Real Alien Found Under The Sphinx Sealed In A Crystal Box

Real Alien Found Under The Sphinx Sealed In A Crystal Box It seems that every new archeological dig sooner or later tell the same old basic story being retold this time with a Hybrid mix between Humans and Aliens which we now know the Aliens to be the Watchers, or the Griggory - Fallen Angel, which make these latest supposedly Aliens skeletons as they are called in the mainstream alphabet press but really they are skeletons of the Rephaim, Anakim and the Nephilim hybrid as they are called in the Bible and the Book of Enoch and also in the Septuagint and in the Book of Jubilee and many other Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha text which all state this very same fact.In Fact It's the same story globally from all other ancient pre flood antediluvian civilizations which all tell of beings coming down from the sky and breeding with human women and creating Giant children the Rephaim, Anakim and the Nephilim. , From the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Mayans, the Egyptian,the Nordic Tribes, the Vedic, The Hopi nation,etc its always the same basic background themes story. For example Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Akhenaten Nefertiti and King Tut, King Og, Goliath, Hercules Perseus were all offspring hybrid Nephilim children of the Fallen Angels. Now the small g gods of old we've all heard of like the Annunaki gods Anu, Enki, Enlil and Marduk in Sumeria and Babylon or Osiris, Isis, Horus-Ra in Egypt to Zeus, Athena, Apollo in Greco-Roman mythology then there's Odin, Freya, Thor and Loki in Norse Sagas and Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva in Hinduism and the Mayan Inca Aztec gods of Kukulcan, Quetzalcoatl, Xibalba among others and all were these same Fallen Angels or the "Bene Elohim" - Sons of God. It was a cabal of 200 watchers under these Seraphim archangels leaders of 20, each Semyaza, Azazel, Armaros, Baraqijal, Kokabiel, Chazaqiel, Shamsiel, Sariel, Penemuel and Kashdejan the leaders of the 200 who all became demonic spirit entities when they incarnated into real flesh and blood and left there first domain and descended onto our earthly plane. Then they knowingly sinned and blasphemed against God by trying to create a hybrid race of beings that were better than God's creation of Humans or so they thought. But the joke was on them because their creation of the Nephilim was a total abomination which created grotesque giants some with coneheads some with one eye some with six fingers and six toes some with horns some with two rows of teeth. So God in his anger against these Fallen Angels condemned the Nephilim upon there death to roam the earth as Demonic Spirits ever hungry but unable to eat ever thirsty but unable to quench their thirst, to forever walk the earth in torment as Demons. These original 500 Giant Nephilim were also fated to die by killing and eating each other in the end with there Fallen Angel parents doomed also by God to watch them all die from there interdimensional prisons in the valleys of the earth. These Fallen Angels corrupted Humans by teaching them all the heavenly secret they new of but that's not all they also corrupted real flesh and blood animals and birds fish and reptiles and corrupted their God given DNA to create among other things Chimeras on the earth, such as Centaurs and Minotaurs Unicorn and Winged Steeds to name but a few. Its now understood by many that in the antediluvian era the Natural and the Supernatural-Spiritual worlds coexisted together on the earth and that the Nephilim were on the Earth in those days and they were also on the earth after the Great Flood as well but to a much lesser giant size degree. I believe this is due to the generational degradation of the original heavenly angelic spirit human flesh mix which were created by this direct heaven>< earth mix. Later generation of the Rephaim, Anakim or Nephilim no longer had this heavenly mix as they were either earthly Nephilim and Human mix or earthly Nephilim and earthly Nephilim mix with no heavenly component just there corrupted Rephaim, Anakim or Nephilim DNA. The Fallen Angels were not on the Earth after the Great Flood because all the Nephal(fallen angels) were bound and imprisoned by God's Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael in a special interdimensional prisons in the valleys of the earth until judgement day come to then be thrown in the pit of fire - Hell... And this brings us to the inevitable "as in the days of Noah so shall it be on the return of the Son of Man" Jesus Christ. We can plainly see the slow but steady rise of the Supernatural -Spiritual -Demonic power and principalities in our world today. With channeling and mediums and black magicians everywhere it seems contacting spirits is now front and center for our political figure to movie and music stars, satanism is popping up everywhere. Satanism rules the New World Order Elites and its Agenda 21 Luciferian doctrine. Our financial systems is based on USURY a sin and its totally controlled by the False Jews Khazars the Rothschild or by their real last name Bauer from there patriarch "Amschel Mayor Bauers" who's sign above his gold shop bore the 666 Hexagram Star on a Satanic Red Shield(Rothschild) background. It was later put on the new blue "Rothschild Israel's" flag against public consent and by you guessed it none other than a "Rothschild" Now after they stole the land of Palestine to create their base country for "Satanael" there still to come Messiah and to also blaspheme GOD and his chosen people the real Israelites by calling their stolen land theft "Israel".These False Jews of the Synagogue of Satan have used this illegal country and the God given name of ISRAEL to terrorize and hold hostage the rest of the planet. So far this deception has been and is still working to a large degree, but slowly the masses are waking up to the truth. Many Biblical Prophecies and Revelation are coming true before our very eyes. God's will is slowly being completely fulfilled exactly as it was prophesied to be. Real Archeology is playing a big part in this, but with the Smithsonian Institute and National Geographic Society and so called puppet philanthropist like Jacque Cousteau stealing and concealing and covering up any evidence which is contrary to their Elite's Satanic "Gods not real" New World Order Agenda They are hiding GOD and his now proven existence. From God's Firmament that the Elites tried to destroy in the 1960's with constant nuclear bombardment for two whole years but could not get through it. Then there's finding real Biblical sites like Sodom and Gomorrah and Noah Ark's resting place on Mt Ararat to GOD'S mountain Mt Sinai from the rock God split and water poured out of to the alter the Israelite built with Aaron for their golden calf its all in Saudi Arabia and not in the Sinai Peninsula where the elite receivers placed it to be never found , also the real entire exodus route the Israelite took out of Egypt into Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Of course you can't go and see any of this anymore as it's now a Restricted and a Top Secret Saudi installation under 24hr military guard. Its the same with the pyramids in Egypt and all other megalithic sites around the world, as most are totally closed off to the public except for very basic outside only access. Internal viewing is extremely sanctioned to a very few elite controlled archeological people who will not divulge the truth to the public and tow the agenda line of total bullshit. We must remember that when the mainstream talks about Aliens they are talking about Aliens YES but extraterrestrial little green men from another planet NO...Interdimentional or extradimensional Spiritual entities is what they really are imprisoned in this other dimension by God. So now we really begin to understand why CERN is trying to cross over to or open a doorway to this alternate other dimension. Its believed they are attempting to free the imprisoned Fallen Angels and to set them free on earth once again to deceive all mankind but only for a short time the Bible states. It is during this short time that the great deception will occur and the Anti - Christ Lucifer will descend in what will appear to be an Alien UFO ship and announce there arrival to all humanity and in the very near future after that it will be revealed that these Fake Aliens will claim to be our creators and Lucifer will shortly thereafter enter the temple and the abomination of desolation will be fulfilled and he will take his seat as the God of this world which the Bible says he is... Will you be deceived by these Aliens False God Fallen Angels and their leader Satanael - Lucifer???


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