Planet X is the Beast of the Apocalypse.

Planet X is the Beast of the Apocalypse.

Monday, December 14, 2015 10:55
14 December 2015,
To begin , I apologize for possible grammatical error , Know that I am a French author who publishes in English , to broadcast to as many people the truth about our history that is lost in the maze of time and which was also hidden us.
Knowing YOUR history is vital, because it depends on your future...
In my last video I showed you, the Pyramids, the Bible and the Planet X, all three were related and that Planet X is indeed real.
Also recently, have troubling information was published in the Mainstream Media like the .washingtonpost.
Strangely there would be two Planet, as I explain in this article, and from the information given by the builders , planet x  is 9450 km in diameter.
In a previous version of my article ” The return of Planet X “, I revealed his return date and I explained that the dimensions of the pyramid of Khafre ( Planet X ) brought out the number 666 and thus that this planet was the beast of the Apocalypse .
I deliberately suppressed this passage because the archaeological evidence unfortunately were destroyed and that my hypothesis was easily contestable 
Knowing that all I have is authentic reveals you and so consistent, I was able to find another way to prove it, that it is mathematical and therefore easily verifiable.
A little riddle …
As you know , the Cubits ” Star ” are symbolized by geometric figure : square, circle and triangle
see article “ Keys Of The Pyramid
In your opinion, what is the geometric symbol that builders have used to symbolize Planet X ?
Solution :
Cubit Planet X  = 0.91
0.91 corresponds to two cubits Earth ( [ 0.40 + 0.51 ] / 2 = 0.455 ), so two triangles .
Knowing that Px almost the same mass as the Earth  (see the pyramids appearance ) , so we can symbolize Px with two triangles .
The Hexagram is the geometric figure for Planet X.
In my book, my proofs were found in the Temple of Solomon, and with the Seal of Solomon who symbolizes Planet X, This is again confirmed…
As this symbol carries with it the number 666 , explained by many  authors ( like here ) , Planet X is therefore linked to the number 666 .
Knowing that Px is symbolized by the Lion, so a beast :
Planet X is the Beast of the Apocalypse.
But there is a second beast (entity) which carries this number too,
that of Solomon with its 666 talents of silver (P.Jovanovic) or VICARIVS FILII DEI
Apocalypse of St. John
”And he had power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. For it is a human number, and his number is six hundred and sixty to six. “

The return of Planet X

Article before the unveiling of the truth about the Builders.

