Mole Reveals Plans For Domestic Terror Attack on U.S. Inauguration Day

Mole Reveals Plans For Domestic Terror Attack on U.S. Inauguration Day (Video)

Monday, December 26, 2016 14:15
For anyone who hasn’t already heard, several different far-left activist groups including but not limited to Rising Tide North America, Showing up For Racial Justice, and of course the ever-popular Black Lives Matter are actively engaged at this very moment in various stages of planning for a violent uprising on Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day.
In a recent article that can be found at, President-elect Trump’s close friend Roger Stone confirmed precisely what I’ve been warning about since at least this past June. Stone says that one of his undercover operatives was recently able to infiltrate a J-20 Committee planning session, which is the committee responsible for helping the #DisruptJ20 movement “create a sense of crisis” both in Washington D.C., and elsewhere around the country during the President-Elect’s Inauguration. So far, the operative has revealed the following: 
At approximately 12:30, and immediately after the inauguration, a group of activists plans to begin marching from the McPherson Square area, and moving in the direction of Columbus Circle, harassing inaugural visitors in multiple waves along their route as the visitors exit out of metro stations. 
At the same time, another group of activists is tasked with harassing Secret Service Members who will be working checkpoints along the National Mall, and then another group will be using drums to break up the program when necessary. There are also plans to launch a pirate radio broadcast, and the group is said to be considering using aerial drones loaded with rockets to attack the parade.
In the video below, I go into further detail about what #DisruptJ20has planned, and I ask that you share this post with others in the alternative news media to see if together we might be able to somehow find a way to counteract this blatant act of domestic terrorism, because clearly Obama’s Department of Injustice has no plans to disrupt the group’s very public and well orchestrated plans for chaos and violence before they commence.
Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition defines an “ACT OF TERRORISM”as: The use or threat of violence to intimidate or cause panic, esp. as a means of affecting political conduct. On the #DisruptJ20website, the group is very clear about why they’re planning to use violence to cause chaos. The website says:
“From day one, the Trump presidency will be a disaster.#DisruptJ20 will be the start of the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear.”
These far-left radical groups are planning the textbook definition for acts of domestic terror. The sheer insanity of it all, is that the major social media giants obviously have no problem with the group continuing to recruit ever larger numbers of people willing to commit acts of violence using their platforms, and I’m willing to bet there’s no active plan in place for law enforcement to stop this movement dead in its tracks before trouble begins.
Let’s not forget, “Captain Hope and Change” claimed the intelligence communities were allegedly able trace election cyber-hacking across the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Russians, but we’re supposed to believe they aren’t capable of tracing who the organizers of this movement planning violence are, so forces could be dispatched to arrest their plans before they ever commence? Give me a break!  


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