The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Forgery or Factual

Protocols   Forgery Argument is Flawed

December 14, 2003

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


Dialogue In Hell Between Machiavelli And Montesquieu

Next to the Bible The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is perhaps the mostly widely read book in the world.

Published in Russia in 1903, it purports to be the leaked master plan for "Jewish world domination." It is the kind of thing that would be studied at secret workshops of an occult society.

In different ways, both Zionists and Nazis have made it synonymous with virulent anti Semitism and genocide.

But surely Jews should not be blamed for the machinations of a tiny secret society. The vast majority of Jews would disavow this master plan if they believed it existed.

Surely one can condemn all racism and genocide in the strongest possible terms and still believe the Protocols are authentic.

In my opinion, the equation with anti Semitism is really a ploy to divert attention away from this master plan.

The plagiarism claim is part of a propaganda campaign waged by conscious and unconscious collaborators in academia and the media.


We are told that The Protocols of Zion is a hoax, a "proven forgery" concocted by the Tsarist Political Police (the Okhrana) to incite anti Semitism and discredit revolutionaries.

But the "proof" is far from convincing.

It consists of three articles published in The London Times (August 16-18, 1921) by Philip Graves.

According to Graves, Protocols is a crude, chapter-by-chapter plagiarism of Maurice Joly's Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864).

It was easy to make this claim while Joly's book was unavailable. Napolean III's police confiscated it as soon as it was published.

But it is available now and I invite you to compare the two texts. In my opinion, they are entirely different in tone, content and purpose. At 140 pages, Dialogues is twice as long as Protocols. Most of it finds no echo in the Protocols.

The crux of Graves' argument is that certain references and passages in Protocols were lifted from Dialogues. He claims there are 50 of these and produces about a dozen.

Their striking resemblance to Protocols leaves little doubt that the author did refer to the Dialogues as part of his research. He had no compunction about borrowing or reshaping a few passages that struck his fancy.

Indeed Philip Graves is "struck by the absence of any effort on the part of the plagiarist to conceal his plagiarisms."

That's because he had nothing to hide.

He was not Graves' "unimportant precis- writer employed by the court or by the Okhrana" to construct a hoax.

He was a diabolical genius crafting an original work. It is simplistic and disingenuous to characterize Protocols as a hoax.


Graves' article smacks of a Zionist propaganda operation. Graves "expose" of Protocols appeared in August 1921 when Zionists were pressing the League of Nations to turn Palestine into a Jewish homeland under British Mandate.

Philip Grave tells the unlikely story that a "Mr. X" brought the Dialogues to him in Constantinople where he was the Times' correspondent. Mr. X presented it as "irrefutable proof" that the Protocols are a plagiarism.

Mr. X was a White Russian, which seems incredible given the Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution. He claims he bought the book from, get this, "a former member of the Okhrana" who had fled to Constantinople.

In The Controversy of Zion, (Chapter 34) Douglas Reed, a Times' staffer at the time, provides additional background.

In May 1920, Lord Northcliffe, a part owner of The Times, printed an article about the Protocols entitled "The Jewish Peril, A Disturbing Pamphlet, A Call for an Enquiry. " It concluded:

"An impartial investigation of these would-be documents and their history is most desirable...are we to dismiss the whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such a book as this work unchecked?"

Then in May 1922 Northcliffe visited Palestine and wrote that Britain had been too hasty to promise it to the Jewish people when in fact it belonged to 700,000 Muslim Arab residents.

Mr. Wickham Steed, the editor of The Times of London in 1921 refused to print the article and Northcliffe tried to get him fired.

Somehow Steed was able to have Northcliffe declared "insane" and committed. Later Northcliffe complained he was being poisoned and died suddenly in 1922.

Douglas Reed was Northcliffe's secretary but didn't learn of these events until they appeared in the Official History of the Times in the 1950's.

Clearly Northcliffe had offended some "big boys" when he opposed the British Mandate in Palestine. Why was it so important?

Israel is intended to be the capital of the Masonic World Government. They are already constructing the infrastructure. See "The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem."


Philip Graves and the other apologists are incorrect to claim the Protocols plagiarize the Dialogues chapter by chapter.

Graves writes that "the Seventh Dialogue...corresponds with the fifth, sixth, seventh and part of the eighth Protocol. "

At eight pages, these Protocols are twice as long as the Seventh Dialogue.

They mostly contain material not in the Seventh Dialogue, or anywhere else. I will list a few examples from Protocol Five alone.