Translated the  2 November 2015
Take the time to read because it is perhaps one of the most important information that you had under the eyes.
To understand the following article, you must have completed all her cheminent logical and coherent reading at least the preceding three articles in this order: the keys of the pyramid / Annex Px / Atlantis  .
It's a little long and detailed as you see, but it is the necessary condition for whether you're enlightened.
However it is not mandatory because I will try to recall the most important points. 
The demonstration shows that I just figured out how they write the message.
It will be useless and you will have that to look at it ... it's so simple that even your child understand that.
All this work has one goal, you know the truth, your history and our heritage.
This article will probably be my last.
I will treat the date of return of the famous Planet X, Nemesis, Tyche, Hercolubus...No matter the name, something is coming.
And this date as you will see, we have inherited.
The most important thing to understand is that the Sphinx of Giza marks the date of one of the largest catastrophe of mankind, known as "the Flood", this term hides indescribable earthquakes and devastating tsunamis, a result of its effects on our solar system, like a grain of sand is enough to tip the balance...
An inevitable disorder, which give way to a "New Order for Centuries" ... 
The secretive and elitist organization called the Illuminati knows with certainty that date , it is an indispensable basis for preparing their New World Order ...
( Climate change is the term encoded by this powers to discuss the upheaval caused by the approaching planet ...)
But you also , you know the date now.
SPHINX watched "his" constellation of LEO exactly opposite 10,915 years ago.
The double floor is the precession of the equinoxes
Is a cycle of 19,607 years after decoding (Annex Planet X).
Precession of the axis of rotation of the Earth: between 19000 years- 25000 years approx.
The angle of the floor is about 24 ° is the obliquity of the Earth's axis of rotation that causes the precession.
The builders give us much information related to the precession to mean that the Sphinx is well connected with the constellation Leo and precessionel cycle.
Using the position of the stars we can find a period in the past but also in the future.
A simple but above ineffaceable method.
It is this method that have used the Builders.
The builders of the pyramids are also the designers of the zodiac.
To mark the return of Planet X to the peoples of the earth, they have imagined and listed constellations to represent a danger to the chart to each respective period.
The era of Aquarius is when the next flood.
I doubt between two or four constellations, so two or four hazard. 
Leo and Aquarius or Taurus and Scorpio too.
Apocalypse of John: 
"Before the throne, and round about were four animals having eyes everywhere, in front and behind. (7) The first Animal like a lion, the second a bull, the third has human figure and the fourth looked like a eagle in flight. (8) These animals had six wings full of eyes outside and inside, "
1/2 constellation Scorpio1/2 constellation Scorpio
John, unfortunately describes an eagle when it was the constellation of scorpion. 
(In antiquity his name was Eagle constellation)
The four constellations are therefore also in the Bible and also announce misfortunes.
Cycle of the planet x   19,607 years / 4 = 4900 years approx
It is clear that the method is simple to tell us the return period of the Planet X ...
But it has one defect
It is not precise enough ...
The period of the zodiac is 2150 years approx, which is not worthy of Builders.
The Knowing well enough, they had to use something else to give us a more specific date.
Locate a particular star in the constellation will give you extraordinary accuracy of a few years or even a few months (six to be exact)
Yes but which star ?
I'm sure you'll find there now ...
It's obvious!
It's great simplicity and their incredible sign of intelligence!
The horns for Taurus, dart for Scorpio and Water (the flood) for Aquarius!
Now you understand why all ancient peoples were watched the sky. 
All archaeological sites, Maya, Stonehenge etc... pursuing this single vital goal.
For men the danger was on earth but in the sky too!
To alert them when to check the danger of the sky , the pyramids changed its appearance at the precise time of the equinoxes!
 Pyramid on the day of the equinox
Pyramid on the day of the equinox
Again the builders have designed a simple and accurate method for preventing ALL MEN.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Leonardo da Vinci
Just a word to the Lion:
It represents Planet X and its danger, but also:
the flood that occurred, the builders did not indicate his fangs or claws, but their heart.
"Al Kalb al assad: The heart of the lion", the Sphinx is in a quiet position, Serene, it monitors and builders have made ​​forever in heaven in light of all the peoples of the Earth, the most magnificent duty memory.
Information begin to match and only a demo will allow me to convince you. 
Virtually all my items are mathematical demonstrations and so are demonstrable.
And that's what we'll do now.
We have the precise date of the Flood Lion -8900 BC
-8900 + 4900 = -4000 BC
This date must necessarily correspond to a sign in the sky. 
I will use an astronomy program (Stellarium 0.13.3) and enter the same values ​​and references that demonstrate Bauval (see video) 
Date: -4000 BC
Sphinx Position: 29 ° N 31 ° E
Direction: East-Rising Sun.
Updated: Spring Equinox
The immensity of the sky, the indicated area is exactly between the two horns...
( I confess that I prayed a little :-) )
To be completely honest, I am not so surprised because unlike you since I possess the keys of the pyramid, all the doors open...
But I'm also still fascinated! 
As my math teacher told me: QED
A picture is worth a thousand words ..A picture is worth a thousand words ..
Now are entering the heart of the matter because what matters to us is today.
I proceeded in exactly the same way but I came across a rather longer period 
I then proceeded by trial and error to find a more precise date because I am convinced that "God" we said.
I put God in quotes to avoid offending some people, but this is the last time I do it.
Here Date:
Mercury = "Mercury, transmits according to mythology Jupiter messages. Commissioned but so light and clever, he can play on the circumstances, adapt to communicate ..."
Bible, New Testament Apocalypse of St. John, chapter 12:
"Then appeared a large meteor: a lady wrapped in the sun, the moon under her feet, her head crowned with twelve stars (2) She was pregnant and cried in pain and work of childbirth (3) Then.. a second meteor: a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven heads, seven crowns ... "
Second meteor = planet x,  first meteor = his satellite discovered there are about two months  (see Annex Planet X).
Here is the view, turning to the west of the Previous Image: 
The Moon under her feet, the head is precisely at sunset, exactly at the time of sunrise and the day of the equinox, it is literally "wrapped" with the sun, with the crown, the horizon and the twelve constellations.
The 21/03/2022 is the date given by God and His Messenger to Planet X which will be closest to Earth.
(Its effects on the solar system and our planet are already being felt. )
And as any firework that respects itself, now is the "final straw".
In a previous version of my article, I explained that the dimensions of the pyramid of Khafre ( Planet X ) brought out the number 666 and thus that this planet was one of the beasts of the Apocalypse .
I deliberately suppressed this passage because the archaeological evidence unfortunately were destroyed and that my hypothesis was easily contestable
Knowing that all I have is authentic reveals you and so consistent, I was able to find another way to prove it , that it is mathematical and therefore easily verifiable ,
A little riddle ...
As you know , the Cubits " Star " are symbolized by geometric shapes : square, circle and triangle .
In your opinion, what is the geometric symbol that builders have used to symbolize Planet X ?
Reply :
Cubit Planet X  = 0.91
0.91 corresponds to two cubits Earth ( [ 0.40 + 0.51 ] / 2 = 0.455 ), so two triangles .
Knowing that Px almost the same mass as the Earth  (see the pyramids appearance ) , so we can symbolize Px with two triangles .
The Hexagram is the geometric figure for Planet X.
In my book, my proofs were found in the Temple of Solomon, and with the Seal of Solomon who symbolizes Planet X, This is again confirmed .
As this symbol carries with it the number 666 , explained by many  authors ( like here ) , Planet X is therefore linked to the number 666 .
Knowing that Px is symbolized by the Lion , so a beast :
Planet X is the Beast of the Apocalypse.
But there is a second beast (entity) which carries a human number,
that of Solomon with its 666 talents of silver (P.Jovanovic) or VICARIVS FILII DEI
Apocalypse of St. John
"And he had power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. For it is a human number, and his number is six hundred and sixty to six. "
My job ends here, the second Beast is not my responsibility.
But of someone else ...
As there was a fifth Cubit, there is also a fifth constellation in  Builder's plan...
(Small star to the right of the sun ...)
33mn later you see it better... 
33 minutes later, Orion rises on the horizon with his gold belt exactly centered.
And as you now know who the Lion...
As you see, the intelligence of the builders and their plane were amazing, they were able to reconcile the extreme simplicity with the utmost precison, just as in my other article "the rediscovered Atlantis."
To design this plan is extraordinary.
Implement with men and explain to them is simply beautiful.
But the most incredible is to read the plan and derive as much information worthy of Wikipedia, without writing a single letter, not even a line, only stones, stars and the mind ...
The spirit of the golden section, the figure of God, mathematics.
The spirit of simplicity and goodness.
I am moved...
Those like me who sometimes despair of this world goes crazy, we find a little hope I am sure with this spirit of sharing.
For there is hope, trust me from the heart.
We are not alone...
In the sky have loved us and they like us again.
His covenant is everlasting.
An alliance between the Earth and the heavens ...
Like a sky arch ...
A sign of Peace, so do not let you abused ...
As I told you, this is probably my last article, it is free dissemination and sharing and even publish it under your own name if you like it.
My one desire and that we find our history that our forefathers bequeathed to us and which they have stolen from us.
The ultimate truth is in the book (for them v 1.618) it is for you to share ...(unveilled in the video)
The Builders has spent infinite energy and love for give us that message. 
To you, simply a click, just a click, not for me, because my approach is anonymous... not for you... but for our children.
And as the builders that simplicity will become a symbol of our intelligence.


