s top diplomat arriving in Iran. As I began to realizing who the story was about, the camera came in for a close-up and the reporter said his name. It was Javier Solana. Only hours before on the same network I had watched a documentary about how some people — both religious and secular — were anticipating the coming date of 06-06-06. Some people where uneasy and concerned. Others were actually a bit excited. I had thought the whole idea about the date meaning anything somewhat funny. Now I was seeing this. You see, this is the first time in the American media that I had seen Javier Solana at the center of attention. I’ve seen him before in the background — like while standing beside other important leaders, but never in the foreground like now. more…
How appropriate that Herb would see this layout at this time. This was totally out of his control that the media was covering this particular man. Why is this so appropriate? Considering his studies, the date he saw it on.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
Also, considering who he was meeting, the President of Iran. Why is this appropriate? Because of the Iranian President’s position on the 12th Mahdi, or Imam. I believe that will be the false prophet. So if indeed Javier Solana is the beast of Revelation 13, he could very well be meeting the President, not politically as assumed, but privately as friends, or subordinate. I wish I could be a fly on the wall! At any rate, expect to see amazing shifts in diplomacy, perhaps Solana will be able to fix this seemingly unfixable standoff with Iran and Israel/US/western world. I specify Israel because that’s where Solana traveled to Iran from. US because we’re the biggest backers of Israel and their biggest threat, and the western world because they follow the leader. Now Solana may just take that role of leader. Not only that, but He’s already the Secretary General of the EU, perfectly suited for the job. His office was created by Recommendation number 666! That’s two times now that some form of 666 is associated with Solana.
  • Recommendation 666 that created the office he now holds with the power that accompanies it.
  • The date he just happens to visit the President of Iran from Israel
Now why is this second reason significant at all? Well, not really except that I personally believe that the 12th Mahdi will be the false prophet of Revelation 13. He’s a religious leader, the Iranian constitution has provisions that when the Mahdi emerges, he will have control of Iran. Israel and Iran are the two main players right now, along with Russia and China, and all the other Muslim nations who want Israel gone. (Gog/Magog of Ezekiel 38,39)
What better way to bring Muslims under the political arm of the first beast, than to have a religious leader like the 12th Mahdi (Imam), who the Muslims would obey, declare him as their leader? Beheading is the execution of choice in the end-times, just like the terrorist Muslims in Iraq and more recently the desire to behead the Canadian PM. This isn’t the French version either. They like swords.
Revelation 6:8And I looked, and behold a pale [G5515 – greenish, verdant] horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
  • The banner of Islam is a green crescent moon and star.
  • The Muslim faith comprises about 1/4 of the earth’s population currently.
  • They like to kill/behead with swords traditionally.
  • Look at the poverty of the masses in the Muslim nations, especially those who aren’t Islam. Dictators and gangs take donated food and keep it to themselves away from the ones in need.
  • Death is a prevalent part of Muslim society.
I would say that death and hell have a strong grip over this quarter of the earth’s population that will be responsible for much death as a result of following their god’s instructions. Not all Muslims of course, but how many true Muslims will not obey when their leaders command them to do something? If they value their mortal lives, they’ll obey. If they know nothing else, why would they not kill? If their lives now are surrounded by death, why would this be any different, especially given the obvious power of their leadership over the whole world.
The President of Iran seems to be expecting the 12th Mahdi any time now. If Javier Solana is the first beast, then he’s probably making some policy right now for the future, perhaps even meeting with the Mahdi who hasn’t revealed himself yet? At any rate, I wish I were a fly on the wall there!

