Information is censored in the name of Political Correctness
Another fourteen black on white murders
We have been working to create a comprehensive look at black on white murders for the years 2014 and 2015
by Council Of Conservative Citizens | May 12, 2015
We have been working to create a comprehensive look at black on white murders for the years 2014 and 2015. Many media bosses openly admit that they censor black on white crime. We have been working to collect the biggest sample size of black on white murders possible.
From information we have already collected, many important conclusion can already be drawn. People who drive taxi cabs, deliver pizza, or deliver other food items are probably in much greater danger of being killed on the job than police officers. The overwhelming majority of these killings seem to be black on white and black on Asian. For people who delivery food or drive a cab, this is important information that they should be aware of. They should not be put in greater danger by having this information censored in the name of political correctness.
Also, large numbers of young white males and females are being murdered while trying to buy marijuana off of black dealers. The perps never acquire any significant monetary gain from the murders. They simply kill the victim for the fun of it and to gain street cred. The media often blames the white victim and calls it “a drug deal gone bad.”
We also find that a very high percentage of black on white murders are random. Usually the perps are never charged with capital murder and in many cases they are only charged with manslaughter or aggravated assault! Since such a high percentage of black on white murders are random events, it suggests that a high percentage of white victims of unsolved murders were killed by a black perpetrator. Since random killings are more likely to be unsolved.
This is information is not being disseminated in the “mainstream” media. You will only learn about it here.
It is important that the public has as much information as a possible on crime, so they can avoid becoming a victim. Many “mainstream” media outlets openly admit that they place political correctness ahead of public safety.
Our 2014 sampling of black on white murders is now up to 412.
Our 2015 sampling of black on white murders is already up to 96.
We have also tried to find actual cases of white on black murders, in which the victim was not committing a felony at the time. We have asked the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], #BlackLivesMatters, and various other left-wing groups for examples of white on black murders for 2014 and 2015. So far we have only found four in 2014, and two in 2015.
To read about other black on white crimes, click here.
4/27/15 – Ana Charle, 36, was murdered by a black male while working at a homeless shelter in New York City, NY.
4/24/15 – David Fuller, 26, was shot and killed by a black male while delivering pizzas in Flint, MI.
4/22/15 – A father and son were killed execution style when two black males invaded their home in Metairie, LA.
4/20/15 –Aiden Louis Bard, 8, died from being burned in a scalding hot bath by his black DCFS caregiver in Deerfield, IL.
4/17/15 – Cassandra Cassidy, 24, was shot and killed by multiple black males in a car in Las Vegas, NV.
4/17/15 – Samantha J. Fleming, 23, was stabbed to death in her home by a black female in Gary, IN. Police say the perp pretended to be a government worker.
4/15/15 – Floyd Valachovic, elderly, was beaten to death by a black male in St. Stephens, SC.
4/2/15 – Cheri Amber Houston, 28, was killed by a black male in Lake County, FL.
3/26/15 – Destiny Asher, 23, was shot and killed by a black male who wanted to rob her and her friends in Indianapolis, IN.
4/11/15 – Nils Johnson, 39, was beaten to death by a black male in Oak Park Heights, MN.
1/2/15 – Lee Rappuhn, 36, was shot and killed by a black male while driving his car in Flint, MI.
11/15/14 – Catherine Walker, 38, was stabbed to death by a black female in Honolulu, HI.
5/1/14 – Harold E. Collins, 66, was killed by multiple black male perpetrators while he was working in his coin shop in Monroe, LA.
Should race be a factor in how the media reports crime?
By Kyle Rogers, Originally published on
Ever notice that the media is pushing a political agenda? Certain minor events are reported endlessly while some major events are ignored. It all depends on the political agenda of the news outlet. It is no secret that the agenda is usually a left-wing one.
This agenda is especially pronounced when it comes to crime. The media does not like to report black crime. Even when an at large suspect posed an immediate danger to the public, the media would rather ignore it.
I’ve written about this issue for years online. I got a big break in 2007. The LA Times issued an official online statement admitting that it was standard practice in the newspaper industry to censor of the race of minority crime perpetrators.
In the past year, a multitude of media bosses have publicly confessed to censoring black crime. Some of them proudly confess, and say that the censorship is for the public’s benefit. Some of them even call critics “racists” for asking for accurate news coverage.
All of these “media elites” place political correctness far above public safety. For the past year, I’ve been collecting news articles on the subject. Here are my complete findings.
The TV Show COPS
John Langley, creator and producer of the TV show COPS bragged to conservative columnist Ben Shapiro that he censors black crime.
Langley states “What irritates me sometime is critics still watch something and say ‘oh look they misrepresent people of color.’ That’s absolutely not true. Au contraire. I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime. If you look at the prisons it’s 60-something percent people of color, and 30-something percent of white people. If you look at COPS it’s 60 percent white and 40 percent, it’s just the reverse. And I do that intentionally, because I don’t want to contribute to negative stereotypes.”
Langley boldly admits to censoring black crime for political reasons.
Associated Press
Tom Kent, deputy managing editor for standards and production at The Associated Press recently admitted that the AP censors black crime.
Last March Kent said that race is not usually mentioned unless it is a “hate crime.” As you know, the media rarely declares black on white crime to be a “hate crime.” Only the extremely rare white on black crimes are ever considered a “hate crime” in the media.
Kent said that if the police are looking for an at large suspect they may mention race. However, Kent stated “but once a person is captured, it probably would not be germane to the story.”
In other words, unless the perp is white or the police specifically ask for it, the AP censors the race of black crime perpetrators.
New York Times
Philip Corbett, associate managing editor of the New York Times recently confessed to censoring black crime.
Last March, 18 black males aged 16-27 were arrested for allegedly gang raping an 11 year old Mexican girl in Cleveland, Texas. The radical New Black Panther Party actually held a rally at an all black church demanding the release of the perpetrators. Over one hundred local blacks attended the rally.
The New York Times ran an article that critics say blamed the victim and her family. It also expressed shock that members of the public were supported the accused perps.
However the Times completely censored the fact that the perpetrators are black. The newspapers also portrayed those who were supporting the perps as “Texans.”
There was a backlash against the New York Times for their insulting coverage.
The New York Times published a follow-up admitting their first piece “lacked balance.”
Philip Corbett, however, defending censoring the race of the perpetrators. He said that mentioning the race of a crime perpetrator does “not really providing any useful information and it could be sort of boiler plate.”
By “boiler plate,” Corbett means that it would be politically incorrect to inform the public the truth about crime in America. He feels that political correctness is more important than public safety.
Chicago Tribune
Last June Chicago Tribune senior vice president and editor Gerould Kern admitted the newspaper censors black crime in a rather nasty response to his critics.
Kern stated, “we guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion because of the color of their skin.”
His admission of guilt came after a series of brutal racially motivated mob attacks against white people in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune censored the race of the perpetrators and concealed the nature of the attacks.
When critics attacked the Tribune for their coverage, Kern proudly boasted of the papers’ censorship and personally insulted the white victims. He ranted, “there is no evidence to suggest that the victims were singled out because of their race.”
Following the diatribe by Chicago Tribune Editor Kern, Chicago Tribune opinion page writer Steve Chapman, who calls himself “a minority of one,” stated the same thing and defended the practice.
Chapman, who is on the far left, states “It’s the newspaper’s sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else.” Chapman then got very nasty in his diatribe defending censorship. He states that people who advocate accurate reporting of crime stories “fear or dislike blacks.”
Chapman also decided to take a jab at the innocent white victims of black mob violence in Chicago. He claimed the race of the perpetrators was not relevant. Then he said stated “what good would it do to trumpet the skin color of the thugs? So pedestrians on Michigan Avenue can run away when they see two or more African-Americans?”
Obviously Chapman would rather see more innocent white people attacked than report the news accurately.
Washington Post
In August of 2010 the Washington Post Ombudsman Andrew Alexander stated that the paper censored race. He said that Weekend News Editor Robert E. Pierre supported the censorship.
The Post came under criticism by readings for censoring black mob violence on the local metro system.
Alexander whined, “The Post should always be sensitive to overplaying stories, especially if race is involved.” Keep in mind that Alexander is talking about a story that the Post was criticized for downplaying, not overplaying.
Pierre attacked critics of the paper’s coverage as “racial insensitive.”
LA Times
The LA Times was the first newspaper I ever noticed openly admitting to racial censorship. This was back in 2007. The paper made an online database of homicides. They offered a sort of apology for including the races of the perpetrators. They stated that it was normally their policy to censor this information.
On June 6, 2007 the LA Times made this official statement. “Racial information was once routinely included in news stories about crimes, but in recent decades, newspapers and other media outlets stopped mentioning suspects’ or victims’ race or ethnicity because of public criticism. Newspapers came to embrace the idea that such information is irrelevant to the reporting of crimes, and may unfairly stigmatize racial groups.”
By “public criticism,” they are referring to bullying by radical racial groups like the NAACP.
Memorial Wall 2014
We have compile the largest sample of black on white murders in 2014 that we possibly could. Because the media censors black on white crime, there are many more cases that we can not identify from limited media reports.
This list also does not include white killed by blacks, in which there is no known suspect or description of a suspect. As you can see, a huge percentage of black on white murders are random stranger killings. Random killings are the hardest to solve.
We would like to extend a special thank you to This site has uncovered a lot of censored black on white hate crime/thrill kill style murders using online obituaries.
To submit a white on black murder, you can use the form at the bottom. Please check and make sure it is not someone already on the list.
To provide the most complete picture of black/white interracial violence, we are also compiling a list of white on black murders. We have issued a challenge for the public to find actual white on black murders occurring in 2014. We even issued a challenge to the SPLC, since they hype a narrative that blacks live in fear of whites. So far we have only found four white on black murders, killed by two perps, for 2014.
One white on black murder is a major national news story. Where is the outrage for the daily occurring black on white murders?
Present Tally: 412
Hold Up/Hate Crime/Thrill Kill: 200*
Pizza Shop: 5
Cab Driver: 7
Police Officers Killed: 9
Home Invasion: 64
Killed By A Friend: 24
Killed while providing charity: 2
Femicide: 62**
Femicide Related: 18***
Killed by boyfriend’s brother: 2
Killed by son/daughter: 2
Killed by female in-law: 1
Killed by foster child: 1
Killed by foster parents: 1
Criminal Vehicular Homicide: 14****
*Some victims may have been killed by someone they knew, but the media never reported the full details.
**There were numerous suspicious deaths of white females who died of drug overdoses while they were with black males. There is another case where a white female supposedly “shot herself playing Russian Roulette” with her black boyfriend. We only listed cases that were classified as murder by the authorities. We did not list cases in which a black male played an obvious role in the death, but the death was classified as accidental. There was one case of a white female being killed by a black female “ex-wife.” There are also numerous cases of a white female being shot by a black male while in the company of a black boyfriend. we did not count these as “femicide.” However, it seems that white females involved with black males are at a dramatically increased risk of being murdered by a black male in general.
***Femicide related refers to victims killed by the black boyfriend of relative or close friends. Many of these victims are young children of white females dating black males. Some are women who were attacked by the black boyfriend of a white female friend.
****We only listed cases of vehicular homicide in which the perp was committing serious crimes when they killed a victim. In several cases, the perp was fleeing from police. In two other cases, their is strong indication the perp did it on purpose.
This list is far from all black on white murders. This is just a sample. This list does not include the thousands of white victims who were seriously injured in black on white violence, only fatalities.
12/30/14 – Steven Horkovy, 29, was stabbed to death by his black roommate in Pheonix, AZ.
12/28/14 – Angel Schroeder, 36, was beaten and choked to death by her black boyfriend in Souix Falls, SD.
12/28/14 – Nicholas R. Preuitt, 28, was shot and killed by a black male in a parking garage in Kansas City, MO.
12/28/14 – Miranda Schunk, 38, was stabbed to death by a black male in St. Paul, MN. The suspect is her black ex-boyfriend.
12/26/14 – Amabel Calderon, 3, was beaten to death. Her mother’s black boyfriend has been charged with murder.
12/25/14 – Shasta Himelrick, 20, was drowned to death in Columbus, Ohio. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
12/24/14 – Amber Caudill, 19, was shot and killed by two black males that shot up her apartment complex in Winchester, KY. Two other people were seriously injured with gunshot wounds.
12/24/14 – Belinda Belle, 26, was shot and killed in Blackshear, GA. The perp is the victim’s black ex-boyfriend.
12/24/14 – Nicholas Mathew, 33, was stabbed to death by a black male in Evansville, IN. The suspect is also accusing of stabbing a gas station clerk and a taxi cab driver.
12/20/14 – A mother and her two children were killed in Garland, ME. The suspect is the mother’s black boyfriend.
12/21/14 – Paige Stalker, 16, was killed execution style by a black gunman in Detroit, MI.
12/21/14 – Julie Williams was killed in Thomson, GA. Her black husband was charged.
12/20/14 – Richard Anders, 63, was shot and killed by a black male in front of a store he owned in Camden, AR.
12/19/14 – The bodies of two white females were found strangled to death in Atlanta, GA. A black male has been charged. One of the victims went missing in August, the second had been missing for a week.
12/19/14 – A mother and daughter were killed by a black male who invaded their home in Westfield, IN.
12/19/14 – Misty Renea Lopez, 23, was killed execution style by a black male at a hotel in Oxford, AL. Lopez was with a black male at the time who was also murdered.
12/18/14 – Cleate Davis, 50, was shot and killed by a black male and his body set on fire inside his car in Millington, TN. The suspect’s white girlfriend was also arrested as an accomplice.
12/15/14 – Nicole Mathewson, 32, was beaten to death inside her Lancaster, PA home. A 16 year old black male has been charged.
12/15/14 – Eric Kent Peterson, 32, was shot numerous times and killed by a black male while working as a store clerk in Fort Worth, TX.
12/9/14 – Anita Walters, 57, was killed when a black male ran her over with his car while on drugs. Vancouver, WA. The suspect is a career criminal.
12/7/14 – Paul Birdsall, 71, died of injuries sustained while being held captive by a black female, who was using his debit card. Oklahoma City, OK. The suspect has been charged with numerous crime.
12/7/14 – William Kelley, 42, was shot and killed by a black male. Sperry, OK. A suspect has been charged with murder.
12/6/14 – Karen Pearce, 44, was murdered walking to her car in Decatur, GA by a black male. A career criminal has been arrested.
12/6/14 – Brian Whitfield, 45, was murdered in his home by a black male in Auburn, GA.
12/6/14 – A mother and daughter were found beaten to death in their Charlottesville, VA home. A black male, who is a career criminal, has been charged.
12/6/14 – Michael Devin Dempsey-Howell, 19, was shot while sitting in his car with his mother. Bessemer, AL. A black male has been charged with his murder and the attempted murder of his mother.
12/3/14 – Ashley Marie Scott, 17, was shot and killed while sitting in a vehicle in Gary, IN. A black male has been charged with the murder.
12/2/14 – Rip Alan Swartz, 46, was a homeless in Las Vegas, NV that was stabbed to death by a black male perp.
12/2/14 – Diana Lawrence, 63, was shot execution style by three black males in a bar. St. Louis, MO. They also wounded three other white victims. Suspects have been charged.
12/2/14 – Robert Caudill, 26, was shot and killed, by a black male, while delivery pizzas in Lorain, Ohio.
12/2/14 – David Ruenzel, was shot and killed while hiking at a park in Oakland, CA. Police are seeking two black males. Ruenzel is a professional “Anti-Racist” author who wrote article for the SPLC.
