EMP Bio Attack to Stop Trump Dec 19th! US Intel Report!

EMP Bio Attack to Stop Trump Dec 19th! US Intel Report!

Monday, December 12, 2016 16:40

Tom Heneghan reports what his sources in US and French Intelligence have told him regarding an EMP weapon to take down the Internet and the grid on December 19th as the Electoral College meets to give Trump the votes he needs to officially win on December 19th! There is also chatter of a BioWeapon attack on at least one American city prior to December 19th. Tom reports the Bush Clinton Crime syndicate are trying every evil in the book to deny Donald Trump this election! Another plan being discussed is using the chaos caused by the EMP and or BIO attack to loot the banks and make their escape from America! 

Get this information out everywhere so we can get in front of this. The only thing that can stop these things is if more people know it's coming so they can't blame it on their patsies! If this report goes viral then they will have to back off!
Sunday   December 11, 2016
CIA and the Washington Post Face Final Decapitation
UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate controlled CIA and its operational and financial affiliate, the Israeli Mossad-riddled, crooked Washington Post, are conspiring together to edit and censor alleged fake news stories reference the 1st Amendment Constitutional rights of the American People.
Washington Post editor ‘Book and Snake’ Bob Woodward and Washington Post columnist CIA and Israeli Mossad asset David Ignatius, along with former presidential candidate and former CIA employee Evan McMullin and year 2000 election-stealer, Nazi Jeb Bush, have compiled a CIA blacklist of independent social media websites that will be taken down by the Obama Administration after a new 9/11 FALSE FLAG terrorist attack that is scheduled to take place before the Electoral College meets on December 19th. 
This 9/11-style FALSE FLAG attack will be biochemical in nature and will allow the Bush-Clinton-NAZI Paperclip CIA Crime Syndicate’s declaration of martial law on American soil aka “Jade Helm”.
Expect a major physical confrontation between the NAZI Paperclip CIA (still totally controlled by the NAZI German Bush Crime Family) and the patriot U.S. Military Flag Officers in the next 72 hours.
The patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers have fingered and confronted the TREASONOUS NAZI Paperclip CIA Bush Crime Family with massive crimes against the U.S. Constitution and our American Republic, including:
It is important to note that junior BushFRAUD was AWOL from his own National Guard unit in Texas and never attended one funeral of any American soldier that died in Iraq.
P.S. We can also divulge that U.S. Treasury agents have opened up a criminal investigation of the CIA, the Washington Post, the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, CNN, AOL, Amazon. com and Jeff Bezos involving a $600 million slush fund tied to the CIA, HSBC of Englewood, Colorado and the then 2016 presidential candidacies of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.
We can also reveal that the U.S. Military Flag Officers have also begun a massive investigation of the Washington Post for illegal spying against the American People on behalf of the Israeli Mossad.
It is important to note that the criminal Washington Post conspired with now Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the aforementioned Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, alleged Clinton era independent counsel Kenneth Starr, and known CIA troll Larry Nichols, to engage in an espionage operation against the Clinton White House in the late 1990s.
The media trumpet for this espionage was none other than current and then internet media mogul Matt Drudge and now Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty.
It should be noted that Kenneth Starr was not investigating Clinton but blackmailing him on behalf of the Bush Crime Family and that the espionage operation directed against the Clinton White House made their major target then Vice President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
This gang of filth actually bugged Al Gore’s bathroom at his Vice Presidential residence.


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