Happy Birthday Mr. Solana
Herb L. Peters mentioned that he and Constance Cumbey have a running joke wondering what Javier Solana will get for his birthday after the coincidental event that tied into Javier’s birthday that worked in his favor…
The Declared Vision: Reconciliation of Civilizations – The “Alliance of Civilizations” project was brought up by [Spanish] Prime Minister Zapatero during his discussions with Secretary-General Annan at last year’s U.N. summit. Annan insisted that a Muslim country should co-sponsor the initiative together with Spain. This offer was then taken to Turkey by PM Zapatero, and was accepted. PM Erdogan’s foreign policy advisor, Rafet Akgunay, and former Spanish Ambassador to UNESCO Maximo Cajal were appointed coordinators. After joint work by Zapatero, Erdogan and Annan, the project was officially announced on July 14, 2005. Turkey and Spain, which have both been victims of terrorist attacks, have been given the task of reconciling the Islamic and Christian worlds.
France and Germany agree on Mediterranean Union Malaysia Sun (March 3, 2008) – A new political body for nations on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea would be open to any of the 27 European Union nations that want to join it, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have said. Merkel and Sarkozy had been at odds for months over the ‘Mediterranean Union’, with the Germans upset at being left out of what they perceived as a unilateral French project. After dinner at a government mansion in Hanover Monday, Sarkozy denied there had been any dispute. ‘We are in agreement in principle and in detail,’ he said. ‘We’ve done some good work,’ Merkel added. Officials said the two leaders would propose at the EU summit next week that the Mediterranean Union be adopted as an extension of a lagging EU diplomatic initiative known as the Barcelona Process. The new project would be officially launched at the EU summit July 13-14 in Paris.”
July 14, 2008 is Javier Solana’s 66th birthday. (On 2009, January with his new powers and the new EU treaty in place he will be sixty six and six months.) stay tuned!
Friday, July 13, 2007 the stock market closed and so on July 14, 2007, Solana’s birthday the gold price remained at 666. The year before it was 666.30 on his birthday. See chart Just a little fact… coincidence? You decide, but keep reading…

Several months ago, I wiki’d Clinton’s history and Solana’s history and there was a common link in the 60s too (I wonder if they hobnobbed)… And what possible ramifications could this have if Hillary were to win the 2008 elections? Keep in mind that power is transferred January 20, 2009 and the HIStory, Our Future Bible studies place the revealing of the antichrist on February 16, 2009.
Revelation 13:3-5
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
Wiki on Clinton:
With the aid of scholarships, Clinton attended the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., receiving a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (B.S.F.S.) degree in 1968. It was at Georgetown, that he interned for Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. While in college he became a brother of Alpha Phi Omega and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Wiki on Solana:
In 1965 he went to the United States of America, where he spent six years studying at various universities on a Fulbright Scholarship.
Wiki on the Fulbright Scholarship:
The program was created through the efforts of Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright, who promulgated its passage through the US Senate in 1946. It is considered one of the most prestigious award programs and it operates in 144 countries. More Fulbright alumni have won Nobel Prizes than those of any other academic program, including two in 2002.

Antichrist’s Lineage from Seleucid Empire
Right now, there is one man that fits best the description of Bible prophecy. I need to find information on Javier Solana’s lineage because according to Daniel 8:8-12, the antichrist can be traced back to the Seleucid Empire. More on that here. This could disprove Javier as a candidate or re-enforce his position. If you’re good at this kind of thing, take a stab at it and let me know how it goes! It would certainly be interesting to see his family tree and from where they originated. Javier Solana’s Grandfather, “don Salvador de Madariaga” League of Nations Disarmament Chief:
Published 1929“It is a well-known fact that the League works on the principle of unanimity. The alternative to such a principle is a SUPER-STATE, since on the day a nation could be bound by decisions taken by an international body against its own vote, its own sovereignty would have been transferred to the international body in question…”
EU (Community) law – definitions: Community law is an independent legal system which takes precedence over national legal provisions. This is where the new world order is headed, a one-world government presided over by one man.