The four Cubit of Ancient Egypt
The four Cubit of Ancient Egypt
Translated, 30 October 2015
The result of my research I want to share with you.
Many wonder why persit with the Egyptian cubits?
Because we think that behind the Egyptian cubits, hide symbols and universal mathematical relationships.
A brief digression to understand how I discovered that there were four cubits with excerpts from Discussion Forum.
A message that makes sense when I was only three cubits:
"I remember to have posted this on my post" New Cubit Theory "and my three cubits:
We realize that there is more cubit (see photo above) and I admit for the moment I do not have
answer to make; putting the coast at the moment and observe the other three ... "
"Tell me honestly what is the practical significance for the Egyptians to have four cubits?
This is nonsense and a source of complication in everyday life.
My hypothesis is that these cubits actually have a hidden meaning. "
When I challenged the official value 0.5236 with my debater makes me a mathematical proof (end of the articlehere):
"Very nice demonstration.
I read and my first primary human reflex is to seek a bug.
Then I started thinking (yes it happens me ).
As I can not deny your value 0.5236 and that I can not also at the same time reject my own cubit, not by ego but by the results they give me:
there is something wrong, so to speak ...
I discovered amazing things in my book, things that were literally before our eyes and no one has seen; What for ? because we were not looking in the right way ...
And I feel that with the cubit, is exactly the same.
Our mind is completely frozen on one Cubit and we have never asked the question:
and if there was not a cubit, but only mathematical ratios?
Say that the pyramid's dimensions not give us one, but multi information at the same time ...
Every Cubit is a mathematical relationship (0.5236= Pi / 6 ) would be a certain way as a filter that would give each information.
So instead of fighting with our cubits, unite us ... "
"Royal Cubit, sacred Cubit, Cubit Remen, Small Angled, each connected to a mathematical report and explains everything ..."
My debater (Thierry) shows me a mathematical representation of the King's Chamber:
The sum of all root exponent equals 100.
Question the official Egyptologists:
"Someone on this forum is there a breakdown of building blocks of the room?"
"South Wall: 36 / North Wall: 28 / West Wall: 18 / East Wall: 17 / Ceiling: 9
Total: 108 (99 without the ceiling). Phew, it was a close thing...
To be honest, one block from the intermediate passage between the bedroom harrows and extends slightly king bedroom on the east wall of the latter, bringing the number of blocks to about 99.2."
99.2...  0.2  block? or there is a block or no block, is it some kind of joke ! 
In short, you understand.
And with this detail I understood that Royal Cubit (0.5236 ) had a function.
First of values ​​and symbolic meanings through a video and a photo for those who do not know the formula.
(English sub / Video (3mn) before the discovery of four cubits)

