Celebs Call On Congress To "Obstruct Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic" Trump

Celebs Call On Congress To "Obstruct Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic" Trump

The video opens by citing all the key buzz words that will undoubtedly "trigger" the leftists in Congress and suggests that "hate crimes in the U.S." have risen as a result of Trump's election....
“The majority of Americans, regardless of who they voted for, did not vote for racism, for sexism, or for xenophobia. And yet, Donald Trump won.”

"And since he won, hate crimes are rising, women have been attacked in his name, people of color have been attacked in his name."
...then continues with a demand that Congress "vigorously oppose" Trump's policies that "violate our core values as diverse Americans."
"Here's what we demand:  To the extent Trump pursues racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, anti-worker, anti-muslim, anti-semitic, anti-environmental policies, we demand that you vigorously oppose him.

"We expect you to use your Congressional powers to obstruct anything that violates our core values as diverse Americans."

We wonder whether these celebs condone the mass riots held by Hillary supporters in the days after the election...does this count as a "hate crime?"

Or how about the shooting of 5 people at an anti-trump protest in Seattle (see "5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle")?  Or how about the DNC's efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies (see "Undercover Footage Shows Clinton Operatives Admit To Inciting "Anarchy" At Trump Rallies")?
Somehow we suspect we'll never hear from Hollywood celebrities regarding these "hate crimes."


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