Why watch Javier Solana?
Post from Adamantine at FulfilledProphecy: Frankly seems like a lot of people simply do not understand history. Javier Solana is by training and experience the best educated most experienced longest serving world leader currently present in the whole world. By historical standards he is in the first rank. Obama should he become president (unlikely) or even Hilary (likely) are babes in the woods compared to this man. Solana has had his finger on the pulse of the military of Europe since 1995. There is no other leader in Europe who knows the nuts and bolts so well. He helped bring about NATO’s original partnership for Peace process which harmonized the military nuts and bolts of all of Europe. He has been the WEU leader for 8 years. He is head of the European Defense institute which houses the War college. As an orator we simply have not yet heard his quality. He did not get to be the spokesman for the Spanish government in the 80’s without public speaking ability.
As a diplomat he is first rate. That is why he won the Charlemagne award. He stands out as a world leader in any age. I suspect we have not yet seen his military genius but that will be evident only during war. He is a renowned diplomat. Hence he represents the EU as its chief diplomat as well as its chief military man. As far as the seven year treaty. It is unique in all of history!!!!
  • It is seven years, exactly, to the minute. Jan1 2007 -Dec.31, 2013
  • It is between Israel AND EU, (first in history)
  • It is strengthened (amazing!)
  • It is with “many” nations.
  • It was annulled in 2003 by the EU parliament but overruled by the European council. A precedent which shows it is not at all unlikely or impossible to be annulled.
  • It has a mid point review (highly suspicious)
  • It is designed, initiated and signed by a prince of Europe who leads a 10 nation military alliance. WEU (very compelling)
  • It has occurred in the first year that the EU called itself an empire (July 10 2007)
  • It starts in the same year the Sanhedrin first calls for the start of sacrifice (April 2 ,2007).
  • It is occurs during the same year when another likely treaty or “covenant with hell” is being considered. Nov 2007, 50 nations!!!!
  • It is sixty years from the founding of Israel and 40 from the taking of Jerusalem.. (biblical numbers of ? importance)
This leader is a genius diplomat, a genius scientist who likely worships a god of forces (physics) and has been linked to the number 666 multiple highly suspicious ways. I have continued to point out that gold hit 666.30 Dollars for the first time in history on his birthday July 14, 2006 and then one year later gold was at 666.00 Dollars the year of the treaty and the same day the EU first marches its army and all 27 nations down the streets of Paris for Bastille day July 14 2007. When Solana takes on his new powers in January 2009 he will be 66 years and 6 months old (charming) And all of this occurs during a time of great depravity. The WHO calculates that on average by age 45 (90%!!!!!!!!) (yep 90%!!!!!) of women worldwide have had an abortion. (!!!!murder!!!) I thinks this ranks up there with the days of Noah. I have tested this on 20+ people and no one ever was willing to suggest that the murder rate during the actual days of NOAH was 90%.
If it is not Solana then we should just all go to sleep because a man of this quality and opportunity will not likely come around again in our lifetime. The odds of setting up all of the above again boggles the mind and is beyond calculation. Solana fits the description many have been looking for better than any other man in all of world history!!!!! He is it. I repeat…. he is it until proven otherwise.

