THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

TMR Editor’s Note:
This compilation of 3 articles about Barack Obama only scratches the surfaces of his woefully disastrous 2 terms as POTUS.  Each article captures a different perspective on the extraodinary and profound damage that he inflicted on American society.
Inarguably, Obama was the worst president in U.S history.  That’s because he set out to undermine the American Republic by creating an environment of sheer lawlessness and utter depravity.
Much will be written about this treaonous imposter when the CIA is dissolved and the MSM is shut down.  They will no longer be around to support a completely false narrative about Obama’s supposed successes.  Quite haplessly, he really does consider a success his deliberate destruction of this great nation over 8 long catastrophic years.
Good riddance!   
January 19, 2017

N.B.  For those readers who only have time to view the photos/pictures, the pics in the third article on the “Banana Republic” are well worth viewing.

The Obamanation: How One President Irreparably Destroyed The USA

An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

Regarding the Unprecedented Number of Presidential Fiascos, Governmental Failures and Fabricated False Flag Operations During Your Presidency

Written by Concerned Citizens of the USA in view of a nation wrecked and ruined beyond repair

Dear President Obama,
We are the citizens of the United States of America who listened to your campaign message of “HOPE and CHANGE” in 2008.  We are also in close touch with the peoples of the world, throughout nations large and small, near and far, who have suffered tremendously during your two terms in office.
War, not Peace
We then watched you receive a Nobel Peace Prize before you performed even a single act of peacemaking?
Your first presidential initiative after receiving the ‘prize’ was to send 30,000 more troops into the already destroyed and defenseless country of Afghanistan which never committed any offense toward the USA or her allies.
Your second major war initiative was to greatly intensify the unlawful extra-judicial drone assassination program against the powerless tribal people of Pakistan.  Not only have thousands of innocents been killed there, yet another nation has become the victim of an unprovoked U.S. war of aggression.  Somalia and Yemen have suffered the same fate — the massacre of women and children, ailing and elderly — over the course of your two terms.
You continued this policy of ‘hope and change’ by initiating or participating in new devastating wars in Libya and Syria, as well as re-engaging the war in Iraq.  All three of these nations have been literally transformed into post-apocalyptic wastelands on the basis of fighting international terrorism.  Ditto that for the numerous proxy wars that you have stealthily launched throughout Africa where the CIA has created one national disaster after another.
Of course, nobody mentions that it was U.S. military aggression which created the ideal environment for terrorists groups to form in the northern Levant.   And for sure nobody ever makes the mistake of informing the American people that the CIA, DIA, and NSA — working in tandem with MI6, MOSSAD and DGSE — were directly responsible for arming and funding ISIS, al-Nusra, and the many other al-Qaeda offshoots in Syria and elsewhere in the Mideast.   In fact the very same game plan was used as the one that established the original al-Qaeda during the Mujahideen proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan during the 1970s.
Then there is the CIA Torture Report produced by the U.S. Senate.  As the perennial provocateur operating in every country on Earth, this thoroughly rogue organization has been empowered by the White House to continue down its path of death and destruction.  As if the Senate report did not clue you into what everyone already knows.  And, yet, you have failed to hold the CIA accountable for even a single transgression of law … any law, many of which they have broken countless times during your tenure.
Economic instability and financial insecurity 
Next up, there is the unprecedented kowtowing to Wall Street which the Executive Branch is now infamous for.  Your last Attorney General — Eric Holder — avoided any and all personal prosecutions of even the most obvious financial wrongdoings, illicit economic activity, as well as the assortment of acts of unconscionable enrichment at the expense of the American people.  Perhaps you just ‘hoped’ that the banksters would ‘change’ … maybe?
Shall we talk about the NSA spying scandal first or the NDAA legislation which only intensified the whole U.S. security and surveillance regime?  That’s right, the indefinite detention of American Citizens is now the rule rather than the rare exception.  It seems that those who schooled you have used the ‘National Security’ excuse more than we can count.  Furthermore they have used the same explanation to build the most fearsome and formidable national security state on Earth, bar none.
That you promised to head the most transparent Administration in recent history has proven to be quite the tall tale indeed.  Even the patently false Obamacare promises have turned out to be so much snake oil.  And we mean no disrespect to snake oil.  Seriously, President Obama, you just outright lied to the American people to sell the ACA which was guaranteed to raise premiums for so many financially strapped and out-of-work folks.
Lawlessness and the breakdown of the rule of law
Which brings us to the many violations of federal law and state statutes, financial fiascos and political debacles, sordid scandals and ongoing malfeasance which have occurred under your watch.  The list is seemingly endless and actually begins with your failure to file your original birth certificate (BC) with the Federal Election Commission.  Surely you know by now how such a deliberate act of negligence set you up for a fall, yes?
Before we discuss your BC further, let’s review just the short list of some of the more obvious examples of presidential misconduct and governmental improprieties which have occurred during the two Obama Administrations.
•  Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies
•  Reckless and unlawful NSA spying on American citizens and foreign leaders
•  Repeatedly and illegally rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
•  Initiating undeclared wars in Libya and Syria
•  Prosecuting illegal wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan
•  Ramping up the unlawful drone assassination program in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
•  Benghazi debacle and cover-up
•  Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
•  ATF “Fast and Furious” fiasco
•  HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
•  Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
•  GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
•  Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
•  Cash for Clunkers debacle
•  Indefinite Surveillance via the National Defense Authorization Act
•  Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
•  BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
•  US Federal Government used to promote the LGBT agenda alienating black churches
•  Zealous advocacy worldwide for gay marriage, especially in conservative Africa
•  Posting a fraudulent and forged copy of Obama birth certificate at WhiteHouse.gov
•  Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
•  CIA Spying on the Senate
•  Disastrous rollout of Obamacare
•  Orchestrating a violent coup d’état in Kiev throwing the Ukraine into civil war
•  Issuing illegal executive orders to legislate new immigration law without Congressional approval
•  Appointing unqualified candidates to ambassadorships
•  Inflaming racial hatreds in Ferguson, MO and NYC, Sanford, FL and Boston
•  Race-bating whenever it serves the Administration’s narrow political goals
•  Continuous attempts to incite a full-blown national race war
•  Granting police powers to the U.N. within the USA jurisdiction
•  Creating the Islamic State, funding ISIL, arming ISIS and supporting Daesh
•  Execution of the fake Sandy Hook false flag ‘shootings’
•  Implementation of the fabricated San Bernardino false flag shootings
•  Aggressive promotion and approval of the NDAA to ‘legalize’ false flag operations
•  The stealthy passage of the disastrous TPA, TPP and TPIP without prior disclosure

