Are You Aware of the Fact Many of the Teachings of Jesus Christ Found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — Dramatically — Conflict With the Teachings of Nominal Christianity

Are You Aware of the Fact Many of the Teachings of Jesus Christ Found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — Dramatically — Conflict With the Teachings of Nominal Christianity

Tuesday, January 3, 2017 11:52
When confronted with the contrary teachings of Jesus Christ the vast majority of “Christians”  ignore the Words spoken by Jesus Christ or simply change the subject.

It is difficult to twist the very clear and concise Words of Jesus Christ —– very clear -– BUT CONTARY — to what 99.9% of so called Christianity has been taught.   
Most either turn and walk away or attack the person foolish enough to point out the conflicts— as is being done within this paper and yes –  the attacks will come.
Matthew records a bold and very clear statement which is rarely — if ever — quoted by preachers, pastors or ministers of any “flavor”. 
Actually the statements in Matthew alone negate the entirety of the doctrines of what today is called “Christianity”.

Here is a shockingly contrary COMMAND spoken by Jesus Christ few professing Christians believe our Savior Jesus Christ would, could or did make.

Matthew 23

First we will review the known facts:
Jesus Christ was speaking TO HIS disciples, see verse one.
Moses for 40 years judged all 12 tribes using ONLY the TORAH.  See Exodus.
The Torah: the 5 books Moses copied down as God Himself spoke the words to Moses while on the mountain with God for 40 days and 40 nights. See Exodus 24: 3, 4.
The fives Books of the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are also called “The Book of the Covenant”.  Exodus 24: 7.
During Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness and when they entered the Promised Land the only  “WORD” God had given Israel was the TORAH.
If you doubt this fact then explain how the balance of the Old Testament could have been written — before the future events had even happened events like those found in the book of Joshua?
The word  in the Old Testament translated “Law”  in most cases is the Hebrew word  *8451  “TOWRAH”  i.e. Torah.  In Old Testament times the word translated “law” meant not just the 10 Commandments, which are part of the Torah, but included the Law, the Statutes and the Judgments.
Genesis 26: 5 states Abraham kept the LAW . Check that word in verse 5 it is Torah. Did you know Abraham kept the Torah even before it was given to Moses on the mountain?
In the days Jesus Christ walked the earth the sect of the Pharisees had charge of the temple and judged the Jews using the LAW i.e. the Torah.
Thus the Pharisees, in Christ’s day, were sitting in the seat of Moses i.e. the seat of judgment using the Torah i.e. the Law to judge all of the Jews.
Christ in verse 2 stated this as a FACT: The scribes and the Pharisees — sit — inMoses’ seat:”.
Here then is the problem for “Christians”:  
Jesus Christ told HIS disciples what ever those sitting in the Seat of Moses told them to observe and do —- THEY ARE   TO   “OBSERVE “  AND  “DO’!
This is a most unfortunate scripture for so called Christianity  most of which teach the Torah, the Law, the 10 commandments, the Old Testament are totally fulfilled i.e. ended, abolished and done away by falsely claiming they were nailed to the  cross stake of Jesus Christ.
But as you read above in verse 3; that is  not so  according to our Savior and soon coming King.
NOW!   How may I ask will – you – handle this Command of Jesus Christ??  Will you simply turn and walk away cursing the one that brought it to your attention under your breath?
Most claiming to be Christian will turn and walk away. This command by Christ just does not compute with all they have been told over their life time and would totally disrupt their lives.
Was this command by Jesus Christ only for the 3 ½ years of His ministry ending with His death??   Many would agree the “WAY of Righteousness” Jesus Christ lived — end at His death.
Why would Christ teach for 3 ½ years a WAY of LIVING, which is what the Torah teaches, THE  PERFECT WAY that would vanish at HIS death?  If that make sense to you, that Christ would teach as TRUTH something that was only valid for 3 ½ years  –  I have a bridge to sell you, cheap!
One other very important fact never taught by main stream Christianity profoundly effects the Words of Jesus Christ quoted in this paper: 
ALL  THE  WORDS  spoken by Jesus Christ in the first 4 books are NOT expounding some   “NEW  WAY of Christ”,    they are not  — “a dramatic  180 degree change” —  Christ was NOT — altering  – even ONE ‘period’ or ONE comma to that OLD WAY of God the Father.
What Christ came to this earth and taught –  CAME — FROM HIS FATHER;  it was NOT some new WAY that Christ devised apart from HIS FATHER.   Christ was NOT replacing the doctrines of HIS FATHER.
He did come to add NEW and Better PROMISES to the Covenant thus making eternal life possible to those HIS FATHER called.
John 15