Solana claims credit for “Roadmap to Peace” Unsealed Prophecy (November 15, 2007) – Javier Solana, the High Representative for the European Common, Foreign and Security Policy, has pledged that the EU will play a very important role at the international peace conference to be held in Annapolis, Maryland later this month. He made the comments during a press conference in Israel yesterday, convened by the head of the Israeli negotiating team, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Solana said that he had discussed a number of issues with Tzipi Livni during his tour of the region, namely Israel’s desire to upgrade its relations with the European Union, increasing co-operation in fields such as science and technology, and they also discussed the need for a third round of sanctions against Iran in relation to its nuclear programme. He was also asked questions in relation to Europe’s involvement in the Middle East peace process. To that, Solana replied that the EU would have an important presence at the Annapolis gathering, and that the bloc would continue to play a very prominent role in the region after the event, taking on the responsibility of a monitoring mechanism, ensuring that both sides abide by any agreement that is reached. Solana reiterated his earlier statement, that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority was “doable” by the end of 2008.
Question: Mr. Solana, I would like to ask you what is going to be the role of the European Union in Annapolis and if you are confident that after the conference an agreement could be reached in eight or nine months?
SECRETARY-GENERAL SOLANA: The role of the European Union is to be part of the Annapolis conference and a member of the Quartet. Apart from being a member of the Quartet, so we’ll be there.. There will be a very important presence of the European Union and very important activity and contribution to the process – not only to the conference itself but also to the mechanism of follow-up, to monitor it if necessary, etc., etc. Now, you asked me if it’s feasible to file an agreement at the end of a period of eight months or something like that. I think by the end of the year 2008, it could be doable. It could be feasible. I don’t guarantee that will be done but I think it’s possible.
In regards to the American-backed “Roadmap to Peace” document, both Solana and Livni agreed that it was not necessary for the process to intricately follow the steps written in this document. The Palestinian Authority has not disarmed or disbanded terrorist organizations operating in its territory, as detailed in the first stage of the document.. As a result, Israel has not felt obligated to halt all settlement activity in Judea and Samaria. Instead, the Roadmap to Peace would be used as a final check, pending the future implementation of any agreement. For his part, Solana said it was doubtful that the Israelis or Palestinians could reach an agreement that did not follow along the lines of the Roadmap to Peace. The US takes much of the credit for initiating the Roadmap to Peace, following President Bush’s speech of June 2002. But from that time America has not played much of a peace-making role in the Middle East. During yesterday’s press conference, Javier Solana stated that he believed the Roadmap to Peace would be accepted by both sides, and based this claim on his working knowledge of the document, having actually written part of the document himself.
Question: I’ll ask one question for clarification, with your permission, Mr. Solana. You’ve been quoted in Egypt as saying that it is not absolutely necessary that the Roadmap be the point from which both sides have to depart and it is up to the parties to decide where they go, with or without that Roadmap. Is it absolutely necessary to work upon the basis of the road map or are there other avenues?
SECRETARY-GENERAL SOLANA: As you know, if the two parties get an agreement, they can do whatever they agree to do, with or without a Roadmap. What do I think? I think that they would not agree on anything that is very far from the Roadmap and therefore this is just a metaphorical question. I think that a potential agreement is around the terms of the first phase of the map. I would not say the whole of the map, but at least the first phase. I know it by heart because I wrote part of it. I think that potentially there is a way to implement whatever agreements may come out of the process that is happening in Annapolis. And I have the impression that it is practically agreed that the Roadmap will be accepted by both sides.
If you are wondering why Solana is referred to as “Secretary General”, it is because he is the Secretary General of the 10 nation Western European Union (WEU), the military arm of the EU. He is also Secretary General of the Council of the European Union, the highest legislative body in the European Union. So as we can see from yesterday’s news, the European Union has in the past, and will in the future, have a direct role in mediating and strengthening a future peace agreement between Israel and the surrounding nations – just as the Bible said. According to Scripture, I believe that the identity of the Antichrist will not be revealed until the Church is removed from the scene. What is clear is that there are individuals like Solana, heavily involved in this Middle East peace process, who presently have little public exposure. Perhaps once we are gone, this will all change.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-8
Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come] (Day of the Lord), except there come a falling away first (apostasy), and that man of sin be revealed (Antichrist), the son of perdition (destruction); Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth (hinders) [will let (hinder)], until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
I believe that according to Scripture, the identity of this Person that withholds the appearance of the man of sin is none other than the Holy Spirit working through the Church. For only God can be addressed as both gender-neutral and masculine at the same time. When the “salt” and “light” of this world is taken home (Matthew 5:13-14), then the way will be opened up for the appearance of this man, the Antichrist. Are you waiting for the appearance of the Antichrist, or the appearance of God’s Son from heaven (1st Thessalonians 1:10)? Turn to Jesus Christ for salvation today.
Isaiah 26:19-21
Thy dead [men] shall live, [together with] my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew [is as] the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

Solana & 666
So examining the information above, there come to light several key elements of Javier Solana linked with Bible prophecy through this number. Probably just coincidence.
  • July 14, 2006 (Solana’s birthday) – Gold closes at $666.30
  • July 14, 2007 (Solana’s birthday) – Gold remained at $666.00
  • 06/06/06: Solana’s first American highlights
  • When Solana gains his emergency powers in January 2009, he will be 66 years and 6 months old (Regarding the significance of 2009, please read the HIStory, Our Future Bible studies)
  • When the new US President is inaugurated January 20, 2009, Javier Solana will be 66 years, 6 months and 6 days old.