11/30/14 – Zemir Begic, 32, was killed in by a group of black males wielding hammers and yelling “kill the white people.” St. Louis, MO. The same perps also attacked others.
11/29/14 – A black man killed two white people while driving drunk in St. Petersburg, FL.
11/28/14 – Ashlea Harris, 31, was tied up and beaten to death in her apartment in Fort Worth, Texas. A black male/white female interracial couple, who were fired from a store she managed, have been charged with the murder.
11/26/14 – Two women were shot and killed in Tulsa, OK. Family members say that a black husband of one of the victim’s is responsible.
Amanda Douglas, 26 *
Jennifer Lynn Sudar, 37 +
11/26/14 – Lucas Coons was shot and killed on the street in Chambersburg, PA. A black father and son have been arrested for the murder.
11/26/14 – Harris Teel, 82, was critically stabbed by a black male on a stabbing spree at a hospital in Longview, TX. She died a week later. Three other people were also stabbed.
11/25/14 – Keith Passmore, 12, was shot and killed as he was leaving a birthday party in a black neighborhood in Savannah, GA. Witnesses refused to co-operate with police after the shooting.
11/25/14 – Stephen M. Fox, 58, was killed when a black male hit him with his car in Dallas, TX. Two other people were injured. The perp was fleeing from police.
11/25/14 – Nicholas Renato Baer, 22, was shot a killed when a black male invaded his home in in Escambia County, FL.
11/24/14 – Ervin Gallas, 37, was murdered by two black males in Albuquerque, NM. The perps also wounded his nephew.
11/23/14 – Clifford Herring, 75, was beaten to death by a black male who invaded his home in Orangeburg County, SC.
11/22/14 – Leslie Louise Griffin, 31 was shot and killed execution style on the sidewalk in Tulsa, OK. A black male has been arrested for the murder.
11/22/14 – Shelly Vessel Gravely, 34, was killed by a black male in Greensboro, NC. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
11/21/14 – Caitlin Faulkenberry, 25, was stabbed to death in Greenville, NC. Her black fiance was charged with murder. He also injured multiple people fleeing the scene.
11/18/14 – Anthony Gamache, 29, was shot and killed by a black man in Pittsfield, MA.
11/17/14 – Justin Winebrenner, 32, was killed when a black male went on a shooting spree inside an Akron, Ohio pub. HE was on duty as an Akron police officer. A second cop and three other people were also injured. The suspect has been charged.
11/15/14 – Catherine Walker, 38, was stabbed to death by a black female in Honolulu, HI.
11/13/14 – Eduardo Alberto Figueroa, 40, was beaten to death by a group of black males in Maplewood, MN. His daughter was also attacked.
11/12/14 – Brenden Michael Wilson, 16, was murdered by a group of black teenagers near his High School in Woodbridge, VA.
11/12/14 – Kayla Storey, 17, was stabbed to death by a black male in Palm Beach County, FL. Her boyfriend’s brother was charged.
11/11/14 – Andrew Shane Herlong, 41, was shot and killed by two black males as he was walking out of a convenience store in Prichard, AL.
11/10/14 – Florene Duke, 75, was killed by a black male who broke into her house. Douglasville, GA.
11/10/14 – Brenden Wilson, 16, was shot to death by three black males in Prince William County, VA.
11/9/14 – Josef Kucher, 77, was beaten to death inside a shoe store he owned in Port Jervis, NY. A black male has been charged.
11/8/14 – Aaron Michael McHenry, 24, was shot and killed in Des Moines, IA. The suspect is a 17 year old black male.
11/7/14 – Judith Andriulli, 70, was killed when a black female ran a red light and slammed into her car in Stamford, CT. The perp fled on foot and was charged two weeks later.
11/7/14 – Ina Richardson, 69, was raped and murdered by a black male in Clarkston, WA. The suspect was already a convicted sex offender.
11/6/14 – Britny Jordan Puryear, 22, was murdered in Fuquay-Varina, VA. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
11/5/14 – Kaleb Cory, 19, was stabbed to death by a black male in Abilene, TX.
11/5/14 – Micheal Stubbs was shot and killed in Omaha, NE. The suspect his a black male lifelong friend.
11/4/14 – Lahoma Ballester, 55, was shot to death in Tustin, CA. The suspect is her daughter’s black ex-boyfriend.
10/31/14 – Robert White was beaten to death by a black male while working security in Canutillo, TX. White is a constable.
10/31/14 – Nathan Lavin, 34, was shot and killed by a black male in St. Louis, MO. The perp also shot his two dogs.
10/29/14 – James Crabtree, Jr., 45, was shot and killed by a black male while delivering pizza in Columbus, OH. The suspect is only 16.
10/29/14 – Angela Laskey, 39, was stabbed to death in Santa Barbara, CA. He black boyfriend was charged.
10/26/14 – Eva Livy, 66, was beaten to death with a slow cooker in her home in Livonia, MI. A long time black female friend confessed to the murder.
10/25/14 – Beverly Ann Stratton, 32, was shot and killed in Tulsa, OK. Her black ex-boyfriend confessed to police.
10/24/14 – Brandon Soloman Bryant, 25, was shot and killed in front of his house in Wellford, SC. A black male has been charged.
10/24/14 – Tiffany Caine-Smith Farley was shot in Grand Blanc Township, MI. Her black husband has been charged.
10/21/14 – Gordon Schaffer, 22, was shot and killed while working at a pizza shop in Columbia, TN. A 17 year old black male has been charged.
10/23/14 – A couple was murdered when two black males invaded their home in Clover. SC.
10/21/14 – Natalie Simsick, 31, was shot dead in a parking lot in New Orleans. Police are searching for a black female.
10/20/14 – Billy Ingram, 39, was killed by two black males who invaded his home in Cherokee County, AL.
10/20/14 – Emily Anne Newbegin, 33, was attacked with a hatchet and drowned by a black male who invaded her Augusta, GA trailer home.
10/19/14 – A black serial killer in Gary, IN is charged with killing at least seven people. At least two of the victims were white females.
10/19/14 – Trevor Williams, 19, was murdered by a black male in College Station, TX.
10/17/14 – Mercedes A. Blair, 4, was beaten to death in Sebring, FL. Her mother’s black boyfriend was charged.
10/15/14 – Darlene Crook, 58, was stabbed to death in her apartment in Des Moines, IA. A black male has been charged.
10/13/14 – Judy Bushman, 62, was killed by a black male who invaded her home in Muskegon Heights, MI. The suspect is also accused on killing an elderly black woman the same week and killing two younger white females in 1989.
10/13/14 – Brian G. DePreta, 50, was beaten to death in Lexington, KY. Three black males have been charged.
10/12/14 – Li’Asia Moorer, 2, was tortured and beaten to death in Cleveland, OH. The victim’s mother’s black boyfriend has been charged.
10/10/14 – Jarrod Howard, 19, was shot and killed by two black males in Charleston, SC.
10/10/14 – Cecilia Lam, 35, was shot and killed by a black male in San Francisco. The perp was her black boyfriend.
10/9/14 – Taylor Thomas, 20, was shot and killed by two black males who invaded his home in Pittsburg, KS.
10/9/14 – Barry Diffenderfer, 54, was shot in the back and killed inside a bar in Lancaster, PA. The suspect is a black male who also shot and injured two other people.
10/9/14 – Amy Ndao, 38, was killed and her body burned in Louisville, KY. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
10/8/14 – Monica Jeter was beaten to death in North College Hill, OH. Her black husband has been charged.
10/6/14 – Patricia Santana, 53, was stabbed to death in Jersey City, NJ. Her black boyfriend was charged.
10/5/14 – Fransesca Vitale Weatherhead, 25, was killed when a black male slammed into her car in Redford Township, MI. The perp is a career criminal who was fleeing from police.
10/4/14 – Anthony Lee Wilson, 2, was tortured and beaten to death by a black male and female in Palmdale, CA. The black female appears to have held custody of the child.
10/4/14 – James Daryl Overman, 43, was stabbed to death by a black male in Greensboro, NC.
10/2/14 – Rhonda Rowe, 39, was shot and killed in Louisa, VA. The suspect is her black boyfriend.
10/3/14 – Ronald Fischman, 54, was murdered by a black homeless man that he had been offering charity too. Philadelphia, PA.
9/30/14 – Daniel Muscarella, 54, was shot and killed while working on an ATM in Cincinnati, Ohio. A black male has been charged.
9/30/14 – Garth Velin. 20, was shot and killed by a black male during a home invasion in Superior, WI. Four other people have been charged with being accomplices, two black and two white.
9/28/14 – Mark Boyd II, 32, was travelling the nation by bike when two black males shot and killed him in Fayetteville, NC.
9/25/14 – Colleen Hufford, 54 was beheaded by a black Muslim co-worker. The perp also seriously maimed a second white female.
9/24/14 – William Reilly, 30, was shot and killed in Niagra Falls, NY. A black male has been arrested.
9/22/14 – Donald Carter, 82, killed by a black couple in Suffolk, VA.
9/22/14 – Richard Yeager, 35, was shot and killed while delivering pizzas in New Orleans, LA. The suspects are two 16 year old black males that were already wearing court mandated ankle bracelets.
9/22/14 – Jill Tarlov, 59, was killed by a black male driving recklessly on a bicycle in New York City, NY.
9/21/14 – Ricky Burgett, 27, was killed by two black males who invaded his apartment in Nashville, TN.
9/21/14 – Scott Maxie, 61, was shot in the face while working at his store near Indianapolis, IN. Three black males have been charged.
9/19/14 – Edward M. Reiner Jr., 53, was shot and killed by a black male while he worked at a county fair in Lumberton, NC.
9/19/14 – Nancy Jo McClellan, 72, was raped and stabbed to death in a parking lot in Berkeley, CA. An 18 year old black male was charged.
9/17/14 – Mary Lara was stabbed to death by a black female in front of her Fresno, CA home.
9/17/14 – Trudy McKee, 43, was beaten and stabbed to death by her black boyfriend in Douglas County, NE.
9/16/14 – Jerrod Stanford was stabbed to death in his Round Rock, TX home. A black male has been arrested for the crime. A white girlfriend of the perp has also been arrested.
9/15/14 – James Minshall, Sr., 71, was murdered while working at a store in Omaha, NE. A black male has been charged.
9/15/14 – Shannon Brunelle, 25, was stabbed to death in his apartment in Minot, ND. A black male was arrested.
9/14/14 – Jessica Arrendale, 33, was shot and killed in Smyrna, GA. The perp is her black boyfriend.
9/13/14 – Hannah Graham, 18, was abducted and killed in Charlottesville, VA. A black male has been charged. The suspect is also charged with killing another young white people in 2009.
9/12/14 – A teenager was killed at his Mayfield, Ky home by his mother’s black ex-boyfriend. The perp then abducted the mother and killed her along I-75 in Ohio. The perp then tried to commit suicide, but survived and was charged with the murders.
9/12/14 – Zachary John Richards was stabbed to death by a black male friend in Hazelton, PA. Perp has been charged.
9/12/14 – Daniel John Zeitz, 28, was lured to his death using craigslist in Roswell, GA. A black male has been charged.
9/12/14 – Mark Anthony Horton, 49, was shot to death by a black male in Harris County, TX. The victim was trying to stop a robbery.
9/11/14 – Cameron Ray Flores, 20, was stabbed to death by a black male in Clemson, SC.
9/10/14 – Thomas Holloway was riding his motorcycle in Memphis, TN when a black killed him. The perp is a habitual drunk driver who had been banned from driving a car.
9/9/14 – Micah Burdette, 20, was shot and killed by a black male in a park in St. Albans, WV.
9/8/14 – Jill Halliburton Su, 59, was killed in her bathtub inside her home in Davie, FL. A black male was charged.
9/4/14 – Heather Cater, 22, was killed in Little Rock Arkansas, when her car was hit by a black male fleeing from police.
9/4/14 – Marke Pridmore, 40, a white homeless man, was beaten to death by eight to ten black males in Huntsville, AL.
9/4/14 – A mother and son are stabbed to death in Bartlesville, OK. The black husband of the female victim has been charged.
9/3/14 – Daryl Pierson, a white police officer was murdered by a black male in Rochester, NY. The suspect is a career criminal.
9/3/14 – Kallay Randal Batchelor, 32, was stabbed to death in her home in Escanaba, MI. Her black husband has been charged.
9/2/14 – Kenneth Rex Raley, 75, was beaten to death by a black male who invaded his home in Mount Vernon, TX.
9/2/14 – A black male kills five white people in a spree shooting in Kansas City, MO. The same suspect is accused of murdering two white teenagers in 1998.
8/31/14 – Linda Albritton, 71, was stabbed to death inside her home in Birmingham, AL. The suspects are a black male and a white male.
8/30/14 – Jaclyn Ann Kvasnicka, 27, was killed by a black male who was drunk and driving almost double the speed limit. An Asian female was also killed.
8/30/14 – Ballard Reynolds, 27, was shot execution style in Waugh, Alabama. Three black males have been arrested.
8/28/14 – Nikola Maric, 20, was shot and killed by two black males as he was walking in Milwaukee, WI.
8/28/14 – Amanda Russell, 40, was stabbed to death in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. He black ex-boyfriend was charged.
8/28/14 – Katelyn Beard, 17, was abducted by a black male and later found dead in Pocahontas, MS. A suspect has been charged.
8/24/14 – Richard Bombard, 49, was stabbed to death by a black neighbor near his Plattsburgh, NY home.
8/24/14 – Michael J. Soeller, 43, was killed in his home by a black female perpetrator in Fox Lake, WI.
8/23/14 – Elden Kitson Vanderwal, 71, was killed during a home invasion in Seagrove, NC. Two black males and white female have been charged.
8/22/14 – Garvin John Albertson, 75, was killed by a black male who invaded his home in Lee County, AL.
8/22/14 – Heather Baker, 20, was killed in a parking lot in Saline County, AR. A black male hit her with his car and drug her.
8/22/14 – Christopher Rossing, 25, was leaving a bar when he was abducted and killed in Buffalo, MN. A black male and his white girlfriend have been charged.
8/18/14 – Richard Catalano, 22, was killed by a black male who invaded his North Providence, RI home.
8/18/14 – Carolyn Nicole Riggs, 20, was shot and killed by a black male in Oklahoma City, OK. Her black boyfriend was charged. A family member of the victim was also shot and injured.
8/16/14 – Eric Steven Brookins, 24, was shot and killed by a black male in Evansville, IN.
8/16/14 – Nanette Marie Haghi, 46, was stabbed to death by a black male while walking down the street in Minneapolis, MN.
8/15/14 – William Davitte, 55, was murdered inside a Columbia County, GA church by a black male. The victim’s wife was also shot and injured.
8/12/14 – Sheila von Wiese-Mack was murdered by her black daughter and her daughter’s black boyfriend. They live in Chicago, IL, but the murdered happened on vacation in Indonesia.
8/10/14 – Scott Simerson, 24 was beaten to death in a random attack by black males in Grand Rapids, MI. Four black males have been charged.
8/10/14 – Thomas Knepper, 68, was mowing a lawn in Manhattan Township, IL when a black male hit him with his car. The perp was drunk and driving recklessly.
8/9/14 – James Wells was murdered by a black couple while driving a taxi cab in Hopewell, VA.
8/8/14 – Jimmie Allison, 79, was shot and killed by three black males while he was walking down the street in Flint, MI.
8/7/14 – Joshua Snyder, 4, was killed when a black man ran him over with a truck multiple times.
