New Silk Road Spreading World Wide, Including in the U.S. — Which Is Why Trump Is Under Attack

New Silk Road Spreading World Wide, Including in the
U.S. — Which Is Why Trump Is Under Attack

May 18, 2017—As world leaders return to their home
countries from the historic Belt and Road International
Forum in Bejing, they are pronouncing far and wide that
a new paradigm for world affairs has been established,
both economically and culturally. In a very real sense, the
title of the EIR Special Report from 2014 — The New Silk
Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge — has become a
In Europe, the Italians are putting together, with Chinese
help, a new North Adriatic Port Association, together
with Slovenia and Croatia, which will upgrade ports
and build rail connections through to Eastern and Western
Europe. The Greeks, with Chinese help, are planning
a second rail route from the newly expanded Piraeus Port
(upgraded by China), running up the west coast into the
Balkans. Czech President Milos Zeman mocked those who
complain that the Belt and Road is dividing Europe, saying
that it is already horribly divided, but can be united
through the common mission of the Silk Road. Hungary's
Prime Minister Viktor Orban said many countries were
sick of lectures on human rights and free markets, and
that the "old model of globalization is dead," as the Silk
Road is creating a development-based global paradigm.
In Asia, Japan is now discussing joining the AIIB and
an exchange of visits between Xi Jinping and Shinzo
Abe, urged on by President Trump. Philippine President
Duterte is planning to revive joint development of the rich
resources of the South China Sea with China and Vietnam,
now that Obama's plan for war in the South China Sea has
been rejected across Asia, and by the Trump Administration.
In Ibero-America, the head of a United Nations agency,
the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena, praised the Belt and
Road as "a renewal of the profound commitment to the
values that are fundamental for our global economic and
social well being," and called on all the member nations to
"harness the potential that this One Belt One Road has for
redefining capitalism through people's equality and dignity."
The head of the Inter-American Development Bank,
Luis Alberto Moreno, declared that Ibero-America is now
very much part of the Silk Road initiative, which is "not
only a limited group of countries, but the entire world."
In Africa, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn
said the Belt and Road "opens the door for developing
and emerging economies to contribute to global
economic growth." Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta
said that "The Belt and Road Initiative gives our continent
the opportunity to make a paradigm shift. Post-colonial
Africa has been stuck in a rut. Being part of One Belt allows
the continent to move to a new platform, through
which global collaboration will allow for value-addition,
innovation and increased prosperity."
Similar enthusiastic responses fill the press of nations
across the developing sector.
And in the U.S., the Trump Administration representative
to the Beijing Forum, Matthew Pottinger, set up an
"American Belt and Road Working Group," to bring American
companies into the Silk Road process. Beyond that, he
invited China to attend the "SelectUSA Investment Summit,"
on June 18-20 in the Washington, D.C. area, to bring
China into investment opportunities in the US.
Nonetheless, anyone dependent for news on the U.S.
press, or reports from the U.S. Congress, would know
none of this. Rather, nearly the entirety of the 24-hour
news cycle in the U.S. consists of hysterical rants about
President Trump. If any of it were believed, one would
think the President is a puppet of evil Russia and evil
China, that he is guilty of treason for doing his job and doing
what he promised in his campaign — ending the Bush
and Obama "regime change" war policies, and restoring
America's industrial infrastructure, and the jobs that go
with it.
Do not believe the lie that Trump is on the defensive,
that his actions have undermined his credibility, as peddled
ad nauseum in the media. The fact is, Trump is on
the offensive, to end the British Imperial era of history.
The British and their assets in the U.S. — the neocons in
both parties and on Wall Street, and the corrupt elements
in the intelligence community, especially the FBI — are
absolutely hysterical that their geopolitical division of the
world, and their ability to induce the U.S. population to
passively accept austerity and war, is being destroyed by
Trump's move to bring the U.S. into the New Silk Road,
and to work with Russia to crush the terrorist scourge.
His stated intention to restore Glass-Steagall simply
drives the British assets further into panic mode.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche reiterated in her many
speeches and interviews in China this past weekend,
where she was a featured speaker at the Global Think
Tank Summit at the Belt and Road Forum: "if Donald
Trump succeeds in bringing the United States into the
new paradigm of the global Silk Road, he will be remembered
as one of the great presidents of American history."

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