Thus ALL, every single WORD,  Jesus Christ taught and spoke and did — came from HIS FATHER and there are scriptures confirming that FACT.
The Father and Jesus Christ are of ONE MIND, the same exact Divine nature, the same HOLIENESS, the same Righteousness, They are  “ONE”   IN ALL THINGS.
Jesus Christ came to “DO” ONLY THE WILL OF HIS FATHER.
John 5
Jesus Christ was sent to earth – BY — HIS FATHER to DO the WILL of HIS FATHER. 
Jesus Christ did not come to earth on HIS own accord to subvert or circumvent the WILL of HIS FATHER !!!!
Why is it that the 40 K flavors focus on Jesus Christ and down play HIS Father?? 
Because they all believe God the Father is the one that put in place all those “harsh” burdensome” “evil”  Laws and Christ HAD to come to take away HIS FATHERS  LAWS and bring to us — “LOVE’. 
That   IS   another lie of SATAN, the father of lies.

We are not finished there is much much more that will confound, confuse andgreatly anger those of the 40,000 kinds of believers.
Matthew 3
Christ was baptized by John: Christ was submersed under the water — by John:  water baptism is a requirement for salvation and Jesus Christ, our example we must follow, told John to baptize HIM.
Jesus Christ was almost 30 years old when He was baptized by John and had lived by and taught the TORAH during His 30 years and to HIS FATHER — this was very pleasing.
Our Father in heaven was pleased with HIS Son who only did HIS Father’s Will. Thus that WAY taught by the Torah must be the Father’s WILL?
But according to 99.9% of Christianity, Christ only came to free THEM from having to bear the “burden of that evil harsh law” of the Torah.
According to many;  Christ came to give His Disciples “freedom” and to teach the way of” love”.  “Free at last” from under the bondage of that harsh law they all shouted.
Freedom from the penalty of sin – OR - freedom from the LAW which defines what SIN IS ?  Which is it??
One must then logically assume that for 99.9% of so called Christianity to be actual saints of God – it must then follow — that after Christ’s death — living by the Torah no longer pleased God the Father. 
To accept that lie  – a person must also accept the possibility that our GOD who is the same today and tomorrow and forever DOES  CHANGE even after He has stated “I CHANGE NOT”!
Jesus Christ IS the pioneer of the salvation process; Christ took every necessary step as our example to follow, every step we also must take to gain the GIFT of eternal life. Jesus Christ performed all “Righteousness” FIRST, before any man had done so. See verse 15 above.
Christ was baptized, submersed under the water, Christ was under the water and came up “out of the water” we must also “follow” Christ and be baptized.
Many today reject water baptism as an unnecessary “ritual”  but seek  what they term; “the baptism into or by the spirit” which delivers the wonderful “gift” of speaking in demonic tongues. Something neither Christ nor His disciples taught or performed. EVER!
And after Christ’s was baptized in the water, what occurred next?  Jesus Christ received the gift of the Holy Spirit
Verse 16 states the Spirit of God i.e. That Holy Spirit of the Father, descended like a dove and lighted upon Christ??  
Did Christ right then begin to speak in unknown tongues??  Please quote that scripture for us, give us book, chapter and verse!
Jesus Christ was given the gift of His Father’s Holy Spirit — by the laying on of hands and it was His Father’s hands that were laid upon Christ after His baptism by John.  It is very doubtful any will accept the fact it was His Father’s Hands that were laid upon Jesus Christ.
Have you ever watched a dove land? It wings are like hands as they move up and down.  The scripture says “like a dove” not, it “was” a dove and the Spirit of God came by that “dove like” action and came upon Jesus Christ.
If it was not the hands of God the Father, then what?  God the Father’s spirit is not a ghost and neither is it a dove?? Acts 6: 18 the Spirit comes by the laying on of hands.
Christ, to set the example for us, was the very first to receive the gift of the pouring out from heaven God’s Spirit as prophesied by Joel.  Jesus Christ was the “first’ of the first fruits to receive the Spirit.  Christ is the first fruits wave sheath offering offered during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The 120 disciples on God’s Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem were the beginning of that first early spring harvest of God’s  “First Fruits”.
Jesus Christ being the first of the first fruits was first in ALL things. It is interesting that Pentecost is also named The Feast of the First Fruits.
The spring barley harvest at Jerusalem begins at Passover and ends at Pentecost and the 120 were the first to receive the pouring out from heaven of God’s Spirit as foretold by Joel and it was God the Father’s  hands once more, that were symbolically  laid on the 120. The tongues/fingers of fire were the hands of GOD the Father: our God is a consuming FIRE. Hebrews 12: 29.
             Acts 2
‘Divided tongues’ may also be understood to be the  fingers of God’s hands and as there was no one living on earth that had dwelling in them God’s Spirit who could pass on that spirit by the laying on of hands – God the Father began HIS CHURCH WITH HIS OWN HANDS.
The first three steps in our salvation process are:
First; repent of transgressing the HOLY Law:
Second; be submerged under the water: water baptism
Three; receive the gift of the Holy Spirit of the Father by the laying on of hands.
Christ had no sin to repent of but TO  “fulfil all righteousness.  He set the example for us to follow by being baptized in water and by the laying on of hands of His Father.
I rarely come across a person that has even heard of this foundational doctrine of Jesus Christ;   “laying on of hands’.   See Hebrews 6: 1 -3