Are these the consequences of Barack Obama’s hope and change!
Now we turn our attention to the three most calamitous ‘initiatives’ of your Administration.
#1 — Restarting the Cold War with Russia easily ranks as the worst foreign policy disaster of this 3rd millennium.  Provoking a disastrous civil war in the Ukraine and setting up ISIS to prosecute by proxy the Syrian War have proven to be unparalleled and odious war crimes.   Yes, the Iraq War was also a compete catastrophe, but repeatedly poking a justifiably angry bear in the eye served to unsettle the entire world order.  It has also guaranteed the demise of the once Almighty Dollar.  Was this your intention?
#2 — Forcing new immigration law and policy on the nation — without the involvement of and appropriate legislation from Congress — is undoubtedly the most foolhardy domestic endeavor in U.S. history.  We understood that you were a constitutional lawyer of sorts. This colossal blunder has only been further exacerbated by your full intention to proceed without the necessary legislation being approved by Congress.  Isn’t that what the Legislative Branch is supposed to do?  We thought you were a constitutional lawyer? No? Yes?
#3 — Foisting your signature law — Obamacare — on the country during a period of extraordinary economic uncertainty and financial difficulty was as catastrophic as it was insane.  Particularly in view of your total neglect to address the most critical economic issues facing America, do your presidential priorities make no sense.  That federal financial stress is increasing by the second through a burgeoning national debt of upwards of $19 trillion is also quite alarming.
The Company You Keep
Continue reading HERE.