2008 Children’s Parliament Peace Prize:
Horns of King Reindeer
King Reindeer is the wonder of the creation. It’s snow-white and it has a light in the eyes and its horns glow in the night of Lapland.
According to Lappish people the spirit of Lapland and the magic of northern lights are living in King Reindeer. King Reindeer reigns over the area between the land and sky and it wanders there freely. King Reindeer gives people – for their health and balance of mind – the peace of wilderness, the freshness of four winds and the shine of the night sky of Lapland.
King Reindeer drops its horns once a year to renew and grow bigger ones that are better than ever – for the crown of the creation. The dropped horns of King Reindeer are found very seldom, perhaps once in a hundred year. This is a pity since the good will and hope of the universe become evident in them.
The King Reindeer Horn
The Universal Childrensstate is lucky; its order of knighthood – The Universal Goodwill – has got an old horn of King Reindeer from a dark-eyed Lappish boy. The boy heard an underwater tinkle in a mountain brook and found the horn in the brook. The boy named the horn “The Voice of Hope”. Now this horn is used to thank and award the benefactors of the mankind and to appoint them as the children of the universe whose fame and good labours will live for ever.

The Book Of DANIEL 7:8I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
February 5, 2008 Notice the picture above how there are three prominent horns and a little one on the side, well Javier Solana is the 2008 recipient of this prize, and it won’t be chosen again for 3 years:
“Javier Solana, European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, was awarded today with the Peace Prize of the Children’s United Parliament of the World (CUPW). Solana received this prize “for his valuable work in promoting peace according to the principles of the EU, what has had a positive impact on the lives and living conditions of European children and whole world.” This prize is awarded at the end of each three-year session of the CUPW, an international NGO setup in 1998 by Jyrki Arolinna, a former Finnish businessman. Today there are children’s parliament in 50 countries and their goal is to promote mutual understanding and peace.”

2007 Charlemagne Prize:
“The Charlemagne Prize is a citizens’ prize for distinguished service on behalf of European unification. By the will of its initiators, the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen is to be awarded for outstanding contributions to the cause of European understanding and communal endeavour, of humanity and world peace. It is to honour the fostering of United Europe with regard to politics, economics, culture, and the mind and spirit. The contribution can be made in the literary, scientific-scholarly, economic, and political sector.” link