Within just Matthew 23: 1 -3 and chapter 3: 13 – 17 can be seen the vast difference from the teachings of Jesus Christ and that of so called Christianity.
If this writer were to document what can be easily found in the first 4 books of the New Testament it would become a massive paper.

Chapter 4
The “WORD of GOD” Christ is speaking of can only be what we call today the Old Testament and THAT  TESTAMENT has been rejected by the majority of what is called Christianity.
Needless to say, today so called Christians pays  little if any attention to that Old Testament and CLAIMS Christ abolished it by some how “fulfilling it”.
Thus very few live by EVERY WORD of God found in the Old Testament as Christ has commanded we should do.  Many reject that WORD which DID PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD and in its stead seek by a baptism of a spirit — “a  spirit’  to pump into there minds what ever understanding they are seeking.

Chapter 5
Ask anyone and they will tell you “they are headed for heaven”, they are being ‘called home’ to heaven — from where they think they came from I guess, they have immortal souls don’t they??
Most want to escape this earth as man has just about destroyed it or will soon and most of it is no longer fit to live in.
Revelation 5: 10 further states the Saints will rule with Christ here on the earth.
Is there a clear statement found any where telling Christians their reward is heaven?  I have yet to be shown even one.  But you are going to be raptured to heaven? – right?

Chapter 5
Most want that word “fulfill” to mean “ended”, but that word also means “complete” and “fill to the full”.  
When a puzzle is “complete”  what does that mean, that you have inserted that LAST Missing PIECE and that is exactly what Christ did?
The Law in the first Covenant was only physical and Christ “inserted” the missing piece; Christ “completed’ or ‘fill to the full’ the LAW by inserting the SPIRITUAL aspect of THE LAW into the Spiritual Covenant.
The law is now both physical and spiritual.  Murder was only a physical action, actually killing a physical person but now murdering a person only in ones mind —is SIN.  Christ completed the LAW by filling it to the FULL.
Ask anyone and they will tell you Christ “fulfilled” the law which ended it, and nailed it to His cross  stake, I guess they think Christ misspoke on this one or was a little confused.
I hope all understand any translation of the Bible is slanted by the translators according to their own beliefs. Most Hebrew or Greek words have many different meanings and the translators select the meaning which will match their own beliefs.
I am not come to destroy,  but  to fulfil.”  Actually means to so called Christianity —  “I — really — came to abolish the Law”?? — That belief can only be held by those refusing to allow Jesus Christ to rule over them and our Savior has revealed in many statements how those folks will be handled.
            Luke 19    

AND verse 19forgetaboutit”! this verse is just universality ignored.  Verse 19 is very difficult to twist so just ignoring it is the best avenue to take for most “Christians” that “love the Lord” but do not want Him to rule them.
Chapter 5
Jesus Christ has put a big stumbling block in the way with these following statements. Christ is not tell us the Commandment against committing adultery will be abolished — NO !  – Christ states unequivocally  “whosoever shall marryher that is divorced — committeth adultery.” —- Jesus Christ has reaffirmed that adultery is a COMMANDMENT and if you break that Commandment you have sinned.
WHY ??     Why has Jesus Christ just confirmed the 7th Commandment??  Why did Jesus Christ knowingly and deliberately made this statement confirming the 7th Commandment if He was going to abolish it at His death?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this one.
And we are still — just in the 5 Chapter of Matthew and find ourselves far far from main stream Christianity. 