You know, President Obama, that a man is known by the company he keeps.  We wonder if perhaps you have over-relied on so many from the Chicago political machine.  Certainly you know that there is no city in the USA that compares to the corruption of Chicago, and that includes New Orleans and Miami.
Likewise, taking foreign policy advice from the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Soros has proven to be disastrous for you, the nation, and the world-at-large.  Cold War hawks like these two will only siphon off precious little time and money, energy and focus, from so many urgent matters at hand.  There are many other narrow-minded CFR types who have taken over your Administration and seemingly sealed its fate.
Believe it not, we have only just completed the good news.  Now we come to the bad news … very bad news.
You and your Administration have succeeded where even George W. Bush failed miserably. You have revealed the entire Democratic to be nothing but the other side of the U.S. counterfeit political coin.  Where Bush junior was an obvious tyrant, who really acted and looked like one, you presented a ‘good guy’ image.  In so doing you have chased away millions from the Democratic Party, just as Bush did by decimating the Republican Party.
Now that’s NOT a bad thing.  By unveiling the true intentions and MO of the Democrat side of the aisle, many have come to see that there is simply no conscience there … no moral compass at all.  The presidential election of 2012 is a perfect example of this revelation.  Your campaign was, by far the dirtiest, ugliest in American history.  Whether the election was literally stolen at the ballot box will probably never be known.  Nonetheless, the outrageous conduct by your campaign forever pushed many a citizen away from the civic duty of voting, as well as the thoroughly corrupt Democrat Party.
What the point here?
Where President Nixon may have undermined faith in the White House, you and your cadre have destroyed all trust between the U.S. Federal Government and We the People. Never has the citizenry been exposed to conduct so unbecoming a President.  Never had the behavior of both a Democratic Senate leader and House leader been so OPENLY dishonorable and PURPOSELY deceptive. Never in US history!
The real problem with that predicament, as well as the way that the Republican majorities in Congress now enable your incompetent and neglectful leadership, is well demonstrated by the following list of your signature achievements.  As follows:
• Relentless Secularization of Society and Removal of God and Prayer from Schools
• Wholesale Abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973 and 58 Million Killings of the Unborn
• Redefinition of Marriage by Unconstitutional SCOTUS Ruling
• Aggressive Imposition of LGBTTTT Agenda Worldwide
• Implementation of Unlawful Immigration Policy and Encouragement of Illegal Aliens
• Legalization of Recreational Marijuana and Promotion of Drug Culture
• Undermining Religious Institutions, Cultural Traditions and Conservative Values
• Promotion of Perpetual War Economy and Endless Subversion of Sovereign Nations
• Restarting the Cold War with Russia and Relentlessly Undermining World Peace
• Unrestrained Spying on U.S. Citizenry and Foreign Governments and Corporations
• Neglecting an Ever-increasing $18.2 Trillion Unsustainable National Debt
• Failure to Prosecute U.S. Government Perpetrators of 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks
• Covert Geoengineering via Chemtrails and HAARP Intensifying Global Climate Change
• Relentless and Profound Weakening of Necessary Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
• Pushing Draconian Legislation to Make Mandatory Vaccine Programs Law of the Land
• Militarization of Police Departments Nationwide Law and Lethalizing Law Enforcement
• Fomentation of Racial Tensions Toward the Incitement of a Full-blown Race War
• Conducting Military Exercises (Jade Helm) on US Soil in Violation of Posse Comitatus
• Continuation of Dangerous Nuclear Power Generation Despite Fukushima Catastrophe
• Permitting the CIA to Conduct False Flag Attacks and Assassinations (JFK, MLK, RFK)

Herein lies the crux of this open letter.
More than any president in the history of these United States of America, you have behaved like a king, like a modern despot.  In so doing you have shattered the very system of democratic government that our Founding Fathers conceived and brought into manifestation.  By continually acting like a tyrant, you have repeatedly breached the social contract that exists between the government and the citizenry.  Likewise, you and your appointees have profoundly violated the public trust.
So profoundly has this sacred covenant between We the People and the U.S. Federal Government been broken, that it cannot be repaired.  You have shown us — wittingly or unwittingly — what really goes on behind the curtain.  Once that veil was rent in two for everyone to see, everything has changed.  Again, this is really not bad news as you have served the same function that your predecessor served in illustrating the very worst that government can do.
Exactly what is that?  The only purpose for you and your entire Administration is to protect and safeguard the nation from forces within and without.  To ensure that the affairs of the nation are responsibly administered.  And to serve the populace with honor and integrity by upholding the US Constitution.
Not only have you failed miserably to perform any of these functions, your reckless and neglectful stewardship has left this nation in ruins.  Your utter failure to address the economy in any meaningful way has essentially destroyed the middle class.  All the while you have worked closely with the MSM (mainstream media) to generate volumes of pitiful propaganda which have presented the illusion of recovery and prosperity to the American people.  This ongoing deceit will be your undoing.
Yes, the American people have been so dumbed down so that they are unaware of so much societal degradation and economic doldrums.  Nevertheless, they will wake up one day and you will have no place to hide.  The world-at-large already has your number just as the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has twice[1] stated their regret of awarding your prize[2].  So, too, will the U.S. citizenry awaken to the extraordinary tear in the social fabric which was quite deliberately done under your highly destructive presidency.[3]
As previously mentioned, just as George W. Bush exposed the underbelly of the Republican side of the aisle, you have done the same for the Democrat side.  In so doing you have performed a great service to this constitutional republic.  Your treasonous actions have shown the American people that it is time to dissolve the current U.S. Federal Government.  Only in this fashion can there be a fresh start for a nation in desperate need of one.
Hence, we take the extremely wise words of John F. Kennedy to heart in this particular regard.  Perhaps you will be out of office for good when the citizens take matters into their own hands.  Regardless, no one will ever forget the ‘great’ service that you so willingly and purposefully performed during your 8 disastrous years as a fundamentally unqualified president.
We now know that real “Hope and Change” will only occur when each and every politician of your ilk has been run out of Washington for good.  The two-party system has thoroughly devastated this nation and you exemplified the very worst that it had to offer.
May you be forever banished from this country during the upcoming Second American Revolution.  And may you be forced to contemplate the profound damage wrought on this constitutional republic throughout your reign.   Thankfully, you have unwittingly reawakened throughout the body politic the primordial desire for a true representative democracy as envisioned by our great Founding Fathers.
Concerned Citizens of the USA
March 18, 2016