8/7/14 – Adam Schrier, 37, was shot and killed when two black males invaded his Duluth, GA home. The perps also shot his wife and eight year old daughter, but they survived.
8/5/14 – Lydia Ann Tross, 41, was killed while hiking in Clearwater, FL. The suspect is a n 18 year old black male.
8/4/14 – Carly Chapman, 19, was shot and killed by a black males in Magnolia Park, FL. Her black boyfriend and another black male was also killed.
8/4/14 – Thomas Anderson, 38, was shot and killed by three black males who invaded his home in Hartford County, MD.
8/4/14 – Michael Connor Verkerke, 7, was stabbed to death on a playground in Kent County, MI. The perp is a 12 year old black male.
8/4/14 – A black male shot and killed a man and his girlfriend in front of his home in Kensington, PA. The suspect is an 18 year old black male.
8/2/14 – Helen Mills, 81, was killed by a black male and female who invaded her home in Goshen, NY.
7/29/14 – Rebecca Demuth, 23, was shot and killed by a black male in Gentilly, LA.
7/28/14 – David Carroll, 48, was shot and killed by a group of black males and a black female who invaded his home in Shreveport, LA.
7/28/14 – David Pimentel, 22, was shot and killed by a carload of black males in Pleasant Grove, TX.
7/28/14 – Bilal Berreni, 23, a French artist staying in Detroit is murdered by a groups of black males. Four suspects have been charged.
7/28/14 – Zachary Frischkorn, 27, was shot and killed by a black male in Youngstown, OH.
7/27/14 – James Payne, 58, was beaten to death by a black neighbor in Turtle Creek, PA.
7/26/14 – Matthew Hammond, 23, was killed by two black males who invaded his trailer home in Knoxville, TN.
7/24/14 – Katrina Miller was murdered in Indianapolis, IN. Her black boyfriend was convicted of the murder.
7/24/14 – Ray Daniel Ruffin, 20, was murdered while walking his dog in Stuttgart, AR. A 17 year old black male was charged.
7/21/14 – Michael Raymond Bailey Jr, 22, was shot and killed in a McDonalds parking lot by two black males in Henrico, VA.
7/21/14 – Mollie Ragonesi, 66, was murdered by her black foster son in Wassila, AK.
7/20/14 – Michael Cook, 29, was shot and killed in North Little Rock, AR. The suspect is a 17 year old black male.
7/19/14 – Daytona Hudgins, 19, was strangled to death by a black male in Vancouver, WA.
7/19/14 – Cadence Harris, 5, was abducted and murdered by her mother’s black boyfriend in Leavenworth, KS.
7/18/14 – Cadence Harris, 5, was shot and killed by a black male in Leavenworth, KS. Her mother’s black boyfriend was charged.
7/17/14 – Ryan Brooks, 20, was shot by a group of black males in Panama City Beach, FL
7/17/14 – Donald Leonetti, 45. was shot and killed by a black male in Stafford, Texas.
7/17/14 – Andrew Edie, 48, was shot and killed by a black male at his home in Gibsonton, FL.
7/17/14 – Krystal McAdow, 23, was shot and killed in Modesto, CA. He black ex-boyfriend was charged.
7/14/14 – Cindy Raygoza, 45, was stabbed to death in Fresno, CA. He black boyfriend was shot and killed when police tried to arrest him.
7/14/14 – A black male beat three members of the same family to death with a baseball bat in Tavares, FL. The perp was the boyfriend of one of the victims.
7/12/14 – Branda Basham, 22, was shot and killed by black males in Charleston, WV.
7/12/14 – A black male went on a shooting spree at a Pasadena apartment complex. He killed three, and wounded two.
7/9/14 – Elena Shea, 25, was shot and killed by a black male in Dallas, TX. Her black boyfriend was also wounded by the same perp.
7/9/14 – William O’Neill, 46, was killed while delivery pizzas in San Antonio, TX. A black male ran him over with his own car.
7/8/14 – Crystal Gaffney, 28, was killed by a black male in Waterloo, IA. The suspect is her boyfriend.
7/6/14 – Jeffrey Westerfield, 47, was shot and killed execution style while on duty as a police officer in Gary, IN. A black male has been charged.
7/5/14 – Perry Renn, was shot and killed while on duty as a police officer in Indianapolis, IN. black male has been charged.
7/4/14 – Rachelle Louise Hayes, was shot and killed while walking down the street in Muskogee, Oklahoma. A black male has been charged.
7/2/14 – Rupert Anderson, 97, was beaten to death when a black male invaded his home. His wife was also severely beaten. The suspect is an Ethiopian immigrant.
7/3/14 – Ronald D. Smith, 56, was killed during a mob attack by three black males in Bloomington, IN.
7/2/14 – Michael Mikulske, 44, was shot and killed in a parking lot in East Hartford, CT. A black 18 year old was charged.
7/2/14 – Joseph Keith Richard, 56, white male was beaten to death by a black male at a San Antonio, TX Amtrak station. The suspect told police he just felt like killing someone.
6/30/14 – Jim Brennan, 61, was murdered by multiple black males while he worked at a bar in Cleveland Heights, OH. Two black males have been charged.
6/28/14 – Catherine Elizabeth Lipford, 28, was stabbed to death in Hopewell, VA. The suspect is her black boyfriend.
6/26/14 – Margaret Daniels, 31, was stabbed to death in her apartment in Newton, NC . A black neighbor was charged with the crime. The suspect was charged with beating and raping a woman once before, but never prosecuted.
6/26/14 – Jake Rameau, 26, was shot and killed while riding his motorcycle by a black male in Muskegon Heights, MI.
6/26/14 – John Huddleston, 21, was shot and killed by five black males who invaded his home in Knoxville, TN. A female victim was also shot and injured and a dog was shot and killed.
6/25/14 – Brendan Tevlin, 19, was shot and killed in Newark, NJ. Four black males were charged. Some are the same suspects in the murder of a black female. One is a suspect in the murder of two black homosexuals in Seattle, WA.
6/24/14 – Nathan Dasher, 27, was shot and killed on the street by a black male in Montgomery, AL.
6/23/14 – Allen Bares, Jr, 51, was shot and killed by a group of black males while on duty as a Deputy Sheriff in Abbeville, Louisiana. Four black males have been charged.
6/23/14 – Gina Burger, 16, was stabbed to death by a black neighbor in Austintown, TX.
6/22/14 – Paul Shepherd, 40, was shot execution style by two black males while driving a taxi cab in Knoxville, TN.
6/22/14 – Stephen Szorcsik, 30, was shot and killed outside a bar in Orlando, FL by a black male. The same suspect also killed a black male victim.
6/21/14 – Lance Corporal Jonathan Price, 26 was leaving a restaurant with his wife in Lexington, KY. A black male shot him in the back and killed him.
6/19/14 – Ryan Hagerman, 34, was beaten to death by a black cellmate while being held the Macomb County Jail in Mount Clemens, MI.
6/17/14 – Allyn William Reeve, Jr., 27, was shot and killed by two black males who invaded his home in Battle Creek, MI.
6/15/14 – Michael Beaver, 25, was beaten to death by a black male in a bar in San Diego, CA.
6/15/14 – Caroline Huffine was murdered at a hotel in Reno, NV. Her black boyfriend was charged.
6/14/14 – Rachel Rogers, 24, was raped and beaten to death by a black male in Village, Oklahoma. The suspect is the black boyfriend of a white female friend of Rachel’s. The white girlfriend was also severely beaten.
6/13/14 – John Whitmore, 65, was attacked by two black females on a train platform in Los Angeles, CA. He died of his wounds.
6/13/14 – Merle Forbes, 79, was stabbed to death by a black male while he was driving a taxi cab in Platteville, WI.
6/12/14 – Sarah Goode, 21, was murdered in Suffolk County, NY. A black male has been charged.
6/11/14 – Toney Ann Johnson was murdered in her home in Salisbury, NC. Her black ex-husband was charged with the murder.
6/11/14 – Angela M. Cook, 39, was killed by a black male in Pensacola, Florida.
6/11/14 – Russell Soltani was murdered by a black male while he was working at a car dealership in Houston, Texas.
6/9/14 – Amber Lynne Fernald, 33, was stabbed to death by a black male in Troy, NY. The suspect is her boyfriend.
6/7/14 – Stuart Carson, 43, was shot execution style by a black male while he worked as a taxi cab driver in Jacksonville, FL.
6/5/14 – Russina Vale, 38, was stabbed to death in San Carlos, CA. The suspect is the woman’s lesbian “ex-wife.”
6/5/14 – Makayla Bunting, 22, was shot and killed in Corpus Christi, TX. The perp is her black boyfriend. He is also shot and injured a four year old.
6/5/14 – Harry Briggs, 45, was shot execution style while working at a gas station in Indianapolis, IN. A black perp was captured on video.
6/5/14 – Josh Tucker, 31, was shot and killed by a black neighbor in Indianapolis, IN.
6/4/14 – Laura Bach, 24, was beaten to death in her St. Louis, MO home. Her black boyfriend was charged.
6/3/14 – Nicole Franco, 19 was stabbed to death in her home in Park Ridge, FL. A 15 year old black male has been charged.
6/1/14 – William Porter Headlee, 25, was shot execution style by a black neighbor in St. Petersburg, FL.
6/1/14 – Aaron Coty Lowry, 30, was shot and killed by a black male as he left a bar in Lumberton, NC.
5/31/14 – Theodore Kelbach, 49, was shot and killed by a black male in West Jordan, UT.
5/30/14 – Heather Stewart, 28, was killed in Waterloo, WI. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
5/30/14 – Joshua Tubbleville, 33, was shot and killed inside his car by a black passenger in Oak Lawn, Texas.
5/28/14 – Marion Lee Brown, 54, was killed by a black couple in Smith County, TX.
5/27/14 – Andrew Barth, 21, was shot and killed by a black male in Rockford, IL.
5/25/14 – Matthew Pech, 27, was shot and killed by a black neighbor in Cape Coral, FL.
5/23/14 – Jennifer Jill Youngblood, 26, was killed in Greenville, SC. Her black boyfriend was charged.
5/22/14 – Vincent Darbenzio was shot execution style why driving a taxi cab in Scranton, NJ. The suspect is a 16 year old black male.
5/20/14 – David Logterman, 57 was killed when a drunk black man hit his car. The suspect is a habitual drunk who was banned from driving cars.
5/20/14 – Doug Carey, 70, was killed while working as a crossing guard in Clearwater, FL. A black male career criminal was driving recklessly in a school school, hit Carey, and then abandoned his own injured children at the scene of the crime.
5/19/14 – Summer Hickman, 34, was murdered by a black male in Mexico, MO. The suspect is her boyfriend.
5/19/14 – Alex Mazzan, 20, was shot and killed, by a group of young black males, while walking down the street in downtown Orlando, FL.
5/18/14 – Tina Hoult, 38, was murdered in Omaha, NE. Her black boyfriend was charged.
5/18/14 – Caleb Woosley, 17 was beaten to death in Richmond, IN. Two black males have been charged.
5/16/14 – Two white females were shot to death inside a home they shared in Bossier, LA. A black male, who was friends with the victims, has been arrested.
5/15/14 – Deborah Ann Treptor, 35, was stabbed to death in Watts, CA. He black boyfriend was charged.
5/15/14 – A black male stabbed two female employees to death inside a bank in Cairo, IL. A third victim was seriously injured.
5/11/14 – Billy Putnam, 87, was shot and killed in a parking lot by in Meridian, MS. The suspect is a 16 year old black male.
5/10/14 – Hannah Brinkley, 17, was shot and killed in Shelby, NC. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
5/9/14 – Russell McKinley, 29, was beaten to death in his apartment and his body was dumped in a creek in San Antonio, Texas. Two black males have been charged.
5/9/14 – Charles Dinwiddie was shot and killed by a black male while on duty as a police officer in Killeen, TX. A second police officer was wounded. The perp has been charged.
5/7/14 – Julian L. Parrott, 26, was stabbed to death by a black male in Staunton, VA.
5/6/14 – Julia Ann Mudgett, 77, was killed in her home in Hollywood, SC and her body was dumped at another location. The suspect is a black male career criminal, who is also suspected of killing an elderly black female the same month.
5/5/14 – Sharlene Steadman was beaten to death on her rural property in Ochlocknee, GA. A black male, who was on parole, has been charged with the murder.
5/5/14 – Kye Boudreaux, 26, was shot execution style while camping in Plaquemine, LA. a black male, that the victim was friends with, was charged.
5/2/14 – A black male stabbed a mother and daughter to death who lived next door in Madison, WI.
5/1/14 – Harold E. Collins, 66, was killed by multiple black male perpetrators while he was working in his coin shop in Monroe, LA.
5/1/14 – Theodore Wright, 58, was shot and killed by a black male in Cleveland, Ohio.
4/29/14 – Blake J. Helmer, 55, was shot execution style by three black males while he was driving a taxi can in Gretna, LA.
4/27/14 – Malcolm Ray Norris, 49 was shot and killed by a black male while working in a grocery store he managed in Loris, SC.
4/23/14 – Kevin Thomas Coughlin, 55, was tied up and shot execution style by a black male in Indianapolis, IN.
4/23/14 – Arthur McKee, 66, was murdered by two black males who invaded his home in Hueytown, AL.
4/23/14 – Ronald Stern, 49, was shot and killed by two black males in Rochester, NY. A second victim was shot and injured.
4/22/14 – Eric Anderson, 23, was beaten to death by two black males, wielding a pipe and a baseball bat in Seale, AL. One of the perps was a friend of the victim.
4/22/14 – Jamie Lea Harmer, 32, was killed and her remains chopped up and scattered in Riverside, MN. A black male has been charged.
4/19/14 – Megan Elizabeth Monroe, 22, was killed and her body torched in a field in Fairfield, AL. The suspects are two black males.
4/18/14 – Gerald Perry, 65, was shot and killed by a black neighbor in Fresno, CA.
4/17/14 – Brandon Pickford, 36, was stabbed in the neck in a McDonalds in Las Vegas, NV. A black male has been charged.
4/17/14 – Anna Mae Eblen, 89, was killed by a black male who invader her home in Columbus, Ohio.
4/16/14 – Nathan Hall, 18, was shot and killed while riding his bike in South Bend, IN. The suspect is a 16 year old black male.
4/15/14 – Kasie Clary of Hillsboro, Texas was beaten to death. Her black boyfriend was charged with the murder. The mother of her boyfriend was charged as an accomplice.
4/15/14 – Justin Downey, 29, was murdered by a black male who invaded his home in New Bedford, MA.
4/14/14 – Tielor Williams, 18, was shot and killed by a black male at a park in Omaha, NE. A second white male was shot and injured.
4/12/14 – Sheila Johnson, 54, was shot by black gunman while working at an auction hall in Fort Worth, TX.
4/10/14 – John Swoveland Jr,, 2, was shot and killed by a black teenagers while he was playing in his front yard in South Bend, IN.
4/9/14 – Melissa Nickel,31, was shot and killed in Freeport, IL. Her black boyfriend was charged.
4/8/14 – Marilyn Eversole, 80, was killed by a black male who invaded her apartment in Mount Vernon, Ohio.
4/8/14 – Matthew Glassford, 48. was shot and killed by three black males as he walked down the street in Milwaukee, WI.
4/8/14 – Eric S. Ervin was murdered by a black male in Allentown, PA. The perp used craigslist to lure his victim.
4/7/14 – John R. Neff, 59, was beaten to death while working at a home in Beaumont, Texas. A 17 year old black male has been charged.