Chapter 5
This next statement by Jesus Christ is is????   Well !  Just read.
Jesus Christ to become our Passover  had to BE “PERFECT” i.e.  without SIN:exactly as our Father in heaven is perfect and without sin and here Christ is instructing HIS disciples to be perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Jesus Christ in all 4 books taught those that followed HIM were to LOOK  to HIS FATHER for all things.
Now wait just a minute !!!
If Christ followed His Father perfectly and His Father – IS — perfect,  then Christ had to be perfect as well —-  because Christ followed His “perfect” Father and did only His Father’s WILL.             
Christ lived by the Torah i.e. by the LAW perfectly without SIN to become our Passover !!!  
Does that not mean the Father also must lives by the LAW AND does this scripture not then tell – us – to be perfect as our Father in heaven IS  Perfect!! 
We then — “to be come perfect”,—  must also live by every WORD of GOD which — INCLUDES the LAW  — just like Jesus Christ and His Father live perfectly — BY THEIR OWN LAW!
Don’t you just love God’s Logic !!
So called Christians hate God’s logic!

If you are still reading you are most likely one out of 50 as 49 folks quit long ago as truth as spoken by Jesus Christ is very confusing to them and actually angers them.  This “Jesus” IS NOT the Jesus they have come to know.
Chapter 6
Christ instructed His disciples to pray to “our Father” and not to Him or His mother or any dead human. By the way Christ is alive and no longer a flesh and blood human, He is SPIRIT.
We are to ask our Father for our needs using the authority of Jesus Christ i.e in HIS name and our Father will reward us openly for doing so.
Is this even taught today ???

Chapter 7
40,000 ‘kinds’ of churches!   Logically why aren’t those 40,000 churches “The Broad way”?  If not then what is that “Broad way” —-  which leads to destruction according to Jesus Christ?? 
Give us specific details describing that Broad way so we can avoid it. Some will counter “it is following the ‘traditions and rituals’ of the Torah” — because I would guess —  so many  – are following the Torah today??  Really???
So out of 1.5 billion that “Broad Way” is the 10,000 + – that observe and DO the Torah?? The 1, 499,990,000 are not the broad way?? That makes sense?
Does Christ state the whole Christian world i.e all of so called Christianity , is going to find that strait gate?? Or only the    FEW?
It is estimated there are about 1. 5 billion that claim to be Christian and they are scattered throughout the  40,000 differencing varieties of churches.         Is that not just a little confusing?? No  it is very confusing!
Would you call 40,000 different ways of being a so called Christian — a narrow or strait gate? If it is the few that will find that strait gate and that narrow WAY—– Is 1.5 billion a few?  
How would you go about eliminating churches to end up with that one right oneor as many believe ALL are right, all 40K ??
Sorry, I must view life and all things in a logical, orderly and lawful manner other wise my life would become as confusing as 40,000 different flavors of Christianity.
Almost 50 years ago my wife chided me by saying “ you have not researched all the different churches to find that ONE”. If you don’t look at them ALL how will or can you know? “
That ONE TRUE BODY OF CHRIST  is very tiny and only when the Father calls  a person and sends them to Jesus Christ only then will they be shown that narrow WAY and the CHURCH of GOD the Father.
As this paper is already too long for most we will end with a few more conflicting teachings of Jesus Christ and with fewer comments
You are most welcome to comment on what has been presented above.           I already know what some of the regulars on BIN will say and it will have nothing to do with scripture or logic.