P.S.  It’s quite obvious to the informed electorate that you are merely the frontman for an international crime syndicate that hijacked the American Republic many decades agao. We get that.  The serial criminality and perpetual lawlessness delineated above was the result of the direct orders of your true masters; hence, this tyrannnical regime was foisted upon you from the NWO ruling cabal (aka World Shadow Government).  Nevertheless, you allowed them to use you to deeply betray the American people in ways never seen in U.S. history.
Recommended Reading
Video Exposé (MUST View)
Originally published by SOTN at: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=9762

ObamaNation: Where Lawlessness And Moral Depravity Prevail

USA Morphs Into A Nation Where Anything Goes, Anytime

Truly, these United States Of America stand at a critical threshold.  A furtive and dark force has moved inexorably across the land.  It’s various agents have executed an agenda which has ensured the unparalleled debasement of its once civil society, as well as the corruption of its people.  With the rapid proliferation of information technology and deep penetration of the internet into every sphere of life, this societal degeneration has accelerated exponentially over the past five years.
So much of what has occurred in the USA over the past five plus years has served to profoundly undermine the moral fabric of society.  It is now clear that an ultra-liberal and brazenly permissive agenda has been foisted on the nation, whether the people wanted it or not.  Yes, there are plenty of devotees to this overly materialistic and hedonistic philosophy of life; however, the vast majority of Americans are repulsed by it.  How then has this dubious agenda been able to proceed with such force and speed.  And, with so little resistance.
When the executive branch of the US Federal Government colludes with the Mainstream Media and Corporate Sector, there is simply no stopping it.  Especially when both the legislative and judicial branches have been sufficiently threatened and intimidated, there is even less chance of slowing down this unparalleled Juggernaut.  How then will We the People take back our power, our government, and our lives from the locus of power that seems hellbent on national destruction?
First, we need to answer some hard questions.
How is it possible that so much governmental ineptitude and political paralysis, economic collapse and financial destruction, social degradation and crisis of morality could occur over such a short period of time?
Is the answer to be found in the stars … or in the hearts of those who are enacting this national drama?
Perhaps we can look into the boardrooms, or the living rooms, across America in order to divine the true reasons for this unprecedented national catastrophe?
No matter where we look for answers to these questions, or for solutions to even more weighty matters facing this country, one thing is for certain:
*** A Nation Always Gets the Leaders That it Deserves ***
Therefore, one — EVERYONE — is compelled to ask: Where is this all going?  And … …
How on earth did we ever get here?

