Jade Helm Full Steam Ahead

Establishment Propaganda Downplays Danger of Jade Helm
A closer look at the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise

by InfoWars | May 13, 2015

A closer look at the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its “master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in regards to domestic policy. And that’s exactly why the establishment media is working so hard to shut it down.

‘We the People’ Need to Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath
How many Americans have actually bothered to read the Constitution?

‘We the People’ Need to Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath

by John W. Whitehead | Rutherford Institute | May 13, 2015

“The government is merely a servant―merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn’t. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.”
― Mark Twain

How many Americans have actually bothered to read the Constitution, let alone the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights (a quick read at 462 words)?

Take a few minutes and read those words for yourself—rather than having some court or politician translate them for you—and you will be under no illusion about where to draw the line when it comes to speaking your mind, criticizing your government, defending what is yours, doing whatever you want on your own property, and keeping the government’s nose out of your private affairs.

In an age of over criminalization, where the average citizen unknowingly commits three crimes a day, and even the most mundane activities such as fishing and gardening are regulated, government officials are constantly telling Americans what not to do. Yet it was not always this way. It used to be “we the people” telling the government what it could and could not do. Indeed, the three words used most frequently throughout the Bill of Rights in regards to the government are “no,” “not” and “nor.”

Compare the following list of “don’ts” the government is prohibited from doing with the growing list of abuses to which “we the people” are subjected on a daily basis, and you will find that we have reached a state of crisis wherein the government is routinely breaking the law and violating its contractual obligations.

For instance, the government is NOT allowed to restrict free speech, press, assembly or the citizenry’s ability to protest and correct government wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the government continues to prosecute whistleblowers, persecute journalists, cage protesters, criminalize expressive activities, crack down on large gatherings of citizens mobilizing to voice their discontent with government policies, and insulate itself and its agents from any charges of wrongdoing (or what the courts refer to as “qualified immunity”).

The government may NOT infringe on a citizen’s right to defend himself. Nevertheless, in many states, it’s against the law to carry a concealed weapon (gun, knife or even pepper spray), and the average citizen is permitted little self-defense against militarized police officers who shoot first and ask questions later.

The government may NOT enter or occupy a citizen’s house without his consent (the quartering of soldiers). Nevertheless, government soldiers (i.e., militarized police) carry out more than 80,000 no-knock raids on private homes every year, while maiming children, killing dogs and shooting citizens.

The government may NOT carry out unreasonable searches and seizures on the citizenry or their possessions. NOR can government officials issue warrants without some evidence of wrongdoing (probable cause). Unfortunately, what is unreasonable to the average American is completely reasonable to a government agent, for whom the ends justify the means. In such a climate, we have no protection against roadside strip searches, blood draws, DNA collection, SWAT team raids, surveillance or any other privacy-stripping indignity to which the government chooses to subject us.

The government is NOT to deprive anyone of life, liberty or property without due process. Nevertheless, the government continues to incarcerate tens of thousands of Americans whose greatest crime is being poor and brown-skinned. The same goes for those who are put to death, some erroneously, by a system weighted in favor of class and wealth.

The government may NOT take private property for public use without just compensation. Nevertheless, under the guise of the “greater public interest,” the government often hides behind eminent domain laws in order to allow megacorporation's to tear down homes occupied by less prosperous citizens in order to build high-priced resorts and shopping malls.

Government agents may NOT force a citizen to testify against himself. Yet what is the government’s extensive surveillance network that spies on all of our communications but a thinly veiled attempt at using our own words against us?

The government is NOT allowed to impose excessive fines on the citizenry or inflict cruel and unusual punishments upon them. Nevertheless Americans are subjected to egregious fines and outrageous punishments for minor traffic violations, student tardiness and absence from school, and generally having the misfortune of being warm bodies capable of filling privatized, profit-driven jails.

The government is NOT permitted to claim any powers that are not expressly granted to them by the Constitution. This prohibition has become downright laughable as the government continues to claim for itself every authority that serves to swell its coffers, cement its dominion, and expand its reach.

Despite what some special interest groups have suggested to the contrary, the problems we’re experiencing today did not arise because the Constitution has outlived its usefulness or become irrelevant, nor will they be solved by a convention of states or a ratification of the Constitution.

No, as I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the problem goes far deeper. It can be traced back to the point at which “we the people” were overthrown as the center of the government. As a result, our supremacy has been undone, our authority undermined, and our experiment in democratic self-governance left in ruins. No longer are we the rulers of this land. We have long since been deposed and dethroned, replaced by corporate figureheads with no regard for our sovereignty, no thought for our happiness, and no respect for our rights.

In other words, without our say-so and lacking any mandate, the point of view of the Constitution has been shifted from “we the people” to “we the government.” Our taxpayer-funded employees—our appointed servants—have stopped looking upon us as their superiors and started viewing as their inferiors. Unfortunately, we’ve gotten so used to being dictated to by government agents, bureaucrats and militarized police alike that we’ve forgotten that WE are supposed to be the ones calling the shots and determining what is just, reasonable and necessary.

