Vampiric protesters, and more bloody news

Vampiric Protesters, and more Bloody News

29SaturdayNov 2014
Posted by hack deeper in dreambot, posts
The funny thing about keeping an eye on and posting trends in social dream language is that I don’t actually get to choose what I talk about. I’m as sick of hearing about Ferguson as you must be. But, that’s what the western media’s 24/7 news cycle is pushing, and so that’s what we’re dreaming about.
20141129 for US:  focus on ferguson, with a hat tip to ebola
20141129 for US: focus on ferguson, with a hat tip to ebola
This week, coverage is focused exhaustively and almost exclusively on Ferguson. As I publish this, the front page of CNN and the top of google news are both dedicated to Darren Wilson’s announcement of his resignation (I refuse to even link to them–you can find it); the newsmap at right, generated just before this latest aspect of the continued distraction, is also illustrative of the incessant barrage of coverage on Ferguson.
graph of weekly dream language trend for “protest”
Suffice to say, those who control the media want us thinking about racial division, protests/riots, and the police state. How has all the media focus on Ferguson manifested in our dreams?
Unsurprisingly, many people are dreaming about protests (see graph) and “cops” (up 220%). Some people are even dreaming specifically about Ferguson:
I dreamt about ferguson all night long
— Livvy // (@LivvyLivvy19) November 25, 2014
So, the media is clearly succeeding at pushing this divisive spirit into the collective unconscious, and as long as that continues, we will see protests further harden the police state.
Ferguson and the Blood meme
After my long post on the symbols of vampires and blood and how the cryptocracy has literally weaponized the human psyche, I took notice when the blood/vampire memes were twice associated with the Ferguson protests this week.
First, in NYC, a protester threw fake blood on the NYPD Chief; this wasreported widely and heavily.
Then, on Wednesday ISIS pledged to send “blood-drinking warriors” to support the Ferguson protesters.  If you think about it, this is some peak level ridiculousness from the establishment western media:  it is well-documented by now that it is the CIA funding and supplying ISIS.  Given the agents provocateur that riddled the occupy protests (I saw this first-hand, and all sorts of crazy DHS plots have since been made public) and the way this whole event has been scripted and promoted by the media, it’s clear that many of the violent protesters are also state-sponsored.
That wasn’t the only link from the Middle East to Ferguson — Obama himselfinvoked Ferguson in his speech to the UN about violent extremism.
When the Daily Mail runs the headline “ISIS supports Ferguson protesters: Islamic militants pledge to send over ‘soldiers that don’t sleep, whose drink is blood, and their play is carnage'”, and the DHS is controlling the response so fully that the governor of MO is left speechless as he suffers through press conferences, I basically see one psy-op giving a high-five to another psy-op. That’s why it’s peak ridiculousness–imagine a shadowy group of black ops propagandists in a smokey room, engineering these campaigns of ideas and symbols. There’s a special place in hell…
It’s just sheer ridiculousness.  I remind myself, this is what is required to wake up humanity. So, enough of that for now.
At any rate, that’s not the only news item that invokes “blood” and vampiricism:
The blood/vampire meme is still very active
The list of headlines goes on, but the infiltration of the blood/vampire meme actually extends beyond headlines in the news; it is continuing to make its way into our culture. I was also astounded to find that the Daily Californian ran a story called Blood is the New Black, which you really have to read to believe. It basically promotes vampirism, and I quote, “blood has become the substance everyone wants in his or her fangs“, and “blood is having a renaissance.”
Suffice to say, this blood/vampire meme is still very much activated in the human psyche, and the establishment is pushing this meme.
The holidays afford an interesting window into how current “daytime” events can influence our dreams. I myself had a Thanksgiving dream last week. I wasn’t alone:
turkey dreams
thanksgiving dreams
biggest trend breakouts in dream language, 2014-11-28.
biggest trend breakouts in dream language, 2014-11-28.
Thanksgiving is still showing among the top of the long-term trend-breakers, up 772% week-over-week (355% in 2-wk periods, as shown in image).
This is to be expected: around Thanksgiving, people dream about the holiday and things related to it like turkey (up 276%), hunger (274%), family (mama up 257%), and dinner (up 328%). Even Christmas got a boost (up 216%).
So, clearly, what we experience by day affects what we dream about. We don’t really need data to confirm that, we’ve all experienced it.
However, this is something we need to take into account if we intend to look for predictive patterns in dream data. You need to “factor out” the influence of daytime experiences, to the extent that it is possible (and indeed, it is entirely non-deterministic). The holidays cause a lot of energy and focus to be directed to these ideas, and sure enough, they show up in our dreams.