Here are six other subtitles, which were also considered for this social/political commentary, that may serve to answer these questions quite aptly:
An Overly Permissive Society Always Leads To Either Sodom Or Gomorrah
Cultural Apocalypse Transforms USA Into A Nation Without Conscience
The Devil Always Degrades His Victim Before He Destroys Them
The US Descends Into A Dystopian Disaster Of Biblical Propportions
Why National Armageddon Follows Personal Armegeddon
The USA Courts The Apocalypse As The World Recoils In Disbelief  
These alternative subtitles well sum up the basic theme of this essay.  Each of them screams with a sense of urgency that is rarely heard above the shrill cries for political correctness, false patriotism, strict adherence to a highly misguided presidential agenda, among many other false pursuits and degrading distractions.  And yet, the nation continues to move down the same trajectory that closely resembles the proverbial downward spiral known as the final “Crash and Burn“!
The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration Resembles a Typical Homeowners’ Association Leadership
Doesn’t it?  Is there anyone among us that hasn’t experienced by now, either firsthand or vicariously through friends and family, the lawlessness that often reigns within the typical homeowners association (HOA)?
We are experiencing the very same dynamic throughout the Obama Administration.  Like many HOA officers and boards are known for, they simply do whatever they want to do, and don’t do whatever they don’t want to do … regardless of the governing documents, which are usually the HOA Covenants and Bylaws.  This behavior ends up being their central organizing principle, as well as their MO.
Just as the current Administration completely ignores the Constitution and refuses to enforce laws that it disagrees with, many an HOA does the exact same thing.  So many of the current US Secretaries and Czars, department heads and agency chiefs, advisors and appointees, bureaucrats and legal counselors seems to be singing off the very same LAWLESS songsheet.  The question, then. is who — REALLY — is the director of this cacophonous concert?!
Obviously it is not Barack Obama.  Has there ever been such a clueless President?  One who calls up a famously gay NFL draftee to offer his congratulations on being a 7th round  draft pick.  Has the depths of presidential cluelessness ever reached rock bottom in this manner?!  No … NO … … … NOOOO, such behavior unbecoming of a President has never been seen before!  At least Clinton’s transgressions occurred in private; that’s not a justification in any way, just an observation.
NewsweekLogo-1 [Converted]
Where Bill Clinton was tagged the first black president, Barack Obama is inarguably the first gay president.  
Is there any question that the gayification of the USA has greatly accelerated under the ‘quarterbacking’ of President Obama?  The planned, deliberate, aggressive normalization of the homosexual lifestyle has literally overwhelmed the body politic like no other force in the nation.  Such a government-directed, corporate-driven agenda could have only occurred under leadership that is already very sympathetic to this particular orientation.  Especially in a nation that is steeped in religious principles and philosophical values which are in direct opposition to this lifestyle; nevertheless, it is foisted on the citizenry throughout every sphere of life by an apparent presidential adherent, and in a manner which goes way beyond guaranteeing basic gay rights that ought to be protected in every just society.
Because such an extreme approach has been taken by the Executive Branch, there will surely be a price to pay at the next election.  That the Judicial Branch has supported this national initiative will also prove to be nettlesome for many in the judiciary.  For those in the legislative realm, many  have acted under obvious duress at both the federal and state levels; however, there will be a considerable backlash there as well.  Such a reaction is already being witnessed within many states which have successfully put severe constraints on the abortion industry which was also foisted on the nation first at the federal level.
There is no question that Obama has an inordinate preoccupation with things having to do with gay issues.  While he appeared to change his stance on gay marriage just before his last election in order to ingratiate himself with the homosexual electorate, it is probably the case that he has very personal reasons for choosing to ardently advocate for the gay and lesbian agenda.  His political career in Chicago is rife with rumor and innuendo in this regard, and should have been taken much more seriously before his first election.
“By Their Fruits, Ye Shall Know Them”
So the 64,000 dollar question remains: Who is really calling the shots from the top?  Whoever it is, or whoever they are, they appear to be revealing themselves in a way not ever seen by the common man.  Although it may be impossible to know exactly who makes up the Shadow Government operating behind the scenes, by their actions we have come to know them.
Clearly they are individuals (or entities) who are without conscience, lacking in the art of governance, reflexively tyrannical and despotic, and able to act with impunity no matter what the transgression against natural, scriptural, constitutional and/or common law.  They are fundamentally lawless and anarchic to the extreme, especially so that they are able to impose their inhumane and cruel agenda upon a cowed and fearful citizenry.
Lastly, it could be said that those who populate the higher echelons of global governance have lifestyles which are now coming out in the open.  These folks who run the show from behind the curtain have always hidden in many different closets.  Such closeted behavior reflects the very essence of their hold onto mundane power.  Everything they have ever done in the world of men has been done in secrecy.  Now the time has come for them to normalize their daily conduct, because they know we are in the final days and there is no longer anything to lose.  Call it their Last Hurrah, if you will.
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‘President’ Barack Obama must be impeached.  His Administration has proven to be the most intractably lawless and thoroughly corrupt in US history.  By his actions and his inactions, Obama has plunged the nation into multiple crises to include the following:
•  Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies
•  Repeatedly and lawlessly rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
•  Benghazi debacle and cover-up
•  Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
•  ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme and killing of US enforcement agent
•  HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
•  Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
•  GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
•  Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
•  Cash for Clunkers fiasco
•  Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
•  BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
•  Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
•  CIA Spying on the Senate
•  NSA spying on US citizens and world leaders alike

