It is happening now: Jerusalem, Syria, Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Russia, Palestinians; and even Trump’s decisions. And we can know how it all will end. The script is already written.

It is happening now: Jerusalem, Syria, Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Russia, Palestinians; and even Trump’s decisions. And we can know how it all will end. The script is already written.

Saturday, January 21, 2017 9:24

The Power Of Prophecy

As the ‘kings of the world’ gathered last week to talk about the solution for Israel and an Palestinian state, they most likely did not realize that they were fulfilling prophecy. The outcome of the summit in Paris is irrelevant. The mere fact that 70 nations convened is already fulfilling prophecies written some 2,500 years ago.
This in itself is stunning because in between that period and now many of the middle eastern nations, including Israel, did not exist for multiple centuries. But with the end of the British mandate and the declaration of an independent nation of Israel in 1948 the prophetic clock started to tick again. The breaking up of the Soviet Union had to happen, as well as the, still ongoing changes, in Turkey.

The Power Of Prophecy
The below video explains how the dates of this declaration (May 14, 1948) and the recapturing of Jerusalem during the six day war in 1967 can be derived from Biblical prophecies, to the day!
From about the 57 minute mark in the video some of the more recent events are mentioned. In particular the things pertaining Syria, the fighting in specific cities there and the exodus of refugees. All this can be found in the Bible. And from that we also know what is coming in the near future.

In the next upcoming episode we’ll look at how other areas and nations will soon be involved; Jordan, Iran, Gaza, Lebanon. Even more refugees will leave the Middle East as a possible nuclear disaster awaits.
The much applauded plan of Donald Trump to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is also fitting the prophetic narrative of the Bible.

Unfortunately most churches and believers pay little to no attention to all these scriptures, but they are there for a reason and Jesus even instructed us to observe those things in order to be ready.

And for those skeptics; so far the prophetic power of the bible has proven itself. It is 100% infallible and in that sense absolutely unique. No prophetic writing has such a track record. This is truly “Before it’s news”! This could only be performed by the God who says:

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done
Isaiah 46:9-10a
As wars are being fought and political decisions are being made, God is still in control, even in this fallen and disobedient world.

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