Protocol Five says "our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions" that it will "wipe out any goyim who oppose us by deed or word."

In contrast Seventh Dialogue says, "Death, expropriation and torture should only play a minor role in the internal politics of modern states."

Protocols Five says we "robbed [the goyim] of their faith in God" and "insinuated into their minds the conception of their own rights" thereby undermining the authority of Kings. There is nothing comparable in Dialogue Seven.

Protocol Five says, "we shall so wear down the goyim that they will be compelled to offer us international power [allowing us] gradually to absorb all State forces of the world and to form a Super-Government." There is nothing comparable in Dialogue Seven.

Protocol Five says the "engine" of all states is "in our hands" and that engine is "Gold." "We were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth." There is nothing comparable in Dialogue Seven.


The author of Protocols does select a few passages or references from Dialogues that appear unaltered (see Graves) or in different form.

For example, the Dialogues' say: " Everywhere might precedes right. Political liberty is merely a relative idea. The need to live is what dominates states as it does individuals."

In Protocols this becomes, "From the law of nature right lies in might. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact, and one must know how to use it [political freedom] as a bait whenever it appears necessary to attract the masses ... to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority." (Protocols 1)
Graves leaves out the last part to make the resemblance seem greater than it is.

Dialogues (7) say, "Revolutionary ferment which is suppressed in one's own country should be incited throughout Europe."

In Protocols (7) "Throughout all Europe ... we must create ferments, discords, hostilities." There is no reference to suppressing these in one's own country.

The author of Protocols is not a forger creating a hoax, but a conspirator forging an original work.


Both books belong to the "immoral school" of political theory. Machiavelli pays homage to a long list of rulers "who are progenitors of my doctrine." Both preach might makes right, "good" comes from evil, and the end justifies the means.

But the similarity ends there. The tone of the Dialogues is dry and theoretical. It is a debate between fictional political theorists: Montesquieu a champion of democracy and Machiavelli, a champion of tyranny. Dialogues is considered a critique of the reign of Napolean III.

Montesquieu asks how to quell the spirit of anarchy in society. Machiavelli prescribes a "monster called the state" which maintains a democratic artifice but is actually controlled by the "Prince." He talks about how to suppress secret societies.

On the other hand, the tone of Protocols is frankly conspiratorial and subversive and pays homage to Lucifer. Protocols is a "strategic plan from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing the labour of many centuries come to naught." (Protocol 1)

We are struck by a sense of relevance when reading Protocols. We immediately recognize its baneful influence in today's world. See "Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion?" "Protocols is the NWO Blueprint" and "Protocols Dominates Our Culture" .


Since Graves' articles, there have been a few books arguing the "forgery" thesis. The latest is Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide (1970).

Graves and Cohn admit that "the Financial Programme" (Protocols 20-24) which the author calls "the crowning and decisive point of our plans" is largely original.

For serious researchers, Australian researcher Peter Myers presents pro and con views.

Goebbels said that propaganda is effective only when the reader doesn't realize it is propaganda. It follows that dupes write the best propaganda. For example, see Rick Salutin, Protocols of Zion's Critics.


One hundred million people were slaughtered in the last century but no one considers the possibility that the human race might have been subverted.

War is hell but no one thinks Satan worshipers might be behind it.

I suspect the Second World War was a battle for racial superiority between Jewish and Aryan wings of the Illuminati who in fact are united at the top.

The private central bankers of England, the U.S. and Nazi Germany made the war possible. They worked as one at the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. (See Charles Higham, Trading With the Enemy.)

The purpose of the war was to degrade, defraud and demoralize humanity. The Holocaust provided a rationale for the establishment of Israel as headquarters of the New World Order. Aryans, Jews and many others were sacrificed and exploited.

In my opinion, the outlawing of Protocols on pain of death in Bolshevik Russia and its execration in the West today proves its authenticity.

Mankind is in the grip of a diabolical conspiracy. In order to make good people do bad things, truth must be tailored to fit the political purpose. This is Communist and feminist teaching.

I would like to be proven wrong, but in the case of Protocols, the "forgery" argument is propaganda.

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The Protocols of Zion Updated

February 15, 2004


By Henry Makow Ph.D.

In 1976, the plan for "Jewish world domination" outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion had been largely realized. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, 29, a personal assistant to New York Senator Jacob Javits felt that Jewish power was so unassailable that he could make some extra cash by telling this story to Walter White Jr., the editor of the Conservative monthly Western Front.