In spite of so much political, economic and social destruction, this ‘president’ continues to receive blind support from his Obamabots.  Much more ominously, however, is the extraordinary and unbroken support that he receives from the Mainstream Media (MSM).  Herein lies the crux of the matter, as well as the solution to this serious problem.
When the Fourth Estate unswervingly becomes complicit in the crimes of government, as it has in the case of the Obama Administration, it has revealed itself. Only those who truly control the MSM could have given explicit orders that this ‘president’ be lauded at every turn — even for egregious mistakes of judgment and grave errors in policy.  By backing Obama’s every move, the MSM demonstrates that only those at the peak of global governance truly control the US Federal Government.  Just as they always have.
This revelation is perhaps the greatest knowledge that We the People can possess in their quest to take back their government.  After all, it is the MSM that controls the flow and content of the vast amount of information on the internet.  It especially controls the amount of exposure of the many other types of alternative news platforms, even as they are growing in number and diversity.  Because the MSM platforms disseminate so much pap and piffle, pablum and drivel, they need to be revealed as the co-conspirators that they really are in this treasonous plot to destroy the nation.
If these United States of America are to ward off the complete destruction of the original constitutional republic, the citizenry must take the proper initiative, however, wherever and whenever appropriate.  There is no other way when dealing with such a unique brand of governmental lawlessness and social anarchy, economic chaos and financial mayhem.  The period of rebellion is now upon us; each of US is being challenged to address those issues which weigh most heavily in our lives.
Above all, in this process of taking back our government, it must be always considered whether the US Federal Government serves the people, or serves itself along with other very narrow interests.  Government will always become unacceptably oppressive when it only serves the latter.  It will especially devolve into lawlessness when it only seeks to serve corporate interests which are at odds with the interest of We the People.
Michael Thomas
May 13, 2014

WND.com Reader’s Comment
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© 2014 State of the Nation
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Obamanation: The First Banana Republic In U.S. History

Obama’s Lawless Legacy
The World’s Largest Banana Republic

Make no mistake about it, the now transparent Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was given an explicit mission.  Or, should we say, “direct orders” from his C.I.A. handlers.
That mission was to transform the United States of America into a Banana Republic before the end of his second term.  Obama’s two administrations were painstakingly pieced together with shills and hacks, lackeys and toadies, to efficiently carry out this mission.
As a matter of historical fact, Obama et al. enjoyed wild success in the execution of their Banana Republic project, even though they were stuck with a Republican Congress.  How did that happen?  And why are these traitors still in Congress?!
Banana Republic is defined by many things, and it seems that Obama hit on them all … with spectacular results.  Even with President-elect Trump coming in with his wrecking ball to knock down the Obamanation, the clock can never be turned back on so much economic destruction and financial breakdown, political pandemonium and government chaos, military anarchy and scientific mayhem, social degeneracy and moral decay, global chaos and international disorder.
Truly, Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the presidential catastrophe to end all catastrophes.  And, he cynically continues to wreck and ruin the American Republic right up to his very last day in the Oval Office.
What’s the point?
Obama must be exposed for the naked imposter that he has been.  Not to do so only legitimizes his 2 thoroughly fraudulent terms.  When a real phony submits a fake, forged copy of his alleged birth certificate to meet the most basic qualifications to even run for president, their fate is sealed.  Especially after his first order of business in January of 2009 was to officially seal off all of his personal and academic records from the U.S. citizenry.
With this clear understanding, the future President Trump is completely within his authority to repeal every piece of signed legislation by Obama, after he reverses each and every executive order that the illegitimate POTUS illegally sign…as in unconstitutionally approved.
By acting in such a consistently dictatorial manner over 8 long years, Obama essentially became America’s first in-your-face tyrant.  The unparalleled despotism that he demonstrated time and again has plunged the nation into a full-blown Banana Republic.
Please see the picture documentary below which well illustrates this extremely unfortunate situation and still devolving state of affairs.
January 6, 2017

Picture Documentary

*Caveat: Each graphic below captures a different but essential angle on the various ways in which Barack Hussein Obama has transformed the USA into a full-blown Banana Republic.  Some of the photos may have been photoshopped.


THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today


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