This Shit Must Stop

The only way to stop this shit is to cost the cops so much money in lawsuit payoffs that they can’t get insurance. A few multimillion dollar payoffs should get the point across and a few more will shut them down.  Watch this video….       Citizen cops will be next. Trained citizen vigilantes with no agenda. It’s possible.    OK Folks, here's how ya do it to nail the cops to the courthouse wall and collect a multimillion dollar check. This Must Be a Covert Opera-tion. Gather up 4 or 5 friends that wanna get rich fast and legal. They should have some balls and know how to work a camcorder. 4 camcorders with telephoto lenses. One cell camera as bait. 4 wireless microphones and a couple parabolic microphones. 4 tripods. Battery packs for extended shooting time. Now set up a situation like, taking pictures or video of a courthouse or cop shop from a public space and when the cops show up stand up for your rights. Literally tell them to eat shit and then have some more. When the cops get busy on the good guy, the lucky one with the cell phone camera, they don't know the other 4 cameras are zoomed into the action from a hidden public space and your buddy has the wireless mic on as he's getting the shit kicked out of him by the cops. Somebody is also working the parabolic mics cuz the cops may break the wireless mic as they pom-mel the lucky guy with those small baseball bats they call batons. The cops actually use them on each other as dildos. They don't clean them so they can sniff them during their shift while their jackin' each other off. No mat-ter what happens Do Not let the cops know about the other cameras. Ya gotta keep it an absolute secret from everyone don't even tell your mother. After the dust has settled and time has passed, maybe a week or 2 or a month even, the cops have written their false reports, made their false statements for the news, false state-ments to internal affairs and cop investigation, told the bull shit story, false story, to the press and all that stuff, passed muster with the Chief of Police, of course he knows what really happened, or whomever and they're all be slapping each other on the back and buying each other beers at the cop slop shop, snorting busted, stolen from the evidence room, cocaine and smokin' confiscated reefer. Then when the right time happens, after all the scabs, stitches, cast on your arm and the penicillin has worked from the AIDS ya got from the cop that punched ya first, all of a sudden the audio/ video from 4 different angles is on the evening local news, but only after they, the networks, buy the rights to show it. Don't Give It Away it will be worth a hundred thousand dollars to them. The cops are gonna be in a lot of trouble including the top cop, when it comes out they planted evidence, false reports, stolen property, conspiracy to do this and that and everything you can throw at'em, their careers are down the tubes like so many of the people they did this to before they ran into this situation.  After the city/ county/ state pays off in the millions you can use that money to fund more groups, you could even copyright the business and franchise it across the nation and before ya'no it there are thousands of groups all around the country, hundreds in the major cities, getting cops busted, charged with every crime they commit, unlawful ar-rest/ detainment, kidnapping, assault with injuries, maybe the RICO act, that will result in their doing prison time, forfeiture of their property, their lives and families ruined, divorces happen and their lives are over, suicide next which is best. Everywhere a cop goes there should be a group of cameras following them. Recording everything they do and recording the audio with parabolic microphones.  In order to be a cop or even think of being a cop you must be mentally unstable, from that point on there's no reason to try to figure them out. I envision hun-dreds of cops arrested each week nationwide and charged and convicted then sent to general population state prison. I'll let ya nowhere to send my finder’s fee when ya get the payoff. jz469 Here we go again, OK, If yer fed up and you want to set up the cops here’s how to do it and possibly get enough evidence against the cops to win a Multimillion dollar out of court settlement lawsuit. Watch this vid-eo….        Beg, borrow, or steal, well not really, but get a hold of as many Go-Pro cameras and/ or professionally in-stalled spy cams with audio, as you can, 8 or 10, and mount them on your car in strategic places to get the whole picture of how the cops fuck you over. With your hand held phone or camcorder get the close-up shots and audio. Then stand by your US Constitutional rights spout out some precedent setting case law and see if you can provoke the cops, with truth, facts and common sense, to fuck with you, they are not allowed to commit crimes against you for what you say to them, 1st amendment right. It may call for an overnighter in the county jail but that will add to the out of court settlement, harsher treatment for the cops that fucked with you and more disgrace on the department in general. Whenever they ask you a question never answer it but instead ask them a question and they must answer. If they lie and lie again and again and it’s on tape with a bit of your blood on the asphalt, maybe a loose tooth or two, cracked ribs, broken nose, the doctors can put your eye back into its socket, and ruptured spleen, will add to the pay-off in the end. You must not let anybody know about the other cameras. Let them, the cops, think there is only the one phone cam or camcorder. They may have a field day on your head but you and the 'Crew' will be supporting a few more cars/ vans with all the cameras and the cops will have to wonder "is this one of them cars?" After you recuperate and the dust has settled and the cops are all thinking they got away with the felonies they com-mitted you can let your attorney know you have the video from 8 different angles with vivid audio. That of course depends on a couple good liars, I mean Lawyers, on your side. Then the local news has paid a high price for the scoop and you have the cops by the lips cuz they're cunts on TV News. You’ll recover with time and rehabilita-tion. Remember the cops are liars of the supreme magnitude so if you ask specific questions and they can’t an-swer or they give false information they are guilty on tape or on disc or whatever the format you’re using, live streaming to the internet from all cameras. They are not allowed to touch your car, keep their fingers off your vehicle. You don’t know where theirs hands have been. They could be planting evidence on your vehicle. Do Not Trust The Cops. Whenever you find where a cop lives post it on the internet for all to see where they live and to stay away from there. Post their vehicle tag number and make, model and year. Just like they do with your in-formation. This is a two way street here. Everybody forgets the cops set up stings to bust citizens for cash and to substantiate their jobs. Trained to Lie, Cheat, and Steal. That's OK for them, Well, why not set the cops up for the same thing. They lose their job and the out of court settlement can be in the MILLIONS. Beats what they get from us.               I hereby invoke and refuse to waive all of the following Rights and Privileges afforded me by the United States Constitution, I invoke and refuse to waive my 5th Amendment Rights to remain silent, I invoke and refuse to waive my 6th Amendment Right to have an attorney of my choice present,  I invoke and refuse to waive my 4th Amendment Right to be free of any unreasonable search and seizure, If I’m not presently being detained, arrested or under investigatory detention, Please allow me to go on my way.


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