4/5/14 – Michael Philip Hanson, 35, was shot and killed by two black males in a parking lot in Augusta, GA.
4/4/14 – Vanessa Milligan, 19, was killed when a black male set fire to her apartment. Her black boyfriend was charged. She was nine months pregnant.
4/3/14 – Kirk Lund, 51, was shot and killed by a black male while walking down the street in Modesto, CA.
4/2/14 – Nicole Mitchell, 33, was killed by a black male in Brunswick, GA. Her black boyfriend was charged.
4/1/14 – Dominic Everett, 27, was shot and killed by three black males who invade his home in Oxford, NC.
4/1/14 – Nathan Trapuzzano, 25 was shot and killed while taking a morning walk in Indianapolis. A 16 year old black male has been charged.
4/1/14 – Richard Salvia, 50, was killed by three black males while he was delivering Chinese food in Staten Island, NY
4/1/14 – Chester Cullen, 32, was shot and killed by a black male while jogging in Las Vegas, NV. He was trying to stop a robbery when he was killed.
3/31/14 – Two black males killed three white people at an apartment complex in Indianapolis, IN.
3/29/14 – William Chase Pearson, 20, was shot and killed by three black males in Denmark, SC. Another white male victim was left permanently debilitated. A third white male victim was seriously injured.
3/28/14 – Basim Sulaka, 51, was shot and killed, by two black males, while working at a store in Sterling Heights, MI.
3/28/14 – Silas Nelson, 1, was beaten to death in Olyphant, PA. His mother’s black boyfriend was charged.
3/27/14 – Shannon Kleeman, 22, was raped and murdered by a black neighbor in Indianapolis, IN.
3/27/14 – Kimberly Hill, 50, was beaten and stabbed to death by her black son in Corpus Christi, TX.
3/26/14 – Nicholas Hagood, 34, was shot to death by two black males who invaded his apartment in Atlanta, GA.
3/25/14 – Rian Lashley, 19, was intentionally given a fatal drug overdose by a black female in Plano, Texas. Another black male accomplice was also arrested.
3/24/14 – Lucinda White, 30, was shot in the head by her black boyfriend in East Baton Rouge, LA.
3/24/14 – Jamie Lynn Goode, 36, was murdered by a black male who was on a killing spree in Browns Summit, NC. The same perp murdered another black female and injured a third female victim.
3/22/14 – Christian Wood, 22, was stabbed to death by a black male in a nightclub in Davenport, IA.
3/20/14 – Tyler Zanco, 17, was shot and killed by a black male in Waltham, MA.
3/16/14 – Donald G. Mariner, 72, was murdered by a black male who invaded his home in Salisbury, MD.
3/15/14 – Nichole Duarte, 19, was shot and killed in Sacramento, CA. Her black boyfriend’s brother was charged.
3/15/14 – Justin Roake, 21, was killed when two black males fired at his car as he was driving Nashville, TN.
3/15/14 – Frank Mott, 65, was beaten to death by a black neighbor in Spokane, WA.
3/15/14 – Kelly Marelich, 22, was murder by a black male and her body thrown in a dumpster in Manteca, CA>
3/14/14 – Allene Durdin, 81, was killed by two black males who invaded her home in Memphis, TN.
3/13/14 – Dimitrios Karaloukas, 62, was stabbed to death in his restaurant in West Boca, FL. a black male, who is a former employee, has been charged.
3/13/14 – A black male used his car as weapon to kill four victims at a radio station event in Austin, TX. He also injured about twenty-one others. The victims are a white male, a white female, an Asian female, and a black male.
3/12/14 – Philip Schulz, 63, was beaten to death with a pipe by a black man in Louisville, KY.
3/11/14 – Frederic Cooper, 74, was murdered by a black male who attacked him in the bathroom of a McDonalds in Gwinnett County, GA.
3/11/14 – Danielle Locklear, 15, was found dead in a river with a cider block tied to her feet. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
3/11/14 – Robert Perry, 66, was shot and killed while leaving a Walmart in Coden, AL. Two black females have been charged.
3/10/14 – Christina Mahzamani, 32, was killed when a black male smashed her head with a concrete block in Valrico, FL. Her black boyfriend was charged.
3/9/14 – Earnest Dewitt Brannon, 67, was murdered by a black male roomate in Los Angeles.
3/8/14 – Martha Tyler, 72, was killed by a black male in an apparent home invasion in Berkeley County, WV.
3/8/14 – Patrick Daniel Roberts, 39, was shot and beaten to death by two black males who invaded his Lawrence, OK home.
3/7/14 – Johnny Allen was a construction worker visiting Lawton, OK when he was shot and killed at a motel. A black male has been charged.
3/7/14 – Brandon Samuels, 21, was shot and killed by an uninvited black male at a party in Omaha, NE.
3/5/14 – Dylan McKelvey, 18, was killed in Indiantown, FL. A black male has been charged.
3/5/14 – Laurie Patton, 39, was strangled and her body burned in a motel room in Greenville, SC. A black male, who was once in her Middle School class, was charged.
3/1/14 – Herbert Goode, 66, was shot to death in a parking lot in Chicago, IL. A black male has been charged.
3/1/14 – James Stewart, 71, was stabbed to death by a black male in a park in New Haven, FL.
3/1/14 – Nicholas Kapusniak, 20, was shot by a black male in downtown St. Louis, MO.
2/28/14 – Steven Finckbeiner, 63, was shot and killed by two black males while he was working at a sore in LaPlace, LA.
2/25/14 – Robert Huber, 80, was beaten by two black males who invaded his home in Daphne, AL. The victim would die of his injuries two months later.
2/24/14 – Cheryl Gilberg, 43, was beat to death in Madison, WI. Her black boyfriend was charged.
2/23/14 – David Peterson, 54, was shot and killed while walking down the street in Seattle, WA. The suspect is a 17 year old black male.
2/22/14 – Ronald Sanders, 26, was shot and killed in Nashville, TN by two black males.
2/20/14 – Donalvon Odell Rhyne, 52, was shot and killed by two black males while he was driving a taxi cab in Houston, TX.
2/16/14 – Billy Jo Bratton, 23, was killed in York, PA. He black boyfriend has been charged.
2/15/14 – Three white females were killed in a spree shooting by a black male in Cabarrus County, NC. One of the victims was dating the perp.
2/14/14 – Brandi Gonyer-Boaston was strangled to death in Toledo, OH. Her black ex-husband has been charged.
2/13/14 – A black male killed two people execution style and set their Corinth, MS home on fire.
2/10/14 – A group of at least four blacks invade the Detroit, MI home of a white family and stabbed three people to death
2/10/14 – Donald Ray Gunter, 69, was murder by a black male in Greene County, TN. The per has a white girlfriend who was also charged.
2/9/14 – John Serpe, 44, was sitting in his vehicle when a black male walked up to the car and shot him execution style in West Garfield Park, IL. The suspect is a career criminal who was on parole.
2/8/14 – Dustin Woods, 29, was murdered by two black males at a motel in Indianapolis, IN.
2/8/14 – Two women, sisters of Iowa State Rep. Mary Wolfe, were killed execution style in their home in Pittsburgh, PA. A black neighbor was charged.
2/7/14 – Alexandria Nicole Bertran, 16, was killed in Orange County, TX when a black male rammed her car with a minivan on purpose. Her mother was also injured.
2/4/14 – Ina Gail Jenkins, 35, beaten to death and her body burned in Baltimore, MD. A black male she was staying with, was charged.
2/3/14 – Christian Markoff, 17, was shot and killed by two black males in Ozark, AL.
2/3/14 – Michael Patin, 49, was shot and killed while working at a Flea Market in Lafayette Parish, LA. A 15 year old black male has been charged.
2/3/14 – Rachelle Nowak, 37, was shot and killed in Brenham, TX. Her black boyfriend was convicted.
2/2/14 – Kimberly Leto, 51, was stabbed to death by two black teenagers who invaded her home in Baltimore, MD.
2/1/14 – John Bannon, 55, was walking in Baton Rouge, LA, when two black males beat him to death.
2/1/14 – Lori Martin was shot and killed by a black male while she was waiting in line at a Walmart in Conway, AR.
1/31/14 – Angela Steigerwalt, , was strangled to death by her black boyfriend in Allentown, PA.
1/31/14 – Kevin Quick, 45, a reserve police officer was abducted and murdered in Nelson County, VA. Several black males have been charged.
1/28/14 – Thomas Karl Sonnenberg. 69, was shot and killed by a black male who came to his door asking for help in Minneapolis, MN.
1/27/14 – Carroll Jordan, 86, was beaten and stabbed to death by three black males who invaded his home in Chickasaw, AL.
1/26/14 – Kyle Lutes, 24, was shot and killed by a black male he had been friends with in West Palm Beach, FL.
1/26/14 – Shane Williams, 38, was shot and killed by a black male, who had been a childhood friend, in Dacusvill, SC. The victim’s white wife was arrested as an accomplice.
1/25/14 – A black male shot two people during a spree shooting at a skateboard store in Columbia, MD. The victim’s were his ex-girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend.
1/25/14 – Joey Klett, 19, was stabbed to death by a black male in Bristol, CT.
1/25/14 – Peggy Nadell, 80, was murdered in Rockland County, NY. The suspects are her black daughter in law and the sister of her daughter in law.
1/25/14 – Domenico Perruccio, 58, was shot and killed by a black male in Hollywood, FL.
1/23/14 – Wilson Courtney Caitlyn Rea, 22, was killed by a black male in Wilson, NC. Her black boyfriend was charged.
1/21/14 – Alex Anderson, 19, was shot and killed by a black male in Chicago.
1/19/14 – Amber Long, 25, was shot and killed by two black men as she walked down the street in Philadelphia, PA.
1/18/14 – Bowie Richard, 21, was shot and killed by a black male in Harvey, LA.
1/18/14 – Lisa Marie Lico Pynn, 33, was raped and murder by a black male in Pent Wetworth, GA. The suspect is a suspected serial rapist.
1/16/14 – Melissa Williams, 35, was killed by a black male in McKinney, TX. Her black boyfriend was charged.
1/16/14 – Cory Hubbard, 22, was killed when a black drunk driver slammed into him in College Park, MD.
1/15/14 – Sean W. Schumann, 32, was shot and killed by a black male in Killeen, TX.
1/14/14 – Marsha Brown, 40, was shot and killed by a black male in Makanda, IL.
1/14/14 – Jennifer Harper Johnson, 30, was killed in Amherst County, VA. He black boyfriend was charged.
1/14/14 – Hunter Miller, 26, was killed by a black male in Gautier, MS.
1/14/14 – A newlywed couple was ambushed and murdered in their own home in Denver, CO. A 17 year old black male has been convicted of the murders.
1/13/14 – Bernice Schaufele, 81 was murdered by a black male in her Oakland County, MI condo.
1/11/14 – Robert Mohler, 49, was beaten to death in Laundromat in Berks County, PA. Four black teenagers, two male and two female, were charged.
1/10/14 – Michael Anthony Giddens, 25, was shot and killed by two black males in Rock Hill, SC.
1/9/14 – Marc Zhuchenko, 22, was killed by a black male while working at an auto parts store in Sacramento County, CA.
1/9/14 – Amy Gang Hargrove, 28, was killed in Kirkland, WA. Her black boyfriend was charged.
1/8/14 – Ann Hinton was killed when a black male in a truck slammed into her car in a Mobile, AL parking lot. The perp has been charged with murder.
1/5/14 – Kyle Jobin, 19, was shot and killed by two black males at a gas station in Lawrence, IN.
1/5/14 – Tara Rogers Alicea, 30, was stabbed to death by a black male in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.
1/5/14 – Joshua Andrew Heinz, 31, was beaten to death with a baseball bat by a black male in Jacksonville, FL.
1/2/14 – Menachem Stark, 37, was killed by three black males in Brooklyn, NY.
1/1/14 – Joseph Anderson was shot and killed by a black male in Marrero, LA.
1/1/14 – Keisha Ward, 31, was beaten to death by black males in Columbus County, NC. Another white male victim was badly injured in the attack.
1/1/14 – Three members of the same family were murdered by two black males inside their Barbarton, Ohio home. A fourth female victim was shot. Two brothers have been charged.
9/11/14 – Richard Pepper, 60, was beaten to death by African immigrants in Toronto. Perps have been charged.
5/24/14 – Douglas Parker, 20, was shot and killed by a black male in Toronto.
5/14/14 – George Knoop, 77, a missionary from Chicago was murdered in Haiti.
Memorial Wall 2015
For more on black on white violence in America, click here.
Khrista Ibarolle was shot and killed by a black male as she left a bar. She hah been attending her own birthday party.
Murder in 2015. We have asked the SPLC and the #BlackLivesMatter crowd to help us find white on black murders. So far we can only find one white on black murder occurring in 2015.
Tally: 97
Hold-Up/Thrill Killing/Hate Crime: 26
Thrill Kill/Hate Crime Group Attack: 4
Thrill Kill + Rape: 1
Home Invasion: 26
Femicide: 13
Femicide Related: 2
Killed by adopted son: 1
Killed by a friend: 7
Killed while working at a store: 1
Killed while providing charity: 3
Killed while driving a taxi: 1
Killed while delivering pizza: 3
Killed after online ad: 2
Killed by a girlfriend: 1
Killed by a government caregiver: 1
Felony vehicular manslaughter: 3
4/27/15 – Ana Charle, 36, was murdered by a black male while working at a homeless shelter in New York City, NY.
4/24/15 – David Fuller, 26, was shot and killed by a black male while delivering pizzas in Flint, MI.
4/22/15 – A father and son were killed execution style when two black males invaded their home in Metairie, LA.
4/20/15 –Aiden Louis Bard, 8, died from being burned in a scalding hot bath by his black DCFS caregiver in Deerfield, IL.
4/17/15 – Cassandra Cassidy, 24, was shot and killed by multiple black males in a car in Las Vegas, NV.
4/17/15 – Samantha J. Fleming, 23, was stabbed to death in her home by a black female in Gary, IN. Police say the perp pretended to be a government worker.
4/15/15 – Floyd Valachovic, elderly, was beaten to death by a black male in St. Stephens, SC.
4/13/15 – Deanna Stewart, 38, was beaten to death by a black male in El Paso, TX. The suspect is her husband.
4/12/15 – Wanda Dethlefsen, 33, was stabbed to death by a black male in La Grange, NC. The twenty year old suspect was trying to pursue a relationship with the victim’s 13 year old daughter.
4/11/15 – Nils Johnson, 39, was beaten to death by a black male in Oak Park Heights, MN.
4/11/15 – Marcia Dye, 53, was murdered in her home by a black male in Heber Springs, AR. The 19 year old suspect is described as the adopted son of the victim.
4/11/15 – Aaron Jerome Davis was killed when a black male hit him with his car in St. Petersburg, Florida. The suspect was drunk and fleeing from police. Another victim was injured.
4/10/15 – Matthew John Smith, 31, was killed when a black male wrecked his car into him in Lakeland, FL. The suspect was fleeing from police in a stolen car after committing a series of other crimes.
4/7/15 – Eva Hodisan, 76, was stabbed to death by a black male who invaded her home in Cleveland, Ohio.
4/3/15 – Two white victims were shot and killed by a black male in Petersburg, VA.
4/2/15 – Cheri Amber Houston, 28, was killed by a black male in Lake County, FL.
4/1/15 – Brian Anthony Kappauf, 43, was shot and killed by a black male in Charlotte, NC.