Then again, we’re not the only ones guilty of forgetting that the government was established to serve us as well as obey us. Every branch of government, from the Executive to the Judicial and Legislative, seems to be suffering this same form of amnesia. Certainly, when government programs are interpreted from the government’s point of view (i.e., the courts and legislatures), there is little the government CANNOT do in its quest for power and control.

We’ve been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing that the government is actually looking out for our best interests, when in fact the only compelling interesting driving government programs is maintain power and control by taking away our money and control. This vital truth, that the government exists for our benefit and operates at our behest, seems to have been lost in translation over two centuries dominated by government expansion, endless wars and centralized federal power.

Have you ever wondered why the Constitution begins with those three words “we the people”? It was intended to be a powerful reminder that everything flows from the citizenry. We the people are the center of the government and the source of its power. That “we” is crucial because it reminds us that there is power and safety in numbers, provided we stand united. We can accomplish nothing alone.

This is the underlying lesson of the Constitution, which outlines the duties and responsibilities of government. It was a mutual agreement formed by early Americans in order to ensure that when problems arose, they could address them together.

It’s like the wagon trains of the Old West, comprised of individual groups of pioneers. They rarely ventured out alone but instead traveled as convoys. And when faced with a threat, these early Americans formed their wagons into a tight circle in order to defend against invaders. In doing so, they presented a unified front and provided protection against an outside attack. In much the same way, the Constitution was intended to work as an institutionalized version of the wagon circle, serving as a communal shield against those who would harm us.

Unfortunately, we have been ousted from that protected circle, left to fend for ourselves in the wilderness that is the American frontier today. Those who did the ousting—the courts, the politicians, and the corporations—have since replaced us with yes-men, shills who dance to the tune of an elite ruling class. In doing so, they have set themselves as the central source of power and the arbiters of what is just and reasonable.

Once again we’re forced to navigate hostile terrain, unsure of how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from militarized police, weaponized drones, fusion centers, Stingray devices, SWAT team raids, the ongoing military drills on American soil, the government stockpiling of ammunition, the erection of mass detention centers across the country, and all other manner of abuses.

Read the smoke signals, and the warning is clear: It’s time to circle the wagons, folks. The government is on the warpath, and if we are to have any hope of surviving whatever is coming at us, we’ll need to keep our wits about us and present a unified front. Most of all, we need to restore “we the people” to our rightful place at the center of government. How we do that depends largely on each community’s willingness to get past their partisan politics and blind allegiance to uniformed government officials and find common ground.

To put it a little more bluntly, stop thinking like mindless government robots and start acting like a powerhouse of citizens vested with the power to say “enough is enough.” We have the numbers to stand our ground. Now we just need the will.

Bombshell: Jade Helm Propaganda Exposed
But what's next for America?

Bombshell: Jade Helm Propaganda Exposed

by Infowars.com | May 13, 2015

Lee Ann McAdoo covers Operation Jade Helm with Rob Dew and then David Knight talks with entrepreneur Rich Heavin about what may be coming for America.


Document: Jade Helm Commander Plans to “Operationalize The CONUS Base”
Military is seeking to gain a full spectrum picture of the everyday lives of their adversaries   “us”

Document: Jade Helm Commander Plans to “Operationalize The CONUS Base”

by Daniel Taylor | Infowars.com | May 13, 2015

Special Ops Command seeks to “Operationalize” the homeland; “…informationally aware, smartphone‐enabled urban populations and their satisfaction—or lack of satisfaction—with local, regional, and even global conditions…” presents challenge to military.

Is Jade Helm part of the plan to “Operationalize the CONUS base”?

Recent military exercises across the country have stirred concern among American citizens rightly concerned about expanding federal power. Rasmussen reports that 45% of voters are concerned that the government “…will use U.S. military training operations to impose greater control over some states…”

One of the largest military exercises to ever be conducted on United States soil is set to begin this July. Titled “Jade Helm” the exercise seeks to “Master the human domain”. Infowars.com has documented the significance of the “Master the human domain” motto of Jade Helm. The military is seeking to gain a full spectrum picture of the everyday lives of their adversaries. This information is used to create threat matrix data on key populations.

Lt. General Charles Cleveland, the Commander of Special Operations, is directing the exercise. Operations Planner and retired Green Beret Thomas Mead confirmed this fact during a Q&A at the Brazos County Commissioners Court in Texas.

General Cleveland penned a strategy document in September of 2014 titled “ARSOF Operating Concept 2022“. The strategy outlined in the document seeks to establish a world-wide network of military influence to gather intelligence on key populations and contain non-state actors, “empowered individuals”, militias, and other “irregular” threats. The document emphasizes the global nature of the threat, noting that the conflict will effectively erase borders.