Royal cubit = Pi/6 = 0.5236  
It is the official Cubit, it is the starting point in the plan of the builders.
Used in all its accuracy, it symbolizes mathematics, geometry, the language used.
For practical reasons I retain Cubit term even if it is not proven archaeologically other three.
Square cubit = Phi/4 = 0.40  
It symbolizes the square and the moon.
Circle cubit = Phi/Pi = 0.51
It symbolizes the circle and the sun.

Triangle Cubit = union of the square and the circle = (0.40 + 0.51) / 2 = 0.455
It symbolizes the triangle, pyramid, earth.
Before starting and for those who do not understand why associate mathematical relations with the metric unit, you should know that the meter is a creation of the builders of the pyramid, which was then establish by Franc- masons giving the definition of being a quarter of a meridian (thus circle 4...) to scale 1/10.000.000eme, more info here.
Each pyramid is associated with a Cubit of its own, with the exception of the pyramid of Cheops which is the mistress pyramid, the mother of all the pyramid and it is what allow us to understand the plan of the Builders .
The pyramid of Cheops, symbolizes first, the three geometric figures bases: square, circle and triangle exactly like the three cubits.
In this article I will go to the essential , you will find the complete decoding of the dimension here, here and here.
To be more readable and understandable to as many of you,
I will explain the similarities and "coincidences" in the form of drawings and symbols.