4/1/15 – Thomas Brock,30, was shot and killed in Pasadena, Texas by two black males. They were angry at the way he was driving.
3/27 – A black male killed two people in St. Louis. The suspect was the boyfriend of one of the victims.
3/26/15 – Destiny Asher, 23, was shot and killed by a black male who wanted to rob her and her friends in Indianapolis, IN
3/24/15 – Michael Price, 36, was shot and killed by a black male while delivering pizzas in New Orleams
3/24/15 – Kelly L. Hepfl, 39, was shot and killed by a black male in Philadelphia, PA. The suspect is her boyfriend.
3/19/15 – Julia Anderson, 23, was stabbed to death in a parking lot in New Orleans, La by a black male. The suspect is her boyfriend.
3/19/15 – James Stuhlman, 51, was shot and killed by a group of black males aged 14-15 in Philadelphia, PA.
3/19/15 – Anna Marie Ferriman, 62, was killed by a black male during a home invasion in Columbus, Ohio. The perp also burned down her house.
3/18/15 – An unborn baby was killed by a black female when the mother responded to a craigslist ad in Longmont, CO. The seven month old baby was cut out of her mother’s womb and later died.
3/16/15 – Kimberly Ann Chittenden, 46, was murdered by a black male in Citrus Heights, CA.
3/16/15 – Karter Alderman, 17, was shot and killed when a black male invaded his home in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
3/15/15 – Sharon L. Moody, 52, was murdered in her home by a black male in Junction City, KS. Suspect is described as an acquaintance.
3/15/15 – Amanda Collins, 33, was found dead in her truck near Shreveport, LA. A black male described as an acquaintance has been arrested.
3/14/15 – Three black males murder two outside of a bar in Atlanta, GA.
3/14/15 – Pamela-Ann Kynazher, 19, was shot and killed by two black males at a gas station in Richmond, VA.
3/13/15 – Donnie Kennedy, 31, was beaten and stabbed to death by a black male in Clarksville, TN.
3/13/15 – Steve Dillard, 55, was murdered by a black male while running a foster home for troubled youth in Louisville, KY.
3/12/15 – Josh Richey, 38, was shot and killed by black males in a Kroger parking lot in Atlanta, GA.
3/11/15 – George Hite, 65, was strangled by to death by a black male who invaded his condo in Trenton, MI.
3/11/15 – Matthew Hagerty, 24, was murdered by three black males in Brevard County, FL. The suspects are aged 15-19.
3/10/15 – Casey Lindley, 27, was shot and killed by a black male in Ogden, KS.
3/7/15 – Dawn Davis Kirkland, 51, was killed while riding her motorcycle in Lexington, SC. The perp is a black male who was driving drunk and drinking from an open container while he was driving. Other victims were also injured.
3/5/15 – Christopher Guilbeau, 24, was found dead in Texarkana, AR alley. Two black males and unidentified female minor arrested after being caught driving around in his car.
3/5/15 – Yarra Wilson, 42, was murdered by her black husband in Lancaster, PA.
3/4/15 – Thomas David Oakland, 75, was killed by a black male who invaded his Gainsville, FL home.
3/1/15 – Eva Todd Carmichael, 94, was shot to death when four black males invaded her home in Meridian, MS.
2/27/15 – A mother and son were killed execution style when four black male invaded their Americus, GA home.
2/27/15 – Dennis Wayne Williams, 57, was shot and killed by four black males during a home invasion in High Point, NC.
2/24/15 – Dan Long Belvin, 95, was killed in a home invasion by a black male in Montgomery County, MD.
2/22/15 – Alexander William Burkart, 22, was stabbed to death by two black males while delivering pizzas in Mt. Clemens, MI.
2//22/15 – A black male killed a couple during a home invasion in Elkton, Maryland. The perps white female girlfriend was also arrested as an accomplice.
2/18/15 – Mandi Kaiser was murdered by a black male in Savannah, GA. The suspect is her fiance.
2/17/15 – Jason Stovall, 33, was shot and killed by a black male in Malvern, AR. A white female victim was also shot and seriously injured.
2/12/15 – Michelle Dukes, 34, was shot and had her throat slit by a black male. The suspect is her husband.
2/12/15 – Monique Rakowski, 29, was murder by a black male in Eastpointe, MI. He black boyfriend has been charged. He also killed a baby they had together.
2/11/15 – Frank Steinsiek, 56, was murdered by a black male when he placed an ad for a motorcycle on the internet in Little Rock, AR.
2/10/15 – David Messerschmitt, 30, was stabbed to death by two black females in Washington, DC. He was lured to his death over craigslist.
2/7/15 – Steven Arnold, 57, was killed by a black male who invaded his home in Reno, NV.
2/7/15 – Larry Tuttle was shot and killed by his black girlfriend in Lake Highlands, TX.
2/7/15 – Rob Browning, 68, was killed by a black female who invaded his home in Beckley, WV.
2/5/15 – Ashley Bain, 28, was beaten and stabbed to death by her black boyfriend in Smithville, NE.
2/1/15 – Carol Sue Cunningham, 40, was beaten to death by a black male in St. Joseph, MO. The suspect is the victim’s boyfriend.
1/31/15 – Amy Murphy, 20, was killed and her body set on fire in Clarksville, TN. Two black males and a Latino female have been charged with murder. A black female and a white male were charged as accessories. The victim had three small children.
1/27/15 – Dylan Peters, 17, was shot by two black males who fire gunshots through the front door of his home in York County, VA.
1/25/15 – Trisha Dawn Stull, 30, was shot and killed by two black males while she worked as a clerk in a convenience store in Horry County, SC.
1/24/15 – Vann Yates, 57, was shot and killed by two black males while working in his yard in Guilford County, NC.
1//22/15 – Winston Duane Smith, 73, was beaten to death by a black male whom he had allowed to stay at his house in Pensacola, FL.
1/21/15 – Norma Jean Freeman, 81, was beaten to death by a black male that invader her home in Madison Heights, VA. Her son was also seriously injured.
1/21/15 – Albert Joseph Jamison, 60, was beaten to death by a black male in Conway, SC. The victim was homeless.
1/20/15 – William “Billy” Doyle, 24, was shot and killed in McKeesport, PA by two black males. Two women were also shot and injured.
1/20/15 – Gerald Hall, 70, was killed in a motel room by a black male in Tulsa, OK.
1/19/15 – Brian Davis, 63, was murdered by his black roomate in Durham, NC.
1/18/15 – James Ryan Burch, 31, was shot and killed by a black male in Harwood, VA.
1/17/15 – Misty Mashburn, 30, was killed when multiple black males invaded her home in Baird, TX.
1/15/15 – Scott Knopfel, 50, was shot and killed while working as a clerk in a hotel in St. Louis, MO.
1/15/15 – Four black males killed a mother and daughter in a home invasion in Haines City, FL.
1/13/15 – Tina Bond, 44, was strangled to death by a black male in Cincinnati, OH. The suspect is said to be a close friend.
1/13/15 – Nicholas Grant, 16, was beaten to death by two black teenagers inside a group home in Carrick, PA. The suspects are 15 and 16.
1/11/15- Kody Zawalski, 20, was killed by two black males who invaded his home in Lakeland, FL. Three other people were injured.
1/11/14 – Bobby Christman, 19, was shot and killed by three black males in downtown St. Louis, MO. One of the perps also opened fire on police officers.
1/10/15 – Stephanie Waters, 21, was killed execution style by two black males in Blair County, PA. The suspects are 15 and 16. They also killed her dog.
1/9/15 – A black male killed two step-siblings at an apartment in Kingsport, TN.
1/8/10 – A black male shot and killed a white couple in Charlotte, NC.
1/7/15 – Carolyn Temple, 69, was shot by two black males in Belhaven, MS. She died a few days later.
1/7/15 – Khrista Ibarolle was shot and killed by a black male in a parking lot in El Dorado Hills, CA. A second female victim was also attacked.
1/7/15 – Gale Haltom, 58, was killed by a black homeless man that he was trying to provide assistance to in Indianapolis, IN.
1/5/15 – A black male shot three neighbors at his apartment complex in South Bend, IN. Two of the victims died.
1/5/15 – Jerome P. Harte, 60, was murdered by a group of black men and women in Fort Lauderdale, FL
1/5/15 – Dean Barker, 59, was murder by two black males while driving a taxi cab in Merced, CA.
1/4/15 – Kathy Shines, 54, was raped and murdered and thrown into a dumpster behind a bar is Las Vegas, NV. The suspect is a black male with a vast criminal record.
1/3/15 – Jon Bieker, 44, was shot and killed by three black males inside a gun store he owned in Shawnee, KS. His wife was also shot and wounded. All three perpetrators were shot, but survived.
1/2/15 – Lee Rappuhn, 36, was shot and killed by a black male while driving his car in Flint, MI.
New Nation News
11 May, 2015
Former Oklahoma death row inmate linked to another death through DNAJohn Paul Washington was on death row for a 1984 murder of a Tinker Air Force Base airman but his conviction was overturned in 1992. He has been confined most of the two decades since then at the state mental hospital in Vinita, considered too mentally ill to be tried again for that crime. On a hot summer day in 1982, vacationing widow Lois Arlene Jones decided to go sunbathing in her bikini in the backyard of her mother’s southeast Oklahoma City home. Her mother went to work, telling police later Lois had been in a good mood. The mother, Mary Stewart, returned that afternoon to find Jones’ sunburned body in the bathtub — the water still running, police reported. Jones, 57, from East Dubuque, Ill., had been raped and strangled. Three decades later, cold-case investigators have a suspect — a former death row inmate now confined to the state mental hospital in Vinita. - (Black-on-white)
- He was sentenced to death for the Feb. 12, 1984, slaying of airman
Arlie "Buddy" Newsome, 19, and sentenced to 500 years for raping the airman's wife, Bobbette. - The widow of slain Air Force security officer Arlie "Buddy" Newsome identified John Paul Washington
as the man who raped her repeatedly and eventually admitted to her that her husband was dead. - Jury Sentences Killer-Rapist to Death Plus 500 Years - October 16, 1984
Black man accused in Mother's Day stabbing of his white ex-girlfriend collapses in courtPROVIDENCE - A man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend on Mother's Day in East Providence collapsed in court Monday. Yuland Stanfield was charged with first-degree murder and two counts of violating a restraining order. He fell to his knees and began wailing during his arraignment in Providence District Court. Police said Stanfield stabbed to death his ex-girlfriend, Christine Santurri, in front of the victim's daughter in her East Providence home Sunday. Police said Santurri had recently obtained a restraining order against the suspect and went to the police station on Friday to report he had violated that order. The East Providence police had issued an arrest warrant for him prior to the stabbing. - (Black-on-white)
Jury Finds (black) Jordan Clemons Guilty Of 1st-Degree Murder of his (white) girlfriendPITTSBURGH – A Washington County jury has found Jordan Clemons guilty of first-degree murder. This morning, the defense conceded Jordan Clemons killed Karissa Kunco, but argued that he is guilty only of third-degree murder because he did not display the willful deliberate premeditation necessary for a first-degree murder conviction. The defense called Clemons’ actions, like using her father’s debit card to buy an Xbox, erratic and not the actions of someone in their right mind. The prosecution also argued that slitting her throat from ear-to-ear showed willful deliberate premeditation. - (Black-on-white)
- Coroner: Baldwin Woman Killed With Knife - January 12, 2012
(Black) HIV+ man charged in kidnap, rape in LancasterLANCASTER – An HIV-positive North Carolina man is facing nine felony charges and eight misdemeanors in connection with the May 6 kidnapping and sexual assault of a girl in Lancaster. Joseph Kenneth Cornett, 41, was charged with kidnapping to commit rape, assault with intent to commit rape, kidnapping, lewd act upon a child, false imprisonment, sexual penetration by foreign object, attempted forcible rape, assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury and attempted unprotected sexual activity by one who knows himself to be infected by HIV. Cornett is also charged with misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance (PCP) and seven counts of resisting, delaying or obstructing an officer. Cornett pretended to be a law enforcement officer in order to lure a 15-year-old girl into his vehicle.
Hattiesburg Police Officers Killed, 4th Suspect ArrestedUPDATE - 28-year-old Cornelius Clark, the 4th suspect in the shooting deaths of two HPD officers, has been arrested and charged with obstruction of justice. Clark was a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the shooting.
Prince George’s sheriff’s deputies fatally shoot man in school parking lot LANDOVER, Md. - Authorities in Prince George's County say sheriff's deputies shot and killed a man after he rammed a deputy's vehicle. The county sheriff's office announced Monday morning that the shooting occurred Sunday night in Landover. Officials say deputies pursued a truck driven by a domestic violence suspect to Nalley Road. Prince George’s deputies say the suspect, identified by his family as 35-year-old Lionel Young, rammed their cruiser with a pickup truck before they opened fire. Young, who was allegedly armed with knives, was killed in the parking lot of Cora L. Rice Elementary School. He was in the car at the time of the shooting. That's when officials say two deputies fired at the man, striking him. Officials say the man died at the scene.
Report: Naked Sen. Smith confronted ex before shootingDetroit — State Sen. Virgil Smith told police his ex-wife stormed into his house and assaulted his girlfriend before he did “the most stupid thing in his life” — opening fire at the ex-wife’s Mercedes Benz with a rifle — according to a police report obtained by The Detroit News. He was naked when he met her at the front door, the senator’s ex-wife claims in a second police report, beat her with his fists, chased her outside and shot at her four or five times.
Whitewater man gets life in prison in attempted murder case - raped 12-yr-old and slit girls' throatsELKHORN—As Larry Shannon was sentenced to life in prison for the sexual assault of a girl and abduction of two other children, he stared at the ceiling and smirked. It was a demeanor not unlike what people saw during the four-day jury trial in February that resulted in the Whitewater man being found guilty of 12 violent offenses in October 2012. He was convicted of tying up two girls for hours after slashing their necks with a kitchen knife, sexually assaulting the oldest girl and leading law enforcement on a high-speed, two-county chase. “The court believes justice would not be served unless this defendant is locked up for the rest of his life,” Judge David Reddy said Friday.
Man Arrested In Brutal Crawford-Roberts Rape CaseCRAWFORD-ROBERTS - An Uptown man has been charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman. The attack happened early Sunday morning, as the victim was leaving a bar. According to the criminal complaint, 45-year-old Yancey Murphy wrapped a belt around the victim’s neck and dragged her into the bushes. The bushes, and a concrete landing, were connected to a vacant church on Vine Street in the Crawford-Roberts neighborhood. The complaint went on to say Murphy punched and kicked the victim before smashing her face into a brick wall. The victim was repeatedly raped for the next few hours, and police say she was in and out of consciousness.
Wanted: M/22 5’9” 140lbs in connection with a rape in the Bronx on 5/4
Cleveland felon accused of abducting woman, attacking her in vacant buildingCLEVELAND, Ohio — A Cleveland man with a criminal history spanning nearly a quarter-century is accused of abducting a woman and attacking her inside a vacant building. Robert D. Cloud, 46, is charged with first-degree felony kidnapping. Cloud on May 1 grabbed a woman by the hood of her sweatshirt and forced her into an abandoned multi-unit house. Cloud forced the woman to sit on a box spring and he refused to let her leave. He demanded the woman have sex with him but she refused. Cloud slammed her face against a wall and punched her face, causing one eye to swell shut, court records say.
Sexual predator wanted in New Smyrna Beach rape caught in DallasA rapist and sexual predator wanted by New Smyrna Beach police in the sexual battery of a child under the age of 16 was arrested in Texas. Kareen Walshad McNeal, 34, was caught on Friday near Dallas. Records show McNeal was convicted in 1999 for rape and kidnapping in Miami-Dade county and is a registered sexual predator.