Cleveland sees an unstable world in the future that will require a capable military force. Cleveland notes the “…major global social, political, informational, and economic trends underway and the converging competition between nation‐states and nonstate actors.”

Cleveland continues, stating that the battlespace of the future will occur in urban terrain, “These forces are intertwined and compete for relative superiority over the physical, cognitive, and moral security and adequate governance of key populations—a competition that will increasingly occur in militarily significant urban terrain.”

In this “Multi-polar world” non-state actors with access to the internet and other communications will be able to influence each other around the globe. The 2022 document elaborates, “The significant difference will be the greater ability of nonstate actors to defend themselves, and to influence or attack other populations…”

In order to counter threats from these groups, Special Operations will utilize various technologies including; Electronic warfare, directed energy, space, robotics, Unmanned vehicles, and low-visibility stealth technologies.

“Operationalize the CONUS base”

Perhaps the most sensational portion of the document comes from the statement that Special Operations wants to “Operationalize the CONUS base“, meaning Continental United States. General Cleveland’s strategy is to utilize civilian assets to support deployed soldiers. The plan seeks to utilize non-governmental agencies, think tanks, academia, and other U.S. government agencies to support Special Operations goal of containing the threat of VEO’s (Violent Extremist Organizations), non-state actors, and other irregular threats.

The plan seeks to create a system to marshal civilian expertise to complete the mission of “enhancing” a host nations governance, stability, security, and rule of law. Under a section titled “Military Support to Governance” the document states:

“Given the U.S. military’s assigned responsibilities in the areas of stability and governance, future joint formations must address shared interests and enhance host nation governance, security, economic development, and the rule of law. Doing so necessitates a system to procure, classify, marshal, and employ the appropriate civilian expertise to support or lead execution of stability tasks aligned with national security objectives.”

This aspect of the Special Operations plan as it relates to the Jade Helm exercise raises highly concerning questions. The fact that conservative areas of the United States are listed as “Hostile” in the Jade Helm map should be concerning to citizens. General Cleveland’s strategy is clearly global in nature, and clearly states that the conflict has effectively erased borders, leaving the option of domestic operations on the table.

The language of the 2022 document is very similar to an Atlantic Council article published last year which warned of the decline of the “New world order” as non-state actors and empowered individuals threaten to destabilize the globe. The Atlantic Council is a Washington D.C. based think tank that has ties to highly influential policy makers. The 2014 piece, written by “shock and awe” doctrine author Harlan K. Ullman, laments the fact that George H.W. Bush’s dream of a “new world order” is failing. Ullman says that the State is being “…made obsolete by the empowerment of individuals and non-state actors.” Ullman states that an “extraordinary crisis” is needed to counteract this trend.

This post first appeared at Old-Thinker News.

Special Forces Train With Cops For House to House Raids
South Carolina residents warned they may encounter military vehicles

by Paul Joseph Watson | May 13, 2015

Special Forces out of Fort Bragg are training with SWAT officers in Richland County, South Carolina this week for house to house raids, another unnerving sign of the militarization of domestic law enforcement.

The late night and pre-dawn exercises, which will involve the 3rd Special Forces Group out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, have been running since May 8 and will conclude on Friday.

Previous exercises conducted by the 3rd Special Forces Group, seen in the video above, show troops conducting house to house raids and arresting individuals at gunpoint.

Residents in Lower Richland County have been warned that they may encounter military vehicles and “hear ordinance being set off or shots being fired.”

According to Sheriff Leon Lott, “Deputies will provide simulated scenarios for the military,” while Richmond County will provide, “an ideal location for training that cannot be replicated at Fort Bragg.”

During a similar drill last year, journalists were barred from reporting on the exercise.

Concerns over drills such as this have heightened since the announcement of Jade Helm, a nationwide military exercise set to begin in July during which troops will operate undercover amongst local populations.

Footage captured by a local during a dirty bomb exercise in Richmond, California earlier this month shows National Guard troops pushing irate citizens away with batons before one of the protest group states, “I’m a sovereign citizen, I refuse to recognize you guys, I refuse to recognize you.”

Disturbing video out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida in March also showed military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training.

Video out of Ontario, California also shows Guard troops marching down residential streets while practicing traffic control.

Last month we also reported on a Marines drill at the Naval Weapons Station in Yorktown, Virginia during which angry protesters were kept at bay by armed troops.

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Will You Obey Your Oath or Orders?
Unconstitutional gun grabs have already happened before!

Will You Obey Your Oath or Orders?

Image Credits: Mr.TinDC / Flickr.

by Infowars Nightly News | May 13, 2015

Although soldiers in America have already had to face the dilemma of having to choose between obeying their oath to the Constitution and orders that violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens during Katrina, many Americans are ignorant of what happened.


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