Was This Your Last Christmas!

Was This Your Last Christmas!

When have we heard this before? Is there any truth in it?
Are we now entering into what the bible calls
The Time of Sorrows?
As we enter into 2017, according to recent prophecies, we are now entering into a event window where we will begin to see the judgments of God manifest in the earth. This is evidenced in the many prophetic messages given to Prophet David Terrell Gods end time messenger. For those of you who are interested, I will send you a transcript of the prophetic word brought forth during this recent camp meeting in Bangs, TX.
We will begin to see these end time events unfold, as this second wave of energy from magnatar that is now hitting the earth. If you go to Council Of Time (COT), Mike from around the world makes a clear and present case concerning this cosmic energy wave and what we can expect to see as the immediate effects. Mike has been interviewed on Paul Begley’s u tube channel along with BPEarthWathch another excellent source of those who are in the know. The Lord says He does nothing except He reveals it to His servants the Prophet. Gods word is clear. The ends of the world are now upon us as we enter into 2017. According to Mike, it will take a full 2 years to pass through this second wave of cosmic energy.
With no disrespect to Mike from around the world, the Lord has trained me up since 1986 to prepare for this time that we are now entering into. Many a time has Jesus spoken through David Terrell for the Remnant to get out of the cities and move to the country. Many visions have been spoken by the Holy Ghost where Gods people were seen as ants preparing for winter. God has repeatedly told his people, that if you do not get out of the major cities, that you will become trapped in destruction.
Scripture makes it clear that these times shall be as the times of Noah. Noah believed God and manifested his faith in the building of the ark. God has promised that He will provide a safe place for the righteous. In Rev. 12:5, at the time that their is war in heaven, where Satan and his angels are cast down to the earth. That the woman is taken into the wilderness by the wings of great eagle to be fed for 3 1/2 years in a place of refuge. Weather spiritually or naturally interpreted, this scripture is clear, that God raised up a type of Joseph company to prepare places of refuge for the Bride of Christ.
What can we expect to take place according to the COT, an end time prophet of God, BPEarthWatch and others that are in the know? How is the TIME OF SORROWS going to play out?
Both Mike and David Terrell, they both agree that we are going to see and immediate escalation in volcanic eruptions, especially the one in Iceland. The ash will brings planes to a halt. The ensuing ash cloud will spread to throughout the northern hemisphere poisoning the air, water that will bring food shortages and eventually a time of great famine.
The further that we go into the 2017, cancer will go off the charts. The increase in cosmic energy hitting the earth will cause a breakdown in our biological makeup. We will see many people loose it and begin attacking people possibly triggering a zombie apocalypse. We will see an exponential increase in global earthquakes. Weather events will also increase in frequency and magnitude. Scriptures says that these events on the earth will cause many to die from fear seeing that which is coming upon the earth,
Is this our last Christmas? Are we entering into a time of trouble that is foretold in the bible triggering cataclysmic events?
We could ask ourselves the next question about why is it happening? The answer is simple. The end of all things have come upon the earth. God is gathering in all the scriptures and is now bringing them to pass. Up until this time God has held back His judgment upon the earth. Now the cup of his wrath is full with the sins of mankind. America has become seven times more evil than Sodom and Gomorrah. The time has come for God to judge the earth in righteousness. We are about to see the 6th seal opened in our lifetime.
What can we do as a believer. Scripture make it clear that when you see all these things happening, to lift up your head for your redemption draweth nigh. We must come up higher spiritually if we are to be protected in these times. The door to the ark, to door to the REST of God is now being opened. The time has come to enter into the HOLY PLACE. The time has come for the saints to possess the kingdom. Being saved does not mean that you have already possessed the kingdom. We must rise higher.
This time of sorrows is a event window that will lead into a time of great tribulation. The Bride will go through this time where she will be purified and made white. The fall of America and the rise of the saints is one and the same. All those sitting on the fence as we come into this next year, will have to choose between going to the Fema Camps or running into the hands of Jesus. He is our protection. There will be a Remnant that will be protected during the time of sorrows and the great tribulation, who will be here to hear the sound of the last trumpet and the second coming of the King of Glory.
In regards to prepping for these times. Yes. We should have provisions set aside to feed those who God would bring. Is not the Lord able to multiply or replenish our pantries as they are emptied out to give to others during these times? Will he not provide for His own during these perilous times? What ever our talents are the Lord expects us to use them. It may be the gift of generating wealth. It may be looking after livestock or the how how to grow gardens, tan hides or the ability to build safe places for Bride. We will see an economic earthquake hit in 2017 that will surpass 2007. Global housing bubbles will crash. A time of hyper inflation will cause food, gasoline and the price of everything to escalate out of reach. God has trained me up these past 30 years for such a time of this. He has developed the talent in me to be able to design and build safe areas for true Remnant. The Father has his plans for building these places of safety as a place where the fight will be taken to the enemy. As places of light and glory that no darkness can penetrate.
The time is fast approaching to where those living in Vancouver, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco will have to relocate away from the West Coast. You know. I get tired of being mocked and ridicules like Noah telling people that judgment is coming. I’m tired of people spitting in my face in disbelief, saying that I am crazy for designing these portable cabin systems for disaster relief or to provide shelter for the homeless, the Vets, single parents. We must come to realize that as individual families, we will not make it. God wilt remove the tares. But the wheat must come together if we are to be in a position to survive and pray for those who are going through the fire. There will be no christmas next year. Good times are over. It is time to rise higher. To run to Jesus for salvation, for his guidance and for his protection.


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