"Too many Jews do not have the guts to tell you how we live and plan, but I am not intimated by anything or anyone," Rosenthal told White.

"It is too late for your Christian followers to put up a defence. That time is long past. Long, long ago we had to become the aggressors! That is undoubtedly one of our great purposes in life. We are aggressors!"

This shocking 17-page interview, which contradicts the Jewish image as victims, has been online for some time. It ranks with the revelations of Benjamin Freedman, and C.G. Rakovsky as a description of the real forces directing the world.

Rosenthal needed gambling money but his candor cost him his life. On Aug. 12, 1976, he was killed in a foiled skyjacking in Istanbul. Walter White concluded that the incident was a cover for Rosenthal's murder.

A commemorative Rosenthal "Fellowship in International Relations" discreetly furthers the work he indiscreetly exposed. Oddly, there is no picture of Rosenthal on their web site.

The interview is virulently anti Semitic in the sense that both men characterize this conspiracy as "Jewish" and make many nasty racist generalizations. In fact, "the Jews" are really the Rothschilds and a few hundred banking families and their non-Jewish allies united by intermarriage and occult beliefs. The vast majority of Jews like other people are unaware of this plot and would oppose it if they were. Jews are as much its unwitting dupes and victims as anyone else.

The Rothschilds set up the Illuminati in 1776 to subvert the Christian basis of Western Civilization. They took over much of Freemasonry and used it to infiltrate all social institutions. Mouthing words like "freedom," "equality" and "progress," they are bent on melding family, race, religion, and nation into a malleable mush. Their world police state, now called "globalization," lies behind the facade of "The Patriot Act" and "The War on Terror."

Rosenthal says, "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."

This statement applies to modern culture as a whole. We do not like to admit that our "secular" society is based on a cosmic rebellion against God. Its true satanic character is becoming more evident every day.


Rosenthal says the "Jews" have built an earthly empire partly by rejecting Christ's vision of a spiritual kingdom based on brotherly love. Jewish bankers plan to govern the world from Jerusalem according to their own interests.

He says the Jewish religion is essentially a disguise for a racial imperative. "We can live among other people and states [by] persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people but the representatives of a religious faith..."

"Jewish" power was created through control of the monetary system.

"Through our national bank, the Federal Reserve, we extend book credit which we create from nothing to all local banks ...[Thus] we bring industry, management and labour into our debt...and pit management against labour so they will never unite and attack us and usher in a debt-free industrial utopia."

Through control of banking, the "Jews" acquired a total monopoly of "the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media...we took over the publication of all school materials... Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers...we will have complete control of your thinking."

He boasts that they even implanted a "guilt complex" over the Holocaust and anti Semitism that prevents society from addressing the problem.

"We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse."

Rosenthal avers that society can only escape this death clutch by violent action not education.

"History has been written in blood, not with ink. No letter, editorial or book has ever rallied the people or stopped tyranny. We understand this principle and are forever propagandizing the people to write letters to the President, to Congress...Woe be unto us if they ever see the futility of it, lay down the pen and employ the sword."

But Rosenthal is not worried. Alluding to the promotion of feminism and homosexuality, he says:

"We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled. As all geldings...their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present and with the next meal."

Rosenthal talks about how a "Jewish" invisible government also controls the USSR, and how the UN is "nothing but a trap door to the Red World's immense concentration camp." He says this invisible power is responsible for the wars and revolutions of the last 200 years.

At times the interview seems almost too damning, and we wonder if it is authentic. Why would someone who says he aspires to national prominence allow such an interview to be taped? Couldn't he be blackmailed? He makes many unflattering and untrue generalizations about Jews, which also seems implausible. At times he veers widely from arrogance to insecurity. At one point, he says Jews have made plans to pack up and flee.

Ultimately you will make up your own mind. I believe the contradictions are due to self-hatred and a subconscious desire for expiation. The interview contains many insights only an insider could have, for eg. the references to Lucifer, religion/race and violent change. They are consistent with my information.

The tone of racial arrogance also rings true. Rosenthal expresses incredulity at the spinelessness and gullibility of the American people. He says a Jew remains a Jew whether he converts to another religion or not. I doubt if a Christian Conservative like Walter White would pull off the kind of stunt he condemns "the Jews" for doing.