Decoding the dimensions

The first picture speaks for itself, it explains that the pyramid is mathematically any sphere.
40075 Earth circumference by the equator, 40007 by the poles.
The latest archaeological dimensions of the pyramid are used.
(Image  sphére : le dictionnaire visuel sphére : le dictionnaire visuel
In mathematical terms: 1 ÷ (2xPI) or 0.1592 
The following shows that this sphere is Earth.
Three cubits will act here as three keys on the pyramid of Khufu and reveal the plan of the builders.
Here are the bent double digit after the decimal point.
The code 450 + 1  is explained in the article "LANGUAGE OF BUILDERS"

(For egyptologist who ask me archaeological evidence: the circumference of 40,000 of the pyramid of Khufu also corresponds to 40,000 vases found in the pyramid of Djoser ...)
Vidéo :
Or how builders showed us the original "Divine" of Earth ...
On my previous sketches I bent my Moon cubit intervene directly on one side of the pyramid but I've realized that taking blow after one side of the pyramid that fell on the moon size, because it is 1/4 of the earth!
(We understand at the same time, the extraordinary depth of the Plan Builder, for the moon cubit is a reminder  1/4 of a square, which itself symbolizes the house,  in countless cultures ... )

I realized later that it was a mistake that the moon cubit did not intervene here ...
When I discovered that the Pyramid symbolized the Earth during the writing of my book, I had enjoyed making comparisons between the two pyramid and the other planets, but I did not find any similarity.
I have always had a strange intuition that Mykérinos (smaller) can be the moon, then I redid my calculations with GOOD KEY, Moon cubit.
The measures used:
Many disparities in official measures of 102m to 106m ...
some logical view it over "4000 years" and above it the smallest and therefore more fragile.
I use that of Wikipedia is a good intermediate.
"The base of the pyramid is an almost regular square 104.6 meters on each side. The faces of the tilt angle here is 51 ° 20 'with rising initially monument nearly 65 meters high"
If the Pyramid of Mykhérinos symbolizes the moon, what is the Pyramid of Khafre between Earth and the Moon? 
The Pyramid of Khafre is a planet and as there can be no planet between the Moon and Earth,
builders send us a message:
This is Planet is an ANOMALY.
I discovered amazing things in my book, information and messages, but I was missing one thing:
I never believed in this theory.
Yet it solves the idea of ​​warning and thus a mandatory cyclical.
I do not fit into the subject more as there's info on the web.
What follows is you will see quite pleasant and it's the kind of enigma that I appreciate solve.
In their comprehensive plan, the builders of wear out all their energy and intelligence to provide us with information.
So if we follow the reasoning we should be able to have information on this pyramid and therefore on this planet.
You follow me ?
As I become familiar with the method of calculating it will be very fast.
Yes, but what cubit use, Earth, Moon, Sun?
So ... I miss a cubit; a fifth Cubit ?
And that's where I'm proud of myself, because I know where it is hidden :-)
There is in the King's Chamber something that had always tittiled me ​​...
Take 2 minutes to find it.
(I put 1 mn to find, 5 minutes for the change and 6 hours to take the first solution!)
And the one who told me that the stallion is the guy lying, out there ...
These small holes had always intrigued me and I knew in my heart that they had a purpose.
The commonly accepted that they was  used to lock the cover on the "sarcophagus" but
why then, the builders they placed only on one side?
These are not holes for a locking system but the symbolization of four standards and therefore four cubit.
I have in my possession three stars cubits (Moon, Earth and Sun) is the fourth planet from x.
The total length is therefore 227cm63:
CUBIT X = 2.2763 -0.51-0.45-0.40 = 0.91m
(Strangly the value of two cubits Earth, so two triangle…may be you can now understand the Seal of Solomon’s…)
We now understand why the builders wanted to draw our attention to the coffer volume ...
Now that we have the fifth stallion and we have the dimensions of the pyramid we can calculate its size.
Khafre 215m
There are many subtleties and pitfalls to avoid.
I actually the correct size because I followed my thoughts instead of following the logic.
I got 9450 km at the beginning but I thought it was a mistake because the Khafre pyramid should have been smaller than Mykérinos.
I modified the calculation using the royal cubit to find a dimension to roughly similar to the pyramid (43000km) but I was following no more logical flow and thus betrayed consistency.
I understood the significance of the large size of Khafre in relation to its dimensions:
This is his MASS.
It is almost as massive as Earth with the size of the Moon.
Date of return?
And all this with only stones ...
I create a schedule part- Planet x- after this article to gather additional information.
Please share, because it is the only manner for the moment to broadcast the truth about our history and even our future ...
Appendix Planet x
Requires reading section " four cubits, four keys " before.
Hello everyone,
Here's a short introduction necessary for the important article on the revelation of the return date of the Planet x .
So here are some complementary information that the builders of the pyramids wanted to send us .
Let's start with its characteristic and then returning without going into detail at this time
Translated 01, november 2015
Aspect of the Pyramid of Khafre.
" The pyramid is built of horizontal courses. The stones used at the bottom are very large, but as the pyramid rises, the stones become smaller, becoming only 50 cm (20 in) thick at the apex. The courses are rough and irregular for the first half of its height but a narrow band of regular masonry is clear in the midsection of the pyramid. At the northwest corner of the pyramid, the bedrock was fashioned into steps.[8] Casing stones cover the top third of the pyramid, but the pyramidion and part of the Apex (geometry—apex) are missing.
The bottom course of casing stones was made out of  pink granite (red granite of Aswan ) but the remainder of the pyramid was cased in Tura Limestone. Close examination reveals that the corner edges of remaining casing stones are not completely straight, but are staggered by a few millimeters."
Covering the pyramid of red Aswan granite and limestone, the builders indicate its size in relation to its mass  and that my reasoning was correct.
Think their system is more advanced than our by adding a physical characteristic additional in their construction.
Its size with his cubit and a different face, and Its mass with the volume of the pyramid.
Their manner of thinking if more evolved than us!
If you have before you two perfectly identical objects, but which one would be twice as heavy, you requite not even realize yet that changes everything...
"Or how to tell its small size and a large mass ..."