The project called “Europe” is legitimated in historico-political terms by its mandate permanently to safeguard peace in freedom and to ensure the economic welfare and social security of its citizens. United Europe offers to the younger generation opportunities that the older generations, which had to endure two world wars, dared not dream of. But the numerous conflicts confronting us every day make clear that new dangers and risks loom – risks which are far more complex and diverse than suggested by their foreshortening to a putative “clash of civilizations”, and whose transnational impact can strike anyone and everyone. If the world order of the 21st century is to be an order of peace and freedom, the European Union cannot be an achievement limited to Europe alone; it has a global task.
United Europe therefore cannot afford to do without a community foreign and security policy. For only in the framework of community action can the preservation of common values and basic interests, the independence and the intactness of the European Union be ensured. And only in the framework of common action can Europe do true justice to its responsibility to settle existing imbalances and to foster peace in the world.
Mindful of this eminent objective which, six decades after the end of the Second World War, continues today to be both topical and urgent, and in recognition of his outstanding active commitment to a substantial European contribution to a safer and more just world, the Board of Directors of the Society for the Conferring of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen honours in the year 2007 the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary General of the Council of the European Union, Dr. Javier Solana Madariaga.
The European Union is a global trade and economic power and, with some 450 million consumers, the domestic market with the greatest buying power in the world. The Community and its member states account for over 50 percent of all public development aid. Nonetheless the Union can ill afford to settle permanently for the role of economic giant; rather, it is above all as a Political Union that it must speak with one voice.
Important as the economic and monetary integration of our continent has been and will continue to be, the stability of Europe is primarily determined by foreign and security policy. It is therefore indispensable for the Union to be firmer than it has been in the past in calling to mind its common responsibility; for the Europeans have a major contribution to make to
  • preserving the peace,
  • observing human rights and basic liberties,
  • strengthening international security,
  • fostering international cooperation and
  • developing and strengthening democracy and the rule of law.
With its choice of Javier Solana, the European Union has entrusted one of the most experienced and important makers of foreign and security policy with the formulation and coordination of a common policy of this kind; and it behoves all governments of the member states as well as the citizens in United Europe to join wholeheartedly in supporting him in this task, which will likewise generate meaning and purpose within the community.
Javier Solana Madariaga, who is married and the father of two children, was born in Madrid on 14 July 1942, growing up in a family of liberal-democratic persuasion. His father was a professor of chemistry, his mother a niece of the writer Salvador de Madariaga. After attending El Pilar, an elite private school, Solana began to study physics at the Madrid Complutense University; owing to his participation in protests against the Franco dictatorship his matriculation was cancelled and he had to continue his studies in the Netherlands, Great Britain and the United States, in 1968 earning a doctorate in physics in the USA. After working at the University of Virginia he returned in 1971 to Spain and taught physics at the Madrid Autonomous University until one of Franco’s last education ministers terminated his contract for political reasons. It was not until 1975 that he again got a science appointment – professor of physics at his alma mater, the Complutense University.
Politically he had already made a name for himself by this time. Having joined the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) as a student, Solana for many years headed the PSEO in the district of Madrid. The capital’s citizens first voted him into Parliament in 1977. At the inauguration of the Socialist government under Felipe González he was appointed Minister of Culture in 1982 (from 1985 serving as Government Spokesman at the same time). In 1988 he moved to the Education and Science Ministry. In July 1992, González appointed him Foreign Minister.
Cosmopolitan, knowledgeable, tough, persevering, but also conciliatory and suave in manner, Solana became a widely respected and successful diplomat. Special praise was voiced for his leadership during the Spanish EU presidency in the second half of 1995, when he helped to launch the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, later known as the “Barcelona process”. It was thus hardly surprising that Solana, in younger years an emphatic critic of NATO, received widespread support for his candidacy for the office of NATO Secretary General. He was officially and unanimously elected by the members of the Atlantic Alliance in Brussels on 5 December 1995, taking up his post some days later on 18 December 1995.
Solana’s activities focused from the outset on realigning the North Atlantic Pact towards eastern Europe. Of major importance in this connection was the security agreement between NATO and Russia, which Solana achieved after months of negotiations and which became the foundation of extensive disarmament measures. The membership negotiations with Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, widely seen as also setting an example for the European Union and its enlargement process, were successfully concluded on 27 November 1997; the accession of the new members to the Alliance followed in April 1999.
At the EU’s Cologne summit at the beginning of June 1999 the heads of government of the EU states named Solana Secretary General of the Council and the first “High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy” (CFSP, Ger. GASP) – before the end of his term of office as NATO Secretary General. In so doing, they were purposely committing themselves; for the person who was to formulate, coordinate and visibly present Community policy in this existentially vital field was vested from the outset with the authority of a partner, not that of a compliant civil servant. On 18 October of the same year, the Spaniard took up his new post. The ambassadors of the WEU states, aiming to move the military organization into the Community as soon as possible, additionally named Solana Secretary General of the West European Union.
Often attracting scanty public notice, Javier Solana, also known as “Mr. GASP”, has since then embodied the efforts of the EU to speak with one voice in central matters of foreign and security policy – in the trouble spots of former Yugoslavia, in Chechnya and in the Middle East, on the African continent, in the Philippines and in the Ukraine – while functioning as the main driving force of a European security and defence policy emphasizing above all the non-military aspects of crisis management. “Whenever and wherever in the world there is a flare-up, Solana hastens onto the diplomatic stage and Europe’s voice is clearly heard” (“Süddeutsche Zeitung”, 14 June 2001).
The swift transfer of the WEU to the European Union, the design (developed with breathtaking speed) for a European Rapid Reaction Force, and the successes achieved on the way to a solid postwar order in the Balkans – without Solana’s persevering efforts these things might well not have materialized, any more than the EU’s first international crisis-management operations and the new European security strategy.
The great esteem in which Javier Solana is held became clear once more on 29 June 2004 when the heads of state and government of the EU member states re-elected him to serve another five-year term as Secretary General of the European Council and as High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. In addition it was decided that with the entry into force of the European Constitutional Treaty, he would be the first foreign minister of the European Union, responsible for the coherence of the external activities of all EU bodies.
By virtue of his impressive personal record and the eminent policy-shaping task he has assumed as High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Dr. Javier Solana Madariaga has become a beacon of hope for the deepening of the political dimension of Europe, the Euro-Atlantic partnership and the European Union’s declared purpose to render a key contribution to world peace by means of community action based on common values and convictions. In honouring “Mr. GASP” in the year 2007, the Board of Directors of the Society for the Conferring of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen also expressly appeals to the member states of the EU to attach even more importance in future to the common foreign and security policy as a central and purpose-endowing component of the house of Europe.