'Vampire therapy' could reverse ageing, scientists find

A transfusion of youthful blood may halt or even reverse the ageing process as two studies find that the chemical make-up of younger blood has surprising health benefits

Transfusions of young blood could hold the key to reversing the signs of ageing, scientists believe
Transfusions of young blood could hold the key to reversing the signs of ageing, scientists believe Photo: AP
Sarah Knapton
By Sarah Knapton, Science Correspondent
6:00PM BST 04 May 2014
It may seem the stuff of gothic horror novels, but transfusions of young blood could reverse the ageing process and even cure Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists believe.
Throughout history, cultures across the globe have extolled the properties of youthful blood, with children sacrificed and the blood of young warriors drunk by the victors.
It was even rumoured that the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il injected himself with blood from healthy young virgins to slow the ageing process.
Now scientists have found that young blood actually ‘recharges’ the brain, forms new blood vessels and improves memory and learning.
In parallel research, scientists at Harvard University also discovered that a ‘youth protein’ which circulates in the blood is responsible for keeping the brain and muscles young and strong.
The protein, known as ‘GDF11’, is present in the bloodstream in large quantities when we are young but peters out as we age.
Although both the discoveries were made in mice, researchers are hoping to begin human trials in the next two to three years, in studies which could bring rapid improvements for human longevity and health.
“This should give us all hope for a healthier future,” said Prof Doug Melton, of Harvard's Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology.
“We all wonder why we were stronger and mentally more agile when young, and these two unusually exciting papers actually point to a possible answer.
“There seems to be little question that, GDF11 has an amazing capacity to restore aging muscle and brain function.”
Last year the team discovered that the protein could repair damaged hearts. But the new study showed that that raising the levels of the GDF11 protein in older mice improved the function of every organ in the body.
Harvard stem cell biologist Prof Lee Rubin added: “We do think that, at least in principal, there will be a way to reverse some of the decline of aging with a single protein.
"It isn't out of question that GDF11, or a drug developed from it, might be worthwhile in Alzheimer's Disease.”
It is likely that the protein is at least partly responsible for the parallel finding by Stanford University that young blood can reverse the signs of ageing.
In the study, the blood of three-month-old mice was repeatedly injected into 18-month-old mice near the end of their natural life span.
The "vampire therapy" improved the performance of the elderly mice in memory and learning tasks.
Structural, molecular and functional changes were also seen in their brains, the study published in the journal Science found.
If the same were seem in humans, it could lead to new therapies for recharging our aging brains and novel drugs for treating dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease.
“We’ve shown that at least some age-related impairments in brain function are reversible. They’re not final,” said Dr Saul Villeda, of Stanford’s School of Medicine.
Ageing mice given eight infusions of young blood over three weeks improved their performance in mental tests of fear condition and locating a hidden platform in a water maze.
Evidence was seen of new connections forming in the hippocampus, a brain region vital to memory and sensitive to ageing.
Dendritic spines - finger-like extensions from the branches of neurons that are thought to play a role in memory formation - also became more dense.
Infusions of blood from other elderly mice had no effect, the study, published in the journal Nature, found.
“This could have been done 20 years ago,” said lead researcher Dr Tony Wyss-Coray of Stanford.
“You don’t need to know anything about how the brain works. You just give an old mouse young blood and see if the animal is smarter than before. It’s just that nobody did it.”
"Our data indicate that exposure of aged mice to young blood late in life is capable of rejuvenating synaptic plasticity and improving cognitive function.
"Future studies are warranted in aged humans and potentially those suffering from age-related neurodegenerative disorders."
Dr Eric Karran, from the dementia charity Alzheimer's Research UK, said: “This technically complex study looks at the effects of exposing old mice to blood-borne factors from young mice on age-related cognitive decline.
“Although the treatments tested here rejuvenate certain aspects of learning and memory in mice, these studies are of unknown significance to humans.

“This research, while very interesting, does not investigate the type of cognitive impairment that is seen in Alzheimer's disease, which is not an inevitable consequence of ageing.” 


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