Matthew 7
Those that – DO-the WILL of MY FATHER!!!  How many of the 40 K teaches this one ??  “Once saved always saved” — all one must do  “IS  JUST  BELIEVE” is what these folks have been taught.
AND !!!! Jesus Christ is NOT telling us to DO HIS “WILL” !!!!  He is not telling us to follow HIS  NEW WAY —Jesus Christ is stating for the record:
CHRISTIANS;  Those calling Christ “LORD”,  are   “TO DO”   THE WILL OF MY FATHER   IN   HEAVEN.   How much clearer must this be stated before you get it???        
And who else but a so called Christian would call Christ LORD?
These folks — THE MANY — so called Christians, are simply going about doing what they have been taught by the 40 K churches of confusion.
23  And then will I profess unto them, —-I never knew you: —– depart from me,ye that work iniquity. (Iniquity is lawlessness)
If a person is converted, God the Father’s Spirit dwelling in them, — then Christ could never say — “I never knew you”—.   And these are the MANY!

Really??  ”” And doeth them””;  how about Matthew 23: verse 3 ???

Next is an important question directed to those that “LOVE JESUS”!
If you claim, with all your heart, to ‘LOVE JESUS” and you are NOT DOING the “sayings” of Jesus Christ –after reading verse 24 and after Christ has made the statement “Why call you ME LORD LORD and not do the things I SAY” ???       
How IS  NOT DOING —  loving Jesus??
How may I ask are you showing love to Jesus?? Here is the answer: you are professing love with your mouth (words) but you are disobeying with your actions.
Can you honestly tell us the 40 K churches are DOING what Jesus Christ has told them to DO ??  Of course none of the 40 K are even following in the same path and according to the 40 K ALL 40,000 diverse paths lead to heaven????
And what Christ is telling us — TO  DO — IS THE WILL OF HIS FATHER.  And who teaches that????   A small part of one percent !!
If you do not agree with any or all of the above — please let us all  know – why — you do not agree.  I for one would love to understand your  “justification” for NOT obeying Christ for NOT DOING our FATHER’s WILL.

Chapter 8
Could one  suspect “Faith” is connected to  understanding “authority” ? This centurion understood the authority Christ had been given from above,  this man trusted and obeyed those over him and  he understood and trusted in the authority of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is our MASTER and we are HIS servants;  servants – are under the authority of their Master and must – DO — what their master says.
See John 13: 13   “For so — I AM”

Ps. There is no reward for a servant doing what is commanded of them.

            Luke 17
If you are NOT doing all that Christ has commanded in all the scriptures above  — YOU are an unprofitable servants !!  Actually you may not BE a servant of Christ at all.
Can you honestly claim you are a servant of Jesus Christ ?
We are only in chapter 8 of Matthews’  28 chapters and we have only quoted a few scriptures from the other 3 books. 

Sadly most do not even understand what Christ came preaching??
Jesus Christ came Preaching the GOOD NEWS (gospel) of THE KINGDOM ! Have you ever heard THAT Gospel?? Christ  proclaimed  GOOD NEWS;  The good news the government of God was coming to earth to replace ALL governments of men.
The Government of God, with its KING Jesus Christ,  is soon going to bring peace to the entire earth and that will require the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty.
Nothing will hurt or destroy in all the earth including animals. There will be prosperity for all mankind, no sickness, no war, no murder, no rape, no theft, no lying in all the earth because Christ will rule with the ROD of IRON —THAT IS GOOD NEWS!!!
As it is doubtful many have read this far we will conclude with two more teachings most would not believe their “Jesus” could make.

Chapter 10
Christmas has just passed and during this pagan holiday  all proclaim their little baby Jesus was bringing peace to earth which is again the direct opposite of what Christ taught.

Chapter 11
Our Savior came preaching “REPENT for the Kingdom of GOD is at hand”
Christ in these 5 verses upbraided the cities He did mighty works in, WHYbecause they did NOT REPENT!
In verse 23 Christ states if the WORKS HE did were done in Sodom they would have remained until this day – Christ is stating Sodom would have repented – repented of what??? THEIR SIN !!
The 40,000 flavors of so called Christianity hate the HOLY LAW of GOD and falsely teach Christ nailed that “harsh” law to HIS cross.
If it were true Christ came to abolish the LAW what then, pray tell, does Jesus Christ our MASTER demand those that want to FOLLOW HIM to repent of ????
1 John 3: 4
4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law:                 ———  for sinis the transgression of the law.

This is the same LAW Jesus Christ in Matthew 23: 3 commanded us to —Observe and DO !
Have you as yet come to understand why the time of the end is coming upon this earth??
Mankind to this day refuses to obey their creator GOD and that includes so called Christians.
Why would Christ need to rule with the Rod of Iron if all that was required was to “Just Believe” ??


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