2006 Carnegie-Wateler peace prize:
The Wateler Peace Prize is awarded annually by the Dutch Carnegie Foundation and is named for J.G.D. Wateler who, upon his death on on July 22nd 1927 “bequeathed his estate to the Dutch State, under the proviso that the annual revenue accruing from it should be expended upon the awarding of a prize to those who have made themselves meritorious in the cause of peace.” link

2003 ‘Vision For Europe’ Award:
“The ‘Vision for Europe Award’ is awarded each year in recognition of outstanding achievements in taking Europe into the future.” link

Welcome and Address by André Roelants, Chairman of the Edmond Israel Foundation
Introduction of H.E. Dr Javier Solana by H.E. Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Acceptance speech by H.E. Dr Javier Solana, European Union Secretary General/High Representative, 25 November 2003, in French
Concluding Remarks by Edmond Israel, Honorary Chairman of the Edmond Israel Foundation, 25 November 2003, in French

2003 ‘Statesman of the Year’ Award:
“Javier Solana received the ‘Statesman of the Year Award’ from the EastWest Institute, a Transatlantic think tank that organizes an annual Security Conference in Brussels.” link

More Information
And The Beat Goes On – Recommendation 666 Epilogue which covers some of the supporting information which has lead to the conclusions that Herb Peters has come to.

Javier Solana (November 1, 2006) – Vlast analytical weekly and radio station Echo of Moscow continue their joint Authorities project. This time, Europe’s main diplomat, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, will be spotlighted.
This is a glowing report of the diplomatic skills of Javier Solana after coming out of negotiations in Russia.

Constance Cumby’s Blog (May 07, 2005) – “Those reading me or viewing my CD Rom PowerPoint Show presentation know I have never proclaimed Javier Solana is the beast. I do confess to saying that he could well be an educated guess. I guess the only person the evidence truly convinced is SqueakBox who then proceeded to remove the evidence because he thought (with the help of his New Zealand Wikipedia ally, “One Salient Oversight”) that if that evidence were true, than he had to be the Christian ‘beast’ of Revelation. So, SqueakBox proceeded to eliminate all references to the Barcelona Conference (where Solana declared war on all religious fundamentalism, worldwide), to the ten nation Western European Union, to Solana’s job being established in the Europa documents as “Section 666”, and to Solana suggesting and receiving proposed near dictatorial powers over Europe for himself with “Recommendation 666,” and last but not least references to Solana’s long family history of anti-clericalism, his mother’s affiliations with the Rajneesh/Osho cult, and Solana’s taking hegemony over the Israeli-Palestine-Jordan neighborhood. SqueakBox proceeded to remove all of these and many others and then, inter alia, went on to publish a near libelous and inaccurate Wikipedia article on Yours Truly saying that she and Herb Peters were the originator of the “Solana is the Beast” theories.”
The Javier Solana Story by Constance Cumbey – as of April 17, 2007, this 7-part series focuses in on Javier Solana and just what he has been up to and how that is lining up with Bible prophecy.

