Strange Energy field effecting the Earth vs. Space Weather claims after Russia Fires into Space.

Strange Energy field effecting the Earth vs. Space Weather claims after Russia Fires into Space.

I believe it was Anonymous or someone reporting that we have just entered a period where strange energy fields were affecting the earth, yet solar activity was normal or below normal. 

Then we hear that Russia had recently taken a shot into space with a Nudol anti satellite missile. Initial reports are that it did not impact a satellite as predicted. Yet the next articles state that this was a successful mission for Russia and the typical high fiving associated with. 

Now we have a new run of mainstream news claiming space weather, aka solar flares are affecting Earth at this time. So which is it? 

Are we to believe that Russians shot into deep space and hit nothing (aka no debris in the orbits for other satellites to worry with) yet it was a super success? 

The true development of Nudol is that it is designed to protect Moscow from nuclear attack and designed to strike nukes while in space. 
Why does this matter? an Anti Ballistic Missile should be able to hit a stationary( satellite ) target easily. They are built to strike missiles moving at thousands of feet per second kinetically. These things are essentially an icbm but with a kinetic kill vehicle atop them 

Earlier this year President Obama stated: “Extreme space weather events – those that could significantly degrade critical infrastructure – could disable large portions of the electrical power grid, resulting in cascading failures that would affect key services such as water supply, healthcare, and transportation.” 

we also within the last few months had the solar observatory images that showed another large object near the sun, yet they disappeared? 

Then we have the video of objects coming close to the sun, (taking energy from the surface) and then flying off? 

So the question is? Are we aware of something in the distant earth orbit that was coming close enough to have garnered a vague warning from Obama earlier this year? Did the Russians just fire on it and connect, releasing the energy of the object (explosion) which would be affecting the communications and electrical systems of the earth? And then a government rush to insert a new line of news stories of Space Weather into the headlines. 

The current Solar storm is described as broad and the earth is expected to remain in it for several days. 

If solar energy is light, then it travels at the speed of light, How can an event that was short lived on the sun, be long lived when it reaches earth. It would be real time, minus the transit time at the speed of light. 

8 minutes and 20 seconds 
Sunlight travels at the speed of light. Photons emitted from the surface of the Sun need to travel across the vacuum of space to reach our eyes. The short answer is that it takes sunlight an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth. 

And... since we've already seen it, the light has already traveled here anyways. So I guess we will assume that Coronal Mass Ejections contain a slower moving energy than just light . But still they arrive within 3 days. 

So its very curious anyhow that all of this was detected before the said solar eruption. which i would assume is a NASA generated cover. 

Did Trump just OK Russia to fire on the Reptilian Ship that was recharging on the Sun days ago and now on its way to pick up Hillary, Bill, and Soros..?


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