Walter White seems to think the "Jews" are the "ringleaders" of the Luciferianism cabal known as "Mystery Babylon." Certainly the Rothschilds are central players but the cast is large and includes many others.

By presenting this information, I am trying to inspire Jews and non-Jews alike to remove the media blindfold and recognize that Luciferians have hijacked humanity and modern culture largely is a fraud designed to disguise this fact.

True culture is based on religion, i.e. a collective commitment to spiritual ideals such as absolute justice, love, beauty and truth. "God is a Spirit and we worship him in Spirit and in Truth," Christ said. (John 4:24)

We are living in the twilight of Christian culture. We have no genuine ideals to take its place. The elite's Orwellian doublespeak (selectively applied "freedom", "tolerance," "diversity," "human rights" and "equality") is manipulation and mind control.

Jews will have to disown organized Jewry, which is controlled by the bankers. Fifty per cent of American Jews do not identify with Judaism in any way. The number that converted to another religion more than doubled since 1990 and now represents 25% of the total.

However most Jews, like non-Jews, are "secular humanists" which is Luciferianism in disguise. Humanism is the notion that man can build a utopia based on "reason." In practice, humanism is a front for the Illuminist bankers and their allies.

Reason cannot be divorced from morality. Remember I am the inventor of Scruples. "You find a wallet containing $3000. By the address you can tell the owner is wealthy. Your family is hungry. Do you keep the money?" That would be reasonable.

Humanism holds that man is already divine and therefore free to indulge his appetites and reject God's Plan. This is what the humanist means when he preaches "freedom."

In fact humanity is still very much a work in progress. We were put on earth to embody God's Plan, (i.e. spiritual ideals.) God did not give us freedom so we could fail.


(Note: On Nov. 29 2005 I had a telephone conversation with Des Griffin who told me that he was invited to Walter White's house in CA and listened to the tape of the interview. The Rosenthal character in the interview sounded like a bad actor reading from a script. Certain words were repeated. He says the information is totally credible but the conspiracy is real and does not need to be embellished by fraud.)

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Maurice Joly Plagiarized "Protocols of Zion" (not vice-versa)

July 30, 2008

joly1.jpg(image: Maurice Joly 1821-1879)

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
It is forbidden
to mention  the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (1905) without the Disclaimer that, of course, they are a "forgery" of Maurice Joly's "Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" (1864.) 
The assumption is that since Protocols appeared some 40 years after Dialogue, it plagiarized the earlier work. But I will suggest that Protocols actually predated Dialogue and Joly borrowed from it. In other words, far from being an anti-Semitic ruse, the "Protocols of Zion" are authentic.
I have already argued that the two documents are neither similar nor derivative, although they have some lines and words in common. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is essentially a brilliant Master Plan for tyranny, i.e. the New World Order. It is the key to understanding our present predicament. (This is not a condemnation of all Jews, only the nucleus of bankers and high-level Masons directing this diabolical war against the human race.)
"Dialogue in Hell" was a veiled Masonic Jewish attack on Napoleon III, an example of how they championed liberalism to undermine the Old Order and usurp power, as described in the Protocols themselves. (The author of Protocols is contemptuous of liberalism and all egalitarian programs. They are just gimmicks to manipulate the masses.)
Reading Kerry Bolton's monograph "The Protocols of Zion In Context" (Renaissance Press, 2003) it became obvious that Joly was plagiarizing from The Protocols and not vice-versa.
Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy, was a lifelong Mason and member of the "Lodge of Mizraim" where the Protocols document originated. He was the protege of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) the head of the lodge and a Minister in the Jewish-backed government of Leon Gambetta.
The plot is described in the Protocols as "centuries-old." It most likely predates "Dialogue." Joly was well versed in the Protocols and borrowed from it to flesh out the unpopular authoritarian position of Machiavelli, which he ascribed to Napoleon III.
Joly, who committed suicide in 1879, was in the habit of "borrowing." He is accused of plagiarizing a popular novel by Eugene Sue, namely "Les Mystères du Paris." (1845) Also his work is predated by another of Cremieux's proteges, Jacob Venedy,  entitled, "Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau." (1850)
In 1884 Mme. Justine Glinka, the daughter of a Russian General living in Paris, hired Joseph Schorst, a member of Joly's  Mizraim Lodge to obtain sensitive information.  For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.
The Tsarist government, already heavily infiltrated, sat on the document. Glinka subsequently gave it to a friend who passed it on to Professor Sergius A. Nilus who published it for the first time in 1901.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, Nilus was arrested in Kiev in 1924 ,imprisoned and tortured. The President of the Court told him he had "done them incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols." ("Waters Flowing Eastward" by Paquita de Shishmareff, 1999, pp.74-76.)
If your plan for World Domination leaked out, what would you do? Would you admit it? "You got me! My bad!"
No, you'd employ an army of ciphers to convince everyone the document is a hoax motivated by "prejudice" and "anti-Semitism." They have executed this "damage control" perfectly, a measure of their power to deceive even in the presence of the truth.
This is the only Conspiracy that has prevailed in spite of the Blueprint being freely available. It demonstrates the credulity (or venality) of the intelligentsia and the masses.
They have colonized our minds first. We cannot name our oppressor for fear of being accused of "anti-Semitism." It's as though Black slaves working on cotton plantations were taught it was "racist" or "prejudiced" to mention the White slave driver. Since the majority of Jews are ignorant of this plot, and are manipulated like everyone else, racism is a ploy to divert attention from a very dire problem.
The Illuminati (top-rung Masonic Jews and their non-Jewish allies) have distributed some wealth and power to the masses (liberalism, socialism) as a way of securing ultimate power for themselves. According to the Protocols, they will eventually withdraw these benefits once their "invisible government" is invincible. The "war on terror" should be seen in this context.
In my view, "Protocols Deniers" are complicit in this Conspiracy, which is responsible for most human suffering and will lead to a great deal more. As a Jew, I don't want this responsibility on my head, or on other innocent Jews or Masons. - See more at:

Elders of Zion' Shape Our Culture

September 8, 2003

Britney with Snake

Like the blind man trying to describe an elephant, I am just beginning to appreciate the true dimensions of evil in the world. The problem is much more profound than I thought.

Since the so-called "Enlightenment" in the 1700's, Western culture has been based on a Lucifer-like rejection of God.

The Enlightenment actually refers to Lucifer, the "light giver." Lucifer symbolizes the light of the human intellect, the defiant assertion that man can go it alone.
Luciferians have an uncanny knack for making evil appear good, and good appear evil. For them, Lucifer represents the principle of good. He is the equal of the Christian God whom they describe as evil. The two exist together like light and darkness.

Christianity holds that man's salvation lies in doing God's will, not his own. For Christians, Lucifer represents man's rejection of God's Plan with predictably tragic results. Despite the lip service we still pay to God, modern western culture is fundamentally anti-Christian. It is Luciferian.

Our culture is premised on a tragic metaphysical revolt and a futile attempt to substitute sensual and material for spiritual fulfillment.

We cannot feel good without being good but Luciferians have deceived us into thinking we can. They have us implicated in our own demise.


God's Plan (universal love) naturally conflicts with the desire of a few to monopolize the world's wealth and power. Luciferians in the service of wealth engineered the so-called Enlightenment, as well as the Revolutionary Period (1776-1917) that toppled kings and the two World Wars (1919-1945) that ruined the great nations of Europe.

Luciferians made people think they were orphans in the universe by promoting Isaac Newton's mechanistic vision. When Newton's laboratory papers were finally examined, his actual "scientific work" turned out to be lurid and insane experiments in "black magic." Along with Isaac Newton, Lyndon LaRouche lists Francis Bacon, Hobbs, Walpole, Doestoevsky, Nietzsche, Jeremy Betham, John Ruskin, Bertram Russell, HG Wells as secret Satanists who have shaped our culture.

The party of revolution and "progress" has been the party of Lucifer. It is backed by influential Jewish Luciferians. "Through the press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade, " says the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Fry,122). "The goyim have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestion of our specialists." (124)

"Think of the successes we arranged for Darwinianism, Marxism, should be plain to see what a disintegrating effect these directives have had on the minds of the goyim." (121)

The Jewish Luciferians are savvy enough to believe in God (but not to obey Him.) This is revealed in their use of the concept of "freedom" to manipulate the masses.

"The word 'freedom' brings out to fight against...every kind of authority, even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, shall have to erase this word from the lexicon of life as implying a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts." (126, emphasis mine)

The Elders of Zion say that freedom is viable when it rests "upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity...This is why [we must] undermine all faith [in the] Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs...Thus, all nations will be swallowed up in pursuit of gain and...will not take note of their common foe."

"This intensified struggle...will create, nay, has already created disenchanted, cold and heartless communities...Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult..."(128)

Isn't our world confirmation of the authenticity of this document?