Javier Solana by Jim Bramlett (December 5, 2004) – Javier Solana is a 62-year-old Spaniard who has acquired great influence in the European Union. He is apparently brilliant, has a doctorate in physics, and was a Fulbright scholar. He is a member of the Spanish Socialist party, and is a member of the Spanish chapter of the Club of Rome. His “career path” has been intriguing, to say the least. He was NATO Secretary General and chairman of the North Atlantic Council — NATO’s highest decision-making body comprising high representatives of the 16 member countries. Solana seems to have an almost magical (supernatural?) ability to negotiate and bring parties together in complex and hotly contested situations.
Examples Solana, under a mandate from NATO’s 16 nations, negotiated the Founding Act with the Russian Federation which was signed in Paris in May 1997 and which is establishing a new partnership of cooperation and consultation with Russia. Under a similar, separate, mandate Dr Solana also negotiated a new relationship with Ukraine culminating in the signing of the Ukraine-NATO Charter on a Distinctive Partnership in July of 1997. During his term in office, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, bringing together the 16 NATO nations and 28 Partner countries was set up in Sintra, Portugal, in May, 1997. The EAPC provides a political roof for consultations and cooperation on a wide variety of security-related issues among the 44 and for Partnership for Peace activities. He presided over the NATO Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Madrid in July 1997 when the Allies invited Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland to begin talks to join the Alliance. He is presently head of the European Union foreign affairs, with the official title of “High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy for the European Union.” This is an extremely strategic position. He is probably the most powerful man in the EU — and maybe the world. more…

Quotes of and by Javier Solana
We have finally decided that Europe will speak with one voice, that of Mr. Solana.” | Jacques Chirac Regarding Solana’s visit to Damascus for the Hariri inquiry Solana to Restore EU Ties with Syria (March 9, 2007)
Solana has the power and has had it since January 30, 1999. We are speaking with one voice through Javier Solana.” | Madeline Albright USA Secretary of State Regarding Solana being given sole power to make all further military decisions over NATO Balkan operations..
I agree with Javier Solana’s decision to do this.” | Bill Clinton March 21, 1999 in regards to the forthcoming bombings from the above quote.
Javier [Solana] is I think a personal incarnation of the world’s most effective institution of global governance, namely himself..” | Carlos Pascual, Co-Director, Managing Global Insecurity Project; Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy The Brookings Institution in an introduction to A Plan for Action: Renewed American
Leadership and International Cooperation for the 21st Century
Relations between the EU and Israel are also part of the Union’s wider efforts to contribute to a resolution of the Middle East conflict. The achievement of lasting peace in the Middle East is a central aim of the EU, whose main objective is a two-state solution leading to a final and comprehensive settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the implementation of the road map, with Israel and a democratic, viable, peaceful and soveriegn Palestinian State living side-by-side in peace within secure and recognized borders and enjoying normal relations with their neighbours.| Javier Solana
As I’ve tried to point out, the European Neighbourhood Policy does not replace the process launched years ago in Barcelona. It renews it, clarifies it and breathes fresh life into it.| Margot Wallstrom regarding the ENP and fears that it was replacing the 1995 EURO-MED [E.U. “ROMED”] Agreement
[The European] neighbourhood policy [ENP] is not a substitute for the Barcelona process; it rather underpins and deepens it.| Javier Solana December 17, 2006
The aim of the MGI [Managing Global Insecurity] project is ambitious and urgent: to launch a new reform effort for the global security system in 2009 … for the global system is in serious trouble. It is simply not capable of solving the challenges of today. You all know the list: terrorism, nuclear proliferation, climate change, pandemics, failing states … None can be solved by a single government alone.
| Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, European Union; MGI Advisory Group Member
We must make the best use of all the resources at our disposal. Collectively these are substantial: as the world’s largest aid donor we already make an important financial contribution to aid programmes and to humanitarian and reconstruction assistance. We have a global diplomatic network more than twice as big as that of the US State Department. We can use our diplomatic, economic and financial muscle to influence the behaviour of recalcitrant parties and aggressors.. But until now we have been unable to add military means to the measures available. This is now changing. Our aim is to integrate our military forces into a global crisis management strategy.” | Javier Solana, September 28, 2000 Link

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IS JAVIER SOLANA the Antichrist Decide for Yourself


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