Suspect arrested in attempted sexual assault on CTA Red LinePolice have arrested a man suspected of trying to sexually assault a woman on a CTA Red Line train on the North Side. A 27-year-old woman told police she was riding a southbound Red Line train between the Fullerton and North/Clybourn stations at 5 a.m. Sunday when a man tried to assault her. The woman declined medical attention, according to police. Police arrested a suspect early Monday morning after sending out a community alert that included surveillance photos.
3 (blacks) bond out of jail following Mother's Day melee at Red LobsterCOLUMBUS, GA – Three of the four men accused of beginning a fight inside a Red Lobster bonded out of jail Monday. Artrez Coppins, Edward Merritt, Tommie Mullins and Corey Turner were all arrested following a sour turn to Mother's Day thanks to a brawl at a restaurant in Columbus. According to the Columbus Police Department, as one family was leaving the Red Lobster on 13th Street on Sunday afternoon around 3 p.m., a group of males came in and jumped on one of the guys who was with the group leaving the restaurant. It is believed the group of males assaulted the victim because they believe he may be involved in the 2014 Gleason Avenue shooting that killed Robert Brooks. The victim was holding a 14-month-old baby at the time of the assault, and the two men trying to save the baby from the melee were also assaulted.
(Black) Teen Killed, 3 Men Hurt in Shooting After Mother's Day Motorcycle Blessing Event in Newark
A 15-year-old boy was killed and three other men were injured when shots were fired after a motorcycle blessing event for Mother's Day attended by 1,000 people in Newark, officials say. Shots were fired at 7:45 p.m. near 19th Avenue and South 16th Street in Newark, just a few blocks from the headquarters of the Newark Knights Motorcycle Club, which was holding the event Sunday, according to the club's website. - Newark, NJ demographics Black or African American 52.4%
- 15-year-old (black) dead after shooting at motorcycle event in Newark
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka came down hard on the Blessing of the Bikes
- "White flight" from Newark to the suburbs, which started in the 1940s accelerated in the 1960s.
The 1967 riots resulted in a significant population loss of the city's middle class, many of them Jewish, which continued from the 1970s through to the 1990s. The city lost about 130,000 residents between 1960 and 1990. From the 1950s to 1967, white population shrank from 363,000 to 158,000, its black population grew from 70,000 to 220,000. The percentage of Non-Hispanic whites declined from 82.8% in 1950 to 11.6% by 2010. The percentage of Latinos in Newark grew between 1980 and 2010, from 18.6% to 33.8% while that of Blacks decreased from 58.2% to 52.4%.
Shots Fired Following Large Brawl In Darby BoroughPolice in Darby Borough, Delaware County are searching for a man who fired multiple shots following a large brawl while dozens of children were outside playing in the neighborhood. Police say the incident started with a large fight involving a number of adults with baseball bats, and then a man pulled a handgun and fired six rounds close to where about three dozen children were playing in the street.
(Black) Teen busted in subway explosion is son of MTA worker - April 8, 2015The vandal busted for an explosion at a Brooklyn subway station is the son of an MTA worker, law-enforcement sources told the Post. Keyshawn Brown, 16, was arrested Thursday for allegedly tossing an MTA metal sign box onto the tracks at the Nostrand Avenue station — creating a loud boom and smoke when it was hit by a C train.
Prosecutors: Parolee used fists, hammer to hold woman in car overnightA Chicago man is charged with aggravated kidnapping and domestic battery after using his fists and the threat of a hammer to keep a woman he was dating in his car overnight last month, prosecutors said Saturday. James Demus, 32, was arrested Friday after a routine traffic stop led police to discover there was an active warrant and investigative alert out for him. The evening of April 19, Demus slapped, punched and attempted to hit his 'date' with a hammer, not permitting her to leave the car he was driving, Assistant State’s Attorney Justin Goldfarb said.
North Side Man Charged With Stabbing Mother To Death During ‘Domestic Dispute’A North Side man has been charged with fatally stabbing his mother during a domestic dispute Tuesday afternoon in West Ridge. Jerome Jackson, 24, was charged with one count of first degree murder in connection with the May 5 stabbing death of his mother, 53-year-old Jerren Jackson, according to a statement from Chicago Police. About 4:20 p.m., Jerren Jackson was stabbed to death in the 6200 block of North Bell, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office. She lived on the same block and was declared dead at the scene. Jerome Jackson, also of the 6200 block of North Bell, is scheduled to appear in bond court Thursday.
- The Killing of Osama bin Laden - by Seymour M. Hersh - (language)
- A teenager allegedly bedded by a horny female hoops coach at a Staten Island Catholic high school
says he was double-crossed by District Attorney Daniel Donovan - Ex-gym teacher busted for student sex romps at Moore Catholic High School - October 21, 2014
- Slayings of law-enforcement officers surged 89 percent in 2014, FBI says
The number of law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty over the past year has nearly doubled – with most of them dying after they were shot by gun-carrying criminals, according to the FBI.
- Restaurant's 'White Appreciation Day' now for all races
A Hispanic restaurant owner who planned to host a "White Appreciation Day" now says he will extend his 10 percent discount to all customers regardless of race.
- The GOP And The Trans-Pacific Partnership: On a Fast Track to National Ruin - By Patrick J. Buchanan
10 May 2015 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
Tacoma police: (White) Drive-by victim may have been shot by black gangster thugs for wearing gang colorsTACOMA – A Pierce County mother grieves for her only son who was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting last week. The suspected shooter made his first appearance in court on Friday afternoon. Prosecutors said 23-year-old Alexander Kitt is the gunman and he may have been trying to retaliate for an earlier shooting, but investigators say the victim may have been shot by mistake. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how I’m going to go on without him,” said Brandon’s mother, Elladell Morris. “He took care of me, he took care of his grandmother.” Brandon Morris, 19, was shot near South 45th Street and South Puget Sound Avenue in Tacoma on May 1. Prosecutors said Brandon and his group of friends were simply "in the wrong place at the wrong time." - (Black-on-white)
Two Mississippi police officers dead after shooting during routine traffic stop; three suspects in custody: reportsAuthorities early Sunday morning arrested two brothers and a woman in connection with the fatal shootings of two Hattiesburg police officers, who were killed in the line of duty during a routine traffic stop Saturday night. Forrest County Coroner Butch Benedict confirmed the deaths of officers Benjamin Deen and Liquori Tate. The officers were taken to Forrest General Hospital, where they died shortly after arriving. Authorities arrested Curtis Banks, 26, and Marvin Banks, 29, and Joanie Calloway, 22, early Sunday morning. They were taken to Troop J of the Mississippi Highway Patrol, where they were to be questioned by the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation. Marvin Banks and Calloway have been charged with two counts each of capital murder, and Curtis Banks is charged with two counts of accessory after the fact to capital murder. The shooting marks the first police slay in Hattiesburg since 1984 — a town nearly evenly split between white and black residents.
Female Arizona prison guard sexually assaulted by black maleA female officer with the Arizona Department of Corrections was sexually assaulted in April, according to a DOC spokesman. Fernandes Masters, 31, is accused of sexually assaulting the officer on April 13 at the Arizona State Prison Complex in Yuma during a meeting with Masters in an office, Department of Corrections spokesman Andrew Wilder said Saturday. The officer called for help and was treated on site before being taken to a local hospital for further evaluation and later released, according to Wilder. Masters is currently serving a life sentence for first degree murder, and a search on the Department of Corrections website shows 24 "disciplinary infractions" against him, including previously assaulting an inmate in 2009.
Watch: (Feral black) Teens Attack Yemeni Migrant Gary Gas Station EmployeeGARY, Ind. –– A bold attack on an employee at a gas station in Gary Thursday night was captured by the store’s surveillance camera. It started as teenagers playing around then quickly turned violent. The employee remains hospitalized and police are searching for the attackers. The video shows employee Yahya Alkalap walking to the entrance of the Clark Gas Station on Grant Street, where he works. Within seconds, he’s surrounded by a group of young men. One dressed in a bright yellow shirt and green walking shorts uses his left arm to punch Alkalap in the head, knocking him to the ground. Saleh Mohamad, the owner of the gas station, says Alkalap suffered a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain and a swollen eye.
Detroit PD source says Mich. Sen. Virgil Smith fired shotgun shots after arguing with girlfriendDETROIT - A Detroit Police Department source tells Local 4 that officials are investigating a shooting at Michigan senator Virgil Smith's home in Detroit. The source says Smith got into an argument with his girlfriend and fired several shots with a shotgun, hitting her 2015 Mercedes Benz. It happened in the 18000 block of Wexford Avenue in Detroit. The Domestic Violence division is handling the investigation, which began Sunday morning, the source says. Smith has not been arrested, and police have been unable to contact his girlfriend.
Black mother arrested in case of baby found in trash compactorSLIDELL, La. -- A 22-year-old woman who had hidden her pregnancy from family and friends has been charged in the death of the child, whose body was found in an apartment complex trash compactor Monday. Antwonetta Jones was booked with second-degree murder. Slidell Police Chief Randy Smith said Jones delivered the baby in a bathtub and that a short time later it began choking and died. He said Jones told them she got scared and when the child stopped breathing, she put her in a box and brought it to the trash compactor.
Allentown baby, allegedly thrown in river by black mom, diesALLENTOWN, Pa. -- The 1-year-old baby boy, who police say was thrown into an Allentown river last weekend at the hands of his own mother, has died. Baby Zymeir Perry died Saturday at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest. The incident happened around 1:40 p.m. Sunday, May 3rd at the Hamilton Street Bridge. Police say this appears to have been an attempted murder-suicide. The child's mother is identified as 19-year-old Johnesha Perry. Witnesses told police that they saw Perry push a stroller with her 1-year-old onto the bridge. That's when witnesses say she kissed her baby boy and then pushed him over the railing. The child then fell more than 50 feet into the Lehigh River.
Black Mom charged with strangling infant son: ‘I don’t deserve to live’ - “the devil made me do it,” The evil mom charged with smothering her 1-year-old son to death in a midtown burger chain’s bathroom last month told cops shortly after her arrest “I don’t deserve to live. Am I going to get life in prison?” Latisha Fisher asked a detective hours after the alleged killing inside of 5 Boro Burger March 30. ”I don’t deserve to live. That was a baby.” Fisher, who was arraigned on one count of strangulation, sobbed as prosecutors described the tragic incident. The worker had found Fisher, “sitting on the closed toilet seat, crying and rocking the child.” the baby was foaming at the mouth and his eyes rolled back.” Fisher, 35, allegedly told police, “the devil made me do it,” and demonstrated how she suffocated little Gavriel Ortiz-Fisher by cupping her hands over the boy’s mouth to stop his crying.
Black mother indicted on 2nd-degree murder charge, faces life in prison after allegedly killing 2-year-old daughter A 22-year-old Baton Rouge woman who police say admitted to shoving her 2-year-old daughter against a shower wall was indicted on a second-degree murder charge in the child’s Dec. 29 death. The East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner’s Office ruled the death of Da’Laijah Smith a homicide after finding she died of severe blunt-force injuries to her head, neck, chest and stomach. The child also suffered rib fractures, and abrasions and contusions on her arms and legs. She was found unresponsive at the Beechwood Drive home where the mother and daughter lived. Candice Smith told police she forced her child against the wall and the child hit her head.
Feticide: Beatings killed unborn baby, police sayA 36-year-old man from Gibson is accused of attacking his girlfriend multiple times, causing the death of their unborn child, authorities said today. Tyson Dewayne Cheavis, of 188 Jimmy's Trailer Court, confessed Tuesday to hitting his 27-year-old girlfriend despite being aware of her pregnancy, Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Jerry Larpenter said. The multiple injuries she sustained over several weeks, which included bruises, swelling and unconsciousness, ultimately led to the baby's death, the sheriff said in a news release. A hospital exam revealed the child had no heartbeat.
Suspect charged in brutal murder of his girlfriend's 5-year-old sonHOUSTON – Capital murder charges have been filed in the brutal murder of a 5-year-old boy. Sherrick Washington, 26, is charged with killing his girlfriend's son on Sunday, May 3. Washington repeatedly threw Amarie Daniels against a wall, a refrigerator and furniture, according to court documents. The child wasn't breathing and a woman was performing CPR when Harris County Sheriff's deputies arrived at the northwest Harris County apartment. Amarie was rushed to Memorial Hermann Hospital by Life Flight, but doctors weren't able to save him.
Former SEC football player charged with murder in GwinnettGwinnett County police have charged a former Southeastern Conference football player with murder in connection with the death of a 4-year-old boy. Steven Terrence Singleton, a former football "standout" at Buford High School and college player at both LSU and South Carolina, was booked into the Gwinnett County jail. The 26-year-old was being held without bond on charges of felony murder and first-degree cruelty to children. Arrest warrants accused Singleton of “inflicting fatal brain injuries” against a youngster named Tye Hardin on Saturday.
(Black) Boyfriend arrested for killing his girlfriend's toddler in LanhamLANHAM, Md. -- A Prince George's County man was arrested for killing his girlfriend's toddler, according to police. Joshua Riley, 29, of Lanham, Md. has been charged with first degree murder, second degree murder, child abuse and other related charges, police said. Police say 23-month-old Anthony Winfrey was in the care on April 9th, when his mother came home from work and found him unresponsive. Winfrey was taken to the hospital for treatment. He he died. on April 15. Riley lived at the home and was in a romantic relationship with the mother.
Huber Heights Man Indicted on Murder Charge in Death of His Girlfriend's ToddlerHUBER HEIGHTS -- A 22-year-old Huber Heights man faces murder, manslaughter, assault and endangering charges following the death of a 21-month-old boy. Dionte R. Evans is accused of killing his girlfriend's child April 8 while he was watching the boy. The Montgomery County Coroner's Office determined the child, Keyontae R. Ellis-Bell, died as a result of blunt force trauma. Keyontae's mother called 911 when she had returned home from work and found her son not breathing. Evans was indicted on two counts of murder, one count of involuntary manslaughter, one count of felonious assault and two counts of endangering children.
- New York Upper East Side Guggenheim museum bans ‘rowdy’ (black) Brooklyn high school
Just last week, First Lady Michelle Obama pleaded for art institutions to be more welcoming of kids from all backgrounds. Some workers at the Guggenheim suggested the ban may have been a knee-jerk reaction to racist stereotypes. “It was pretty much the first . . . group of black kids I have ever seen there,” said Asha Walker. “This is the first time since I have been there that there are a majority of black students . . .