Map Giza site
It has a satellite
It has a satellite

I explain in my book that before this decoding, the red granite of Aswan
symbolizes the blood and so, red color.
So here is the extremely detailed description of the Planet X
So we have the size, mass, its appearance, its satellite but we lack the critical date of return.
It is obvious that the builders have given this information and I think I found us.
First we need a referential or a starting point and that is Robert Bauval (first) gives us that
SPHINX watched "his" constellation of LEO exactly opposite 10,915 years ago
Sphinx looking at his own image is not a coincidence but the evidence that they are also builders who created the zodiac and constellations!
To mark this date they watched the stars and imagined an easily recognizable figure and a symbol of danger.
The position of the star and thus the date
The position of the star and thus the date
and method to easily mark the date.
and method to easily mark the date.
Associates these stars to a horse would have been wiser and simpler, more the horse is much more widespread in the world as the lion, but it does not symbolize the danger.
The date of construction of the Sphinx is also the date of the creation of the zodiac by the builders. 
Wide of Giza site
The double floor of the Sphinx symbolizes the precession cycle.
As we have seen in the previous decoding, all dimensions are beings multiplied by 10.
So :
5000 / 0.51 ( circle cubit ) = 9803 years
Is a cycle of 19,607 years
(Precession of the axis of rotation between  19000 and 25 000 years )
The angle of the floor is about 24 ° is the obliquity of the Earth's axis of rotation that causes the precession.
The builders give us information related to the precession to mean that the Sphinx and well connected with the constellation Leo and precessionel cycle.
Date of return of Planet X or the next flood?
Just look at the constellation that is the opposite of that of Leo.
Current situation :
the axis of rotation of the Earth will reach its closer alignment with the North Star (Polaris) in 2015 and then in gradually depart ...
If we consider this maximum precession with Tetrade  (2014/2015), solar eclipses that pass through the poles exactly one day of the equinox and the first day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar, we are in a sacred crossroad!
 If you have not read the book, you can not understand why the Tetrad return to my explanation. If you have not read the book, you can not understand why the Tetrad return to my explanation.
But it is not finished...
There is another constellation in the plan of Builders...


There are several messages conveyed by the builders, I treats only one here:
they helps us understand that the pyramids are connectes with the sky (Earth, Moon and Planet X).
Planet X is it observable? 
Only a very powerful telescope and operating in the infrared could detect it, so you can forget all the photos that are on the net about Niburu , Planét X etc...
Two of the most powerful telescopes belong to the Mount Graham International Observatory.
The first LUCIFER!
I'm not kidding ... and the second is the TUAV and it is up to the Vatican ..


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