What do the founders of Communism and class warfare really think about social equality?

"When our kingdom comes [it will be] essential [to teach that] the structure of human life requires division of labor and consequently the division of men into classes and conditions...owing in the difference in the objects of human activity there cannot be any equality..." (124)

Similarly, feminism is not about giving power to women but actually taking it away. Woman's real power lies in sexual surrender, which they exchange for love (marriage). The Luciferians propose that women should indulge in sex without love. Albert Pike, the leader of 19th Freemasonry advised his fellow masons:

"Woman fetters thee by thy desires; we say to the adept, ...use women often and without passion; thou wilt thus become master of thy passions and thou wilt enchain woman." (Occult Theocracy, p.234)

According to Lyndon Larouche, "reducing sexual practises to the level of bestiality is a crucial feature of Satanism in all historical periods..."

"Young maidens, do not defend your virtue," the Marquis de Sade advised.

Sade gave his name to sadism, which is the same as Satanism. Once discussed in horrified whispers, Sade is now often celebrated as a "heroic apostle of individual rights, a giant of philosophical thought, and a martyr for freedom of conscience." (Sade, A Biographical Essay" by Laurence Bongie,2000)

The Hollywood film Quills (2001) portrays ordinary folk gathering together to enjoy Sade's hard-core pornography as though it were a wholesome songbook or the Sears Christmas catalogue. The young heroine, a laundry girl played by Kate Winslett explains that bondage and flagellation provides relief from her tedious chores. I doubt if it helps her become a faithful wife or devoted mother.

"Let us give ourselves indiscriminately to everything our passions suggest, and we will always be happy...Conscience is not the voice of Nature but only the voice of prejudice," Sade wrote.

This is what Luciferians want us to believe but the truth is that real morality is not prejudice but a proven guide to health and happiness.

Oscar Wilde contends that the only way to overcome temptation is to succumb to it, but that assumes we will outgrow it. Satanists don't.

Sade was not imprisoned for his ideas but for "his repeated...criminal sexual assaults on women" according to Laurence Bongie. Hollywood bears responsibility for portraying him as a hero but this hasn't stopped them from planning another eulogy for homosexual pedophile Dr. Alfred Kinsey who died from a disease associated with self-abuse.


The triumph of immorality in popular culture is not random, not a concession to popular taste, not commercially driven. The relentless attack on wholesomeness is part of an insidious multi-century effort to subvert mankind, a cosmic struggle for the soul of man.

God is beckoning us to discover our divinity, our destiny, and our true bliss. But Luciferians do not intend for this to happen. They are gradually converting mankind to their Satanic culture. They use concepts such as free and equal to create a world that will be anything but. They have recruited armies of well-intentioned people whose careers depend on not seeing the big picture.

Let me leave you with this thought. What if the whole universe was created so that God could one day know Himself through His creation? What if we represented His most advanced work?

It's a heavy responsibility; one that mankind had better start taking seriously.

Otherwise, we will miss our Divine Rendezvous, and may not get another chance.

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Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ?

September 21, 2003


Many people think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is anti Semitic "hate literature" and a fraud.

Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits "the mind of genius." Pretty good for a hoax, wouldn't you say?

Solzhenitsyn said it exhibits "great strength of thought and insight...Its design...(increasing freedom and liberalism, which is terminated in social cataclysm) well above the abilities of an ordinary mind...It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb."

I'm afraid Protocols may be genuine. They are lectures addressed to Jewish Luciferians (Illuminati, Freemasons) detailing an incredible plan to overthrow western civilization, subjugate mankind, and concentrate "all the wealth of the our hands."

The lectures, typical of similar Illuminati documents, were leaked to the Czarist Secret police and published in Russia in 1905.

The issue of anti Semitism diverts attention from this plot which has been unfolding for over 200 years and is behind world government, September 11, Iraq, Homeland Security and the bogus "War on Terror."


The plotters control the world's wealth. Their multinational corporations use Freemason symbols in their logos. Shell and Citibank have the rising sun; Exxon the double cross, CBS and Time Warner the eye of Horus; Alcan and AOL, the circle in the triangle.

Their mass media, education and politics all create an illusion of democracy in order to control and defraud humanity. The Great Seal of the United States reflects the unhappy truth. It is also a Freemason symbol and bears the inscription "We have achieved New World Order." Almost all American Presidents including George W. Bush are Freemasons or Illuminati.