- Adelson facing allegations of links to Chinese organized crime - Adelson owns the Israel Hayom newspaper in Israel
- Obama Pushes Skeptical Legislators Hard on Pacific Trade Deal - a sellout to corporate interests
- Italy's increasingly rare babies
In 2014 there were fewer babies born in Italy than at any time since 1861. Italians say the economic conditions are not good enough to have large families, and many are having no children at all. - (EU)
(Black man) should get death penalty for CarQuest double murder (of White men) in Baton Rouge Lee Turner Jr., 25, should be executed for murdering two people at a CarQuest auto parts store in Baton Rouge in 2011, a jury determined Friday. It took a little less than 2 hours for the jury of 10 women and two men to decide Turner should die for the deaths of Edward Gurtner, 43, and Randy Chaney, 54, on March 27, 2011. All three were CarQuest employees: Turner was newly hired when he robbed the store on Airline Highway and fatally shot the men. A row of Turner's family members sobbed as the sentence was read, and one young man collapsed in tears between the benches and had to be escorted from the courtroom. Turner said nothing, but could be seen wiping his eyes. Turner will be formally sentenced by a judge in August. - (Black-on-white)
Black fags: Man gets 25 years in prison for molesting Warren boyA 19-year-old Hazel Park man was ordered serve 25 years in prison for sexually assaulting a 6-year-old boy while baby-sitting him in the victim’s Warren home. Duane Johnson, who the defense claimed had the mentality of an 8 to 12-year-old, was sentenced to the mandatory term, up to 61 years, because he was over age 17 and the victim was under 13. Johnson was convicted in March of one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct following a jury trial in front of Visiting Judge Thomas Brookover in Macomb County Circuit Court in Mount Clemens. Johnson, who resided with the boy and his parents, was accused of sodomizing him in his bedroom about Oct. 1, 2012, while they were wrestling and the boy’s parents were grocery shopping.
Police Hunting Waffle House MasturbatorA Waffle House employee who was videotaped by a fellow worker masturbating inside the open Georgia restaurant is being sought by police on an arrest warrant charging him with public indecency, cops report. Emanuel Williams, 36, is wanted in connection with the incident Monday afternoon in the dining room of a Waffle House in Macon, according to police. - (Drudge)
(White female) Utah teen convicted for fatal highway crime spree with (Hispanic) boyfriend 'Jose'Meagan Grunwald had tearfully testified that she feared for her life as she drove her boyfriend for a fatal crime spree, but she was still found guilty all but one of a dozen felony charges she faced. The Utah teen accused of aiding her murderous boyfriend by driving him 50 miles while he shot at sheriff’s deputies, killing one and critically injuring another, was convicted early Saturday morning of all but one of the 12 felony charges she faced, including aggravated murder. Meagan Grunwald, 18, is scheduled to be sentenced July 8 and faces life behind bars for her deadly, drug-fueled drive. Grunwald was with her boyfriend Jose Angel Garcia-Juaregui, 27, on a snowy day last January when he learned his parole board had issued a warrant for his arrest. When the two were stopped in their pickup truck by Utah County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Cory Wride, who got suspicious when Garcia-Juaregui gave him a fake name, the boyfriend shot and killed Wride. Grunwald drove them away, and when they were spotted hours later by Deputy Greg Sherwood, she raced off again as her killer lover shot at the deputy, hitting him in the head and send him to a hospital for three weeks. The Bonnie and Clyde crime spree ended only after police destroyed the couple’s tires with spike strips, then did the same thing to a vehicle they jacked from a mother driving with her child. As the couple tried running for police, Garcia-Juaregui was fatally gunned down.
- Jose Angel Garcia-Juaregui, Man Who Fatally Shot Officer, Dies Of Gunshot Wounds: Cops - 02/01/2014
He was convicted of felony attempted murder after stabbing a friend multiple times with a screwdriver in 2007.
- Citizenship status of dead Hispanic, Latino and/or Mexican felon not reported - ed.
Roberto Martinez-Marinero Admits Killing Mother, Throwing Brothers In River And Dumpster: PolicePolice in Nebraska are searching for a missing 5-year-old boy after they said his brother confessed to throwing him in a river after killing their mother. Roberto Martinez-Marinero, 25, turned himself in to Omaha police on Thursday night, a day after the body of his mother, 45-year-old Jesus Ismenia Marinero, was found in a ditch. Investigators said he confessed to killing his mother, and to putting his 11-month-old brother in a nearby dumpster. The baby was recovered unharmed and reunited with family members. The suspect's 5-year-old brother, Josue Ramirez-Marinero, is still missing. Police said Martinez-Marinero admitted throwing the boy into the Elkhorn River. The Omaha Police Department is conducting a ground, air and water search along the river, with help from the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, according to
BSO employee guilty of extorting Boca Raton doctor she met on married dating websiteFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - A Broward Sheriff's Office employee accused of extorting a Boca Raton doctor whom she met on a website promoting infidelity was found guilty Thursday. Jurors returned a guilty verdict in the extortion trial of Debbie O'Flaherty-Lewis, 48, after less than two hours of deliberations. During the trial, Dr. Benjamin Harow testified that he met O'Flaherty-Lewis on the dating website Ashley Madison bills itself as "the world's leading married dating service for discreet encounters." According to a BSO arrest report, O'Flaherty-Lewis "maliciously threatened the victim over the phone and text messages" and threatened to expose his affair "if she was not paid $7,000." Instead, the 43-year-old doctor went to authorities.
- Exo 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery
N.J. man convicted in murder of woman who was found strangled by keyboard cordA Woodbury man was convicted of murder today after a three-week trial in the 2012 strangling death of a city woman, the Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office announced. A jury found Harry J. Neher, 35, guilty after about three hours of deliberation today in the murder of Sabrina Bullock, 41, on Dec. 29, 2012. Authorities discovered Bullock's body in a donation shed behind Neher's S. Broad Street apartment on Dec. 30, 2012, after family had reported her missing. Images displayed in court during the trial showed Bullock face down in the shed with a computer keyboard perpendicular to the ground propping her up with the cord wrapped around her neck.
- Felon Charged in Woodbury Woman's Slaying Has Lengthy Criminal History - January 3, 2013
White female Principal (of minority school) arrested partially unclothed with student in marijuana smoke-filled carPALM SPRINGS, Fla. -- Authorities say a Florida principal has been arrested after she was caught partially unclothed in a marijuana-smoke-filled car with a student. Police say 45-year-old Krista Morton of Wellington was arrested Wednesday in Palm Springs. She is the principal at Mavericks High of Palm Springs, a charter school. Authorities say they responded to a report of people involved in sexual activity in a car and found Morton with a high school senior. They say that when Morton opened the door, her shirt was unbuttoned, exposing part of her chest.
- Mostly Students of Hispanic Descent
194 students, or 41.4% of the student population at Mavericks High School At Palm Springs identify as Hispanic
- San Jose Police Arrest Mohammad Khaliqi in Attempted Sexual Assault Caught on Surveillance Video
accused of trying to sexually assault a 13-year-old girl as she returned home from school. Police said Khaliqi was charged in another alleged sexual assault that took place in April when he followed a 28-year-old woman into a grocery store restroom and attempted to assault her.
(Black thug) Thomas Johnson III found guilty of top charge in (White) Officer Daryl Pierson's death Thomas Johnson III has been convicted by a jury on the top charge in the death of Rochester Police Officer Daryl Pierson. Johnson gunned down Officer Pierson on Hudson Avenue last September. Friday afternoon, a jury found Johnson guilty of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon. As we have reported, the case boiled down to one question -- was Daryl Pierson acting as a police officer when he chased Thomas Johnson III? Today, a jury said yes, Pierson was acting a police officer. The defense had argued that Johnson did not commit a crime before the shooting that evening so Pierson should never have been chasing him. Thomas Johnson III is guilty on six counts. The jury says he intentionally killed Rochester Police Officer Daryl Pierson that September night and also tried to kill his partner Officer Michael DiPaola. Now, Johnson will spend the rest of his life behind bars. - (Black-on-white)
- Injured Bystander Testifies in Thomas Johnson Murder Trial - April 29, 2015
(Black) Man charged in alleged assault of (White) 69-year-old Metro rider gets anger management, curfew WASHINGTON - The man charged for allegedly assaulting a 69-year-old man at the Eastern Market Metro station on April 24 will enter an anger management program, wear an electronic device and be placed under a curfew. Elijah Smith, 19, appeared in court Friday and was released by a judge after he waived his right to a preliminary hearing, his attorney said, which opened the door for a future plea deal. Smith was arrested and charged with felony assault for allegedly punching and hitting Albert Langeberg, a Metro rider. The alleged assault was caught on surveillance video. - (Black-on-white)
(Black) Man who fatally stabbed (white) girlfriend had recordGREEN COVE SPRINGS, Fla. - A man who Clay County deputies say stabbed his girlfriend to death in front of her 14-year-old daughter Wednesday night before he died in a car crash while fleeing the scene had spent time in prison. Shelly LaBine, 43, was stabbed about 6:30 p.m. in the St. Johns Landing Apartment the couple shared in Green Cove Springs. The Florida Highway Patrol said the victim's boyfriend -- 39-year-old Derrick Allen -- died a few minutes after the stabbing when he was ejected after losing control of LaBine's BMW SUV while taking a curve on Russell Road at a high rate of speed. The vehicle struck two mailboxes and a fence before overturning on some small trees in the front yard of a home. Allen, who troopers said was not wearing a seat belt, was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital Clay County Campus, where he died. - (Black-on-white)
10 year sentence for West African man who attempted rape, abductionLEESBURG, Va. -- A West African man who attempted to rape a woman just nine days after arriving in the United States has been sentenced to ten years in prison. Tchalim Koboya Lidawo pleaded no contest to two counts of attempted rape and one count of abduction with force in connection to an incident that occurred on December 4th, 2014, the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office said. The incident occurred at an Ashburn apartment complex, according to officials. The victim told law enforcement that she was taking out her trash when Lidawo approached her near the dumpster. He grabbed the victim and dragged her into some nearby woods, officials said. A struggle ensued, the victim fell down, and Lidawo climbed on top of her. As a native of Togo, Lidawo may be removed from the United States when he is released.
18-year-old charged with statutory rape, met girl on InstagramMEMPHIS, TN - Memphis police arrested 18-year-old Xavier Taylor on Thursday and charged him with statutory rape. He is accused of having sex with a 13-year-old girl he met on Instagram. According to the affidavit, Taylor met the girl, exchanged numbers and began texting. The girl told police about two weeks ago he came over to her house and they kissed for the first time in her driveway. But on April 25, he came over, they went to her bedroom and began kissing. She says he pulled down her pants and his and began having sex. She asked him to stop and he did but then attempted to perform oral sex. She also asked him to stop, he complied. But police found sexual text messages and nude photos sent to the victim.
Salisbury man gets 40 years in 1999 rapeNearly 16 years after a woman was raped in her own home, the perpetrator was sentenced. Wicomico County Circuit Court Judge W. Newton Jackson III sentenced Christopher Gibbs Jr., 52, of Salisbury to 40 years in prison on Friday. The sentence included 20 years on a count of second-degree rape, and 10 years each on counts of robbery and first-degree burglary. A jury found Gibbs guilty on some counts in the case back on March 23; he was also found not guilty of first-degree rape, armed robbery and deadly weapon: wear and carry with intent to injure. The victim spoke in court Friday, saying how her life was forever changed. She said on July 22, 1999, Gibbs made her unlock her door, go into her bedroom and take off her clothes. She said he had a knife. "Fearing for my life, I complied," the victim said.
Public’s Help Sought To Identify Sexual Assault Suspect In Rancho Cucamonga RANCHO CUCAMONGA — Police sought the public’s help to identify a man who sexually assaulted two 20-year-old women. Around 10:45 p.m. on Saturday, one of the victim’s was confronted and punched by the suspect as she walked alone along a dark path in her apartment complex. The suspect grabbed her and pulled her towards a dark area, however, she was able to get away safely. The suspect fled on foot from the area. Around 10:30 p.m. on Monday, a second victim noticed a man walking quickly behind her as she walked alone. When the suspect caught up to her, he grabbed her from behind, pulled her out of view to the side of the roadway, and sexually assaulted her. Following the incident, the suspect fled on foot. Detectives explained both victims described the suspect as an African American man who is in his late 30s to 40s. He has a short “scruffy” black beard, stands no taller than 6-feet, weighs 200 pounds, and was last seen wearing a dark hoodie with dark clothing.
- Nassau County Police Searching For Black Man In 5 Attempted Child Lurings
In two cases, the man tried to entice the girls with candy. In three of the incidents, the children were walking to or from school. The suspect is described by police as a black man, 20-30 years of age, driving a black vehicle, either a van or SUV, with possibly a dent on the right rear door and tinted windows.
Naked black man arrested for breaking into house by jail and eating fried chickenTALLADEGA, Ala. - Talladega police arrested a man they found naked and eating chicken in a house next to the county jail. Investigators said 24-year-old George Leverous Bennett is charged with second-degree burglary. He got out of the Talladega County Jail on Tuesday afternoon and took off his clothes as he walked away from the detention center. A patrol officer was on his way to the jail to drop off a prisoner when he noticed the naked man walking away from the building, wearing only tennis shoes. The officer was unable to go after Bennett, since he had another suspect in the car, so he alerted jail staff, deputies, and other officers who came to search for the man. Investigators located him when the owner of a house nearby called 911 to report a naked man broke into her house. She told police the man kicked open her back door and made his way to the kitchen. She and her three children ran out of the house. Officers found Bennett eating fried chicken from Zaxby's, valued at $13.98. Talladega police said the man was spitting chicken out of his mouth when they walked in.
Homeless black man accused of setting friend's face on fire after argumentMIAMI - A homeless man from Miami was arrested after setting his friend on fire. A Miami-Dade County judge raised Jonathan Bridges' charge to first-degree murder Thursday. Bridges and the victim, who was also homeless, were staying at a mutual friend's home temporarily when they got into a heated argument over "trivial matters." Police said Bridges, 43, threatened the victim, stating, "I'll kill you. I'll set you on fire." Bridges got a plastic bottle and squirted some type of chemical into the man's eyes, blinding him. The victim tried to push Bridges away, but the suspect ignited the victim's shirt with a cigarette lighter, police said. He was taken to Kendall Regional Medical Center with second- and third-degree burns and later died of his injuries. - (Burned Alive!)
Black killer on the run for five years - tracked down in NigeriaA Dulwich man has been jailed for life for the murder of a children’s television star. Jeffrey Okafor fled the country after stabbing nineteen-year-old Carl Beatson-Asiedu in a fight in Vauxhall in 2009. A five year international manhunt traced Okafor to Nigeria, where a £10,000 bounty was put out on his head. The jury at Woolwich Crown Court heard how in the early hours of Saturday, August 1 that year Carl, who appeared in CBBC series, M.I. High, died in the street after being stabbed in the heart. Also known as DJ Charmz, Carl had just played a set at the Club Life nightclub in Goding Street, Kennington and was walking to his car with a group of friends. A group of men approached them, who Carl and his friends had had some trouble with in the past. A fight broke out and Carl was separated from his friends and fatally stabbed by Jeffrey Okafor. - (UK)
- Teacher Murdered In Kpando - decapitated
The Homicide Unit of the Ghana Police Service has taken over the remains of the teacher whose decapitated body was found in a forest at Kpando-Agudzie over the weekend. The homicide unit took over the case yesterday from the Kpando police to continue investigations into who were behind the horrid suspected murder of the young man. Some of his vital parts were missing, raising suspicion of ritual murder. 'His tongue was cut out and his genitals were completely severed while his clothes lay next to him,' he narrated. - Brother sleeps with sister, gets her pregnant
In Malawi, two siblings, Zione Jere, 17 and Nelson Jere, 21, have been detained for engaging in incest.
Escaped Teen Prisoner Surrenders To Philadelphia PolicePHILADELPHIA – Teenage fugitive Haseem Singletary has turned himself in to police. Singletary has a long criminal record. He was wanted by authorities for crimes including home invasion and armed robbery.
(Hispanic) Man Sentenced To 2 Life Terms In Prison For Slitting Throats Of Girlfriend, Her Mother In 2012TORRANCE — A man who killed his girlfriend and her mother in their Redondo Beach apartment three years ago was sentenced Friday to two consecutive terms of life in prison without the possibility of parole. The sentence was handed down to Jonathan Scott Chacon, 26, who was convicted by a jury April 9 of two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of 19-year-old Courtney Bergman and her 59-year-old mother, Vicki Bergman. The judge added an extra two years to Chacon’s sentence for using a knife in the deadly attacks. Chacon slit the throats of his girlfriend and his mother inside the apartment in the 1900 block of Rockefeller Lane. Prosecutors suggested he killed them because he was jealous of his girlfriend’s contacts with another man.
- Hispanic Man Convicted in Grisly Redondo Beach Double Murders - April 9, 2015
- Complete Coverage: Vicki, Courtney Bergman Slain - August 5, 2013
- Jonathan Chacon appears in court, no plea, no bail - March 2, 2012
- Pennsylvania High School Suspends Students Over T-Shirt Backlash
after two classmates wore Chick-fil-A shirts during a Gay-Straight Alliance event.
- School Project On Racial Stereotypes Sparks Outrage In Montgomery County - (annoying popups at link)
(Black) Suspect, 18, Arrested In Hit-Run That Left (White female) Temple Student Critically Injured PHILADELPHIA — Police say an 18-year-old has been arrested in connection with the hit and run of a Temple University student. Investigators say Rashan “Robert” Roberts is facing several charges. Rachel Hall, a 22-year-old Temple University senior, was struck while riding her bike near campus on April 29th. Hall, from Mullica Hill, New Jersey, remains hospitalized, but her family says her condition is improving. According to investigators, Roberts only possessed a driver’s permit, not a driver’s license. Investigators said he told them he “panicked” and fled the scene after striking Hall. Roberts faces charges of “fleeing the scene of an accident that causes serious bodily injury” and driving without a license. - (Black-on-white)
(Black) St. Louis man charged in (White) student’s death appears in courtCLAYTON, Mo. — A St. Louis man made his first court appearance Thursday on charges he killed a 19-year-old Illinois college student whom he had contacted about buying a sports car advertised on Craigslist. Michael Gordon, 24, remains held at the St. Louis County jail in lieu of $1 million bond. He didn’t enter a plea and a judge set another hearing for May 18. He is charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action in the death of Taylor Clark, a sophomore engineering student at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. - (Black-on-white)
- Witness: Suspect drove SIUE student's car back to work after murder
Gordon allegedly shot Clark once in the head during his lunch break, according to authorities.
Parents Of At-Risk Teens Weren’t Warned After Sex Assault by black sexual predatorMINNEAPOLIS – The mother of a teenager who says she was sexually assaulted says her daughter’s attack should have been prevented. Ashanti Lymon is charged with criminal sexual conduct in her case, and in another one. Lymon previously pleaded guilty in a similar case, but was allowed to stay in a program for at-risk teens. Lymon was charged with rape of a teenage girl last year. He was 18. He’s also charged with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl the same year. “She is having a really hard time with it,” the girl’s (White) mother said. Ashanti Lymon “would grab her breasts, put his hands down her pants.” The girl met Lymon at TreeHouse in Bloomington. It’s a faith-based organization that caters to at-risk teens. Lymon pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl “in a van used for transportation for a program called Treehouse in Bloomington.” The day after he pleaded guilty in May 2014, he was accused of sexually assaulting the second victim, and later the third. - (Black-on-white)
- Ref: TreeHouse is a faith based, non-profit organization - TreeHouse is a place to have fun, meet friends
(White) Cab driver shot in attempted robbery decries plea deal for black thugsNORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- A cab driver who suffered gunshot wounds in an attempted robbery in February is criticizing a plea deal for his alleged assailants. The shooting occurred during 62-year-old Frank O'Grady's first fare of the morning. Two men ambushed O'Grady, who says he thought he was picking up a customer. One of the men fired six shots into O'Grady's cab and struck him twice. He fled to a nearby truck stop to get help. Three months later, O' Grady says he is still recovering from his injuries. Police eventually arrested the two suspects, 19-year-old Jarvis Williams and 18-year-old Quincy Lovette, for another robbery. The pair faced attempted murder, robbery and conspiracy charges, but O'Grady says they took a plea deal that removed the attempted murder charge. O'Grady says Williams and Lovette will likely receive less jail time. O'Grady said he found out about the plea deal in court Tuesday. The suspects will only face robbery and conspiracy charges, and they won't face a trial. “I think it's terrible. I don't think the (district attorney's office) did their job,” O'Grady said. “How could you get shot at six times, but it not be attempted murder?” - (Black-on-white)
- Taxi driver shot, cameras in cab recorded incident - Feb 12, 2015
“They just shot him,” Nady says. “They didn't ask for money. They just tried to sneak around and shoot him in the back of the head. The cowards that they are, they didn't even look at him.”
Trooper creates timeline in Clemons murder case - black murdered his white girlfriend Jordan Clemons watched several surveillance videos depicting his actions in the early hours of Jan. 12, 2012, just hours after Karissa Kunco was last seen alive. Investigators said Clemons, after disposing of Kunco's body, drove around the city of Washington and Cecil Township withdrawing money and purchasing an Xbox 360 gaming system with a debit card Kunco shared with her father, Paul Kunco. Schuster compiled cellphone and debit card records as a part of his investigation. Surveillance video taken from an automated teller machine in Whitehall about 6 p.m. Jan. 11, 2012, is believed to be the last known image of Kunco. The video shocked her family and friends when it was played for the jury, and many began to cry or left the courtroom. Kunco's body was found Jan. 12, 2012, along Sabo Road in Mt. Pleasant Township by two land surveyors. State police allege that after killing her, Clemons, 26, dragged her naked body into the woods and covered it with leaves, brush and a tree stump. Kunco had a protection-from-abuse order against Clemons from Allegheny County Court following a Dec. 18, 2011, assault that left her face bruised and battered. Despite the PFA order, Kunco agreed to meet Clemons the evening of Jan. 11 after he threatened to kill himself, according to social media accounts shown in court. - (Black-on-white)
- Coroner: Baldwin Woman Killed With Knife - January 12, 2012
(Mixed race) Baby Dies After Drinking Diluted Breast Milk: PoliceLAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. — A Gwinnett County couple is in jail after their infant daughter died. Local media report arrest warrants filed this week say 10-week-old Nevaeh Marie Landell died in late March from water intoxication. The warrants say the baby was fed watered-down milk, which caused the infant’s electrolyte and sodium levels to plummet and caused her brain to swell. Her parents, 26-year-old Herbert Landell and 25-year-old Lauren Fristed were being held without bond. Landell faces charges of felony murder and aggravated battery by depriving. Fristed faces aggravated battery by depriving and child cruelty charges. Police say the baby was dead when her parents brought her to a hospital. Medical staff contacted police because her death seemed suspicious.
Michael Brown’s Friend Who Filed Lawsuit is Arrested, ChargedST. LOUIS (AP) — A man who was with Michael Brown when Brown was fatally shot by a Ferguson police officer last year is charged with misdemeanor resisting arrest over a new confrontation with police. The St. Louis city prosecutor charged 23-year-old Dorian Johnson on Thursday, one day after his arrest with two other people by officers trying to disperse a crowd.
(Black) Prison officials charged with sexually abusing metro inmatesEMANUEL COUNTY, Ga. — A former high-ranking prison official is facing several charges of sexual misconduct involving vulnerable female inmates. Police went to the man's home and put him in handcuffs. “I didn't do this. I haven't done anything,” said former prison Capt. Daniel Johnson as he was being taken into custody. “I know I’m innocent. I have nothing to be afraid of or guilty of.” Georgia Corrections Commissioner Homer Bryson said that their investigation has confirmed 10 victims, and most of them are from the metro Atlanta area. Warrants also charge former Sgt. Shauntsi Kitchens of the sexual assault of two female prisoners
Man arrested for indecency with a child on DART trainDALLAS — A 34-year-old man was arrested Wednesday night after a woman approached Dallas officers and said a man exposed himself and masturbated while she and her 4-year-old child were on a DART Blue Line train. The victim told police she witnessed the incident as she sat across from Anthony Vincent Jr. on a DART train. In a statement, the woman said she confronted Vincent, who then stopped and claimed he was scratching. According to the arrest warrant, Vincent was arrested in the 2000 block of Ledbetter Road on the southbound Blue Line train. He was charged with indecency with a child.
Guilford man held on $2 million bail in rape of child, deputies sayGREENSBORO — Guilford County deputies arrested a 30-year-old man and charged him with raping an 11-year-old girl, according to a news release. Daryl Russell Jackson is charged with three counts each of rape of a child; indecent liberties; and incest, and four counts of statutory sex offense, according to a news release. Jackson, of the 2300 block of Juliet Place in Greensboro, was was being held at the Guilford County jail on $2 million secured bail, according to jail records.
Prince George's County police detectives canvasses Mitchellville trying to solve sexual assault case MITCHELLVILLE, Md. -- Prince George's County police detectives went door to door Wednesday night in the Mitchellville area hoping to solve a sexual assault case. Police say the sexual assault happened exactly one week earlier -- on April 29 -- around 5:40 a.m. They say a 19-year old woman was walking in the 11000 block of Lake Arbor Way when a man came up to her, forced her into a nearby field, and sexually assaulted her. At some point the man indicated he had a gun. Police described the suspect this way: "A black male, 20-30 years old, approximately 5'6" - 5'7", with a thin to average build and freckles. He wore a black-hooded jacket and a nylon skull cap at the time of the assault."
Keyon Adams forced woman to have sex with him as payment for smoking 'flakka,' police sayWILTON MANORS, Fla. - A South Florida man faces charges of sexual battery and false imprisonment after forcing a woman with whom he was doing drugs to have sex with him, police said. Keyon Adams, 21, was arrested Tuesday by Wilton Manors police. According to the arrest report, Adams was smoking crack cocaine and the synthetic drug known as "flakka" with the woman. She said Adams attempted to have sex with her, handing her a condom, and she was in fear of her life because Adams said he would kill her.
(Black) N.Y. man sexually assaulted woman while she sleptHACKENSACK — A New York man sexually assaulted a woman while she slept, prosecutors said. Police arrested George G. Bibb, 36, on Tuesday. Bibb and two women were spending time together on the evening of June 20, 2014. One of the women, a 24-year-old, awoke the following morning to find Bibb engaging in sexual activity with her without her consent, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli said.
- Coroner’s Office IDs Unarmed (Black) Man Fatally Shot by LAPD Officers Near Venice Beach
The Los Angeles County coroner’s office on Thursday released the name of the unarmed homeless man who was fatally shot earlier in the week following a confrontation with LAPD officers, identifying him as 29-year-old Brandon Glenn. An altercation occurred when two officers attempted to detain him after they observed him starting a fight with someone. “During that physical altercation, an officer-involved shooting occurred.”
- Grand Jury Hearing Evidence In Grapevine Shooting Of Illegal Alien
In February, Grapevine officer Robert Clark, 33, shot and killed Ruben Garcia Villalpando, 31, an unarmed illegal immigrant from Mexico. Garcia was arrested in December 2014 for drunk driving. - Hispanic LAPD Officer, Girlfriend Indicted In Federal Court For Trying To Smuggle Mexican Citizen Into U.S.
Officer Carlos Curiel Quezada, Jr., 34, and his girlfriend, Angelica Godinez, 31, both of Los Angeles, were indicted Wednesday on one count of Bringing in Illegal Aliens without Presentation. - (Drudge)
Canadian judge allows ex-Gitmo inmate Omar Khadr to get bail EDMONTON, Alberta — A former Guantanamo Bay inmate convicted of killing a U.S. soldier will be released on bail Thursday after a judge refused a last-ditch attempt by the Canadian government to keep him jailed. Court of Appeal Justice Myra Bielby declined a stay request of a lower court judge's decision to grant Omar Khadr bail while he appeals his U.S. war crimes conviction. Toronto-born Khadr spent a decade in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Since 2012 he's been held in Canada, serving out an eight-year sentence handed down by a U.S. military commission in 2010. He was convicted of war crimes, including throwing a grenade when he was 15 years old that killed a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan in 2002. Khadr, 28, was once the youngest detainee at Guantanamo.
N.Y. women accused of ISIS-inspired bomb plot plead not guiltyNoelle Velentzas, 28, and her former roommate, Asia Siddiqui, 31, entered not guilty pleas through their attorneys in federal court in Brooklyn.
- ISIS-inspired ‘bad bitches’ arrested in NYC ‘bomb plot’ - April 2, 2015
Not Guilty Plea From Philly Mom Who Wanted to Die for ISIS: Feds A Philadelphia mom who investigators said was ready to leave her children, join the terrorist group ISIS and ultimately martyr herself, plead not guilty Thursday. Keonna Thomas communicated with ISIS sympathizers using names including "YoungLioness" and "Fatayat Al Khilafah," according to federal prosecutors
- Inquiry to Examine Racial Bias in the San Francisco Police
African-Americans in San Francisco have complained for years about harassment and the use of excessive force by the police. And while African-Americans make up about 5 percent of the city’s population, they account for half of its arrests and jail inmates, and more than 60 percent of the children in juvenile detention.
- U.S. NSA domestic phone spying program illegal: appeals court
The existence of the NSA's collection of "bulk telephony metadata" was first disclosed in 2013 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
6 May 2015 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
UK: Black African Somali migrant brutally raped a White Oxford University co-ed - only gets two yearsThe Oxford University student who wrote a powerful open letter to her sex attacker has told a court that she can't close her eyes 'without hearing his footsteps behind her' as he was jailed for two years today. Last month Ione Wells, 20, prompted an outpouring of public support when she wrote a defiant missive to her assailant, telling him he 'would not win' after the brutal attack in Chalk Farm, north London. The 17-year-old, (black Somali thug) who cannot be named for legal reasons, grabbed Miss Wells from behind as she walked home after a night out. He pushed her to the ground and smashed her head against the pavement, before grabbing at her chest with such force that it tore her bra in half. The youth court heard that the attacker, who lives with his large Somali family in a council flat in a tower block in Camden, London, was only stopped when Miss Wells's screams were heard by neighbours who confronted him. He was today given a two-year detention order for sexual assault at Highbury Magistrates' Court. - (Black-on-white) - (UK)
- Ione Wells: powerful letter to her attacker has sparked a campaign against shame
Police used CCTV to track down her young attacker and caught him about half an hour later stalking another woman, possibly moments away from striking again.
- Vicious rapist we can't deport – because of his right to family life... even though he has no wife or children
A Somali rapist who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s throat as he raped her has been allowed to stay in Britain to protect his human rights. Mustafa Abdullahi, 31, was jailed for ten years after he threatened to kill his victim and repeatedly assaulted her. ory MP Dominic Raab said: ‘This vicious man should be on the first plane back to Somalia. It makes a mockery of British justice and human rights to see such a dangerous thug dance rings around the UK system.’
- Somali child rapist we can't deport is £7,000 - and released back on to the streets:
You've guessed it... locking him up is a 'breach of his human rights' - A Somali paedophile has been given thousands of pounds by a human rights court – and released on to the streets. Ministers have spent more than a decade trying and failing to deport Mustafa Abdi, who is thought to have cost taxpayers more than £600,000 in jail costs and legal aid. But yesterday Strasbourg judges ordered the British government to pay the convicted child rapist thousands of pounds in damages and legal costs. - Sweden: Rape Capital of the West
The internet radio station Granskning Sverige called the mainstream newspapers Aftonposten and Expressen to ask why they had described the perpetrators as "Swedish men" when they actually were Somalis without Swedish citizenship.
- The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man. What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.
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