Israel's Star of David (interlaced triangles) is the Masonic symbol of the double divinity, Adonai and Lucifer.

The issue of anti Semitism is irrelevant because Jewish and non-Jewish Luciferians intermarried long ago. (See Milan Martin, Lucifer's Children p.74) The elite now consists of humanity-haters of all stripes. No wonder corruption is endemic. As the Greeks say, "the fish rots from the head."


Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) played a key role in advancing this monstrous conspiracy. He was a follower of the occult Cabbalism (or Lucifer worship) that is the basis of Illuminism and Freemasonry. (See Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.)

Researchers have speculated that Adam Weishaupt or Asher Ginzberg penned Protocols.At first I thought it was Rothschild himself. But because someone pointed out that the book refers to Nietzche and Darwin, it is more likely that Rothschild's grandson, Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1809-1879) or someone like him, is the author. Lionel is the infamous Jewish banker "Sidonia" of Benjamin D'Israeli's novel Coningsby(1844).

I came to this conclusion after reading Protocols 20-23, the "financial programme... the crowning and the decisive point of our plans." These lectures require a detailed knowledge of finance and profound psychological insight. Moreover the author states that all power ultimately will reside in the "King of the Jews," which is how the Rothschilds were known. In general the Protocols provide a compelling explanation of world events as they have transpired.


The author makes clear that whoever creates money is sovereign. He ridicules the goyim kings for forfeiting this power and says that he doesn't intend to repeat this mistake." When we come into our Kingdom," the government will change from being "a payer of tribute by loan operations...into a lender at a profit."

"This measure will stop the stagnation of money, parasitic profits, and idleness which were useful for us among the goyim so long as they were independent but are not desirable under our rule."

The Protocols is full of Talmudic contempt for non-Jews. "How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely brute brains of the goyim...What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted from their own people? "...We "will put an end to those abuses to which we owe our mastery over the goyim, but which cannot be allowed in our Kingdom." (178)

(I am using the L. Fry edition of The Protocols, entitled Waters Flowing Eastward, available from


Similarly the bankers have financed intellectuals and politicians to promote a mania for "senseless utopian principles" like "collectivism," "freedom of conscience, equality and the like." (182) They are designed to bring down the Old Order but will have no place in the New.

"We have set them on the hobbyhorse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of collectivism...They have never yet and they never will reflect that this hobbyhorse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality..." (159)

"The purely brute mind of the goyim is incapable of analysis and observation and still more of foreseeing whither a certain matter of settling a question may trend...Their eyes are open but see nothing before them..." (160)

"Everything in this world is in a state of submission, if not to man, then to ... what is stronger. And so shall we be this something stronger for the sake of good." (163)


Estonian journalist Juri Lina has examined the recently opened Soviet archives and documented the connection between the Bolshevik Revolution and Jewish Illuminism in his book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion." (1994)

I will probably devote a separate column to this. Suffice to say that Communism was the outcome of the plan outlined in Protocols. No wonder this book was banned in the USSR on pain of death! Its status in America is a measure of our condition.

Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, all Jewish Freemasons, were essentially dysfunctional losers who were employed by the Illuminist bankers to hoodwink the masses. Lenin for example had been an unsuccessful lawyer who had only six cases in which he defended shoplifters. He lost them all. A week later he gave up the law to become a highly paid revolutionary.

Lenin declared: "Peace means quite simply the domination of Communism over the entire world." His reign of terror caused nine million deaths but you never see him compared to Hitler. The secret police, the Cheka, dominated by Jews, published the names of 1.7 million people they murdered in 1918-1919, including 300,000 priests.
"A river of blood flowed through Russia," Lina writes. "According to official Soviet Reports, 1,695,904 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, lawyers, civil servants, writers...Their crime was 'anti social thinking' " (90)


Jews will never understand anti Semitism until they realize that it is not always based on irrational prejudice.

In 1920, Winston Churchill made a distinction between national and "International Jews." He said the latter are behind "a worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality...

It played ... a part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band ...[has] gripped the Russian people by the hair and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

Our culture, not Protocols, is a hoax. Luciferian Communist Jews set an example for the Nazis. This is not a debating contest where I convince you to agree with me or vice versa. I am concerned only with the historical record. Our focus must be on establishing the truth.

Luciferians like Rothschild, Lenin and Hitler still control the planet and intend to enslave humanity. I'm afraid that this will become increasingly evident. I pray I am wrong. This is a debate I want to lose.

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